Incentivized traffic is a fast method. Incentivized traffic from axleboxes, what is it? Traffic is

Number of resource visitors attracted in various ways, called . In other words, traffic is the level of site traffic, on which the profit of its owner directly depends.

Depending on the method of attracting visitors to the site, there are several types of traffic:

  • traffic with contextual, teaser;
  • traffic from social networks;
  • traffic from banner advertising;
  • traffic from doorways;
  • traffic from ;
  • motivated traffic.
If in the first few types the transition to the site occurs on the user’s initiative, caused by interest in the product or information, then last option differs in that the visitor’s motivation is of a different nature.

What is incentivized traffic?

This type of traffic is based on material motivation people. A person goes to a certain resource, performs specified actions there and receives a material reward for this. In some cases, the reward may not be material, but the user is interested in it.

There are 2 types of motivational traffic:

  1. User traffic - more than modern model, based on the completion of tasks by users. The latter are usually selected according to the necessary parameters of gender, age and location. Such tasks are usually offered by exchanges for freelancers.
  2. traffic was a common way to “increase” the number of users during the period of lack of control from outside search engines. It is much cheaper than user traffic, but is currently discovered very quickly, and therefore is practically not used.

Areas of application of incentivized traffic and its tasks

There are several areas of application of incentivized traffic:

The objectives of motivated traffic are:

  • attracting new visitors to the site in order to increase traffic. The goal here is to rise in the rankings search results;
  • attracting users various Applications. The greater the number of installations, the higher the profit;
  • ensuring transition more users through an advertisement in order to earn money through an affiliate program.

How to make money from motivated traffic

1. Motivated traffic is designed to increase the number of site visitors, which, in turn, will cause an increase in rankings in search results. Raising the rating, accordingly, will attract new, real visitors and potential clients.

Thus, incentivized traffic is a great way to get started when you're on a budget.

2. Attraction large number users to the Application can be carried out by a marketer for the purpose of personal income, which is provided to him by the Customer of this service. Also, motivated traffic implies that not all users who downloaded the Application will immediately delete it after receiving their reward for installation. Many will be interested in the Application and will use it active users. This option cannot be excluded.

3. An excellent way to make money with motivated traffic is an affiliate program with payment for clicks. At the same time, both the owner of the resource and the users making transitions are happy, because everyone receives their own reward.


Dmitry Zadubrovsky

Usually, when we talk about incentivized traffic, it is considered as a method of directly attracting users to mobile applications, so revenue per user (LTV) and other similar terms are often mentioned in the context.

We will consider motivated traffic as a tool for attracting users not directly, but indirectly - through influencing algorithms App Store and Google Play.

In general, incentivized traffic for an app comes down to installing it on the user's device, but there are various options:

  1. Simple installation.
  2. Installation and review.
  3. Search by keyword and installation.

1. Installation

Everything is quite simple: the number of installations directly affects the position of the application in category ratings and general tops. Of course, they can be obtained through organic means (for example, advertising), but this is very expensive - the cost of such installation (CPI) can reach several dollars.

The CPI of motivated traffic can be very low, down to a few cents. Moreover, considering high competition, to reach at least the top 10 in a category may require thousands of installations in a short period of time, which is virtually impossible to achieve from organics in reasonable price. But from motivated traffic - quite.

Thus, there are at least two main advantages motivated attitudes before organic ones: low cost and the ability to attract large volumes in a short period of time. Many people combine organic content (articles, advertising) and purchase additional motifs.

However, make no mistake: buying installations is going out of fashion. This happens for completely objective reasons - getting to the top has stopped paying off.

Firstly, the audience coming from the top is low quality. These are mainly users who stumbled upon the application almost by accident and decided to give it a try. There is no guarantee that they will remain and be profitable. The “downloaded-looked-deleted” scenario is much more likely.

Secondly, growing competition in the application market leads to the fact that more and more installations and, accordingly, money spent are required. The account now reaches tens of thousands of dollars. If you want to get more real information and indicators, pay attention to Konstantin Nelyubin - she covers this topic in more detail.

2. Installation and review

The app review includes a rating and text. In addition to having a small impact on rankings, ratings and reviews have an impact on conversion. This is an important part of ASO (App Store optimization).

From the heat map above, we can see that the number of stars is often the first thing a potential user will pay attention to. It is important to understand people's psychology. Think about how you choose an application yourself. Rating higher than four? Super. Below four? There is a high probability that you will leave the application page.

Conversion growth rates depending on rating

Although I can only give these indicators general idea, don't lose sight of how your app's ranking compares to your competitors' rankings.

Review texts, in turn, decorate the application page. It is very useful to use motivated reviews in conjunction with a non-motivational one, for example, before the start of a major advertising campaign. Imagine: a user clicks on an ad, gets to your page and sees a lot of positive feedback for lately. Obviously it will be much easier to convert.

A couple more tips:

  • IN latest update developers have the opportunity to reset the rating when updating the application, so purchasing a batch of reviews at release new version can create a good foundation for the future.
  • A lot of reviews at the start can give you a chance to be featured.

Installation schedule of our application with tickets for the traffic rules exam

In the first five days, we bought 150 reviews and the app was featured. Organic reached 15 thousand users per day or more. We wrote more about this case. In general, incentivized reviews are quite popular now and are primarily used to increase conversions.

Keyword search and installation

If a user finds an app using a keyword and then downloads it, it will rank higher in search results for that keyword. Actually, this is the task of motivated attitudes. Unlike conventional installations with output to the top, keyword installations allow you to attract a very precisely targeted audience, which is more likely to be interested in your application.

Keywords can be selected through many services. The most common options: Google AdWords and “Word Selection” from Yandex. It is also worth paying attention to the tips in search bar. To track progress and position changes, you can use two free services- AppAnnie and SensorTower.

However, first you should discard ineffective keywords, which, on the one hand, are relevant, but on the other hand, promotion on them may be problematic. For example, if you are making an application to prepare for the Unified State Exam, the word “exam” seems very good. Let's look at the results search queries:

Everything is busy with applications for passing the traffic rules exam. It will be virtually impossible to compete with them. The level of competition for keywords can be tracked in AppAnnie. In general, the more popular the request, the more difficult it is to promote it, because competitors also invest money in promotion.

Try to choose queries of average popularity. This will allow you to achieve good efficiency at moderate costs. Of course, there are other factors that influence the level of competition. There are a lot of searches for brand keywords (for example, “Facebook”), but the competition is usually low.

The advantage of this promotion method is, as already mentioned, good quality organic traffic that comes through search. In addition, the effect of keyword promotion is much more long-lasting than that of an installation campaign.

I will give one of the most successful cases from our experience. The client is a poker application. We promoted it key query"poker hold'em" In just five days, 420 installations were purchased. The result can be seen on the graph:

Already on the third day of the campaign, the application rose from tenth place to first. It received an influx of organic matter and remained in the top for about two months after the end of the campaign.

A few tips if you decide to promote your app in the same way:

  • The volume should reach several hundred installations (depending on the category). 30 installations for the weather keyword will not do it.
  • Deadlines should be as tight as possible. 500 installations in three days will boost the application, but in 30 days they will not have any impact.
  • Make sure that the application can even be found for the desired query. It is better if it is at least in the top 50 in the search for the keyword.

How to choose a traffic source

It is important to learn how to separate real motivated traffic from bot networks. Bots are obviously a losing option. On the one hand, they allow you to add traffic very cheaply and quickly. On the other hand, the quality of such traffic is very low.

Stores can easily identify traffic from bots. In this case, they can apply sanctions to the developer. For example, back in 2012, Apple issued a warning, scaring bot users with a possible termination of cooperation.

We have not encountered bans from developers in our own experience, but we felt the consequences of using traffic from bots in a different way. Apps that once bought low-quality traffic suffer from review removal more than others. For example, iTunes on average removes 10-15% of reviews, and in the case of “offending” applications, the share deleted reviews grows to 50% or more.

Not only does this complicate the purchase of motivated traffic. It also shows that Apple employees see and understand where your traffic is coming from. Therefore, you should not once again draw their attention to yourself and run the risk.

The right choice- CPA networks with real users. In such networks, people receive rewards for completing simple actions- for example, clicks. There are networks like ours that specialize specifically in traffic for stores - downloads and reviews.

Of course, the quality of traffic from such services may vary, and the likelihood of receiving installations from the Vietnamese army still remains, but overall the quality is still steadily increasing.

Companies are finding ways to fight fraudsters (fraudsters who have multiple accounts) and are taking security measures. Check with the service whether it checks user device IDs, system language, time zone, IP address and other data.

In addition, it is desirable that users receive tasks rarely. Increased activity should not confuse stores. And if the service obliges users to also use the application after downloading, that’s generally great.


There are three main types of incentivized traffic for applications, each with its own tasks, advantages and effectiveness.

Before choosing required traffic determine what goals you are pursuing primarily and what amounts of costs you expect. If you want to move up to the top in categories, purchase installations, but remember about the short-term effect and high price. If you want to increase conversion, buy reviews. If you want to get to the top of search results, stop at downloads based on search queries.

Be responsible when choosing a partner: cost efficiency and, most importantly, your safety as a developer depend on it.

Almost every owner of a mobile application wants it to be in the TOP. This can be achieved if you buy motivated traffic. After this, a sufficient number of installations will appear almost immediately. After all, if you understand what motivated traffic means, then it will become a great assistant in application promotion.

Motivated traffic - what is it and where to buy it?

Independently, through the use of your own efforts, obtain natural iPhone or Android traffic is practically impossible. If you need a motivated mobile traffic, then you should contact WakeApp specialists for help. To increase the popularity of your mobile project, you can buy an incentive mobile CPA traffic for the application.

Motivated traffic together with our services will allow any mobile project to rise to high positions in the TOP. Many application owners turn to unverified providers of such services. This wastes not only time, but also money. It’s better to buy motivated CPA traffic from WakeApp at an attractive price. At the same time, there will be no need to doubt its quality. The company values ​​​​its reputation and offers customers only high-quality services.

The main features of motivated mobile traffic

Before you buy motivated traffic, you need to understand what it is and what you need to use it for. For many application owners it can be useful. Even if they are not sure whether affiliate programs with incentivized traffic are allowed or not, it is better to immediately contact professionals who will help them buy incentive traffic. Thanks to this, the download rates of the program from the store by users will increase in the most short terms. If you do not know that this is motivated traffic, then it is better to first understand this issue in order to decide whether it is needed or not.

A feature of this traffic is that users download applications for a fee. Affiliate programs with incentivized traffic are very popular because they bring high level downloading a mobile application. It is important to understand that users expect a reward for downloading. Many people wonder what is incentivized traffic and what are its features. You can also use unmotivated traffic. However, it is immediately clear which applications have gained popularity due to their marketing. You can buy motivated traffic for an application from the company, and find out that motivated traffic is an opportunity to improve the position of your application in the TOP. If motivated traffic is allowed, then it is not difficult to get to the top of the rankings artificially. We guarantee that responsibilities to clients will be performed efficiently.

Experienced money makers understand that traffic means money, so they actively create new sources, launch websites, and also search for available options to attract people. You can always find where to dump traffic, the main thing is to learn how to collect it.

One option is to reward users. For monetary and other rewards, they can perform any action.

Earning money from motivated traffic is not very common, because it can be collected without intermediaries. However, There is affiliate programs, where it is accepted and monetized this type traffic.

A striking example of this is the developers mobile applications, which require as many installations as possible to reach the TOP.

Incentivized traffic from axleboxes, what is it?

From the name you can already guess how it is assembled. For users to do necessary actions, they need to be motivated. As a rule, monetary rewards are used for this. However, there are other options. For example, game currency for which a person will be registered on the gaming site.

The idea to write this post came to me after a question from one of the newcomers. He asked what motivated traffic means and how to make money from it. I decided not just to give him an answer, but to write a whole post on this topic. After all, this is a serious direction, where the right approach make a lot of money.

Books are sites where you can order cheats. On them, anyone can create a task to download a file, install a game, and much more. Those. people are attracted not through advertising, not from their websites and channels, but through systems with promotions. It's surprising, but some systems accept such traffic because the result is important to them.

It is not necessary to invest money to start earning money from motivated traffic. You can first work on the same axle boxes yourself, and use the money you earn on your own tasks. You will now find out what to ask from performers and where to direct them.

Instructions on how to get motivated traffic to CPA

So that you understand how it works and what exactly needs to be done, we have compiled detailed guide. To explain quickly, you need to choose a suitable affiliate program that allows motivated traffic, and then create a task on one of the axleboxes (analogues).

This is what it looks like in practice:

  1. On any affiliate program aggregator you can find gaming offers for motivated traffic. It's not that difficult to register for any game, so you don't have to pay a lot to complete the task. We found something suitable:

  1. Before connecting, you need to check your geotargeting, because promotion services are used by the Russian-speaking audience. You also need to make sure that incentivized traffic is allowed:

  1. We figured out where to direct users, now you need to go to one of the boxes and create a task there. Whatever project you choose, you will have the opportunity to indicate any conditions and requirements in free form:

  1. An important point is payment for execution. Need to be done at the same time advantageous offer performers, but at the same time keep something for themselves. The selected offer pays 43 cents, so you can safely give 10 cents to those who register:

After completing these actions, progress reports begin to arrive. They contain the information that you yourself require in the description. IN in this example we asked for your login.

Using statistics, we see whether the registration was actually completed this user and only after that we pay for the task.

Thus, from each execution we get about 33 cents. But you need to take into account that there are different nuances. On both sites you will have to pay a commission, and the terms of the offer we have chosen indicate that no more than 35 registrations are paid per day.

It turns out that expenses without commissions will be $3.5, and profit will be $15.05. The data is presented for informational purposes only; exact calculations have not been carried out.

Where to buy motivated traffic?

Many resources have been created where it is easy to create a task and collect motivated traffic in any quantity. Each of them has its pros and cons, so it's worth considering several options.

A selection has been compiled especially for Workion readers:

  1. Wmmail – example with the images above, made through this mailer. Tasks can be moved up in the list for just a cent to get them completed faster.
  2. Seosprint – collects information about users, gender, age, occupation, marital status. You can select performers based on any criteria.
  3. – on this site the performers are more serious, so they will have to pay more.
  4. – in addition to the fact that tasks are created here, you can also buy the cheapest advertising in browsers.
  5. – the service is designed for users of social networks, but you can also create any orders here.
  6. – create custom tasks, increase social networks and install mobile applications.
  7. – users complete tasks step by step, this is an ideal option for working with gaming offers.
  8. - an old postal worker, there are not many performers left here, but the minimum rewards are the lowest.
  9. Socpublic is a reliable click sponsor where tasks can be created quickly and easily. They also have favorable prices for surfing (motivated transitions to sites).
  10. – an exchange of motivated traffic in the format of a regular box. Register and create any tasks.

The total audience of all these projects amounts to millions of performers. Dilute your sources, attract people from different sites at the same time. Plus, it will help you figure out where the best value for money is.

From personal experience I will say that Advego has the best traffic.

The best affiliate program for motivated traffic

There are many interesting projects, with whom it is profitable to cooperate, even if you get motivated traffic. It’s better to immediately use affiliate program aggregators, because you get a lot of offers from them.

Of all CPA networks, in my opinion, the best is .

On at the moment ActionPay ranks first in terms of the number of offers among similar sites on the Runet. Almost 500 offers are available for motivated traffic alone. As a rule, they offer to receive a percentage of the actions of attracted users; it is better not to agree to such conditions:

You must understand that motivated traffic is not of high quality and you cannot expect activity from users. It is better to choose offers that pay for specific actions. You will indicate them in your task, the performers will perform certain work:

If you choose some complex offer, for example, to design a card, then mailers will not be suitable for this matter. You'll have to go to, where you can find performers for complex work.

Moreover, just one experienced professional can perform the same action as many times as he wants, and no one will guess about it.

Where else are there offers for motivated traffic?

Spa networks with motivated traffic are ideal for this type of income. But there are other interesting sites where money is paid for a specific action.

Now we will present the most interesting affiliate programs that will suit to make money from motivated traffic:

  1. huge amount exclusive offers, 446 affiliate programs are available specifically for motivated traffic.
  2. – there are many product offers, there are more than 1000 offers in total. 24/7 support And detailed statistics.
  3. – I first learned about motivated traffic through this affiliate program aggregator. The rules say that it is allowed to use Wmmail.
  4. is a separate affiliate program of the erotic chat service. If someone registers using your link, you will receive $5.
  5. – a mobile application for making money by installing games and programs. Attract new members and get 30 cents for registration.
  6. – registration on a dating site is paid. Now for male and female profiles the rate is the same - 35 rubles + a percentage of the money spent.
  7. – another dating site, only with erotic overtones. Here, the registration fee depends on the user's country.
  8. is an international dating site where girls from Russia pay from 40 to 70 cents for registration. Foreigner registrations bring in 10 cents.
  9. – almost 300 offers, detailed statistics. There are also gaming affiliate programs with payment for registration and completion of levels.
  10. – I can safely say that I do not advertise this network affiliate programs, because it does not pay for attracting partners. There are many offers, payments are stable.

You should know that some of these projects have a negative attitude towards incentivized traffic. Why did we include them on the list then? Because the conditions are favorable and payment is charged for a specific action, which makes it easy and simple to explain the actions to the performers.

How to safely work with incentivized traffic?

Even if you find an offer that allows incentivized traffic, it’s better to be on the safe side. By using simple tools You can hide the traffic source. Simply put, do not show affiliate programs exactly where the user came from.

The best way is to create your own small website. You will direct people to it through tasks. Many advertisers do this to avoid getting burned. Some simply dilute traffic, increasing their income:

When using this method, it is not necessary to look for affiliate programs for motivated traffic. No one will know that this is a scam, the main thing is not to get too impudent.

User activity will still be monitored, so you need to quickly withdraw profits or just dilute high-quality traffic.

Are you afraid that creating a website is too complicated for you? In the same way, you can create a group on social networks and, through the “Links” block, set your reference. The only nuance social network may block the transition, so the idea of ​​opening a simple site is much better.

We figured out where to buy motivated traffic, where to merge it and how best to act, too. Now it's up to you. Whoever says that bookstores are cheap sites that you should not contact, forgets how easy it is to get traffic from them.

Even though he is motivated, he also has a use.

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When launching advertising campaigns on the Internet, one of the most problematic issues is predicting the results of the actions taken. The number of operations performed by users (clicks, transitions, subscriptions) is measured not in units, but in percentages (or their shares). A very small mistake is enough - incorrect choice of site, inaccuracy of the incentive wording or other important parameters, so that the advertising campaign goes to zero in its effectiveness. In reality, a lot can depend on it, and even the most successful and promising startup will be unintentionally ruined.

To prevent this from happening and to be able to more accurately predict the result, direct motivation of the user or visitor is required. necessary action. Sometimes this tool due to various circumstances, may be interpreted as fraudulent activity.

We will try below to highlight the feasibility of using motivated traffic, and consider ways to make a profit with its help.

Introduction to the concept of “motivated traffic”

The name speaks for itself: motivated traffic is made up of the number of users encouraged to take action, receiving a bonus for completing a transition, subscription, or other similar things.

As for the reward system, they are divided into 2 groups:

— monetary – after performing an action (downloading something, registering a subscription), a person receives a certain amount of money;

- intangible - any specific currency, points, bonus for online games are issued.

However, it is not always possible to use transitions everywhere. Are they available under specific conditions and should serve temporary purposes. It is noteworthy that most CPA affiliates (Cost Per Action) use this type of extension active audience does not practice. However, if it is possible to find a loophole (there is no directly stated prohibition in the advertiser’s proposal), then the motivation can be realized.

Gamification: what it is and how it is used

After developing a mobile application, the problem becomes its promotion. This is where motivating traffic comes to the rescue. The success of the campaign largely depends on whether the program is in the TOP of new products. Statistics show that more than half of users (60%) regularly monitor TOPs, looking for interesting new products.

In order for an application or game to be in the TOP, it requires frequent downloading by users in a short period. As a rule, standard advertising produces weak results, so developers turn to services that provide motivated mobile traffic. These include: Admitad affiliate program, WakeApp, Advert Mobile, foreign Fyber, Supersonic, Aarki.

When promoting mobile applications, motivated traffic is recognized as acceptable and permitted, since new programs for gadgets are released every day that need to break into the TOP among their analogues. True, the main requirements for the proposed product are quality, targeting the mass user and being engaging. TOP for mobile applications is not a goal, but a tactical move necessary to increase the audience.

It happens that developers themselves resort to drawing up target mechanisms using motivation, when the user is offered to receive some bonuses or additional game currency by performing an action or installing another product. This method can be considered legal. This method is often used by those developers who are simultaneously trying to promote several of their own applications. The mechanism works not only in the mobile industry, but is also applicable in the computer games industry. Thus, when a gamer purchases a collectible game, Blizzard offers unique bonuses for others.

In fact, the tactic was widely used. It can be implemented when promoting a channel on YouTube, promoting blogs, computer games and applications, browser games.

5 principles of David Ogilvy or how to properly promote mobile applications

There are ways to make a profit from motivated traffic. So, it can be used for arbitrage and selling to affiliate networks.

As mentioned above, making a profit from motivated traffic is possible in two ways: try not to violate the requirements of CPA networks or contact only those sites where user motivation is allowed. But in both cases a balance will be required between the cost of attraction (these are your costs of motivation and promotional product) and the profit you will receive as a partner.

What terms would you like to know about here? Let's call them:

1 Installs (app install) – a partner’s offer based on the CPI principle, when the user downloads the program, and this is followed by certain actions.

In this case, it is possible to quickly recoup the costs incurred, and the profitability of the mechanism is very high.

When choosing an installation, pay attention to several parameters:

- Size. The lighter a program or application is, the more likely it is to be downloaded by the audience. Thus, installations up to 30 MB are downloaded without problems even for users with 3G Internet.

- Novelty and unusualness. New products whose audience is still small are popular.

— Pictures and detailed descriptions. They should encourage you to download the file to the device memory.

2 Lead Cap (lead restrictions) – the number of paid installations fixed in the affiliate network(can be general or daily). If the quantity reaches the limit, payments are suspended.

3 Life cycle applications. Product promotion is carried out consistently and people who supply motivated traffic must take this fatcore into account.

There are 2 best cases for arbitration:

— boost stage (short-term promotion to the TOP during promotion). There is only one goal here - to achieve a given number of installations in a certain period of time. The main disadvantage is that the period may be too short;

- stage of recruiting a “live base” - the developer tried all the methods, so he decided to move on to motivation. The period lasts several months.

5 Conversion Rate – important criterion when assessing work with motivated traffic. This becomes especially important when the developer is forced to try his best to avoid meeting some of the customer’s requirements. The two main parameters here are the upper and lower levels, reflecting the cost-effectiveness of advertising campaign. If the conversion is too high, then this will also not work to your advantage; rather, it will harm you, since the advertiser will immediately question whether you are deliberately cheating.

If the goal is honest earnings, then you need to spend a lot of time analyzing the offers of different affiliate programs, you need to look for specific offers that accept motivated traffic. Here, for example, Admitad and its analogues are useful. But it’s not worth compiling statistics or rating lists, since market conditions are too changeable. If we talk about offers at the boost stage, they remain relevant for only a few days.

The last piece of advice is to take a course towards promotion. mobile games. Here, even the audience that installs a game or application in order to receive a bonus or reward is quite valuable. There is always a chance that a person will really like the development, and he will launch it not just once, but will use it periodically. However, this business is quite complex, and breaking through among competitors will not be easy.