How to turn off camera sound on Android. How to turn off camera sound on Android devices

There are often situations in life when the sound of the camera shutter on an Android smartphone during shooting will be, to put it mildly, inappropriate. This problem is often encountered not only by students and those who like to photograph passers-by, but also by ordinary people who do not want to attract unnecessary attention from others to what they are photographing.

It would seem that in order to take silent photographs on Android you just need to put your smartphone in quiet mode. But it's not that simple. Some phone manufacturers, including Samsung, decided that the user should not turn off the shutter sound. This was done deliberately; in South Korea, for example, according to the law, a camera must make a sound while shooting so that others know that they are being filmed at the moment. Fortunately, we don’t live in Korea, so we can safely turn off the sound of the shooting on our smartphone, but how?

4 ways to take photos silently

Method 1. In some cases, a fairly simple trick helps - switching the phone to “silent mode”. The fastest way to switch the device to silent mode is from the curtain.

Way 2. For any other phone except Samsung - go to your camera settings, select “Other”, set it to “off.” in the “shutter sound” section.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to solve this problem. I'm sure one of them will definitely help you turn off the sound of your phone's camera.

This article will talk about how to turn off the camera sound on Android, because there are situations when the sound of the shutter is inappropriate at the moment it is triggered. Such situations have occurred more than once among students, ordinary people, or those who simply like to photograph passers-by without attracting the attention of others. There are several options to turn off the Android camera sound, which are presented below.

Method 1: Enable silent mode

Activate silent mode on your device. This is the simplest way, which can also be done in several ways. You can turn it on by lowering the device shutter and selecting it, or go to settings / sound / profiles and activate “Mute”.

Method 2: Disable it in the photo app settings

To do this, you need to launch “Camera”, select settings, open “Shutter Sound” and tap on “Off”.

But there are also manufacturers who simply cannot turn off the shutter sound on Android. Such manufacturers include Samsung. They did this because in their country, by law, photography must be audible so that people know when someone is taking their photo.

But since we do not have such a law, the following paragraphs will consider how to achieve the desired goal.

Method 3. Root rights + Total Commander or another explorer

In this situation, you need to go through the explorer to system / media / audio / ui to delete or rename the files focus.ogg and camera.ogg. It would be safer to rename them to any other name, so that if necessary, they could be renamed back to the name that was originally there.

The file names may vary slightly depending on the Android version.

How to get ROOT rights: Video

Method 4: Install a third-party application

This option will be of interest to those who are not eager to delve deep into their device and rename or delete something there. To do this, you just need to find a third-party camera that is suitable for you on Google Play, with a silent mode function. There are quite a lot of such applications. One of the most popular applications is called "Silent Camera".

When capturing an image, most smartphones make a sound that simulates the shutter being released. Sometimes this can be annoying or inappropriate. The easiest way to solve the problem is to turn off the sound on your phone altogether. But this is not necessary if you disable the sound effect.

Interesting fact! In some countries it is prohibited to film without sound. For example, in South Korea and Japan. This is enshrined in law so that no one can be secretly photographed.

Mute the camera sound on “pure” Android

The most popular smartphones running stock Android are part of the Google Pixel line. There is no toggle switch in the OS settings that regulates the camera sound. Instead, you need to set your notifications and alerts profile to silent mode.

How to turn off camera sound on Samsung smartphones

On newer Samsung devices such as the Galaxy S8, S9 or S10, simply changing the master volume settings will turn off the shutter sound. If your phone is on vibration, switch to Do Not Disturb or silent mode. Older models do it differently: Click on the gear in the camera app and look for “Shutter Options.” This item may have a different name, but it should exist. There is a function to mute the shutter sound.

How to turn off camera sound on HTC smartphones

On HTC U11 and U12+, the sound is turned off in the same way as on stock Android. On older versions, go to the Camera app and open Settings. Scroll down to General Settings. Just uncheck the box next to the “Shutter Sound” setting.

How to turn off camera sound on Motorola smartphones

On some models, in the Camera application, a part of the disk with icons is visible on the left. Notice if there is a loudspeaker icon on it. Just press it, and the sound of the shutter will no longer be annoying.

How to turn off camera sound on OnePlus smartphones

Devices from this manufacturer have the required setting if you open the Camera application. Tap on the gear icon in the upper right corner. It can also be located in other parts of the screen. There should be a shutter sound switch in the general branch.

The world is becoming more diverse and interesting every day - the desire to capture every new bright moment involuntarily arises. It is not always convenient to do this noticeably and in plain sight. Students, like no one else, understand what we are talking about - the excess of piquant scenes and funny moments must be left in memory here and now. But the unexpected sound of the shutter... each of us felt awkward from this unexpected moment. Our article will cover the question of how to turn off the camera shutter sound on gadgets running on the Android operating system.

The main difficulty is that some smartphones and tablets do not have the ability to disable this function. This is due to a legal factor: some countries prohibit by law shooting without a shutter sound.
As you know, in our region there are no such restrictions, so most consumers complain about the inability to turn off the camera shutter sound on a smartphone. Below I will try to describe several ways to solve this problem.

No. 1: Silent mode

Not very convenient, but the most familiar and widely known method. The user simply switches the device to silent mode.
But tell me, dear readers, how many of us then remember to turn on the sound? Hence the missed calls and unread messages. This is far from the most convenient way to solve the problem of turning off the camera shutter sound. Let's look at the points below.

#2 Finding camera settings

It is worth warning right away that not all devices have this function. For example, such a well-known brand as this item was bypassed.
We go into the camera settings and follow this path: other => shutter sound => uncheck the “on” checkbox.

No. 3 Manipulations in system files

1. on your device;
2. After, using any installed on the tablet (usually it can be or), open the following folder: system/media/audio/ui
3. We look for files in it camera.оgg And focus.оgg. Please note that these may have a slightly different name, but they are not difficult to find experimentally.
4. Now we simply erase them or change the name (at your discretion), but, learn, if you go to restore the shutter sound, return everything to its original state. That is, the priority is to resort to renaming.

No. 4: Special applications to turn off the shutter sound on Android

Programmers are far-sighted people, so when some functional defects appear, they rush to remove them, improve them, satisfying the needs of users.
To solve the problem, there are the following programs: “

In this article we will tell you how to turn off the camera sound on Android devices. Today, almost every smartphone and tablet is equipped with a camera for taking photos and videos. It's no secret that such gadgets make the sound of a shutter click when taking photographs.

There is nothing wrong with this, but sometimes this sound is not at all useful, especially if you need to take a photo unnoticed. The main difficulty is that many Android models do not support the camera mute function. This is due to the fact that covert filming is prohibited in a number of countries.

It’s easy to check whether this function is supported - just take a photo in “silent” or “vibrate” mode. And if you still hear the camera click, then your phone does not support silent photography. But don’t be upset, there is a way out of this situation.

Ways to turn off the camera shutter sound

Let's look at two main ways to mute sound on Android devices.

Mute camera sound using app

And so, the easiest and fastest way to remove the shutter sound on Android is to download a special application from the Play Market.

Please note that some programs require root rights to work, but most work without them. All you need is to download and launch the application. As a rule, in such programs there is only one button to control the ON - OFF sound.

Mute camera sound using root rights

  1. This method is more complicated and a prerequisite is that you have Root rights; if you don’t have them, then you can find out how to get them.
  2. You will also need a file manager that works with root rights, for example Es Explorer or Total Commander.
  3. If you have all this, open the following folder in the manager: system/media/audio/ui
  4. Look for the files camera.оgg and focus.оgg in this folder. In some models, they may be called differently.
  5. Now they need to be deleted, or it’s better to just change the name so that you can return everything back if you want to return the sound.

Video on how you can easily turn off camera sound on Android using a third-party application.