What is an ice driver for LED lamps. Drivers for LEDs: types, purpose, connection

Each diode, in turn, has a voltage drop at different currents indicated in its description. For example, for a red 660 nm diode at a current of 600 mA it will be 2.5 V:

The number of diodes that can be connected to the driver, the total voltage drop must be within the limits of the driver's output voltage. That is, a 50W 600 mA driver with an output voltage of 60-83 V can connect from 24 to 33 red 660 nm diodes. (That is, 2.5*24 = 60, 2.5*33 = 82.5).

Another example:
We want to assemble a red + blue bicolor lamp. We have chosen a red to blue ratio of 3:1 and want to calculate which driver we need to take for 42 red and 14 blue diodes. We calculate: 42 * 2.5 + 14 * 3.5 = 154 V. This means that we will need two 50 W 600 mA drivers, each with 21 red and 7 blue diodes, the total voltage drop on each will be 77 V, which gets into its output voltage.

Now some important clarifications:

1) You should not look for a driver with a power of more than 50 W: they are available, but they are less efficient than a similar set of drivers with a lower power. Moreover, they will get very hot, which will require you to spend additional money on more powerful cooling. In addition, drivers with a power of more than 50W are usually much more expensive, for example, a 100W driver can be more expensive than 2 50W drivers. Therefore, there is no point in chasing them. And it’s more reliable when the LED circuits are divided into sections; if something suddenly burns out, not everything will burn out, but only part of it. Therefore, it is beneficial to divide it into several drivers, rather than trying to hang everything on one. Conclusion: 50W is the best option, no more.

2) Drivers have different currents: 300 mA, 600 mA, 750 mA - these are the common ones. There are quite a lot of other options.
By and large, it will be more efficient in terms of efficiency per 1 W to use a 300 mA driver; it will also not load the LEDs much, and they will heat up less and last longer. But the main disadvantage of such drivers is that the diodes will work at half capacity, and therefore they will be required approximately twice as much as for an analogue with 600 mA.
A 750mA driver will drive the diodes to the limit, so the diodes will get very hot and will need very powerful, well designed cooling. But even despite this, they in any case degrade from overheating earlier than the average “life” of LED lamps operating, for example, at 500-600 mA current.
Therefore, we recommend using drivers with a current of 600 mA. They turn out to be the most optimal solution in terms of the price-efficiency-service life ratio.

3) The power of the diodes is indicated as nominal, that is, the maximum possible. But they are never powered to the maximum (why - see point 2). It is very simple to calculate the real power of the diode: you need to multiply the current of the driver used by the voltage drop of the diode. For example, when connecting a 600 mA driver to a 660 nm red diode, we get the actual voltage on the diode: 0.6(A) * 2.5(V) = 1.5 W.

must be connected to the power supply through special devices that stabilize the current - drivers for LEDs. These are 220 V AC voltage converters to DC voltage with the parameters necessary for the operation of light diodes. Only with their presence can one guarantee stable operation, long service life of LED sources, declared brightness, protection against short circuits and overheating. The choice of drivers is small, so it is better to first purchase a converter and then select it for it. You can assemble the device yourself using a simple diagram. Read about what an LED driver is, which one to buy and how to use it correctly in our review.

- These are semiconductor elements. The brightness of their glow is determined by current, not voltage. For them to work, they need a stable current of a certain value. At a p-n junction, the voltage drops by the same number of volts for each element. Ensuring optimal operation of LED sources taking into account these parameters is the driver’s task.

Exactly what power is needed and how much it drops at the p-n junction should be indicated in the passport data of the LED device. The converter parameter range must fit within these values.

Essentially, a driver is a . But the main output parameter of this device is stabilized current. They are produced according to the principle of PWM conversion using special microcircuits or based on transistors. The latter are called simple.

The converter is powered from a regular network and outputs a voltage of a given range, which is indicated in the form of two numbers: the minimum and maximum values. Usually from 3 V to several tens. For example, using a converter with an output voltage of 9÷21 V and a power of 780 mA, it is possible to provide operation of 3÷6, each of which creates a drop in the network of 3 V.

Thus, a driver is a device that converts current from a 220 V network to the specified parameters of the lighting device, ensuring its normal operation and long service life.

Where is it used?

The demand for converters is growing along with the popularity of LEDs. - These are economical, powerful and compact devices. They are used for a variety of purposes:

  • for lanterns;
  • at home;
  • for arrangement;
  • in car and bicycle headlights;
  • in small lanterns;

When connecting to a 220 V network, you always need a driver; if you use constant voltage, you can get by with a resistor.

How the device works

The principle of operation of LED drivers for LEDs is to maintain a given output current, regardless of voltage changes. The current passing through the resistances inside the device is stabilized and acquires the desired frequency. Then it passes through a rectifying diode bridge. At the output we get a stable forward current, sufficient to operate a certain number of LEDs.

Main characteristics of drivers

Key parameters of current conversion devices that you need to rely on when choosing:

  1. Rated power of the device. It is indicated in the range. The maximum value must be slightly greater than the power consumption of the connected lighting fixture.
  2. Output voltage. The value must be greater than or equal to the total voltage drop across each circuit element.
  3. Rated current. Must match the power of the device to provide sufficient brightness.

Depending on these characteristics, it is determined which LED sources can be connected using a specific driver.

Types of current converters by device type

Drivers are produced in two types: linear and pulse. They have the same function, but the scope of application, technical features and cost differ. A comparison of converters of different types is presented in the table:

Device type Specifications pros Minuses Scope of application

Current generator on a transistor with a p-channel, smoothly stabilizes the current at alternating voltageNo interference, inexpensiveEfficiency less than 80%, gets very hotLow-power LED lamps, strips, flashlights

Operates on the basis of pulse width modulationHigh efficiency (up to 95%), suitable for powerful devices, extends the service life of elementsCreates electromagnetic interferenceCar tuning, street lighting, household LED sources

How to choose a driver for LEDs and calculate its technical parameters

A driver for an LED strip will not be suitable for a powerful street lamp and vice versa, so it is necessary to calculate the main parameters of the device as accurately as possible and take into account the operating conditions.

Parameter What does it depend on How to calculate
Device power calculationDetermined by the power of all connected LEDsCalculated using the formula P = PLED source × n , Where P – is the driver power; PLED source – power of one connected element; n - amount of elements. For a power reserve of 30% you need to multiply P by 1.3. The resulting value is the maximum driver power required to connect the lighting fixture
Output voltage calculationDetermined by the voltage drop across each elementThe value depends on the glow color of the elements; it is indicated on the device itself or on the packaging. For example, you can connect 9 green or 16 red LEDs to a 12V driver.
Current calculationDepends on the power and brightness of the LEDsDetermined by the parameters of the connected device

Converters are available with or without housing. The former look more aesthetically pleasing and are protected from moisture and dust, the latter are used for hidden installation and are cheaper. Another characteristic that must be taken into account is the permissible operating temperature. It is different for linear and pulse converters.

Important! The packaging with the device must indicate its main parameters and manufacturer.

Methods for connecting current converters

LEDs can be connected to the device in two ways: in parallel (several chains with the same number of elements) and in series (one by one in one chain).

To connect 6 elements with a voltage drop of 2 V in parallel in two lines, you will need a 6 V 600 mA driver. And when connected in series, the converter must be designed for 12 V and 300 mA.

A serial connection is better because all the LEDs will glow equally, whereas with a parallel connection the brightness of the lines may vary. When connecting a large number of elements in series, a driver with a high output voltage will be required.

Dimmable current converters for LEDs

- This is the regulation of the intensity of light emanating from a lighting fixture. Dimmable drivers allow you to change the input and output current parameters. Due to this, the brightness of the LEDs increases or decreases. When using regulation, it is possible to change the color of the glow. If the power is less, then the white elements may turn yellow, if more, then blue.

Chinese drivers: is it worth saving?

Drivers are produced in China in huge quantities. They are low cost, so they are quite in demand. They have galvanic isolation. Their technical parameters are often overestimated, so it’s worth taking this into account when buying a cheap device.

Most often these are pulse converters, with a power of 350÷700 mA. They do not always have a housing, which is even convenient if the device is purchased for the purpose of experimentation or training.

Disadvantages of Chinese products:

  • simple and cheap microcircuits are used as the basis;
  • devices do not have protection against power fluctuations and overheating;
  • create radio interference;
  • create high-level ripple at the output;
  • They do not last long and are not guaranteed.

Not all Chinese drivers are bad; more reliable devices are also produced, for example, based on PT4115. They can be used to connect household LED sources, flashlights, and strips.

Driver lifespan

The service life of an ice driver for LED lamps depends on external conditions and the original quality of the device. The estimated service life of the driver is from 20 to 100 thousand hours.

The following factors can affect the service life:

  • temperature changes;
  • high humidity;
  • power surges;
  • incomplete load of the device (if the driver is designed for 100 W, but uses 50 W, the voltage returns back, which causes an overload).

Well-known manufacturers provide a warranty on drivers for an average of 30 thousand hours. But if the device was used incorrectly, the buyer is responsible. If the LED source does not turn on, or perhaps the problem is in the converter, incorrect connection, or malfunction of the lighting fixture itself.

How to check the LED driver for functionality, see the video below:

DIY driver circuit for LEDs with a brightness controller based on RT4115

A simple current converter can be assembled based on a ready-made Chinese PT4115 microcircuit. It is reliable enough for use. Chip characteristics:

  • Efficiency up to 97%;
  • there is an output for a device that regulates brightness;
  • protected from load breaks;
  • maximum stabilization deviation 5%;
  • input voltage 6÷30 V;
  • output power 1.2 A.

The chip is suitable for powering an LED source over 1 W. Has a minimum of strapping components.

Decoding the outputs of the microcircuit:

  • S.W.– output switch;
  • DIM– dimming;
  • GND– signal and power element;
  • CIN– capacitor
  • CSN– current sensor;
  • VIN- supply voltage.

Even a novice master can assemble a driver based on this chip.

220V LED lamp driver circuit

In the case of the current stabilizer, it is installed in the base of the device. And it is based on inexpensive microcircuits, for example, CPC9909. Such lamps must be equipped with a cooling system. They last much longer than any other, but it is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers, since the Chinese ones have noticeable hand soldering, asymmetry, lack of thermal paste and other shortcomings that reduce service life.

How to make a driver for LEDs with your own hands

The device can be made from any unnecessary phone charger. It is necessary to make only minimal improvements and the microcircuit can be connected to LEDs. It is enough to power 3 1 W elements. To connect a more powerful source, you can use boards from fluorescent lamps.

Important! During work it is necessary to observe safety precautions. Touching exposed parts may result in an electric shock of up to 400 V.

Photo Stage of assembling the driver from the charger

Remove the housing from the charger.

Using a soldering iron, remove the resistor that limits the voltage supplied to the phone.

Install a tuning resistor in its place until it needs to be set to 5 kOhm.

Using a serial connection, solder the LEDs to the output channel of the device.

Remove the input channels with a soldering iron, and in their place solder a power cord to connect to a 220 V network.

Check the operation of the circuit, set the regulator on the trimming resistor to the required voltage so that the LEDs shine brightly but do not change color.

Example of a driver circuit for LEDs from a 220 V network

Drivers for LEDs: where to buy and how much they cost

You can purchase stabilizers for LED lamps and microcircuits for them in radio components stores, electrical equipment stores, and on many online trading platforms. The last option is the most economical. The cost of the device depends on its technical characteristics, type and manufacturer. Average prices for some types of drivers are shown in the table below.

The driver for an LED lamp is the most important element of the circuit, ensuring good brightness, efficiency and long-term operation of light sources. With its help, the alternating current of an industrial network with a voltage of 220 V is transformed into direct current of the desired value (12/24/48 V). We will understand all the functions of an electrical element and indicate important criteria for selecting devices.

The concept of a network driver and its purpose

A driver is an electronic component that receives AC voltage, stabilizes it, and outputs DC voltage. It is important to understand here that we are talking about receiving current. To convert voltage, conventional power supplies are used (the value of the output voltage is indicated on the case). Power supplies are operated in diode strips.

The main characteristic of the converter for LED lighting devices is the output current. Auxiliary LED diodes or other semiconductors are used for the load. Almost always, the driver is powered from a 220 V industrial network, and the output voltage range starts from 2 - 3 and ends in tens of volts. To connect three 3 W LEDs, you need an electronic driver with an output voltage of 9 - 21 V and a current of 780 mA. At light loads, the universal device is characterized by a low coefficient of performance (COP).

To power vehicle headlights, a source with a constant voltage of 10 to 35 V is used. If the power is low, a driver is not necessary, but an appropriate resistor will be required. This component is an indispensable part of a household switch, but when switching an LED diode to a 220 V AC network, you cannot count on reliable and durable operation.

Principle of operation

The converter acts as a current source. Let's look at the differences between the product and the power supply - the voltage source.

At the output of each voltage converter we have a certain voltage that is not related to the load. For example, if you connect a 40 Ohm resistance to a 12 V power supply, a current of 300 mA will flow through it. If you install two resistors in parallel, the total current will be 600 mA, although the voltage will remain identical.

As for the driver, it gives the same current, despite the voltage changing up or down. Take a 30 ohm resistor and connect it to a 225 mA driver. The voltage will drop to 12 V. If you switch two parallel-connected resistors of 30 ohms each, the current will still remain equal to 225 mA, but the voltage will be halved - to 6 V.

Hence the conclusion: a high-quality driver guarantees the load a given output current, regardless of the changing voltage. As a result, the LED diode, when supplied with a voltage of 5 V, will shine equally brightly in comparison with a power source of 10 V, provided that the current remains the same.


The need to purchase a driver arises if an interesting lamp without a current converter was found. Another option is to build the light source from scratch by purchasing each element separately.

Before purchasing a current converter, consider three main characteristics:

  • output amperage;
  • operating power;
  • output voltage.

The output voltage is calculated based on the power connection diagram and the number of LEDs. The current value affects the power and glow level. The output current of the driver for LED diodes should be sufficient for a constant and bright glow.

The power of the product must be higher than the total value of all LEDs. The formula used for calculation is P = P (led) × X, where

  • P (led) - diode power;
  • X is the number of diodes.

To guarantee long-term operation of the driver, you need to focus on the power reserve - buy converters with a rated power 20 - 30% higher than the required value. Don't forget about the color factor, which is directly related to voltage drop. The latter value varies depending on different colors.

Best before date

The service life of the driver is somewhat shorter compared to the optical component of the LED lamp - about 30,000 hours.

One of the vulnerable points is the smoothing capacitor, in which the electrolyte evaporates over time. In most cases, this happens when installed in rooms with high humidity or connected to a network that has voltage surges. This approach will lead to increased ripple at the output of the device, which negatively affects the LED diodes.

Often the driver lifespan is reduced due to partial load. If a 200W device is used with half the load (100W), half of the rated value will be returned to the grid, causing overload and more frequent power failures.

Types of drivers

There are two main categories of current converters for LEDs - linear and pulsed types. On linear equipment, the output is a current generator, which guarantees stabilization during any changes in the mains voltage. The component performs smooth adjustment without generating high frequency electromagnetic waves. Simple and cheap products with an efficiency below 80%, which limits the scope of use to LEDs and low-power strips.

The principle of operation of pulse drivers is more complicated - a series of high-frequency current pulses is formed at the output.

The frequency of occurrence of current pulses is always constant, but the duty cycle can vary in the range of 10 - 80%, which leads to a change in the value of the output current. Compact dimensions and high efficiency (90 – 95%) have led to the widespread use of pulse drivers. Their main drawback is the greater number of electromagnetic interferences (compared to linear ones).

The cost of the driver is affected by the presence or absence of galvanic isolation. In the latter case, the devices are usually cheaper, but the reliability is much lower due to the likelihood of electric shock.

Dimmable Driver

Dimmer is a device that allows you to adjust the brightness of light sources. Most drivers support this feature. With their help, the intensity of lighting during daylight hours is reduced, accents are placed on certain interior items, and the room is zoned. All this provides an opportunity to reduce energy costs and increase the service life of individual components.

Chinese drivers

Cheap and low-quality Chinese drivers are characterized by the absence of a housing. The output current usually does not exceed 700 mA. Against the background of minimal cost and (possibly) the presence of galvanic isolation, the disadvantages look much more serious:

  • short service life;
  • unreliability - cheap elements for circuits;
  • large radio frequency interference;
  • numerous pulsations;
  • poor protection against high temperature and increase/decrease in mains voltage.

How to choose a driver

If you want to get a high-quality device that will last for several years and perform the required functions, we recommend avoiding purchasing cheap Chinese products. The physical parameters of such do not always coincide with the declared values. Do not buy devices that do not have warranty cards.

The simplest option, average in quality and price, is a current converter without a housing, connected to an industrial network with a voltage of 220 V. By choosing one or another modification of the device, you can use it for one or more LEDs. These are excellent elements used in laboratory research and experiments. For apartments and houses, it is advisable to buy drivers with a housing, since its absence reduces the reliability and safety of operation.

Ready-made current converter microcircuits for LED lamps

On the market you can find ready-made microcircuits for current conversion. Below we consider the most popular of all:

  1. Supertex HV9910 is a pulse converter with a current of up to 10 mA that does not support decoupling.
  2. ON Semiconductor UC3845 is a pulse-type device whose output current is 1 A.
  3. Texas Instruments UCC28810 is a pulse-type driver with decoupling support and an output current of no more than 750 mA.
  4. The LM3404HV is an excellent option for powering high power LEDs. The work is based on the principle of a resonant type converter. To maintain the rated current, a resonant circuit is used, consisting of a capacitor and a semiconductor Schottky diode. When selecting RON resistance, it is possible to set the required switching frequency.
  5. Maxim MAX16800 - linear driver for low voltage (12 V). The output current is no more than 350 mA. This driver circuit for an LED lamp is an excellent option for a powerful LED diode or flashlight. Dimming supported.

Self-assembly of a converter for 220 V LEDs

The considered circuit resembles a switching type power supply. For example, let's take a simple switching type power supply that does not have galvanic isolation. The main advantages of such a scheme are simplicity and reliability.

Proceed with caution when choosing a method as there are no restrictions on output current. The LEDs will be powered by the 1.5 - 2 A they are assigned, but if you carelessly touch the bare wires with your hands, the current value will increase to tens of amperes and a strong shock will occur.

The simplest 220 V current converter circuit contains three stages:

  • voltage divider with capacitive resistor;
  • several diodes (bridge);
  • Voltage regulator.

In the first stage, a capacitive resistor is used to independently recharge the capacitor and is not related to the operation of the circuit itself. The rating does not matter and is usually between 100 kOhm and 1 MOhm with a power of no more than 1 W. For these purposes, you cannot choose an electrolytic capacitor.

Current flows through the capacitor until it is fully charged. The lower the capacitor capacity, the faster the process will complete. A 0.3 µF capacitor will pass through itself a smaller portion of the total network voltage.

A diode bridge is used to transform alternating voltage into direct voltage. After the capacitor “cuts off” almost the entire voltage, the diode bridge will produce a direct current with a voltage of 20 - 22 V.

At the third stage, a smoothing filter is installed to stabilize the voltage. The capacitor and diode bridge reduce the voltage. Any changes in the voltage in the network affect the output amplitude of the diode bridge. To reduce ripple, an electrolytic capacitor is connected in parallel to the circuit.

Self-assembly of a 10 Watt converter

If you want to build a network driver with your own hands to power a powerful LED, use electronic boards from damaged housekeepers. Often, such lamps stop working precisely because of burnt-out lamps, although the electronic board continues to function. All components can be used to create a power supply, driver and other electrical devices. The process will require capacitors, diodes, transistors and chokes.

Disassemble a failed 20 W mercury lamp (suitable for a 10 W driver). In this case, it is guaranteed that the throttle will withstand the applied load. As the power requirements for the network driver increase, you will have to choose a more powerful economy unit or use an analogue with a huge core instead of a choke.

Make 20 turns on the winding and use a soldering iron to connect it to the rectifier (diode bridge). Apply voltage from an industrial network of 220 V and use a multimeter to measure the resulting value at the output of the diode bridge. If you use the instructions, you will get a value in the region of 9 - 10 V. The LED source consumes 0.8 A at a nominal 900 mA. Since you will supply a reduced current, you can extend the life of the LED diode.


Despite their apparent simplicity and reliability, LEDs are more complex and demanding than other light sources.

Take the same power sources. For example, if you exceed the power supply current of a fluorescent lamp by 15 - 25%, the performance will not deteriorate. In the case of LEDs, their service life will decrease several times. The presence of a network driver ensures that the same output current is supplied regardless of network voltage surges. For this reason, you should not save on purchasing these devices.

LEDs continue to push new boundaries in the world of artificial lighting, confirming their superiority with a number of advantages. Much of the credit for the successful development of LED technology goes to power supplies. Working in tandem, the driver and LED open new horizons, guaranteeing the consumer stable brightness and the stated service life.

What is an LED driver, and what functional load is assigned to it? What to look for when choosing and is there an alternative? Let's try to figure it out.

What is an LED driver and what is it for?

The main electrical parameter of an LED driver is the output current, which it can provide for a long time when an appropriate load is connected. The load is played by individual LEDs or assemblies based on them. For a stable glow, it is necessary that the current specified in the passport data flows through the LED crystal. In turn, the voltage across it will drop exactly as much as the p-n junction needs at a given current value. The exact values ​​of the flowing current and forward voltage drop can be determined from the current-voltage characteristic (CV) of the semiconductor device. The driver receives power, as a rule, from a constant 12 V network or an alternating network 220 V. Its output voltage is indicated in the form of two extreme values, between which stable operation is guaranteed. Typically, the operating range can be from three volts to several tens of volts. For example, a driver with U out = 9-12 V, I out = 350 mA, as a rule, is designed for sequential connection of three white LEDs with a power of 1 W. Each element will drop approximately 3.3 V, for a total of 9.9 V, which means it falls within the specified range.

From three to six LEDs of 3 W each can be connected to a stabilizer with an output voltage range of 9-21 V and a current of 780 mA. Such a driver is considered more universal, but has lower efficiency when turned on with minimal load.

An important parameter of an LED driver is the power it can deliver to the load. Don't try to get the most out of it. This is especially true for radio amateurs who make series-parallel chains of LEDs with equalizing resistors, and then overload the output transistor of the stabilizer with this homemade matrix.

The electronic part of the driver for the LED depends on many factors:

  • input and output parameters;
  • protection class;
  • applied element base;
  • manufacturer.

Modern drivers for LEDs are manufactured using the PWM conversion principle and using specialized microcircuits. Pulse-width converters consist of a pulse transformer and a current stabilization circuit. They are powered by 220 V, have high efficiency and protection against short circuit and overload.

Drivers based on a single chip are more compact, as they are designed to be powered from a low-voltage DC source. They also have high efficiency, but their reliability is lower due to the simplified electronic circuit. Such devices are in great demand for LED car tuning. As an example, we can name the PT4115 IC; you can read about a ready-made circuit solution based on this microcircuit in.

Criterias of choice

I would like to immediately note that a resistor is not an alternative to a driver for an LED. It will never protect against impulse noise and surges in the power supply network. Any change in the input voltage will pass through the resistor and lead to an abrupt change in current due to the nonlinearity of the LED I-V characteristic. A driver assembled on the basis of a linear stabilizer is also not the best option. Low efficiency greatly limits its capabilities.

You need to select an LED driver only after you know exactly the number and power of the LEDs to be connected.

Remember! Chips of the same standard size may have different power consumption due to the large number of counterfeits. Therefore, try to purchase LEDs only from trusted stores.

Regarding technical parameters, the following must be indicated on the LED driver housing:

  • power;
  • operating input voltage range;
  • operating range of output voltage;
  • rated stabilized current;
  • degree of protection against moisture and dust.

Packless drivers powered by 12 V and 220 V are very attractive. Among them, there are various modifications in which you can connect one or several powerful LEDs. Such devices are convenient for laboratory research and experiments. For home use, you will still have to place the product in the case. As a result, monetary savings on an open-type driver board are achieved at the expense of reliability and aesthetics.

In addition to selecting a driver for an LED based on electrical parameters, a potential buyer must clearly understand the conditions of its future operation (location, temperature, humidity). After all, the reliability of the entire system depends on where and how the driver is installed.

Read also

Recently, consumers are increasingly interested in LED lighting. The popularity of LED lamps is quite justified - the new lighting technology does not emit ultraviolet radiation, is economical, and the service life of such lamps is more than 10 years. In addition, with the help of LED elements in home and office interiors, it is easy to create original light textures outdoors.

If you decide to purchase such devices for your home or office, then you should know that they are very demanding on the parameters of electrical networks. For optimal lighting performance, you will need an LED driver. Since the construction market is overflowing with devices of varying quality and pricing, before purchasing LED devices and a power supply for them, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic advice given by experts in this matter.

First, let's look at why such a device as a driver is needed.

What is the purpose of the drivers?

A driver (power supply) is a device that performs the functions of stabilizing the current flowing through the LED circuit and is responsible for ensuring that the device you purchased works for the number of hours guaranteed by the manufacturer. When selecting a power supply, you must first thoroughly study its output characteristics, including current, voltage, power, efficiency, as well as the degree of its protection and exposure to external factors.

For example, the brightness of the LED depends on the current flow characteristics. The digital voltage symbol reflects the range in which the driver operates during possible voltage surges. And of course, the higher the efficiency, the more efficiently the device will work, and its service life will be longer.

Where are LED drivers used?

An electronic device - a driver - is usually powered from a 220V electrical network, but is designed to operate with very low voltages of 10, 12 and 24V. The operating output voltage range, in most cases, is from 3V to several tens of volts. For example, you need to connect seven 3V LEDs. In this case, you will need a driver with an output voltage from 9 to 24V, which is rated at 780 mA. Please note that, despite its versatility, such a driver will have a low efficiency if you give it a minimum load.

If you need to install lighting in a car, insert a lamp into a bicycle or motorcycle headlight, into one or two small street lamps or into a hand lamp, a power supply from 9 to 36V will be enough for you.

More powerful LED drivers will need to be selected if you intend to connect an LED system consisting of three or more devices outdoors, have chosen it to decorate your interior, or if you have office table lamps that operate for at least 8 hours a day .

How does the driver work?

As we have already said, the LED driver acts as a current source. The voltage source produces a certain voltage at its output, ideally independent of the load.

For example, let's connect a 40 Ohm resistor to a 12 V source. A current of 300mA will flow through it.

Now let's turn on two resistors at once. The total current will be already 600mA.

The power supply maintains the specified current at its output. The voltage may change in this case. Let's also connect a 40 Ohm resistor to the 300 mA driver.

The power supply will create a 12V voltage drop across the resistor.

If you connect two resistors in parallel, the current will also be 300mA, and the voltage will drop by half.

What are the main characteristics LED drivers?

When selecting a driver, be sure to pay attention to parameters such as output voltage, power consumed by the load (current).

— The output voltage depends on the voltage drop across the LED; number of LEDs; depending on the connection method.

— The current at the output of the power supply is determined by the characteristics of the LEDs and depends on their power and brightness, quantity and color scheme.

Let's dwell on the color characteristics of LED lamps. By the way, the load power depends on this. For example, the average power consumption of a red LED varies within 740 mW. For green, the average power will be about 1.20 W. Based on this data, you can calculate in advance how much driver power you will need.

P=Pled x N

where Pled is the LED power, N is the number of connected diodes.

Another important rule. D For stable operation of the power supply, the power reserve must be at least 25%. That is, the following relationship must be satisfied:

Pmax ≥ (1.2…1.3)xP

where Pmax is the maximum power of the power supply.

How to properly connect LEDs?

There are several ways to connect LEDs.

The first method is sequential administration. Here you will need a driver with a voltage of 12V and a current of 300mA. With this method, the LEDs in the lamp or on the strip burn equally brightly, but if you decide to connect more LEDs, you will need a driver with a very high voltage.

The second method is parallel connection. A 6V power supply is suitable for us, and the current will be consumed approximately twice as much as with a serial connection. There is also a drawback - one circuit may shine brighter than the other.

Series-parallel connection - found in floodlights and other powerful lamps operating on both direct and alternating voltage.

The fourth method is to connect the driver in series, two at a time. It is the least preferred.

There is also a hybrid option. It combines the advantages of serial and parallel connection of LEDs.

Experts advise choosing a driver before you buy LEDs, and it is also advisable to first determine their connection diagram. This way the power supply will work more efficiently for you.

Linear and pulse drivers. What are their operating principles?

Today, linear and pulse drivers are produced for LED lamps and strips.
The linear output is a current generator, which provides voltage stabilization without creating electromagnetic interference. Such drivers are easy to use and not expensive, but their low efficiency limits their scope of application.

Switching drivers, on the contrary, have a high efficiency (about 96%), and are also compact. A driver with such characteristics is preferable to use for portable lighting devices, which allows you to increase the operating time of the power source. But there is also a minus - due to the high level of electromagnetic interference, it is less attractive.

Do you need a 220V LED driver?

Linear and pulse drivers are produced for inclusion in a 220V network. Moreover, if power supplies have galvanic isolation (transfer of energy or signal between electrical circuits without electrical contact between them), they demonstrate high efficiency, reliability and safety in operation.

Without galvanic isolation, the power supply will cost you less, but will not be as reliable and will require caution when connecting due to the danger of electric shock.

When selecting power parameters, experts recommend choosing LED drivers with a power exceeding the required minimum by 25%. Such a power reserve will prevent the electronic device and power supply from quickly failing.

Is it worth buying Chinese drivers?

Made in China – today on the market you can find hundreds of drivers of various characteristics made in China. What are they? These are mainly devices with a pulsed current source of 350-700mA. Low price and the presence of galvanic isolation allow such drivers to be in demand among buyers. But there are also disadvantages to a Chinese-made device. They often do not have a housing, the use of cheap elements reduces the reliability of the driver, and there is also no protection against overheating and fluctuations in the power supply.

Chinese drivers, like many products produced in the Middle Kingdom, are short-lived. Therefore, if you want to install a high-quality lighting system that will serve you for years, it is best to buy an LED converter from a trusted manufacturer.

What is the service life of an LED driver?

Drivers, like any electronics, have their own lifespan. The guaranteed service life of the LED driver is 30,000 hours. But do not forget that the operating time of the device will also depend on the instability of the mains voltage, the level of humidity and temperature changes, and the influence of external factors on it.

Incomplete driver load also reduces the life of the device. For example, if an LED driver is designed for 200W, but operates at a load of 90W, half of its power is returned to the electrical network, causing it to overload. This provokes frequent power failures and the device may burn out after only serving you for a year.

Follow our tips and then you won’t have to change LED devices often.