How to select all files on the keyboard. How to simultaneously select all files in a folder in different operating systems

Few people know that the keyboard is almost as good as a mouse in terms of functionality for selecting files. If you only have a working keyboard at your disposal, you can easily work with files, including copying them, installing them, and much more. This time we will tell you how to select several files using the keyboard, both in a row and not in a row. Do you know how to do this without using a mouse?

Selecting multiple files simultaneously using the keyboard

Select all files at once using the keyboard

Ctrl+A(Latin) - select all files on the page at once.

Use the keyboard to select consecutive files

1. Press and hold Shift.

2. Clicking the arrows Right And Left at the same time with Shift, you will select files one at a time next to the originally selected file.

3. Pressing keys Up And Down at the same time with Shift, you will select entire lines of files in a row.

4. Pressing keys PageUp And PageDown at the same time with Shift, you will be highlighting entire pages of files.

Use the keyboard to select different files that are not consecutive

1. Press and hold the key Ctrl on the first file you need to highlight.

2. Use the arrows to move the cursor between files. They won't stand out.

3. When the cursor is on the next file you want to highlight, hold down Ctrl, press Space.It will be highlighted and you can continue to move the cursor and select necessary files. Clicking Space on a selected file, you deselect it. Thus, pressing this key is equivalent to clicking the left mouse button.

Here are some simple techniques for selecting files (including photos, videos, etc.) using the keyboard, without using the mouse. With their help, you can speed up your work on a computer, especially a laptop, when it is inconvenient to use the touchpad and there is no room for a mouse. Still have questions? Write them in the comments and we will answer you promptly!

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home in Group Editing click the button Select

Note: In Word 2007 tools discharge cannot be applied to inserted images. To select images, it is recommended to insert them into the canvas. When you insert shapes and images onto the canvas, you can select them by dragging a box onto them. For more information, see Add a picture to a document.

Click an object to select it. If you cannot select an object this way, on the tab home in Group Editing click the button Find and highlight and do one of the following:

    Selecting objects

    To open a task pane where you can select, multi-select, show, hide, or rearrange objects, click selection area and select the options you want.

Click an object to select it. If you cannot select an object this way, on the tab home in Group Editing click the button Select and do one of the following:

    To select all the objects and placeholders on the slide, click the Select All button.

    To highlight objects that are hidden, behind other objects, or behind text, select Selecting objects and drag the rectangle over the objects.

    To open a selection pane where you can select, multiple-select, show, hide, or rearrange objects, click selection area and select the options you want.



Selecting multiple objects.

Click necessary objects while holding down Shift key or CTRL.

Selecting an object that is underneath other objects and iterating through the stack of overlapping objects towards the foreground.

Select the top object and press the Tab key.

Selecting an object that is underneath other objects and iterating through the stack of overlapping objects towards the background.

Select the top object and press Shift+Tab.

Selecting objects that are part of a group.

Select a group and do one of the following:

    To select one object, click it.

    To select multiple shapes in a group, Shift-click or CTRL-click them.

Deselects objects one at a time.

Click each object while holding down the Shift or CTRL key.

see also

To change or move objects, shapes, pictures, or text fields, they need to be highlighted. When you select a shape or object, sizing handles appear.

Using a marquee

If you choose the option you want, or if you have a lot of objects to track, try marquee as described below.

When working on Windows OS, you often need select all files in a folder or a group of elements for subsequent copying, moving (to another or), deleting. The instructions outline methods for selecting files using the keyboard and optical mouse.

Inexperienced users do not know these tricks and waste a lot of time on the computer. There is nothing complicated here, just read the material to the end and start practicing right away.

Select all files in the current folder

Most quick way- use of keyboard shortcuts. To select all files in a folder using the keyboard, press Ctrl + A.

Tip: the combination is also used for, for example, Word or browser fields.

The alternative method is using the mouse, but it will take you through more steps. Do the following:

  1. Go to the folder through Windows 7, 8 (My Computer) Explorer.
  2. Click "arrange" in upper area menu.
  3. Select "select all".

Selecting a group of files

If the folder requires select a group of files located sequentially, select the first object, hold Shift and click on the keyboard arrows (up, down) until last element groups.

If there are many files, then select the first one, then hold Shift and click (left click) on the last one. Very convenient if you use it for quick selection certain types, for example, images (jpg, gif).

It is possible to select all files in a folder or a group of them using the mouse. Place the cursor in a convenient empty place and hold down left button. Move your mouse to mark objects with a selection.

To mark files in random order, hold down the Ctrl key and select elements by left-clicking on them. You can use a combination, for example do this:

  1. Select a group of files using the Shift key
  2. Release Shift and hold Ctrl and then press the left button, thereby adding (removing) the selected objects.

As a result, you will mark all folders and files at once and will be able to work with the selected array.

What to do if more than one file or folder is not selected

If for some reason you are in Windows Explorer can't select all or a group of files using the methods described above, then try this:

1. Open . Go to the “View” tab, click the “Reset Folder View” button and OK. Restart your computer, then try again. If that doesn't work, go to step 2.

2. First create a system restore point, and then . Go to the Shell section ( full path at the bottom of the image). Find the keys named Bags and BagMRU, click on them right click and click "delete". When confirming the deletion, select "yes". Restart explorer.exe or your computer and check the selection status of multiple or all files or folders.

These are all the aspects with which you can select all files in a folder or a group of them, various options. If you cannot mark objects, use reset folder view or edit the registry key as described above.

Nowadays, we have to constantly work with a computer, solving a variety of issues, both work-related and ordinary. All work with a PC is based on interaction with files in one form or another. Every user has encountered a situation where there was a need to quickly select a large amount of items in a folder. In this article we will figure out how to simultaneously select all files in a folder or several files. Let's get started. Go!

The first way is to use a regular highlight box. Users resort to this option most often. Just hold down the left mouse button and mark a rectangular field. It's quick and easy, but very ineffective if you need to select a lot of elements.

The second option will be useful to note a few individual elements, scattered throughout the catalog. Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and mark each element individually. To select blocks of files, it is very convenient to use the Shift key. Keep it pressed and click on the file in the folder. After this, all folders preceding the selected element will be selected. This method allows you to quickly capture a significant number of objects. Please note that when dragging Ctrl keys and you don't need to hold Shift.

The third approach allows you to do without a mouse altogether, using only the keyboard. In this case, the already familiar Ctrl and Shift keys will also help. While holding down the Ctrl button, navigate through the catalog objects using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Either by moving to required element, press Shift. The result will be similar to the method discussed above. To quickly mark all objects in the catalog, use the Ctrl+A key combination.

The fourth method is somewhat more complicated, however, it can also find its application. At the top right of the window there is a special search field in which you can enter parameters for selection. For example, to view all files in the “.doc” format, enter “*.doc”. If you want to display all items that start with "A" and have four letters, enter "A???". After Explorer displays all objects according to the filters you have specified, use the Ctrl+A combination. In newer versions of the operating system Windows systems search capabilities have been significantly expanded. In Windows 10, you can even search for a phrase contained within a document. Also for similar filtering you can use following keys, in addition to those discussed above:

  • "OR". To display items that match one of the specified criteria. For example, report OR check OR list.
  • "NOT". Allows you to display everything that does not contain the specified word. (NOT report).

Please note that in one line you can combine keys with each other, thereby performing the most accurate selection.

You can select text in documents and files in folders not only with the mouse, but also with the keyboard. If you have to type a lot and the keys are always at your fingertips, this turns out to be even more convenient than moving the cursor across the screen. In this article we will tell you how to select text and files using the keyboard, and in addition, you may be interested in our previous articles -, and.

Text selection

If you need to select all the text in a document, on a web page, or in a chat, just press the +[A] (Russian [Ф]) keys. This combination is universal and works in almost any application. Just keep in mind that if you try to highlight the text of an article on the site in this way, a lot of unnecessary things will end up in the selection - menu items, text from side panels, a line about copyright protection, etc.

If you do not need to select everything, but only a certain fragment of text, hold down the key and press the arrow keys. When you press the right arrow, letters to the right of the cursor will be highlighted in sequence, and when you press the left arrow, letters to the left of the cursor will be highlighted. And if you press the up or down arrow, the selection area will sequentially increase by one line up or down, respectively.

If you hold down and press the key, the text will be selected from the cursor to the beginning of the line, and the key will highlight the text from the cursor to the end of the line. To select large fragments, you can use the (select up) and (select down) keys.

Selecting files

The keyboard shortcut +[A] mentioned above is suitable not only for working with text, but also for selecting all files in a folder. And a group of files can be selected using a key in the same way as text (just don’t forget to select one file with the mouse first). By pressing the right or left arrow keys together, you can select one file at a time, and the up or down arrows select rows of files. When used in conjunction with the or keys, you can highlight large groups files up or down from the current one. And the and keys select all files from the current one to, respectively, the first or last in the folder.