Update the framework to the latest version. What is the .net framework from Microsoft and why is it necessary?

Microsoft .NET Framework is a specific set of system components and libraries that ensure the correct operation of programs. Also, in combination with programming languages ​​(Visual Basic, C#, F#), .NET Framework 4.5 allows you to create new software for Windows. Getting started with this platform is quite simple. Just download netframework 4.5 for windowsxp 32 bit and install it on your computer. Please note that installation must be performed as an administrator.

For what neededMicrosoft .NET Framework?

Computer professionals highly recommend installing .NET. Every day the number of applications and sites that do not want to function without this package is increasing. For a better understanding, you can compare the .NET Framework with codecs for various programs and the Internet. No one can argue with the fact that .NET has become a real standard for the World Wide Web, along with DirectX in the field of computer games. In addition, the Microsoft .NET Framework does not allow conflicts between different assembly versions.

Why don't they install everything?NET Framework?

  1. Some versions of Windows OS already come with the .NET Framework package out of the box.
  2. During installation of games, automatic installation or update of the .NET Framework may occur. Many users follow the principle that the necessary tools will install themselves along with the application. But this is often fraught with errors.
  3. And finally, there are users who do not use applications and games that require this package (quite rare, but this also happens).

Microsoft . NET Framework– an indispensable programmer tool

Programmers write code to create programs. So, to display the most primitive window on the screen, you need to write a huge amount of code, which takes a lot of time. But thanks to the .NET Framework, everything has become much easier. It contains a large number of ready-made code libraries that allow you to display the same window in a matter of seconds. Now programmers do not need to do extra work and be distracted from the main thing. The possibilities of .NET do not end there and go much further than simple libraries.

Features of the Microsoft .NET Framework

  • Helps improve safety, reliability and performance.
  • Significantly increases the functionality of some areas. For example, Windows Identity Foundation and NET.
  • Contains extensions for programming languages, which simplifies writing asynchronous code, helps in scaling web applications and speeds up the response time of the user interface.


As you can see, the Microsoft .NET Framework is simply irreplaceable. This applies to both advanced programmers and the average PC user. Installing the .NET Framework will allow you to seamlessly launch and effectively use various applications. Progress does not stand still. Software and computer hardware are constantly being improved. Along with this, the creators of the Microsoft .NET Framework also constantly update their product.

A freely distributed product from Microsoft.Net, the framework is assembled from the .NET Framework class library, which includes classes, interfaces, and the Common Language Runtime, which is available in all compatible programming languages. On this page of the website, following a link from the Microsoft website, it is possible to download Microsoft .NET Framework for free for Windows 7 with service pack SP1, 8, 8.1, 10 and separately for Windows XP SP2 or SP3. Microsoft .NET Framework is a package of services and libraries Class Library with prepared components for interacting with databases, files, network, which guarantees the compatibility and universalization of various software components created in various programming languages ​​based on the technology.Net Framework, and allows you to organize uniform principle of data processing. All CLR functionality can be used in compatible programming languages.

We recommend downloading the Russian version of the Microsoft .NET Framework for free onto your computer, which allows users to use unique innovative software and simplifies the process of creating such software for developers. Languages ​​working in the MS.Net environment: C#, Managed C++, Visual Basic .NET, Delphi for .NET, PascalABC.NET, JScript .NET, Iron Python, Iron Ruby, F# and others.

New technologies

Having at the end of the last century many poorly compatible platforms, environments and technological solutions for creating program code, Microsoft needed to unify the tools for developers. The .NET Framework was able to provide this capability. With it, developers can write applications that run on both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS, Sun Microsystems Solaris, Linux and other OS. An added bonus is that instead of manually entering code, developers can create applications from existing blocks. Many libraries for service and web-oriented applications, databases, program interfaces and other components greatly simplify software development.

In the context of the NGWS (New Generation of Windows Services) strategy, at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, Microsoft took a revolutionary step from focusing on desktops towards mobile and portable devices and web services. Ms.NET The framework has become a powerful competitor to Java from Sun Microsystems, which has a positive impact on the development of IT technologies in the 21st century. Today, no one is surprised by “cloud” solutions, where the storage and transmission of data and program code is carried out by web servers, and not carried out locally on each device. The importance of Microsoft.Net Framework is difficult to overestimate; it has become for the Internet what it is for games. This is confirmed by many positive reviews and comments.

MS.Net Framework solves the problems of security systems, increasing productivity, and increasing stability. You can download the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) on the website using a link from the official Microsoft website at any time. This software framework makes significant improvements in areas such as: Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation, Identity Foundation and others. Important improvements to C#, Visual Basic and F# speed up the responsiveness of the interface, simplify the development of web-based applications and integration into HTML.

Positive platform Microsoft.Net Framework

Among the advantages are support for innovative industrial standards, a maximum range of programming languages, and the ability to create powerful applications using parallel computing.

Advantages of the Microsoft.Net Framework platform:

Supports a wide range of innovative technologies,
- ensures compatibility of many programming languages,
- retrieves data with maximum performance,
- modifies disparate data into universal data for all applications,
- has a ready-made functional base for various operations,
- increases the productivity of cloud solutions,
- “tailored” for the development of web applications,
- includes AES, SHA-2, ECDH, ECDSA algorithms for encryption,
- automatically collects diagnostic data,
- uses asynchronous handlers,
- uses improved ZIP compression,
- directly manages memory.

It is no coincidence that the emphasis is placed on the fact that you can download the Russian version of the Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (x86 and x64) for free. Microsoft.Net Framework officially works only with Microsoft Windows, however, the Mono, Portable.NET, .NET Compact Framework, .NET Micro Framework, DotGNU, .NET Core and similar projects modify this software platform to work on other operating systems.

The presence of the Microsoft .NET Framework in the system is necessary for the functioning of a program or game that is written using it. Today, many of these have been created, for example, drivers for AMD video cards, the Paint .NET graphics program, KeePass password storage and others. The easiest way is to download Microsoft for free. The download will require about 60 megabytes of available space on your computer's hard drive.

There are situations when the .NET Framework cannot be installed and an installation error occurs. In cases where the Microsoft .NET Framework freezes during installation or the installation stops at the client profile stage, it is worth briefly disabling the always running antivirus.

I am often asked what the Microsoft .NET Framework is, why this software platform is needed, how to check the installed version in the operating system, where to download and update it, if necessary.

In this article I will try to answer all these questions in simple and understandable language (with pictures).

I won’t quote Wikipedia to you and ramble on with abstruse definitions here - I’ll explain the purpose of this mysterious bunch of program code literally “on my fingers”.

What is Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework is one of the main operating system components Windows, which must be installed for all users.

I won’t quote Wikipedia to you and ramble on with abstruse definitions here—I’ll explain the purpose of this mysterious bunch of program code literally “on my fingers.”

Just imagine a “spare parts warehouse” in your computer for a huge number of different programs that can take the “spare parts” they need from this “warehouse” at any time and thus relieve their installer (installer), making it more compact and faster.

Let's say two programs use the same component (part of the program code) to operate - why install it twice with each program? What if there are dozens of such utilities on your computer? The system disk will "run out" In this case, you will do it very quickly.

This development environment (Microsoft .NET Framework) can be compared with package of universal codecs For video playback or audio files. It is also very similar in principle to the general library of dll files for computer games (DirectX).

The scale of distribution of our “warehouse of spare parts” for programs is very, very huge - almost every second computer program now needs this component installed in the operating system. Moreover, all browsers and many sites on the Internet use it for their correct display and operation.

Are you convinced of the importance of having the Microsoft .NET Framework on your computer? Go ahead…

How to check the version of Microsoft .NET Framework

You can check the installed version of the Microsoft .NET Framework on your computer (or its presence at all) via system registry, without third-party programs.

I won’t tell you about this method, because inexperienced users can create a lot of trouble in their registry if they get distracted for a second and accidentally delete a line or an entire branch (oh, that’s it :)).

Moreover, my method of checking the version of the Microsoft .NET Framework package described below is more convenient, clearer and more practical.

We will check the presence and relevance of one of the most important components of the Windows operating system in our computer using the absolutely free, small and portable program ASoft .NET Version Detector.

ASoft .NET Version Detector program

After launching this utility, you will see, at first glance, an incomprehensible multi-colored window...

...but it's actually very simple. White font shows the versions of the software environment already installed on you, and gray font shows those not installed.

In most cases, the latest (newest) package contains the most important parts of previous versions, but there are “especially harmful” programs that require the full version 1.0 or 1.1.

You can update the Microsoft .NET Framework or download a specific version by clicking on the green icon with a down arrow...

You will be redirected to the official offline installer download page...

This installer can be copied to a USB flash drive and installed on any computer, even without an Internet connection.

As you can see in the screenshots above, I have the most current version of the Microsoft .NET Framework installed. Modern Windows 10 monitors this very carefully. If you have automatic update disabled systems or your “OS” is not as smart as the “top ten” - ASoft .NET Version Detector will save the day.

Download ASoft .NET Version Detector

Here is a link to the official website of the program...

The size of the compressed folder with the portable program is only 458 kb.

The search engine gave me in the first place in its results a non-official site and this is what came out of it...

Such a terrible and incorrect verdict was given to me by an outdated version of the program, downloaded from some “leftist” site. So much for the importance official websites of computer programs.

Brief summary

How to check and update the version of Microsoft .NET Framework:

  1. Download and run the ASoft .NET Version Detector program
  2. Check the system scan result
  3. Click on the green down arrow button next to the missing component
  4. Download the offline installer from the provided link
  5. Run the installer to install the update

I hope that the knowledge gained from this article was useful to you. Up to new interesting computer programs and useful tips.

Probably every user of the Windows operating system has come across such a concept as Microsoft .NET Framework, but not everyone knows what it is, what it is for, where to download it and how to install it, so now we will look at all this and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 on Windows 7 as an example.

In addition to everything else, we will learn what the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile is and also look at the process of installing it.

We will of course start with the basics, i.e. What is the Microsoft .NET Framework and why is it needed?

What is the Microsoft .NET Framework and what is it for?

.NET Framework is a platform that serves to create and run applications and web services. The developer is Microsoft, so, oddly enough, the .NET Framework was created and designed for the Windows operating system, but there are also projects that allow you to run .NET programs in other operating systems, for example, Linux.

The main components of the .NET Framework are the runtime (CLR) and class library, which includes ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). The development environment is primarily Microsoft Visual Studio, which is understandable, since VS development is also a Microsoft company, and in this case the programming languages ​​are: C#, Visual Basic .NET, C++. But just as mentioned above, there are also independent projects in which you can write programs for the .NET Framework in other languages.

For ordinary users, to put it simply, the Microsoft .NET Framework is just a program or component of the operating system, without which programs or games written under the .NET Framework simply will not work, will not even start. Therefore, if anyone doubts whether the Microsoft .NET Framework program is needed or not, then the answer, of course, is needed, since in the modern world there are a huge number of programs and games that use the .NET Framework libraries. And if you have not yet encountered programs or games that require installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework, then sooner or later you will encounter this. And if we talk about which version to install, then, of course, the newer the better, for example we will install version 4.0, this, by the way, is the latest version of the .NET Framework that can be installed on Windows XP, and the version is available today. NET Framework 4.5.2.

Note! As can be seen from the title of the material, we will install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 on the Windows 7 operating system; by the way, by default it already has .NET Framework 3.5 installed, in Windows 8 the default version is 4.0, and in Windows 8.1 it is already 4.5. Therefore, if you have, for example, Windows 8, then you do not need to install .NET Framework 4.0.

Before moving on to the installation, let's talk about the so-called Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile is a subset of .NET Framework 4 components that are optimized for client applications. It includes the necessary set of functions and components that are sufficient for most client applications. This includes Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). If we talk about what is not included here, then this is: ASP.NET, an extended set of WCF functions, a .NET Framework data provider for Oracle and an MSBuild system for compilation, if you need these components, then you need to already install the full .NET Framework 4. How You probably already understand that the .NET Framework 4 client profile is sort of a stripped-down version of the .NET Framework 4.

And now let's move on to installing these components and we'll start with the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.

Note! If you want to immediately install the full-fledged Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, then it is not necessary to install the client profile.

Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

And in order to install this component, you must, of course, download it, and this can be better done from the official Microsoft download center.

There are two possible installation options: via the web installer, i.e. we downloaded a small program and launched it, and it will already download all the necessary components and the second option is the so-called offline (classic) installation in which we download the full package and then install it. In principle, they are no different, it’s just that with the first option we won’t have some kind of distribution left on our computer, but with the second we will have it. At the same time, we can transfer it and install it on a computer that is not connected to the Internet; in turn, the web installer requires an Internet connection.

I suggest installing the .NET Framework 4 client profile using the web installer, and then using the offline installer when we look at installing the full .NET Framework 4.0.

So, let's begin.

You can download the .NET Framework 4 client profile (web installer) on this page.

You go to the page and click " Download»

Then you will be asked to check additional application packages for download, but since in this case we don’t need anything else, we just click “ Refuse and continue» on the right side of the screen

As a result, you will download the file dotNetFx40_Client_setup.exe, which needs to be launched.

And immediately after launch we need to agree to the license agreement, i.e. check the box next to " I have read and accept the terms of the license agreement" and press " Install».

Then we don't need to do anything else, we just wait for the download and installation to finish.

The installation will not take much time, only about 3 minutes, after which the installer will say that “ Installation completed", and we press " Ready».

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing the .NET Framework 4 client profile, as well as in installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 platform itself, but you will now see this for yourself.

Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

To install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, we will use the offline installer. You can download it here.

Also click " Download"and if we do not want to install anything additional, then click " Refuse and continue»

We will upload the file dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe we launch it. And we also first agree to the license agreement, i.e. check the box and click " Install»

Then the installation will begin, which will also go very quickly.

Click " Ready».

Now Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on our computer, by the way, we can look at it in the list of installed programs, namely

Control Panel->Programs and Features

I hope everything was clear. Good luck!

The Microsoft .NET Framework is designed for programs that run on the ".NET" architecture. Its first version was released in 2002 as an analogue for the popular Java technology. This platform from Microsoft supports various programming languages, so it is widely used in creating programs and applications. In addition, the Microsoft.Net Framework is built into every Windows OS to support the installation of these programs. It is worth noting that versions of this platform are periodically updated and improved, and the built-in versions in Windows XP, Vista and 7 are outdated. Therefore, you can download the new version of the Microsoft .NET Framework with all the additions and changes for the correct operation of applications.


  • using this platform to develop various applications;
  • support for different types of applications;
  • use of different programming languages;
  • installation on different operating systems;
  • ensuring the functionality of applications.

Principle of operation:

Now let's take a closer look at this platform. The main function of the Microsoft .NET Framework is the ability to create web applications. In addition, you can create Windows Forms applications, console applications, and Windows services. The components of the platform are the Common Language Runtime (CLR), a class library and ASP.NET.

The CLR component is designed to run web services and applications, supporting various programming languages. Above the CLR there is a class library that is designed to perform software tasks, for example, to interact with OS processes and work with XML files.

A separate class library with which you can create web applications is called ASP.NET.

In terms of operating systems, you can install Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows 10,8,8, XP and Vista.


  • creation of web applications;
  • creating Windows services;
  • creating Windows Forms applications;
  • support for different programming languages;
  • support for different operating systems;
  • the ability to download Microsoft .NET Framework for free to your computer;
  • simple and convenient interface.


  • new versions of the platform are not installed on old Windows operating systems (for example, XP);
  • greater demands on computer resources than similar technologies.

Overall, it is a powerful platform for creating different types of applications. As a rule, this platform is available by default on every Windows system, but to fully support all changes and innovations, it is recommended to download the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework for free. However, please note that versions 4.5 and higher are not compatible with Windows XP. Therefore, if you have this particular operating system, we advise you to install version 4.0.