Projects on arduino uno. Arduino Projects

We have collected the best and even crazy Arduino projects that we came across in 2015.

Arduino Wake-Up Machine

Hacking Combination Locks Using Arduino

This Arduino controlled mechanism can open any combination lock in less than 30 seconds. The hacker project Samy Kamkar demonstrated a vulnerability.

Robot sorting Skittles

A project for a 3D printed Arduino robot to save time sorting Skittles. Perhaps the biggest disappointment is that the mechanism is not universally suitable for M&M's. Video and more detailed description

Protopiper - prototyping gadget

Amazing gadget for prototyping. Tired of running around with a tape measure? With this device, you can quickly sketch out a room-sized sketch.

Open Source snow blower

The engine of progress in many cases is laziness. Shovel snow? A robot is needed for this job. Perhaps snow blower sellers will not like this project, because... The author believes that everyone can make one for themselves. .

Blaster for switching music

Everyone has different musical tastes. But sometimes the music is just terrible. No one in the company likes her. It happens. If your dream and such moments are to shoot a gun and change the music... then know that the project has been implemented, dreams come true.

Give your hair more options

Send messages unnoticed, launch applications, broadcast your location - all this can be done by gently stroking your hair - this is so natural for girls.

Knit with Arduino

To knit, you don’t have to turn to your grandmother or buy professional equipment. Make your own robot that knits using Arduino.

Robot BB-8 on Arduino

A project for those who dream of making a BB-8 robot from Star Wars.

Okay Google, Sesame, open the door

In this project, an MIT student implemented a door opening using a Google Now voice command. To get into the house, you just need to say: “Open sesame.” Video and description of the project.

Typewriter playing a symphony

The typewriter of 1960 has become not only a printer, but also a musical instrument.

Robot AT-AT

Controlled robot AT-AT from Star Wars.

Robot T-800 from Terminator

There are many Terminator fans in the world, but few have recreated the T-800 robot. You can read more about the project and watch the video.

Robot minion from an egg from Kinder surprise

A fun homemade robot that you can make yourself. More details about the project.

Controlling your TV with your mind

The TV remote is no longer needed. All you have to do is think about changing the channel. The project uses a chip from the game Star Wars Force Trainer, released in 2009. Read more.

Arduino is a small electronic device consisting of a single printed circuit board that is capable of controlling various sensors, electric motors, lighting, transmitting and receiving data... Arduino is a whole family of devices of different sizes and capabilities. And also this is a whole zoo of Arduino clones and a world of Arduino-compatible devices. But let's talk about everything in order.

1 "Brain" Arduino

The "brain" of Arduino is microcontroller families Atmega. A microcontroller is a microprocessor with memory and various peripheral devices, implemented on a single chip. In fact, it is a single-chip microcomputer that is capable of performing relatively simple tasks. Different models from the Arduino family are equipped with different microcontrollers.

Atmega328 - the brain of the Arduino UNO

The photo shows a microcontroller Atmega328. Such microcontrollers cost Arduino UNO And Arduino Nano(but in a different building).

2 "Hands" Arduino

But what good is a brain if it has no hands? In this case, the hands are electrical terminals, placed around the perimeter of the Arduino board. There are boards with more pins, and some with fewer. For example, the largest board in the Arduino family is Arduino Mega- has more than 70 independent outputs, and the smallest - Arduino Pro Mini- 22 pins in total.

The photo shows a comparison of Arduino Mega and Arduino Pro Mini. Can you imagine what a person could do with as many hands as there are Arduino Mega pins?

3 Digital and analog conclusions

Not all Arduino pins are the same. There are conclusions digital, is there analog. The fundamental difference between them is that the digital pins can have only two values: either logical “1” (TRUE, from 3 to 5 volts) or logical “0” (FALSE, from 0 to 1.5 volts), and On the analog pins, the range from logical “1” to “0” is divided into many small sections.

Why is this necessary? Let's look at such a clear example. If you connect an LED to the Arduino digital pin and apply a logical “1” to the output, the LED will light up with maximum brightness; If you apply "0" the LED will go out. There are no intermediate options. If the LED is connected to an analog output, then the brightness of the LED can be controlled smoothly. In practice, some kind of analog sensors are most often connected to the analog outputs.

4 What can it control? Arduino

As a result, such a number of “arms” of Arduino allows you to connect a huge number of different peripheral devices to it. Among them, for example:

  • buttons, reed switches and joysticks,
  • LEDs and photodiodes,
  • microphones and speakers,
  • electric motors and servos,
  • LCD displays,
  • radio tag readers (RFID and NFC),
  • bluetooth, WiFi and Ethernet modules,
  • SD card readers,
  • radio receivers and radio transmitters,
  • GPS and GSM modules...

And also dozens of different sensors:

  • illumination,
  • magnetic field,
  • ultrasonic and laser rangefinders,
  • gyroscopes and accelerometers,
  • smoke and air composition sensors,
  • pressure, temperature and humidity sensors...

And much, much more

All this turns Arduino into a universal system core that can be configured in a completely variety of ways. Want to make a radio-controlled pet feeder? Please! Do you want the window on your loggia to close when it starts to rain? Please! Do you want to control the brightness of the lighting in your room from your smartphone? Easily! Would you like to receive email notifications if your houseplants' soil becomes too dry? And this is possible!

The photo shows only a tiny part of the peripherals that can be connected to the Arduino. In fact, there are many, many more.

5 Communication with Arduino

How does the processor know what exactly it should do? You should tell him this. Writing messages for Arduino is called programming. There is a language for communicating with a microcontroller, simplified and adapted specifically for Arduino. Mastering this language is not at all difficult if you have the desire and some persistence, even if you have never programmed before.

And to simplify this process, a special software environment has been developed - Arduino IDE. It includes dozens of examples of good, working programs. After studying them, you will very quickly learn a lot about the language of communication with Arduino.

Arduino will allow your programs to move from the virtual world into the real world. You'll be able to see how the programs you write make an LED blink or a motor rotate, and then do more complex and useful things. Arduino will allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting things in both electronics and programming. In the end, this can serve as an excellent hobby for you, a fun activity with children, and a wonderful and useful pastime.

You can order Arduino and a wide variety of sensors for it in the Chinese online store Ali-Express. Here prices are lower, but delivery takes from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. You can order Arduino at the electronics store. The prices here are slightly higher than in Chinese online stores, but you don’t have to wait a whole month. Another good electronics and robotics store is

And finally, look at what different and wonderful projects can be implemented using Arduino!

I haven't done it for a long time radio controlled models. I decided to revive my old project: . But it's not easy to revive. But also to improve it. Since I have 3D printer. I decided to print a new frame for the car. I also decided to tinker with the code a little. During this time, my knowledge has increased and I already look at old projects completely differently. But first things first.

Bluetooth HC-06 and Arduino. Android application for controlling Relays from your phone.

How to connect Bluetooth model HC-06 or HC-05 told in

In the lesson we used a third-party Android apps phone or tablet. Today we will write our application in mit app inventor. Let's fix it sketch from 11, for working with a low-level relay. It will work with a high level rey without changing the sketch.

DIY LED clock on Arduino WS2312 controlled (addressable)

After another modernization of its 3D printer. By the way, I will post an article and video on upgrading Anet 8A soon.

So what am I talking about? Oh yes. And so I decided to print flat and large parts. They were the ones that came off my 3D printer. It even happened to come off along with the tape.

I found a model led clock.

LED night light in the form of a cube.

Expanding the materials and technologies used in development Arduino projects. Today I'll tell you about led cube 3d printed. Traditionally, in my developments I use only free software . While creating The question arose with the help of which free program can you make beautiful details quickly enough. One more point I'm only working on Linux. Looked at the entire range of software for 3D modeling.

Arduino traffic light on digispark and ws2812b

Today we will talk about traffic light on on DigiSpark and WS2812 addressable LEDs . This is the second version traffic light. I talked about the first one here. The first version turned out to be quite convenient and consisted of fewer parts. Why did I decide to make a second version? The fact is that the box holds the batteries that I used in the first version traffic light on Arduino, has become very expensive. Some sellers sell it for $5 at

Good day, dear readers and users of the best portal Trashbox! It's no secret that you can make good money on things you create with your own hands. If the idea is really interesting, then you can create your own business based on it. Using Arduino in this area is a very convenient solution, because Arduino is not prohibited for commercial use. Today we will talk to you about five interesting business ideas.

How to implement this?

The most convenient way to purchase components for implementing an idea is on AliExpress. You can also find various buildings there. In our case, the body is necessary for our creation to acquire a marketable appearance.

Doing business on Arduino is very profitable, since you only need to write a sketch once. You simply “fill” the already prepared one into the next copies. See the ideas themselves below.

Automatic home temperature control

In order: Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno and NRF24L01

I didn’t want to call this item a “smart” home, because this idea is only about temperature control. I would implement this idea using several Arduino Nanos and one Arduino Mega/Uno. Communication between them will be carried out using the NRF24L01 radio module. This module allows you to connect up to six Arduinos.

The Arduino Nano will be housed in a small case along with a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, an NRF24L01 radio communication module and a power source - a battery, for example. Several of these small boxes will be placed throughout the house.

DHT2 and text LCD display

The data from the Arduino Nano will be received by the "base", which is an Arduino Uno or Mega, enclosed in a large case along with an NRF24L01 (as a receiver), a text LCD display and a power source (battery). All this will be located near the heating system. The “base” will be able to receive and process temperature data and, depending on the value of this data, a command will be sent to the heating system to increase or decrease the temperature.

"Smart" greenhouse

An example of a ready-made solution.

It's no secret that managing your own greenhouse requires a lot of attention: opening and closing doors on time, monitoring soil moisture, and also monitoring the growth of crops planted there. All this can be automated using Arduino.

In order: Arduino Mega, DHT22 and text LCD display.

One Arduino is capable of monitoring the temperature of the greenhouse (using the same DHT22 sensor), displaying the necessary information on the LCD display, sending a command to open the tap to supply water, and also control the motors to open and close the doors.

CNC machine

In order: Arduino Mega, L298N and stepper motor.

This also includes 3D printers. There are many ways on the Internet to make a CNC machine based on Arduino. Not all of them are working, but there will definitely be good options. For hardware, you will need an Arduino, preferably a Mega, as well as an L298N motor driver and, of course, the motors themselves. Everything else is a frame and program code. I must note that this is one of the most difficult ideas to implement.


An example of a ready-made solution.

There is no doubt that children really like robots, especially those that they can control themselves. With the help of Arduino, robots can be made even from scrap materials. I once toyed with the idea of ​​making a robot in a vacuum cleaner shell that was very similar to the astromech droid from Star Wars.

In order: HC-SR04, L293D, HC-06 and NRF24L01

The HC-SR04 ultrasonic rangefinder can determine the distance to obstacles in order to subsequently avoid them. The L293D motor driver, which is used as an expansion board, is capable of controlling four motors and three servos at once. In terms of communication, we are not very limited. You can use the HC-06 bluetooth module, which will allow you to control your brainchild from a smartphone, but it cannot boast of a good communication range, which cannot be said about the already known NRF24L01 radio communication module. However, then you will lose the ability to control from your smartphone.

As a power source, you can use 18650 batteries connected in parallel to increase the total capacity.

Bottom line

Unfortunately, these are all the ideas I could find. I am sure that if you are interested in an idea, you can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet.
I want to say right away that I did not include quadcopters and other aircraft in this list because there are already ready-made control boards for them. Most likely, the Arduino simply could not withstand such a load.

In any case, I hope you found it interesting. Write in the comments, have you come across similar ideas?

All about Arduino and electronics!

Arduino- a trademark of hardware and software for building simple automation and robotics systems, aimed at non-professional users. Software part consists of a free software shell (IDE) for writing programs, compiling them and programming hardware. Hardware The part is a set of assembled printed circuit boards, sold by both the official manufacturer and third-party manufacturers. The system's completely open architecture allows you to freely copy or expand the Arduino product line.

The name of the platform comes from the name of the glasshouse of the same name in Ivrea, often visited by the founders of the project, and this name, in turn, was given in honor of the King of Italy Arduin of Ivrea.

Arduino can be used both to create autonomous automation objects and connect to software on a computer via standard wired and wireless interfaces

Why is it worth visiting exhibitions? At a good Expo you can always see what awaits us in the near future, what trends and trends will be relevant in the next six months. Hong Kong Electronics Fair is just one of those exhibitions where exhibitors demonstrate what they are capable of, and we, the guests of the event, get to know and actively test products, evaluate them and decide what will be a hit, what simply deserves interest, and what is doomed to lie unattended at the stand. Let us remind you that all this is carried out under the roof of the most beautiful exhibition center in Hong Kong - Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

The AD8232 is a small chip board used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity can be referred to as an ECG or electrocardiogram. Electrocardiography is used to diagnose various heart diseases.

The heart's electrical system controls the generation and propagation of electrical signals through the heart muscle, causing the heart to contract and relax periodically to pump blood. During the heart cycle, an orderly process of depolarization occurs. Depolarization is a sudden change in the electrical state of a cell, when the negative internal charge of the cell becomes positive for a short time. In the heart, depolarization begins in specialized pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node. Next, the excitation wave propagates through the atrioventricular (atrioventricular) node down to the His bundle, passing into the Purkinje fibers and further leads to contraction of the ventricles. Unlike other nerve cells, which are unable to generate an electrical signal in a self-oscillating mode, the cells of the sinoatrial node are capable of creating a rhythmic electrical signal without external influence. More precisely, external influences (for example, physical activity) affect only the oscillation frequency, but are not needed to start this “generator”. In this case, periodic depolarization and repolarization of pacemaker cells occurs. The pacemaker also has a stable frequency generator that acts as a sinoatrial node. The membranes of living cells act as capacitors. Due to the fact that the processes in cells are electrochemical and not electrical, depolarization and repolarization in them occurs much more slowly than in a capacitor of the same capacity.

This material will provide an example of how to use several 18b20 temperature sensors + add the required number and perform remote monitoring using the esp8266 nodemcu board and the blynk application. This material will be useful if you need to take several temperature readings remotely for monitoring.

Want to play video games from your childhood? Tanks, Contra, Chip and Dale, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... All these games are waiting for you! From this guide you will learn how to quickly and easily assemble and configure a retro console based on a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and assembling RetroPie emulators.

Interactive snowflake of the appropriate shape, created by Arduino Nano. Using 17 independent PWM channels and touch sensor for switching and effects.

The snowflake consists of 30 LEDs grouped into 17 independent segments, which can be controlled separately by an Arduino Nano microcontroller. Each block is controlled by a separate PWM pin, and adjusts the brightness of each LED block and effects separately.