What is a personal WebMoney passport? How to get a personal WebMoney passport

WebMoney enjoys well-deserved authority in our country. This is the most common electronic payment system among freelancers and online shoppers. It serves as a means of saving capital, allows you to make transactions around the clock from several wallets simultaneously and with currency conversion, and is well protected. Like any other payment system, it has a number of restrictions or limits. In this article we will look at what a WebMoney limit is.

What's the point

The system of restrictions in WM is quite complex, and there are plenty of nuances in it.

The limit depends on the type of application used, the passport and the method of confirming the transaction.

The established system for issuing certificates makes it possible to distinguish users according to the degree of trust in them and, accordingly, empower them different possibilities. IN WebMoney limits certificates are determined by the user’s status:

  • pseudonym;
  • , which also has several types (seller, developer, Capitaller).

If the user manages the account with using Keeper Mini and wallets created in account WM Keeper Standard, the maximum amount of funds on the balance is limited (subject to activation of the confirmation option via SMS or ENUM).

The limits of a wallet managed by WM Keeper Standard are affected by the type of passport and security settings. Without sending personal documents for verification, the user will not be able to carry out transactions using his ID.

Spending limits

Restrictions are imposed on the amount of withdrawal amounts and on the balance on the balance, and the limits can be daily, weekly, or monthly. How much money can be stored on WebMoney is rarely of concern to anyone in the current economic situation. But the issue of withdrawing money is of interest to everyone. Moreover, the limits on such operations are regularly updated, making life easier active users systems.

The formal WebMoney certificate has significant restrictions on the volume of transactions, although it allows you to make small purchases in online stores. Agree, 60,000 rubles and 3,000 dollars a day are by no means small.

It is important to note that these are the limits for a formal WebMoney certificate for debit transactions with confirmation of transactions enabled using ENUM or SMS when specifying a phone number in WM Keeper Standard.

Without using this feature, the restrictions are as follows:

  • 5000 rubles/200 dollars/145 euros per day;
  • 15,000 rubles/500 dollars/375 euros per week;
  • 30,000 rubles/1000 dollars/750 euros per month.

Entry status holders have more opportunities since the limits on WebMoney withdrawal It's more flexible here. Therefore, this certificate is the most popular.

300 thousand rubles or 12 thousand dollars is enough for a decent deal. But, if you do not connect ENUM or SMS confirmation, the picture is somewhat different:

  • per day – 15,000 rubles/600 dollars/420 euros;
  • per month – 45,000 rubles/1,500 dollars/1,125 euros;
  • per week – 90,000 rubles/3000 dollars/2250 euros.

The WebMoney personal passport has the lowest limits, allowing you to use the system with virtually no restrictions. Excluding foreign exchange transactions.

You can always find out the current limits in personal account on the official site. To do this, you need to go to the wallets section and select the one you are interested in, and find the corresponding section in the drop-down menu. In addition, limits can be managed. For this purpose it is necessary to install client program Keeper Classic or Keeper Pro Light.

Common Mistakes

Quite often, work in WebMoney is slowed down by errors - both of the system itself and of its users. Among the latter, the most common is the following: “There are not enough funds in the wallet or the limit has been reached.” Is not system error, so it's easy to fix.

This message appears when a transaction is made with a small balance or the system commission is not taken into account. If Keeper Mini is used, this is in order, because the restrictions there are significant and, perhaps, the client has actually exceeded the limit. But incorrect commission calculation is the most common user mistake. In this case, you need to reduce the amount or top up the balance.

WebMoney also warns the client when the limit of funds in the recipient's wallets is exceeded.

This happens when money is sent to the wallet of, for example, a merchant working with a large number buyers. It is impossible to track the balance on someone else's wallet, and at the same time, the system cannot process the request due to limitations of the passport used. If there is actually less money in the account, perhaps the reason is related to restrictions on incoming transactions for pseudonym certificates. In this case, it is necessary to either change Keeper.

In the same way, WebMoney reports that the account replenishment limit has been exceeded.

This happens when transactions are carried out frequently, and the amounts are close to the limit, or a card without a link is used. But if the volume of funds withdrawn is not satisfactory, it is better to choose a certificate with a higher status. It doesn't cost that much.

To similar problems did not arise, WebMoney recommends that you fulfill all the requirements during registration, install Keeper at least Classic and receive a certificate, as they say, with a reserve.

WebMoney limits: Video

Hello dear friends!
Just a few days ago I received a personal certificate and it took me one day. Today I will try to write in detail how to get a personal webmoney certificate, and why it is needed in general.

If you just earn a little money on your website, then in principle there is no need to open a personal certificate. But if you want, then you will definitely need it, and here’s why:

  • Having a personal certificate, you can easily obtain a seller's certificate. To do this, you will need to add your online store to the Megastock Catalog. This means that you can automate payment acceptance on your website or blog.
  • You will be able to participate in the affiliate program of the Certification Center for issuing initial certificates, which means you will earn money.
  • You will be more trusted on the Internet. For example, if you work with, you can always say that you have a personal certificate and offer payment only after work. The same applies to the sale of any goods, people have now become quite smart and no one will pay money to an anonymous person. But if you have a personal certificate, then that’s a different matter.
  • You will be able to participate in the credit WebMoney exchange Transfer.
  • Post news on websites www.webmoney.ru, www.megastock.ru, etc.

Besides this, there are also many other advantages, you can read more about them. As you can see, getting a personal certificate is a very profitable business, and if you decide to work on the Internet for a long time and seriously, then I advise you to do it.

Well, now you will find out how to open a personal webmoney passport:
1. First, you need to go to this page and find a person from your city who issues personal certificates. If this is not the case, then you can find a registrar from any other nearby city where it is not difficult for you to travel. There was no registrar in my city, but in the city of Lviv there are 3, I chose this one. Since I study at the Lvov military department, meeting the registrar after the department is not so difficult.

If the registrar is generally very far from you, and you don’t want to go there, then it’s okay, later I’ll write what to do in such cases.

2. Find the person’s phone number, call him and ask if he is currently issuing personal certificates, as well as when and where you can meet him. I called one person first, he said that he would be in Lviv only in 2 weeks. The second one didn’t communicate very well with me on the phone; I didn’t like the phrase “pay, and then we’ll talk: smile:”. As for the third guy, I quickly agreed with him where and when to meet.

3. Carefully fill in all your passport information on the webmoney website. Moreover, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise you will need to correct it later. And one more thing, if your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic are not in Russian, then you need to write here so that they can correct it for you. For example, I had it in Ukrainian, I wrote a letter and they corrected it very quickly.

You must also understand that you can receive a personal certificate only when you have formal certificate. And it is issued free of charge, you just need to fill out your passport details.

4. Select a registrar and pay for the application. To do this, go here and click “more details” next to the registrar you have chosen:

5. We write down our wmid, take our passport and go to meet the person. I was told to take only a wmid and a passport, but in any case, just in case, you can also clarify what you need to take with you so as not to go a second time.

The receptionist gave me a form to fill out my personal information and also answer a few questions. simple questions, like, “what is webmoney” or “what is webmoney keeper for?” It is not difficult to answer these questions, but personal data must be filled out very carefully, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything from the beginning: smile:.

OK it's all over Now. The next day I opened this page and saw that my certificate had been changed to personal.

Great! Now you need to add your site to the Megastock catalog to receive a seller certificate.

But what should those who live in a city where there is no such a good person nearby do? You can choose a registrar who issues certificates based on certified documents. Such registrars are located. I would choose " certification center No. 1", since the opening cost is only 19 wmz. As you can see, I could even save 11 wmz, but the problem is that I will have to wait until the letter with your notarized documents arrives to them. If you want to quickly get a certificate, then it is better to meet in person.

This is where I end this article. I think now it should definitely be clear how to get a personal certificate webmoney:smile:. Good luck, friends!

WebMoney - online wallet, allowing you to make various operations with electronic money. Many people compare it to a bank card. And this analogy makes sense. After all, WebMoney is easy to use, and you can also pay for goods and services with electronic money without leaving your home. True, simple registration in the system is not enough - having a pseudonym certificate, a person has no right to withdraw cash and pay for some categories of services. That is why many citizens are interested in how to obtain a personal webmoney certificate.

If you earn money at home and receive payment in WebMoney, then having a wallet becomes a necessity. As soon as you register and install the program from the company’s official website, you need to receive a personal certificate. This is easy to do, but you need your passport information.

Alias ​​certificate and formal certificate

As soon as registration has occurred, your identity will be assigned a WMID. This is a kind of account number, like in a bank. It consists of 12 digits. Next, you need to create a wallet for any currency you will use to pay. Various currencies are available, including ruble, dollar, euro. Each currency has its own personal letter code (WMR, WMZ, WME).

Once you create a wallet, you must receive a formal certificate. It's absolutely free. This is easy to do: just enter your personal details and fill out your personal information and passport details. All currency wallets can be topped up through terminals and some bank ATMs. You must specify the wallet number, starting with the letter of the currency. As soon as the funds are credited to your account, you can manage them.

With a formal certificate you can pay for the phone, cable TV, Products & Services. In addition, it is possible to withdraw cash. But there are limitations. A formal certificate allows withdrawal only in certain ways, which are not so cheap. You also have the right to transfer money to other participants.

Instructions for obtaining a personal certificate

So why do you need a personal certificate? It allows you to automate the process of receiving and transferring funds. This is a very beneficial feature for sellers who get paid for their services or blogs. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for regular customers. After all, payment for the service occurs almost in one click. Having such a certificate, you have the right to participate in the credit exchange, be a member of the affiliate program and earn money from it, receive debit card For instant withdrawal funds from an electronic wallet.

The certificate is received within five calendar days. So how to do this?

  1. You need to log into your personal account on the official website.
  2. Then you must pay for the application. The cost of such a procedure is 9 dollars or rubles with conversion at the internal rate.
  3. Click get a certificate.
  4. Choose a registrar who has the right to issue this type certificate There is one caveat here: you must meet him in person. But if there is none in your city, then you need to choose someone who will receive the documents by mail.
  5. Next, you need to go to the “certification documents and rules” tab and view them and print them.
  6. Then fill out this form. All items are required to be completed and are not difficult to complete. ordinary person. You must enter 12 digits in the VM ID field.
  7. Go to the nearest notary to certify the correctness of the data. You need to have your passport and money to pay for the service. The cost of the procedure is 200 rubles.
  8. After receiving the notary's stamp, scan your passport.
  9. Then you need to go to the Russian Post Office, buy an envelope with first class shipping, put in a notary's business card, a scan of your passport data and an application.
  10. Wait for notification by email or in your personal account.

Is it possible to get a certificate for free?

If you want to receive a personal passport without investing your hard-earned money, you need to transfer funds to a ruble wallet through a WebMoney partner: Uniastrum, Contact, Anelik via perevod.webmoney.ru.or do it from the same site to a dollar wallet. In this case, you will still spend money, but much less than with the standard approach.

Nuances upon receipt

  1. There are various situations when a personal certificate cannot be issued. First of all, this concerns incorrect data. Perhaps you did not change this data yourself in your personal account or deliberately entered non-existent information. This can also be influenced by the human factor, namely Russian Post employees.
  2. The processing time for an application for a personal certificate may take 10 days or more. This depends on the registrar's available time and other system-related factors.
  3. The registrar can call the number you specified. Most often this is a call mobile operator. But there are also situations when they are interested in intended purpose certificate, the citizen’s activities, the full cost of payment for obtaining the certificate, how the data of the place of residence was confirmed.

Online money circulation system

Many citizens working online are forced to register here. All exchanges work directly with this wallet, due to its stability and automation. But it has many significant features:

  1. Throughout its operation, the service has had problems with the Central Bank, which is still ongoing. Some functions overlap, such as output to cards and transfers through partner services.
  2. If access is lost, it is a labor-intensive recovery process. You need to write a statement or call. This takes several hours. The recovery itself can last more than a week.
  3. For a beginner to understand the site.
  4. Dispersion of functions according to certificates. Also an inconvenient feature. To understand which service is needed for which certificate, you need to read a lot of information. And you still need to find it in the vastness of the incomprehensible interface.

Whether you need a personal certificate or not is the choice of each person.


More details about all the stages up to receiving a personal certificate in the following video:

More detailed instructions for obtaining a personal certificate and filling out documents are below:

If you have become a user of the WebMoney service, one of the questions that will interest you will be how to obtain a personal WebMoney passport. It is relevant for individuals and businessmen. It is studied by everyone who does not like restrictions and sees prospects.

There are few of the latter in anonymous status. You can make purchases, pay bills, but even withdrawing your own money is problematic. Most users, when registering with the PS, strive to immediately identify themselves in order to remove the restrictions received after initial authorization. A WebMoney personal certificate is the maximum that owners can count on electronic wallets. This is a status, the acquisition of which turns WM into a kind of cornucopia, the prospects of which only become wider over time.

What is a personal certificate

We have already come to the conclusion that the described status for physical and legal entities– an option that opens up great opportunities in PS. By ordering it you will receive highest level access to services. The main condition for moving to the last stage is the presence of status:

  • formal;
  • initial

If you have any of the above, you can move on to the next stage. This means that before receiving a personal WebMoney passport, the user must change his anonymous status and identify himself.

Expert opinion

Alexander Ivanovich

Important: for quick transition to highest level authorization will have to personally meet with the WebMoney registrar. The service is provided on a paid basis. On average, its cost is from 10 to 20 dollars. In some cases more.

By taking this step and paying the bill, you will receive the following prospects for using the service:
  1. You can become a PS consultant.
  2. Publish news on the platform pages.
  3. Issue entry-level certificates to users.
  4. Take out loans from the service.
  5. Be a creditor.
  6. Get specialized bank card to withdraw money.
  7. Accept funds automatically, etc.

With WebMoney you can create your own trading platform, using the DigiSeller service. Megastock will also be open.

Obtaining a personal WebMoney certificate can become a new successful stage in development own business. If you are interested in this perspective, please review what you need to provide to the WM Certification Center.

How to get a certificate

The cost of the procedure and the need for an agreement with the registrar were discussed above. This is the fast way. However, you can do without a personal meeting with a WebMoney representative. In any case, you need to proceed as follows:

Expert opinion

Alexander Ivanovich

Important: the procedure for transmitting information about yourself is also open to minors. One of the parents must accompany him to the meeting. Additionally, you must provide documents confirming this degree of relationship.

During a personal meeting, the WebMoney registrar must receive an application written by the applicant and a copy of his passport. The PS representative must compare the data of the document and the copy.

Hi all! In today's article I will tell you about how I received a personal webmoney certificate, I will tell you why a personal webmoney certificate is needed and I will give you detailed instructions on receiving a personal certificate if you decide to get one...

If you do business on the Internet, then having this certificate gives you a number of advantages over having a regular formal certificate...

I know that there are some guys who don’t even know what webmoney is, so a few words for them. If you decide to make money on the Internet, then be sure to go to the official webmoney website, download the Webmoney Keeper Classic client there and install it on your computer following all the system instructions.

After you install this client on your computer, you will be assigned a 12-digit WMID, then create your personal electronic webmoney wallet of any currency (R - rubles, Z - dollars, E - euros). After creating it you will be given your personal number webmoney wallet which also consists of 12 digits. After receiving WMID and wallet number, you need to obtain a formal certificate by giving the webmoney system your passport and other data for verification.

You can top up R, Z, E wallets different ways. I use an R wallet, so I always top up through payment terminals, of which there are now hundreds in any city... Just as you put money on your phone, you can put it on a webmoney wallet, but you don’t need to indicate the phone number in the terminal, but your 12-digit number. All!

Then the money comes to your wallet and you can pay with this money for anything on the Internet... Mobile communications, products, services, etc... In addition to replenishing your wallet, you can also empty it, that is, withdraw real money from it, but that’s another story and it takes too long to tell, it’s better to read about it on the same official website.

You can send money to other participants in the system, etc. In a word, webmoney is a good thing. If you come to the Internet to earn money, the first thing you need to do is install Webmoney Keeper Classic and create a wallet! Let's return to non-newbies... Why do you need a personal certificate?

— Firstly, having a personal passport, you can obtain a merchant’s passport, and having a merchant’s passport, you can automate the receipt of funds on your website or blog from clients using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service. Surely many of you have already paid for something on the Internet through webmoney system V automatic mode, clicked the “pay” button and this window appeared:

Enter the numbers, confirm payment via SMS and you're done! The money came to the seller, but left you.

— Secondly, you will be able to participate in the work of the credit exchange.

— Thirdly, you can become a participant affiliate program certification center and earn money.

— Fourthly, you can get a Star/Plus debit bank card and use it to withdraw funds from the system;

In general, many other privileges are given to the owners of a personal certificate; I will not go into details about them in more detail; for me personally, and for you, I think, these four opportunities will be important.

And in general, a personal certificate is personal, it is no longer initial and not formal. The presence of your personal certificate indicates that you serious man, you are seriously engaged in business on the Internet and that scamming people out of money and any other fraud is not in your interests...

Conclusion - a personal certificate is good! How to get a personal webmoney certificate?

You can read about how to obtain a personal certificate here. Now I’ll tell you in detail what steps I took to get a certificate in 5 calendar days!

This is how I received a personal certificate, spending a little more than 500 rubles. In principle, there is nothing complicated! If you still have a formal certificate or even a pseudonym certificate, then I advise you to get a personal one.

I’ll probably end this article here, I hope it was useful for you. When I make my first paid information product and start accepting payments on the site through the webmoney system automatically, I will apply for a seller certificate. I will receive a seller’s certificate, and I will also write a detailed article with all the steps of what and how I did to get it. So .

I wish you success! Now you know how to get a personal webmoney certificate.

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog competitions!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov