Dmitry Kuznetsov google. Innovation that creates the future

In May 2016, Sberbank and Google will launch a joint program for training businessmen, “Business Class,” in Russia. The company chose Tatarstan as a pilot region, TASS reports with reference to Dmitry Kuznetsov, Google's marketing director in Russia.

The program lasts six months, the number of participants who can undergo training is not limited. Those who complete the program will receive certificates from Google “for organizing their own advertising campaigns on the Internet,” and Sberbank will receive free cash management services for six months.

The target segment of the project is business with a turnover of up to 100 million rubles per year, as well as companies that need support in developing exports or supplying goods to other regions of Russia.

For Google, this program is a pilot; we have not conducted such programs in Russia yet; we have two directions: for beginning businessmen and for those who already have their own business. Regardless of which participant chooses the format, there will be six modules that will be implemented online and between the modules there will be offline live communication events.

- Dmitry Kuznetsov, Marketing Director of Google in Russia

If the project in Tatarstan is successful, then Google and Sberbank will decide to launch it in other regions of Russia. “We would like to spread the project throughout Russia, but the question arises as to how ready other regions are to implement such a program. In Tatarstan, we are supported by the Ministry of Economy of the republic,” Kuznetsov explained.

Rushan Sakhbiev, manager of the Bank Tatarstan branch of Sberbank, told TASS that the main objective of the program is to “introduce entrepreneurs to the latest techniques that allow them to develop business in times of crisis.”

“The peculiarity of this program is that we do not select 100 or 200 people, we attract the maximum number of participants. I hope we will be talking about several thousand program participants,” Sakhbiev said.

The training is scheduled to begin on May 15, applications for participation in the program are accepted on the project website.

Alfa Bank and Yandex have a similar program. Since 2014, companies have been holding educational conferences at which experts in marketing, finance and other fields speak to entrepreneurs. In particular, they talk about the features of promoting a business on the Internet and effective ways to attract customers. Bank clients who are small businesses receive certificates for an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct.

Vladimir: Dmitry, everyone is now talking about digital transformation of business. How are things going with this in Russia, and how is it different from the West?

Dmitry: Well, indeed, the topic is quite relevant now. Every day we see on TV (which, in fact, is not yet entirely digital) programs and episodes about the fact that transformation is also necessary at the state level, for example, at the recent economic forum. We think it is very good that the government is beginning to pay such attention to digital transformation, but in fact, it is already happening.

Vladimir: In general, what is digital transformation? Transition of business online, digitalization of internal processes, or all together?

Dmitry: In fact, this is the digitalization of everything that surrounds us. Transformation happens whether we want it or not - every day, every minute. If you think about what you use most often, what object, what device you use, then it will be a smartphone. And this, in fact, is your main access to the digital world. All the data that characterizes your life is collected in your smartphone, the system processes it, and subsequently the data can be used to carry out some further actions. This happens at the level of an individual, but in the same way it happens at the level of a group of people, at the level of companies, at the level of industries, at the level of the state. Therefore, digitization of the surrounding world and the use of data that is now available in digital form, drawing conclusions based on the conclusions of some actions...

Vladimir: The same Big Data, right?

Dmitry: Yes, that same Big Data. This is the digital transformation that people talk about so much.

Vladimir: Well, in general, what is Russia’s place in digital transformation? Russia is an enterprising country; entrepreneurs actively look at trends and try to copy something. Let me give you a small example: a few years ago I had to find the phone number of the New York police in order to find out information about one person, whether everything was okay, I went to the site and was simply horrified at how archaic everything was, although it would seem: Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Google, Facebook and so on. Why is this so? Either the American state does not need this, or America’s digital transformation is not happening so quickly in the public sector. Again, Moscow parking lots: how convenient are the apps, SMS... what's the matter?

Dmitry: I think that it is impossible to say that there is some kind of universal scenario for all countries. Each country goes through it differently. Some countries that were, say, lagging behind in terms of the development of technological progress, were able to overtake those who were, perhaps even at the forefront, precisely because they did not have all that inheritance that could slow down progress. As an example, you spoke about America, which, it would seem, has a lot of advanced developments, but at the everyday level there are very archaic things. One of the most advanced countries in the development of, for example, digital banking and electronic money is Kenya.

Vladimir: In general, this is the Napoleon complex - the fewer initial capabilities you have, the faster you run forward.

Dmitry: Not always. Here, I think, there are still two trends: one trend is that the less inheritance that slows down the movement, the faster you can move forward; on the other hand, the more scientific potential and educational potential where there is already a highly developed society relatively perception of technology, the transformation still occurs faster there.

“Presence on the Internet is now mandatory”

Vladimir: Dmitry, let’s say I’m an entrepreneur, I have my own classic business, which I’ve been doing for 15 years, I have a website, a business card where you can call. What steps do I need to take to be in a modern context? What can you do to receive new clients, and that, in particular,Googledoes, what tools does it provide?

Dmitry: Since you already have a website and a business card, then you are already better than half, because statistics show that approximately 50% of entrepreneurs do not have any presence on the Internet.

Vladimir: Are you talking about Russia?

Dmitry: Yes, absolutely right. And in general, when they talk about digital, about digital transformation, people argue: “I don’t develop applications or IT systems.” Indeed, to be digital, you don’t have to deal with IT systems, and if you are any business, even a very traditional one, for example, a furniture showroom, candy products, flowers - these are all businesses that can be digital. An online presence is now mandatory.

We have a lot of data on how much entrepreneurs lose audiences if they are not on the Internet. For most businesses, this is, well, actually a vital necessity. You can be present in different ways, you can find your audience in different ways. We're not just talking about presence, but also about how to communicate with your audience. That is, you can use various advertising tools, you can use absolutely free social networks, instant messengers, and so on.

When I'm glad that digital transformation is coming

Vladimir: And how many businesses have been created purely by the Internet? I recently watched another blog onYouTubeabout those who make Internet blogs and thereby earn a living.

Dmitry: Yes, and for many their content is really in demand. Speaking of which tools are available for development on the Internet. There are numerous tools for supporting business processes, starting with cloud storage, where you can do all your accounting, email services, today there are already such advanced things as the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Moreover, this may not happen in some cosmic spheres, but in completely mundane areas.

We really like to give the example of one of the engineers who worked at Google on machine learning and artificial intelligence, he lives in Japan, his parents were farmers. They grew cucumbers. They had to sort their products for quite a long time, because stores accepted cucumbers of a certain format. Prices also varied depending on what shape, what size, and so on. The engineer used machine learning, it was the simplest system from a mechanical point of view, and now it is a fairly simple system from a self-learning point of view. That is, he set approximate parameters, the system, using machine vision, which still works perfectly, identified cucumbers and independently determined the shape, size and sorted these cucumbers.

“We are creating an ecosystem that would benefit everyone”

Vladimir: Dmitry, let's go back a little to the question of what first steps an entrepreneur needs to take in order to be present on the network? We realized that this is important, but nevertheless, the statistics are terrifying - only 50% of businesses are present on the Internet, although there should be at least 90.

Dmitry: Well, everything is in perspective, because in other countries these numbers are even lower. Russia, in fact, is not backward, in fact, we would rather be at the top of the list. When we talk about digital transformation, in each country we look at the situation that exists in reality - what is missing, what Google could bring and how to help with faster movement towards this progress. In some countries, such as Spain and Portugal, there is a very high level of unemployment, especially among young people. We are in the business of providing an additional specialty in digital marketing...

Vladimir: That is, for example, educational programs? Is this more of a social thing for you, or does it somehow help business?

Dmitry: And so, and so. We see that there is a very big social role in this. On the other hand, because there will be more successful businesses, these businesses will subsequently need advertising products and advertising opportunities. Google makes money by providing these features.

Vladimir: So you nurture them from childhood, immerse them, roughly speaking, in the ecosystem?

Dmitry: Our general approach is that we create platforms, create an ecosystem that would be beneficial to everyone. That is, we do not have such a purely commercial approach; we have a lot of consumer products that are not monetized at all, and there are no models yet for how they could be monetized.

Vladimir: Well, in general, are you closed?

Dmitry: No, we are absolutely open and the most advanced developments in the same artificial intelligence are what we put in the public domain, making it possible for anyone to use, including small businesses. Returning to the question of what we do: in Spain and Portugal we train young people, in Germany, for example, we help companies that want to export.

In Russia, we also started by immediately focusing on digital, advertising areas of knowledge, but then we realized that the problem is a little more voluminous, and understanding what digital is, why you need to be present on the Internet, how to reach your audience is already more a deep level, which is not somehow unattainable for Russia. We still have a high level of education, high scientific potential, so we looked at the problem more comprehensively and realized that the perception of entrepreneurship in general and doing your own business is such a complex question that still does not have a good answer in Russia.

Vladimir: Is it important for you that there are more entrepreneurs?

Dmitry: Yes, yes. As I said, small businesses that will be successful, that will develop - they will ultimately be advertisers for us.

Vladimir: But there is no such effect of scale: why shouldn’t a large enterprise order a large number of large-scale advertising campaigns from you?

Dmitry: Large enterprises order large advertising campaigns from us, this is also interesting for us. This is a very interesting moment, where our plans coincided completely with the plans of the state. As you know, the state is interested in diversifying the economy so that the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in GDP rises; now it is only 20%, and in this sense we are very far behind other countries. The authorities set the goal of increasing this share to 30%, and here our interests coincide very much. Sberbank and I agreed and organized the “Business Class” program. This is a program for entrepreneurs that helps them cover the whole range of issues that arise when starting their own business, or, if you already have one, how to develop further. Business plan, working with audiences, working with personnel, taxes, how to manage finances, logistics and so on. That is, here is actually a full-fledged mini-course for an entrepreneur.

« Game development is the most commercially successful"

Vladimir: Dmitry, in Russia, as we have already noticed, there are quite a large number of bright minds, technology entrepreneurs, many very start-ups that move to Google’s homeland in the USA, many stay, develop business here, and there are many accelerators, programs, including yours with Sberbank. I would like to know your opinion about technology entrepreneurship. What is happening with development in Russia, are you in favor of keeping development here, how are things going, what is the market like?

Dmitry: Firstly, we are really very pleased that in Russia, as you rightly said, there are a lot of bright minds. I can confirm that there is a very large presence of Russian-speaking specialists in the Google engineering team. As for independent developers, we see, firstly, in Russia there is great potential that is being realized, and even more potential that can still be realized. We work with the entrepreneurial community specifically in terms of development. We work very closely with some companies that have already taken the first steps in development, that is, we share some best practices, we suggest how to best promote ourselves in application stores, AppStore or Google Play.

Vladimir: Do you also help in the AppStore?

Dmitry: Yes, because the development is universal. We know there are two best platforms for developers. For some companies, we also arrange six-month courses in Silicon Valley, provided that they return home. We have no interest in having the entire development business concentrated only there; on the contrary, we would like there to be as many such centers as possible. And in Russia we actively support the developer community. We bring experts here too, and we take the guys not only to California, but also to various campuses in Europe, where we organize meetings and courses.

Vladimir: Since you regularly communicate with developers, what trends do you, as the head of a company in Russia, see? In general, in terms of mobile application development.

Dmitry: Commercially, game development is the most successful. It still remains popular because the Internet allows you to get a global scale. There are several Russian companies whose monthly income exceeds $100 million.

Vladimir: Are these game publishers?

Dmitry: Yes, game publishers who produce them en masse. These are not necessarily the largest corporations, such as, which is quite successful, but also some individual developers who reach a significant scale.

Vladimir: So-called indie developers, right? What chance do they have?

Dmitry: As I already said, there are several such companies that have reached a very large scale of business in just a few years. They had no support except that Google (although we are not the only ones doing this) helped with education and promotion. There are several companies that deal not only with software, but also with hardware. For example, Hudway from Izhevsk, who have developed a display for a car, is a very simple but interesting idea.

“We make products for people, and money comes later”

Vladimir: Dmitry, you still probably live, to a greater extent, not at the expense of entrepreneurs, but at the expense of users who use Google services. And entrepreneurs who Google They are friends, they are part of the ecosystem. How is the company developing in this direction, what new things can we expect? It is clear that Google is the number one search engine in Russia, Google is YouTube and many more interesting, iconic projects. How is it developing, what’s new, what innovations can we expect in 2018 or in the coming years, in what direction is the corporation itself moving?

Dmitry: Well, indeed, of the three main directions - users, business and ecosystem - we put users first, and everything we do is done primarily for them. I’ve already said that commercialization is not a significant priority for the company, no matter how strange it may sound for one of the most valuable corporations in the world.

Vladimir: Just, probably, when the company has already earned significant amounts, and the brand is expensive, and the market capitalization is quite high, of course, it is worth giving money.

Dmitry: Well, we gave back from the very beginning. We had a slightly different philosophy: we made products to solve people's problems, and the money followed. Regarding trends in our consumer products: We were once called a search company. About 5-6 years ago we completely abandoned being considered one and began to position ourselves as a mobile company. We see a trend that was already born then, that all this is moving to mobile devices, all this is personalized, it is with you every minute, every second. Now, starting from the year before last, we began to position ourselves as a company in the field of artificial intelligence. Because machine learning is now used in all our products: be it search, be it a translator, photos, browsers, and so on. There are more than 4 thousand Google projects that work only with machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Vladimir: At a minimum, when searching for photos that are in your cloud, I can search for them by word...

Dmitry: Absolutely right: you can see there photos of last Saturday, or all the photos of your dog, or where you are smiling, photos from nightclubs, gyms, and so on. The machine itself will determine for you which photos you need. In general, the possibility of computer vision has opened up many areas that were previously completely inaccessible. For example, Street View was opened quite a long time ago, but with the help of computer vision we were able to decipher this array of data, that is, we were able to read the signs, when certain establishments are open, what is there, and so on.

When the phone predicted your request

Vladimir: Among other things, your captchas probably help in training.

Dmitry: Well, captcha is a very early stage. Much more complex systems now exist. But the trend is mainly moving towards artificial intelligence. To make it clearer: if previously, in order to get some information, you had to formulate a request, you were given links, you followed them, and found the answer. The next stage was when you asked a question, and many questions were immediately answered.

Vladimir: How much is two dollars in rubles, for example...

Dmitry: Absolutely right. There, how old is the president, when will the elections be, and so on. That is, many unambiguous questions were answered immediately, in the first search results. Now we're moving on to trying to anticipate what you might need next.

Vladimir: What does it look like, is it already there now?

Dmitry: Yes, there is. Well, the simplest example: you are going on a trip, your smartphone tells you that you need to leave the house because there are traffic jams today, or, for example, the flight has been postponed, or it will rain where you are flying - take an umbrella. That is, the system tries to predict; this can apply to any life situations. To the point that the system understands that you haven’t communicated with your friend for a long time, you love Italian cuisine together, and says that there is a table in a nearby cafe, you both have time, invites you to chat.

Vladimir: This is really the future, which, I think, is just around the corner, one might say, tomorrow.

Dmitry: Absolutely right. Many elements of prediction, anticipation of what you will need, already exist.

“You’re not afraid of a car that knows what you’re doing in it?”

Vladimir: I would like to know your opinion, your plans regarding digital assistants, that is, when you could ask the phone what the weather was like in Miami, and it answered us by voice, that was great. Where has technology advanced, what is it now, what problems are there and where will we be in a certain amount of time?

Dmitry: Well, as I already said, the system can not only answer you, but also predict that you will be interested in the weather in Miami. That is, anticipation is a fairly important element of how assistants work and should work in the future; another very important point is not only to anticipate information, but also to provide the opportunity to take action regarding this information. As I said, for example, the system can determine how long ago you met your friend and suggest that you meet at a restaurant by looking at your calendars, your mail, or using some other data that is available about you.

Vladimir: Since this is done by a robot, it does not pry into your private life.

Dmitry: The system of perception of how safe it is and how much it respects your privacy, how ethical it is, of course, is a very big question that is discussed everywhere. We believe that since this is an absolutely soulless and impersonal system, a computer is like furniture, like a car... you’re not afraid of a car, which, for example, knows what you’re doing in it? Or God forbid he hit a person - it’s not the car’s fault, it’s the driver’s fault.

Vladimir: I agree, but on the other hand there are such side things. For example, if all the computers in the office are on the same network, for example, I often see that I get trips to Spain. Maybe the assistant is going on vacation and didn’t tell me about it?

Dmitry: Yes, but these are still imperfections of the system, which really should personally select for you what would be relevant and of any interest. Well, as I said, not only select this information and offer it, but also give the opportunity to take immediate action. That is, so that you, without leaving the interface, can order a tour, if suddenly it is intended for you and is relevant to you, or call a taxi, or order food, and so on. That is, this is the action that you need to perform, again, in some minute-by-minute, daily mode, this is what will, again, be an integral part of the assistant in the future, well, and now we are already seeing how it begins.

Vladimir: Some assistants can do less than others. What is this connected with?

Dmitry: In fact, there are many factors that influence this. First of all, the amount of data that the system can analyze and the performance of this analysis. This is the main thing that determines how accurate and how relevant the information will be offered to you. The system needs meat in the form of data in order to analyze it, to know where you have been, what you think, what your interests are, and so on.

Vladimir: And almost the final question. Do individual assistants need to exist, should they evolve, or do you think two big players will be enough?

Dmitry: In fact, we strongly welcome competition in any form and in any areas, if there are a lot of such assistants, that’s great, but for the sake of objectivity it’s worth saying that, of course, probably not too many companies will be able to collect a large amount of data.

Vladimir: Tell me,GoogleDo you even look at blockchain as a development technology further?

Dmitry: He looks at technology, but not yet at cryptocurrency.


The Engineering Entrepreneurs Club, which unites not only students and developers, but also representatives of real businesses, invites Dmitry Kuznetsov, Google Marketing Director in Russia, to an open lecture, where he will talk about innovations that create the future and change lives today. Dmitry has extensive experience in the high technology sector. For example, before Google, he was the vice president of Samsung in Russia, and it was his team that launched the world’s first phone with two SIM cards.

INNOVATIONS THAT CREATE THE FUTURE. Open lecture by Dmitry Kuznetsov, Google Marketing Director in Russia

November 10, 2015, 17-30
Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya, 5, MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Main building (Slobodskaya Palace), room. 433
Details and registration:

The Engineering Entrepreneurs Club, which unites not only students and developers, but also representatives of real businesses, invites Dmitry Kuznetsov, Google Marketing Director in Russia, to an open lecture, where he will talk about innovations that create the future and change lives today. Dmitry has extensive experience in the high technology sector. For example, before Google, he was the vice president of Samsung in Russia, and it was his team that launched the world’s first phone with two SIM cards.

Brief program:

17-30 - 18-30 Open lecture
18-30 - 19-30 Questions and answers
19-30 - Group photo
19-50 - 21-30 Closed expert part

Dmitry Kuznetsov

Marketing Director in Russia, Google

Dmitry graduated with a gold medal from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and received the specialty of translator and assistant. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School's General Management program. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1998–2000, Dmitry served as an officer in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2000, he began working at the Moscow representative office of Samsung Electronics as an assistant manager.

In four years, he worked his way up to the position of head of the telecommunications department and completed his work at Samsung Electronics as vice president of sales and marketing of portable devices in 2010. During 2011−2012, Dmitry was developing his own entrepreneurial projects. He has been working at Google since October 2012.

Google has announced the name of the winner of the all-Russian Doodle for Google competition. The best project to change the official Google logo was recognized as a “doodle” by 8-year-old Pyotr Alekseev from Belgorod. Next week his work will appear on the main page of Russian Google.

In September of this year, Google invited Russian schoolchildren to draw a “doodle” - a festive company logo that appears on the main page of the site on certain occasions.

“Typically, all big companies take their logos very seriously,” says Google Russia Marketing Director Dmitry Kuznetsov. - First they create them with a serious face, then they try to keep them unchanged and put them in a frame. Google is an unusual company. We believe that a logo is something you can have fun with and express your creativity on. We decided that it would be very good if we introduced the practice of holding such a competition as “Doodle for Google” here in Russia.”

The very first “doodle” appeared 14 years ago. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to let everyone know that they were out of the office because they were away at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. To do this, they decided to place a drawing of a wooden man behind the second letter “o” of the Google logo. Users were pleasantly surprised by the unexpected changes in the simple logo, and Google's founders immediately realized that this could become a special feature of the company.

In 2000, the position of chief doodle specialist was already introduced. It was webmaster Dennis Hwang. This year, his team has grown into a large department of illustrators (aka “doodlers”), who have already drawn more than 1,000 doodles for Google home pages.

Schoolchildren from 6 to 17 years old were asked to create a “doodle” on the theme “My city. My country." More than 5,000 children from 70 Russian cities entered the competition. At the first stage, employees of the Russian Google office selected 100 in each age category. Then the star jury, which in addition to the singer Maxim and TV presenter Julia Vysotskaya included illustrator Victor Melamed, art director of Seasons of Life magazine Evgeny Chelyuskin and others, selected 30 of the most interesting ones.

The finalists - one in each age category - were determined by our users through online popular voting. The winner of the competition was named by a professional Google artist and author of numerous doodles Sophia Foster-Dimino(Sophia Foster-Dimino). The award ceremony took place yesterday at the Central House of Artists in Moscow. 30 semi-finalists were invited to the awards ceremony, which took place yesterday at the Central House of Artists in Moscow.

The winner of the competition was an 8-year-old Petr Alekseev from Belgorod. He received several awards from Google. Together with his parents, the boy will visit the company's headquarters in the United States, and his school will receive new equipment for a computer class. In addition, on December 10, Peter’s “doodle” will be posted on the home page.

Illustrations from the site



Programmatic will finally become a standard, not something exotic.
Yes, there will be a lot more, but the main thing is that everything will be fine!

Born May 19, 1975. In 2000, he began working at Samsung Electronics as an Assistant Manager and worked his way up to Vice President of the company. In 2010, he co-founded the startup PRIORITY. Since 2012 – Country Marketing Director of Google in Russia.

16 years in marketing
2 changed companies during work
hours a working day lasts

Many people say that banners don’t work, but someone clicks on them... The right creative, shown at the right time in the right place, always works. Be it banner, television, outdoor or any other advertising. And banners, by the way, are effective not only if someone clicks on them. It all depends on the task and how well you can measure the effect you need.

What awaits the digital sphere in 2016? Further growth. Increasing the share of mobile. New formats in display and video, in particular. More effective measurement tools and campaign settings. Programmatic will finally become a standard, not something exotic. Yes, there will be a lot more, but the main thing is that everything will be fine.

In an age when information travels online in seconds, brands should pay attention to... What exactly do they want to tell their users. Digital opportunities allow you to be relevant to any moment, but in order for your message to reach the recipient and have the desired effect, you need to formulate your thoughts even more clearly.

The main principle of a good marketer– first of all, think about the user. At Google, in general, everything starts with this. The first point of Google’s philosophy says: Focus on the user and everyone else will follow (from English “Focus on the user, and the rest will come” - Ed.). It seems to me that this applies primarily to marketing.

Nowadays there is a mobile application for everything, in my opinion this is... Just another stage in the development of the mobile world. The App vs Web debate is far from over. Yes, people spend up to 80% of their time on smartphones in applications, but two-thirds of this time is spent on social networks and instant messengers. They, in turn, become so multifunctional that they allow you to satisfy a huge number of needs without leaving a single application. At the same time, many mini-applications begin to appear inside one large application.

Further, apparently, there will be a merging of operating systems, browsers and applications.
And finally, in the future, I think we will see some kind of “new” Internet, where interaction between a person and a machine will be carried out in ways that are as close as possible to natural communication between people. Whether applications, browsers or something else will be used there, it will not matter to you, since for you the machine interface will be voice, gestures, visual images, thoughts, in the end.

Big Data, machine learning, artificial intelligence - all this... Things that are much more real than many of us think (Moore's law is still in effect). For marketers specifically, they open up completely new horizons. One of the definitions of marketing is “the combination of science and art.” So, the “scientific” part itself, even with today’s very rudimentary level of development of Big Data and machine learning, already makes it possible to increase marketing efficiency by an order of magnitude.

Anonymity on social networks and on the Internet in general... This is, first of all, responsibility. Both from users in terms of what they publish or make available to others, and from companies and regulators in matters of freedom of speech, privacy and personal data.

The difference between working at Samsung and Google is... The presence of a dress code in one company and its absence in another. Seriously, the main difference is in the people. There are many more people at Samsung who are more comfortable adapting to given conditions, and Googlers are almost universally passionate about the desire to make the world around them a better place. Google experiments an order of magnitude more and therefore can afford to make mistakes more often. At Samsung, hierarchy is often important; at Google, it’s your ideas that matter, not your title. Samsung makes great products so they can make money by selling them. At Google, they solve global problems for humanity (well, honestly, we really think so). There are still many differences. But there are also many similarities, and first of all this is the desire of both companies to be the best at what they do.

How does your company deal with negativity? If the question is about negativity from users, then for us such negativity is one of the forms of feedback. If people don't like something, whether it's a product or the way we work with data or our tax practices, we take it all as an opportunity to improve. Given our scale, mistakes are inevitable, the main thing is to treat them correctly - to correct them effectively and learn useful lessons for the future.

All Google offices around the world have their own atmosphere... This would probably be correct to say about office design - in this we try to convey the local flavor as much as possible. But the atmosphere is almost the same everywhere – fun, energetic, as informal as possible. Therefore, it is very easy for people to move from office to office; everywhere you feel at home.

My favorite doodle... The one kids draw in the Google Doodle competition. I don’t know of another company that would be so bold with its brand identity and could trust children to experiment with its logo. At the same time, everything is fair with us: the winning doodles become the official company logo for one day and are placed on the home page.

One on one with brands:

My car: Porsche.

My gadget: Nexus And MacBook.

My Icon Brand: Google, and this was the case long before I came to work here.

If you have suggestions for improving the section or ideas for questions that we could ask participants, please send an email to the author of the section.