The system application does not respond to the Android radio. Why does the application write and not respond on Android?

System app not responding is a common problem that can occur on absolutely any Android device. Devices from manufacturers such as Samsung and Alcatel, according to many users, are susceptible to this problem more than other devices on this market. operating system.

The error “The system application is not responding” most often appears immediately after installing a new application on an Android device. Among other things, some users also note that this can happen after installing a third-party application, i.e. not from the Store Google Play, but using an apk file.

The “system application is not responding” error is a signal that some hardware part of your device or a component of the Android OS is not supplying the necessary data to the application.

Considering that there are a huge number of reasons for this error, there will also be many solutions. Before we get to the solutions part of the article, let's go through the nitty gritty probable reasons, due to which the error “The system application is not responding” may occur:

  • Conflict software
  • There is not enough space on the device
  • Bad sectors on the SD card
  • Malicious software installed from an unverified source
  • Untested custom Android firmware (only on devices with ROOT access)
  • Important system elements were moved or deleted using Link2SD or another similar application (only on devices with ROOT access)

Ok, below you can find a list of methods that may be able to help you solve the “system application is not responding” error on Android.

Method #1 Make sure you have enough space

If we approach this problem from a logical point of view, it is quite possible that the error “The system application is not responding” arose due to a banal flaw free space on the device. Users often forget to check the availability of free space before installing some applications and games, and begin to solve the problem when it appears.

Go to Settings on your Android device and then go to Memory and Storage. Make sure you have internal storage there is at least 300 megabytes of free space (less can be done, but given value most secure).

If you realize that you have much less space left than the above recommendation, then try deleting the cache of some applications to free up some space. If this obviously is not enough, then try removing some unnecessary applications.

The note: On some versions of Android, you can delete all accumulated cache from applications. Go to “Settings→Storage→Cache files” or Saved files and click on the “Delete cache” button.

To remove some of the apps on your Android, go to Settings. Then go to the Memory and Storage section and click on Memory.

The note: on some Android versions The Memory section can be located in “Settings→Android Settings”.

You will see a list of applications installed on your Android device. Go through it and find those applications that they consume for their work greatest number random access memory. Click on the "guzzling" application and then click on the "Force stop" option.

Check your device for the “system app is not responding” error. If it does not appear for a long period, then the problem really was a lack of free space and RAM.

Method #2 Performing various reboots

Android is not the most stable operating system, so it may experience some errors, glitches, and other problems from time to time. Perhaps the “system application is not responding” error has occurred or there is some kind of system failure.

If this error was caused by just such a single failure, then a simple reboot of the device should easily solve the problem. First, try a simple reboot: hold down the power key on the device and confirm shutdown.

As soon as your smartphone starts, check for errors. If that doesn't help, you can also try a harder reboot, which is done by physically disconnecting the battery.

The note: If you have an Android smartphone with a non-removable battery, then you can simulate a battery disconnection. This is done differently for each device, but on most of them forced reboot can be achieved using a combination of the Power and Volume ↓ buttons, which must be held down for 20 seconds.

Method #3 Make sure your Android is updated

Outdated software may cause great amount problems for any user. On Android OS this may also cause problems. Perhaps your device or some software on it has not been updated for a long time, which led to the error “The system application is not responding.” To try to fix it, you should try updating.

To begin, open Google Store Play and go to the “My applications and games” tab, which can be done using the panel that slides out on the left. You will see a list of applications that are waiting to be updated. Update all applications to the latest latest version or you can click on the “Update all” button to start automatic updating of them one by one.

Once they are all updated, test your smartphone for the “system app is not responding” error. If it is not there, then in the future you will know that you need to update your software when it appears again. If it is still present, you can also try performing a system update.

To do this, go to the Settings of your Android device and go to the “System Update” section. Next, click on “Check for updates” and wait until the check is completed. If the utility finds available updates— install them and reboot the device. Then check it for the “system application is not responding” error.

Method #4 Removing the SD card

Some users claim that the SD card may be causing this issue. It may be damaged or simply have bad sectors that prevent Android system access necessary information, which leads to the error. As it was found out, SD cards of 32 gigabytes or more are more susceptible to this problem.

To quickly check if your SD card is involved in the "system app is not responding" error, you simply need to physically remove it from your Android device and then reboot it. Having done this, let your smartphone work like this for some time. If there is no error as stated, then the problem is obviously with your SD card.

However, even if she was the culprit of the situation, this is not a reason to get rid of her. Try formatting the SD card completely and then placing it back into your smartphone. Perhaps something on it was causing the “system application is not responding” error.

Method #5 Start in Safe Mode

It doesn't matter what version of Android your device is running, as third-party software can still cause a lot of problems for it. You can find multiple reports online that the problem most often occurs due to a software conflict. Let's check it out.

Running your Android smartphone in Safe Mode will provide the conditions necessary for verification, since no software from third party developer will not be loaded into the system (it will simply be prohibited from doing so). If the “system application is not responding” error does not appear in Safe Mode, then it will be obvious that it was caused by third-party software.

To go to Safe mode, press and hold the Power button until the Boot Menu appears in front of you. Then hold down the Power button again so that you are prompted to boot into Safe Mode. Click on the OK button.

The note: If the above instructions did not help you enter Safe Mode, then it is performed on your device in some other way. Just follow search query by type “*Your Phone* Safe Mode” and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

After these steps, your Android device should enter Safe Mode. You should see confirmation of this in the bottom left corner. Play around with your device a little to see if the error appears in Safe Mode.

If the error “The system application is not responding” did not appear on your smartphone this time, then the cause of the problem obviously lies in some third party application on the device causing the conflict. Unfortunately, you will have to uninstall all applications and then reinstall them one by one to determine the culprit of the error.

Method #6 Clearing the cache partition

Before we get into the really heavy-handed measures, let's try wiping the cache partition on your Android device to fix the "system app is not responding" error issue. Be aware that wiping the cache partition is not the same as hard resetting the device, which erases absolutely everything from it. Will be deleted temporary files and application files. All your app data will be erased, but Google Play will automatically restore it as soon as you use it again.

To begin, completely disconnect your Android device. Then hold down the Home + Power + Volume key combination. Release the Power button the moment you feel vibration, but continue to hold the rest.

Release the other two buttons when the device displays Android logo and the inscription “Recovery mode”. Use the Volume buttons to navigate the menu and select "Wipe Cache Partition". Then press the Power button to select this item. Wait for the process to complete, after which the device will reboot, and then check for the “system application is not responding” error.

Method #7 Reset Android device to factory settings

If none of the above helps you, then you can resort to the last method— reset the device to factory settings. If you have not done anything with system files, then this method will almost certainly eliminate the “system application is not responding” error.

However, this method should be used as a last resort, since if you use it you will lose all personal files. So creating a backup copy of your files is highly recommended. in this case. If you only value the files on the SD card, then there is no need to worry, since this process will not affect it.

So, go to your device's Settings again. Scroll down to the bottom and find the “Backup and Reset” section there. Click on this item and make sure that you have a checkmark next to the option “Create backup copy my data." If not, check the box and wait for the archiving process to complete.

Then click on the “Reset settings” button and confirm your intentions by clicking on the “Reset” and “Erase everything” button. Now all you have to do is wait for the reset process to complete. After resetting your Android device to factory settings, check it for the “system app is not responding” error. It certainly should have been resolved.

Method No. 8 Flashing to stock ROM

If resetting your device to factory settings did not help you, then you can say with almost one hundred percent accuracy that you somehow managed to damage system files Android. A huge number of users complained about the “system application is not responding” error after they tried to move system-critical things to external storage.

Of course you couldn't move important components without access to ROOT. For example, if you tried to achieve something using the Link2SD application, then it could very well cause some damage to Android OS files.

Hello! Working at the computer, or just spending time in in social networks, from time to time, small troubles with the operation of your computer may occur. Well, you have already seen the wrong case more than once when some program freezes during operation and stops responding to our actions. I don’t remember how it is in Windows XP, but in Windows 7 the window with the program turns white and you can’t click anything.

It’s good if this program hangs a little and lets it go, but as a rule, if the program freezes, then it will remain in limbo :). And in order not to sit and wait for it to be released, it needs to be closed. Most likely, you won’t be able to close it by clicking on the red cross; here you need to perform slightly different actions, or restart the computer. I always remove frozen programs through the “Task Manager”, it is very convenient and effective.

Now we will look what to do if the program freezes or does not respond, which is the same thing. It was not for nothing that I decided to write this advice. The fact is that since the update before last, Opera often began to freeze for me. Since this is my favorite browser, I didn’t abandon it in trouble 🙂 and continue to use it.

Or maybe this is something on my side, and not a matter of updating, but it doesn’t matter. It happens that Opera does not respond for just a few seconds, and then continues to work normally, and sometimes you have to remove it after "Task Manager". This is such a sad story :).

What to do if the program freezes and does not respond?

As I already wrote above, you can simply restart the computer, but it seems to me that this is a last resort, because a frozen program can be closed without restarting the computer.

We need to run "Task Manager", to close a program in it that is not responding.

Click right click mouse to a free area on the taskbar and select “Start Task Manager”.

If you can’t start the dispatcher this way, then press together the three legendary keys Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Will open blue screen e, (no, not the blue screen of death :)) on which select “Start Task Manager”.

A window with the dispatcher will open. In it we immediately see a program that has frozen, it will have the status “Not responding”.

Right-click on this program and select “Cancel task”.

Most likely, another window will appear in which you need to select “Close program”.

After these steps, the program that was “hung” should close. If in the task manager, on the “Applications” tab, you do not find a program that has stopped working, then look on the “Processes” tab. If you find a process that is hanging, then click “End process” and it will close. Just be careful what you close.

Now, when you have problems with the program, you already know what you can do and how to close it. If you have questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck!

P.S. The advantage of laptops over regular computers

The point is that you can take your laptop with you, for example, to the kitchen and continue working. But compared to regular PCs, laptops suffer the most. From falls, moisture, etc. If water gets into your laptop, first unplug it and remove the battery. Take the laptop for repair, do not delay it, because the motherboard may oxidize.

Also on the site: The program does not respond: what to do if the program freezes? updated: January 12, 2015 by:

admin Sometimes the owner of a smartphone may see information pop-up on the screen “the system application is not responding to Android”, what should you do in this case? Here quick guide how to fix this common software problem Android software

and how to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.

“The system application is not responding” is a fairly common and common error that fundamentally disrupts the operation of any Android device.


The problem occurs on many gadgets, especially when you try to launch some recently installed applications.

If you are faced with the fact that the system process is not responding to requests from your Android phone, this article will help you solve this inconvenience in a matter of minutes.

Reason for the error No matter what Android device you use or how old it is, The bug is known to affect the entire phone running any version of .

However, this is usually due to a recently installed application or software. While other errors on Android are often self-explanatory, dealing with system processes somewhat different. In general, the error basically means that Hardware or the Android OS itself does not respond to the active (or) actions of a particular application. When a system application does not respond on Android, we will look at what needs to be done in this case.

specific examples

, because There are many options for troubleshooting. Solution 1: Restart your smartphone Especially good this method works if the problem occurred very recently after an erroneous installation of the application or an unexpected failure, i.e. the problem is caused by

Solution 2: Update the apps installed on your phone

How often does the "system application is not responding" error occur?

Another common solution you may see is update all installed applications via Google Play Store. If you don't have a permanent dedicated wireless network connection or disabled automatic updates, this may cause them incorrect operation, because software, like any OS, does not stand still and requires constant improvement.

Solution 3: Make sure your system software is up to date

You need to make sure that all the latest smartphone add-ons and upgrades have been downloaded and installed on your smartphone or tablet.

Solution 4: Clear device cache

If mobile app does not respond on Android again, what should I do in this case? usually cleans absolutely all processes in and responsible for the occurrence system errors. However this step may lead to

We've all encountered something similar - when an application that previously worked like a charm starts creating endless problems. After working a little, for some reason it begins to “hang” or “fly out”. Those. appear system messages like: “The application is not responding, close the application?”, or “The application has suddenly stopped.” A classic and not at all rhetorical question arises: What to do? Continue to patiently endure the loss of time, data and unrecoverable nerve cells? No, read on and try to integrate the following steps into standard procedure if such troubles arise.

1. Close the application.

When you "close" an application by pressing the Home button, you don't actually close it, it continues to run in memory. To close a running application, you need to call the list " Latest apps", hold down the "Home" button, and from this list, swipe the application to the side. Closing the application will ensure it stable work and unload RAM phone.

2. Clear cache.

Sometimes an application may crash because its cache size exceeds its allocated size, or an error occurred during caching. To clear the cache, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, then to the "Applications" submenu, select the "All" tab, and find the required application. When you select an application, the “About application” submenu opens, select “Clear cache” in it.

3. Clear application data.

If the previous two steps do not work, return to the "About the application" tab, select "Erase data". At the same time, your custom settings, the application will return to its default settings. You will have to restore everything manually, so write down the required passwords and your settings configuration somewhere. Usually, after this step it is restored normal operation applications.

4. Uninstall and reinstall.

If none of the above helps, use the old proven method: uninstall the application and install it again. With some applications you simply cannot do without it. But even here there will not be a complete guarantee. Some applications may not work properly due to critical error contained in their source code.

5. Install updates.

Lastly, always check your apps for updates. When installing updates, bugs discovered by developers are corrected and system errors. Also, always check your Android for new versions. The cause of the error may be hidden in the platform itself, and not in the application.

Although Android is considered one of the simplest and most reliable operating systems, it is also prone to various errors and glitches. And the main problem is applications that may not start, work incorrectly, do not respond, or even slow down the entire operation of the Android system. In this article, we will look at five major problems faced by Android users. Let's look at why this happens and what to do so that the program can be launched safely. We will look at the "system app is not responding" error and explain why this problem may appear.

495: problem downloading programs from the Play Market

This malfunction usually occurs in only two cases. The first and most common: the software developer simply deleted it from the server. Therefore, an error pops up and says that the file was not found. Here you just have to wait until the creator of the program downloads a new and updated version. But if other applications are not installed and the system does not respond when interacting with Play Market, then we follow the following advice.

This problem may be caused by a Boot Manager buffer overflow. In order to clear it, you need to go to Settings - Applications - All - Download Manager and clear the cache. Next, you should restart your Android device. You can also use special utility"Easy cache clearing" The irony is that it must already be installed on the device, because error 495 simply will not allow the program to be installed.

If the software still does not respond, then just in case it is worth checking whether the time and time zone are set correctly.

And also be sure to check exactly how your Internet connection is configured. It may happen that the settings are reset to WAP instead of standard Wi-Fi or simple mobile Internet. If this method does not help, then delete all updates for Google Play, and then download them again. But most often, clearing the cache solves the 495 error problem.

101: problem with loading

This problem is also related to downloading and updating applications. What it says: “cannot load/update “application name due to error 101.” Users spend a long time delving into Android settings and do not understand why applications do not load and the system does not respond. The solution to the problem is very simple. Your router's time is set incorrectly, update it and everything will load. Reboot your Android gadget and set right time on a Wi-Fi router. Everything should work.

Error loading device operating system

If your phone or tablet does not want to boot and displays “the system application is not responding, should you close it?” and the G-sensor stops working and the screen is for a long time in black mode and only after that the android decides to boot, then only resetting the settings will help here. More precisely, not just a reset, but the so-called hard reset(with all wipes from the recovery menu).

After this operation, the problem with the system should be resolved. But if this method fails to get rid of the error with the system, then this means that the firmware is severely damaged, and only a trip to service center. The “system application is not responding” error is often due to the fact that system files have been damaged, which can only be returned by the device’s firmware.

Common mistakes with certificates

If Android writes that the certificate has expired, this means that you installed an application that is signed by an expired this moment time certificate. How to solve the problem if the program does not respond? If you know when this certificate was valid, to which the application is signed, then change the date on your device to the date the certificate was received and try installing the program again. But usually users do not know this date, so the simplest thing is to set the date back a year and then install the program. After you have managed to install the program, you can change the normal date to Android.

You can also often see a message where the system writes “certificate error”. It arises due to the fact that the program was signed with a foreign certificate, that is, one that was created under a completely different IMEI. The problem may also be that you entered your IMEAI incorrectly. Solving the problem is not at all difficult: you need to re-sign faulty application, which is not responding. It is also worth remembering that system apps are often not responsible for certificates.

Helpful information

In fact, most of the problems that the developers have been able to address are fixed by updating your device's software. Updates are usually installed in automatic mode

, but sometimes you have to activate them manually. In order to start downloading updates, you need to go to the gadget’s settings, click “about phone” (if it’s a tablet, then the name of the device will be there). Here you will find a "check for updates" button. You need to remember that the updates that are installed on your gadget can cost a pretty penny, so first check how many megabytes of Internet you have left. Install them and reboot the gadget. Errors related to system and many others may disappear. Android is one of the most popular systems today. It is light enough that you can get maximum performance

components. The appearance of errors is a fairly rare occurrence, but it does occur. We will tell you what to do if the message “System application is not responding” appears, and how dangerous is this?

Reasons for the error Any operating system, when used intensively, over time becomes overgrown with all sorts of “garbage” and unnecessary files . Of course, all this slows down the operation of the device and complicates stable operation. Do not forget that the installation applications running in the tray and not only will also make themselves felt. Android has the hardest time dealing with widgets, and the more there are, the less RAM is free, and the more the processor is loaded.

Another reason lies in the design features. As a rule, all kinds of portable gadgets and devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and the like, run on the Android OS. “Heavy” applications, especially games, load the processor. It starts to heat up and at a certain temperature its performance starts to drop. In addition to the overheating processor, the device case does not have good ventilation, much less coolers.

All this is the cause of the error. If the user does not take any action and continues to use the device in the same way, this window will appear more and more often.

Fixing the System error

The first thing to start with is to remove everything unnecessary programs. To do this, you need to go to “Settings”, go to “Application Manager” and delete programs from there. Please note that simply deleting a shortcut from your desktop does not delete all files.

Next, you will need a utility to clean the gadget - in later versions of Android the cleaning option is built-in. If you don’t have them, then use the search in the Play Market. As an example, it will do CCleaner. Remove garbage and cache - this will optimize the operation of the entire system. We recommend turning off widgets and reducing visual effects.

The System application itself is responsible for the operation of most of the device’s functions, so a failure in another application may result in this error- reset those programs whose launch causes the bug to appear.

If all procedures do not bring results, then it is necessary to carry out reset settings. To avoid losing contacts, we recommend saving them and removing the SIM card. Resetting to factory settings will erase all information, with the exception of multimedia files, but, just in case, it is better to copy them to a computer or to the cloud.

Reset procedure:

  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the menu select " Backup and reset."
  3. Click "Reset device".
  4. Enter your PIN if prompted.
  5. Wait for the procedure to complete.

Popularly, such a reset is called a “soft” reset. With its help it is produced deep cleaning memory and setting the system to “Default” mode. If you get a black screen and nothing can be done, then you should go into Recovery and do a reset from there, look for your device step by step guide online.

If this does not help and the error continues to appear, then the next step will be a “hard” hard reset. In extreme cases, only flashing the device can help out.

Note! The “Application System is not responding” error may occur due to natural reasons– overheating of the processor when playing games, lack of heat when working with serious programs. Therefore, it is important to objectively assess the situation and make the right decision, otherwise cleaning, resetting settings and even flashing the firmware will not bring results.

On Android, as on any other operating system, the application may freeze. There may be a lot of reasons why this happens; we will not consider them in this article. We will just find a way to solve this problem. The easiest option is to start the application again, but this problem can occur quite often, so we offer you several ways to solve it.

Method 1: Closing the program.

The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to close and reopen. It is worth considering that by pressing the “home” key you do not close the application, but only minimize it. To close, you need to hold the home button and then swipe right or left on the application you want to close.

Method 2: Clear cache and data.

The next method, which will certainly help you, is to clear the cache and data. We go to “Settings”, open the “Applications” section, find the program we need, then click on the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons. After this, try running the application again.

Method 3: Reinstall the application.

Try removing the program that is freezing and installing it again from the official Play Store app store. If this method does not help, then try looking in other sources for older versions of the application. Often the developer adds new functionality The application may miss some errors, so try to find older versions of the program.

We've all encountered this - when an application that previously worked like a charm begins to create endless problems. After working a little, for some reason it begins to “hang” or “fly out”. Those. System messages appear like: “The application is not responding, close the application?”, or “The application has suddenly stopped.” A classic and not at all rhetorical question arises: What to do? Continue to patiently endure the loss of time, data and unrecoverable nerve cells? No, read on and try to integrate the following steps into the standard procedure when such troubles arise.

1. Close the application.

When you "close" an application by pressing the Home button, you don't actually close it, it continues to run in memory. To close a running application, you need to call up the "Recent applications" list by holding down the "Home" button, and from this list, swipe the application to the side. Closing the application will ensure its stable operation and relieve the phone's RAM.

2. Clear cache.

Sometimes an application may crash because its cache size exceeds its allocated size, or an error occurred during caching. To clear the cache, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, then to the "Applications" submenu, select the "All" tab, and find the required application. When you select an application, the “About application” submenu opens, select “Clear cache” in it.

3. Clear application data.

If the previous two steps do not work, return to the "About the application" tab, select "Erase data". This will remove your user settings and return the application to its default settings. You will have to restore everything manually, so write down the required passwords and your settings configuration somewhere. Usually, after this step, normal operation of the application is restored.

4. Uninstall and reinstall.

If none of the above helps, use the old proven method: uninstall the application and install it again. With some applications you simply cannot do without it. But even here there will not be a complete guarantee. Some applications may not work properly due to a critical bug in their source code.

5. Install updates.

Lastly, always check your apps for updates. When installing updates, bugs and system errors discovered by developers are corrected. Also, always check your Android for new versions. The cause of the error may be hidden in the platform itself, and not in the application.