Лучшие эмуляторы iOS для Windows. Актуальные эмуляторы iOS

Эмулятор – это программа, позволяющая запускать на компьютере игры и приложения, предназначенные для мобильных платформ. Производительность ПК или ноутбука обычно выше, чем на мобильном гаджете. Но в большинстве случаев это зависит от самого эмулятора.

Среди эмуляторов iOS для ПК есть настоящие шедевры, которые отличаются повышенной производительностью, богатым функционалом и превосходной работой на всех типах ОС. Но есть варианты и попроще. Стоит рассмотреть лучшие из них.

Сводная таблица

Название Версия iOS Условия распространения
№1. iPadian 2 iOS 11+ Бесплатная / Платная версия
№2. Air iPhone Emulator Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная
№3. Xamarin Testflight Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная
№4. MobiOne Studio Emulator for PC Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная
№5. Ripple Emulator Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная
№6. Smartface iOS Emulator Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная / Платная версия
№7. Appetize.io iOS 11+ Бесплатная
№8. Electric Mobile Studio Начиная с iOS 8 Бесплатная (7 дней) / Платная версия

№1. iPadian 2

Пожалуй, лучший эмулятор iOS под Windows. С его помощью можно запустить практически любое приложение для iOS. То же самое относится к играм. Кстати, это один из немногих эмуляторов, которые ориентированы на обычных юзеров. Чаще всего такие приложения выпускаются для разработчиков и тестировщиков.

Программа iPadian здорово напоминает легендарный эмулятор Android под названием Bluestacks. Но у iPadian есть еще и платная версия. Никакого нового функционала в оплаченной версии нет. Просто убрана реклама. А также есть некоторое количество подсказок по работе со встроенным магазином (AppStore).


  • поддержка последних версий iOS (11)
  • возможность установки приложений из AppStore
  • опция обновления прошивки
  • полное копирование интерфейса iOS
  • простые настройки программы
  • отличная работа на ПК с Windows на борту
  • поддержка Apple ID

Как пользоваться

Для начала нужно скачать программу и установить ее. Только потом можно будет приступать к работе, запустив эмулятор при помощи соответствующего ярлыка на рабочем столе компьютера или ноутбука.

1. В главном окне «iOS» выбираем пункт «AppStore» и щелкаем по нему.

2. Теперь нужно выбрать приложение для установки (к примеру, игра Fortnite) и кликнуть по соответствующе иконке.

3. В следующем окошке необходимо нажать на небольшую и незаметную кнопку «Get».

Начнется процесс скачивания и установки приложения. Когда все закончится, игра будет доступна на главном экране эмулятора. Для запуска достаточно будет нажать на иконку с надписью «Fortnite».

№2. Air iPhone Emulator


Миниатюрная программа, обладающая оригинальным интерфейсом и обеспечивающая работу некоторых приложений iOS на компьютере. Утилита не обладает богатым функционалом, но для выполнения основных действий сгодится.

Более всего в Air iPhone Emulator поражает интерфейс. Окно программы выполнено в виде iPhone 3S или iPad. И внутри него находится iOS 9, которая сымитирована довольно-таки неплохо. Есть даже поддержка системных жестов.


  • приложение полностью бесплатно
  • есть поддержка жестов
  • полное копирование интерфейса iOS 9
  • нет рекламы в приложении
  • занимает мало места на HDD


  • далеко не все приложения и игры из AppStore рабочие
  • нет русского языка
  • ограниченный функционал
  • почти полное отсутствие настроек

Скачать приложение можно с официального сайта разработчика. Это совершенно бесплатно. Установка довольно проста. Она не вызовет вопросов даже у новичков. Далее требуется запустить эмулятор при помощи соответствующего ярлыка. А дальше – все так же, как и в других эмуляторах.

№3. Xamarin Testflight

А вот это не просто эмулятор. Это специализированное программное обеспечение для разработчиков.Оно позволяет проверить, насколько хорошо работает только что созданное приложение.

У Xamarin огромное количество настроек (часто непонятных обычному пользователю). Сами же приложения запускаются в рамке, которая имитирует iPhone. Управление осуществляется при помощи «экрана смартфона».


  • огромное количество настроек
  • адекватная работа с Windows
  • возможность запустить практически любое приложение
  • идеальная имитация iOS
  • можно управлять жестами
  • нет рекламы
  • программа совершенно бесплатна


  • утилита предназначена для разработчиков (со всеми вытекающими)
  • нет русского языка
  • нет поддержки AppStore
  • плохо работает на слабых машинах

Скачать Xamarin Testflight можно даже на официальном сайте Microsoft. Однако загвоздка заключается в том, что сам эмулятор скачать невозможно. Он входит в комплект пакета для разработки Visual Studio вместе со всеми библиотеками. Поэтому размер закачки существенный.

№4. MobiOne Studio


Еще одна студия для создания приложений и игр под iOS. В числе прочих инструментов в пакете имеется весьма неплохой эмулятор с полной имитацией «яблочной» операционной системы. Однако для постоянных игр этот продукт не подойдет.

По функционалу он чем-то схож с Xamarin, однако не обладает таким богатым инструментарием. Это, скорее, продукт для развлечений, а не для серьезной работы. И именно поэтому он может понравиться многим пользователям.


  • полная имитация iOS
  • интуитивно понятный интерфейс
  • возможность установки сторонних приложений
  • работа с системными жестами
  • возможность обновления прошивки
  • отсутствие рекламы
  • мощный движок эмулятора
  • быстрая работа на старых машинах


  • отсутствие русского языка
  • «заточенность» под разработку
  • отсутствие AppStore

Скачать этот продукт еще пока можно на некоторых сайтах или торрент-трекерах, но на официальном сайте разработчика его найти уже не получится. Дело в том, что официально разработка программы прекратилась. Теперь придется довольствоваться только старыми версиями.

№5. Ripple

Как сказано на сайте разработчика, Ripple – лучший эмулятор iOS для ПК. Но только iOS. Этот продукт массово используется тестировщиками для проверки работоспособности приложений. Поэтому он обладает кучей непонятных инструментов. Точно так же, как и Xamarin.

Главная особенность этого продукта заключается в том, что он умеет эмулировать не только интерфейс iPhone. Ему доступны также оболочки BlackBerry и Cordova. Универсальный продукт для разработчиков.


  • приятный интерфейс
  • быстрая работа
  • полное копирование iOS
  • кроссплатформенность (есть версии под Windows и MacOS)
  • нет рекламы в приложении
  • полноценная работа со скриптами
  • полная поддержка жестов
  • можно установить практически любое приложение
  • богатый инструментарий для разработчика


  • слишком сложный интерфейс
  • нет русского языка
  • нет поддержки AppStore
  • продукт ориентирован на разработчиков

Скачать Ripple можно на официальном сайте разработчика. Однако вместе с утилитой придется загружать огромное количество библиотек, которые обычному пользователю совсем не нужны. Для простой эмуляции игр и приложений лучше выбрать что-нибудь менее «навороченное».

№6. Smartface iOS Emulator

А это брат-близнец Ripple. Все то же программное обеспечение для разработчиков и тестировщиков. Но тем не менее, в составе продукта имеется очень недурной эмулятор iOS, который полностью копирует данную платформу.

Smartface предлагает тот же инструментарий, что Ripple и Xamarin. При помощи этого программного продукта можно создавать настоящие шедевры и запускать их во встроенном эмуляторе. Правда, для его нормальной работы требуется немало ресурсов компьютера.


  • много различных инструментов
  • полная имитация iOS
  • возможность «обновления прошивки»
  • нет рекламы в приложении
  • нормальная работа скриптов
  • поддержка системных жестов
  • грамотно организованное рабочее место
  • кроссплатформенность (имеются версии под MacOS и Windows)
  • мощный движок эмулятора


  • отсутствие русского языка
  • нет AppStore
  • слишком сложный интерфейс
  • требует много ресурсов компьютера

Использовать Smartface можно лишь в том случае, если под рукой есть мощная машина. На офисных и слабых домашних ПК этот продукт работать точно не будет. А скачать его можно на официальном сайте разработчика.

№7. Appetize.io


По сути, это не эмулятор, а онлайн-сервис, который копирует мобильную платформу iOS и позволяет пользователям почувствовать всю прелесть данной операционной системы. Как ни странно, сервис позволяет даже устанавливать приложения (загруженные пользователем).

Этот онлайн-сервис широко используется разработчиками. Они проверяют в них только что созданные приложения. У такого варианта тестирования есть масса преимуществ по сравнению с мощными пакетами, требующими установки на ПК.


  • быстрая работа
  • не используются ресурсы компьютера
  • отсутствие рекламы
  • возможность загрузки своих приложений
  • точное копирование iOS
  • поддержка системных жестов
  • работа со всеми популярными браузерами


  • отсутствие возможности установки приложений из AppStore
  • ограниченный функционал
  • не работает без интернета

№8. Electric Mobile Studio


Еще один продукт, рассчитанный на профессионалов. Он умеет эмулировать как среду iPhone (со всеми ее особенностями), так и iOS, установленную на iPad. Продукт обладает богатым инструментарием.

Однако приложение платное, что выдает его ориентированность на профессионалов. Зато с эмуляцией программа справляется на ура. Программа отлично справляется со всеми задачами и не требует слишком много ресурсов компьютера.


  • богатый функционал
  • точное копирование iOS
  • поддержка системных жестов
  • возможность «обновления прошивки»
  • нетребовательность к системным ресурсам
  • быстрая работа
  • мощный набор инструментов для тестирования
  • огромное количество настроек
  • возможность загрузки приложений


  • нет возможности установки из AppStore
  • приложение не бесплатно
  • нет русского языка
  • сложность в освоении

Electric Mobile Studio – отличный инструмент для разработчиков и тестировщиков. В этой среде он считается одним из лучших. Но держать столь мощный продукт на ПК только из-за возможностей эмуляции по меньшей мере странно.


Из всех вышеописанных эмуляторов для повседневного домашнего использования рекомендуется только один – iPadian 2. Именно он имеет поддержку AppStore и может использоваться для установки игр и приложений.

Остальные же, по большей части, являются профессиональными приложениями для разработчиков. И использовать их стоит только с точки зрения научного интереса. Игры в них точно запускаться не будут.

Do you want to use any iOS app but don’t have an iPhone? Don’t worry, as today I will be sharing how you can iOS apps in your PC/Computer using iPhone Emulators. I was getting many queries regarding best iOS Emulator For Windows using which one can run iOS apps in Windows. So, If you are looking for the same, Keep reading the article as I will list all iOS based Emulators which is available for Windows platform.

What is iOS Emulator?

An iOS emulator is a software that enables one computer system, known as the host to behave like another Operating System, called the guest by enabling the host system to run the software or use devices that are originally developed to be used by that particular OS. Putting things in perspective for this specific discussion, an iOS emulator will enable a windows based computer to emulate or imitate an iOS based device through certain specific programs that have been specially created for this purpose. Through the use of these emulators the app developers can test their programs before coming out with commercial versions of the same as well it allows the users of windows to use these towards using the iOS games or apps or to create iOS apps on their PCs.

iOS Emulator VS iOS Simulator

Although these two words ‘Emulator’ and ‘Simulator’ is understood to be meaning the same, in actuality, these are quite different from each other. To put it simply, emulators actually mimic the software and hardware environments found on the corresponding host devices, whereas the simulators only mimic the software environment. Towards that end, Simulation is generally used for analysis and study whereas Emulation is used for using a particular device as a substitute or to get the exact experience as that of the device that is being emulated. Therefore, it will be quite correct to say that an Emulator is a combination of hardware and software, thereby providing more realistic behaviour whereas the Simulator is only software based. One analogy, to understand the subtle difference between the two could be to imagine that you are trying to tell your friend that it will be fun to jump in an ice cold pool. To simulate it, you pretend to jump into the pool yourself and enjoy the cold water by enacting how it would feel. To emulate the same, you actually jump into the pool.

Advantages Of iOS Emulator

There are various advantages of using iOS emulators and that is a proof of the fact that there are multiple emulators now available with their numbers ever increasing. Some of the distinct advantages of using iOS simulators are the following:

  • These emulators can be used during the development process for testing the various apps.
  • The emulators can be easily run on multiple devices.
  • Emulators obviously facilitate the users to experience an OS that they could not otherwise afford due to its high costs.
  • Emulators can help the undecided customers to first have a look and feel and the actual experience of using a particular iOS device before deciding whether they would like to buy it or not.

I think you have already got enough idea about emulators & simulators. – What they are and how it will serve your purpose. So, Let’s discuss about best iOS/iPad Emulator for Windows without any delay now.

There are dozens of emulators for iOS available for Windows PC and it’s really very difficult for most of us to find best one for our personal use. But don’t worry as our team had researched about iOS Emulators & simulators in-depth before writing this article, so that you can easily select best iPhone emulator for Windows PC from the below list.

Best iOS Emulator for Windows 7/8/8.1/10:

Although with the rapid development of technology and the interconnectivity of operating systems, there are various programs that have been developed to work as iOS emulators; the following are some of the better-known ones that have been received quite well by its users.

MobiOne Studio

MobiOne is considered among the most versatile and easy to use software that allows the users to emulate various iOS apps with ease as well as developing iOS applications. This program has been downloaded by more than half a million designers and developers since its launch in 2009 and has multiple unique capabilities such as customised user interface templates that use the drag and drop function for both portrait and landscape orientations that can also be modified. Through the App Sync technology, MobiOne also supports large sized apps for review and testing. Through the use of common text messaging, users can also transfer their apps directly to any mobile device.

Update – This iPhone Emulator is officially discontinued now but you can still install it in your computer by downloading EXE file of it from third party sites.


Smart face is among the most popular iOS emulators that offer basic functions for Windows OS and allows the users to develop unlimited apps absolutely free of cost. It is extremely easy to use this program too. All that one needs to do is to install the app on the host device through the app store and then connect it to the windows system. It is important that the Windows device should have the iTunes installed so that the two systems can work in sync. Once the iOS is emulated onto the Windows device, the developers can then develop native applications through Smart Face. There is also the function to debug your apps with useful debugging features such as real time code changes and breakpoints etc. As an app developing software the program is quite adept at providing the capability to the users to test the applications in various iOS environments. Although we are discussing only the iOS in this article, it is worthwhile to know that Smart face can also be used with the Android platform with equal efficiency.

Air iPhone Emulator

Air iPhone Emulator is widely regarded to be among the top programs to create extremely realistic emulation effects. This program functions with the support of the Adobe Air framework that recreates the Graphical User Interface or GUI of the selected iOS on the Windows platform computers. This program is of great importance to the developers who can upload their newly developed applications to the Air iPhone emulator before releasing it to see how it looks and feels like. Although there are various features available on this emulator, some core applications such as the Safari Web browser are not available and that constraints its use. Air iPhone emulator was originally designed to allow users to make and receive free calls through Ribbit, a telecommunications service that was used mostly by developers to connect with telephone networks. Ribbit was acquired by BT in 2008 and the communication features are no more functional.

iPhone Simulator

The iPhone simulator works on the flash and is considered among the foremost apps when it comes to the ease of use and the brilliance of the interface. Although this app does not give access to some crucial iPhone apps such as the App Store or the Safari browser, it is still quite handy when it comes to having an access to the other more popular applications such as notepad, clock, calculator etc. Whereas it seems that this simulator is using the iOS, it is basically a flash application and has its natural limitations. Although this program might not be very useful for the app developers for advanced features such as debugging etc., it is still quite handy for those that want to experience the iOS environment before deciding to invest in an iOS device.


As the name suggests, iPadian is a software program for Pcs that are running Windows XP or higher to easily launch an alternative desktop that looks like an iPad screen. In the true sense, therefore, iPadian is not really a true emulator, but rather a simulator. iPadian is actually a desktop application that is based on the Adobe Air platform and cannot run without that being first installed on the computer. Since it is not possible to access many of the native iOS apps on the iPadian, it comes with its own app store which is a set of apps that can run on windows and give the user a feeling of using the iOS apps. iPadian also has some major interface challenges since it tries and emulates the iPad which has a touch interface and when it is rendered on PC, it doesn’t quite give the same experience to the users since the touch screen swipe function cannot be perfectly emulated.

Some features of iPadian for PC:

  1. Free version of iPadian can give you basic iOS feel for free.
  2. Access to customised store App Store in free version.
  3. In premium version, you can use any app freely with Apple App Store.
  4. Premium version is totally ad free.
  5. Moreover, it’s cheap also. (Premium version is available for 10$ only).

How to Install iPadian in Your Windows Computer:

  1. First of all, Download iPadian from above link.
  2. Double, Click on installation file which you have downloaded in above step.
  3. Follow, on screen options and Click on Next accordingly.
  4. Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your PC, you can follow further steps to run iOS apps in your Windows Computer.

How to run iOS Apps in Windows 7/8/8.1 PC by iPadian:

Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your Windows Computer. You will see iPadian icon on dekstop.

  • Simply, do a double click on iPadian icon.
  • Now from their interface, simply click on store.
  • Download your favourite apps from there and enjoy iOS emulator on PC.

Xamarin Testflight

Xamarin Testflight is one of the best iOS based emulators for windows. In terms of developer support, I have to say that Xamarin Testflight is to give a try once. Though, its paid emulator for Windows, but believe me it’s worth it.

In this post, I will not cover how to setup this emulator as developer of Xamarin Testflight has written detailed tutorial on the same on their official blog.


Appetize.Io is one of the best iOS Emulators for Windows. Note that it is cloud based emulator and you can not download it in your PC/Computer. Earlier, there was an iPhone emulator known as App.io but it is not available any more. So, if you are looking for App.io alternative, then Appetize.io is a must-try.

It is available for free for first 100 minutes per month. After that you will be charged $0.05 per minute which is very reasonable too. Note that you will not be able to install any app in the emulator as it’s demo based but you can test .ipa files in it.

To use it, just upload .ipa file in the upload form and enter your email address. You will get a link in your mail inbox. Just click on it to test your .ipa file in the Appetize.io online Emulator.

Final Words

We can easily derive from the above article that whereas it is not possible for many people to afford the iPhones or other Apple devices due to their high cost and availability in certain geographies, it should not inhibit people from being able to access the look and feel and the experience of using a high-end Apple device. Through the use of these emulators, one can easily access a virtual Apple device on their Windows desktops in a matter of minutes and free of cost and can easily use iOS apps on their Windows PC. It is also a great tool for the app developers to develop and test their apps in the real OS environment and fine tune them before launching.

Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем сайте, где вы сможете узнать всё о любимых устройствах с платформой IOS и не только. Вот буквально сейчас мы подготовили для вас статью с описанием установки программы эмулятора на ваш ПК.

Конечно, если говорить откровенно, то полноценных эмуляторов, которые способны подарить вам полный набор функций, содержащихся в iPad или iPhone нет!
Мы можем предложить вам лишь симуляторы, а это большое отличие от эмулятора. Игры и приложения на Windows лучше было бы запускать на эмуляторе, из-за затруднительного запуска игр с помощью симулятора, но всё же это возможно.
И буквально сейчас мы начнём с вами знакомство с таким приложением как iPadian2

Если вы решили попробовать что это такое и с чем едят IOS , тогда другого подходящего варианта кроме iPadian2 у вас пока нет. В данной программе вы сможете хотя бы визуально насладиться данной операционкой. А скачать данную прогу, можно с официального сайта, ссылка прилагается:
Главным условием правильной работы приложения является наличие последней версии Adobe AIR , которую вы можете скачать отсюда
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How to run iOS apps in Windows PC or What is the best iOS emulator for Windows to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 computer are some of the widely searched terms over the internet, and that’s the main reason for us to bringing out this iOS Emulators for Windows guide.

Apple App store is having a huge collection of iOS applications and games. If you played a game or app on your friends iPhone and want to play it again but don’t have an iOS device then you can use to play iOS games on PC. The iOS emulators are softwares which help one in running all the applications and games available for iOS devices on Windows computers.

You just have to install and you will be able to run all your favorite iOS applications and games on your Windows computer. There are many different iOS emulators available on the web for iOS and today we are going to share top 7 best iOS emulators to run iOS Apps on Windows PC.

But before browsing the complete list of iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 operating system, let’s find out in details – what is iOS emulator?, What is the difference between Emulator and Simulator?, and What are the important uses of iOS emulator?

What is iOS Emulator?

Is a software which will help you in running any game on your Windows computer. You can easily install on any Windows computer or laptop and access all the iOS games and applications for free. Not only you can use the applications and games which are available in Apple iTunes App store but also test the iOS apps and games which you are going to develop for any iOS device.

In this extensive guide of best, you will be able to find out some very exclusive iOS simulator and emulators for iOS which are absolutely free and quite safe to download.

What is the Difference Between Emulator and Simulator?

A lot of people get confused between a simulator and emulator whenever they read the guide of best iOS emulator for Windows computer or best for Windows computer. Simulator and Emulator sound the same but both these terms are different.

An emulator is considered as a replacement of any original device like iPhone or iPad. Using , you will be able to run same applications and softwares of original device e.g. iPhone or iPad. There is no need of modifying the software as the only thing needed is installation of the software and you are good to go. All the non-iOS users who want to run iOS apps and games use iOS emulators for Windows.

Simulator will set up similar environment just like the Operating system of original device but doesn’t provide access to hardware of the device. This is one of the reasons that some applications don’t work on for Windows. iOS simulators will run the code smoothly and will launch the app within a few seconds.

Developers prefer to use iOS emulator for PC instead of iOS simulators because of the ability to test the applications and user friendly interface. Now that we know what is the difference between iOS simulator for Windows and emulator for iOS ? So, let’s find out important uses of iOS simulator.

What are the Important Uses of iOS Emulators?

There are many important uses of iOS simulators or iOS emulators for Windows. We have listed some of the important uses of iOS emulator for PC below:

  • You can test the iOS apps when you are developing them using the iOS emulator.
  • Mobile app simulator will help you to run the application in multiple devices which are having the same operating system.
  • You will be able to analyze your application and also find out the issues which are present in your application during the testing phase. This will help you in getting better product in the end.
  • You can test the application with all the developer tools which you can only access using a simulator.
  • If you love to learn about coding then you can enjoy the Xcode development experience. The iOS developer program will help you in providing more information on how to code better and efficiently.

Top 7 Best iOS Emulators to Run iOS Apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7

If you have already fed up by trying all the possible methods to run apple apps on Windows PC without iOS emulator and now looking for a best and very powerful iOS emulator for Windows 10, 8, or 7 operating system then below explained list of iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is just perfect for you.

There are plenty of emulators for iOS with some very extraordinary features available on the internet and some of them are listed in this “” guide. If you want to use the best iOS app emulator to run iOS apps on Windows computer, you can download any mobile emulator for iOS from the list below.

So, let’s check out the list of best iPhone Emulator for Windows and iPad Emulator for Windows operating system:

(1) iPadian

iPadian iPad Emulator is the most popular and the best iOS emulator for Windows PC. You can use this emulator on any version of Windows PC and play all your favorite iPad games and applications. The emulator supports iOS 9 which is the latest iOS operating system available out there. You can download this iOS app emulator for free from its official website.

iPadian comes with user friendly interface and will provide you complete iPad experience on your Windows computer. A lot of app developers suggest iPadian as it comes with a lot of advanced features and is highly customizable.

Donwload iPadian iOS Emulator right now and brings all your favorite iOS apps to PC. Also let us know via the comments – Are you happy to use iPadian iPad Emulator on your Windows Computer?

(2) MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is another iOS emulator for PC. You can use this iOS emulator for Windows to run all the iOS games and applications for free on your Windows computer. If you are into app development you can test your newly developed games using MobiOne Studio. Not only can you use this app studio to develop iOS apps but also Android applications and games. All the applications are built on HTML 5 which you can use anywhere and are compatible with multiple devices.

MobiOne Studio will allow you to share the application, build status notifications on your desktop as well as will allow you to configure the application on your iPad and iPhone. You can also customize the icons of the applications and check status of the application which you are downloading in MobiOne studio. You can download and use the mobile app simulator for free on any version of Windows operating system.

(3) Air iPhone Emulator

The next iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is Air iPhone Emulator . The emulator or we should call it mobile app simulator will replicate Graphical User Interface of iPhone. In order to run this mobile app simulator you need to install AIR framework. Air Phone emulator is not fully developed application which is why the apps which you will run on this emulator might look bit different.

You will get complete interface of iPhone with this iOS emulator for Windows but if you are a or tester you might find it little difficult to test the applications. There are not a lot of advantages stated of this emulator but if you want to experience the user interface of iPhone on your Windows PC you can use Air Phone Emulator.

(4) iPhone Simulator

Using iPhone Simulator , you will be able to access all the iOS games and applications on your Windows computer. If you are a developer and are developing an app you can test it right away using iPhone simulator as the software allows you to test the applications in beta stage. If you are not able to afford an iPhone then iPhone simulator is the best option which you are having as you can run all iOS games and applications.

The graphics which you are going to get on iPhone Simulator are of very high quality and you will get exact iPhone interface on your computer. iPhone Simulator is the must download iOS emulator for Windows if you want to use your computer screen as your iPhone or iPad device’s screen.

(5) Xamarin Testflight

If you are looking for the best iOS emulators for windows which come with user friendly interface and advanced support, you need to use Xamarin Testflight emulators for iOS apps. You need to shed a couple of bucks in order to use this emulator as it is a premium one.

Once you have downloaded and installed this amazing iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows PC, you can enjoy all your favorite iOS games and applications on your Windows computer without any interruptions. The Xamarin Testflight emulator is compatible with all the versions of Windows operating system.

(6) iPad Simulator

As the name of this simulator suggests, iPad Simulator will allow you to run all the iPad games and applications. iPad simulator is basically a Google chrome extension which will work in Google Chrome as Cloud OS. You can even use iMessage application to send messages to your friends for free using iPad Simulator.

If you get a reply from your friend you will get a notification on your computer. If you are using a lot of applications you can use the search feature to find the app which you want to use.

(7) Smartface

Last but not the least is Smartface App Studio, the iPhone emulator which can be used to test the applications which you are building and development. You get debugging options for the iOS applications which will help you in getting better flexibility and will help in development of applications.

The Javascript library is going to help the developers in development of native iOS applications. Smartface emulator allows you to perfectly emulate your iOS and Android application on a Windows PC.

The iOS platform is always stereotyped with “class” due to the mind-blowing features, applications, and games that come with it. Am pretty sure everyone wants to enjoy these features provided by Apple Inc. But that may not be the case for everyone as you all know Apple products don’t come cheap.

That being said, there are a good number of iOS apps that people want to enjoy on their Windows 10 or Mac but most of these apps have not been customized for use on the desktop or laptops.

As part of our objective to provide you with solutions and tools that enrich your Windows experience, we will show you how to access the now on Windows PC. To do so, you will need to download and install an iOS emulator compatible with Windows 10. In this article, we will introduce you to the best iOS emulators, which you can use to run your favorite iOS apps and games on Windows 10 PC.

Which are the best iOS emulators and simulators for Windows 10?

1. iPadian iOS Emulator for Windows 10

IPadian iOS emulator is arguably the best iOS emulator for Windows 10. Fans of iPad would really love the iPadian to access iOS apps on their Windows PC since it provides the real iPad interface on Windows. App icons, gestures, and background give an untainted iPad experience. iPadian comes with all the popular apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and many other apps pre-installed.

It also features a customized apps store from where you can access all your iOS apps on Windows. Other features that you find on iPad such as dashboard, dock, and sidebars are also available on this emulator.

iPadian is the best iOS emulator for playing iOS games on Windows computer. It can also be used on Linux and Mac OS X systems. Apart from the pre-installed apps, iPadian also comes with pre-installed games. It’s very easy to use and you only need to double-click on any application to launch it.

How to Download & Install iPadian iOS emulator for PC running Windows 10

Everything you will find on the iPadian emulator is pretty amazing. The emulator is available in two variants; one is free and you have to pay for the other one. Both work almost the same but of course with the paid variant, you get more features and functionality. You pay $10 dollar to download the paid version, not very cheap but it allows you to install any iOS app like Snapchat or Whatsapp. To install the iPadian app, follow the steps below.

  1. Download iPadian from this link .
  2. Open the .exe file once the download is complete.
  3. Follow the on-screen instruction to complete the installation
  4. Restart the app once the installation is complete.

You can also watch the video below for more information.

2. Air iPhone

Air iPhone is another great emulator that is a complete package in itself. You can make and receive calls, send voice messages, add contacts and of course download and install iOS apps and games on your Windows 10 computer.

This emulator has been tested under the conditions in which the iPhone operates and checked for its response. Air iPhone is compatible with Windows 7/8.1/10 and XP. This is the best alternative to iPadian as you can enjoy all iOS apps on your Windows PC without spending an extra buck.

If you want an emulator that replicates the iPhone interface on your PC, then Air iPhone is your best choice. Additionally, developers can also use it to test apps before pushing into to the app store.

How to install Air iPhone emulator for PC

The installation process for Air iPhone emulator is easy and straightforward.

  • First, download the file and save it on your PC
  • Once the download is complete, double-click to open the .exe file and follow the onscreen instructions.
  • Once installed, launch it, search and download iOS apps on your PC for free.

You can also upload the app you want to test and Air iPhone will allow you to test its functionality for free.

Please note : because the tool is created with Adobe, you will need to install Adobe Air on your Windows PC.

3. Xamarin Testflight

4. MobieOne Studio

6. Ripple Emulator

Ripple emulator is an amazing tool that can help you testing your HTML5-based apps. Normally you have to do that using PhoneGap or other similar tools, but Ripple Emulator is a simple Chrome extension that can run many iOS functionalities so you can run the apps.

This tool is great for testing your apps but it cannot be used as a true emulator as it is a bit more sophisticated than the emulators listed above.

Wrapping Up!

Due to the existing similarities between an emulator and a simulator, most people find it hard to differentiate between the two. Although both sound the same, there is a variation between them. An emulator works to replicate the original device. It is designed to run the applications and software of the original device without modifying them. iOS emulators are normally used by non-iOS users who want to have a taste of the iPhone interface without having to buy the device.

On the other hand, a simulator can set up an environment similar to the one of the original device’s operating system but does not attempt to replicate its hardware. Due to this reason, some applications may not run at all on simulators while others may run differently.

Windows Report has just shown you some cool ways to enjoy iOS apps on your windows computer. Just follow the above instructions and don’t hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problems. Feel free to comment and share.

EDIT: Unfortunately, we’ve made a mistake. All of the presented apps are actually iOS SIMULATORS for Windows 10. So, if you’re looking for an iOS EMULATOR, you won’t find it here. In fact, we’re not sure if there’s any on the market at all. If you’ve heard of a ‘real’ emulator for iOS, please let us know in the comments. We apologize for the misunderstanding once again.

Editor’s Note : This post was originally published in August 2016 and has been since revamped and updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness. We want to be sure that our list has the best products that will fit your needs.