How to communicate with people on social networks. How to communicate correctly on social networks

Social media, used for dating and communication, are increasingly becoming popular among children and teenagers, adults and older people; What is it that attracts people to virtual communication and is there any harm and addiction to social networks of dating and communication.
Social networks on the Internet, in terms of the number of their participants, can be compared with the population of an entire country, these large-scale use of social networks force many branches of science to conduct research and observation: psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, etc., in order to determine the influence of social networks on humans; his personal, psychological and emotional development and deviations from the norm; on the quality of life in general and psychopathological personality changes.

Social networks in Russia and the world

In the daily developing Internet, Russian social networks, along with global networks, began to occupy high ratings, having a huge attendance of people of different ages and social strata.
However, according to independent research, regular visitors to social networks on the RuNet are, to one degree or another, people who are dissatisfied with life and communication in reality, with weak and poor-quality time structuring, including those who have little normal pastime and enjoyable activities, as well as teenagers and people who are psychologically and emotionally immature.

Of course, in social networks in Russia many visitors running targeted, professional or semi-professional pages, but their motivation is clear, and they need large audience, for certain social, professional, economic and political purposes...

Psychology of Social Networks

Psychology of Social Networks is that a person, communicating and interacting online, seems to be able to safely and freely satisfy many of his natural, biological, psychological and emotional desires and needs.

Social dating networks

Many people use social networks for dating When trying to find friends and loved ones to establish close relationships, real meetings and real relationships often occur. However, correspondence, audio and video chats are usually started by people from different cities and even regions, which can complicate the desired meeting and continuation of relationships in real life.

Dating on social networks very often leads people into psychological dead ends, frequent failure to meet expectations, outright lies and exaggeration about themselves by the participants in the acquaintance, and sometimes outright fraud in virtual relationships, leads to despair, depression, psychological and emotional suffering.

Social networks for communication

Social networks for communication and created, but constant communication on social networks should not replace normal communication in reality.
Only real communication and interaction can satisfy human biological needs; true friendship and love, true close relationships cannot be conceived on social networks. In them, you can maintain existing relationships due to the impossibility of a real meeting.

The harm of social networks

Everything is good in moderation, including communication on social networks, but excessive hanging out and spending time on them brings harm to a person, both on the mental and physical level.
The harm of social networks can become quite noticeable if you stay and communicate online for too long. This can lead to various psychophysiological problems: stress, depression and neuroses; disorders in personality and social development; violations of normal perception of reality and building interpersonal relationships.

The benefits of social networks

Research shows that there are benefits of social networks. Sometimes, it is when communicating on social networks that a person who has not learned to communicate, who is timid and indecisive, who has many complexes, etc., can open up, feel like a full-fledged, creative person and satisfy some psychological needs by communicating on a social network.
However, one should not be deluded, although there is a benefit from a social network, it is insignificant, and is more suitable for teenagers during puberty than for mature people who know how to communicate in reality.

One way or another, there is no need to replace real communication, interaction, acquaintances, friendship and love with virtual, pseudo-real social contacts.

Social media addiction

With prolonged and constant use of networks, virtual communication to the detriment of real, it appears social media addiction. Replacing normal and natural human contacts, including, in addition to verbal (verbal) interaction and exchange of texts and media files, non-verbal communication, using ordinary senses: touch, smell, taste; With the help of facial expressions and gestures, posture and bodily manifestations, people often on social networks become like “social disabled people”, with SMS-based, so to speak, thinking. Those. they cannot establish normal contacts, which are so necessary for establishing real, personal, family, and even working relationships; they often cannot find a common language and do not understand each other.

The inability to perceive another person with the help of all innate senses, including all representative, sensory systems of a person, leads to the inability to find the right one, including for family relations and for the business partner.

A person dependent on social networks and virtual communication, even with the possible implementation of real work and educational activities, becoming completely unsuitable for normal close relationships, both in love and in friendship. For a person dependent on social networks, not only thinking and concepts, but also feelings and emotions are replaced; many become robotic, one might say programmed zombie people, who are not responsible for their life and destiny, living according to a certain life scenario.

This, modern addiction from social networks makes people unhappy, suffering from the inability to love and fall in love, make friends and interact with business partners, build harmonious, close relationships and get from life the real joy of being and true communication with each other.

Majority modern people registered on social networks. The most common social networks are Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. Every day, millions of users visit their pages to find out news and communicate with each other.

Differences from normal communication

Below are a few points that explain the difference between communication on social networks and regular communication:

Expectation. If during a normal conversation you expect an instant answer to your question, then on social networks you can wait several hours, or even days. Trivial questions: “How are you?”, “Where are you now?”, “How did you pass the exam?” and others may wait a very long time for an answer.

Of course, both Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte provide the ability to communicate through chats, but still the waiting time can be very long. After all, one of the interlocutors may move away from the PC, there will be a power outage or the Internet will crash;

Uncertainty. When our question is not answered, we can spend hours wondering why this is happening. For example, you wrote to the girl you like that she is beautiful, but she remains silent. Maybe she was offended, or maybe she just walked away from the computer - you can’t know for sure. We have to guess;

Full of meaning. When we are through social networks, we are unable to convey the full meaning transmitted information, since we do not have the opportunity to show our emotions through facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. Communication with ordinary words and emoticons significantly impoverishes our capabilities;

Empathy, empathy. In direct communication, we see whether the interlocutor is ready to talk to us or not. On social networks we communicate with an imaginary phantom, imagining the interlocutor as we benefit from it. this moment time. Of course, you can use a video call, but not everyone resorts to this and not so often.

What should I do?

Considering all of the above, it is safe to say that you should not be persistent when communicating on social networks. If you are not answered right away, stop trying to contact your interlocutor again. It may well be that he is busy or simply does not want to communicate at the moment.

Try to clearly formulate your thoughts, write what you want to convey, using emoticons and exclamation marks. Don't be upset if you don't get an answer to your question right away. We are living people and we don’t always sit in front of the computer, waiting for the next message to arrive.

How to communicate correctly on social networks

There are a few general rules, following which, you can benefit from communication on Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte:

If you want communication to take place in the form of a dialogue, not only read messages, but also ask questions, express your opinion;

If the interlocutor answers your questions briefly “no” or “yes,” ask him a difficult question that must be answered with a sentence. If the same communication continues, without succinct explanations on his part, stop the dialogue, since the other party is not interested in it;

Under no circumstances should you immerse your interlocutor in your problems. You don’t like it when you are loaded, so act the same way towards others;

Do not offend your interlocutor with rude words. In general, try not to use bad words, do not speak in a negative way. This will quickly lead to a loss of interest in you as an interlocutor.

The number of profiles on social networks is growing rapidly. Look around at your friends, relatives and colleagues - almost everyone has a page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. Communication on social networks can bring pleasure, the joy of meeting those you haven’t seen for a long time or seeing the one you were in love with in the 5th grade.

The popularity of social networks has led to the fact that in order to analyze the qualities of an applicant when applying for a job, many HR managers search for and view profiles on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, and VKontakte. Your manager, colleagues or relatives can also view what you write or what photos or videos you post online. Thus registering or filling various information You need to remember your page on any social network because of the impression they can make on your friends, colleagues and other people.

The consequences of communicating and posting on a blog or Facebook page can be unpredictable, so content own page and all communication on social networks must comply with certain rules. By following these rules, you will show respect for other inhabitants of Facebook, you will good impression to those who are interested in your personality and ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

In general, the rules of communication in networks are similar to the usual rules of communication at work, in a supermarket or on the street. Unfortunately, many users, due to the nature of communication on the Internet, forget about elementary rules good manners and personal safety. Don’t forget that your profile can be viewed by almost anyone, and with any intentions, so adhere to a certain social network user code, and then communication on Facebook, classmates and other networks will only be beneficial and bring positive emotions.

By the way, positive emotions can be found not only on social networks, but also in the game game consoles. If you are choosing which model to choose, we can recommend the K-Magic Combo game console. If you buy this for yourself gaming device- it will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

Communication Rule #1 - Your real name.

When registering on a popular social network, follow the rules that are established for users - register under your real name (Facebook, VKontakte and many other networks ask for this).
Naturally, you can play around and register a profile with a completely unreal nickname or a fictitious name. But if you intend to look for friends, colleagues, classmates or communicate with acquaintances from foreign countries, establish business contacts, then you need to register under your real name. This will make it easier and more convenient for everyone. Moreover, social networks and blogs are intended specifically for communicating with acquaintances and friends, and not for trolling and sending spam.

Communication Rule No. 2 - Avatar, personal photos and videos.

Communication Rule #3 - Text messages and similar information.

We all have very different moods and states. Someone fell into depression, someone came to their senses after yesterday's party, someone met interesting girl or two at once. This may be very interesting to your friends or colleagues. But remember that you don’t know who exactly is viewing your profile or who is hiding behind unfamiliar nicknames or even a completely ordinary photograph and the name Vasya Morkovkin. Therefore, open personal notes Only worth it to those in whom you are truly confident.

Sometimes, even when communicating with friends, you need to be extremely correct and careful; be sure to keep in mind that any materials on the Internet can be easily copied and shown to someone who should not see them. Therefore, just as in the case of photos and videos, before you write something, ask yourself - is it worth doing? Out of respect for your readers and friends, try to write positive things, this will attract people to you and lift everyone's spirits.

Communication Rule #4 - Friend Requests.

When sending or accepting a friend request, be polite. If you received an offer from stranger, look at his profile, maybe you have known each other for a long time or have crossed paths through work, study or business. A friend request quite often only means that you and your posts or photos are simply interesting to this user. After reading the profile of the person who sent the friend request, you have the right to accept or not accept the proposal, but in any case, do it as politely as possible and do not ask too many questions - good users(not trolls or spammers) indicate everything necessary information about yourself in your profile.

Communication Rule #5 - Pages and Groups.

You should not add other users to groups without first agreeing with them. Do you like this attitude towards yourself? Golden Rule reality: “Treat others as you treat yourself” also works on the Internet.

Communication Rule No. 6 - No spam!

Communication Rule No. 7 - Communicate on decent topics.

Social networks like Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or all kinds of blogs are not intended for sexual dating. Naturally, you can meet and meet in real life with anyone, but still do not forget about the specifics of social networks - friendly communication. To find a sexual partner there is special services and websites.

Communication Rule No. 8 - Likes and competition.

It is no secret that many of the difficulties of communication in real life are also reflected in communication online. Many fairly adult people compete with each other on the number of friends; I often add just anyone, including banal brands, stores, and absolutely strangers. The result of such actions will be a folder full of spam and other nonsense with personal messages and a regular headache due to putting things in order on your profile pages.

The same goes for likes - you shouldn’t write to strangers or people you barely know and ask them to like your messages, photos or videos. Take care of your and other people's time. Offers to purchase any products or invitations to events should not be sent to everyone - send them to those who really need them.

An educational video about what you may encounter when communicating on social networks.

Social networks are an important and relevant issue today. IN Lately It is this type of site that is most widespread both in the West and here in Russia. The results of numerous studies indicate that social networks have already reached more than half of all Internet users. In Russia, this figure is still lower than the world figure, but it is growing rapidly.

Social networks have their own positive sides, and negative. So, on the one hand, they turn out to be an invaluable assistant in finding your old acquaintances and friends, in maintaining relationships with them, despite the distance and busyness. In addition, social networks are a valuable tool in the job search process of modern people.

On the other hand, recently scientists are seriously concerned about how much time modern people spend on social networks, raising the question of the possible mental disorder– psychological dependence on social networks.

Social networks are the main reason why people are spending more and more time on the Internet. The famous psychologist Evgeny Anatolyevich Polyakov confidently states that social networks have grown from the category of entertainment into a real psychological addiction. “Instead of official duties, employees spend their time “looking for friends” and viewing new messages, which in turn negatively affects not only the employee’s productivity, but also the person’s psychological state. Torn between work and virtual communication, people become stressed , which in turn affects physical health."



Public speech at the regional stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year – 2015” “Problems of communication in social networks”

The twenty-first century is considered a century high technology. This century brings to a completely different level of development modern society. Communication between people, exchange of various information, job search, methods of building relationships and recreation have already moved from the real world to the virtual world.

Social networks are an important and relevant issue today. Recently, this type of site has become most widespread both in the West and here in Russia. The results of numerous studies indicate that social networks have already reached more than half of all Internet users. In Russia, this figure is still lower than the world figure, but it is growing rapidly.

Social networks have both positive and negative sides. So, on the one hand, they turn out to be an invaluable assistant in finding your old acquaintances and friends, in maintaining relationships with them, despite the distance and busyness. In addition, social networks are a valuable tool in the job search process of modern people.

On the other hand, recently scientists have been seriously concerned about how much time a modern person spends on social networks, raising the question of a possible mental disorder - psychological dependence on social networks.

Social networks are the main reason why people are spending more and more time on the Internet. The famous psychologist Evgeny Anatolyevich Polyakov confidently states that social networks have grown from the category of entertainment into a real psychological addiction. “Instead of official duties, employees spend their time “looking for friends” and viewing new messages, which in turn negatively affects not only the employee’s productivity, but also the person’s psychological state. Torn between work and virtual communication, people become stressed , which in turn affects physical health."

Addiction to social networks is revealed quite simply: you need to ban yourself from social networks for a while, for example for a month, and if there are no problems with this, there is no addiction; if an irresistible desire begins to appear, there is definitely an addiction.

Currently, the Internet is like a worldwide Information system firmly entered into our lives. Being present in almost every home, the Internet has significantly expanded the possibilities in the process of searching and exchanging information, communicating between people, especially with regard to the so-called social networks, which are very popular among people of different ages, especially among young people.

Communication plays an important role in personality development at every age stage, but for young people, communication and interpersonal relationships are the most important factor personality formation.

Today, the emergence of a new sphere of communication - virtual - has led to the fact that everything large quantity young people are replaced by communication with real people communication with a virtual interlocutor.

Social networking sites help young people with “self-presentation”, because by presenting themselves to a virtual interlocutor, a young person can, for example, create perfect image. Social networks indulge the human desire to look in the best light and allow you to present yourself in the most favorable way.

I very often observe that the modern young generation, even when going outside, does not part with their phones, and therefore with the Internet, i.e. play network games, are on social networks.

In preparation for today's talk, I did some research among my students.

The purpose of my research: to determine the role of the Internet and social networks in the lives of young people and the problems that exist in connection with the use of social networks.


  1. Analyze how often and for what purpose young people visit the Internet and social networks.
  2. To determine whether young people consider online communication a substitute for real communication.

The study involved high school students aged 15 to 18 years, a total of 37 people were interviewed (17 boys and 20 girls), research method: questionnaire. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained.

Most young people spend enough a large number of time on the Internet: 29.5% - up to 5 hours a day, and for 40.9% - the Internet works around the clock, only 4.6% (2 people) of all respondents use the Internet very rarely, it is not of particular interest to them .

The most preferred sites visited by boys and girls are sites containing music and films, search engines, gaming sites. That is, it should be noted that young people use the Internet more as an entertainment resource, rather than as an information one. Only a small number of respondents noted that they often visit sites containing information on academic disciplines, and 8 and 4 people read virtual books and encyclopedias, respectively). 30 people chose the answer “other” and indicated that it was “social networks”.

The most popular social networks among the respondents are VKontakte (all 32 people are registered) and Odnoklassniki (all students). 10 people are registered in three social networks, 17 people are registered in five different social networks.

Thus, my research allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The Internet and social networks occupy a significant place in the lives of young people, acting as a means of communication and a way of spending leisure time. Spending a long time on social networks often separates young people from real communication, which is so necessary for the full development of the individual. Although most young people still prefer real communication to virtual communication.

Communication on social networks has the features of simple communication, active users social networks suffer from linguistic literacy, richness and imagery of speech, which cannot worry me as a teacher of literature.

Since the communication process occurs at a distance, interpersonal contacts are significantly impoverished. People can practice “live communication” skills only in real life, and virtual life social networks puts you in a situation where these skills are not used, it becomes more difficult to determine the emotional state of the interlocutor during live communication and therefore it becomes more difficult to choose the right line of behavior. The ease of interrupting contacts does not make it possible to develop the ability to solve complex problems. conflict situations communication.

All this can lead to adaptation disorders in society.

Therefore it is necessary to decide this problem. Here are several solutions: limiting the time spent on networks, searching alternative ways pastime (for example, playing sports, creativity, socially useful activities), increasing time real communication with friends.

Ideally, online communication should complement our lives, and not be the basis of all life activities.

Modern youth tries to communicate in a more simplified, often illiterate language. In the future, this may affect the speech culture of an entire generation.

The network language has already become a new style online communication, and spelling on websites, the presence of spelling errors becomes a habit and causes a decline in literacy;

I asked my students: “Do you monitor your literacy when you write SMS or messages on social networks? Does it annoy you when you find mistakes in your friends' posts? . To which I received the following responses:

  1. Of course, you want to write correctly, but when you write quickly, you somehow forget. You can write “of course”, and “tomorrow” and “go.” But, in the end, the Internet does not require an A in Russian.
  2. You just need to KNOW the rules of your native language so as not to strain yourself. At school, the rules are not given for dictations... although, apparently, it depends on who...
  3. Of course, I watch my spelling. but often, in a hurry, I make mistakes, but I don’t bother with commas. I often place them as pauses. Because I'm in a hurry. And when others write with mistakes, I’m ready to just kill. Well, how can you write like this:
    “Hello. What’s the schedule for tomorrow? I forgot to look at the changes. When you wake up, it’s boring for me to go to school all the time.” This irritates me so much!!!

Of course, as a philologist, I was pleased with such answers. But there were also answers in which children simply do not pay attention to spelling, punctuation, speech culture, as they say, “they don’t bother.” And this is very disappointing.

Russian language is one of the most difficult subjects in the school curriculum. And for many years, no one doubted the need to know the norms and rules of their native language. Unfortunately, these are difficult times for the Russian language. The rapid negative changes that are taking place in it force many researchers to talk more and more often about the fact that our language is becoming depleted, losing its brilliance and depth. What is the reason for negative trends in the development of the Russian language? Most researchers agree that the problem is based on too active penetration of colloquial, vernacular language into the literary language. They especially highlight youth slang, and in particular Internet slang, considering it the “culprit” that the Russian language is in danger of dying, and they call for a decisive fight against it. Is it so? Or, as other researchers believe, Internet slang is just a natural phenomenon in the development of Russian society, and you need to treat it calmly.

But how to fight? After all, many guys use slang and profanity not only in personal messages, but also in established statuses, exposing a lack of ethics for all to see. And site administrators and moderators don’t even react to this. I believe thatwe should fight for the purity of the great and mighty Russian language, so that society in general and the younger generation in particular do not follow the path of degradation. I constantly have conversations with children about the rules of communication on the Internet. And the children still listen. Analyzing their pages on Odnoklassniki, I notice that there is less profanity, photographs, and statements.

Another problem with communicating on the Internet is that children leave a lot of personal information.They do not hesitate to provide information about themselves, family, address, and the presence of valuables. Almost a quarter periodically end up on “adult sites.” Unfortunately, 95% of parents believe that school teachers should teach children about Internet safety.

Most likely, learn a culture of behavior and communication in worldwide network Children should not only go to school, but also to their parents. Therefore, do not be lazy to check which sites your child “visits” most often and periodically remind him of confidentiality when communicating on the Internet, even with those whom he seems to have known for a long time.

Speaking about the advantages of Internet communication, we can emphasize that communication on social networks makes it possible to communicate with each other at any time of the day. With the help of social networks, real meetings of classmates or fellow students are quite often organized, which, of course, brings people closer together. There is a possibility of meeting people who share your hobbies or are involved in the same professional field, which means exchanging opinions, information and knowledge. This will allow you to learn to analyze and increase your experience. Often this kind of acquaintance leads to cooperation. You can often meet your “soul mate” on social networks. But the medal also has back side. Due to frequent spending time on the Internet, many begin to have health problems, some harm their studies, work, destroy families and simply waste their time. All this is happening on a global scale. Therefore, the task of psychologists is to deeply study individual behavior in virtual reality. It is especially relevant to study the influence of social networks on personality in adolescence, since it is at this age that a person is most sensitive to the influence of information and communication technologies.

Obviously the chatscan no longer be excluded from our lives, it would be logical to create a concept of struggle for the purity of the Russian language, for general literacy in this area. I think chat language is an area of ​​linguistic research in the future. In this sense, I would like to recall the words of S.A. Yesenina: “You can’t see a face face to face, the big one is seen from a distance.” Who knows, maybe chats will be the beginning of a mass passion for literacy, a desire to revive the “rich and powerful” Russian language?

Thank you for your attention!