Wood Pigeon search php keywords. Sanctions for keywords

PayPal– an international payment system with which you can pay for purchases on the Internet.

Today, PayPal operates in almost all countries of the world, payments are made in 20 major world currencies. In Russia, the company does not provide services for sellers, but buyers can make transactions through PayPal using bank cards from global payment systems such as Visa or MasterCard.

This approach provides the buyer with a greater level of security, since the details are transferred not to a little-known store, but to an internationally recognized payment system and she already makes further calculations.

Another benefit of using PayPal is that information about bank card can be entered only once and is then stored in the user profile. Thus, when performing calculations with another point of sale On the Internet, you no longer need to fill out the form again.

PayPal provides customers with additional guarantees. If the purchased product is not delivered or does not correspond to the description posted on the Internet, it is possible to contact the system for a refund of the amount paid.

Buyers are not charged a commission when paying for goods or services. When receiving money, it is taken from the seller - depending on the total volume of transactions.

At the same time, calculations with using PayPal They also have certain disadvantages, for example, we can mention the difficulties in obtaining a chargeback using your bank.

Since October 11, 2011, PayPal has provided users from Russia with the opportunity to accept payments to their internal accounts in the system. Until this day, the service for receiving payments was not provided to domestic entrepreneurs and companies. That is, now the system can be used both to pay for purchases/transfer funds, and to receive funds into your account, including for the sale of goods and services. But withdraw the funds received from your internal account to PayPal system to a bank or card account opened in Russian financial institutions will not work yet. This option only exists for accounts opened with US banks.

My history PayPal company has been running since March 2000, when it was created through the merger of Confinity Inc. and X.com. Already in April of the same year, the number of transactions carried out exceeded 1 million, and the company primarily served auctions. It is no coincidence that in 2002 it was bought by eBay and has since operated as its subsidiary.

The head office is located in the USA. The company is not a bank, but has a license for financial activities in America.

Yandesk.Help says the following:

That is, Yandex may not take Keywords into account, and if it does, it will only be under certain conditions.

How does Google's Keywords meta tag count?

In the official Google blog For webmasters, there is a message on this matter from Matt Cutts (who works in a group that develops the quality of Google search):

Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in our web search ranking. - Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in our search ranking.

Does Google ever use the "keywords" meta tag in its web search ranking? Will Google ever use the "keywords" meta tag in its search rankings?

In a word, no. Our web search disregards keyword meta tags completely. - In a word, no. Our web search ignores the "keywords" meta tag completely.

Does this mean that Google will always ignore the keywords meta tag? – Does this mean that Google will always ignore the “keywords” meta tag?

Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for years and currently we see no need to change that policy. - Google has ignored the "keywords" meta tag for many years and we currently see no need to change this policy.

That is, Google does not take into account the “keywords” meta tag and, apparently, will no longer take it into account.

How is the Keywords meta tag taken into account by Rambler?

The Rambler documentation on this matter says the following: Rambler robots ignore fields when scanning and all other fields , except .

That is, Rambrer does not take into account the “keywords” meta tag.

How is the Keywords Mail.ru meta tag taken into account?

The information for webmasters says the following: - can be taken into account when determining whether a page matches search queries.

That is, as in the case of Yandex, Keywords in Mail.ru may not be taken into account, and if it is taken into account, it will only be under certain conditions.

Use Meta Keywords Tag?

There is no need to use the Keywords meta tag for sites that are completely focused on the English-speaking audience using Google.

If the site is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience that uses Yandex, Mail.ru - whether to use Keywords or not, you can make a decision by looking at the competitors who are in the top of these search engines.

    Good evening! Tell me if it’s worth filling out at all now keywords meta tag based on the search engine policy described below? Representatives of Yandex stated the following about keywords: “... can be taken into account when determining the suitability of a page...

    There is a solution

    Is it possible to enter Meta keywords simple copying from Excel? It’s more convenient to process keywords there. Is it possible to put a comma and a space after each keyword, then select the entire column, copy and paste it into the Meta keywords box? Or do you need...

    You can copy Meta keywords from Excel, there are no restrictions here. Concerning double spaces- scripts extra spaces They don't clean it up. If you manually delete them for a long time, you can copy the text to text editor(Notepad, for example) and perform a search with replacement throughout the entire text - replace the double space with a single space.

    Good afternoon, in the HUB it is not possible to change title, Keywords, Description in categories, is this intended or is it a mistake? Articles ...

    1) Check whether it is possible on the main page, on category pages, on subcategory pages and on product pages (on each specified page) individually (in manual mode via the admin panel) register title, description, keywords,...

    Good afternoon The site is in the cloud. It is necessary that the keywords meta tag is missing on some pages. Please note: you must not set empty values ​​of the form , and remove the tag completely....

    Because V search engines This meta tag is not used. Do webasyst developers plan to remove it?

    There is a solution

    in the topic you cannot do checks like (if !empty($wa->meta("keywords"))) ... ? I'm trying to write (if !empty($wa->meta("keywords")))

    The PHP function empty() needs to pass a variable as an argument, not an expression, which is why the error occurs. Changing your code like this will fix the error:($keywords = $wa->meta("keywords"))(if !empty($keywords)) {/if}Хотя ещё логичнее было бы изменить ваш код вот так (вам ведь нужно проверить, есть ли непустая строка в МЕТА-свойстве keywords):{if... !}

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    Website - Pages - Select a page and at the top Page Settings - Social Networks section.

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    Hello! Please tell me how to manually edit the template used to create the default title in the product card? Let’s say I want a template: “Buy *section name* *product name*, price *price* with delivery throughout Russia.” AND...

    Try adding the following lines to the beginning of the product.html(Store-Showcase-Templates) file:(* New product page title *) ($_category_name = $wa->shop->category($product.category_id|default:null)) ($ _category_name = $_category_name.name|default:"") ($_product_name = $product.name) ($_price = shop_currency($product.price)) ($_new_title = sprintf("Buy %1$s %2$s, price %3$s with delivery throughout Russia", $_category_name, $_product_name, $_price)) ($wa->title($_new_title)) (* /New...

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    Good afternoon! I want for home page enter keywords and description in title tags, keywords, description Having entered the index template, I saw these tags there, but they refer to some blocks


    The point is this: in the category settings there are a bunch of all kinds of values-elements-settings. That’s what I came across. Now I have the miracle plugins “SEO optimization” and “SEO category description”. No one will argue with the fact that ...

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    Good afternoon, I’m working with Webasist, the task is to change the meta tags. The problem is that they are displayed unknown (to me) by what and how. Of course, I try to drive them in along the path “Store-Product-Actual Product-Tab “Descriptions”, where there is...

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Of course, everyone who has at least some idea of ​​search engine promotion knows about the meaning of meta tags. Everyone is aware of the importance of title, description, h1-h6, alt and other tags. No one denies that they affect website optimization. But search engines have an ambivalent attitude towards one of the tags - the keywords tag.

In recent years, there has been a heated debate on the Internet that continues to this day: is it worth using the keywords meta tag at all? Unfortunately, no one can still give an exact answer. Let's consider different points of view and try to understand this issue.

What are keywords?

Keywords are keywords (no more than 20 for one page of the site) corresponding to the content of the page.

In the page code this meta tag looks like this:

Initially, the tag had a significant impact on the relevance of the site’s pages, and consequently on the site’s ranking in the top positions of search engines.

Knowing this, the site owners began to cheat - abuse keywords or add a large number of inappropriate words to this tag. And the search engines discovered this quite quickly.

What is happening now?

As they say, from one extreme to another: as a result, search engines stopped attaching any meaning to this tag at all.


Yandex representatives stated the following about keywords: “...may be taken into account when determining whether a page is relevant to search queries”.

Please note that the keyword here is Maybe. After all Maybe doesn't mean at all taken into account.


The system leaves no doubts and gives no grounds for thought. Everything is concise and clear here: “We don’t use keywords meta-tag in a search-ranking”, “Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for years and currently we see no need to change that policy”.

“We do not use the keywords meta tag in search rankings”, “Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for many years, and there is currently no need to change this policy”.

Rambler, Yahoo, Mail.ru

They share the opinion of Google and believe that the keywords meta tag has exhausted its usefulness. Therefore, it is not taken into account by these search engines at all.

But why do many people still use keywords?

Most likely, this is due to Yandex’s ambiguous wording about the tag. The logic of site owners is this: if there is hope that Yandex will take the tag into account, and Google, Rambler, Yahoo and Mail.ru are neutral about the meta tag, then filling it out will not make things worse.

What if it does?

There is an opinion among optimizers that filling in the keywords tag can be harmful. If search engines do not consider a tag as a tag, then the text included in it is read as regular site text. And if you have already used these keys in other tags and in the body of the text, then there is a risk of “overspamming” the page with keys. Well, overspam (excessive nausea) can get you under the filter.

1PS point of view

So far we have described the general situation and the different opinions on the issue. Everyone has their own point of view. Our point is that it is better not to fill in the keywords tag. There is definitely no benefit from it, but there is still a risk of falling under the filter.

It’s better to promote your website with the right content and tags , <H>, <alt>and other methods of technical optimization. By the way, most of these techniques are taken into account in the Search Engine Promotion service.</p> <p>P.S. Good luck in promoting your resource.</p> <p>I was wondering if && is same as “and”, and || is same as “or” in PHP. I’ve done a few tests and it seems they behave the same. Are there any differences?</p> <p>If not, are there any other php signs that have word equivalents and do you think it makes the code easier to read?</p> <p><b>php compare string of keywords</b></p> <p>I need to compare these two strings of keywords with php. $original_keywords = cat, dog, mouse $possible_keywords_1 = cat, dog, hamster; $possible_keywords_2 = cat, sheep, goat; I need a php</p> <p><b>PHP and Keywords</b></p> <p>I would like to know if I can make a php script that will allow me to echo keywords into a meta tag.To be more precise will the keywords echoed by the php script be indexed by search engines? I don't</p> <p><b>PHP search on keywords</b></p> <p>I have a table in a database with records containing keywords as well as other data. What would be a logical way to create a search function that would allow people to search based on keywords, and or</p> <p><b>Adding + between keywords PHP</b></p> <p>In my tag cloud I have urls that look like this ../search.php?query=cat&select=all ../search.php?query=the cat&select=all What I am trying to do is if the keyword is more than one word like</p> <p><b>mysql php match multiple keywords</b></p> <p>I have three tables which are currently structured in the following way Table: Images image_id image_title … Table: Keywords keyword_id keyword Table: Image_Keyword image_id keyword_id With this st</p> <p><b>Malformed keywords on extraction PHP</b></p> <p>I am extracting keywords from webpage using this resource. It works fine but some words are getting malformed. The word memory is extracted as memori and article is extracted as articl. There</p> <p><b>Automatically convert keywords to links in php</b></p> <p>I am trying to convert specific keywords in text, which are stored in array, to the links. Example text: $text=’This text contains many keywords, but also formatted <a href=#keywords title=keywor</p> <p><b>how do i get PHP / REGEXP to match all keywords, instead of any?</b></p> <p>I have a PHP/mySQL search function that uses one or more keywords in the value $keywords_search . The problem is that it matches ANY keywords, meaning if a search is done it returns results that eit</p> <p><b>PHP MYSQL search engine using keywords</b></p> <p>I am trying to implement search engine based on keywords search. Can anyone tell me which is the best (fastest) algorithm to implement a search for key words? What I need is: My keywords: search, fast</p> <p><b>Searching using multiple keywords in PHP/MySql</b></p> <p>I’m trying to search for people based on their skills by using different keywords. However, whenever I try to search, the results are narrowed down to match the exact keywords. Example: table for user</p> <h2>Answers</h2> <p>and and or have higher lower precedence than && and ||. To be more exact && and || have higher precedence than assignment operator (=) while and and or have lower.</p> <p>Usually it doesn’t make a difference, but there are cases when not knowing about this difference can cause some unexpected behavior. See examples here:</p> <p>Yes, they are the logically the same. (I believe “&&” and “||” are the preferred choice in the Zend coding standards, but can’t find any specific information on this, so it might all have been a dream. Or something.)</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside role="complementary"> <div class="block cat-list"> <div class="block-title"> <h3>Categories</h3> </div> <div class="block-content"> <ul> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/windows-10/">Windows 10</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/multimedia/">Multimedia</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/utilities/">Utilities</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/network-and-internet/">Network and Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/system-programs/">System programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/configuring-programs/">Setting up programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/os-problems/">OS problems</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer class="b-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="b-footer-content"> <p>rustrackers.ru - Free programs for your PC</p> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="back-top" class="back-top bounce-out"> <a href="#" title="Top"></a> </div> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/libs/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/vendor/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/scripts.min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/custom/custom.js"></script> </body> </html>