Collecting potential clients from social networks. Create quizzes, polls and other interactive content

There will not be another story about copywriting and freelancing exchanges here. You will master methods of searching for clients that allow you to reach a paying customer directly.

All services discussed are paid. But they make it much easier to find leads (potential clients).

Or maybe not pay manually?

Of course, you can search for clients manually via the Internet. This is an absolutely free, but labor-intensive way. Let's look at the main channels where customers are traditionally sought.

Social media

I am writing with the expectation that you already have a profile on at least one of the social networks. So let’s move on to finding clients right away.

First you need to find and join groups focused on your activity. Let's look at the example of a copywriter and the VKontakte network.

Go to the “Groups” tab and in the search bar write, for example, “Freelance” or “ Distant work" You will see all communities whose names contain the specified word. Register with them and start monitoring.

IN public pages Posts about searching for services are published directly on the wall. In addition, most communities have discussion sections where customers leave messages about searching for performers.

These are the very places where you can find the order. But the matter is not limited to just searching for advertisements.

Publish your own advertisements offering services. How to do it? Look at your competitors' ads. Your goal is to distinguish yourself from them. You can write a creative description, you can add examples of work (if any), you can offer a discount or a free consultation.

Be active online. For example, your colleagues communicate in “Overheard” format groups. Communicate and you will make yourself known and attract attention. This is useful because such groups are often visited by potential customers interested in services. Just write relevant comments so that they demonstrate your expertise. Don't limit yourself to meaningless emojis.

Look for publications from customers, leave your own, communicate with people. Diligence bears fruit.

These tips are valid not only for VKontakte. There are plenty of potential clients on the Internet who are registered on Facebook, but they are not on VKontakte, or they promote an account on Instagram, but do not use Twitter. Others are not active on social networks at all, but publish vacancies on message boards and limit themselves to that.

Notice boards

I say “Boards”, I mean “Board”. The fact is that there are a lot of boards in Russia free ads, but in terms of coverage, they all lag far behind the monopolist Avito. This is where the vast majority of people post ads. Therefore, let's look at this particular board.

First of all, you need to advertise. For this I recommend using convenient function Avito "Resume". Click “Submit an ad”, select the category “Job” - “Resume (job search)”.

Write about your services in the same way as I advised you to do on social networks.

A resume differs from a simple advertisement in that it can be sent as a response to vacancies of interest.

Your task is to monitor the bulletin board by keywords and send responses or call.


Forums dedicated to business and Internet marketing are those platforms where direct clients live. It won't hurt you to be closer to them. Type “Business forums” into the search and feel free to register in all those offered on the first page of the search results.

By registering, you must regularly participate in the life of the forum - answer questions, give advice, and help other community members. The main thing, as in social networks, is to show your expertise and give useful advice.

Each forum has the ability to create a default signature. That is, when you leave a comment, your signature automatically remains under it. Write in it your type of activity, contacts, website address. If someone is looking for a copywriter and sees your helpful comment, they can easily click on your contact links.

The forum method is still alive. But the trend is that forums are losing relevance, giving way to social networks. Soon, apparently, they will become completely obsolete.

In any case, you can try, because the main thing is to act, and the result will come.

The problem is that all of the above methods help to find money orders, but take too much time. To find something, you need to sit for several hours every day and look through the news feed, comments in communities, sections with vacancies, message boards, chats on forums. And all this separately!

In a huge flow of information, it is not surprising to miss something important. Speed ​​in this matter is the key to victory. If you didn’t have time to declare yourself among the first, consider yourself to have lost a client.

Conclusion: If you search for clients manually, it takes a lot of time. In addition, it is unproductive, because it is simply physically impossible to monitor large volumes data. As a result, there are very few transactions.

But you don’t need to look for orders yourself. This is already mothballs. Services have been developed that find the necessary publications automatically after one click.

Each of the presented services stands out in some way. Read and decide for yourself which of them you will adopt.

And at the end a bonus awaits you. But I don’t recommend scrolling down the page right away - you’ll miss a lot of interesting things.

The service collects suitable publications from social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, forums, Avito message boards and For example, if you are looking for orders for copywriting, the service will show ads in which people wrote: “Looking for a copywriter,” “Need a copywriter,” “Required to write a text,” etc. The authors of such messages are your potential customers.


Subscription to paid tariffs SocParsing

The first 3 days are a free trial period, which is enough to evaluate the convenience of the service. After this time, access to publications will be closed, and you can extend it by subscribing to a paid plan.

To go to select a tariff, click on the top menu item “Access”. What you will see:

  • For 1 day – 99 rubles.
  • For 1 month – 990 rubles.
  • For 3 months – 2670 rubles.
  • For six months – 4750 rubles.
  • For a year – 8300 rubles.

When choosing long periods of 3, 6 and 12 months, you will save 10, 20 or 30% of the amount, respectively, than if you paid each month separately.

You can pay for your subscription, as everywhere else, in one of many ways:

The SocParsing service is quite easy to use. But the developers took care of their users - if difficulties arise, go to the “Help” section in top menu. It contains frequently asked questions about working with SocParsing. If this does not help, then at your service next point menu – “Tech. support". Write to the developers about your problem and wait for a response.

SocParsing is a pretty good service that has a right to exist. I tried its capabilities just once out of curiosity to evaluate its convenience. I paid for one day - 99 rubles - and saw what it would give. Gave me this 10-15 interesting publications VKontakte, to which I responded. But the deal took place only through two of the channels. True, this is not the fault of the service, but a matter of chance.

I would draw the following conclusion: SocParsing works using the same algorithms as other services. But the tariff prices here are not minimalist. With the exception of the 1-day tariff, it is the cheapest. If it makes no sense for you to use such services for more than 1 day, then SocParsing is better than others.

Cryo manager

This service is fundamentally different from the previous 4. It only works with the VKontakte network, but this is not the main difference. Let's go in order.


Follow this link to get to the Cryo-Manager website. You can log in to the service in a simple way - through VKontakte. Click the corresponding button in the upper right corner.

In the window that opens, click “Allow.” You will be taken to Personal Area. To work, we will use the menu located on the left.

First you need to activate your free trial period. To do this, write the word “Access” in the lower right corner of the chat window with technical support. You will receive an automatic bot response that will activate the trial period.

You will receive a response in your personal messages on VKontakte with a recommendation on what to do next.

Compilation of sources

The cryo-manager monitors communities on topics similar to yours, i.e., looks at your competitors. The system marks people who join competitor groups and writes reports about these joinings to you in private messages.

As a result, you have contacts of potential clients in your hands.

In the left menu, go to the “My Sources” section.

You must make a list of competitor communities yourself. To find them, go to VKontakte in the “Groups” section and enter a keyword in the search bar, for example “Copywriting”. Select those communities where there are many subscribers. Preferably 1000 or more. Pay attention to the quality of subscribers, because there are groups in which admins cheat members. Such groups are very easy to calculate - there are a lot of deleted pages Among the participants there are “dogs”.

Having selected communities, in the right top corner Cryo manager click green button“+Add sources.”

Just below, in the still empty field, add links to the selected communities. The list must be compiled in a column using Enter, as indicated by the hint to the right of the field to fill.

In free trial version the number of links to add is no more than 5. The number of participants in each group should not exceed 75,000.

Don't expect results from the first seconds. You will need to wait until new members begin to join these communities. You can find information about them in the “Possible Clients” section of the left menu. But in order to control the replenishment of participants, you do not have to constantly visit the Cryo-Manager website. As I already said, you will receive notifications via VK. Just do not delete the dialogue with technical support in which you initially wrote the word “Access”.

During the monitoring process, you can stop and resume the scan. To do this, in the “My Sources” section at the top right, under the “+Add Sources” button, there is an “Actions” button with a drop-down menu.

Switch to a paid plan

When 5 days expire free use, the service will automatically set a price for each added group based on the number of subscribers in it.

Rates will be visible in the “My Sources” section. The service shows the cost of tracking a group per day and per month. The fewer subscribers in the group, the smaller these numbers are.

To replenish the balance, the Cryo-manager has a special page on which several options for depositing money are possible.

Possible clients

The “Possible Clients” section of the left menu will display a list of people who have joined the groups. Opposite each line you will see two buttons: “Go” and “Write”.

If you click Go, the user's page will open in a new tab. The button itself will light up gray to make your work easier - it is clear that you have already switched to this user.

The “Write” button allows you to immediately send the first message to a person without additional clicks. The button will also be highlighted in gray, and the dialog window will open in a new tab.

Cryo Manager has an auxiliary function - when you switch to a new user, the first message template already appears in your buffer. Just press ctrl+v to paste it into the dialog box. The same template automatically appears in the dialog window after clicking the “Write” button.

The feature was created by the developers, apparently with good intentions. But I think it's better not to use it. Template messages are always easy to spot. They repel the recipient because they evoke the feeling of talking to a robot. It is much more effective to write to each person separately.

With the Cryo Manager the actions are somewhat different. If previous services show us already warm clients (they have already stated that they need a specialist), then here it is unknown whether a person is looking for a copywriter or has joined a group out of idle interest. Therefore, you should not immediately offer your services head-on. This is true in all situations, but especially here.

I don’t often use the help of a Cryo-Manager, but when I get down to business, I set aside at least half a day for it. I sit down and write to people. There is almost always a payoff: out of 50 recipients, 2-4 people become clients. Sometimes more.

How to write to people so that they don’t send you as their first response, read in the next section. Remember at the beginning of the article I talked about the bonus?

How to offer your services. What to write in messages

And now the promised bonus. Here I have collected several recommendations for communicating with potential clients.

Don't make unnecessary movements

Here is a “warm client”. What does it mean? He himself already called for help.

There is no need to convince the client that he needs a copywriter, he understands this without you.

And what needs to be convinced is that you are the one who will solve the client’s problem better than others. How to do it?

Get attention

Write your first message, be sure to address them by name.

“Hello, Ivan!”

“Anna, good afternoon!”

This is a standard, but no one canceled it basic rules politeness.

In VK, for example, it happens that a user’s messages are closed. And even in this case, you can write along with a friend request.

You shouldn’t add yourself as a friend and remain silent in the hope that the person will come to your page and become interested in you. This is ineffective, and even fraught with a ban and negativity.

Don't sell directly

In the first message, do not ask for anything and, especially, do not force anyone to do anything.

Briefly explain who you are and what you do. Mention the client's problem - show that you are interested in his problem.

“I noticed that you are looking for a copywriter to write a news column for the site. This is my element..."

“I noticed you joined a group about copywriting. Are you looking for something specific, or are you open to suggestions?”

Tell us about your successful experience in a similar situation and how you can be helpful.

Challenge the person to dialogue. For this there is effective technique– ask a question at the end of the letter. For example: “What do you think of my proposal?”

Forget about templates

Show genuine interest in the client. This is captivating.

But you can’t achieve trust with cliche phrases. Forget the disgusting stock exchange opuses: “I will do it efficiently and on time,” “Ready to work,” “You won’t regret it”; as well as business stamps: “Leaders in their field”, “We have the best offer”.

This idle talk has become so boring that even the child will not fall for it. Prove your worth with deeds, not words.

Second and further messages

Wait for a response. You must understand that this is a living person in front of you. Besides you, dozens or even hundreds of the same applicants wrote to him. Therefore, do not be nervous and do not shower the person with repeated messages.

If you do not receive a quick response, this does not mean that you were not given attention. Probably, the user simply does not have time to parse all the incoming letters. Be patient.

Got a response? Fine. Is the client loyal and ready for dialogue? Better.

Now you can increase the pressure, but be careful, don’t get into trouble. Demonstrate your offer: provide a link to your website (if you have one), show your portfolio, successful cases, recommendations and reviews from past customers.

Is the client in doubt? Well, that's natural. Pay close attention to the arguments. Based on them you can make profitable proposition specifically for that person to ultimately close the deal.

Show flexibility and virtuosity. Communication with people cannot be brought to a standard by fitting it into a table and diagram.

Last parting words. Don't burn bridges

If the client still refuses the services (this happens), do not be rude. Remain friendly and polite. It is possible that the person will remember you and ask for help sometime in the future.


Now you have mastered as many as 5 Internet resources designed to help freelancers find clients. And you also know how not to lose a client before you have time to acquire one. I hope the ideas described in this article will benefit you in the prestigious but difficult field of copywriting.

Implement and share with friends. Good luck!

Vasilina Vdovina - about how the search service works potential buyers on Facebook, VKontakte and Twitter

IT tools used in the Leadscanner project

  • Intercom
  • Trello
  • Slack
  • Mixpanel
  • YouScan

Many users who need some item or service are no longer looking for necessary information on the Internet, but simply turn to the “collective intelligence” for help on their social network page. YouScan specialists are among the first to Russian market were able to notice a new trend and translate it into a business project. The Leadscanner service they created “catch” messages from social networks real people about the intention to make a purchase or receive a service. Vasilina Vdovina, head of the Leadscanner project, told the website about how these messages help entrepreneurs find their clients.

Vasilina Vdovina, project manager (service for searching potential clients on social networks), marketer, web services product specialist, lead generation consultant. She worked at Yandex for five years - she headed the geoservices marketing group in Ukraine and was the regional manager of the Yandex for Business direction. He has headed Leadscanner since 2014. “Leadscanner” is a project of the Russian-Ukrainian company YouScan, working in the field of social network monitoring and analytics. social media since 2010.

Vasilina Vdovina

One business from another

All more people Those who need goods or services prefer not to waste effort searching for information about them on the Internet. Instead, they post messages on their social media feed: “I want to change my phone, which one should I choose?”, “Please recommend an English tutor,” “I need a team to renovate my apartment,” “I’m going to Greece, what hotel do you recommend?”

Such a message, which contains the intention to buy a product or use a service, is called a “lead”. Important Feature such a lead is an opportunity to contact its author through the same social network.

“Social networks have existed for quite a long time, but interest in using them to search for goods or services did not arise immediately. Nowadays, people are increasingly turning to social networks with just such messages - publishing their requests, wants, desires, recommendations. Those who live on social networks no longer go to forums and blogs. It’s easier for them to ask here and now, in their cozy VKontakte, than to go and search and choose themselves,” explains Vasilina Vdovina, head of the Leadscanner project.

According to statistics from the Leadscanner service, in 2016 the number of leads in the main Russian-speaking in social networks increased by one and a half times compared to 2015.

“Leadscanner” is a project of the Russian-Ukrainian company YouScan, which has been working in the field of social network monitoring and social media analytics since 2010. The company is one of the market leaders in Russia and Ukraine. Cooperation with YouScan allows customers to track mentions of their own and other brands on social networks. This data is used to adjust marketing strategies, as well as to quickly respond to mass mentions of the brand in a negative way.

At some point, YouScan specialists noticed that many customers were also trying to use their product to find customers for their goods or services. An analysis carried out in 2013 showed that social networks are becoming a serious channel for finding clients. The company had the idea to create separate service to find leads on social networks.

The market said yes

The Leadscanner prototype was ready in the fall of 2013. To decide for themselves the question of the need and demand for the product, the founders of the project decided to look at the market reaction. To do this, they presented their development to several potential investors and customers.

The presentation showed examples of leads - links to live clients who could be found on social networks using new system. Potential customers were asked whether they were ready to work with such clients and whether they were interested in receiving a constant stream of such messages. After the idea received “market approval,” work began on the service.

“After receiving a positive response, we quickly created the first version of the system. It was made by the YouScan team over several months. Literally immediately after the “official launch” in March 2014, we found several of our first clients - people who paid for the service,” says Vasilina Vdovina.

How it works

Entrepreneur who registered paid subscription“Leadscanner” for a period of 1 month, during this period receives access to messages from potential clients from social networks in the topic chosen by him. Leads are received by the customer almost immediately after they are published on the social network. Thanks to this, he has the opportunity to directly operational contact with a potential client who has already expressed interest in his product or service.

The number of leads a subscriber receives during a month depends on the specifics of the region and field of activity, and ranges from 50 to tens of thousands. The average “lead conversion” rate (turning a lead into a purchase) is 12%, in some industries - up to 80%. Thus, a small business can receive from three to five or more new customers every month using Leadscanner.

The service does not allow situations where there are too many applicants for the same lead. At the same time, there is no need to “artificially” restrain the number of customers, since the number of leads themselves is also growing.

“We don’t have the problem of intense competition for messages. If a year ago we found 1,500 leads in some direction, now we find 5-7 thousand. If we see that competition for leads increases, we will introduce mechanisms that will limit the number of applicants for a message,” says Vasilina.

The best

Customers, registering in the system, choose the direction or field of activity they need. Currently, 22 destinations are presented on Leadscanner. Among them is teaching foreign languages, medical services, travel organization, internet marketing, website creation and many others.

The areas in greatest demand among social media users are real estate rental (more than 70,000 messages per month) and job search (more than 150,000 leads per month). Very often, companies that hire staff first publish vacancy announcements not on job sites, but on their pages on social networks. In addition, social networks have specialized personnel search groups for specific industries (IT specialists, media specialists, etc.). Leadscanner also notices and takes such messages into account.

“Many employee search sites are now paid. And on social networks you don’t have to pay anything. It’s enough just to give a description of the vacancy, throw it on the Internet – and you’ll immediately receive some responses, most often relevant ones, and also mostly from friends and acquaintances. By own experience I can say: social networks are the first platform where I publish our company’s vacancies. And only if I don’t get a response there, do I go to other specialized resources,” says Vasilina Vdovina.

The popularity of a particular destination largely depends on the season. During the summer holiday season, many turn to social networks for recommendations in the field of tourism and travel. In the summer, the demand for photo and video services also grows; in September, their demand reaches a boom.

Through social networks, people often look for lawyers, contractors to develop websites and applications, and to provide services in the field of Internet marketing. Requests to recommend a lawyer or a repair team come in a steady stream, regardless of the season.

If the customer’s field of activity does not fit into any of the areas proposed on the Leadscanner website, they can develop individual settings search.

Investments in the project

In the fall of 2013, the founder of the project, Alexey Orap, took part in the Startup AddVenture competition (held as part of international conference, dedicated to startups). The Leadscanner team received a “starting” grant of $30,000. Prior to this, the project received $25,000 investment from the famous 500startups fund. Also, the founders of the project invested in it initial stage own funds in the amount of about $100,000.

Six months after the start, the company entered Microsoft program BizSpark Plus. Thanks to this, Leadscanner received $60,000 to use various cloud technologies(computing, hosting and data storage). In light of the specifics of the startup, which is completely technological, this was a very significant help for the company.

In October 2015, YouScan received investments from the project for the development of Leadscanner.

How to recognize intentions

During the first year after launch, the service had to be seriously refined and developed. The technology itself was still crude at the initial stage, and only after a year and a half did it grow into an interesting technological product. The company calls it Intent Intelligence Technology (“intent recognition technology”).

The program interface has also been redesigned and rewritten using new technologies. In the winter of 2015-2016, the Leadscanner website was “translated” to React technology (a library of components user interface, a product of Facebook/Instagram). The site has become more responsive and convenient for working with a large flow of data.

The key point for the development of a project is the ability of the program to recognize as many options as possible for expressing an intention or need. "We are working out great amount cases on how people can write about their interest and what questions to ask. You can express your intention using hundreds various combinations words Our program can already “understand” most of them. But we still have room to improve the linguistic algorithms of the system,” notes Vasilina.

The work of Leadscanner is based on Natural Language Processing technology. natural language"). This is a technology for computer understanding and recognition of “natural” spoken or written speech.

In 2016, the company introduced Machine Learning technology. It allows you to quickly work with very large amounts of data. This is a “learning” algorithm that itself determines whether a message contains intent or not, and whether it is a lead for a particular industry. Another important task of this algorithm is to recognize messages for spam.

Fighting spam

In the work of Leadscanner it is important not only a large number of leads provided to the customer on the topic he needs. It is equally important that the leads found are of high quality, that is, they are not spam and belong specifically to the given category.

“Quality” leads come from real people interested in certain services. But not all messages on social networks containing “intent” (the intention to use a product or service) are such. Some of them come either from bots, or from companies and individuals promoting their services in similar ways.

The percentage of messages containing spam varies greatly depending on social networks. So, there are fewer of them on Facebook than on other social networks. And, for example, on Russian-language Twitter, about 90% of messages are rejected due to the fact that they were generated by bots.

On VKontakte, the situation with spam varies. Usually the amount of spam does not exceed the statistical average. But it happens that a company starts active advertising of their product, and there is a sharp increase in bot activity. Initial number of bot messages by this direction during the period of such “stuffing” it can amount to up to 50% of the total flow of messages with “intent”.

“The problem of filtering out spam and irrelevant (not responding to the customer’s request) messages on social networks is quite acute for us. The satisfaction of our clients with Leadscanner depends on how high-quality messages we find. We spend a lot of effort developing effective filtering algorithms. And for Lately We have made very serious progress in this direction. Now we have quite powerful spam filters. They allow our users to receive large, high-quality streams without drowning in irrelevant messages,” says Vasilina.

From retail to subscription

At the start of the service in 2014, the “pay for each lead” model was used - one message cost customers 30 rubles. But this calculation scheme proved to be ineffective. Users of the service are mostly individual entrepreneurs And small companies. The payment of 30 rubles per lead turned out to be quite high for them.

Then the company introduced a subscription model of use. Customers could subscribe to the service for 990 rubles per month and receive unlimited leads. The introduction of such a model greatly helped growth client base. Currently, the subscription cost is 1240 rubles per month, 2200 rubles for two months, 2970 rubles for three months.

Currently, Leadscanner has more than 15,000 subscribers, some of whom use the service for free.

Leadscanner provides the opportunity not only to pay, but also free use service. At some point, the company realized that people needed to try a new service and evaluate the service’s performance. The duration of the free period is unlimited. But with this option, the client only gets access to messages that are 10 days old.

Find clients on " free access» difficult: usually after 10 days people have already resolved all the issues related to the need they voiced. But using it in free mode allows the client to understand what kind of leads he receives and in what quantity.

About competition

During the launch of Leadscanner in 2014, analogues to the project in Russian-speaking segment there was no internet. Now in RuNet there are several competing services that intersect with the company’s activities. First of all, this large systems monitoring, which allow, using a series of queries, to search for leads. But their functionality most often does not allow taking into account most options for “interest in purchasing” and finding large volume spam-free messages.

“Similar projects periodically arise and are closed. Someone is trying to track messages with “intents” in the same way, someone is trying to create services with keyword searches. But setting up a search yourself to find a large volume of messages is very difficult. As I already mentioned, this requires taking into account hundreds of different expressions of interest.

The second point is quality. We have a number of clients who left us, tried other services and returned with the words: “I’m tired of fighting spam.” They received no more than two quality leads per 50 messages. Most of our messages make sense,” says Vasilina Vdovina.

Marketing and promotion

Leadscanner mainly uses free channels promotion, primarily social networks. A blog dedicated to lead generation brings quite a lot of new users. In it, “Leadscanner” divides useful tips, how to work with leads and convert them into clients.

Cross-promotion works well with friendly services. The company essentially exchanges audiences with them. The Leadscanner resource itself also helps in finding clients. The program finds messages on social networks from people who are looking for clients in different directions.

Representatives of Leadscanner regularly participate in various events as speakers. In June, Alexander Sirach, Marketing Director of YouScan, spoke at Yet Another Conference, one of the most popular Yandex conferences, broadcast by about 10,000 people.

Sometimes a company experiments with paid channels promotion – for example, contextual advertising in communities. But on permanent basis Leadscanner does not yet use paid advertising. Its effect is not always as expected given the funds spent.

Expanding boundaries

In April 2016, Leadscanner launched a service for finding clients in the English-language segment of Twitter - LeadScanr. The service is used by entrepreneurs and specialists from the most different countries. First of all, we are talking about various freelance services that can be offered via the Internet. English-speaking subscribers can currently search in three areas: design, copywriting, website and application development. Just like in the Russian version, there are subscribers for whom the search for clients is carried out according to individual settings.

“The scanner can determine the user’s geography, so we can provide services local search clients – by country, region, city. To do this, you just need to filter the user by region. So not only global, but also local businesses can find their audience with us,” explains Vasilina Vdovina.

The cost of the English-language service is slightly different from the Russian one. For individual users a monthly subscription costs $19. Agencies seeking leads in multiple industries pay $49 per month.

The project team

Founder of the Leadscanner project - CEO"parent" company YouScan Alexey Orap. Together with him, the project is being developed by YouScan Marketing Director Alexander Sirach (company co-founder) and Technical Director Leonid Litvinenko. The co-founders supervise and coordinate the project in relation to the development strategy.

The leader of the Leadscanner team is Vasilina Vdovina. She is responsible for all processes taking place in two services - Russian-language and English-language.

The remaining employees are developers, analysts, a linguist, and a customer service and marketing manager. They work only on Leadscanner, its operational development and customer support.

The project operates from two cities: Moscow and Kyiv. The main sales office is located in Moscow, and product development is carried out in the Ukrainian capital.

In May 2016, Leadscanner assessed the volume of messages with purchasing intentions on the Russian-language Internet. Their approximate number was about 25 million per month, with the prospect of further growth.

The increase in the number of leads is a consequence of several factors. Firstly, the number of people expressing interest in a product or service on social networks is growing. Second important factor growth - development search technologies. In the two years since Leadscanner was founded, they have come a long way. And the company’s main tasks for the near future are related specifically to the technology sector. The search for leads should become even faster, more relevant (meeting the customer’s request) and protected from spam.

The next “level” of tasks is related to automation further work with leads. Now, for every lead found, the customer must spend time and effort on personal communication with the potential client. Already used as one of the optimization options advertising model work with leads, existing on VKontakte. Potential clients found through leads can be shown ads without wasting time on personal communication.

“We are now at the stage of active sales growth,” says Vasilina Vdovina. – Our June sales are more than three times higher than April sales, and the growth continues. But at the same time, we do not stop investing in our development, the development of new technologies and new models of working with clients. We understand that we still have room to grow, including technologically. We haven’t reached the limit of our capabilities yet.”


SMM promotion - great tool to attract customers through social networks. But it’s one thing when you use a social network for personal purposes, and another thing when you use a social network to promote a company. For example, a photo of your cat will get 100 likes in a day, but a post will take much longer to reach such an audience.

Organic reach is the foundation of your social media marketing:

    • Good organic reach can be further increased by paying for promotion. Moreover, the costs will be less than when promoting from scratch.
    • Getting real people interested in your content is great, which can be measured in numbers (number of subscribers, likes and reposts).
  • Your followers' friends become your potential followers, because they see that their loved ones trust you.

Engaging real people requires being smart. In this article, we share with you methods to increase organic reach. Organic reach is free impressions of your content. You don’t pay for promotion - people themselves like and share your posts, which will help you find new clients on social networks.

1. Use emojis in your posts

To create your own memes, use the generator. When creating a meme, consider the audience you are making it for. Memes are like small-town jokes that people “out of the loop” won’t understand.

A meme is any idea, symbol, manner or pattern of action transmitted from person to person through pictures, animation, video, writing or speech.

5. Post quotes as images

A picture speaks a thousand words. To increase the engagement effect, try combining a picture and text - post an image with a quote.

When you post a famous quote, you automatically gain some of the trust that people place in the author of the quote. So use quotes from celebrities that your audience loves and respects.

You can make cool pictures with quotes in Pablo.

6. Encourage visitors to tag their friends in the comments

You may have come across posts in which you recognized yourself or someone you know. For example, in a post about how to force yourself to eat healthy, you recognized your situation. Or remember how your friend complained about his strict regime nutrition.

Posts in which your customers recognize themselves gain more views and reposts. Here you can go further - encourage people to tag friends with a similar situation in the comments, which will help attract new audiences.

Try three methods that are used in SMM promotion:

    • Let people tag friends in a positive way:"Tag a friend you can't live without."
    • Let them challenge their friends:“Tag three friends who you challenge to 100 push-ups.”
  • Let them prank their friends:“Tag a friend who snores loudly.”

7. Hold competitions

Competitions work great for attracting new customers through social networks, because in a competition you can win something without special effort. The more valuable the prize, the more people will come for it.

To increase your chance of winning, you need to share the competition with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

8. Create quizzes, polls and more
interactive content

Interactive content on social page- call to action.

Can be used standard means to create surveys (for example, polls on VKontakte), but it is better to use special services. For example, Playbuzz.

An example of a Halloween quiz created using Playbuzz.

9. Entertain visitors with GIF animation

Gif animation is something between a picture and a video. There should be GIFs short and funny.

You can get GIF animation in different ways:

    • Use ready-made gifs from the web or create your own. For example, using GIPHY

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For those who sell on VKontakte or promote something, it is extremely important to automate the process. Because doing it manually will take all your time and is unlikely to bring the same benefits as if you automated customer acquisition using a program.

And here a program for automating the search for clients and referrals from the social network VKontakte will come to the rescue. The functionality of VKPRO allows you to attract an active audience from VKontakte,who is really interested in your offer, fully automatically. You receive only targeted visitors interested in your offer in automatic mode. Is this what you always wanted? Is not it? Then you don’t have to read any further, but immediately try the program for free with which you can earn money.

Well, for those who want to learn more about the program, I will further describe all the advantages of the program and in general what it can do.

So, first of all, I will say that the program really works. I needed to recruit friends for my account, so within a few minutes she sent out friend requests via special service, after which my friends began to appear and confirm my applications. In general, in three days of using the program, I made more than 200 friends. Absolutely automatic. And my account was not blocked because we are being added to interested people who will gladly add us as friends.


It's cheaper than ordering friends various services. Very high speed performance of work by this program and absolute security for your accounts. Yes, in addition, you can also add an unlimited number of accounts to the program at the same time and they can simultaneously perform either the same actions or their own for each account. The program is very flexible settings which are suitable for any business.


This is now the most popular and safe way promoting your products and services on VKontakte. By liking users you attract attention to your page. in a natural way. People from your area who are grateful to you for your like target audience they go to your page to see who liked them, look at the offer on your page and like you back, subscribe to your group and buy your product or service.

You configure the program and it automatically starts adding friends based on criteria. That is, you will be added as a friend to the maximum target audience for you.

This function has no analogues!!! This is just a super feature that will allow your offer to be visible all the time. Your offer will not be lost in the news feed because it will be deleted on a schedule from your page and added again. This way you can get a lot of referrals for your projects without spending a lot of time and money. The program will do everything for you!

Another great feature for attracting natural attention to your account. People don't like it when people try to push something on them. But when a person himself is interested in who wrote the comment for him, this is a completely different matter! We gain a loyal audience with the help of this program.

Very useful feature! Imagine that you have a couple of accounts with 1000 friends on which dogs have appeared, and in order to delete them you will have to scroll through all your friends and delete them manually. And the same with groups. It's long and tedious! What if you have 1000 accounts? Then you simply cannot do without this wonderful feature.

This feature will allow you to quickly promote your account or accounts. Quickly fill them with interested friends who will be loyal to your offer.

This function will allow you to promote your accounts fully automatically. When several dozen friends are added to your friends on many accounts, it will be very tiring and time-consuming to add everyone. And this way you will have time for something else.

Full list of features

As we see here there are many very good and required functions to make money on social networks, attract clients and referrals! So try the program for free! I'm sure you'll want to use it in the future!

How much does the program cost?

I will say right away that the program is worth the money! I will even say that it costs little compared to what you can earn using it.