Why does Google Play write a server error? Error when receiving data from the Play Market server

Many users have encountered an error problem when receiving data from the server in the Play Market. The service displays an alert in the form of code RH-01 during the installation or update of Android software. Especially often, this malfunction appears among owners of smartphones with custom firmware. Although the store indicates a server failure, the reason is related to incorrect settings device. There are three ways to solve it. Perhaps one of them will help deal with the error.


Method 1: Resolving Error RH-01 by Checking the Date and Time

Typically, updates fail because the date and time do not match the application license settings. To set the correct indicators, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Step: Go to the “Settings” of the device.
  2. Step: Open the “Date and Time” section.
  3. Step: Set the actual parameters in the “Set Date” and “Set Time” sections.

Possible reason The time discrepancy lies in the wrong choice of time zone. The “Values ​​specified by the network” option may also have an effect. If auto-detection mode is enabled on your phone, then turn off the “Automatic” function and set the parameters manually. If this decision did not help, try the following recommendations.

Method 2: Reboot your device

Very often, the most common way to solve any errors can be a banal reboot of the device. Try turning off the device and turning it on again. After that, go to the Play Store and try to download the application. If error RH-01 appears again, proceed to the next method.

Method 3: What to do to solve the problem? Clearing Google Play data will help!

This is perhaps the most effective method to fix almost everyone existing errors. Need to clear application data and cache Google Play Store, and also remove the update. To do this, do the following:

  1. Step: Open Settings.
  2. Step: Go to the “Applications” section.
  3. Step: Next to “Application Management”.
  4. Step: Open Google Play Store.
  5. Step: Click one by one the “Clear cache”, “Delete data” and “Uninstall updates” buttons.
  6. Step: Reboot your device and go to your Google Play account settings.
  7. Step: Go to “Auto-update applications”.
  8. Step: Set the options to “Always” (fees may apply limit traffic) or “Only via WiFi”.

Although many users mobile devices all over the world they prefer to have on their mobile gadgets Android OS, rightly believing that this system better and more reliable than their competitors, the developers recently presented an unpleasant surprise. After updating the phone firmware latest flagships began to report that an error occurred when receiving data from Play servers Market. Therefore, all users rushed to look for a solution to this problem.


The first thing you need to check if you have an error when receiving data from the server is a possible blockage of this service built-in tools. Download any file manager for your device via your computer.

After startup, go to the system/etc folder. We are interested in Open it with any text editor. Initially in this file There should be only one line with the value localhost. Everything else can be safely deleted.

Manual cleaning

Since we started with a method that requires downloading to the device file manager, it is immediately worth mentioning the most dangerous method of solving the problem in the Play Market service. An error when receiving data from the server may occur due to broken or broken account settings and the application itself. Therefore, one of the ways to overcome this problem is to clear the contents of the com.android.vending folder using a file manager. This technique is recommended exclusively for advanced users.

Data cleaning

If you think the problem occurred during your using Google Play, it might help you full reset application data. To do this, go to the phone settings and select “Applications” (programs). An error when receiving data from the server occurs when three utilities are running - Google Play, Google Services Framework, Google Play services. For all these applications you need to repeat the same procedure. Select them in the list and click one by one the commands “Stop”, “Uninstall updates”, “Clear cache” and “Erase data”.

After that, go to and turn off all synchronization on the phone. Reboot the device. Now you can check the functionality Play Market.

It is immediately worth noting that this method not particularly good and was apparently compiled by not entirely competent people. Analyzing the above actions, we can assume that the error lies in the account settings, but we are simply isolating it from the application without eliminating the source of the problem itself.


One of the simplest and safe ways To get rid of the message "Error while receiving data from the Play Market server" - this is to completely reinstall Google Play Market. Uninstall it completely from your device and then download and reinstall it using your personal computer.

If we recall the previous paragraph, we can say with confidence that this method It won't always work. But since it is relatively safe, it is worth trying first.

In addition to reinstalling the application, it is also worth remembering that an error when receiving data from the server begins to appear on devices after a system update. You can either roll back the OS to the time before the update, or reflash the device to a more recent one. old version. In any case, this must be done carefully, since independent intervention in the gadget’s system may result in a denial of service. maintenance from the seller's side.


This method is the other side of the coin in solving the problem. It is assumed that the error crept into the user's data due to synchronization. If your device, after all the previous steps, writes: “An error occurred while receiving data from the server,” then choose one of the following methods.

  1. Reset the device. Go to your phone settings and click "Backup and reset". All data related to your account and applications will be deleted. After this operation you can connect again existing account to the device. After downloading the applications, all data will be returned to its original location.
  2. If previous method didn't help, try deleting your existing Google account and adding a new one instead.
  3. Or simply connect a second account without deleting the old one.

Most likely, one of these methods will help you.


Since the error when receiving data from the server appears after official update operating system of the device you have every right contact service center With similar problem, and they will be required to provide free maintenance. So, first think a hundred times whether it’s worth trying to correct the error yourself, because after your manipulations they can easily refuse to help you. Especially if you turn your gadget into an ordinary “brick” with your own hands. In this case, prepare money for a new mobile phone.

Most of our gadgets run on complex Android system. It is convenient to download and install applications when Help Play Market, but when working with this program, when receiving data from the server and quite often you have to deal with this error. Let's try to figure it out What means this error and what ways are there to get rid of it.

Error while receiving data from server rh 01

When receiving data from the LSI server, an error does not allow you to enter the market and install the selected application from it. The reason is notserver error as reported in the notification,namely problems with the Android device.

Method 1

After the appearance of this ailment, the question arises: “how to fix error rh 01 in play markete? " To do this, you need to do a number of actions:

  • Reboot your device - often this simple action helps fix the error. It’s better not to just reboot, but to completely turn off the device for a few minutes, and then turn it on again.
  • Make sure the date and time are set correctly. A mismatch between the date, time, or network time zone and real time often results in an error. Correcting these settings will often help resolve this error.
  • Remove and re-add your account Google entry– in the device settings you need to delete your Google account, restart the device and enter your account information again. This procedure can help get rid of the unfortunate error.

Method 2

If the first method did not help to fix the problem, and the error appears in the play market rh 01 again. What to do in this case? To solve the disease, you need to do a few more simple steps:

  1. We go to the device settings, and from Google apps Services Framework we delete all data.
  2. We go to the Google Play Market and delete the cache and all data from it.
  3. We delete data and clear the cache in Services Google Play and Download Manager.
  4. We return to the desktop and reboot the device.
  5. After the device is turned on again, the Play Market works without errors.

Bottom line

In order to fix the rh 01 error in the play market on a phone or other device running the Android operating system, you need to perform a number of simple steps that were described above. After this, the play market will continue to function and allow users to download necessary games and programs without the appearance of this unfortunate error. We hope you found our material useful and interesting.

Many Android device users encounter a problem when PlayMarket does not work on Android, as through Mobile Internet, and via Wi-Fi. Because of this, they cannot download any normal application, and installing programs from third party sources, is known to threaten smartphone security. Usually, when the Play Market does not work on Android, it says “no connection”, “server error”, “an error has occurred” or “check the connection”. It’s worth noting right away that the Play Market may not work for many reasons. In this article we will look at all these reasons and methods to eliminate them.

Google Play Market does not open - If you notice that Google Play has stopped functioning on your smartphone, first try restarting the device. It's likely that your system is simply frozen. This happens quite often with all Android devices. It is worth saying that rebooting the device can fix bugs not only in the Play Market, but also in other applications that you have noticed are not working correctly. However, it may also be that after a restart the problem will not be solved. In this case, try another method to solve this problem.

  • Incompatible applications. In many cases, the Play Market refuses to launch due to applications that block the operation of the market, as a result, the Play Market does not work on Android and says an error has occurred or check the connection. The list of such programs is quite broad, but it is customary to include various applications for hacking games - for example, the famous Freedom. When downloading from sites about freedom applications, the instructions indicate that with this application enabled The play market may not work. It can be solved by disabling it in “Settings” - “Applications” (if you still can’t access the Play Store, reboot your phone or tablet). If you need to quickly install a gaming application and don’t have a lot of time to solve problems with the play market, then you can download games for Android on other sites.
  • Reset Google settings Play Market. In many cases, resetting the settings of this application helps to find a solution to the problem with the Play Market. To do this, follow the recommendations described in the instructions: - Open “ Settings» smartphone:
    — Go to the section “ Applications
    — On the list installed programs find Google Play Market
    - Then click on “clear cache” (if you use outdated version smartphone, you need to click on “ Erase data”)After you clear the application cache, it is strongly recommended to restart your smartphone. This action will allow operating system it will be much faster to detect the changes you make. If everything goes well, the Play Market will work and you will be able to download new programs and games. If he still refuses to work, read on.
  • Remove Google updates Play Market. Sometimes the Play Market on a phone or tablet does not work because developers release updates that are either not fully developed or are not compatible with your device. Try opening the settings menu of the Play Store application, as you did in the previous paragraph, and instead of clearing the cache, click on “ Uninstall updates”.This will return the application to its original state.
  • Reset the Services app settings Google Play". Often problems related to the functioning of Google Play are resolved by resetting the settings of this application. To reset all program settings, follow these steps: - In the main menu, find “ Settings»
    - Go to " Applications»
    - Find in the list " Google Play services»
    — In the application settings, click “ Clear data" or " Clear cacheErrors that have arisen in the application settings may result in the fact that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection.
  • Activate Download Manager. Sometimes the Play Market does not launch when the user disables the system application called “ Download Manager" In order to enable it, go to the “Applications” menu, find this program in the list (in the “ tab All") and click on " Turn on” or if there is no such button then just restart your smartphone and try using the Play Store.
  • Delete your Google account. Before you follow the recommendations of this paragraph, it is recommended to transfer all important data stored on your smartphone to some other storage medium. You can also synchronize data through your Google account. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu and find the item called “ Accounts" In the window that opens, select your “ Google“- account. Now click on the item that contains your email address. You will then be asked to select the types of personal information you want to sync. IN mandatory do backup copy personal information and telephone contacts located on the smartphone. If you want to synchronize everything installed applications, then click the button on"(or "Options"). Now you need to delete your account and restart your device.

    All applications and all bugs that could interfere will be removed from your smartphone normal operation your device. Try going to Play Market. If it works fine, sync and restore all your data.

  • Set up the "hosts" file" If you actively use applications such as Freedom, this point will be especially relevant for you. Go to the application settings menu. In the list that opens, find Freedom and in its settings, click on the “Stop” button. After that, delete the application and restart your smartphone. Now check if Google Play has started working.
  • Reset Android settings. If you have tried all the recommendations described above and in your case they all turned out to be useless, you will have to move on to more radical measures. Such measures mean resetting all device settings. It's worth saying that this action is very effective and in most cases allows you to eliminate all bugs on the device. To reset settings, go to the menu " Settings»
    phone or tablet, find the section “ Recovery and reset" or " Backup and reset". Then click on the “ Reset”.Before you perform the above steps, be sure to make sure that you have synchronized all your data that is stored in the device’s memory. There is no need to worry about the information on the flash card, since resetting Android settings won't have the slightest effect on her. After performing the reset, restart the gadget and look at the result.
  • Check your Internet connection. Sometimes the Play Market does not open due to the so-called external reasons. You can spend hours trying to delete accounts, perform factory resets, and do other similar actions, but none of them will bring any benefit. If this happens to you, then most likely the problem lies in more banal things. If you've tried all of the above and it doesn't help, check your Internet connection. Your ISP probably does preventive work or there was one or another failure in the wi-fi router. It also helps to turn off the Wi-Fi modem for more than 3 minutes, which leads to clearing the cache (temporary memory) of the router and subsequent new setting connections to the server. This may also be the reason that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection (or no connection).
  • Google account is disabled. The Play Market won't launch because you accidentally disabled your Google account. To enable it, you should open the settings and go to the “Accounts” section, where you should activate your Google account. After this, it is recommended to restart the device and check if the Play Market is working.
  • Check the date and time. If, when you try to launch the Play Market, you see a notification that the program cannot start due to problems with the Internet connection, then the causes of the problem may lie in the time and date settings of the device. To eliminate this reason, you need to go to the device settings and select the “ date and time" After this, put a tick next to the item that will talk about automatic settings time via the network. Due to the incorrect date, the Play Market may not work and says there is no connection or an error has occurred.
  • Why doesn't Play Market work on Android and says no connection? Sometimes when you try to log into the Google Play Market (Google Play Market) from an Android device (smartphone or tablet), problems appear that prevent you from logging into your account.

    What should you do if you cannot log into your account on the Play Store and a message appears saying that you need to log into your account?

    This situation can happen even if you enter your username and password and are 100% sure that it works and is correct. The error can occur in many cases and its cause is difficult to find out in each specific case, but here are a few ways that can help solve this problem. If you can't log into your Google account, read on and watch the video!

    The first thing you need to do is clear the Google Play Store cache, to do this you need to go to Settings - Applications - Application management - Google Play, and click Delete data, Clear cache.

    After carrying out these simple steps, reboot your device, tablet or smartphone and it is advisable to remove the battery from it. Then try logging into Google Play Market again. If this doesn't help, move on.

    If you are still unable to log in Google account Play, do the following:

    Go to Settings - Applications - All and for Google Play Market, Google Services Framework and Google Services Play stop the services, delete all data, including updates, and then clear the cache again. Next, you need to go to Settings - Accounts - Google and uncheck all the boxes in synchronization. Next, you need to reboot your Android smartphone or tablet again and put the checkboxes back from the previous point, then reboot again. Now we are trying to enter the play market again.

    These steps should help in most cases if you are having trouble logging into Google. Play Store from a smartphone or tablet on Android. But if this still doesn’t help you, then create archival copy device and reset your phone, smartphone or tablet to factory settings, or better yet, reinstall Android or update to the latest version.

    Another popular problem on Android is blocking access to the device using a pattern key. Often people, having entered and created a password for the Android OS in the form of a pattern, symbol, figure, forget it. About how to unlock graphic key Android, we wrote