How to find out the computer name? How to find out the name of a computer on a local network by IP address. Why is this necessary?

Every computer, be it desktop computer, laptop, netbook or tablet during installation operating system windows is given a name. All computers have it individually. Know him to a simple user not at all necessary, but if your computer is connected to local network, then you can create on one (or all) of the computers shared folder to exchange information, and for this you need the name of yours and all computers on the network.

There are many ways to find out the computer name, but I will tell you only about five. This, I think, is quite enough. All these methods can be applied on any Windows operating system/

  1. Determining the computer name using the Run window

Open the window " Execute" To do this, press hot keys on the keyboard Win + R.

A window will open in which you need to enter the command msinfo32 (without space)

And click the button below OK».

The window “ System Information", in which you need to find " System name" in a collumn " Element».

This is the computer name.

  1. Determining the computer name through “My Computer”

Click right click mouse on the " My computer" (in Windows XP), or " Computer" (in Windows 7), or " This computer" (in Windows 10), and select the item " Properties».

If there is no such icon on your desktop, then find the link of the same name in the menu “ Start", right-click on it and select " Properties».

The System window will open. On the right, find the block " Computer name, domain name, and workgroup settings", and in it the line " Computer" And " Full name ».

This is the name of your computer.

  1. Find out the computer name by the shortcut

Select any shortcut on the desktop. This should be a shortcut, not a folder or a file.

The label has a small blue arrow at the bottom right.

Right-click on the shortcut and select “ Properties" It is usually at the very bottom.

The window “ Properties: Shortcut name" Go to the " Details" In line " Owner" And " Computer p" you will see the name of your computer.

  1. Find out the computer name through the command line

In order to quickly get to command line Let's use the window again " Execute" To do this, press the treasured keys on the keyboard Win + R and enter the command cmd, and press ENTER(on the keyboard) or the " OK».

In the command line window, enter the command hostname and press the button on the keyboard ENTER.

Below you will see your computer name.

First, we should talk about how to find out the username of a computer. To do this, just click on the “Start” button (or a button in the form of a checkbox on your keyboard) and look in the right top corner menu that opens: usually the user name is displayed in the upper right corner, next to a small picture.

You can also find out the username when the system boots. If there are multiple users registered on the same computer, their names will be visible in the user selection menu, which usually does not appear. The same menu will appear if a password is required to log in, even if there is only one user.

You can change your username through account management. You can access it through “Start”, then “Control Panel”. The path to the option we need in different versions operating system is slightly different, but the name always includes “User Accounts”. Finding your name account, here you can rename it.

There are two ways to view the computer name. The easiest one is to right-click on any desktop icon and select “Properties” from the menu that opens. In the “Details” tab, among other information, you can see the computer name (usually the last line). You can't change the computer name from here, nor can you change most of the other properties displayed.

Another way: open the “Start” menu, find the “Computer” item and right-click on it. A menu will open in which you need to select “Properties” - the “System Properties” window will open. Opposite the lines “Computer:” and “Full name:” you can see the computer name. Here you can also find the name of the workgroup to which the computer is included, and a number of other useful information.

This window can also be opened through the Control Panel, which can be accessed through the Start menu, but the path to it differs in different versions of the operating system and when different settings interface. In Windows XP, in category mode: Control Panel → Performance and Maintenance → System, and in classic mode you can immediately select “System”. In Windows 7 and 8, the path is different: Control Panel→ System and Security→ System.

The actual full computer name consists of the user name and the character set that the system adds to it. For example, the Windows 7 operating system adds "-PC" to the username. If the username was "User", then the computer name will become "User-PC". Other versions of Windows may modify the computer name a little differently, but in approximately the same way - adding something to the username. Thus, you can not only find out what the name of my computer is, but also understand how this name is formed in its final version.

When the system prompts you to enter a password (if one is set), . To know login You can also do this by performing a few simple operations. To do this, go to the Start menu and select the Control Panel section.

Next, select the “User Accounts” section. Once you enter this menu, you will see all the accounts that exist on your computer. As a rule, there is one on a personal PC. Therefore login also one. It is assigned by the operating system. If desired login you can change it, put another one, create a new account. It is also worth canceling that on computer There may be several accounts, but you can only be in one at a time. All data is stored in the “User Accounts” section.

There is another way that allows the account or user name. Go to the Start menu and select Shut Down. Click on the triangle next to the item. The system will offer you several options for action. Select the "Change Account" tab. The window that opens will display all the accounts that have been created on your computer. If there is only one account, then login there will be one.

In Windows 7, you need to click on the triangle next to the “Restart” command. In the window that opens, in the top line, select the “Change user” command. This is how you can easily find out under what name your personal computer is listed and how many accounts have been created.

Administrators and employees service center When accepting a computer for repair, they often ask the same question - whether the user has saved his personal data. But how to do this if you are new to using a computer and don’t know where to look for them? Exist certain places, in which the operating system stores user data by default.

You will need

  • - administrator rights.


Open My Computer or any file manager you like. Go to drive “C:”. Search on it Users folder or “Users” if your operating system is Russified. Go to this folder. Find the folder that matches your name or your account name. All files located in it relate to your work on computer- data installed programs, documents, photographs, music and cinema.

You can find your drawings in the “Images” folder, your documents in the “My Documents” folder, -files in the “My Videos” folder, and so on. Save files are stored in the "Save Games" folder - copy them if you plan to continue playing this game from the same place.

Pay attention to the “Desktop” folder. It contains everything that “lies” on your desktop. That is, shortcuts, folders, and separate files. Not on the desktop. Your personal information may also be stored in installed programs folders in the directory Program Files, as well as in folders on drive C and other partitions. It is recommended to save copies of important documents on external media or optical disk.

As a rule, for proper storage data on personal computer you need to create separate directories on your hard drive and folders so that all information matches the folder name. Additionally, store all important data on portable media so that in the event of system failures or your computer becoming infected with viruses, you can restore everything without any problems. Also, do not forget that computer license must be installed software.

Video on the topic


  • how to find its data on a computer in 2019

Login and is always unique and safe. They are needed to maintain the secrecy of correspondence, the confidentiality of information and to protect yourself from scammers.


It seems that from the billions of logins on the network you can already choose your own, unique one. Any postal service will definitely offer you a combination of last name, first name and date of birth, or some faceless option. You can use the one proposed as a basis, but supplement it with something else. For example, a husband (wife), the name of a favorite pet, or a book character, etc.
It is best to add numbers, but in no case should they coincide with the numbers of, say, the future login. Digital combination should be easy to remember, which will make it easy to recover the password later. For example: marina_oleg_2011, or oleg2011marina.

The situation is more complicated. As practice shows, it is precisely because of its simplicity or logical calculation that users lose their mailboxes, valuable information, are unpleasantly surprised by spam from their own email or even worse - the loss of important financial or personal information. And the consequences will not force themselves.
Therefore, the password should be as complex as possible, consisting of at least 12 characters and including both letters, uppercase and uppercase, and numbers. Combinations that include name, birthday, passport number, home address, etc. should not be used. The more “confused” it is, the . Even if it is a random set of numbers, it will be an additional guarantee against hacking.

Helpful advice

You should not save your password in your mailbox, much less save it on your computer.

Don't be lazy to keep yourself a little notebook
book, and duplicate the entries somewhere else, for example, in your phone. Remember, a lost password is the key to problems.

Don't try to remember complex password straightaway. As used mailbox it will become “normal” for your fingers.

Important! Never give your username and password to anyone, under any pretext! Even if you receive letters from the resource administrator or calls from people unknown to you, no matter what the reasons are: an attempt at hacking, configuration, a system failure, etc.

All of the above applies equally to mailbox logins and passwords, as well as game logins and passwords, electronic payment systems, work on the stock and foreign exchange markets, etc.

So, be unique, but don't forget about safety.

Every computer has a name. Every time you install windows or create a new user account, you can name the PC or account. This point is especially important when organizing a network, be it at an enterprise or at home. In this case, it will be much more convenient if each machine has a name that is easy to recognize. It is also possible that, due to someone’s negligence, several servers on the network are named the same, which causes conflicts in operation.

In this article we will show you how to edit your account

The system automatically assigns itself a name, but very often it consists of a set of numbers and letters, so figuring it out can be very difficult if there are several of them. This drawback can be removed very simply. In addition, sometimes you may need to rename the user without reinstalling the Windows OS and many additional manipulations. In this article we will show you how to change the computer name and user name, and also learn how to change them.

How to find out and change the computer name

To find out the name of your PC, use one of the methods.

Method 1

Press the combination Win keys+ R, after which we type msinfo32 in the window that opens. A window will open with complete information about your system. In the “System name” line you can find out the name of the PC.

The help shows the computer name

Method 2

In older versions of Windows, for example 7 or 8, you can right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”, closer to the bottom of the screen you can see the name of the PC. In Windows 10, this information can be viewed by launching Explorer so that all drives are displayed, and clicking the “System Properties” button at the top of the screen.

Method 3

If you store application shortcuts on the desktop, right-click on any of them, select “Properties” and switch to the “Details” tab. The name of the system is contained in the very bottom line called “Computer”.

Launch the command line by pressing the Win + R combination and typing cmd, then type the hostname command in the command line. On the next line you will see information about the name of your machine.

Method 5

Use one of the programs to obtain information about your PC, for example, AIDA64 and the like. You just need to launch the “About Computer” tab or some other similar name, and you can see all detailed information, including the title.

The principle by which the name of a PC is changed is the same in all versions of Windows, even though the interface may differ. If you are using the latest Windows 10 OS, you can click the Start button - Settings, or you can directly go to Settings by clicking windows combination+ I, then go to the System tab - In the system. The most top line called “Computer Name”, and below it you will see a “Rename Computer” button. Click it, enter a new name, after which you will be prompted to reboot. Agree, after turning it on, your PC will have a new name.

Click Change Settings to rename your computer

In the same Windows 10 or in older versions, you can rename the laptop using standard interface. To do this, you need to right-click on the Start button and select System or Control Panel - System, and in the older windows versions you need to click Start - Control Panel - System, where you will see all necessary information about your car. In the left column, click on the button " Extra options system", then go to the "Computer name" tab and click "Change". Enter a new name, click OK - Apply - OK and restart your PC.

The third method is universal for all versions of the system, using the command line. Run it as administrator and type the command:

wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call rename, name="New_computer_name"

where instead of "New computer name" you need to type the new name you want to use. We warn you that there should not be any Russian characters! After the utility displays a message stating that the procedure was completed successfully, reboot the system.

How to find out and change your username

The username is a slightly different function. If the computer name is the name that is assigned to the machine to identify it on the network, then the user name is the name of the profile with separate settings, of which there can be several and thanks to which several people can use one machine independently of each other and without interfering with each other. There are two types of accounts:

  • Local account - exists only on this PC and allows you to use most of its functions.
  • Network account - linked to services Microsoft and to connect it you need to log in to remote server. The main advantage is the availability of absolutely all services that exist for the Windows OS, while the disadvantages are worth noting possible failure connections when there is no Internet.

If we consider the accounts and compare them according to the management capabilities provided and access to functions, we can distinguish the following types of users:

  • Administrator - users who have full access to absolutely all functions and settings of the laptop and can change them at their own discretion. If there is only one user, he automatically becomes an administrator.
  • User - gain access to almost all functions, but their rights are limited; they can't change system settings and functions. There can be several users, their settings are not intertwined.
  • Guest is the most limited profile. Designed for one-time viewing of content without the ability to change anything. Most often it is set up for children or friends who may temporarily need your PC.

Now let's learn more about how you can change your account data and change your user name. It should be noted that the PC must have at least one account with administrator rights, otherwise it will simply be unmanageable. It is the administrator who can perform all manipulations with accounts. In addition, you must remember that if there is only one profile on the computer, it will always have administrator rights and it will be impossible to change its type. Also keep in mind that rename the user in the specified way Only a local account can do this. Network profile you will have to change it via the Internet using a browser.

Renaming a local account

To rename a local account, use one of two methods.

Method 1. Through the account management menu

Go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts (or right-click on the Start button, select Control Panel - User Accounts) and find your profile. Click "Change your account name", add your nickname and click "Rename". You can change other accounts in the same way if you are an administrator.

Method 2. Through the command line

Launch the command prompt as an administrator by right-clicking on the Start button or the “My Computer” icon and selecting the appropriate item. Enter the command:

wmic useraccount where name=”Old Name” rename “New Name”

and wait until the procedure is completed. You won't even need to restart your laptop.

Renaming an online account

After you go to the account management menu, select “Rename online account” (if you are using Windows 10, click “Change account in the Computer Settings window”), after which a browser will open in which you will perform the rename.


Now you know how to find out the computer name and also change it. As you can see, this is actually not difficult at all and even the least experienced person can cope with this task. experienced users. If nothing works out for you, contact our specialists using the contact form on our website.

5 ways to find out your computer name

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Hello, dear readers, in the last article I told you how to find out the IP address of a computer, and today we’ll look at how to find out the computer name. It can help you in many situations. For example, to connect from another computer.

How to find out the computer name?

Just like the IP address, sometimes you need information about the computer name; let’s look at ways to find it out.

1. First method:

Press start - run (or Win-R keys).

Type msinfo32 and press enter.

In the window that opens, we see the computer name. Other parameters that may be useful to you are also displayed here.

2. Second method:

You can find out the computer name and more the easy way. Right-click on my computer and select property.

Just below will be the computer name. The full name is displayed here, as well as your workgroup or domain, if the computer is in it.

3. Third method:

Right-click on any shortcut, select property, then the more details tab. Below you can find the computer name. For example, I took a shortcut from my favorite Opera browser.

4. Fourth method:

Open the command line (in start or in the run command we write cmd, then enter).

Enter the hostname there. We will also get the result.

5. Fifth method:

You can find out the computer name using the SIW program.

Besides this, this program is small in size and has many functions! For its size, the program can do a lot. It will show absolutely all the information about your system.

How to find out the computer name by IP address

I recently found a small one useful program to find out the computer name by IP address.

I entered Google's IP and found out its computer name. You can also find out the IP by name, but for some reason it doesn’t show the IP on the website. Maybe you can do it.

In this way, you can find out the IP of a computer, as well as the name of the computer by IP address.

Finding out Windows 7 usernames / Sandbox / Habrahabr

There is a bug in Windows 7 that allows you to remotely find out usernames on a peer-to-peer (home) network. About corporate networks There is no discussion here, although it does exist. Beginning players often want to make fun of their neighbors in the hallway or even in their house, find out their secrets and then perhaps even manipulate them for their own purposes. Typically, the provider connects the entrance or house into a home network. Users can share files (shared resources) in it, arrange network games, communicate without access to the Internet. Currently, the practice of connecting subscribers directly to the Internet is becoming increasingly common, that is, when the computer is turned on, the user will already be connected to the Internet. With this type of connection, the home network disappears, thereby increasing the security of subscribers; it is also worth noting that interest in home network has dropped noticeably and for most, turning it off is not considered critical, the main thing is the Internet. The speed and quality of the Internet also increases. But since not everyone has a direct connection, this topic remains relevant. IN network environment direct connection looks like a local network connection, it does not require additional actions user to connect to the Internet, just turn on the computer and insert it into it network cable. By using additional connection implies the need for the user to connect to the Internet using an additionally configured network connection: The vulnerability that we will talk about is that, remotely, we can find out user names. And then carry out a brute force attack (password guessing), thereby gaining control over the system. You can also find out passwords on a local network by intercepting password hashes using an ARP-poisoning attack. One has only to add that this vulnerability has been known for a long time, but has not been completely fixed. It consists of obtaining the user's SID and further enumerating the RID values. At one time, it was possible to obtain user identifiers by creating a so-called anonymous connection (authorization with empty name and password), but Microsoft fixed this vulnerability by adding an option to prevent SID broadcast to anonymous users in local policies safety But it is still possible to obtain identifiers during guest or user authorization. I'll demonstrate how to do this using Cain & Abel. For a successful attack, the PC must be allowed guest access and the guest account must be activated (this can be determined by the presence of at least one shared folder) or classic access must be enabled and the name and password of one of the users is known. On the “Network” tab we find the PCs of interest.

We connect, go to the “Users” tab, in the first request we will be denied access (available with administrator rights), in the second (it is done automatically) the program will launch SID Scanner, scan the range of RID values ​​(by default from 500 to 2000), relay received identifiers into usernames.

In this program, names in Latin are displayed incorrectly.

This method allows you to find out user names exclusively in Windows 7 of all editions; it could not be reproduced with Vista and XP; it was not tested with server versions. But there remains a possibility that this method It will also work with windows 2008, 2008 R2, as well as windows 8, due to a similar sharing system.

It is worth mentioning that there are many programs that perform similar functions.

netbios, network inventory, local network, hacking, smb, accounts

How to find and change username in Windows 10

windows 10 is the most modern version operating system from Microsoft and by many it is rightfully considered the best of all. It perfectly combines the convenience of the beloved seven, while taking into account everything modern tendencies programming. Many equipment manufacturers and developers recommend it for use on your computers and laptops.

Using multiple accounts allows you to differentiate user rights.

In order for several people to use the computer with their own settings and programs, you can create several accounts. Compared with previous versions, in the top ten this mechanism was slightly redesigned, which became one of the features of the release.

In this article, we will look at how to find out and also how to change the username in Windows 10. This may come in handy if you suddenly forgot your account login or just want to change the displayed name.

Account types on Windows 10

First, let's define what a computer account is, in general. This is a profile with separate settings, thanks to which several people can use the system at once. You can even set access rights, limiting them so that no one else can do anything unnecessary and mess up the settings.

Because the procedure for changing your username will depend on what type of account you use. It is selected when installing the operating system and there are two types:

  • Local - stored only on the computer, so after reinstalling the system, you irreversibly lose all your settings. Windows 10 has a number of limitations.
  • Network - linked to Microsoft, which allows you to use all the company’s online services. At least the first time you connect, you will need the Internet to confirm your account on a remote server. The main advantage is that you can synchronize settings between computers or quickly restore them when reinstalling the system.

It doesn’t hurt to remember what types of accounts there are according to the level of rights granted. There can be three of them:

  • Administrator - profile with maximum rights. He has access to all settings and functions, and can also manage the access rights of other users. If you are the only user of the PC, you are an administrator.
  • User - has the right to access all features except system partitions and settings. You can configure rights separately for each user.
  • Guest - the most minimal rights are granted. Most often it is created for friends and acquaintances who want to use the computer one-time, and you don’t want them to get into the wrong place.

How to find out and change your account name

The most in a simple way view account name windows 10 - click the start button, with right side screen at the top of the frame, click the “Expand” button in in the form of three horizontal stripes, and you will see in the lower corner of the computer user, in this moment authorized in the system. How can I change my name? Just click on it and select “Change account settings.”

The next steps will vary slightly depending on the type of account. Please note that to change your network account you will be redirected to special page Microsoft profile changes. It is logical that you must have an active Internet connection.

Local account

Option 1: Account Management Menu

After clicking on the user name in the Start menu and going to the settings menu, next to your profile name, click “Change your account name”, enter a new nickname and confirm with the “Rename” button.

Option 2: Using command line windows string

Right-click the Start button, select “Command Prompt (Administrator),” and then type the following command:

wmic useraccount where name=”Old_Name” rename “New_Name”

In just a few seconds the system will rename the user. To continue, simply close the Command Prompt window.

Online account

In the control menu windows accounts 10 Click the "Manage your Microsoft account" link. After this, you will be redirected to the company's website, where you can set up your account. How to do it?

Your photo and greeting appear on the right side of the page. Immediately below them you will see a link “Change name”. Go through it, type the new first and last name, as well as the “Save” button. That's it, in a couple of seconds you will see that the updated information is displayed on the PC.


Changing your computer username on Windows 10 is not at all difficult, you can see for yourself. You don't need to have any special skills to do this. If you still have questions about how to find out your username or change it, ask them in the comments.

Computer networks

Challenge: How can I know if I have admin rights or not. In Windows, you may need administrator rights to be able to run some applications or programs that require administrative privileges.

If you do not have administrative rights, you will not be able to share directories and files with other users.

Here's how to check whether you're logged in as an administrator or any other account with administrative rights.

Procedure for various Windows operating systems.

For windows 7

Click on Start. Select Control Panel. Select User Accounts and Family Safety. Select User Accounts. On the right side of the User Accounts window, you will see the account name, account icon, and description. If the word “Administrator” appears in your account description, then you are an administrator. If you see "Standard user" then you are not an administrator.

For Windows Vista

Click on Start. Select Control Panel. Make sure that the Control Panel has Classic View. In the Control Panel window, double-click User Accounts. You will see your account information in the window: On the right side of the User Accounts window, you will see the account name, icon and description. If the word “Administrator” appears in your account description, then you are an administrator. If you see "Standard user", then you are not an administrator.

For windows XP, windows server 2003

Click on Start. Select Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double-click the User Accounts icon. In the bottom half of the User Accounts window, find your account. If the word "Computer administrator" appears in your account description, then you are an administrator. If you see "Limited User", then you are not an administrator.

There are others quick ways to find out whether you have administrator rights or not.

Method 1 [For windows XP]

Right click the "Start" menu button and see if the menu contains items

Open All Users and Explore All Users

as shown in the picture below, then you are the administrator on your computer.

Method 2: [For all windows]

Right click on My Computer or computer icon on desktop and select Properties, check the computer name, if everything is gray then the computer name cannot be changed and the user is not logged in with administrative rights.

Note: If you are using windows Vista or windows 7, then you may not see the computer name change - if you see a link that says change computer settings, then this means that the user is on the network with administrative privileges, as shown in the image below.


To obtain information about the network state it is used ping command. It determines the health of the network and the time spent transmitting packets along the client-server and server-client routes. When using the –a option, new versions of the command are specified by the name computer by IP.

From the Start menu, select Run and type cmd into the search bar. In the command window, type ping –a, where is the conditional IP remote computer on the local network. The system will display information about the node, including its name.

If your version of ping does not support this feature, use nbtstat with the -a option. This command returns the NetBIOS name table of the remote host. Prerequisite- Computer support for NetBIOS protocol. Call the command line with using cmd and enter nbtstat –a

The computer name on the local network can be determined using NSLookup commands, if the TCP/IP protocol is installed on it, and at least one DNS server is specified in the protocol parameters. The team diagnoses DNS operation and displays information about it.

At the command line, type NSLookup The command returns the name and IP of the server on this network, and the name and IP of the remote computer. A reverse search is possible: if you enter a computer name, the command will display its IP address.

Can be used tracert command. It tracks the route of data packets on TCP/IP networks and, therefore, will only work on the computer on which this protocol is installed. At the command prompt, enter tracert The destination will be the name of the remote host. On Unix-like networks, the traceroute command is used for this purpose.

To determine the parameters of the local network, special scanner programs are used. Depending on the complexity, they collect information about network hosts, analyze traffic and test its operation. True, if your computer is in office network, the administrator is unlikely to approve actions to collect such information.


  • Advanced IP Scanner 2.1 is fast and convenient free scanner IP addresses for Windows.
  • find out ip on local network

Nowadays, the question of an employee’s performance is increasingly arising, namely, how much work a person can do without stress under certain conditions. This question interests both the employer and the employee himself.

You will need

  • Paper and pen, or computer, job description


Helpful advice

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At normal mode working on his computer Name Usually you don't need to know. However, when creating a local network or testing its functionality, you may need to define a name computer, located on the network. This is not difficult to do.


In order to find out Name computer in the operating room environment Windows systems Xp, go to the desktop and find the shortcut with the image computer. Next, right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

If this shortcut is not on your desktop, you can use the control panel. To do this, click on the “Start” button, thereby calling up the menu of the same name, in which you need to find the “My Computer” item. As when working with a shortcut, right-click on this item and in context menu select “Properties” (the last one in the list).

In addition, there is another way to display a window with system properties. It may not be the fastest, but it still shouldn't be overlooked. To do this, as in the previous paragraph, open the “Start” menu, but now select “Control Panel”. When you click on this item menu, you will see a window with many icons, of which we are interested in the icon with a computer, on the screen of which there is a red check mark (labeled “System”). Double click on this shortcut.

Next in this window we are interested in the “Name” tab computer" By selecting it, we get information window, which communicates not only Name computer, but also working group, wherein this computer consists of currently.

As you might have guessed, in the tab that opens we are interested in the line “Full Name", opposite which the real is written Name your his computer.

Video on the topic

Each computer connected to the Internet has a unique network IP address. There cannot be two computers with the same address on the network at the same time, which makes it possible to determine from which computer a particular activity was carried out.