What does the notification “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean? Why do they say “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” on MTS

Message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” sounds on a mobile network in cases where, for one reason or another, the subscriber’s voice call service is completely blocked. There may be several situations when the operator blocks incoming voice calls. We will look at them in this article.

Let’s say right away that if you hear this message, this does not mean that you have been included in the “Black List” or that the subscriber is dropping your calls.

The balance is zero: the operator is blocking incoming messages

The problem of combating the reluctance of subscribers to pay for communications is part of the “corporate culture” of telecom operators. And many subscribers, having a negative balance on their account, did not top up their account, continuing to work “for reception”. Therefore, the operator invented such a preventive measure as “blocking for financial reasons.”

If your subscriber’s balance is negative (note, not zero, but less than zero), incoming calls are blocked, and the “type of communication” becomes “unavailable”. There can be two options for solving the problem:

  • If you need to get in touch urgently, you can simply top up your subscriber’s number. It is enough to pay a hundred rubles so that the number is unblocked and you can make a call.
  • Contact the subscriber via alternate communication channels, including SIM cards of other operators, electronic channels, etc.
  • Try sending SMS. Blocking of incoming SMS by the operator is not practiced.

Call barring while roaming

  • Or he has little money in his account (not enough for even 1 minute of incoming calls)
  • He independently set a ban on incoming messages because he did not want to pay for them.

By default, the connection is active when roaming. But incoming calls are very expensive, in some countries the price is several dollars per minute. Therefore, the following scenario is quite possible: a person has gone abroad, and you call him. Then the call is disconnected, and after you call him back again, you hear that “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber.” This just means that the money in the account instantly disappeared, and now the subscriber cannot receive incoming messages.

In this case, you should also use SMS and send a message. Or try to call other numbers, if available.

Voluntary number blocking

Mobile operators provide a number “preservation” service, the so-called “voluntary blocking”. This service allows you to avoid blocking a number for financial reasons, as well as other sanctions for the subscriber’s inaction. For the voluntary blocking service, 1 ruble is debited every day.

If a subscriber has activated the voluntary blocking service, he is subject to the same restrictions as when blocked at the initiative of the operator. Accordingly, voice calls become prohibited for him. Therefore, the solution to the problem is to try to call another number.

How do I know if I'm blacklisted?

By and large, this can only be determined by indirect factors. The only thing you can know for sure is that the hang-up signal “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” is not used to block subscribers on the black list. If you hear the message “The subscriber’s device is turned off...”, this may indicate blacklisting. The best way to check is to call from another number.

In this article I will tell you what it means “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber”, what are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to fix it. For many of us, mobile communications have long become an integral attribute of our lives. Every day we make or receive calls, exchange SMS or MMS, simply communicate or resolve many business issues. At the same time, there are situations when, when calling a loved one or someone we know, we receive an automatic message that “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber.” Assuming problems with the operation of our phone (or the quality of communication), we begin to check the balance of our account, reboot our phone and take many more chaotic steps aimed at solving the problem. Next, I will tell you how to fix this problem.

What does “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean and what are the reasons for this message

Before considering the meaning of the message that the type of communication being used is not available, you should first of all focus the reader’s attention on the fact that problems with communication are observed not with the caller, but with the person who are they calling. The latter is usually blocked from making voice calls and receiving incoming calls from the operator, and the reasons for this may be the following:

I think you understand what it means “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” and when this message appears.

How to get through if this type of communication is not available to the subscriber?

So, if you receive an automatic message that “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then most likely you are calling one of the numbers MTS subscriber(Mobile TeleSystems) to whom incoming calls are blocked (or who have blocked) for any reason. For other operators, usually the message I am considering has a modified lexical form like “This number (or subscriber) is not in service” (Megafon); “The number you dialed is temporarily blocked” (Beeline) and so on.

Action 1. First try wait a little, calling back after a while. If this is an operator failure or simply your subscriber is in the metro where the signal level is weak, then with a little patience and patience, you will be able to get through to the person you need.

Action 2. If a subscriber's number is blocked for financial reasons, the simplest solution to the problem would be top up the mobile account of the person you are calling. It is quite possible that the latter is currently experiencing certain financial difficulties, and if you want to urgently call him on an important matter, it will be easier to simply top up his mobile account. Today, operators allow you to do this without any problems, using terminals located nearby, SMS, online banking, and so on. Moreover, if your subscriber is roaming abroad, it is worth topping up his account with a qualitatively larger amount than would be necessary for calls within the country.

Action 3. It is also worth trying alternative ways to contact the subscriber. Use various Internet instant messengers, email, SIM cards from other operators, calls to the mobile phones of his family and friends, in short, those methods that will help you contact the person you need. At the same time, by blocking incoming calls, operators often leave the possibility of receiving incoming SMS, so if you need to notify the subscriber about some event, you can try sending him an SMS message. In the best case, you will even be able to receive a response SMS, since the fee for the latter, even in roaming, is not so high.

As a last resort, you can call your operator’s hotline, tell them about the specifics of your problem and ask if the operator is currently having problems with communication and what you should do in this situation.

If an error occurs when they call you

Well, if they can’t get through to you, receiving the mentioned message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then you should look at your account balance, and also make sure that you haven’t accidentally blocked incoming calls (you can cancel the blocking by typing ##002 on your phone’s keypad # or an alternative code that is relevant specifically for your device).

If you are blocked for financial reasons, you should contact the nearest contact center of your mobile operator with your passport and the amount necessary to pay off the debts in your account to correct the problem.


In the vast majority of cases, the user receives the message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” when calling an MTS subscriber number that was previously blocked by the operator for financial reasons. To unblock the possibility of incoming calls to this number, it will be enough to pay off the financial debt on the specified mobile account, which will allow you to make and receive calls to this number in standard mode. It also doesn’t hurt to check your device for accidental blocking of incoming calls - if this does happen, then use a special code to unblock the latter on your device.

In contact with

The situation when inboxes were completely free for all mobile subscribers is becoming a thing of the past. Payment for all types of services provided has been introduced by a number of large providers, including MTS. This situation is associated with an increase in the number of services, the complexity of the infrastructure and the need for its monetization. In some cases, when making a call, you can hear: “ This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers" What does it mean? Don’t be alarmed, it’s okay, it’s just that for a number of reasons the subscriber cannot receive the call due to the service being unavailable to him.

This usually happens for several reasons:

  • if the subscriber’s account has gone into minus and incoming messages are disabled;
  • in case of voluntary temporary or permanent blocking;
  • in rare cases – in case of network failures;
  • when the SIM card fails;
  • due to signal difficulties.

“This type of communication is not available to the subscriber— what are the ways to get out of a situation if you quickly need to contact a person? The problem is quite trivial; it only requires choosing the right solution. In most cases, you can still contact the subscriber, you just need to change the dialing form.

The subscriber has no money

How to take out a debt from MTS?

The message “This type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers” may occur when there are insufficient funds in the account. In some packages, incoming calls may be disabled when there is a minus and after the period for replenishing the minus account has expired.

You can solve the problem and continue to speak freely after replenishing your funds. Moreover, if the subscriber uses a plan with a monthly tariff, in such situations, you can “connect” his mobile phone only when paying a monthly payment using a SIM card.

What can be done:

  • top up your account with a small amount;
  • pay the subscription fee according to the tariff.


If the balance is negative and the subscriber has not tried to avoid blocking, then incoming messages may be blocked.

The reason may also be more trivial, for example, your friend is roaming and does not want to use the service from his card.

Even if the subscriber has blocked his incoming messages and his number without using a SIM card, you hear a response about the impossibility of communication, and there are other ways to contact him. Your interlocutor can respond to SMS if you cannot get through on the phone. They are available outside the MTS network zone when traveling abroad for free.

What can be done:

  • send SMS if the user is roaming.

Network failure

Despite the reliability of MTS telecommunications infrastructure, depending on the region, network failure may occur. The message that the answering machine gives that “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” in rare cases may indicate equipment failure. It is impossible to accurately determine the reason from this phrase.

If there is money on the number and account, the service is available, call with a short interval, operators usually quickly fix the problem.

Information about availability can be clarified by telephone about the operation of a network segment in the support service at 0890. Also try sending a message, perhaps the subscriber will get in touch.

What can be done:

  • contact support;
  • view the coverage map;
  • wait until the problem is fixed.

SIM card

Another problem when you hear a message about the unavailability of communication with the person you need is a faulty SIM card. It is determined by the operator, but does not ensure correct operation. In this case, even if you have the means, you can hear such a message.

Try to contact the subscriber in another way and report a possible problem.

If the service package fee is paid, the problem recurs, the card can be checked and replaced at any post office.

If at the same time a debt has formed with an unused number, we recommend checking the expense items on the website and depositing some money to establish a positive balance.

What can be done:

  • inform the subscriber that his card does not accept calls.

Phone disconnected

When a mobile device is disconnected, a voice message is usually issued indicating that the subscriber cannot receive a call or is out of the network area. In some cases, users confuse it with the inability to provide a service. If the subscriber has the “I was called” service, you will receive a message when he is available on the network again.

We also recommend sending a message or making a voice recording using an answering machine. With a negative balance that is not repaid for a long time, all free and paid services can be disabled. In this case, a message from the mobile operator usually sounds about the unavailability of services, which we are talking about.

What can be done:

  • leave a message;
  • wait for it to appear online.


Uncertain reception areas

In some cases, a message about the unavailability of a communication service for a subscriber may be issued when the signal is uncertain. For example, in certain 2G coverage areas. The reasons for the subscriber's unavailability are selected automatically by the system, so if a person is in the area of ​​​​uncertain reception, you can receive such a response from the company. Viewing the coverage map is available on the provider’s website and other resources.

Border crossing

Such a message is often typical for being in border areas, during a journey, when, for example, a train moves for a short distance through the territory of another state or in the coverage area of ​​cellular towers of foreign operators. This can be clearly seen in the example of Blagoveshchensk, near the border of Finland and Belarus. To be constantly in touch, you need to top up your account and activate roaming.


A similar problem can be encountered when using an LTE 4G - USIM card. For example, if you are trying to establish a connection with a subscriber who does not use LTE capabilities or is outside the coverage area. Try changing your phone settings and calling the subscriber back strictly in 2G format. Usually newer devices allow you to do this without problems, but there are certain restrictions in the settings.

In the modern world, you constantly have to call, either to resolve personal issues or because of important business issues. Everyone has probably heard different variations of the notification about the impossibility of getting through, and it’s not always clear what’s going on. So, many users have a question, what does “This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers” mean? And doesn’t this mean that a person ignores a specific subscriber?

General information about the alert

MTS provides various voice alerts for each case of lack of communication with the subscriber. Information from an answering machine that the called number cannot receive incoming calls due to unavailability of communication is one of the most common and can occur in a large number of cases.

There are no funds on the balance

The first and most common reason why such an alert may appear is that the called user has run out of money in their account. If a subscriber has a negative, or in some cases zero, balance, the full provision of services by the operator is terminated until funds are deposited into his personal account. When the user makes the payment and the SIM card is working, he will receive notifications about missed connections.

To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, the company offers customers to use the Autopayment function. Regular customers who actively use the paid services of PJSC Mobile Telesystems are provided with the opportunity of loan services from the operator to use communications for a short time after the funds have run out.

Important! When the client uses a pay-as-you-go tariff plan, to unblock incoming calls, it is enough to deposit a small amount into your personal account. When using prepaid packages, the monthly fee must be paid in full to activate the card.

SIM card blocked

The user's SIM card is blocked. MTS provides 2 cases of card blocking: permanent in cases of termination of the contract or non-compliance with its terms by one of the parties, or temporary, at the request of the client, for example, during a long departure.

With this blocking, it is impossible to know for sure what happened to the called number. Therefore, if alternative communication channels are available, it is better to try to use them. Even if the SIM card is temporarily disabled, in this case, notifications about missed calls may not reach the recipient.

Attention! In order not to miss important calls, when voluntarily blocking a card, it is better to set call forwarding to an active phone number.

No network signal

Such an alert also means that where the user is currently located, there is no signal from MTS. The situation may arise in cases where a subscriber moves around the country within the coverage area of ​​partner networks or abroad, without connecting to roaming services or turning them off independently in order to save money.

On most tariff plans available for connection, roaming options are installed by default. However, there are contracts that do not provide for such options. In order not to be left without communication while traveling, you should check the availability of services and, if necessary, activate them before leaving the country.

The telephone is turned off

Some mobile devices, when disconnected, continue to receive the network signal, then when dialing, an alert will sound that the device is temporarily unavailable. If the potential interlocutor’s phone does not support such functionality, then during the call there will be a voice notification “This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers.”

Attention! In order not to miss important calls when your phone is discharged or turned off, it is recommended to set up the “You got a call!” notification service. With its help, after turning on the device, the user will receive messages about all calls received while the device was turned off, indicating contacts.

Network failure

Sometimes the cellular operator itself experiences operational failures caused by setting up equipment, testing new services, or for reasons beyond its control, force majeure. As a rule, temporary communication interruptions are resolved quickly even in emergency situations, therefore, in order to understand the reasons for the lack of connection and make sure that there is no connection with the telephone number for reasons that are not the fault of the provider, it is recommended to make several dialing attempts at different intervals .

Internet tariff

A similar alert occurs due to reasons such as using a telephone as a modem or SIM card on a device that does not support telephone conversations (some types of tablets, modems).

Users who rarely talk on a mobile phone and use Internet services more often transfer their phone to special tariffs with maximum traffic, which do not include conversations. This case may also be one of the reasons for the notification that the type of communication is unavailable for the subscriber when trying to call.


A message that this type of communication is not available to an MTS subscriber may indicate different types of blocking or restrictions on the phone number of the called subscriber. When a message is sent to a number that is definitely not blocked, you should try to dial several more times. Alerts often sound when a subscriber is in the metro, where the connection is unstable.

Mobile communications have taken a strong position in the life of every person. Today, landline phones are increasingly fading into the background and are often left only to large organizations. Ordinary users prefer convenient mobile phones that provide communication anywhere. Often, when making a voice call, the subscriber hears in response the voice of the operator, who reports:this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, what does this meannot everyone knows. Usually at this moment doubts begin that the user has been added to the “black list” or other speculations. We will try to understand the issue and determine what this actually means.

First of all, we want to inform our readers. That this notification does not apply to the person making the call, but to the called party. That is, the communication limitation is not present for you, but for the friend you are calling, so there is no need to panic.

Now let's figure out what circumstances can result.

  • In some cases, a negative balance may cause such an alert. However, this applies to a situation where the debt has been present for quite a long time, and the subscriber is in no hurry to repay it, using only incoming communications.
  • Temporary blocking is usually carried out at the request of the user due to the loss of a SIM card.
  • Problems on the line. This technical problem also occurs, and no one is immune from it. In this case, it is enough to simply call back later.
  • The device is outside the network coverage area. In this case, too, the alert becomes a consequence of a technical failure, since usually the caller is informed that the callee is unavailable.
  • Subscriber in roaming. If there are not enough funds in the account of the called client of the cellular operator, this particular alert will be announced.
  • The SIM card is not used for voice calls. Most often this applies to tariffs for modems and other devices that do not provide calls.
  • Bad signal. If you are in an area where the network regularly disappears and appears, then be prepared to hear just such an alert.

Thus, there is no talk of any “black lists”. If a subscriber is blocked, he will most likely regularly see his own call instantly dropped or hear that the intended interlocutor is unavailable.

This type of communication is not available to the subscriber, what does this mean?

We have listed the main options for this alert. If we summarize all of the above, we will come to the conclusion that for some reason the called subscriber’s voice communication was simply blocked. And the caller has absolutely nothing to do with it. Let's take a closer look at the most common reasons why you can hear "this type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” what does this mean.

Temporary blocking for financial reasons

This is one of the measures taken by operators aimed at combating unscrupulous clients. Many users ignore the need to pay off their current debt and continue to use incoming communications. The operator, in order to motivate the subscriber to make a payment, blocks incoming communications after a certain time. It is at this moment that a person trying to call a cellular company client hears the alert “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber" and what does this meanthey don't always understand.

If at the time of the call you heard a similar message, but you need to contact the person urgently, then several scenarios are possible:

  • communication through other channels: calling another number or the phone of a spouse, neighbor, friend, etc.;
  • pay the subscriber's debt yourself so that the incoming connection is unblocked, in this case there is one subtlety, it is not always possible to guess how much the balance has gone into the negative, sometimes even 100 rubles may not be enough;
  • write an SMS message, as a rule, even when incoming voice calls are blocked, the subscriber retains the ability to receive messages, so important information can be sent via SMS.

These are all actions that can help the caller contact the desired subscriber who does not have access to this type of communication.

As you know, incoming communications in roaming are paid in accordance with the tariff and are not provided free of charge. If you hear a corresponding notification in the handset and know for sure that the subscriber is roaming, then this is the reason.

There can be two situations:

  • there is not enough money in the account of the called number even for 1 minute of conversation;
  • the user independently set a limit on incoming calls to save personal funds.

While roaming, incoming communication is active and does not require unlocking by the subscriber. But its cost is often prohibitive and many people deliberately block the opportunity to call them. Moreover, the cost of a minute of conversation also depends on the country of residence; in many of them the price is calculated at several dollars.

If there are not enough funds on your balance, you can contact the person by replenishing your account. It is easier to calculate the required amount than in the previous case. It is enough to clarify the cost of calls in accordance with the subscriber’s location with his operator and deposit as much money into the account as is required to talk.

If you set the communication restriction yourself, you should send a text message. There are no other communication options. Or wait for the person to contact you, which is not always acceptable given the urgency.

Another, most common reason for an alert. This service allows you to temporarily restrict all types of communication in case of loss of a SIM card and for other reasons. is temporary and allows you to avoid all known operator sanctions for inaction.

In this case, it is impossible to contact the subscriber at the current number. Not only calls, but also SMS are not available to him. To contact a person you will have to look for: a call to another number or communication through third parties.

Thus, all speculation that the subscriber could put another on the “black list” is discarded in this case. The reason is completely different. If you still continue to have doubts about this, call the number from another phone and make sure that the alert has not gone away.