How to raise your landing page in search engines yourself. Pros and cons of PPC and SEO landing page promotion

Landing Page(landing) - a special website, often one-page, which is positioned as highly converting or selling well. A site may not necessarily consist of one page, but in the classical sense this is exactly what it is. This is precisely the main feature of Landing Page promotion – promotion of a one-page site is often difficult and difficult to implement.

How to promote a landing page is actually not such a difficult question if you are familiar with the principles of website promotion on the Internet. If you get for yourself new information, then let’s say that landing page promotion is a set of measures aimed at improving the site, as well as getting links to your resource from other sites. Of course, no one has canceled classic advertising, and we must not forget about this tool for promoting your business.

SEO promotion Landing Page

Do-it-yourself landing page promotion in search engines(or SEO) is a very real idea. You often hear that this is useless because search engines don’t treat one-page sites well, but in fact this is not entirely true. If the site meets certain requirements and provides potential customers with maximum information about the product you are selling, then you will be able to achieve good results.

Of course, like everywhere else, there are a few buts. To begin with, it’s worth saying that a lot will depend on the competition of your topic. If you choose a competitive product for sales using a landing page, for which there are already many sites and stores on the Internet, then even large budgets will most likely not help you in order to break into the top 10.

Another point is that there are competitor sites in the topics that interest you. Just indicate in search engines the search queries you are interested in (for which you are going to promote), and see which sites and online stores are in the top 10. If there are large portals and catalogues, then most likely your landing page promotion will not be particularly successful.

These are all the features, and if you go to the Landing Page promotion strategies, then everything can be clearly described point by point. The basis of a successful landing page is its content, i.e. content (we recommend ordering texts in a specialized exchange from professionals -). This content should contain certain information for the user, such as: description of the product, its photo, possibly a video review, reviews, etc.

To roughly calculate the cost of purchasing links, you can use the service:

But to upgrade your one-page store, you will need reference mass– for this you will have to receive/purchase links from other resources. The number of these links will be determined by the competition of the product you choose, as well as the region, the number of competitors in the market, etc.
The ideal way to tell about yourself, as well as get a certain number of links from other sites, is to post reviews of your product on them. For this there is special services and tools. A more interesting option is to find sites similar to your topic and contact their administrators directly with a request to post a review on their resource. Of course, this is done for money, but this is logical. In the review, you insert a couple of links to your resource. If popular sites are selected, then you can also get a certain flow of visitors from them who can become your clients.

We consider this method of promotion to be the most optimal and natural. You receive so-called perpetual links, for which you pay once, and you can additionally provide your store with targeted traffic.

The alternative is rental links. Sites provide such links only for the time for which you pay. They are good because they are cheaper, but for using this method of promotion, search engines can impose serious sanctions on your landing pages.

Internal optimization of your landing page

Essentially, a landing page is a landing page, i.e. a page to which users will come from all channels of their attraction: search engines, advertising, thematic portals, etc. Therefore, it is important to optimize the page not only for search engines, but also for people.

What is absolutely necessary in order not to be inferior to competitors is a high-quality description of the product, preferably with infographics. Reviews and video review – also in Lately are the norm for quality landing page. Be original, write beautifully and accessible to people - don’t try to cram the name of your product into every paragraph, not only search engines, but also people don’t like this.

In fact, the beautiful organization of the landing page is all internal optimization. The only thing you need to do is fill in the page title – title. Write down the name of your product, perhaps the region in which you work. And don’t use words like “ in the title home page" and so on.

  1. To succeed, you need to choose a non-competitive niche, or work in a small region.
  2. Look at your competitors - if large, multi-page sites are in the top, then it is better to choose a different theme for your landing page.
  3. Link mass will speed up indexing and give your site a certain trust.
  4. The clearer the product description, the more interesting the video review, the more useful the reviews, the greater your chance of ranking at the top.

Landing page advertising

Advertising is a win-win option for attracting visitors not only for landing pages, but also for any other commercial sites. As a rule, advertising gives better results compared to website promotion in search engines. Why - we described it above, it's all about Landing features Page and the attitude of search engines to them.

The main types of advertising that should be used for promotion are advertising in in social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki), contextual advertising (on Yandex and Google), direct advertising on sites of similar topics, teaser advertising, . The choice of one or another source for attracting users to the site depends directly on age potential clients, their gender, and their best-selling product.

Social media

Social networks are a rapidly growing advertising channel. People are increasingly immersing their lives in social networks - they communicate there, make purchases. If we take the two most popular networks in the Russian Federation, we can find some differences in them. On the social network VKontakte, the overwhelming majority are young people. Modern youth, of course, can have a variety of interests - from needlework to smartphones, but we can already build on this.

In Odnoklassniki, it is believed that the audience is older, and the older generation predominates there. Although the former youth from VKontakte have already grown up.

There are two main ways to advertise on social networks - by displaying advertisements, and the second is by advertising in communities and groups. In the second case, informational posts with a link to your landing page will be posted in the groups you select. Both work, but it all depends on each specific case.

Prospects for social networks!

For those who do not yet know how to master one of the most popular networks Russia, we offer to learn about how to make a profit.

contextual advertising

Any contextual advertising guarantees you attraction a certain amount traffic. Whether this traffic will be profitable for you is a matter of how you know how to sell. Advertising works ideally because you get users immediately and instantly, i.e. while you pay for advertising, you receive traffic to the site. Compared to SEO, it is often necessary to wait more than one month to receive visitors from search engines.

Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google are the two most popular areas. Because these two search engines are most often used in RuNet. You choose keywords, for which your ad should be shown, and based on the bids for impressions, calculate the budget. Monthly expenses can be very different, as it all depends on the chosen product and topic.

Placement of direct advertising on websites

Direct advertising is a method that many people underestimate. The point is to find sites that are suitable for you and offer the placement of banners on their site. Almost any information resource has a section called “Advertising on the site”. Prices can vary from 1,000 rubles to 30-40,000 per month for placing your banner. It all depends on the amount of traffic on the site where you are going to advertise.

Teaser advertising

A relatively unknown type of traffic attraction. Teaser networks are catalogs of sites on a variety of topics - on these sites you are invited to post your advertisements. There are many teaser networks, but not all of them have many quality sites to advertise on. Working with teasers requires special skill and knowledge, and the choice this method attracting customers directly depends on the theme of your website.

Efficiency and result

Landing is a site that requires a special approach, including for attracting potential customers. The most important thing to understand is that an integrated approach to Landing Page promotion works best. Contextual advertising gives a quick, almost instantaneous effect. Search engine promotion– increases the number of potential users as it develops.

Self-promotion of Landing Page in search engines can work and can bring results. The main thing is to calculate everything and carry out the necessary preparatory work. Independent does not mean free, so a certain budget can significantly speed up the achievement of results.


We also recommend reading:

SEO is a long-term and resource-intensive tool, so think about how much you need landing page promotion. It is advisable to do SEO for landing pages if three factors are present:

  • Products or services have a long lifespan.
  • There are search queries for them.
  • Competition in the subject area is low.

SEO is not suitable for landing pages, selling promotional or seasonal items or related to an event or event, so order an advertising campaign for them. If a product is not searched on the Internet, there will be no semantics for it. This will also make it difficult for SEO to promote the landing page.

In addition, check whether competitors’ landing pages are in the top search results. If there are only informational sites or wide-ranging online stores, the landing page will not be able to get to the top.

Step 1. Compiling a semantic core

Collect semantics. The classic one-page structure makes it difficult to promote a landing page. The landing page does not provide enough text to accommodate a large semantic core. Therefore, collect semantics for up to 50 queries. Select mid- and low-frequency keys.

Perform clustering. We recommend dividing the keys into groups manually. Select the most relevant group. Let it include one MF request and no more than 10 LF requests. If possible, add the master key to page url, but this is optional.

Step 2. Technical audit

Reduce your download speed. It should be no more than 3 seconds. Make sure that the images on the landing page are not in the background, and that the text is written and not inserted with a picture. Optimize media content, css and js files, reduce the number of requests. For more information on how to do this, read the article “Site loading speed: how to check and increase.” Implement Yandex turbo pages and Google AMP. We wrote about AMP in “Promoting a website on Google using AMP.”

Create a mobile version. This could be a separate mobile site or adaptive design main landing page. Check that the content on the main and mobile versions is the same, and that the landing page is displayed correctly on all devices.

Remove errors in layout. Broken layout, holes on the site and jumping modules negatively affect not only seo landing page, but also on the user's perception of the page. Check your landing page using

Specify region in the Yandex.Webmaster panel by selecting it from the list provided. Getting to the top of search results in Moscow or St. Petersburg is almost impossible, especially for commercial queries in highly competitive topics. However, if the landing page is promoted in the region, it will be easier to do this, because there is low competition and few sites that meet the current requirements of search engines.

Specify the main mirror in the Yandex.Webmaster service. Pay attention to how the domain is spelled with or without http, www. We wrote more about this in “”. If possible, switch the landing page to https. IN search results Google sites on https protocol occupy up to 70% of places.

Step 4. On-page optimization

Write meta tags and headings. Include keywords in Title and Description, but don't spam. Create a title and description for people, make them understandable and attractive. Use h1-h3 headings on your landing page. For search engines, they will become a replacement for other pages, so add keywords to the headings to a reasonable extent.

Write texts for people. Especially on the landing page, otherwise its conversion will greatly decrease. The purpose of the landing page is to sell, so prepare texts that first of all motivate buyers, and only then fulfill SEO tasks. We recommend writing strong texts without thinking about keywords, but if you can’t give up SEO texts, then play with them. Place it below and don’t focus attention on them. Some brands even point out that this is “text for search engines, don’t pay attention to it.” In any case, check the texts in the online service "". Make sure that the total score is no higher than 5.

Step 6. Behavioral factors

Monitor the indicators “time on site” and “bounce rate”. The recommended time on the site is more than one minute. Bounce is a metric that counts the number of users who were on the site for less than 15 seconds. This figure should not exceed 10%.

Increase the time the user spends on the page. To do this, install interactive elements: video and photo gallery. Make online tools: calculator, selection of parameters, preliminary automatic calculation, and more, depending on the topic of the landing page. Add an online consultant for dialogue with visitors.

Increase your conversion. The main task of a landing page is to encourage the user to take a target action: buy, order, leave contacts, etc. The more visitors take the target action, the better it will be behavioral factors. Users wanted to buy, went to the landing page and clicked the “buy” button, which means that the page meets the user’s request and will be ranked higher.

The effectiveness of a landing page depends not only on competent layout and beautiful design, but also on the methods of its promotion. That is why it is already initial stage When creating a landing page, you need to think about how you will promote it. In this article, we'll look at several ways you can attract quality target audiences to your page.

1. Traffic from search engines

The opinion that a landing page cannot be promoted with using SEO optimization has long been refuted, and now many landing pages occupy fairly high positions in search engines, giving their owners high-quality traffic.

Landing page promotion With the help of SEO, you can attract visitors to your website who are already interested in your product or service, absolutely free. Therefore, when creating this marketing tool it makes sense to optimize its structure for search queries.

What is needed for this?

  1. Create a semantic core - that is, select user queries for which your page will be displayed in search engines.
  2. Design text blocks with proper inclusion of keywords
  3. Correctly fill in meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords)

This method will not bring you clients immediately, but after a certain time, so pay attention to other landing page advertising methods that give faster results.

2. Contextual advertising

This method also allows you to attract landing page“hot” traffic – that is, people who are looking for your product or service. In this case, you need to have an advertising budget, but the good news is that when correct setting advertising campaign, the money spent will quickly pay for itself.

There are two main services with which you can set up contextual advertising - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances, which will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand. Therefore, if you have never set up contextual advertising, then it is better to entrust this work to a specialist, otherwise there is a chance that all advertising budget“down the drain” and get no results.

3. Advertising on social networks

Next method landing page promotion, which also shows high efficiency, is advertising on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Advertising on social networks can be divided into two main groups - targeted advertising and advertising in thematic communities.

Targeted advertising allows you to show information about your products and services to a specific circle of people. You can set up an advertising campaign on social networks according to certain parameters target audience, such as gender, age, interests, etc. Thus, your landing page advertisements will only appear on the pages of people who are potentially interested in your product.

Advertising in communities allows you to convey information about your product or service to thousands of people at the same time. Efficiency this method depends on various factors, such as the size of the community, its activity, compliance of the advertising post with the topic of the community, and so on. To place an advertising post, you can use the VKontakte community exchange or the Sociate service. You can also select groups on your topic yourself and negotiate with the administrators about posting posts.

Both targeted advertising and community advertising can bring significant results, but only with the right approach. As in the case of contextual advertising, if you are doing this for the first time, it is better to contact specialists or first study courses on this topic.

4. Landing page advertising using a banner

Banners are one of the oldest methods of promotion, representing graphic image of an advertising nature. Modern banners often have an animated effect, which allows them to more effectively attract the user’s attention and encourage him to go to the site. The purpose of a banner is not only to sell a product or service, but also to promote the company’s brand.

Typically, the effectiveness of this method depends on various factors– resource traffic, relevance of the banner to the topic advertising platform and so on.

5. Teaser advertising

Teaser advertising consists of blocks with enticing phrases and pictures that are aimed at attracting the attention of visitors. These blocks are called teasers (from the English word teaser - “teaser”, “enticement”) and are posted on various sites. You've probably come across similar advertisements online more than once, which look something like this:

Teaser advertising can give a large number of traffic for little money, but it does not work in all cases. As a rule, teasers are most suitable for promotion physical goods, especially so-called “wow” products, weight loss products, anti-smoking products, etc.

6. Email traffic

E-mail marketing is a way to promote landing pages by communicating with target audience via newsletter. If you have your own reader base and regularly share with them useful information, then this type of advertising can bring significant results. If you don’t have your own database, you can use advertising in mailing lists of other authors, but before placing such advertising, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with the statistics of a particular mailing list, showing the number of subscribers, the percentage of email opens and other indicators. This type traffic is most often used to advertise paid and free information products.

Regardless of which of the listed advertising methods you use, before launching an advertising campaign, you must study it in detail or contact specialists. This will help you not only save your budget, but also use your personal time more efficiently.

You've probably already noticed that many sales landing pages rank quite well in search engines and bring good traffic to their owners. So how can you make your landing page to receive high-quality SEO traffic, and how to place contacts on the site?

The basis of SEO is texts.

If you want to get natural search traffic, then the Landing Page should contain well-designed text blocks containing keywords.

Search engines use the BM25 algorithm to determine whether a document matches a search query.

This algorithm has a modification of BM25F, the difference is that Title, Description, headings H1-H6, text on the page and link texts are analyzed separately. Detailed information can be found on Wikipedia.

What do we have to do?

1. Fill in meta tags correctly

  • Write literate title Title, optimal length up to 80 characters;
  • Fill out the description of the Description page, the optimal length is up to 200 characters;
  • Enter your keywords in Keywords.

For example, this page matches the following queries:

  • landing page promotion
  • SEO for landing page
  • SEO promotion landing page

The title would be correctly formatted like this:

How to prepare a Landing Page for SEO promotion? Expert advice.

Let's make the description like this:

Expert advice on how to prepare a Landing Page for SEO promotion. Study our recommendations and implement them in your project.

2. Don’t try to cover all search queries with your landing page. Select 2-3 queries and make clear descriptions pages, and also think about how to arrange contacts on the site.

In order to promote other requests, you need to use duplicate pages or information pages. A content management system, for example ModX, will help resolve the issue.

How to prepare Landing Page text content for SEO?

3. The descriptor must be formatted with an H1 tag and contain keywords.
4. Format the remaining headings with H2-H3 tags;
5. A block about the company of 500-700 characters - serves as an excellent place to include keywords.
6. The ALT tag for pictures will also increase the relevance of the page to search queries. Do unique picture for your landing page and place it next to the company description. Distribute this picture on the Internet and it will begin to rank in image searches for the desired keywords.
7. Use keywords in link texts internal pages.
8. Question Answers Block is a great text trigger. Do not use hidden content. The text must be visible.
9. Reviews are another text space on the landing page that should be used for SEO purposes.
10. Do not duplicate the same texts in the Questions and Answers block and Reviews on different pages- this reduces the textual uniqueness of the pages.
11. If you want to attract maximum traffic, then you need internal pages for information and commercial requests, which can be placed in the Blog and additional sections of the project.

All tips on SEO and how to design a contact page on a website are in the prepared infographic below.

You have all heard about such an interesting sales tool as Landing Page (one-page website), maybe you even use it. Did you know that there is such a thing as SEO promotion of landing pages?

Many people think that it is impossible to promote one-page websites to at least the TOP 10. After all, they are aimed exclusively at working in conjunction with contextual advertising. Forms feedback in each block, video, big buttons"Buy", great amount pictures and a minimum amount of text - all these are mandatory attributes of a one-page site, which is why its promotion in search seems like a waste of time.

However, often these same LPs can be seen in search results. But how did they get there? What needs to be done for the site to start showing up at least in the TOP 10? Let's try to figure it all out.

Landing page features

A one-page website has a number of its own features, which are designed exclusively for working with “hot” traffic from contextual advertising. The first feature is one single page, which contains all the information about a product or service and other elements of interaction with visitors: feedback forms, videos, a large number of pictures.

The second main feature is that the information is presented in such a minimalistic form that a search robot is simply unable to understand it. This is the main problem with SEO promotion of sites of this kind, which makes this action almost impossible.

However, there is a chance of getting into the search results - this is internal SEO optimization landing page. Due to the fact that one single page will be optimized for one or several requests (remember the rule: each request has its own page), the robot will be able to index it. And this can only mean one thing: we are guaranteed some position.

Further advancement to the TOP 10 is possible only by optimizing other important factors:

  • Behavioral factors ();
  • Commercial factors;

For the purposes of this lesson, I will only talk about internal Landing optimization page and commercial factors.

Landing Page Optimization

In order for the robot to determine what request the one-page page is tailored to, you need to work with several elements:

  1. Drafting correctly semantic core. For LP, it is advisable to use 1-3 queries that are similar in meaning, otherwise it will simply not be possible to take more or less high places;
  2. Correct filling of meta Description tag and the Title tag. Read more ;
  3. Proper use of headings H1-H6. There should be one first level heading (H1) on the page - this is the main rule. Moreover, in H1 it is necessary to use key phrase in direct entry. More in detail scheduled;
  4. Filling the alt attribute of images. Each image on the site must have a unique alt attribute. It is recommended to use a key phrase in it;
  5. SEO text of 1500 - 3000 characters without spaces. You will learn how to write a good SEO text.

All this will help search robot in determining the relevance of the page, for which you will be included in the index. But that’s not all: it is important to remember about commercial factors that play a significant role in the SEO promotion of commercial sites, which is what a one-page website is.

  1. . This way visitors can clearly see where your office is located;
  2. We add various certificates that increase the trust of visitors;
  3. Add a block with reviews. Reviews have always helped to increase confidence, so we use them to the maximum. Video reviews are preferred;
  4. We add a video about your service or product to the landing page.

Having worked in these directions, you will greatly increase the level of trust of visitors in you, which will be noticed by the PS.

Also mandatory:

  • We adapt the site to mobile devices. Still, search engines take this factor into account and for the presence mobile version the site is ranked higher, especially by Google;