Where can you quickly sell a laptop? Where can you sell your old equipment for money?



The first thing you need to find out is the client’s level of knowledge about the product. This will help us not to waste

spend extra time explaining basic truths to a prepared client and, on the contrary, give

the required minimum of information for the unenlightened buyer. To do this, ask the recommended question.

- How well are you familiar with the computer? (Are you choosing a laptop for the first time?)


Laptops have 2 main parameters:

1. Form factor

Ultraportable – screen diagonal 10.6 – 13.3”, weight less than 2 kg, battery life from 5
hours. These laptops are characterized by such options as: fingerprint scanner (identification
user by fingerprint), hardware data encryption module, hard drive protection from vibration and falls, GSM telephony module. Be sure to invite the client to check
the ease of typing, the smaller keyboard of these models and the small font on the screen are often the cause of dissatisfaction among owners and cause the return of purchased equipment.

Standard – diagonal 14.1 – 15.4”, weight up to 4 kg, battery life from 1.5 hours. These fashion
are convenient for work in the workplace and acceptable for transportation.

Full-size – from 17”, weight and battery life do not matter. There are alternatives
howl of stationary PCs, in addition to high performance, they are characterized by the presence of a full-fledged
keyboards with NUMPAD (additional numeric keypad with calculator layout).

2. Laptop performance

Entry-level solution - Low-performance laptops designed for office work
other applications, access to the Internet and work with non-resource-intensive applications. As a rule,
purchased for organizing workplaces by enterprises, as educational PCs for primary
level or in addition to a desktop PC. (processors: Intel Celeron, Intel Solo, Intel Core Duo and
AMD Sempron, RAM: from 512MB, video card: integrated)

Universal – Capable of coping with most tasks except for the most difficult situations.
lies and games. Processors: Intel Core 2 Duo and AMD Turion 64 X2, RAM: from 1GB, video card: discrete
entry level or intermediate level)

Replacing a desktop computer – High-performance laptops fall under this category.
beech 17, less often 15.4”, they are characterized by such options as: RAID, Blueray, increased screen resolution -
new 1680x1050 or 1920x1200, built-in subwoofer.


We determine priority tasks.

- What tasks do you plan to solve using a laptop?

- Will you play on your laptop?

Determining the size/class:

- How do you plan to use the laptop: to replace a desktop PC or for frequent trips?

-What battery life will suit you?

Let's clarify possible requirements.

- What digital equipment do you already have in your home or are you planning to purchase?

This will help you select your PC configuration as accurately as possible and expand your sales. For example: The client has a digital camera - For working with photographs, the following are critical: the presence of a dedicated video card, the amount of RAM and processor performance, in addition, this is an excellent reason to offer a photo printer.

We determine the circle of users.

-Will anyone besides you have access to the laptop?

Often, a laptop is initially purchased for a specific task, forgetting to take into account the interests of other family members or work colleagues. Consider the interests of all users.

- Are you planning to connect to the Internet?

We determine the functions that are important to the client.

- Do you have any special requests for your laptop? (We are clarifying additional functionality.)

- What additional features will you need: for example, built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or a card reader, DVD-RW writer, WEB camera?

Help the client, ask clarifying questions. This will help you understand as accurately as possible
wishes of the client and not to lose sight of important points. Check your understanding.
Determine brand preference.
- Do you have a preference regarding the manufacturer?

Let's summarize.
- If I understand you correctly, you need a laptop... (We list the functionality declared by the client -
Tom.) Have we missed anything?

We offer a laptop model.
- To solve your problems, the ideal option would be...


It is necessary that the client actively participates in the demonstration of the product. During the demonstration
do not overload the client with technical terms, speak the “client’s language.” Offering
specific decision, be sure to indicate the benefits (advantages) that are acquired
is a client.

1. Specify the location of the ports.
2. Demonstrate a removable media drive.
3. Show the appearance in open and closed state.
4. Display the licensed brand of Windows OS on your laptop.
5. Point out the functional features of the model, demonstrate the operation of one of them on
your choice (WEB camera, card reader, built-in subwoofer, slot loading disks, etc.).

Attention! It is at the presentation stage that the offer and demonstration of accessories takes place,
in accordance with the identified needs, each proposal must be clearly argued
mented. You must offer at least five accessories and three services!

- To solve your problems you will need... (We offer accessories and settings)

1. Keyboard and mouse - I recommend that you purchase a wireless keyboard kit with la-
grain mouse, this will allow you to organize your workplace more comfortably and increase the efficiency
work efficiency. (Laser mice have high positioning accuracy and non-
whimsical to the working surface.)

2. Acoustics, headsets, microphones - The acoustics built into laptops do not allow normal
but to sound the workplace, offer a stationary or portable version of speakers for
private listening with headphones or headsets, the microphone will allow you to use IP
telephony and learn foreign languages.

3. Surge filter - Allows you to protect the device from short-circuits, on the order of several milliseconds.
liseconds of electrical bursts (interference). It also provides automatic shutdown
in the event of a short circuit in the electrical network, and thanks to the electrical disconnect function
The splitter will allow you to organize your workplace for comfortable work.
4. USB Hub (active) - Allows you to conveniently organize your workplace and facilitates connection.
Reading frequently used USB devices. (This is a good opportunity for us to offer
several USB devices for the client.)

5. Bag – Provides convenient carrying of the laptop and protects it from damage.
6. MFP - Allows you not only to print documents, but also scan them, or make
required number of copies.
7. GPRS – modem/router – The life of a modern person is impossible to imagine
without Internet access, offer wireless routers that do not
will not only allow you to use the Internet, but will also connect all the components of a digital home, organiza-
by lowering the wireless network. For buyers of portable laptops, it is advisable to offer
install GSM/CDMA modems that will provide Internet access throughout the entire operational coverage area
tora and roaming..
8. USB-Flash - The most valuable information will always be with you.
9. Security cable – will allow you to leave the laptop out of sight, for example in a hotel room
10. Software – The client purchases a PC specifically for the ability to work with software, be sure to select
necessary programs.
11. Care products - To care for your equipment, I recommend purchasing this cleaning product
means. SETUP

The client must receive a ready-made solution! When setting up, be sure to explain your

1. Set time, date, language.
2. Activate Windows, if necessary, show the licensed brand.
3. Install the necessary drivers.
4. Set the number of users and rights required by the client.
5. Install the “My Computer” icon on your desktop.
6. Set the start page for Internet Explorer to www.digital.ru.
7. Choose a theme for the screen.
8. Carry out all additional settings ordered by the client.
9. Install additional software.
10.Customize purchased accessories and peripherals. TRAINING AND TERMINATION OF CONTACT

When leaving us, the client must, without resorting to instructions, confidently begin working with the purchased
technology. The stage of training in primary use skills is carried out at the time of issuance and pro-
performance verification and should not take more than 10 minutes (excluding time for providing

1. Question: Should I prefer a laptop or a desktop PC?
Answer: In terms of cost and functionality, both mobile and stationary PCs on
at the moment are approximately similar, PCs win in terms of expansion capabilities, and in terms of
mobility – laptop. The advantages of a laptop are that it saves work space on the desk,
prestige, quieter operation.
2. Question: Is the laptop suitable for gaming?
Answer: Modern laptop models, even with integrated graphics, allow you to play
many games are of average demand, and the presence of a discrete accelerator allows you to run
There are modern games of any genre, however, for game lovers, it is more advisable to purchase
sty game console.
3. Question: What is the operating time of this laptop model?
Answer: The time depends on the degree of use of the laptop: when working with office applications,
lights and economical display backlighting up to 4 hours, and up to 1-2 hours when playing at maximum brightness
or watching a movie. If you need more operating time, you can purchase
extra battery.
4. Question: Can I watch TV on a laptop?
Answer: Yes, if you have a TV tuner, there are models with built-in tuners, and you can also
For any model, purchase an external tuner separately.
5. Question: Which is better: laptop or PDA?
Answer: Both devices have their advantages. PDA is more compact, turns on faster and
turns off, costs less. A laptop is much more functional, supports all the same
applications, like a desktop computer, has a full-fledged screen and a full-fledged keyboard

I think everyone has heard the statement that "...everything new is a well-washed old one" :)

What am I talking about? Besides, every user at some point in time has a problem... The old computer is many years old and seems to work, but... Progress does not stand still and I want to play new, modern games, but the video card can’t handle them . Need to work in a fresh place Autokad-e, or Photoshop-e, but the processor can’t handle it... There’s not enough RAM, and it’s hard to find an additional memory module because they don’t make those anymore, etc.... In this case, it makes sense to sell the old computer, add a certain amount and buy new. This is where the problem arises for many...

Quite often I am offered used computers for sale, but in 50% of such offers the seller cannot really explain what his computer is, its characteristics, etc. And something like the following dialogue occurs:

Subscriber (A) - "...Hello, are you buying a computer?"

I - “Yes, I buy it. Which one do you have? Name it.” parameters!"

A - “The computer is very good. It has a large screen...”

I - “Very good is not an indicator... I’m interested in the parameters - what CPU, How many RAM, which video card, volume hard drive etc...."

A - “Oh, I don’t know... Come on, will you come and take a look?”

I - “I don’t have time to drive around the city to make sure that it’s possible that your computer won’t suit me... How long have you had it? When did you buy it? How much do you want?”

A - "I bought 5 years back for 30,000r. I want 20,000 rubles."

I - “Over 5 years, prices have dropped significantly. I can only tell you the approximate cost of your computer if I know its parameters. Turn on the computer and look in the properties...”

A - “Oh, I don’t know how...”

I - "I see. Okay, thank you." No need... Goodbye."

Do you understand the situation?! Human 5 years used a computer and still doesn’t know what it is and how to sell it correctly... And most likely, he has never cleaned it... What happens in the end? He will call based on another advertisement in the newspaper. The reseller, realizing that the owner of the computer does not particularly understand prices and does not know the parameters of his PC, will deliberately tell him reduced price. And the person will agree, out of despair and unwillingness to delve into the details of the transaction. Just to get rid of the old “trash” and buy new “trash” :) - again, without understanding...

In this article, I will tell you how to sell your computer correctly without losing money, nerves and time...

So, first of all, understand what a computer is and what exactly you are selling.

Computer - This System Unit(usually stands under the table and hums...:) ), Monitor(the screen opposite which sits 80% of the problems and errors that arise when working with a computer...:))) ) and Periphery- mouse, keyboard, speakers, etc. You can sell the entire computer, you can sell only the system unit (if the monitor suits you), you can sell only the monitor. It makes sense to offer peripherals as a gift, because they are inexpensive, especially used ones...

Now, you need to correctly decide on the price. To do this, you need to know the computer settings.


Which CPU,

How many RAM,

which video card,

volume hard drive and their number.

This is the most important thing you need to know to sell! Also, it doesn’t hurt to know what kind of power supply and how much Wt it is.

You can, of course, try to “dig up” somewhere in the bins and bottoms of your apartment an old, dirty piece of paper (which you received when you bought a PC) listing everything you need to know. But for as long as your computer has been running, it is not a fact that its configuration has remained unchanged. Perhaps something was changed with the help of a computer technician and you hardly remember what... Therefore, let’s use the most reliable and simplest option.

Go to the menu "Start"(the leftmost button at the very bottom of the screen), we find "Computer", click on it right mouse button and select - "properties"

We create a text document on the desktop and enter it into it (in my case, you will have other data):

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz

amount of RAM- 6 GB.

We add the name of the video card (in full) and the hard drive (company name and model) to the text document.

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz

amount of RAM- 6 GB.

video card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 460

hard drive- Hitachi HDS723020BLA642

Now, let's go to "Computer", We look at the volume of each hard drive partition and add them. Keep in mind that the number of hard drives and the number of partitions are two different things.

We add its volume next to the hard drive.

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz

amount of RAM- 6 GB.

video card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 460

hard drive- Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 2Tb

Next, right-click on an empty space on the Desktop and select "Screen Resolution". In the window that appears, click "Advanced options" and in the window that opens, on the tab "Adapter" let's see how much video memory used. Note that the first line "Graphics memory available" It does not show the actual amount of memory of your video card, but the amount of memory that the video card can use from the total RAM of your computer. Therefore, we are interested in the number opposite the line "Video memory in use."

Also, we add to our text document, opposite the video card, the amount of its video memory.

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz

amount of RAM -6 GB.

video card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 2048Mb

hard drive- Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 2Tb

In principle, we have found out the basic parameters necessary for selling... All this, of course, can be found out using third-party programs. For example, such as Everest, CPU-Z... You can download them at the end of the article. I showed you the best fast And simple option using Windows.

Motherboard model You can see it when you turn on the computer - the first color screen saver. Or, using the program Everest(you can download it at the end of the article). Also, we enter it into a text document.

It is advisable to know what power power supply I'm standing with you. To do this, remove the left side cover System Unit(the block is located “front” (where the power button is) part towards us.). In 90% of cases the Power Supply is located in the upper left part of the System Unit. It is to this that the power cable from the outlet is connected. We look at its model and power on the sticker. And we add this data to our text document.

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz

amount of RAM -6 GB.

video card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 2048Mb

hard drive- Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 2Tb

motherboard-Asus P6T SE

power unit- Corsair 850W

Now we will prepare our System Unit for sale, namely, we will clean it of accumulated dust. To do this, take a cotton swab and carefully clean out all the accumulated dust under the fan blades on the processor. We also clean the video card fan. After this, carefully, with a vacuum cleaner, using a small attachment on its pipe, we remove all the dust inside the system unit. At the same time, we try not to touch any small parts inside.

We only have a little left. Namely, decide on the selling price. To do this, go to any search engine on the Internet. Yandex or Google, it doesn’t matter. Copy the processor model from a text document, paste it into the search line and add the word, or buy. Click Enter and looking through the search results, we find the average price for it.

We do the same with the rest of the parameters of your computer components. We add the resulting prices opposite each model in a text document. We add here the average price for housing(1200 rub.), DVD drive(650 rub.). You can find out the brand of RAM using third-party programs, but if you have a fairly old computer, you are unlikely to find a price for it. Therefore, I advise you to proceed from the price 400 rub. - 1GB. We look at the manufacturer of the monitor on its body, it could be Acer, Asus, Samsung, LG, Benq... The model can also be seen on the body (the border around the screen). Typically, the first two digits in the model name indicate the screen size in inches.

CPU- Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz -8550 rub.

amount of RAM -6 GB. - 2400rub .

video card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 2048Mb -8350 rub.

hard drive- Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 2Tb -4399 rub.

motherboard-Asus P6T SE - 7390 rub.

power unit - Corsair 850W -5830 rub.

frame - 1200 rub.

DVD drive - 650 rub.

Monitor LCD Acer P246H 24" - 6450 rub.

Total - 45219 rub.

This is how much my computer costs if you buy it in a store at the moment. But it is 10 months old and the store warranty will expire in two months. And he already - used. Therefore, we divide this amount by 1.5. We get - 30146r .

If the computer is more than a year old and the warranty has expired, divide this price by two. As a result, we get the approximate cost used computer at the moment.

Well, then it’s easier. If you don’t have time to sell it yourself, we call the advertisements "I'll buy a computer" in the newspapers. Keep in mind that most of these advertisements are given by resellers who will reduce the resulting cost of interest by 15-20 , to get your profit.

If time permits, place advertisements in the newspapers of your city, with approximately the following content:

Selling a computer

Intel Core i7 2.80GHz,

oper. memory - 6 GB,

video - Nvidia GTX 460 2048Mb,

gesture. disk - Hitachi 2Tb,

power supply unit - 850W,


LCD monitor 24"

Store price - 45,000 rub.

I'll sell it for 30,000 rubles. tel: **********

On average, one advertisement in a newspaper costs 50 rub. The computer usually sells within a month. I know from my own experience, because I do it myself purchase and sale.

Bring your computer and charger to the nearest pawn shop. Receive money immediately after the device is assessed by an expert.

The main reason why our clients want to sell their broken laptop is the failure of the laptop’s motherboard, or a broken screen, and sometimes the case breaks. And the masters of official service centers say that repairs will be very expensive, since laptop motherboards can only be found to order, and you need to wait 2-3 months.

If the laptop is in working condition, selling it can sometimes help you get even up to 70% of the original cost. To sell your used laptop, it is convenient to create an advertisement (or several advertisements) on the Internet. You need to photograph a laptop in such a way as to give potential buyers as accurate an idea as possible of the proposed device. What is the best price for a laptop?

Value your time, because you can sell your broken laptop for money and buy a new one! in Korolev

A computer is an irreplaceable item; in many families it has overshadowed the TV and become a faithful assistant in work.

Where can you sell your old equipment for money?

By comparing them, you can decide for yourself which is more profitable for you. Next, we’ll sign the purchase and sale agreement and pay immediately. Our prices for laptop repurchase are higher than those of our competitors.

If you still haven’t raised your hand to throw it away mercilessly, then it’s time to earn a little money, for this you need to find out where you can sell your old equipment for money. Sell ​​for scrap metal. The next question is where you can sell your old equipment. The removal of single household appliances can be arranged by agreeing with the janitor; he knows exactly who will recycle it, and most likely he will even be able to make money from it. Freight transport owners sometimes make a mistake: they don’t think about where they can sell their old equipment for money, but instead take it straight to the nearest landfill. When thinking about where to throw away or sell old household appliances, you can always follow the path of kindness and caring for your neighbors. True, you need to give away equipment that is in working order, or one whose repair will not require a lot of effort or money.

We are figuring out where you can take old household appliances - unnecessary, broken or obsolete - so that they can be recycled. So it will be easier to give away a conditional “washing machine” for free: for example, through the specialized website “I’ll give it away for free.” This means they can be sold for money. Each company has its own conditions, and the difference may not be 100 rubles - before deciding where to take your broken washing machine, call at least a couple of companies so as not to miss out on the benefits. You can find many places where you can sell your refrigerator for money. YOUR TURN...Do you know other places where you can donate your old equipment?

In order to avoid paying a fine, you will have to look for where to sell old kitchen appliances for money. You can use the services of a company that buys non-working units, or hand over broken equipment for money as part of a recycling program.

What will the price depend on, and how not to be deceived if you find where to return a non-working laptop

Pledger" is a company where you can return a broken laptop of any make and model. Availability of warranty, etc.

If you are really tired of your laptop, then you will get much more money for a repaired one than for a non-working one. And on the issue of price, the cost of the entire laptop, if it malfunctions only when disconnected, will be around 5000-7000 maximum...

It's simple! A broken laptop can be sold for spare parts to the Welkomp service center.

In what cases and where to return a non-working laptop?

Fraudsters can take advantage of this. Watch the video and learn how to protect yourself from fraud when applying for a loan at a car pawnshop. Why is it more convenient to hand over a faulty laptop for money than to repair it?

Therefore, today you can sell your broken laptop to us, and we will make every effort to make your device useful to other customers. Clients turn to us because everyone knows where to return a faulty laptop and where to buy the necessary part or used electronics. Many people think that they themselves will be able to find such a buyer, but we are sure that you will lose a lot of time and effort, and in the end you will end up with less money than the “Pledger” would offer.

Only with us you will be able to hand over a PC in Tula, which can also be sold in wholesale form. We purchase computers and laptops in any condition.

Repairing laptops is not advisable in all cases. The first one requires spare parts and your device can become a donor for another laptop; the latter buy non-working computers to disassemble them and resell them in parts. If you are confident in the hardware components of laptops and can disassemble your non-working laptop without damage, then this method may be suitable for you.

But what to do if the cost of repairing a laptop ends up being high for you, and it doesn’t make sense to repair it? Because the laptop model is so outdated that even a laptop bought today for $500 will be more powerful than the damaged one.

Buying laptops for spare parts quickly and profitably

Describe your laptop and find out its value. The laptop was in terrible condition, I thought I would just sell/hand over, and voila, everything was done and in the best possible way) Close to the metro, fast, inexpensive. Anyone who sold an old laptop will understand me - selling such a unit is very difficult. I was selling a laptop - everything was fine.

Asus, Acer, Dell, Hp, Sony Vaio, Toshiba, Samsung, Pacard Bell, Lenovo, Macbook, Fujitsu, Msi) and years of manufacture, including those in non-working condition.

Buying laptops gives you a chance to sell at a high price a device that you do not use for one reason or another. In the process of assessing the cost of a laptop, the expert takes into account the form factor of the device, the presence of defects, the initial and current price, and technical parameters. The manufacturer does not matter. Blago employees will help you return your laptop in good or excellent technical condition. Please note that we do not buy laptops for spare parts.

There are specialized pawn shops that only accept jewelry, office equipment, or cars as collateral. Often, it is difficult to sell them at a profit in order to buy a new one, in which case what you need is to buy laptops at a pawn shop. Many pawnshops, both specialized and universal, today offer their clients the following service - online laptop valuation. If you want to buy an inexpensive laptop, then at a pawn shop you can buy a good model at a low price.

Our purchase of broken laptops in St. Petersburg offers the most favorable conditions for the sale of faulty equipment. In this case, it is better to use our services for buying broken laptops, and then purchase a new laptop, which you can also do in our center. In this case, he only cares about buying broken laptops. Since we repair laptops and buy them for spare parts, we will buy your device in any technical condition, offering decent money for it.

If you want to sell your laptop for parts, we can help!

Our company buys laptops and will offer the highest possible price for any device.

We know where to find a use for it, we will buy it at a high price. If you decide to buy a used laptop and don’t know where to turn, then our online store will help you choose the right option. Buying laptops for us is a mutually beneficial cooperation with clients. After a certain period of using the laptop, you have a question: who can you sell the laptop to? You can hand over your laptop in Tula by contacting our company.

Is your laptop/ultrabook no more than 6 years old and has it broken down or is it simply no longer needed? It's time to contact our company. It’s unknown what’s wrong with it, there’s no charger to check.

We can evaluate your laptop over the phone. Your laptop is broken and you want to buy a new one? These problems are solvable. We turn broken laptops into money. How is the cost of a faulty laptop determined?

Otherwise, everything works and worked flawlessly. Good afternoon, I am selling an excellent laptop. For 11000.. Big screen. I bought it a year ago for 20,000 in Eldorado.


Many computer users have experienced that their laptop stopped working due to a serious malfunction. In such cases, people usually turn to companies that buy used laptops.

This service is very popular, since selling a laptop in non-working condition on your own is very problematic. The buyback is intended so that the craftsmen, after working with the equipment for some time, repair it and then resell it again or simply disassemble it for spare parts.

Why is the service needed?

Laptops are purchased not only in the event of a malfunction or serious breakdown. Quite often this service is used by people who prefer to regularly update computer equipment. Due to the fact that improved models are released with enviable frequency, connoisseurs and professionals in this industry regularly turn to companies that buy used laptops.

In addition to this, there are several other common reasons:

  • Expensive repairs. Price repairing equipment sometimes it can even exceed its original price, especially if we are talking about an outdated model. Redemption of old laptops in this case is the only way out of the situation. By selling outdated, broken equipment, you can make a good profit.
  • Uncorrectable damage. In this case, the laptop will be purchased for further disassembly into parts. Craftsmen need parts in order to repair equipment in the future or assemble new computers.

If you don’t want to waste your time and effort transporting your laptop to the right company, then you can use the service at home. It won’t cost much, and besides, you can save time.

It is worth highlighting what the cost of equipment depends on. The following factors influence this:

  1. Technical equipment. Laptop buyback can be produced in any technical and external condition, however, the better it looks, the higher its cost will be.
  2. Duration of use. The condition of the equipment directly depends on the service life; this applies not only to its appearance, but also to the presence of viruses and infections.
  3. Equipment. If the mobile PC comes with cables, a charger and all the necessary documentation, then the cost will be much higher and it can be sold very quickly.
  4. The presence of damage and the reason why the laptop is being sold.

In any case, selling old equipment is much more profitable than storing it in a closet for years.