Yves Rocher mail order. Newsletter from Yves Rocher - by mail and online

And find the address of the Iv Center nearest to you Roche" Today there are more than 100 of them, they are located in many cities of Russia. When visiting the store, experienced consultants will tell you about “Iv Roche", which will help you choose for yourself effective means care products and natural decorative cosmetics. In addition, you will be able to take advantage of numerous bonus offers from the company.

Buy any product from this company. When purchasing, you will be offered to become a regular customer of Iv Roche"and they will give you a fresh one catalog. Unlike catalog from other companies, the Green Book of Beauty is regularly updated with new information. Produced by the company "Iv" Roche» are constantly being improved, enriched with new components, which is the result of painstaking scientific work scientists in the field of research into the restorative and healing properties of plants. Since 1989, all products have been product-free. New ones appear original products for hair, body, and also decorative.

Check out catalog om on the company website. You will be able to learn about the areas that interest you, new products and special offers, over which “Iv Roche» constantly and gives excellent gifts. Besides, in catalog It contains not only unique information about the properties of plants, but also tips on who and how best to use the company’s care products, how to apply decorative cosmetics, how to take care of nails, etc.

Register on the company's website and fill out a form with email information to receive catalog"Yves Roche" by mail.

Use the services of the online store “Iv Roche" After reviewing all the information you are interested in, please contact the customer service department for the necessary advice and clarify for yourself all the questions that have arisen, including obtaining “Green Beauty”.


  • Free Yves Rocher catalog
  • Yves Rocher by mail
  • New catalog Yves Rocher 2016: new items, gifts, promotions

It is quite convenient to choose clothes, dishes, cosmetics or household items from a specialized catalog. Most sales firms have long acquired their own publications and regularly supply them to their regular customers. How to receive a catalog by mail?


If you want to receive a catalog with a description of the goods and their cost by mail, send a request to the head office of the selling company. As a rule, small and abbreviated copies of such catalogs are included in magazines. They already have an application form to regularly receive the catalog by mail. Fill it out and send it to the address indicated in it. After some time, the time for the next mailing will come, you will receive your copy. And absolutely.

The Yves Rocher company has a network of cosmetic boutiques in different cities of Russia and an online store through which customers can place orders and receive small rewards for them in the form of gifts.

This company has a network of cosmetic boutiques in different cities of Russia, as well as an online store through which customers can place orders and receive small rewards for them in the form of gifts. Also, the Yves Rocher company is quite for a long time sends to its customers various order forms by mail with very advantageous offers, which can be ordered by calling the customer service department or by sending the form by mail.

All these forms are divided into:

Order form “Acquaintance”— a form only for those who have not yet become clients of the IR.
Using this form, an order can be made by phone, and the form can be found in the magazines “Cosmopolitan”, “Liza”, etc. and send by mail in an envelope. But sometimes, using such forms you can order by mailing list, i.e. through the Internet. Using some forms, you can make an order to a person who is already a client of the IP; to do this, you need to register on the website or call, change your information a little and introduce yourself as a new client.

Order form “My friend’s first order”— using this form, you can place an order by phone or by mail, if you have the form in stock (for example, sent with the order). Using it, you can invite another person who is not yet registered with the IR company to become a client, and his first order for you, as an introduction, will include a gift that you choose yourself.

It is not forbidden to invite your mother, husband, sister, friend who has the same address as you. Using this form, you can also make an order to a person who is already a client of the IP, but in this case, naturally, you will not receive a gift for introducing another person.

Order form “Name” or “Happy Birthday”- sent by mail in an envelope, directly to the mailbox of a real IR client, with a unique number that matches only the client number to which the form was sent. Usually such forms differ in some way from similar ones sent to other people. You can use it to place an order online; this should be indicated on the form. Usually this can be done, but there are exceptions.

If such a form was not sent to you, but you want to order using it, you can download the form and place an order by phone; most operators will accept such an order without any problems. If the operator flatly refuses to do this, try calling another operator.

You can also try to find your form number, if, of course, they were going to send you the form, and it simply didn’t arrive. Because if the form was not sent, then it is impossible to find its number. To do this, you need to open it in the mailing list and try to change the last digits in the form number from 01 to 99.

To make it easier, look at what numbers ended on other forms that you received. This means the same personal names, and in the same range try to select a form for your client number. You don’t have to bother yourself with the selection, but simply call the Main Line and try to ask whether a similar form was sent to you, and if there was a mailing, ask the operator for its number.

Standard order form— such forms are usually included in parcels along with orders; you can use them to place an order either online, by mail, or by phone. They are the same for all IR clients.

I wish you pleasant and, most importantly, profitable shopping!

Yves Rocher is a fairly well-known French company of herbal cosmetics. Probably, each of us has either used its products at some point or not, but we still want to...

Previously, it was possible to purchase it only through catalogues, placing an order and then waiting for the package. Now there is an opportunity to buy it in the store. This is convenient if you don’t have time to wait for the parcel: you come to the store, buy it - use it right away. Next, if you need one inexpensive product, you can also think about going to the store. And there is also a series of Plaisir Natures, for which discounts do not apply, so these products can also be safely purchased this way. The price will be absolutely the same, you just won't have to wait for delivery.

For the rest, I advise you to place an order yourself and... wait for the package

To place an order, you can simply go to the Yves Rocher website and place it there. If you have a catalog that came to your Mailbox(relevant only for those who have already placed orders and are IR clients), you can take advantage of the offer from it. For example, if I suddenly want to place an order, I have as many as 6 envelopes lying and waiting for X hour.

To start

To begin with, I advise you to have a specific wish list. Make a list of what products you would like to purchase. For me personally, of course, discounts and gifts are always decisive. Therefore, knowing which products you are going to add to your cart first, you can compare several current offers and choose the most profitable one for yourself. After all, in different cases there will be different discounts on these products

And... now let's look at 2 options!

Offer from a paper catalog

Look at my photo again - that’s exactly what these envelopes are about we'll talk. Of course, the order does not have to be sent by letter - you can use the telephone and, what is most common now, the Internet.

And so - first trick: if you are placing an order for the FIRST TIME, I advise you not to rush into it, but to find a friend who has already ordered from Yves Rocher. From time to time, clients receive an “Invite your friend” form, which, as a rule, is very profitable terms- And minimum amount there is less order, and the gifts are good, and your friend will also be “rewarded” for this.

For those who are already “in the know,” there are also certain points.
The second thing I want to say is- according to the inscription in the envelope, the offer is valid for 3 months. Honestly, I placed an order, 5 months later - everything arrived and worked out great. So if when entering the order number data on the Internet, no error comes up - everything should work out.
Third- usually the most profitable offer they come for a birthday and they give big discounts. Therefore, if you will have it soon, but placing an order is not urgent, you can wait.

Offer from the Internet

In general, I don’t know why, you can find products on the website that are simply not in the catalogue. That is, more choice is a plus. The downside is that there are not discounts on all products and they are always smaller. The same “-50” or “2 for the price of 1” are very rare. But here there are a few tricks that will help you save money.

First- choose the best offer for yourself. What does it mean? Let's say you decide to place an order and go to the site. Look, and there they write: we have such a gift for you! It happens that this gift, of course, is not bad, but I would like something else... And there is a way out - changing this gift is quite possible!
Previously, from time to time I came across different sites on promotional offers from IR, and after clicking on them, the IR website automatically opened, where instead of that offer, we have a new one. For example, today I saw on one site:

But after 5 minutes I encounter the following:

This is how you can catch these offers while running around the sites... Honestly, I used to do this!
But then I found out about this tricks! There are sites on the Internet that collect all these offers. There are not one or two of them... there are many of them. Therefore, I will not say that one of them is the best... Then we just use a search engine. We write (for example, in Google) the following: “Yves Rocher COUPLES”. Honestly, I still don’t understand how this is deciphered, but a search gives us the following:

I simply follow the first link (more precisely, the second, since the first is the IR itself). You can choose any other site if you want. And let's see what they write to us? And there are presented all those operating on this moment suggestions and detailed information. Plus, there are codes that you can enter to get more get an additional discount! As an example, I show what Yves Rocher can offer me at the moment (03.11.15, if anything, after some time the PAIRS change)

If this is what you dreamed of, just click on the picture, you will be redirected to the IR website, and place your order. Don't forget about the discount code! You can also scroll further and see other offers:

Here is the entire list for today. You can choose what you need most. Convenient, isn't it? And, I repeat again, here the site also writes what code you need to enter to get a discount! And this is very profitable!

Second tip to this section: read more carefully what they write on the site. And there is this:

Subscribing to the newsletter is really very useful thing! Not only will you receive a surprise gift with your next order, but also email You will receive very attractive offers. They are usually valid for 1-2 days, but change frequently and are valid together with the main offer. That is, this is another gift on top of everything else! So, personally, once or twice a week I also receive tempting messages from IR by email..
And, for example, they even wrote this...

And so, I want to bring you clear example , that is, my last order!
It all started when I saw and really wanted a set of brushes!

Usually I still order from a paper catalog, since there are more discounts there, but these brushes could only be ordered online. That's why I used this whole scheme. I came across such an offer that I could choose one of the gifts offered. There was a set of mini-products, a youthful hair mask with grapes (by the way, it’s not cheap), an umbrella, an eyeliner and... I chose shower gel. From this list, this may be the cheapest product, but... I decided that this is the most the best choice- Moreover, I have never tried this gel, but I would like to. But since the brushes themselves come without any discount, I didn’t dare make a purchase.. Until I received such an offer in the mail!

Frankly, I always wanted to try what kind of thing this kajal is. Well, you can never have too much mascara! So I placed my order with confidence. The second product, in addition to a set of brushes, was loose powder. She is damn expensive, but I also wanted to try her...

One more thing - I chose (for the first time) not delivery to the post office, but to PickPoint. And imagine my surprise when, 3 days later, I received an SMS notification to pick up this parcel! Super speed! After all, I usually wait 2 weeks for a package to arrive at the post office.

And this is what I got:

Out of curiosity, I decided to calculate how much it would all cost me if I paid full price for each product. I just took the insert that lists all the products and labeled the prices, and then did the math... Here it is:

Since I received a miniature of the “Delicate Jasmine” fragrance, 5 ml, I counted that too. Just on the website there are 2 volumes - 30 and 50 ml. Having calculated how much 5 ml of each volume costs, it came out to about 300 rubles. Of course, this was not necessary, but anyway, I got the following:

Bottom line

Even if we don’t take into account the “price” of this mini bottle, the cost is 3500 rubles!
Considering the cost of this "Jasmine", I would spend about 3800 rubles on everything!
And, as can be seen from the form, she paid 1,657 rubles. I think it's bargain, because good brushes cannot be cheap, but these have a very reasonable price and I am very pleased with the product!

That's all the secrets! Enjoy it for your health

Where to get the form Yves order Rocher?.

To make it convenient to send to Yves Rocher order by mail, there are special order forms. On such forms, as a rule, there are not only free columns for placing order data, but also information about promotions in which everyone participates. Yves Rocher order forms come in several types for different categories of customers.

  1. If an order is made for the first time, the company offers to use primary forms. They are called “Acquaintance”. As a rule, such forms fall into the hands of customers by chance after purchasing a magazine or going to a Beauty Studio. The initial forms indicate the minimum amount for which an order must be made and the conditions necessary to receive a gift.
  2. There are also forms for a friend. Such forms allow you to receive two gifts at once. They also indicate the minimum order amount, which for regular customers always remains the same - 700 rubles. Those who order Yves Rocher cosmetics more than once cannot count on a gift: it is given only once.
  3. The third type of forms are order forms for regular customers. Their number always begins with the number 9. All clients of the company receive this form along with their first order.
  4. There are also “Name” order forms. These are forms for those Yves Rocher clients who systematically order the company’s cosmetics throughout certain period time. Such forms are registered with the company, so another person who is not regular customer, cannot make an order using them. The first digits of the numbers of such a form are 5 or 9.
  5. Yves Rocher also has order forms for the holidays. These forms accompany the catalog, which the company usually issues for the New Year and March 8th. Such forms also always offer a gift - an accessory or perfume.

Those who want to place an order using an electronic catalog can do without order forms. To order from the electronic catalog, you need to register on the official website, select any product and confirm the order. You can pay either in cash upon receipt of the goods by mail, or via the Internet using the Yandex-Money system, Webmoney or using a bank card.

If it is not possible to place an online order in Yves Rocher, then you should use special Yves Rocher forms and place an order by mail. They are not difficult to find. For example, if you want to find Yves Rocher forms for the current year, you can simply order them by phone or take them along with the catalog at. Also, order forms are always accompanied by a seasonal catalog, which is often attached to glossy magazines such as Elle, Lisa, Cosmopolitan.

“Yves Rocher” is an online store of a leading company in the field of cosmetology, awarded with numerous awards. The offered products are known for their reverent attitude towards environment The company is popular today. The products offered on the site are intended to care for a person’s appearance and cleanliness using products developed on the basis of universal environmental components that do not harm the environment. Today, everyone has access to cosmetics that work wonders. Just look at the official website of Www Yves Rocher Ru to see the variety of care products for your appearance and home.

Ordering Yves Rocher products from the official website catalog

Women who care about their appearance place high demands on cosmetic products, and not all manufacturers meet them. But Yves Rocher products are a pleasant exception in the sea of ​​appearance care products, surprising with their effectiveness, natural composition and ease of use. The catalog pages present decorative and basic cosmetics that meet the needs of customers of different ages and budgetary possibilities.

  • facial skin care products (regenerating serums, hydrogel masks, cleansing gels, masking stick correctors, acne lotions, soothing sprays);
  • decorative cosmetics (blush or powder, mascara, foundation, pencils, a wide palette of pencil shades, nail polishes, lipsticks);
  • men's and women's perfumes with all kinds of aromas (fruit, woody, floral, spicy), flavored products (body milk, deodorants, a series of gels, shampoos);
  • hygiene products (oils and shower gels, body scrubs, soap);
  • shampoos, conditioners or masks for hair (colored, dull, unruly, oily, thin or weakened).

Filters will help you make your choice; you just need to indicate the type of product, texture, volume, aromatic preferences, and price range. This approach reduces the time of online shopping, which is appreciated by buyers under time pressure. Seasonal offers pamper you with original complexes that are relevant to weather conditions.

Why is it profitable to order and buy Yves Rocher products online?

Visitors who visit the resource plunge into the ocean cosmetics, capable of transforming a person regardless of age. Fans of natural products will not be disappointed by visiting the official website. The advantages of remote servicing and purchasing are obvious:

  1. The virtual store is open around the clock, which allows you not to look at the clock when choosing a product, but to thoroughly study the composition, instructions for use and buy cosmetics. Here the buyer is always a welcome guest.
  2. Detailed information with photos helps you navigate when purchasing.
  3. A simple, intuitive interface, even for an inexperienced user, guarantees prompt processing of the application. Time-constrained, but preferring quality beauty care products, visitors will be able to select the right options for their cart with minimal time investment.
  4. Well thought out price policy allows you to use the products famous brand at an affordable price. Regular promotions offer amazing discounts.
  5. Delivery is carried out by the method specified by the client in a short time (courier, Russian Post, preferred carrier).