How to sort a list alphabetically in Word. Just a list, without water: ranks in the Russian army in ascending order We sort in Word

Word can sort alphabetically from A to Z (ascending) and from Z to A (descending).

If the list contains elements that begin with a number, then in an ascending ordered list they will appear first.

To sort elements, you need to create them or place each element on a new line in a separate paragraph. Now let's figure out how to sort simple lists and data in a table alphabetically in Word.

Sort the list alphabetically

To arrange list items alphabetically (from A to Z), follow these steps:

If you need to sort in reverse order, then set the switch to position Descending(see picture above)

Sorting a list in a table

The process of sorting data in a table is similar, but there are some differences. For a more complete understanding of the process, let's perform sorting using the following table as an example.

Let's sort the data: last names - in alphabetical order.

We get the following result

Sorting a list in a table by multiple fields

Now let's sort the data in the table as follows: Last names in alphabetical order, position in alphabetical order and year of birth in descending order (young employees at the top of the list)

We get the following result

As you can see, the entries are sorted alphabetically by position first. Then by last name within the position. The third key in this example did not show its effect due to the small number of records and the lack of identical surnames.

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In Python, you can sort a list in place using the sort() method:

>>> a = [ 10 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 9 ] >>> a.sort() >>> a

Note that there is a built-in function, sorted(), similar to the list method sort(), which does not change the sequence, but returns a new sorted one.

If the list elements themselves are lists, that is, they are nested lists, then the sorting will occur by the first elements of the nested lists, that is, in the case of a matrix, by the first column:

>>> a = [ [ 12, 101 ], [ 2, 200 ], [ 18, 99 ] ] >>> a.sort() >>> a [, , ]

What if you need to sort by a column other than the first? In this case, sort() takes an optional key argument, which passes another function. This other function is passed the next element of the list. She can do anything to him and bring back anything. According to this “anything” the sorting takes place.

So, for example, a user-defined function can return any element of this nested list from an element passed to it, which is a nested list. In turn, the sort() function will sort by the values ​​that are returned to it.

As an example, let's take a program in which the list is a small database. Let's say each element contains information about a young athlete: name, age, height and weight. The user can order sorting by any field:

) n = int (n) -1 def sort_col(i) : return i[ n] a.sort (key= sort_col) for i in a: print ("%7s %3d %4d %3d" % (i[ 0 ] , i[ 1 ] , i[ 2 ] , i[ 3 ] ) )

Here the user enters the field number. The number is converted to an integer type, and one is subtracted from it, since the indexing of the list starts from zero.

Next, the sort_col() function is defined. It is given argument i, and it returns the nth element of this argument. So, if you pass a nested list to this function, it will return its nth element. In this case, the one that the user wanted.

The sort() function specifies a user-defined function. When sort() retrieves the next element of the list, in this case a nested list, it passes it to this function. It turns out that the list element is replaced with what the user function returns.

In this case, if the user orders sorting by the second column, the output will be like this:

Sort by name (1), age (2), height (3), weight (4): 2 Zhenya 9 140 33 Petya 10 130 35 Dima 10 128 30 Vasya 11 135 39

Instead of defining a regular function, you can use a lambda function:

a = [ [ "Petya" , 10 , 130 , 35 ] , [ "Vasya" , 11 , 135 , 39 ] , [ "Zhenya" , 9 , 140 , 33 ] , [ "Dima" , 10 , 128 , 30 ] ] n = input ( "Sort by name (1), age (2), height (3), weight (4): ") n = int (n) -1 a.sort (key= lambda i: i[ n] ) for i in a: print ("%7s %3d %4d %3d" % (i[ 0 ] , i[ 1 ] , i[ 2 ] , i[ 3 ] ) )

In addition, the sort() method has another optional keyword parameter - reverse. By default it is False. This means that sorting occurs in ascending order. However, if reverse has the value True, then the sorting will be reverse, i.e., descending. In the modified program below, the ability to select the sort type is implemented:

a = [ [ "Petya" , 10 , 130 , 35 ] , [ "Vasya" , 11 , 135 , 39 ] , [ "Zhenya" , 9 , 140 , 33 ] , [ "Dima" , 10 , 128 , 30 ] ] n = input ( "Sort by name (1), age (2), height (3), weight (4): ") n = int (n) -1 t = input ( "Ascending (0), Descending (1): ") t = int (t) a.sort (key= lambda i: i[ n] , reverse= t) for i in a: print ("%7s %3d %4d %3d" % (i[ 0 ] , i [ 1 ], i[ 2 ], i[ 3 ] ) )

When sorting by weight in descending order we get.

Hello, dear readers. How is a list sorted in ? Of course, you can do this manually, dragging one after another. Comfortable? Don't think. Let me tell you a better way.

I will show an example of my work using Word 2013 as an example, but this method will also work with Word 2010 and 2007 versions.

To demonstrate ascending sorting in Word, I'll use a small list of names.

Doing sorting in Word

Before you begin, you need to select it with the left mouse button. Then, on the tab " home" In chapter " Paragraph"There is a special button. Which? Check out the GIF below.

In the window " Sorting text» you can select the Data Type: text, number or date; and also choose a method: ascending or descending. I chose ascending and text type.

By the way, if you click on the “ Options", then you can configure additional sorting options in Word.

Now, to complete our task, you need to click on the “ OK" After that, we got a list in which the names are arranged from A to Z.

If you need to sort in a Word table, the principle is the same. Select the column and do the same steps. And if you have numbers, then indicate in the type Numbers.

In general, that's all. Even if you need to sort alphabetically in Word 2010, there is nothing difficult about it, because the interfaces are similar.

There are situations in life when it is vital for a person (often a soldier or conscript) to find out the ranks of the Russian Army in ascending order. Or simply see before your eyes a list of military ranks in order in order to determine who is subordinate to whom. What am I telling you here! Each of us knows that such cases happen and cannot be avoided.

That is why I decided to make a short article-note, which contains the maximum benefit in answering the following questions:

  1. How are the ranks in the Russian army arranged in ascending order?
  2. How are the shoulder straps of military personnel in the Russian Army arranged in ascending order?

From words to deeds. Go!

Ranks in the Russian Army in ascending order

I will make one remark before the list. You need to understand that in our army there are 2 types of military ranks of military personnel - military and naval. If we roughly describe the difference between these two types of ranks, we can say this: military are the ranks of those who serve on the ground and in the air. Shipmen - those who serve on and under the water.

In addition, I conditionally divided all ranks into 2 categories: officer ranks and ranks of other military personnel. Obviously, the officer > other military personnel. This is the hierarchy. And here she is, by the way:

Non-officer ranks in the army in order (lowest to highest)

  1. Private ~ Sailor.
  2. Corporal ~ Senior sailor.
  3. Junior sergeant ~ Sergeant major of the second class.
  4. Sergeant ~ Foreman of the first article.
  5. Senior Sergeant ~ Chief Petty Officer.
  6. Ensign ~ Midshipman.
  7. Senior Warrant Officer ~ Senior Midshipman.

Officer ranks in the army in order (lowest to highest)

Military rank ~ Ship rank.

  1. Junior Lieutenant ~ Junior Lieutenant.
  2. Lieutenant ~ Lieutenant.
  3. Senior Lieutenant ~ Senior Lieutenant.
  4. Captain ~ Lieutenant Captain.
  5. Major ~ Captain 3rd rank.
  6. Lieutenant Colonel ~ Captain 2nd rank.
  7. Colonel ~ Captain 1st rank.
  8. Major General ~ Rear Admiral.
  9. Lieutenant General ~ Vice Admiral.
  10. Colonel General ~ Admiral.
  11. General of the Army ~ Admiral of the Fleet.
  12. Marshal of the Russian Federation ~ There are no analogues.

Total: more than 35 titles. Will it be difficult to remember? I hope no! And also that you found the answer to the question that brought you to my site. If not, then I am sure that you will find the answer to it in the full version of the article about ranks and shoulder straps in the Russian Army in 2017. Here's to her. Go ahead and read!

By the way, at the end of the article you will find an interesting test of 10 questions, which will allow you to consolidate the knowledge gained while reading both articles.

Well, for those who came here for shoulder straps, as promised, I am enclosing a list of shoulder straps for servicemen of the Russian Army in ascending order. Here he is!

Shoulder straps of Russian Army servicemen ascending

For starters, the shoulder straps of military ranks in ascending order. Click on the picture to enlarge!

P.S. Important point! The ranks of “sergeant major” and “chief sergeant major” are no longer available. More precisely, only those who managed to receive them before 2012 have them. So be careful in this regard!


Suvernev Vlad.

There are several ways sort dates inExcel . For two methods, see the article “Sorting by date in Excel”. Here we will look at how to do it sort intoExcel by date of birth, by month, etc.
In Excel, dates are stored as serial numbers, p.e. the sorted dates will appear in the list by year first. For example, all dates are from 2010. And among these dates there will be sorting by months, then by days. Then, all dates from 2011, etc.
For example, we have a table with dates.
For example and comparison, we copied the dates in column A to column B. In column B, we sorted the dates using the “Sort old to new” condition. Here the sorting took place by year, but the months are not consecutive.
But, if it is more important for us to sort dates by month, for example, employees’ birthdays, or to sort dates within one year or period, then we will apply the formula.
Sort dates byExcel by month.
To do this, you need to make an additional column in which we write the dates in text format. For more information about different date formats (date, text), see the article “Convert date to Excel text”.
Select cell C8. On the “Formulas” tab, in the “Function Library” section, in the “Text” functions, select the “Text” function. Fill out the dialog box that appears as follows.
Click "OK". The following formula appears in cell C8. =TEXT(A8,"MM.DD")
If you write the formula manually, then the date format should be written in quotes - “MM.DD”.
Copy the formula down the column. It turned out like this.
Now let’s sort the dates using the “Sort from A to Z” function - this is sorting in ascending order. The “Sort and Filter” function is located on the “Home” tab in the “Editing” section. It turned out like this.
Now you can set dividing lines in the table that will separate the dates of each month. How to do this, see the article “Row dividing line in an Excel table.”
You can customize your sort list, not just what Excel offers (ascending, descending"). See the article “How to set up sorting in Excel”.
In an Excel table, you can highlight certain date periods, paint these cells with color, and you will get a graph. There are several ways to schedule work, vacations, etc. In the article "Timesheet in Excel" we looked at a simple method using a formula and conditional formatting.