The concept of structured data. Definition and Purpose of a Database

Structured types are characterized by the multiplicity of elements that form this type, i.e. have several components. Each component, in turn, can belong to a structured type, i.e. Nesting of types is allowed.

Arrays are a formal union of several objects of the same type (numbers, characters, strings, etc.), considered as a single whole. All array components are data of the same type.

General view of an array definition:

Type A = array [array index type] of [array component type]

For example, M1=array of real;

Strings are an array of characters, but the number of characters in a line can vary. The string is treated as a chain of characters of arbitrary length. The maximum number of characters is no more than 255. Each character in the line has its own index (number).

A record is a data structure consisting of a fixed number of components called record fields. Unlike an array, record components (fields) can be of different types. Records allow you to combine values ​​of different types.

Month: (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec);

Year: 2000..2050;

Sets are sets of objects of the same type that are logically related to each other. The number of elements included in a set can vary from 0 to 256. It is the inconstancy of their elements that sets sets differ from arrays and records.

Digits = Set of 1..5;

File – named area external memory. A file contains components of the same type other than files (i.e., you cannot create a "file of files"). The file length is not specified and is limited only by the capacity of external memory devices.

F: File of Integer;

We will become more familiar with structured types as we further study the language.

  • Pointer (reference type)
  • Contains the address of a memory byte that contains a data value of a certain type. This type is also called reference type. The description uses the ^ character and a type identifier. For example, P=^integer;

    Using pointers is a flexible means of control dynamic memory and provides the ability to process large-scale data arrays.

  • Constants
  • A constant is a value whose value does not change during program execution.

      Numeric constants are used to write numbers. The following types are distinguished:

    Whole numbers: written with a + or - sign, or without a sign, according to the usual arithmetic rules: -10 +5 5

    Real numbers can be written in one of two forms:

    regular entry : 2.5 -3.14 2. - please note that whole part separated from the fractional symbol by a dot;

    exponential form: in this notation, a real number is represented as m*10 p, where m is mantissa or number base, 0.1≤|m|≤1, p – order numbers, this is an integer constant. Indeed, any real number can be represented in exponential form:

    153.5 -0.1535*10 3

    99.005 0.99005*10 2

    All IBM-compatible computers store real numbers as a combination of mantissa and exponent, allowing operations on them to be simplified using special arithmetic that handles mantissa and exponent separately. For program recording For numbers in exponential form, instead of “multiply by 10 to the power”, the notation E or e (Latin) is used:

    153.5 -0.1535*10 3 -0.1535E3 or -1.535E02

    99.005 0.99005*10 2 0.99005E+2 or 9.9005e+01

    Without taking special measures, a Pascal program will display real numbers on the screen and printer in exactly this form. In addition, this form is convenient for writing very small and very large numbers:

    Since the size of memory allocated for the mantissa and order is limited, real numbers are always represented in computer memory with some error. For example, the simplest real fraction 2/3 gives 0.666666 in decimal representation... and, regardless of the size of memory allocated to store the number, it is impossible to store All its signs in the fractional part. One of the typical programming problems is taking into account possible errors when working with real numbers.

    Hexadecimal numbers consist of hexadecimal digits preceded by a $ sign. Range hexadecimal numbers– from $00000000 to $FFFFFFFF.

    In addition to numerical constants, there are other types of constants:

      Logical constants.

    They are used to check the truth or falsity of certain conditions in the program and can take only one of two values: the service word true means true, and false means false;

      Character constants.

    Can take on the value of any printable character and are written as the character enclosed in apostrophes("single quotes"):

    In the latter case the value character constant equals the space character. If you want to write the apostrophe symbol itself as a character constant, it is doubled inside outer apostrophes: """"

    Character constants also include constants of the form #X, where X is numeric value from 0 to 255 inclusive, representing the decimal ASCII-code symbol. Tables of ASCII codes used by the DOS and Windows operating systems are given in Appendix 1. For example, the value #65 would correspond to the Latin character code "A".

      String constants.

    These are any sequences of characters enclosed in apostrophes. As a rule, string constants are used to record prompts for data input issued by the program, display diagnostic messages, etc.:

    "Enter X value:"

    If it is necessary to write the apostrophe character itself in a string constant, this is done in the same way as for character constants.

    Constants in Turbo Pascal can be named. Unnamed constants are used, for example, when displaying the text of messages in the previous example. Named Constants are described in the program description section by an operator of the following form:

    const Name1=Value1;



    Here, the const keyword indicates the beginning of the section for named constant declarations. It is clear that it is often more convenient to refer to a constant by name than to rewrite its numeric or string value each time. Example of a constants section:

    const e=2.7182818285;

    lang="Turbo Pascal 7.1";

    This describes a numeric constant e with the value of the base of the natural logarithm and a string constant named lang containing the string "Turbo Pascal 7.1".

    Each name given by the programmer must be unique within one program. If we include this section in our program, we will no longer be able to create other objects named e and lang in it.

    26.05.2017 Reading time: 30 minutes

    One of the deepest desires of website owners and SEO specialists is to make their website stand out in search results so that it stands out from competitors and users click on it more often. Most effective method achieving this goal is working with structured data. In this article we will try to understand what structured data is and how you can implement it on your website.

    Where did it all start?

    The unified scheme of formats for semantic site markup, which we now all know and use, appeared in 2011 with the support of such giants as Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft (later a fourth player, Yandex, joined). Previously, data markup existed in different formats and there was no single structure. For example, Yahoo! there was a service called “SearchMonkey”, which already in 2008 made it possible to mark up data on a page and generate unique snippets in search results your search engine.

    Corporations had a global goal - to develop a common structured data format that would improve the display of sites in search engines and improved search quality. The initiators achieved their goals, as a result of which the dictionary was born, which combines great amount rules for microdata markup on the site.

    What is structured data?

    Structured data is information that is presented in a unified and correct form in compliance with a certain set of rules.

    We will not describe the principles of working with each dictionary; we will analyze in more detail only three of them: Json-ld, Opne Graph and

    Let's start with the popular microdata dictionary The result of the collaboration between Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and Yandex is actively developing and is regularly updated to this day. At the time of creation of the article, the dictionary contains descriptions for 589 document types, 860 object properties and 114 specific meanings. A complete list of all properties is listed in a branched hierarchy on this page.

    The main highest entity type in the dictionary is Thing, which in turn is divided into several other subtypes. Some of them:

    • CreativeWork – a general set of rules for describing creative work: articles, books, films, photographs, software, etc.;
    • Event – ​​a set of rules for events that have occurred or will occur in certain period time: meetings, concerts, exhibitions, etc.;
    • Intangible is a service class that includes several intangible things such as sizes, ratings, descriptions of job vacancies, services, etc.;
    • Organization – a set of rules for marking organizations, full list different types businesses are listed on the localBusiness page. You can also view this list in Yandex help;
    • Person – an entity used to describe living, deceased, fictional individuals or characters;
    • Place – a set of rules for something that has a fixed physical location (building, park, monument, etc.);
    • Product is everything that is created for sale. For example, a pair of shoes, a ticket or a car.

    Each subtype includes a large number of tags for description, so almost any type of business will find the necessary type of markup.

    Most tags in the dictionary have use cases in the form of an example piece of HTML code or a JSON-LD script. Below we will look at examples of page layouts with an article (article), product (product) and organization (organization).

    Article markup template using

    Most often, microdata such as URL, datePublished, dateModified, headline, image, author, publisher, etc. are marked. Let’s look at specific example:


    Most tagged articles follow a similar pattern. It is worth noting that in in this example Some tags are indicated in the section (meta description and link to the author in g+), and the rest is written in the body of the HTML document. It is not necessary to use some tags, for example, an article will feel great without marking it with the articleBody or publisher tags, but then it is unlikely will be tested for validity in Yandex or Google tools.

    Image 3. Example of a page in search results with article micro markup in Google. The publication date appears next to the article.

    Image 4. An example of a page in search results for the same request as in Image 3, only in Yandex. The date appears on the right, with the date published or created at the top and the date modified below.

    Product card micro-markup template using

    The next type of micro markup that we will consider will be product or, in other words, the semantic markup of a product card.


    Pay special attention to the price format, since most of the errors in the micro-marking of product cards lie there. We can write any price in text in any format, and directly in the price tag itself we indicate the price strictly in monetary format, otherwise search engines will ignore this line.

    Image 5. Example from Google results indicating the price in the “FROM” and “TO” format.

    Organization schema template using

    The last pattern we'll look at is the organization markup. Typically, this markup is used to structure information on a contact page.

    NAME OF ORGANIZATION STREET, CITY, REGION. "LINK TO LOGO" /> Phone: PHONE NUMBER has a very large vocabulary. Because of this, difficulties may arise when working with it, but not all tags in the markup are required and most can be abandoned. In the examples given, I have indicated the most basic tags that can be used when working with markup, but there can be much more.

    Google has a special tool for marking up pages according to the dictionary. It makes creating page layouts much easier.

    Image 6. Example from Yandex. Additional Information about the organization is displayed under the page description and can be implemented either manually, using markup, or using the Yandex.Directory service.

    Pros and cons of micro markup
    • Large dictionary that is constantly updated;
    • Supported by all popular search engines;
    • The code is not hidden by scripts and is entirely contained in the page content;
    • Improves the display of snippets in search results;
    • You can find markup for almost every site;
    • There are plugins to automate the generation of micro markup;
    • Actively developing and expanding.
    • A large number of markup schemes can scare off an unprepared user;
    • Needed basic knowledge layout and code changes of pages;
    • Complicates the HTML code, which slows down site development;
    • All official reference documentation is in English;
    • Not all properties have examples of use on the official website.
    Tools for working with micro markup

    When working with micro markup, services such as:

    • Structured Data Validation Tool from Google;
    • Assistant on micro-markup of pages according to the dictionary from Google. As a result, we get the HTML code of the page with already implemented micro markup;
    • Checking semantic markup from Yandex;
    • Official markup website;
    • Unofficial translation of the website into Russian;
    • “All In One Rich Snippets”, “”, “Schema App Structured Data” - plugins for WordPress that form semantic markup automatically;
    • Notepad++ - or any other text editor.

    This protocol was developed by Facebook to improve the display of link snippets from external sites in in social networks. This is probably one of the simplest and smallest microdata dictionaries. You can start implementing markup with four basic properties:

    • og:title - page title.
    • og:type - object type, for example, “music.album”(album). Depending on the type, other properties are supported. All possible characteristics of the type tag are listed on the official website.
    • og:image - URL of the image.
    • og:url - the object's canonical URL.

    All “Open Graph” markup tags are written in the container.

    In addition to the basic properties, you can also specify additional ones that will improve the display of links on social networks:

    • og:audio – URL to the audio file if music is played when opening the page.
    • og:determiner is the word that appears before the name of this object in a sentence. Type enum (a, an, the, "", auto). If auto is selected, the data consumer must choose between "a" or "an". The default is " " (empty). The tag is most relevant for the English-speaking segment due to the use of various articles like “a”, “the”, “an”, etc.
    • og:description – page description, allowed number of characters from 160 to 295 characters.
    • og:locale – language and country. The display format is language_TERRITORY, the default is en_US. For Russian-speaking segment the tag ru_RU is written.
    • og:locale:alternate – alternative language or country.
    • og:site_name – site name.
    • og:video – video URL.
    Open Graph Page Layout Template

    Below is an example of HTML code with all possible properties; in practice, some of the specified tags are not specified and the standard four properties are enough:


    Pros and cons of Open Graph microdata

    The last type of markup and data structuring that we will look at is JSON-LD. This terrible name stands for “JavaScript Object Notation Linked Data”. The Consortium is responsible for developing the format World Wide Web"or in other words "W3C". This format performs the same function as, but in a slightly different way: it structures data using JavaScript, which makes the work several times easier.

    One of the advantages of this format is that the dictionary is used to describe the data. Thus, using JSON-LD scripts we can describe any type of entity and improve the display of our site in search results, spending a minimum amount of time on this. Moreover, this can be done without introducing HTML tags into the body of the page; you just need to specify in the container, and then write everything the necessary conditions markup and close the script.

    For clarity, let’s compare the and JSON-LD markup:


    Sneakers ( "@context" : "" , "@type" : "Product" , "price" : "100.00" ) Sneakers

    Article markup template using JSON-LD

    I took an example of markup using JSON-LD based on the micro markup of an article in from the same material above. All the same properties are used.

    ARTICLE TITLE //The script type is indicated, in our case it is ld+json ( "@context" : "" ,//The library that will be used to mark up the page is specified "@type" : "Article" ,/ /Specify the entity type "mainEntityOfPage" : ( //The ID of the article is specified, usually the link to the article is simply specified "@type" : "WebPage" , "@id" : "LINK TO ARTICLE" ), "url" : "LINK TO ARTICLE " , // Specify the canonical link to the article "datePublished" : "DATE ​​OF PUBLICATION" , // Specify the date of publication "dateModified" : "DATE ​​OF CHANGE" , // Specify the date of modification "headline" : "HEADING H1" , // Specify the title "image" : ( "@type" : "ImageObject" , "url" : "LINK TO PREVIEW" , //Inserts a link to the image for the article preview "height" : PREVIEW HEIGHT IN PIXELS , //Specifies the height and width of the image in pixels "width" : PREVIEW WIDTH IN PIXELS), "articleBody" : "" , "author" : ( "@type" : "Person" , "name" : "AUTHOR NAME" , //Specify the author's name "url" : "LINK TO AUTHOR'S PROFILE (G+, PERSONAL PAGE ON THE SITE)" //A link to the author's profile is written in Google Plus or at personal page on the site), "publisher" : ( "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "ORGANIZATION NAME", // Specify the name of the organization "logo" : ( "@type" : "ImageObject" , "url" : "LINK TO LOGO" ,//Indicates a link to the company logo "height" : LOGO HEIGHT , //Specifies the height and width of the logo "width" : LOGO WIDTH ) ) ) ARTICLE TITLE

    Arises logical question: which is better or JSON-LD? It is impossible to give a definite answer here. Working with micro-markup in JSON-LD format is easier and more pleasant than working with the same dictionary in HTML format, but it also has its drawbacks. For example, the Google search engine is advised to use this technology to mark up its pages. But there are problems with Yandex: this type of markup is not yet displayed in search results due to scripts, although pages with JSON-LD markup are checked for validity.

    The Yandex search engine does not display information marked up using the JSON-LD meta-language in search results.

    Image 8. Letter from Yandex technical support regarding plans for JSON-LD. Thanks to the user for the screenshotOleh Holovkin .

    IN in this case you need to set your priorities correctly. If you need extended snippets in Yandex and Google, then we use the good old markup; if we are targeting the West and our main search engine is only Google, then the JSON-LD markup needs to be taken and implemented without delay.

    Pros and cons of JSON-LD markup
    • The format is somewhat simpler compared to;
    • Recommended by Google;
    • For WordPress engine there are high-quality plugins for work;
    • Thanks to JavaScript, the markup is “invisible” to the average user, unlike HTML;
    • The script is placed only in the container without introducing additional lines of code into the body of the site;
    • Validated in official instruments Yandex and Google checks.
    How else can you mark up your site?

    Those marking methods listed above refer to direct intervention in source pages, but there are other methods of structuring data. These are Data Highlighter (Marker) from Google and “Products and Prices” from Yandex. Using these tools, you can directly expand page snippets in search results from the webmaster panel.

    Image 9. “Marker” in Search Console and the “Products and Prices” service from Yandex.

    Google marker

    To start marking, you need:

  • Go to instrument and select the data type for markup. On this moment There are only 9 of them:
    • Events
    • Local organizations
    • Book Reviews
    • Applications
    • Products
    • Restaurants
    • Articles
    • TV serials
    • Movies
  • Image 10. Panel for selecting the type of information for markup in Search Console.

  • Next, Google will offer to check five pages for the correctness of automatic markup. If errors in the markup are found during the verification process, they can be corrected. Pay special attention to prices if you are marking product cards, since the tool quite often makes mistakes in marking the cost. If the tool has marked up a page on a different topic (for example, you were marking up product cards, and it suggested marking up the contacts page), then this page can be deleted using the button in the upper right corner.
  • Image 12. Button for deleting an incorrectly defined markup page in Search Console.

  • After checking the samples, we check the list of marked up pages again and publish them. Upon completion, the Search Console will display a list of all tagged groups of pages on the site that can be edited or completely deleted.
  • Image 13. Example of a list of already marked up pages using Google Marker.

    This concludes markup using Google Marker. In this case, there is absolutely no need to know HTML or JavaScript; you just need to manually mark up each page, and Google itself will process the data and make adjustments to the search snippets. But Marker also has its pros and cons.

    Pros and cons of markup using Google Marker
    • Markup without interfering with the source code of pages;
    • The tool is located directly in Google Search Console;
    • Pages are marked semi-automatically;
    • You can group pages by type;
    • The markup will only appear in Google search results;
    • The tool does not always mark up information correctly;
    • When marking a large website, there is a lot of manual work.
    Service "Products and prices" of Yandex

    This tool itself does not quite relate to the usual understanding of page markup, since in Yandex it is usually used to load information about a product into Yandex.Market in YML format. Oddly enough, Yasha was able to find a use this species information about the product, and now in organic search results you often find sites marked with this service. main feature“Products and prices” is the display in Yandex search results of the price of a product/service to the right of the link to the site.

    Image 14. An example of displaying the price of a service in Yandex search results with the “Products and Prices” service connected.

    The “Products and Prices” service can be used not only by online stores, but also by organizations that provide services. In this case, you will have to create the YML document manually.

    So, in order to connect the “Products and Prices” service in Yandex, you need to:

  • Add your site to Yandex Webmaster and go to the “Products and Prices” service;
  • Then you need to accept the terms of the agreement if this service has not been connected to the site before.

  • Image 15. Yandex offersfamiliarize with YML format andmanagement by connection.

    Pros and cons of the Yandex Products and Prices tool
    • It greatly distinguishes the site from other competitors in search and increases CTR;
    • Before going to the site, the user receives information about the cost of the service/product;
    • In addition to the price, the YML document specifies other parameters that are also taken into account when generating the snippet;
    • In most popular website engines, file generation occurs automatically or semi-automatically.
    • Results with prices will be visible only in Yandex results;
    • Uploading a YML document is not provided in all CMS;
    • If prices on the site change frequently, regular document generation is required;
    • Labor-intensive if you need to mark up a large number of pages manually.
    Tools for working with the Yandex Products and Prices service

    Unlike Google Marker, to work with a YML file you will need the following tools to work:

    • List of website engines with the ability to upload YML documents;
    • YML document generator for manually generating a file;
    Bottom line

    Implementing structured data markup is important step, which can subsequently increase the site’s CTR in search and improve the display of content in search results. There are several ways to mark up your website, but at the moment the most proven is the implementation of markup, since other methods either have limited functionality or are marked within the same search engine.

    Each method of data markup has its own advantages and disadvantages; before starting implementation, you should soberly assess your capabilities and choose best option. Individual markup methods can be combined with each other, for example, Open Graph with and “Products and Prices” from Yandex. And remember: the presence of micro markup on the site does not guarantee a change in the search snippet in the results; first of all, it makes it easier for search engines to crawl the site.

    Article prepared by: Abdullin Konstantin, SEO Technologist, website company expert

    If Google recognizes the content on your site as structured data, it will be able to display more useful information about him. For example, if your page focuses on product or event descriptions, recipes, reviews, and other similar content, our algorithms can improve search results by using rich web page descriptions. Your site information may also appear in knowledge networks or in tips Google Now, attracting potential clients.

    Today we present you two new products. The first is the seven types of structured data in Marker that were not previously supported, and the second is a tool called the Structured Data Markup Wizard.

    The marker supports websites about products and companies, as well as reviews and much more. The marker was launched in December 2012 and reached Russian market in feral 2013. It's a simple tool for submitting structured event data templates to Google. The marker is convenient because it does not require changing the HTML code on the site. It now lets you tag other content about products, local businesses, apps, movies, restaurants, and TV shows.

    To get started with Marker, go to Webmaster Tools, select your site, click the Optimize link on the left, and then launch Marker. You will need to enter the URL of one of the typical pages on your website (for example, with a description of a product or event) and mark up the data using the mouse.

    Layout of one page takes about 5 minutes, and creating a template for many identical pages takes about 15 minutes. When everything is ready, you can check whether our system recognizes your structured data. If no errors are found, the results can be sent to Google. After some time, we will re-crawl your site and begin showing users additional information (such as prices, reviews and ratings) directly in the search results.

    New: Structured Data Markup Wizard Marker allows you to quickly transfer structured data from your site to Google without changing the HTML. However, it is better to add markup directly to the page code so that anyone can recognize it. search engines. The Structured Data Markup Wizard was created to simplify this task for site owners.

    As with Marker, you first need to provide a sample web page (URL or HTML source) and mark it up using your mouse. When you're done, the Wizard will generate HTML code with microdata. It can be downloaded and used as a template when implementing structured data into a website.

    Page 1

    Structured data in Ada can be used in the form of arrays and records. In addition, structured data in Ada can be accessed using pointers. The use of arrays with unspecified boundaries makes it possible to parameterize arrays and use subroutines that use variable-sized arrays as parameters.  

    Semantics of variables in the PILOT / 2 language.  

    Processing complexly structured data in external memory is a distinctive property of all LPZs. But in addition to this, ordinary variables are also needed. That's why registers and stacks are introduced in PILOT/2.  

    Many procedures representing structured data have interesting and sometimes useful property: from them other possible representations can be formed. So, for example, list view 2 logically follows from list view 1, and the first of them could be equipped with instructions using appropriate control directives that would allow the second view to be output. In this context, list view 2 would behave like a normal set of procedures producing output. This ability of logical statements to simultaneously function as both ordinary procedures and representations of data structures shows that any supposed distinction between procedures and data is essentially pragmatic, and concerns only the use of these resources and not their inherent attributes.  

    The components of an array represent structured data of the same type. An array combines data with the same properties. In contrast to arrays, the components of a direct (Cartesian) product can have Various types. The direct (Cartesian) product, like an array, is one of the basic structured data types, and is also called a record or structure.  

    Knowledge is well-structured data, or data about data, or metadata.  

    In term representation, structured data is formed using functional symbols that allow its constituent parts to be assembled into groups. So, for example, the list (10 20 30) could be represented by the term 10.20.30. NIL, in which each dot functor groups the element to its left with the tail of the list to its right. Both constants and structured terms can be thought of as essentially passive objects intended to be manipulated by procedures.  

    The ALTOP technology, created on the basis of work on software ACS. This development includes original products compilation of initial descriptions, discussed in sections 2.4 and 2.5, and design methodology (see Chap.  

    Thus, the structured data class represents data for which storage requires the creation of fixed sets of formats. Databases storing such data are formatted with a deterministic schema, oriented towards the preliminary fixation and classification of objects in the external environment, the precise statement of properties and relationships described in the database from a pre-created set of fixed formats.  

    A database is a collection of structured data.  

    To be placed in linear structures Structured data memory uses various techniques and methods. As a rule, such data is presented in the form of lists, and the efficiency of search and other characteristics of data processing systems directly depend on their organization.  

    Names in programs are used to denote simple variables, structured data, structured data elements, constants, subroutines, operations, statement labels, formal parameters, and other program elements. Names can be uncompounded or compound.  

    The language language is based on non-operator means of describing hierarchically structured data. It uniquely determines the trajectory of movement and access to the database. In addition, the language has tools similar to procedural languages programming.  

    A formalized questionnaire designed for processing and recording structured data.  

    In this terminology, a database can be defined as a collection of specially structured data and connections between their elements, segments and logical records. The construction of databases in this understanding is possible only for information objects that have properties common to the whole class. If necessary, provide information base objects with individual properties, it is advisable to build unstructured data bases that allow recording information in natural language.  


    If you don't know how to add markup code to your site, use the Marker tool.

    You can also learn how to work with structured data and add markup to your site manually.

    How to mark up a web page or email

    The markup can be placed on an HTML page or in an HTML email file Email.

    How to mark up a web page

    Execute the following actions:

    How to mark up a letter in HTML format

    Follow these steps:

    Save changes to continue editing the page or email

    To save the markup as it currently exists, bookmark the page in your browser. The Structured Data Tagging Wizard will “remember” the tagging, including all its values, for a month.

    How to remove tags

    To remove all or part of the markup, follow the steps below.

    How to remove a single tag

  • Open the sample page or email and click on the tag you want.
  • From the menu that appears, select Remove Tag.
  • Also you can find required element in the "My Data Items" column, hover over it and click the "X" on the right.

    How to remove all tags

    Advanced date marking

    The Structured Data Markup Wizard recognizes various formats. The main thing is that the month, day and year are indicated. You can add any missing data to the page group, such as the year.

    If the dates on the page are displayed as a single fragment (for example, June 4, 2012), then it is recommended to mark them with one tag. The fewer tags on the site, the faster it will be processed and the more accurate the results will be.

    How to add one date tag

  • Start marking up according to the instructions for the page or letter.
  • On the add tags page, use your mouse to highlight a date, for example June 2, 2012.
  • From the menu that opens, select Date > Date/Time or Range.
  • pages or letters.
  • Adding tags for date snippets

    Sometimes the date information appears in bits and pieces, or labels are used to identify its components. For example, on a page with information about several events, the month and year may be listed only at the top, and the day next to each individual event. In this case, you need to add tags for each date fragment.

    Please note that the Markup Wizard does not recognize dates that are divided into fragments and at the same time represent a range (for example, June 4–5 and 2012).

    How to add tags for date fragments

  • Start marking up according to the instructions for the page or letter.
  • On the Add Tags page, select a date snippet with your mouse, such as "June".
  • In the menu that opens, select Date > Advanced > required fragment. Example: Date > Advanced > Month.

    The Markup Wizard will add the date to the My Data Items column.

  • Continue adding tags for pieces of data until you have tagged them all.
  • Complete the layout according to the instructions for the page or letter.
  • Examples of tags for dates

    Below are examples of dates you can mark.

    • Separate date. For example, you can check the following options:
      • 2012, June 4
      • June 4, 2012
      • 04/13/2012 - Your tags can include other delimiters and a four-digit year value, for example 4/13/2012. For dates that can be read in different ways, Google interprets the first number as the month. For example, the date 6/4/12 is recognized as June 4, 2012, and 4/13/12 is recognized as April 13, 2012.
      You can mark multiple dates on a page. For example, if you mark June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, this will mean that the event will take place twice: the first time on June 4, and the second time on June 6.
    • Day range. For example, June 4-7, 2012
      Please note that the separator between the start and end date must be a hyphen (-).
    • Dates with times. For example, you can note the following dates:
      • June 4, 2012 3 pm – date and time (am or pm). If you don't specify morning or evening time, Google interprets the data using standard business hours. For example, 11 would be considered 11 am, and 2 would be considered 2 pm.
      • June 4, 2012, 15:00 - 24-hour time format.
      • June 4, 2012 3 pm EST or June 4, 2012 3 pm -5:00 – time indicating the time zone or deviation according to UTC/GMT.
      • June 4, 2012, 2-3 pm or June 4-5, 2012, 2-3 pm – time ranges with or without date range.
    • Date snippets: You can use advanced tagging settings to mark the following snippets of text as a separate date:
      • Day: June 4, Wednesday. Year: 2013.
      • June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
      Google doesn't recognize date ranges that are spread across multiple tags. For example, the following date tags are invalid:
      • June 4-5 and 2012
    How to manually specify date format

    The Markup Wizard recognizes dates on a page according to the formatting rules specified for the page's language. For example, if the page uses American English (en-US), the date 12-06-12 would be interpreted as December 6, 2012. But if the page uses British English (en-GB), then the same date would be interpreted as June 12, 2012 d. The Markup Wizard automatically detects the page language and uses the appropriate rules.

    To set a different date format for the Markup Wizard, follow these steps:

  • In the window that opens, select the date format from the corresponding list.
  • Click Save.
  • How to add missing data

    If the page or email is missing certain information, such as the year the event is scheduled for, you can choose the value yourself. The Structured Data Markup Wizard will add HTML markup for it.

    You can add missing data, as well as change or delete them at any time.

    How to add, change or delete data

  • Click Add missing tags at the bottom of the My Items column.
  • Do any of the following:
    • Select a tag from the list and enter a value. For example, you can select the Category tag and enter the value "Russian folk songs".
    • Delete existing data by clicking X in the text field.
    • Change the value in the field.
  • Click Save.
    Changes will appear in the My Items column
  • How to change page language

    The Structured Data Markup Wizard automatically detects the language of a sample page or email message to better recognize the data. If the tool makes an error, you can set the correct language yourself.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    Click the settings icon and select .

  • In the window that opens, specify your language.
  • Click Save.
  • What is is the result of a collaboration Google work, Microsoft and Yahoo! to improve the Internet by creating a common standard for describing web data. If you add markup to your HTML pages, many companies and systems, including Google Search, will be able to recognize the information on your site. Likewise, if you add markup to email in HTML format, its data can be recognized not only by Gmail, but also by other email services.