Technologies in the home in the future. Soviet “smart home” of the future

A turnkey smart home means reliability, peace of mind and the absence of everyday stress due to burst pipes due to temperature changes in the heating system or burnt-out wiring due to water entering it from a flooded bathroom.

Of course, you can simply buy an alarm system, or change equipment that breaks down every time, bypassing what a Smart Home can offer you, the price, however, will be too high. After all, this is your peace of mind, your health, and your finances wasted.

The Smart Home kit will allow you not to spend money on a guard's salary - your building is an impeccable guard in itself. You also don’t have to worry about the safety of your children - all electrical appliances are turned off, your home is the best nanny who doesn’t require a salary.

Smart home - the latest technologies that save for you!

During your absence from the building, a video chronicle of everything that happens on your territory will be kept. If necessary, the system will simulate the presence of the owner in the house - it will connect control over doors, blinds, lighting, video and audio equipment. The Smart Home will also protect the building from water and gas leaks, put electrical appliances in saving mode or turn them off, control access to a particular room for children, friends and staff with all the accompanying restrictions on certain functions, create the temperature and climate conditions necessary for comfort in rooms, and will even heat directly prepared food.

During your presence, the Smart Home system will create pleasant heating after water procedures, close the garage and open gazebo when bad weather begins, turn on pleasant music when you wake up, and create a suitable microclimate in the bedroom and other rooms.

Operating principle of the Smart Home system

All automation of the Smart Home system works thanks to modern KNX technology that controls apartments and buildings.

KNX technology is an inseparable part of the standard electrical network - the preliminary establishment of a method for regulating building systems. The flexibility of the KNX network is based on the modification and expansion of arbitrary functions at any time the user desires.

A reasonable KNX solution is to use a two-wire conductor, which is laid in parallel with the 110 V power supply network. This module connects absolutely all electrical appliances and building systems, and control signals are sent through it, which became possible thanks to absolute resistance to interference and high-speed transmissions.

KNX system components:

Devices and components of the system - power supplies for maintaining voltage, interfaces for connecting programming modules.

Sensors collect data, which is then sent directly to the bus. Typical data are changes in the heating temperature in a building, movement, and manual command entry.

Executing devices - receive an informative command and perform actions. These include controlling doors and blinds and adjusting heating.

Of course, it is almost impossible to install this system in a house on your own, since the development of a project and system concept implies extensive knowledge of the equipment and how to install it. Therefore, it should be purchased in specialized stores, preferably specializing in security systems. It is worth paying attention to the company “Spetstekhconsulting”. On the company’s website you can purchase a Smart Home system, and the company’s specialists will help you with the choice of equipment.

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In the modern world, technology is advancing in a big way, radically changing our lives. Many companies producing various household appliances are already endowing them with artificial intelligence; moreover, many devices are capable of being combined into a single network (which allows them to “communicate” with each other and with the owner), thus forming a “Smart Home” system. Of course, such systems are still far from the famous house of Tony Stark, where artificial intelligence - the butler Jarvis spoke almost like a person, completely controlled the house and could create holograms everywhere. But this is just the beginning!

If earlier, when people said “Smart Home,” they most often meant a complex and expensive system for remote control of light, heating and other systems, today this concept has become much broader. There are already “smart” finishing materials, programs for smartphones that allow you to control electrical appliances from a distance, robots that can do cleaning for you, and much more. Especially for you, we have identified three main technologies that can change our homes and the comfort of living in them in the future.

1. Smart home - smart materials

All surfaces in the homes of the future will be made of “smart materials”, resulting in many different functions. For example, walls can block the Wi-Fi signal, thereby preventing hacking and “theft” of your Wi-Fi; French researchers from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble have created wallpaper that helps prevent electromagnetic pollution and the “theft” of Wi-Fi. Special paper blocks the Wi-Fi signal, thereby preventing it from penetrating beyond a single room or home.

The windows of your home, which are installed on the Rehau press fitting, will also become multifunctional, turning into huge transparent screens - this technology was presented at CES 2012. Samsung specialists have developed Smart Window - windows that, as journalists said, resemble “giant transparent tablets " Another development in this area is GravitySpace, which can recognize people based on their body weight. Moreover, this floor is a large screen on which, for example, a virtual ball may appear if you want to play football.

2. Smart home appliances

Smart home appliances will also be multifunctional. For example, on the refrigerator screen you can search for recipes, leave notes and much more. In 2013, Samsung introduced the T9000 refrigerator, which runs on the Android operating system. On its screen you can not only search for recipes, but also view your Google calendar, write notes in Evernote, listen to music and even send tweets.

In general, all household appliances will become intelligent and can be controlled not only using buttons, but simply by issuing voice commands. So now there are such artificial intelligence technologies for the home as “Cleopatra”, thanks to which a “smart home” can recognize quite a lot of voice commands, for example, such as “turn on the lights in the living room”, “reduce the temperature to so many degrees” and the like. In addition, thanks to the built-in motion sensors and the built-in sensor in the owner’s watch, the “smart home” knows in advance about his approach to the door and opens it. Also, for example, “Cleopatra” can report missed calls, remind you of various events, etc.

Already, most manufacturers of household appliances are integrating remote control systems into their products, thanks to which you can turn on or off a particular household appliance simply by pressing the desired button on the smartphone screen. Pretty soon, such technologies will make it possible to control all appliances in the house from a smartphone: from a coffee maker to a door lock.

3. Smart robots - assistants

If robotic vacuum cleaners are now becoming commonplace, then assistants who can completely do all the housework for you have not yet become a reality. Moreover, such universal assistant robots as in the movie “I Am Robot” are still very, very far away. But this does not mean that in the near future there will be no assistant robots in our smart home - instead of one universal robot, there will be several robots, each of which will perform certain functions.

Many have already been developed, of which: the Hector robot can remind its elderly owner about the need to drink; he needs pills; the Roomba robot will vacuum the floor itself, and the Mint robot will wash it; The Mirra robot was created to clean the pool. Also this year at CES 2013, the Winbot robot, which can clean windows itself, was presented.

It’s a shame, but humanoid robot assistants are not yet available to the average citizen. The only humanoid robot assistant already working is Asimo from Honda. True, so far the list of its capabilities is quite limited; in addition, it cannot be bought, but can only be rented.

Of course, most of you will say that Smart Home technology, even in developed countries, will not become widespread very soon, and in Russia it will generally arrive decades later, but we can say with confidence that this is not the case. There are already companies in Russia that offer advanced developments in systems of this type, including industrial land for the development of high-tech enterprises. Therefore, perhaps very soon you, dear reader, will be able to appreciate all the advantages of a “smart home”.

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In this project I want to talk about the possible future of Smart Home technology, which after some time will be able to completely change our everyday life, and for some, perhaps, it will be able to save lives. I will also note those physical phenomena and principles thanks to which this technology arose and is developing.

Relevance: Smart Home technology is becoming more and more confident in life and it is necessary to summarize all the most important information about it.

Goal of the work: give a general idea of ​​the Smart Home technology, show its prospects and note the main physical phenomena that made the emergence of the technology possible.

Research methods : analysis of theoretical data in scientific literature and the Internet

Main part

Let's first figure it out and find out what, after all, is a “Smart Home”? Smart Home technology (or Smart House) is a network of sensors, detectors, and detectors that is connected using a single radio channel, which significantly, or not very much, but makes your everyday life easier. It doesn’t matter what it is: automatic turning off the lights in the hallway and closing the front door, or a system for watering home flowers, a mechanism that feeds a beloved pet, or a system that shuts off a leaking water supply pipe in an emergency. If something in your home is triggered based on some kind of algorithm, then it can to some extent be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality. But also, the system “SmartHouse"can be called a huge security system covering entire cities. An example of which will be given below.


There are many reasons why people think about a smart home. Here are some of them:

Sensors that work thanks to the discoveries of physics in the field of electromagnetic waves, installed on the territory of a house or apartment, alarms on windows, as well as video cameras that provide inspection of a house or apartment at any time, and from any device.

A practical control interface located in a convenient location is what people so often lack in a classic home. The system created for the resident allows you to save a person from unnecessary hassle and make life a little easier. For example, heated floors with several specific modes are now being replaced by a convenient system that allows you to specify the exact temperature. And the systems of the future will already operate with even simpler terms “I’m cold” “I’m hot”. The ability to change the amount of light, another quantity introduced by physics, in a room also improves comfort. And also managing systems from your phone, from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection, undoubtedly makes life easier and increases user comfort.

Automation will remove various responsibilities from humans. For example, turning lights on and off in a corridor can be easily automated with just one sensor. Heating control is conveniently automated by sensors that recognize the presence of a tenant in the house. Instead of having to adjust thermostats throughout your entire home every time, you only need to set up the system once.

This is one of the most underrated features of smart homes. The ability to change settings or add new mechanisms will allow the user to customize the Smart Home exactly for themselves, and for any life situation. The appearance of children or rearrangements often require not only a change in the location of switches and sensors. With a Smart Home it will be much easier to do this, because now there are systems that allow you not to tie switches and sensors to wires, but to place them anywhere. A smart home should evolve with you.

Remote access
The ability to interact with your home remotely can be very convenient. For example, start heating in a country house or air conditioning in the hot summer. I also include notifications from smart home subsystems in this group. (such as temperature, air humidity, etc.). Monitoring the current condition of your home will help you avoid unpleasant weather-related situations, such as freezing water pipes in severe frosts.


There are several of them:

Principle of radio communication

Principles of Thermodynamics

Principles of physical measurements

Principles of statics


Unfortunately, all technologies have shortcomings, perhaps temporary, but they do exist. And the Smart Home system was no exception. At the moment, one of the main problems of the system, which discourages many from purchasing the system, is its price. At the moment, high-quality systems are not sold for less than 600-700 dollars. Another, no less important reason is that consumers themselves do not fully understand what smart homes are, why they are needed and how they can simplify life.


However, scientists and economic market researchers say that people's ignorance about this system will soon pass, and it will be replaced by a storm - a storm of “Smart devices”, and the market will become $60 billion within 5 years. And we readily believe in this, since the number of installed smart home systems in North America more than doubled between 2012 and 2014, and this figure is growing exponentially. Each smart home developer sees the future in his own way and tries to solve the most important, in his opinion, everyday problems that the average person faces. More and more startups are offering their products - companies that raised money on crowdfunding platforms are beginning to share the fruits of their developments. Large companies are also warming up the market. The movement is happening on several fronts at once - mobile devices, air conditioning systems, security systems, and set-top boxes are being created. Also, every year, as technologies become more accessible, prices become significantly lower, which opens this technology to even more users. So in a couple of years, Smart Home will be available to most people.


According to the Rustelecom company, the market for such systems in Russia at the end of 2012 was estimated at approximately 4 billion rubles. The market for security and response services in the private segment, which can already be considered the forerunner of the complex home automation market, was estimated at a clearly large amount - about 76 billion rubles. The market in Russia is quite developed and large, so products and technologies appear here almost simultaneously with the markets of Europe and North America. But the requirements of Russian clients differ from the wishes of Europeans, and this can be seen in the example of the smart technology market. Experts note that the “green functions” that are in demand in the West are not popular in Russia; in our country, safety is in the foreground. Installations for creating the effect of presence have become very popular in Russia. Meanwhile, private organizations for the protection of individuals. individuals and commercial enterprises, offer security and fire alarms, which are equipped with water, gas, heat leakage sensors and others. Such systems are easily developed and increase their functionality (depending on the user’s wishes) - they can be supplemented with various smart home functions. In addition, security structures are actively introducing services that allow clients to manage the security of their home from a smartphone from anywhere in the world.


Nowadays, when a huge amount of information is on the Internet, freely available, even something as complex at first glance asSmartHouse, can now be created independently.On the Internet you can find a great many articles on this topic: people talk about their experience of installing both the simplest combinations of the category “light based on motion sensors depending on the time of day”, and more complex ones, controlled via a computer or from a mobile device. Many of these solutions are really interesting and useful in everyday life. But unfortunately, even now, with such accessibility of this technology, not everyone can do it themselves. To do this, whatever one may say, you will need programming skills and electrical knowledge.


TrapWire is a global tracking system withfacial recognition, which was created to detect potential terrorists photographing “important objects” (metro stations, city squares, etc.). The system is also capable of recognizing the faces of wanted criminals from their photographs or sketches uploaded to the system. The system is currently performing well and has already found several dozen criminals. And just with the help of Smart Home technology, the systemTrapWireunites all government video cameras into one huge network. I talked about this system as an example of the fact that Smart Home technology can be used not only to simplify the life of an ordinary user, but also as a significant help for many special services.


This technology has the potential to change and improve the lives of many. Not only to make the life of an ordinary person easier, but also to help special people. services in their work. And perhaps, in ten years, each home will have its own help system, and will develop into a single network.

List of used literature and sources






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12 inventions of the future, to have something to talk about with a teenager before bed .

Children regularly wonder what appeared in the world when their parents were so small. How was it not a smartphone? How did you communicate without an iPad? It's only the beginning! Let's look a little further ahead?

The green home of the future will not only use less water and energy, it will be much more convenient to use thanks to smart features that are either automated or controlled via a mobile phone.

These unusual inventions at the end of 2013 give us an idea that technology and gadgets may be designed to furnish eco-friendly homes for a decade or two. And some of them are already on sale!

B drive washing machine

Xeros waterless washing machines are already a reality. They use a unique system of nanoparticles. Professor Burkinshaw's 3mm polyamide beads significantly reduce the amount of water used to produce clean laundry. This is technically not a completely “waterless” wash, as the nano particles are activated with a minimal amount of water. But a cup of water is nothing compared to how much we are used to spending on one wash today.
Dirty water is absorbed by the granules, eliminating the need for a rinse cycle. The collected dirt remains at the core of the nanoparticles. The granules can be used many times before reaching the saturation limit.

Kitchen Nano Garden - green garden in the kitchen

Kitchen Nano Garden is a Korean development that allows you to grow herbs and vegetables right in the kitchen. The attractive multi-level panel features climate control, recessed LED lighting and an automated watering system with recycled water formerly used for cooking, making it an all-in-one unit. At the same time, light, water, fertilizer and temperature can be adjusted at each individual level, which allows you to grow all types of vegetables.

Apart from producing organic food - no pesticides, this garden is a huge educational tool for children as they have the opportunity to learn the mechanics of growth through this mini hydroponic system.

Steam dishwasher

Dishwashers are bulky and they use a lot of water. The Eco-Friendly Steam Dishwasher is a very compact and energy-saving dishwasher of the future. The eco-friendly dishwasher uses a "Membrane Technology" process - high pressure steam is used instead of regular soap and water. In this case, the waste steam is condensed into water, purified and returned for use again in the next load. Fresh water is supplied periodically.

Zero-Energy Bio-Gel refrigerator Electrolux

The development of the Swedish company Electrolux is a refrigerator without a door, a fan, without a motor, cooled without electricity, which uses a special jelly-like substance to preserve and cool food. The transparent panel allows you to see your fruit, fish, butter and whatever else you keep hanging in the non-sticky, odorless green slime and stored individually in the refrigerator!

Portable Washing Machine by Adrian Mankovecki

A portable washing machine is designed to clean fabric from stains on a specific area, such as coffee stains or sweat stains, for example.

This eco-friendly washing machine uses a combination of steam and negative ions and runs on a high-density sugar battery.

Machine for recycling office paper into toilet paper

It's not cheap, but there are machines available now that actually turn office paper into toilet paper. Owners of such an environmentally friendly unit will never have to worry about purchasing the latter. And when we say it doesn't come cheap, we mean the White Goat toilet paper machine costs $100,000. Today these are bulky and expensive machines and are widely used in private homes for now.

not expected. But this development is a significant step towards solving the problem of cutting down trees for the production of toilet paper.

Nano bed and radiator in one - Bediator

Bediator is an innovative platform bed that acts as a radiator in winter. And in the summer it provides circulation of cold air. The bed panel has a calendar, built-in alarm clock and thermometer. The best part is that when the bed is not in use, it can fold up on its own.

Nano-kitchens - environmentally friendly kitchen modules

In the future, we will no longer have to think about the hassle of preparing healthy meals and then cleaning up the kitchen. Philips Design took care of us and developed the Green Kitchen. This is an integrated solution combined with gadgets built into kitchen surfaces. They will cook, generate steam, and automate energy consumption on their own to save as much energy as possible. Interactive touch screens will appear on tabletops, which in turn will be easy to operate.

Nano-shower Smart Shower

The idea behind this shower is that a smart shower uses far less water than conventional shower designs without leaving you cold. The water automatically starts when you stand under the shower. But if you stand in the shower long enough to get a facial or shave or other task that doesn't require a full flow of water, it will send out a cloud of steam to keep you warm. There's a touch screen so you can select the exact water temperature you like. Plus, a smart shower controls water flow and stores information about your preferences. It's natural to listen to the radio in the shower, and this design has built-in speakers with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi so you can listen to music from your smartphone.

Ultrasonic clothes dryer

This clothes dryer design will eliminate the need to bend over when loading and unloading clothes into the washing machine. It uses the system's ultrasonic jets instead of a conventional electric heating system to separate water from clothing. The resulting mist during the drying process can be cooled and collected for use in the washing machine.

Nano bracelet for energy collection and conversion

A number of cutting-edge companies are racing to develop nano-bands that can be worn on the body, such as on the wrist, to collect heat and kinetic energy and then convert it into energy that can be used for cooking. The essence of the race is to develop such a management of the collected energy that it would be possible to set opposite tasks, either heating or cooling. This bracelet can already be used as a heating pad or thermos.

Nano plate

Nutrima is not just a frying surface, it is a calculator of the nutritional value of the foods you plan to cook and consume, as well as a determinant of possible toxins and food freshness. The device folds easily and is easy to transport. There is app support and control via a mobile device, memory of your preferences and display of your experience, taking into account the advice of resellers with high quality ingredients.

We understand that these 12 future inventions have a very short shelf life. But even so, it will be interesting to compare plans and implementation of ideas.

See you in the near future!

If earlier, when speaking of “smart home,” most often they meant a complex and expensive system for remote control of light, heating and other systems, but now this concept has become much broader. “Smart” finishing materials have appeared, iPhone applications that allow you to turn off electrical appliances from a distance (in case you forgot to unplug the iron), and robots that can do the cleaning for you. Look At Me figured out what technologies and materials will change our homes in the future.

There are a growing number of low-cost home communications control devices that can be controlled using an iPhone app. For example, the Nest thermostat, designed by a former Apple employee, costs only $249 and predictably resembles Apple technology. The thermostat helps save energy (it turns off the heating when no one is home), and using a mobile application you can adjust the temperature from a distance.

There are also many devices that allow you to change the lighting in your home using an app, and Phillips has even developed light bulbs that can be controlled from mobile devices - they are called Philips Hue. Another interesting development is WeMo. It allows you to control all electrical appliances in the house from your phone. Using an app on your smartphone, you can even open locks: for this purpose there is a device August Smart Lock, created by the famous designer Yves Béart. A special device is installed on the lock that recognizes the owner’s mobile phone. In addition, you can send an encrypted electronic key to your friends and relatives or give them access for a certain time.

While robotic vacuum cleaners like Roomba are no longer surprising, robotic assistants that can clean or even care for the elderly have not yet become part of our daily lives. There are no such smart (and affordable) robots as in the movie “Robot and Frank” yet, but such assistants as, for example, Hector have already been developed - this robot reminds the elderly owner to take the necessary medications, take a walk or make a call.

If not everyone wants to trust robots to take care of older people, then they can still be left to do some household chores. The company that developed the Roomba vacuum cleaner has already created, for example, the Mint robot, which washes the floor, and the Mirra robot, which can clean the pool. Also presented at the CES consumer electronics show this year was the Winbot robot, which cleans windows itself.

As for robots that can cook and do all the housework, robotic housekeepers like Rose from The Jetsons are not yet available: humanoid assistants are very expensive and can only perform a limited number of functions.

Sometimes connecting household items to the Internet seems quite justified - for example, looking for recipes on the refrigerator screen is more convenient than walking around the kitchen with a tablet. However, Samsung developers went further: at CES 2013 they presented the T9000 refrigerator with the Android operating system, on the screen of which you can not only search for recipes, but view Google calendar, write notes in Evernote, listen to music and send tweets.

However, some go beyond the Twitter refrigerator. For example, Californian blogger and technology specialist Tom Coates created Twitter account for your home. Coates is the co-founder of Product Club and supports the idea of ​​the Internet of Things - he believes that connecting more technology to the Internet can make everyday life much more convenient.

"Smart" surfaces

All surfaces in the homes of the future can also become “smart” and acquire new functions. For example, walls will “learn” not to let Wi-Fi signals pass through: French researchers from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble have created wallpaper that helps prevent electromagnetic pollution and Wi-Fi “theft”. Special paper blocks Wi-Fi and does not allow the signal to penetrate beyond the boundaries of a single apartment or office. Windows can also become more functional, turning into huge transparent screens - this technology was presented at CES 2012. Samsung has developed Smart Window - windows that, as some journalists have noted, resemble “giant transparent iPads.”

Spanish developers have created iPavement - a floor covering with a built-in microprocessor that supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Another invention in this area is GravitySpace - a floor that recognizes people by their body weight and at the same time is a huge screen, for example, on it can appear

a virtual ball if you want to play football at home. Tracking also allows you to program other smart features - so if you sit on the floor in front of the TV, it will turn on your favorite channel.

Although 3D printers are not yet very common and few people have such devices at home, there are already heavy-duty models that can print an entire house. Some architects are beginning to master this technology: for example, the Dutch company DUS Architects plans to print plastic blocks for a house in Amsterdam on a specially created huge KamerMaker printer, which is 6 meters high - anyone can see it in the courtyard of the company's Amsterdam office. The facade of the first printed house will be ready by the end of this year, and then the rooms and interior will be “additionally printed.” The construction will be improved as 3D printing capabilities increase.

True, only the formwork of the house will be printed on a 3D printer, into which concrete will then be poured.