Technology is what else modern people need. Engineering and technology in human life

Progress is more than just a product of the creative activity of mankind. This is the meaning of existence, a new world ideology. Progress produces benefits that are firmly embedded not only in the public sphere, but also in the personal space of each person. Just recently, mobile communications caused amazement, but today every person has a telephone. In just a few decades, we have developed so much in the field of mobile communications, computer networks, gadgets and phones that we have already achieved the dreams of many science fiction writers of the last century! However, everything has its price and you have to pay for using all the benefits of civilization. We are talking not only about harmful radiation and addiction, but also about the further evolution of man as a rational being.

Almost no one thinks about the threat new technologies pose to every person. After all, technology must be used thoughtfully, and not with fanaticism giving ourselves into electronic slavery. The rapid development of mobile devices and the Internet has led to the emergence of a special form of addiction in which a person is simply unable to give up his phone for at least a few days! Dependence on social networks leads to degradation of real communication skills and develops many inferiority complexes. Advanced computing devices and the availability of almost any information, anytime and anywhere, lead to the fact that the human brain refuses to remember extremely useful information. At a subconscious level, the brain simply does not find any point in remembering important things, because it is much easier to save all this on an electronic medium! Once a smart person said: “We live in a world dependent on science and technology, but practically no one knows anything about science or technology” - these words perfectly emphasize the current situation. With all our ability to use various devices, we run the risk of simply not knowing what to do at a critical moment. After all, we get used to the fact that everything is done for us either by other people or by technology. Technologies need to be developed and improved, but we must not allow ourselves to become dependent on them.

Already today, planet Earth is surrounded by a variety of satellite mapping systems. Systems such as GPS and GLONASS are certainly very convenient and useful. But half the world’s population simply won’t be able to find their way to the other end of the city without them! According to studies conducted in Moscow, it was revealed that the vast majority of Muscovites only know the location of their home, place of work and favorite stores. Their real cartographic knowledge is limited to this circle, and if at night, when the metro is closed and GPS and similar systems do not work, a person finds himself at the other end of Moscow, he will not be able to find his way home. Even in provincial cities, people dependent on electronic maps are unable to walk from one part of the city to another on their own! Thoughtless widespread use of the benefits of civilization, with or without a purpose, only leads to gradual degradation and a decrease in mental potential.

But progress is moving forward and cannot be stopped. Sooner or later, implantation of subcutaneous chips will come into fashion. It’s in fashion, because with a chip you can surf the Internet without using anything and your boss at work won’t even notice! You can access maps or book a hotel room at any time! The entire impressive range of possibilities will be immediately available to everyone. Biomechanical implants will complement a person, make him more perfect, and give us more than nature gives. Virtual reality will allow you to be who you always wanted and do what you always dreamed of! But wouldn't this be the real end of the world?

The uncontrolled use of such scientific achievements will lead to a global decrease in labor productivity and the emergence of a huge number of low-quality goods. Just imagine what would happen if a worker at a car factory was attaching a part while watching videos on YouTube! The massive spread of virtual reality based on a neural interface will lead to many people leaving the real world. There will be no one to work, and our civilization will develop in the virtual world and at the same time disappear in the real one! There will come a time of chaos and acute social problems, because people will be divided into two camps - with implants and without them. It will take a lot of time before the bureaucratic state mechanism takes control of everything and introduces restrictions on visiting virtual space and obliges employers to install devices at enterprises that block the operation of built-in chips.

If states are able to eventually take control of everything, a process of controlled rapid evolution will be launched, as a result of which in less than a hundred years man as a biological species will cease to exist. A new species will take the place of ordinary people, the next stage of human evolution, devoid of unnecessary prejudices and thinking rationally. This new life will be created by our own hands and will inevitably replace us in the future. In some countries this will happen faster, and in others slower. Man will become one with the machine. Rational thinking will lead to accelerated progress and increased well-being of citizens, because with rational thinking there will be no laziness, greed, avarice and all other shortcomings of today's people. The need to create comfortable conditions for the individual will disappear, because the maximum fulfillment of one’s purpose will come to the fore for each person. There will be a simplification of the complex system of social relations. Families, shelters, and leisure facilities will disappear. All resources of the future society will be directed only towards endless progress and comprehension of the secrets of the Universe. This is how progress and technology will conquer humanity.

Currently, the degree to which each person’s vital needs are met determines the development technology And technologies. The more perfect they are, the higher quality and more reliable products can be manufactured, the better the development of all industries, the more prosperous each person and the state as a whole live. Therefore, the main task at the current stage of development of society is to improve equipment and technology .

During the development of human society, equipment and technology have gone through a complex path from primitive tools to complex devices that replace human physical labor with machine labor (Fig. 1), from individual simple operations to modern methods of processing materials and manufacturing products.

Hereafter, under the term technique we will mean a set of machines, mechanisms, and other devices used to create useful things.

Technology (from Greek techno- skill, skill, art and logos - the science) - this is a set of techniques and methods, or, in other words, types of work that a person uses to make useful things.

Rice. 1.

Under the term useful thing refers to a product that is manufactured and used by a person to satisfy his own needs.

Rice. 2. Useful things: a - made at home; b - manufactured at industrial enterprises (from left to right)

Yes! All these things were created as a result of the painstaking and persistent work of man.

Human activity aimed at producing useful things or performing useful work is calledlabor .

The process of a person using his labor to produce a specific product or perform useful work is called technological activities. It can be performed at home or in industrial enterprises. At home, this means making household goods, repairing furniture, as well as preparing food, digging beds, planting trees, looking after animals, and performing other household, repair and housekeeping work. technological innovation christensen market

In industrial enterprises, human technological activity is aimed at the extraction of raw materials, their processing and the manufacture of products from them. For example, various structural materials are first made from wood: boards, rails, whetstones, etc., and then products necessary for humans are made from them. Extracted iron ore, oil, and gas are processed and certain products are produced from them. Metal is smelted from iron ore, gasoline, various oils, etc. are produced from oil, polymer materials (plastics) are produced from gas. Agricultural products are raw materials for food (Fig. 3) .

The activities of an enterprise aimed at converting raw materials or materials into useful things (products) are called production process .

Rice. 3. Industrial enterprises: a - production of products from wood materials; b - oil production; c - iron ore mining; g - metal melting; d - cultivation of agricultural products; e - plastic production (from left to right, top to bottom)

In everyday life, a person uses a variety of useful things - the results of your work. To make housework easier, they use food processors, meat grinders, vacuum cleaners, washing and sewing machines, and other household appliances. For the convenience of using different things and storing them, cabinets, tables, and bread bins are made. Everything that a person uses is the result of his technological activities. Consequently, labor is an integral component of technological activity.

At the same time, performing certain types of work, for example, making a souvenir from wood and finishing it, are several separate types of technological activities. Each of them is characterized by performing a specific job. To make a souvenir, it is necessary to develop a drawing of the future product, select the material for its manufacture, mark the workpiece, manufacture and decorate the product, etc.

The type of technological activity aimed at performing a specific job is calledtechnological operation .

In the modern understanding, technology means a description of methods for performing certain types of work, their sequence, a list of tools, devices, materials and other information required for this, the possession of which makes it possible to manufacture a product. Such data is noted in a special technological document called technological map.

Disruptive Innovation/Technology by Christensen Clayton Christensen Clayton coined the new term “Disruptive Innovation/Technology” (precisely a term because it described a previously known effect). In his book: The Innovator's Dilemma, he concluded that “...the most successful companies are often the most vulnerable to new or emerging technologies. Clay Christensen coined the term "disruptive technologies" to describe new products that cause panic in an established market. Andy Grove called it the "Christensen effect" and Forces magazine called it a "back door attack." Disruptive technologies offer new versions of existing products. They are “easy to use, cheap and not high quality,” Christensen argued. Typically, their production involves a reduction in profitability and profitability. Since there are few firms willing to launch low-margin, low-margin new products, it is not surprising that the success of disruptive technologies often comes as a complete surprise to incumbent large companies. In his book The Innovator's Dilemma, Clay Christensen tried to figure out where many of the most successful companies stumble. His research confirmed that it is the success of the company that often becomes the main reason for subsequent mistakes. “They often fail,” Christensen argued, “because the very management practices that allowed them to become industry leaders prevent them from developing disruptive technologies that end up stealing their markets.” "Disruptive technologies" or Christensen's "disruptive innovations" are almost always the result of some kind of technological innovation that creates new products or services that can replace existing technologies and change market dynamics. The concept of a strategic inflection point is much broader because it can be caused by non-technological factors or events (think about what Prohibition did to the liquor industry). However, both of these phenomena have the potential to derail any company almost instantly. The following are examples of disruptive technologies and the sustainable technologies they challenge or replace: sustainable technology - disruptive technology; horses and carriage - cars; real bookstores - online bookstores; higher business schools - corporate universities; regular textbooks - electronic textbooks; traditional photography on 35mm film - digital photography; multi-volume printed encyclopedia - Wikipedia. In the final pages of The Innovator's Dilemma, Clay Christensen's Reader's Guide advises managers that corporations should "place responsibility for introducing disruptive technologies on those organizations whose demand for their products provides them with resources." He also pointed out that disruptive technologies should not be lumped together with other sustainable traditional products. Instead, he urged corporations to “create separate organizations for them, small enough to be interested in small profits.” Next, Christensen advised managers to “plan for failure.” He urged leaders not to expect “to be right the first time.” Instead, he suggested that managers consider turning disruptive technologies into commercial products. This will help them learn ‘lessons learned’ and make course corrections when necessary.”

New technologies make human life more convenient, but also have negative consequences for the environment and health. Journalists from The Epoch Times learned about how people from different parts of the world feel about this when they asked about

“do they benefit or harm people?”

San Francisco, USA

Jeremy Lybarger, 29, manager

I don't know what to answer: yes or no. I think it depends on what kind of technology we're talking about. People use technological advances in different ways. I don’t think that new technologies in themselves can be called bad or good. People can use them to do good things or bad things. But even in this context, I'm not sure we can call anything unequivocally negative. People are now too caught up in new technologies, and this is perhaps a bad thing because it isolates them from each other.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Konstantin Kaltsev, 22 years old, builder

They are beneficial. There are benefits in everything, including convenience. Technological development prevents environmental problems.

Carlsborg, Sweden

Inge Johansson, 62, mechanical engineer

I think there is both good and bad in this. New technologies can help a lot of people, but they can also harm many. For example, there are hackers involved in financial crimes. It’s also not so good that the younger generation cannot live without it. The older people are, the more carefully they can use these technologies. They rarely use email.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Natasha Pradeep, 21, content manager

Technological progress affects people's well-being directly and indirectly. Trees are being uprooted to make way for factories. Production is increasingly using advanced equipment rather than hired labor. Thus, unemployment increases, emissions of harmful fumes into the atmosphere increase - the negative consequences of technological progress, as a rule, are greater than the positive ones.

Lermontov, Russia

Ivan Shatrov, 31 years old, athlete/instructor

I believe that, in general, new technologies are beneficial. But, of course, not many people here have access to high-tech innovations, I mean new developments in the field of medicine. As for other industries, it’s hard for me to say.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Juana Valeron Sanchez, 58, employment agency

The development of new technologies provides us with tools that make it easier to carry out our daily duties. They provide us with access to more information needed for professional development. New technologies allow us to complete our work faster and with fewer errors. This brings organization to various areas of activity, it improves our lives. Therefore, I believe that new technologies are very useful for humans.

Lima, Peru

Lydia Diaz, 42, school teacher

I think that new technologies bring both benefit and harm to humans at the same time. It’s beneficial because with the help of computers we can learn more about how to stay healthy, how to cope with diseases, how to prevent them, and how to eat better. Children can find information for homework. And the development of new technologies is harmful because it harms the mental development of children - they become lazy, do not read books, and become dependent on computers. I think that technology needs to be developed even more - to bring it to such a state that people do not need to work, so that people are replaced by machines.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Jose Carlos Berg, 50, administrator

This technological revolution is harming society. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that negative consequences manifest themselves in the majority of young people and children - their physical activity is replaced by sitting in front of a computer or TV, they eat sweets, which is not good for them. This increases blood cholesterol levels and the spread of diseases such as diabetes and others.

Follow the global survey every week. Our correspondents learn from people from many parts of the world about their attitude to certain issues.

Among the students

Time inevitably moves forward. The world around us is changing - we ourselves are changing. Is it necessary to study such a subject as technology in school now? Why should girls know how to cook dinner when the store offers a large assortment of semi-finished products, why should they know how to sew and do handicrafts when all this can be bought?

In the new standard, the subject “Technology” is offered a secondary role – there has been a reduction in the number of hours, there is no material support for the subject, and there is no continuity of study during the transition from the primary to the secondary stage of education.

The developers of the standards believe that it is much more important for a modern person to master the virtual space and learn how to handle computers and gadgets than to be able to work with his hands.

The emergence of new standards, in my opinion, was dictated by the needs of employers who were dissatisfied with the quality of graduates’ training. The main disadvantages of today's graduates are the lack of teamwork skills, lack of respect for other people's opinions, and the inability to find ways to solve non-standard problems. All these shortcomings can be compensated for in the process of performing joint activities in technology lessons.

Technology lessons today are the only ones in which students create their own practical product, which is personally meaningful to them. The subject lays the foundation of skills and abilities that students will pass on to their future children.

It is no secret that now there are a lot of single-parent families, or parents are so busy making money that they do not pay due attention to the child, not to mention teaching boys how to hammer nails and girls how to sew buttons. The subject technology is intended to compensate for this gap.

Many students are now immersed in the virtual world to such an extent that it becomes a painful addiction. Technology lessons can help relieve them of this by switching their attention to interesting and useful things they can create with their own hands, or to socially significant projects.

Health-saving technologies are widely used during lessons. As a rule, 80% of them are spent in motion, which cannot be said about mathematics or Russian. The subject develops students with practically oriented abilities. A modern school must create situations of success in learning for every child. Technology lessons are suitable for this like no other.

The observed decline in students' technological training contradicts the task set by the country's leadership of raising the technological base of production in our country to a qualitatively new level. It is impossible to master nanotechnology without mastering simpler technologies.

In accordance with the new standards, each school subject, depending on its content and the organization of children’s educational activities, provides certain opportunities for the formation of universal educational activities.

I believe that during a technology lesson it is possible to form all types of universal educational actions.

Let's look at some of them:

Motivation for learning activities

For motivation to arise during a lesson, there is an intrapersonal correlation between the requirements of educational activity “need” and the internal need for action – “I want”. The teacher’s task is to help complete the task. Organize a situation of success for the emergence of an internal emotional state - “I can.”

Fixing an individual difficulty in a trial action

At this stage, trial educational actions are carried out, the student’s individual difficulties are recorded, the location and cause of the difficulty are identified, and a project for overcoming the difficulties is built.

When constructing this project, students communicatively agree on an action plan to solve the problem.

Implementation of the completed project

After building several models for project implementation, students must choose the best one, coordinate their actions and achieve the goal. This work should be carried out with pronunciation of the proposed actions in external speech, substantiation of the criteria for one’s judgment, reaching an agreement between group members and, ultimately, agreeing on a general plan of action.

Independent work with self-test according to the sample

An individual form of work is used: Students independently complete tasks, self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard, identify and correct possible errors, determine methods of action that cause them difficulties and they have to refine them.

The role of the teacher in this part of the lesson is to organize a situation of success for each student, motivating him to engage in further active cognitive activity.

Reflection on learning activities in the classroom

This stage records the new content learned in the lesson and organizes students’ self-assessment of their own learning activities. There is a correlation between the purpose of the educational activity and its results, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

Practical output of the lesson

At this stage of the lesson, the student can evaluate the material expression of his activity, having received the finished product, compare it with the sample and have the opportunity, by carrying out similar actions, to improve the quality of the product.

The stages of a technology lesson listed above are fully consistent with the standards of the new generation, are used during each technology lesson and, like no other subject, are aimed at socializing students, developing their ability to work in groups and micro-groups, and to develop a specific material product.

Technology and philosophy of technology. The term " philosophy of technology" was introduced E. Kappom, whose book “Foundations of the Philosophy of Technology” was published in Germany in 1877. One of the founders of the philosophy of technology in Russia is a Russian engineer PC. Engelmayer(1855-1942) at the beginning of the twentieth century published the book “Philosophy of Technology”, where he tried to present the origin of this new branch of philosophical science. However, only in the 70s of the twentieth century was a program for the philosophy of technology as an independent philosophical discipline formulated, since technology became a factor determining the future of humanity, and its further ill-considered development would be a tragedy for world civilization. A need has arisen for a critical philosophical analysis of the results of technical activity and the prospects for its development.

Among the leading philosophers of technology of the twentieth century - F. Dessauer, H. Lenk, L. Mumford, H. Ortega y Gasset, M. Heidegger, O. Spengler, K. Jaspers. Among Russian researchers of the philosophy of technology, the most famous are V.G. Gorokhov, B.I. Ivanov, B.I. Kudrin, I.A. Maizel, A.I. Rakitov, V.M. Rozin, M.A. Rozov, V.S. Stepin, D.M. Fedyaev, V.V. Cheshev, S.V. Shukhardin, etc.

Main questions philosophy of technology:

* What is technology?

* What can it give a person and what does it deprive him of?

* What are the trends and social prospects of technical activities?

* What is the nature of the modern technical and information technology world?

Philosophy of technology- a very developed direction of modern philosophy, but to this day a detailed theoretical concept of technology and technical development has not yet been created, there is not even a thoroughly developed system of basic concepts. This also applies to understanding the technology itself.

Concept “ technique” in the system of philosophy has undergone a long evolution. Thus, ancient philosophers included agriculture and hunting, navigation and healing, weaving and weaponry, theatrical art, etc. in the field of “techne”. The Greek "techne" is translated as art, skill, skill. For Greek civilization techne as a condition for human development is of a humanistic nature, at the same time the Greeks also noticed the danger of technology for humans. Sophocles wrote about the monstrous power that technology gave to man and placed him between good and evil. Thought Sophocles sounds surprisingly modern.

In the XVII - XVIII centuries. The Latin “technica ars” (the art of skillful production) passes into French as “technique”, and into German as “technik”. A classical understanding is gradually emerging technology as a collection of artificially created objects, primarily tools and machines. Technology, unlike nature, is not a natural formation; it is created by man. A man-made object is often called artifact(Latin “artifactum” - artificially made). The technique is a first approximation and can be defined as a collection of artifacts.

However, it is not enough to define technology simply as a collection of artifacts. An indispensable condition for the emergence and development of technology is technology. It is inextricably linked with technology as a specific method, like a specific algorithm functional connection between man and technology. The less developed technology is, the more technological functions fall to humans and vice versa.

Initially, at the stage manual labor, technology had mainly instrumental significance; technical tools continued, expanding the capabilities of human natural organs, increasing his physical power. At the stage mechanization technology becomes independent by force, labor is mechanized. Technology, as it were, is separated from man, who himself becomes an appendage of the machine, he complements its capabilities. At the third stage of technology development, as a result of comprehensive development automation strength is already coming to the fore intelligence human, realized through technology. There is a unification of science and technology, the consequence of which is scientific and technological progress, the current stage of which is often called scientific and technological revolution.

In the process of understanding modern scientific and technological progress, the content of the concept of “technology” is developing. One of the directions of modern domestic philosophy of technology, headed by V.G. Gorokhov, includes in the concept “ technique”:

A set of technical devices, artifacts- from the simplest tools to the most complex technical systems;

Specific area knowledge- from specialized recipe and technical knowledge to theoretical scientific, technical and systems knowledge;

Human domain activities aimed at creating technical devices and their operation;

Totality skills and abilities of a person, constituting the characteristics of one or another type of human activity, the art and skill of a person in this activity.

Thus, the philosophy of technology seeks to combine the narrow and broad understanding of technology. IN in the narrow sense technology is a set of artifacts created and used by engineering methods.

In more broadly understood technology acts as a special, technical approach to any sphere of human activity, as found in V.G. Gorokhova. However, in this case, the concept of “technology” includes in its content technology, which does not allow us to “separate” these concepts with sufficient clarity. In the following presentation we will understand technology, first of all, in its narrow sense.

Unity of man and technology. There are a large number of approaches to assessing the phenomenon of technology. According to naturalistic approach, man, unlike animals, lacks specialized organs, so he is forced to compensate for his shortcomings by creating technical artifacts. According to volitional interpretation of technology, man realizes his will to power through the creation of technology and technological chains. IN rational approach technology is considered as a consciously (rationally) regulated human activity.

It is not difficult to see that each of these approaches emphasizes the humanitarian, “human” characteristics in the essence of technology. Therefore, technology cannot be placed only in a system of natural laws, it cannot exist outside and apart from social relations.

Firstly, the very existence of technology is caused by the need to satisfy precisely social needs: production of material assets, provision of services, etc. Secondly, it puts the equipment into action, interacts with it, maintains it Human. That's why It acquires its own quality of technology only in the “man - technology” system. These kinds of features are typical for any type of equipment: industrial, transport, medical, office, etc.

Thus, technology contains a more or less developed social component, a personal factor. Therefore, the development of technology depends, firstly, on development of man as its potential member. Secondly, the development of technology is determined by the development of society, therefore the social component is integral component her essence. This clearly shows the process socialization of technology.

However, it is necessary to take into account the other side of the process - "technification" of man. While our ancestors from distant human prehistory confronted nature on their own, they were no different from the great apes. When they begin to confront nature with the help of a system of artificial tools - primitive technology, they become human. Therefore we can say that just as a person creates technology, so technology creates a person, human relationships.

Technology acquires its own technical quality only in interaction with the person who operates it. Therefore, the object of an engineer’s professional activity is not just technical systems as artifacts created by man, but “man-technology” systems.

In this aspect, it becomes necessary to know what human qualities are decisive for the most effective functioning of technical systems. This kind of research is carried out within the framework of engineering psychology, ergonomics and a number of other sciences. Philosophy here plays, first of all, a methodological role, defining the most general approaches to solving the issues under consideration. It turns out that the dispute between biologization And sociologizing acquires a purely applied technical significance, because it forms the tasks of the designer of technical systems in different ways.

The methodological and technical significance of modern philosophical anthropology is manifested, first of all, in the fact that it orients the engineer to take into account both biological and social qualities of a person. Indeed, the theory and practice of low-frequency amplifiers has become necessary, in particular, because the human ear is not able to directly perceive a high-frequency signal. This specificity of the correspondence between a person and a technical device in a single system “man - technology” is precisely taken into account in special branches of technical sciences.

The social aspects of man acquire technical significance not only because each technical device is designed to achieve certain social goals. The social quality of technology is also revealed in the fact that the design engineer, creating a technical device precisely as a component of the “man - technology” system, actually designs an algorithm for human activity in a specific technical situation.

The approach to the relationship between man and technology, formed in modern philosophical literature, allows us to consider them as universal pair categories social philosophy.

Technocratic optimism and technopessimism. In 1972, the publication of The Limits to Growth, the first report, caused an international sensation. Club of Rome based on the results of a study led by an American scientist D. Meadows. The report overturned all previous ideas about stability and prosperity, about the goals and prospects of human existence. Conclusion of the report: humanity is confidently heading towards a global catastrophe, which can only be avoided by taking measures to limit the growth of production, extraction and processing of natural resources. “The Limits to Growth” showed that growth cannot continue indefinitely, that humanity must abandon quantity in favor of quality.

For a quarter of a century, scientists from different countries, on the initiative Club of Rome About 20 reports have been prepared on the study of global problems of our time. These reports drew the attention of the world community not only to the immediate threats to nature that come from narrowly understood technological progress. They posed the problem of changing the person himself, his consciousness, perception of the world, his value orientations. To a certain extent, the warning of the Russian philosopher came true V.V. Rozanova(1856-1919), made by him at the beginning of the twentieth century: “Technology, having joined the soul, gave it omnipotence. But she crushed it. A “technical soul” appeared... And inspiration died..."

By the middle of the twentieth century, problems of this kind were being understood in technocratic concepts, or, as they are called differently, concepts technocratic optimism. In a social utopia T. Veblen(1857-1929) “Engineers and the Price System” technical specialists were presented as selfless servants of the idea of ​​​​social progress.

In the works J. Galbraith“New industrial society” and “Economic theories and goals of society” (60-70s) formulated the concept “ technostructures” as the hierarchy of technical specialists emerging in society - from the ordinary technician to the head of a complex technical complex. In his opinion, technostructure acts as “a carrier of collective intelligence and collective decisions.” For a long time, technicist forecasts were considered quite realistic, because they were based on a powerful stream of scientific and technological development. However, this development has led to the exacerbation of many social problems.

Therefore the concepts technocratic optimism began to be perceived and assessed critically. This kind of assessment was contained in a number of dystopias("Utopia 14" K. Vonnegut, "451 0 Fahrenheit" R. Bradbury,"Oh Brave New World" O. Huxley, "1984" J. Orwell"We" E.I. Zamyatina etc.), which showed that sophisticated technology begins to dominate a person, suppressing his individuality and freedom.

Philosophical criticism of technocracy proceeds from the fact that Absolutization of the role of technology and engineering is unacceptable. Therefore, modern philosophy considers it relevant and necessary to discuss the ethical and moral aspects of technical and engineering activities. Well-known representative of the German “philosophy of technology” A. Huning writes: “Never before in history has man been entrusted with such a great responsibility as today, for never before has he possessed such great power, which has increased many times over thanks to technology, over other living beings and even over all life on Earth. Today, man, on a regional or even global scale, can destroy his own species and all higher forms of life, or at least cause enormous damage.”

Indeed, technology has now acquired relative independence, and it is difficult to determine who serves whom: technology to man or man to technology?

Speaking about the nature of technology, Heidegger often spoke about bringing out what was hidden. It seems strange: what is hidden in the fact that a car requires a good road and a garage? However, man has turned into something that fulfills the requirements of technical reality, which develops according to its own objective laws, using man as an ant uses a needle.

Interesting analogies are drawn by the founder of the new theory of technology (which he called “technetics”) B.I. Kudrin in relation to modern garage construction: a technical product appeared - a car, which required a multi-story structure to ensure acceptable climatic conditions while the car was resting; hygienic installations in the form of shower devices with shampoos and solvents. Auto, as an individual, is picky about what it eats. On this basis, stratification into rich and poor is realized. The car began to put forward aesthetic demands on housing, completing the transition from a primitive “shell” to a multi-story brick mansion with pseudo-Gothic elements. The owner of a car often gives a gift not to his beloved, but to the car.

Consequently, the technical reconstructs the surrounding world in a direction favorable to itself. It objectively manifests its needs, which a person inevitably satisfies.