The status bar and the information displayed in it. What is the Android status bar? Word help system

Status bar displays various current document information and provides access to some Outlook features.

Customizing the Status Bar is done by right-clicking on it, which will open an additional dialog box:

Formatted page number— shows the number that is on this page.

Chapter— the serial number of the section you are in.

Page number— serial number of the current page and the total number of pages.

Vertical position on page— distance from the top edge where the cursor is located.

Line number— the serial number of the line in which the cursor is positioned.

Column— the serial number of the column in which the cursor is placed.

Number of words— the total number of words in the document.

Spell check— shows whether there are errors in the document.

Language— indicates which keyboard layout is active.

Corrections— shows whether correction mode is enabled.

Caps Lock— indicates whether Caps Lock is enabled.

Replacement— mode change between insertion and replacement.

View mode shortcuts— allow you to switch between reading mode, page layout and web document.

Scale slider— allows you to increase or decrease the text size. You can use the “+” and “-“ buttons, or simply move the slider to the right and left.

Scale— allows you to customize the presentation in more detail.

When you click on the button indicating percentages, a dialog box will open in which the following settings are available:

  • Setting the scale (both specified options and arbitrary);
  • Placement of the window on the screen (by page width, by text width, whole page, several pages);

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar that displays various information about the document.

On the left side of the status bar (Fig. 1.23) you can see:

  • the total number of pages in the document and the current page number;
  • number of words in the document;
  • the language that is selected for spell checking in the current document;
  • button indicating the presence of spelling errors.

Rice. 1.23. Left side of the status bar

It is worth noting that all these information blocks are buttons designed to quickly call commands. So, when you click on the button with the number of pages, a window opens Find and Replace, which allows you to quickly move to another page in the document.

Clicking on the button with the number of words opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces (Fig. 1.24).

Rice. 1.24. Statistics Window

If you click on the button that displays the language, a window opens for selecting the language in the current document for which spelling will be checked. Finally, clicking the misspelling button will highlight the closest misspelled word in the text. A context menu will also open in which you can select the option to replace the word or exclude it from the spell check (Fig. 1.25).

Rice. 1.25. When you click on the button indicating the presence of spelling errors, the nearest misspelled word will be highlighted

On the right side of the horizontal scroll bar there are buttons for quickly switching between document display modes (Fig. 1.26): Page Layout, Reading Mode, Web Document, Structure And Draft.

Rice. 1.26. Document viewing mode buttons

NOTE. Read more about document display modes in section. 2.4.

In addition, there is a slider for changing the scale in the document (Fig. 1.27). Clicking the – and + buttons zooms out or in by 10 percent. By moving the slider, you can quickly zoom out or zoom in from 10 to 500 percent. Clicking on the number showing the current zoom value will open a window Scale. Read more about scale in section. 2.3.

Rice. 1.27. Slider to change scale

It is worth noting that all the described commands are available on the status bar by default. In Word 2007, you can customize commands on the status bar. To do this, right-click on it. You can enable the display of the Caps Lock key pressed, line number, section number, column number, and other information. You can also turn off the display of commands that you don't need.


Toolbar (Toolbar ) and status bar ( Status Bar ) - this is a specialty new user interface components designed to createfunction-oriented sets of controls. Instrument panelcops contains, as a rule, controls that provide quickaccess to the most frequently used commands or object properties. RazliThere are several types of toolbars aimed at application inspecific applications. Such specialized panels sometimes haveproper names (Fig. 5.31).

Rice. 5.31. Toolbar Examples

The status bar is a special area inside the primary window (usuallyin its lower part), designed to display information about the current state nii objects or processes presented in the window, as well as any other contextdetailed information, for example, about the state of the keyboard (Fig. 5.32). You can do thisYou can also use the status bar to provide help messagesabout the selected menu item or toolbar button. Similar to inst panel ruments, the status bar may contain controls; however, it is recommended to include read-only or non-interactive information. tive elements.

Access controls included in a toolbar or barku state, implemented either using the mouse or through other standard means of interaction with these elements. Keyboard interaction can also be implemented, based on the use of hot keys or keys.vish access. If a toolbar or status bar item does not have text label, keyboard access is ineffective for it tive. In addition, if any access key is already in use in the primary window, it cannot be used to work with the toolbar. On example, if the menu bar of the primary window already uses some keyaccess, then all events associated with this key will be processed approximatelyrelated to the menu bar.

Rice. 5.32. Status bar implementation options

When the user interacts with a control locatedon the toolbar or status bar, any change is immediately but applies to the current selection (for example, if the toolbar button is assigned to change the font style in the text, then when you press this button the text changes immediately); no further confirmation is required. The only exception is when using the elementcontrols (for example, buttons), requires the user to enter additionalinformation; the corresponding operation cannot be implemented while the userThe user will not enter the required information. An example of such an exception is selecting an object or setting a parameter value using the dialog panel.

For those toolbar or status bar items that do not haveIf there is no text label, a tooltip must be used. The system supports creating a tooltip for standard toolbar elements.

In order to provide maximum flexibility in the work of panel userstools and status bars should be customizable.The simplest option for this setting is the ability to hide (not display) these interface elements. In more complex applications, the user is provided with You have the right to change or rearrange the items included in the toolbars or status bars.

It is also recommended that each button be displayedon the toolbar in at least two sizes: 24 by 22 and 32 by 30 pxfishing If graphic labels are used to identify buttons, they should be no larger than 16 by 16 and 24 by 24 pixels, respectively.

Consider also creating a user-movable paneltools. Although the default toolbar appears as at docked to a specific edge of the window or panel in which it is used,allow the user to move it to another edge or display it as a windowpalettes (Fig. 5.33).

Rice. 5.33. Floating toolbar

To move the toolbar, you need to place the pointer on any free area of ​​the panel and, by pressing LMB, drag it to a new one place. If the new position is within hot zone of the window edge, atThe position should automatically dock the panel to the edge of the window (after when the user releases the mouse button). If the new position is outside the window's edge hot zone, the toolbar is converted to a palette window. To re-dock the panel to the edge of the window, the user mustupdate the pointer on the title bar of the palette window and, by clicking LMB, movethis window until the pointer is in the hot zone; when the user releases the mouse button, the toolbar is displayed docked with standing.

Provide visual feedback when moving the toolbarcommunication by displaying, for example, the movement of the toolbar outline. When the pointer enters the window's hot zone, change the outline of the toolbar accordingly to allow the user to visually controlperform the operation (Fig. 5.34).

Rice. 5.34. Visualization of toolbar movement

You can also support user customization for the toolbar. other options, such as resizing the toolbar cops, joining several panels, placing them in the required order, etc.

It is not recommended to include toolbars and status barselements that the user cannot otherwise access. ExceptIn addition, always save the current position, size and other information about the panel tools and status bar so that they can be restored to the same form when the user reopens the application window.

The status bar also supports the ability to include regulatorto calibrate the window size described in Chapter 4. When implementing With this possibility, the following should be kept in mind.

It is impossible to simultaneously display the regulator in two positions: in the status lineand at the intersection of the window's scroll bars (in its standard position). When on the screen displays a status bar containing a regulator, then it must be removed from the standard position; if the user removes the status bar, restore the regulator to the standard position.


Table Figure 5.6 illustrates standard formats for “general purpose” buttons. which can be used in any application.

Table 5.7.

Standard toolbar button formats

Format 16x16

Format 24x24


Create (New)



Preview ( Print Preview)









Bold [italics] ( Bold)

Italic (Italic)

Underlined [font] (Underline)


What is this? [context-sensitive help mode] ( What's This)

Open parent folder ( Open parent folder)

Display as large icons ( View as large icons)

Display as small icons ( View as small icons)

Display as a list ( View as list)

Display as a table ( View as details)

Select (select) area ( Region selection tool

Please use the above images for indication only.ny functions. Consistency in their use allows the userapply the knowledge and skills acquired while working with one software productthat, in any other. If one of the standard icons is used to represent another function, it may confuse the user. When designing your own toolbar buttons, follow the standard system conventions discussed earlier.

Status bar

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar (Fig. 1.39). This is another interface element that has been changed and improved in Word 2007.

Rice. 1.39. Status bar

In addition to traditional document data (the total number of pages in the document and the current page number), new elements have appeared on the status bar in Word 2007.

Almost all information blocks on the status bar are buttons designed to quickly invoke commands. When you click the number of pages button, the Find and Replace window opens, allowing you to quickly move to another page in the document. Clicking on the word count button opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces. This is very useful when writing articles and abstracts. In previous versions of Word, calling up the statistics window was much less convenient.

If Word has not detected any spelling errors in the document, the spell check icon is called Spelling errors not found and looks like an open book with a green “bird”. If Word thinks some words in the document are misspelled, the icon changes to a book with a red cross and its name changes to Spelling Errors Found, Click to Correct. When you click on this icon, Word sequentially highlights misspelled words in the text and displays a context menu containing options for actions with this word (Fig. 1.40). If there are similar words in the Word dictionary, they are displayed in this menu. If you click on a word in the menu, it will be inserted in place of the erroneous one. Using this menu, you can also skip the current erroneous word and move on to the next one, skip all similar erroneous words, or add the word to the program's dictionary. This is a very useful feature, since Word’s dictionary, although quite extensive, often does not contain very common words. This function is especially relevant if you often work with specialized texts, such as medical or technical ones. Once a word is added to the dictionary, it will not be considered incorrect.

Rice. 1.40. Context menu for an erroneous word

If you click on the button that shows the current document language, a window will open for selecting the language in the current document for which spelling will be checked (Fig. 1.41).

Rice. 1.41. Language selection window

In Word 2007, the buttons for switching document viewing modes moved to the status bar (in previous versions of Word they were located to the left of the scroll bar) (see Figure 1.39). These buttons allow you to select the document viewing mode: Page Layout, Reading View, Web Document, Outline, and Draft. Different document display modes serve to change the way the user perceives information. These modes are described in more detail in Section. 2.4.

The status bar in Word 2007 now includes options to change the document zoom level. If you click on the image of the current document scale, a dialog box will open in which you can select the desired scale from the proposed values ​​or specify an arbitrary one. In addition, you can change the scale using the slider by dragging it left or right and thereby decreasing or increasing the scale, or by clicking on the round buttons with a minus or plus icon. In this case, the scale will decrease or increase by 10%.

If you find it inconvenient to change the scale using the slider or you never use the spell check button, you can remove these blocks from the status bar. In Word 2007, you can customize the commands provided on it. To do this, right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you can not only disable the display of unnecessary commands, but also enable those that are inactive by default, but may be useful to you (Fig. 1.42). For example, you can enable display of line number, section number, column number, Caps Lock keystroke, etc.

Rice. 1.42. Status bar customization menu


If you have questions related to the topics covered in this chapter, please refer to Section 11.3 – perhaps you will find the answer to your question.

Menus, toolbars, and other screen elements are needed so that you can perform any actions in the work area.

The work area is in the center of the Microsoft Project window. At the top it is bordered by toolbars and the main menu, to the left of it there may be a task area, and at the bottom - the status bar. If you change the Microsoft Project window size or screen resolution (for example, from 800x600 pixels to 1024x768), the work area, along with the task pane and the advisor panel, tends to fill all the available space on the screen, while all other elements have fixed sizes.

The content and appearance of the workspace depends on the view that is currently displayed on the screen. When creating a new project, the view is initially shown Gantt Chart(Ganga Diagram). Views can be switched using the menu View(View).

There is a faster and more convenient way. To switch the current view, you can right-click on the header in the form of a blue bar with the name of the view (located on the left of the screen). A context menu will appear (Fig. 2.15). Here you need to select the view that you want to display on the screen.

Rice. 2.15. Switch views using the context menu

In any view, at the top of the work area there is an edit line - a text field that is intended for entering and editing values ​​in the fields of the table displayed on the screen.

After entering or editing information in this line, you need to press the key Enter. To cancel changes made to the contents of a cell and exit editing mode, you must click Esc.

Status bar

The status bar is located at the bottom of the Microsoft Project window. It is designed to display various auxiliary information. For example, the left side of the status bar displays information about a command, a toolbar button, or the location of the cursor.

In normal mode, when Microsoft Project is waiting for some user action, the word is displayed in the status bar Ready(Ready).

If you start entering text into a table cell, it will disappear and the word Enter will appear in its place. Sometimes the information in the status bar can help you while working.

On the right side of the status bar there are flags indicating whether certain modes are enabled or disabled. For example, CAPS shows whether the mode is enabled Caps Lock(capital letter input mode), NUM- is the mode enabled? Num Lock, A SCRL- is the mode enabled? Scroll Lock. If the corresponding mode is turned on, then the letters (CAPS, NUM, etc.) are clearly visible, and if the mode is turned off, then the corresponding letters are gray and almost invisible.