What does it mean that a domain is parked by timeweb. What is domain parking and how to make money from it

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Domain parking is a process in which the domain of a web resource is attached to a DNS server in order to use it for other purposes, for example, to save an unused domain name.

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Why should an ordinary user park a domain?

To answer this question, let's look at a simple example.

One day Evgeniy came up with the idea of ​​creating an online store selling mobile phones. He figured out what it would be called and calculated all the details. However, according to his calculations, it turned out that the launch of his work would not occur earlier than in six months.

After consulting about the future web resource, the aspiring entrepreneur decided to create a domain with the name of the future business. And he immediately parked it at the DNS server so that no one would take away the name he came up with. In the meantime, he began developing its design, structure and content.

In addition, it turned out that the domain was consonant with the name of a well-known trading brand, which allowed Evgeniy to also earn money from parking and recoup the initial costs of the site.

What does a parked domain mean and examples of its use?

Typically, parking is used when there is no need to use the site right now. However, you need to save all information and settings. And, most importantly - domain name. For this purpose, there are special platforms that provide such services.

Domain parking is also used to avoid losing the reach of visitors.

This method is used when there is a possibility of a mistake in the name of the site. In such cases, it is recommended to register several domains with different names(including typos) that are consistent with the original source, and park them with further redirection of users to the main site.

For example, for a site called “travel”, you can create domain names “travelling”, “travelling”, “travelling”. Thus, everyone who enters search bar other content will ultimately not be lost and will go to the desired resource.

Parking a domain means attaching a domain name for the purpose of obtaining additional benefits, which can be both strategic and financial.

Types of domain parking: what exist

  • Parking frame – when the domain name remains unchanged in the browser line during redirection.
  • Parking redirect – here a redirection is made to a web resource with a different name.
  • Hosting advertising – when a domain is parked on the hosting site.
  • A page with advertising is when an advertisement is placed on the site, bringing in money for each click on it.

How to make money from domain parking

Approximately 40% of domains are not used by anyone. This figure is growing every day. This is another opportunity for additional income by buying and selling them or posting selling messages on them.

Another method of earning money is. Register or buy large number domains. For example, their names are similar to some famous brand. And then to the owner trademark It is proposed to buy out such names in order to increase audience reach. . They also arrange regular parking to receive big flow visitors due to the popularity of the name. And they also make money from their clicks.

The most famous parking spots

  • SEDO is the most popular platform. Auctions of free domains and domains parked on the site are held here. There is an affiliate program and the opportunity to advertise.
  • Namedrive is a popular platform, high price clique, wide choice parking page options.
  • Parked – has the advantage of easy withdrawal of money through WebMoney Wallet.
  • Ru-Center – there are also many options for parking area templates and various ways withdrawal of income to electronic systems payments.

What you need to know to make parking profitable and not create problems in the future

  • A new domain name will not provide the desired reach to visitors. The exception is web resources with names similar to popular brands.
  • To make money, you need to use sites that have good visitor statistics in the past.
  • It is important to pay attention to the fact that it is possible to park second- and third-level domains.
  • When parking a domain, the site is not promoted through search engines due to the lack of any content on it. To avoid problems, you need to disable indexing in the robots.txt file. And two to three weeks before publishing texts on a web resource, disable domain parking.

From the author: today I’ll tell you what domain parking is and why they need to be parked in general, it’s like they’re not cars and they don’t interfere with the road. But you will understand that domain parking is in some cases a very necessary thing.

Domain name registration

I would not like to start today with a definition. Let's better turn on our imagination and imagine that an idea has appeared in your head. The idea is to create some kind of Internet project. It often happens that you go for months and no such ideas arise, but then that wonderful day came when you were visited by what you think is a brilliant idea.

This happens to me. But when the idea is related to an Internet project, then almost the first thing you think about is the domain. Not about what engine the site will run on, not about where to find employees to implement the functionality, but about the domain name. Because a lot depends on this name.

when I studied at elementary school, I constantly heard from my teacher: “The diary is the face of a student.” So, the domain can also be called the face of the site to some extent, although design and logo play a big role here. But the logo is created based on the site name, right? And if so, then we again return to how important the site domain is.

How do you recognize the site? This one is blue, and that one is green. Of course we remember and color scheme, but in this case, very soon a lot of blue and green sites will appear in your head, because there are so many of them on the Internet. Agree, we remember mainly by domain name, by logo.

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So, I'm already a little distracted. Registration is required in order to reserve it for your needs. With such registration, you specify the registrar's DNS server and your domain sits quietly, waiting in the wings. What are you winning at? You can sleep peacefully and not be afraid that tomorrow the domain name you like will be taken away by another person if you hesitated. You can also park it while it waits in the wings and get more benefits from it.

What does domain parking mean?

So, until you have registered a domain, someone else can do it at any second. And it doesn’t matter that many years before that the name was free. Every year, every day, more and more domains will be registered on the RuNet. There is no stopping this car, friends. Therefore, without registration, you risk not becoming the owner of the name that you like.

But what to do if you don’t need the domain registration field right away, but you would still like to get at least a little benefit from its existence. It can be parked. This means that you need to specify the parking service servers as the domain DNS servers. Which are the most famous?

For example, parking.nic.ru or parked.ru. And of course, you need an account in these services. What does this give? When people visit your domain, they will see different advertisements, which are installed by the service itself. You can also clearly indicate that the domain is for sale, indicate the price for it, etc. That is, when you click on this domain name, there will be advertising and a notification about the sale. Profit from clicks on advertising can be safely withdrawn.

For how long can I park a domain?

Yes, for any reason, at least for 5 years. The registrar, in fact, does not care whether you use the domain for its intended purpose, or whether it is simply assigned to you idle. The main thing is that you pay it annually. And money for payment may come from profits from the parking lot.

It may happen that you registered a domain name, but it was not possible to quickly implement the idea with the site. It may take 1-2 years until you find a new use for it. If it was parked all this time, then you can make some profit from it.

It’s still worth noting that a parked domain will be more useful if it used to have a website, but now it doesn’t, but people still sometimes visit the domain. In this case, there will be at least some traffic. You can still collect minimal traffic if you choose a good domain name or specially register the name famous brand with one typo.

Well, as an option, park the domain in order to sell it in the future. Still, although the parking lot is developing successfully, it is worth mentioning some disadvantages:

Accordingly, I see the point in parking only if you plan not to use the domain for a long time, or the domain was previously used, but then became unnecessary in order to get at least minimal benefit from it.

In addition, the domain parking service is available in many affiliate programs and is one of the tools for attracting customers to various services. For example, you want to promote some kind of affiliate program and you have a domain name that can somehow be correlated with the advertised services. Park the domain and yours will be placed on it affiliate links and banners. If someone comes in, clicks and buys some services, you will earn money.

All operations related to domains in TimeWeb are regulated through Domain management And Subdomain management.
Below is suggested detailed review section functionality domain management in TimeWeb.

To enter these sections, use one of the icons shown in the screenshot below this paragraph in the TineWeb Panel.

Now let's see what's inside.

Domain Management section

In this section we have the opportunity to make various actions with domains. I won’t describe anything, since everything is visible and understandable in the pictures.

How to register a domain?

In this tab you can register a domain name. Fill in the fields.

1. Enter the domain name and select from the drop-down menu domain zone, we check the domain for availability.

2. Create a new administrator or select a ready-made one from the list. Or we can delete it. In my case, I'm alone there.

3. We select a site from the list, or create a new one, to which the domain name will be linked. This item is not necessary since you can then easily link or unlink domains from sites in the TimeWeb section Website management. In general, in the TimeWeb panel you can do almost everything in several ways. If you create something somewhere, it will immediately become available in other sections.

Click on the button below. The entire domain has been created.

Tab Place on NS servers

In this tab we carry out the transfer existing domains to TimeWeb servers. For example, the one registered in 2domains. Accordingly, changes will need to be made in that company.

1. Enter the domain name

2. Linking the site

3. Click on the button

Section Managing subdomains in the Timeweb panel

On TimeWeb hosting you can create an unlimited number of subdomains. Of course, within the limits allocated there according to the tariff disk space and resources. Subdomains are created in the section Subdomain management.

1. Enter the name of the subdomain and select the domain.

2. Choose a site. Basically it is selected automatically. These fields are needed when you add a subdomain to an existing subdomain, that is, the domain will be of the fourth level.

3. Press the button

At the bottom you see a list of available subdomains, for example, the site domain has one subdomain proba.site From here you can delete a subdomain.

Creating a new subdomain

For example, I created a new subdomain proba2.site. The whole picture can be seen in the screenshot below.

This concludes the review of the section control Timeweb domains . I really hope that the lesson will help you figure out TimeWeb hosting or any other in advance, because the principle of operation is the same for everyone.

In order for a registered domain to start “working”, it needs to be parked on the hosting that hosts this or that site. For beginners, this task may seem quite difficult, but in fact, everything is not as scary as it looks at first glance.

The first thing you need to do before registering a domain on website hosting is to find out DNS servers. They can often be found on the provider’s website, but if not, contact technical support. They will be happy to help you resolve this issue.

Now you need to register the DNS server in the domain settings in your account on the registrar's website. After this, you can park the domain to your hosting. During registration you will be given the choice between your own domain or a subdomain. This is where you enter your name in the “Create a parked domain” field; in the future you will not have to configure it, etc.

Many people are surprised that parking a domain for hosting can take from six hours to a day. Don't be surprised and don't expect instant results.

Let's also consider the option when you have a website and a name that you want to change. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Go to the control panel → “Domain Parking”.
  • Now fill in the appropriate field by entering new domain. Please note that the site name is entered without www, http, etc.

Here you will also have DNS servers at your disposal, which you will need to register in the properties of your site’s domain name. Now you need to return to the domain control panel, go to your account and register the DNS of the hosting server in “Domain Properties”. If, when registering a domain, you immediately specified the required DNS servers, then the domain does not need to be configured; you just need to park it on the hosting.

Why is it more profitable to buy a domain and hosting from one provider?

As you can see, purchasing a domain and hosting from one company is justified at least by the fact that you can perform all actions from one panel. In addition, registering a domain name can be given to you as a gift. if the selected provider carries out relevant promotions. So, for example, in addition to the domain, you can also save by purchasing hosting for six months or a year in advance.

In addition, do not forget that if you have any difficulties connecting your domain to hosting, you can always contact the provider’s support service. Here they will probably explain everything to you and tell you what mistakes you made and how to avoid them in the future.

Let us note that the SKHOST company always meets its client halfway and offers not only the best technical specifications, but also excellent service. At the same time, you get high-quality hosting at a low price. For your convenience, the site contains useful materials dedicated various problems, including how to park a domain with hosting.

SHOST offers its clients a convenient control panel, thanks to which hosting management becomes as simple as possible. To get started you can use test period, and then choose one of tariff plans, which require a large disk quota, unlimited traffic, support PHP technologies and MySQL, and much more.

By purchasing hosting and a domain from SKHOST, you not only save, you purchase a platform for your website that will not cause you any trouble, either now or in the future!

Placing (parking) a domain on hosting - last preparatory stage, which you need to go through before you have the opportunity to place your website on the Internet. Domain delegation procedure ( alternative name this process) involves filling out one simple form in which you simply need to indicate the DNS servers that correspond to your hosting.

Placement (parking) of a domain on hosting

Placing a domain on hosting is also called parking it. This process should be carried out only after all the necessary preparations have been made, described by us in previous related articles, namely:

If you have not yet read all the articles presented, which are closely intertwined with today’s topic, we suggest that you still do so. Thanks to this you will get everything necessary knowledge, which guarantee you the choice of reliable and inexpensive hosting, the selection of a good domain name, as well as checking its history for search engine sanctions, in case the domain has already been used before you by an unscrupulous webmaster or even scammers.

As we mentioned earlier, choosing a domain name is one of the most important issues, on which the fate of your future site completely depends. Well, if you already have a domain and hosting, there is only one small step left to take before your site becomes available on the Internet. So let's get down to business and start placing (parking) a domain on hosting.

Placing a domain on hosting is also called domain delegation and is quite simple - all you need to do is go to the control panel of the registrar where the domain was purchased and go to the appropriate section where you can specify the DNS servers.

For example, in RU-CENTER this procedure can be carried out immediately after authorization, in the section “For clients → My domains”. You will see several input fields where you will need to enter the name servers corresponding to your hosting, which we are talking about we'll talk in the next chapter of this article.

The concept of “name server” (DNS server)

First of all, I would like to discuss such an important concept as NS (name server) or simply a DNS server - a host designed to respond to DNS queries using a specific protocol.

The domain you purchase from a domain name registrar must be mapped to a specific DNS server. Most often, several of them are indicated at once (usually 2-3). For example, you can take the same “Masterhost”, a company that provides hosting and registers domains, which we took as an example in previous articles related in meaning. The recommended DNS servers for parking a domain on Masterhost hosting are quite simple and look like this: ns.masterhost.ru, ns1.masterhost.ru, ns2.masterhost.ru.

As you can see, you need to specify as many as 3 DNS servers, not just one. This is done for security reasons, so that in case of interruptions in the availability of one of the servers, your domain does not fall off the Internet and is accessible from other DNS servers. Moreover, the first name server is considered the primary (Primary DNS-server), and the rest are considered additional (Secondary).

All this fuss with DNS servers was invented stable operation, regardless of force majeure situations, for example, when a long power outage leads to one of the servers going offline, others will start working and Internet providers will not “lose sight of your” website on the Internet.

Well, as a bonus, we will indicate the DNS servers of some popular hosting providers that ensure the reliability of your domain:

Masterhost DNS servers


  • ns.masterhost.ru


  • ns1.masterhost.ru
  • ns2.masterhost.ru
  • 2a00:15f8:a000:14:1:ff:1:0
  • 2a00:15f8:a000:14:1:ff:2:0
  • 2a00:15f8:a000:14:1:ff:3:0



  • ns3.nic.ru


  • ns4.nic.ru
  • ns8.nic.ru

DNS server REG.RU

There are only two servers and it is not clear which one is Primary and which Secondary.

Timeweb DNS servers

Beget DNS servers

As you can see, the names of the DNS servers of almost all hosting providers are the same at the beginning and at the end, the main difference, of course, is central part, which is formed from the domain name of the company’s website.

When will the new domain become available on the Internet?

If you did everything correctly, and then immediately tried to go to your new website, to which the browser gave you an error saying that such a site does not exist, then do not be alarmed. Now all you can do is just wait for a while. Nobody knows exactly how long it will take to wait. Most often we are talking about a rather vague time interval from 6 to 72 hours. This is exactly how long it takes for information about new DNS servers for your domain to spread to Internet providers around the world.

Sometimes it even happens that your friend, who, for example, uses the services of Akado, already sees a recently registered and parked site on the Internet, and you use another Internet provider, for example, Qwerty and still see an error message , which says that there is no such address on the Internet. Moreover, the discrepancy can be quite large and sometimes the difference can be 20-30 hours.

According to statistics, most often, from the moment new DNS servers are assigned to a domain until it is ready for work, it takes approximately 6-8 hours. This is why you need to park your domain on your hosting as far in advance as possible, or at least before going to bed - you registered new servers in the evening, got up in the morning, and the domain is already working.