How to draw on a computer: devices and programs. Free drawing programs for your computer and tablet

Many people are mistaken that normal drawing on a computer requires powerful processor. For optimal functioning, a processor frequency of 1.5-2 GHz will be enough for you. The choice between manufacturing companies is not fundamental; the amount of your funds is the decisive factor.

Main parameter your hardware for creating illustrations - quantity random access memory . Working applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas, or even 3D graphics applications, require large amounts of RAM.

If your goal is to create complex, multi-layered sketches, then you need to purchase as much RAM as possible for your computer (you can work more or less optimally if you have from one gigabyte free RAM).

Video card You won’t need any of the latest current lines either. The manufacturer also does not play a special role, only your personal preferences. Among people involved in computer illustration, design, etc. there is an opinion that best video cards The Matrox company creates this for this purpose, but this, of course, is entirely subjective.

Drawing equipment

Next, we should move on to one of the most important aspects of this type of artistic art - the main equipment. It's worth starting with scanner, it performs one of key roles, namely, it transfers the picture depicted on paper into digital form.

Let me give you a simple example: you have drawn a tree and you need to move this tree to the forest. Scan the illustration, do a little stylization to match the overall image of the picture and transfer it separate layer on it, everything is ready, now your tree is in the right place.

The next essential part of being a proper graphic artist or designer is tablet. Such equipment is created most often of two types - graphic And drafting. Let's talk a little more about this.

Graphics tablet– has a small working area, creates a point rougher than a drawing one and reacts to the force of pressure on the pen, which greatly facilitates the work. Using professional software type Adobe Photoshop, it is more convenient to handle chiaroscuro and brushes on such a tablet.

Drawing tablet– created for CAD programs such as AutoCAD, 3DMAXStudio, etc. Such a gadget does not feel pressure on the pen; the dot is either there or it is not. It is often very pleasant and high resolution and positioning accuracy.

In the case we are talking about, it is more suitable Graphics tablet. Of course, it is better to buy more expensive ones, since they have a wider range of capabilities compared to cheap ones, but an ordinary one can also cope with its functions.

Another important, but not mandatory gadget is source uninterruptible power supply . None of us are protected from power outages, and we don’t want to lose our many hours of work. That is why it would be better to buy yourself such an assistant, so as not to grieve over the lost hours later.

How to draw with a mouse

You can realize your creative urges without special gadgets, getting by only with the mouse. This option is quite economical and simple, but then the task becomes hundreds of times more complicated, the lines become less even, and the operating time increases significantly.

This option only takes place if you set yourself the task of fulfilling simple drawings, or you are unable to purchase the required equipment. Or you just need to correct the scanned drawings.

As you can already understand, you cannot become a good artist on a computer with only a mouse, except in rare cases. People involved in graphics usually say: “You can draw with a mouse, but you don’t need to.”

But for working with a tablet, it is also useful, here are the requirements for it standard– it should fit well in the hand and be comfortable, it would be nice to have a third button on the side, but this, one might say, is already redundant.

Drawing apps

There are many specialized software packages, from the simplest, such as standard Paint in Windows, to complex, such as Adobe Photoshop. We will tell you about several of the most popular ones.

Painter– one of the most functional. All known and required this moment It imitates materials for art quite simply, which allows you to expand the range of its capabilities. Is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- software created more for editing and processing photographs than for artistic art. But it has a huge storehouse of functions and materials. It has a colossal number of filters, brushes and other add-ons. Also paid.

Corel Drawvector editor, less functional than the last two reviewed, but it is free and has normal, without excess, functionality.

Open Canvas– an editor similar to the leading programs in its field, but greatly simplified. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with computer drawing right here. Quite a lot inferior“flagship” in its field, but still has good functions and is completely free.

Computer graphics kits

Minimum set– mouse, computer, scanner, piece of paper, pencil and graphics editor.

A very labor-intensive set, but it allows you to create relatively high-quality work. A sketch is created on paper, scanned, and processed. The end result, with enough diligence, is good work.

Comfortable set– mouse, scanner, computer, good graphics/vector editor and drawing kit.

Using a vector editor, any curved lines can be drawn correctly. Also, with normal ability to use drawing packages, you can create quite good works. Mostly relevant only for vector editors.

Good setnormal computer, a high-quality mouse (can be a trackball) with a mouse pad, a scanner, a graphics tablet and paid programs(at least one, preferably Photoshop)

With such a set you can reach a fairly high level, the restrictions are only on your skill.

Drawing on a computer is a very exciting and interesting activity. In order to immerse yourself in the process as much as possible and not be distracted by various little things, it is best to use a graphics tablet. If you don’t have such a gadget, but you want to draw, then you can get by with a mouse. This tool has its own characteristics that interfere with the quality of your work. We'll talk about how to use a mouse for drawing in this article.

As we already said, the mouse has some features. For example, with its help it is almost impossible to draw a smooth line if it is not an arbitrary stroke, but a drawing of a contour. This is what makes our work difficult. There is only one thing left to do: use some graphics program tools. We will consider different options using the example of the most popular drawing software. However, most of the techniques can be transferred to other programs.

Actually, we will engage in a little deception, since in its pure form it can only be called “drawing” with some stretch.

Shapes and selections

These tools will help you draw the correct geometric shapes, for example, the character's eyes, various spots and highlights. There is one trick that allows you to deform the created ellipse without resorting to transformation tools. You can read about the figures in the article below.

Selection tools also help you create correct geometric objects.


Using Photoshop, you can create lines of any configuration, both straight and curved. Mouse in in this case we will use quite a bit.

Stroke a path

Since we cannot draw a smooth contour line manually, we can use the tool "Feather" to create a base.

By using "Pera" we can already simulate real brush pressure, which on the canvas will look like a stroke made on a tablet.

  1. First, let's set up the brush. Choose this tool and press the key F5.

  2. Here we put a checkmark next to the property "Shape Dynamics" and click on this point by opening settings in the right block. Under the parameter "Size Fluctuation" select from the drop-down list "Pen pressure".

  3. Click on the item "Brush Mark Shape" in the list header. Here we set the required size.

  4. Now let's take "Feather" and create an outline. Click RMB and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

  5. In the dialog box that opens, check the box next to "Simulate pressure" and choose "Brush". Click OK.

  6. As you can see, the stroke is very similar to manual drawing.


In order to increase your level of proficiency with the mouse as a drawing tool, you can use ready-made contours. They can be downloaded on the Internet by entering search engine corresponding request. Another option is to draw an outline on paper, then scan it and upload it into Photoshop. Thus, by tracing finished lines with the mouse, you can learn more even and precise movements.


As you can see, there are techniques to smooth out Negative influence mouse on the drawing process. It should be understood that this is only a temporary measure. If you plan to do serious work, you will still have to purchase a tablet.

A computer drawing program is a very necessary thing both for creative people and for those who work with images for work.

Few people think that in addition to the standard Windows graphic editors, as well as, there are other drawing programs for the computer that are no worse, and in some places even outperform eminent competitors.

Another interesting free representative from the graphic category. Using the program, you can change and edit ready-made files or draw your own, fortunately, there are enough tools.

Besides standard tools, which almost everyone has, also has its own characteristics.

No wonder why SmoothDraw has so many useful devices with a professional slant. The fact is that this project was originally intended to create files from scratch.

This computer drawing program for children is just right. There are no complicated elements, and the menu is intuitive even for a beginner.

The lack of Russian support for packages with files is a little darkening, but the interface itself is so simple that you can ignore this drawback.

In addition, SmoothDraw does not have installation file, being a portable version. In other words, you can transfer the folder with the editor to your flash drive, and then activate the product anywhere.

The application opens with equal ease on both old Win98 and Win8 machines.


The editor's workspace is quite archaic, which does not prevent it from being as informative as possible.

In addition to the classic panel, there are several floating windows that are configured in the menu and have informative and auxiliary functions.

In addition, they are translucent, which will not interfere with drawing or editing any object.

This editor, by the way, has good support for layers, as well as the ability to import external files.

At the same time, you can vary the transparency, data mixing, and also change the names of these layers. A useful feature, isn't it?

Work with hot keys is present. To view full list supported commands, just click on the “Window” menu.

In most cases, all functions are activated by pressing F1-F12, although alternatives are possible.

The main advantage of the editor lies in its accessibility and pleasant appearance. And “in the depths” lies some good functionality that will appeal to many.


Not a bad program, designed to compete with its famous competitor from Adobe. Of course, it cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for Photoshop, but the functionality here is no less interesting.

In addition, products are produced under an Open Source license, i.e. completely free (non-commercial version). It is somewhat reminiscent of Corel PhotoPaint in its capabilities.

If you look at the interface work area, you can notice many similarities with the same competitor version 7 and below.

In this case, there are all the necessary windows required for a raster editor, be it a toolkit, navigation, a list of layers, or a sequence of actions.

The main tool is, oddly enough, a brush. Firstly, this is the most popular tool, and secondly, the developers have endowed this function with an abundance of settings and customization.

Even the framing was given attention, providing it with horizontal and vertical proportions.

For a free program, working with layers is excellent.

You are free to group them, set transparency, blending types, and even fix scaling and movement. But what is really useful is duplicating a separate layer.

It even has its own format - awd. Layers can only be saved in it, but the list of supported ones includes jpg, png, psd, tiff and more. Full set.

A good choice for those who have just decided to get comfortable.

We reviewed the most common applications that act as full-fledged drawing complexes, as well as processing a variety of graphic images.

Which utility you choose depends on your goals.

Corel Painter will be highly appreciated by specialists digital graphics. This the best choice, when you want to download a drawing program to your computer to work with your tablet. The famous developer offers a developed but rather complex product. To learn how to use all the benefits of the package, you will have to spend a lot of time. And if you also want to learn how to work in vector, you will have to switch to more functional tool from the same developer - CorelDRAW.

Autodesk SketchBook Pro – quality program creating drawings for all categories of users. Allows you to both process images and create cool art, comics, sketches with clean slate. An accessible interface in Russian will be a pleasant bonus, but to work with the utility in top level, it is advisable to think about purchasing a professional monitor with good color reproduction.

Krita is no less functional. Artists draw both posters and entire comics in it. The application is free and open source code and is suitable for all modern operating systems. However, it will be a little difficult for beginners to master it. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are willing to spend time, try it and you will get a truly functional tool.

Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a wide range of different effects and filters. Creating images will seem very comfortable and quite simple. You will be able to enjoy the accessible Russian-language interface and big amount educational video lessons and materials on the Internet.

Working with Tux Paint is aimed at quality training for inexperienced users. The utility's interface will be convenient for any user, and the presence of sound and animation effects will attract the attention of children's audiences whose parents want to teach their child the skill of drawing on a computer.

Paint.NET will bring a lot of positive impressions; the program engine is able to remember all user activity and return more than a dozen completed actions, excluding any errors made during the editing process and applying various effects. Paint has a familiar Russian-language interface that effectively edits vector graphics.

Pixbuilder Studio is distinguished by high performance indicators, the rest of the utilities from the above selection demonstrate more low speed launch and open images. The program contains rich professional-level functionality and is available for download absolutely free.

Fans of a variety of brushes will appreciate the Artweaver Free program, which has a lot of useful filters and effects. It is worth noting that the application allows you to create your own brushes, which will be difficult for competitors.

Paint Tool SAI is a serious utility designed for professional artists and designers to create stunning illustrations and digital paintings. The utility supports graphics tablets, providing creative people with all the necessary resources for artistic activities. Moreover, some studios use Paint Tool SAI as a cartoon drawing program. Its functions are really good.

Graffiti Studio is difficult to compare with full-fledged painters and even drawing games for children, since the purpose of this application is to entertain the user. You can fulfill your teenage dream and feel like a master of street graffiti. True, the range of tools is meager - only a marker and spray cans, but a huge selection of colors and shades, line thicknesses will be a significant plus.

Also not included in the review were the wonderful MyPaint programs, Medibang Paint, SmoothDraw, Affinity Designer, built in Windows graphic Paint editor and raster editor Inkscape graphics. Their detailed descriptions you can always find it on our website.

Greetings to all!

If earlier, to draw a picture, you needed a brush, an easel, paints, etc., but now you can create without leaving the computer! Moreover, I would like to note that paintings created in some editor on a computer also cause great delight (as if it were a painting on canvas)!

I will add that many people mistakenly believe that drawing a picture on a computer is easier than on canvas. Moving your cursor (or even drawing with a graphics tablet) is no easier or faster!

Actually, this article is dedicated to tools - to draw a picture, you need special programs for drawing (note: graphic editors). That's about them we'll talk below (by the way, I’ll add that I chose free programs that support all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (32|64 bits)) . So...

By the way!I have another article on drawing on my blog. There is a special sites that allow you to create paintings online, meet other artists, find general ideas. For more information, see this article:

List of the best programs. Let's start drawing?

Before moving on to the programs, I would like to focus on one thing important issue- on type computer graphics. In general, there are two main types - vector and raster graphics.

Raster drawing is a canvas on which there are many multi-colored dots (pixels). Together, all these points look to the human eye like some kind of picture (or photo).

Vector drawing consists of entities: line, segment, square, ellipse, etc., which are all interconnected. All these entities also form a wide variety of pictures.

The main advantage of a vector drawing over a raster one is the ability to transform it in any way (for example, enlarge it) without losing quality. The computer, in fact, only needs to recalculate your picture according to the mat. formulas.

Raster graphics are convenient for creating high-quality photos and digital drawings. Most popular formats bitmap JPEG and PNG. Exactly raster graphics enjoys the greatest popularity in our time (and that is why, in my article, the main focus is on programs for working with it).

Vector editors in the article: Gravit, DrawPlus, Inkscape.

Raster editors in the article: Paint, Gimp, ArtWeaver and others...


Raster editor

Basic program in Windows

How to start: find it in the START menu, or press the Win+R buttons, enter the mspaint command in the open line and press Enter.

A very simple graphic editor, designed not even for drawing, but for easily editing pictures (add an inscription, an arrow, erase something, cut out one piece of the picture and paste it into another, save the screenshot taken, etc.).

Professionally, of course, you can hardly draw anything in Paint, but if we are talking about some very simple drawings, then the program can be used. By at least, if you are just at the very beginning of your journey, then why not try? ☺


Raster editor (partly vector)

The GNU Image Manipulation Program (or GIMP for short) is a very powerful, free and multi-purpose graphics editor. This editor is very multifunctional: it can be used for drawing, or as a program for retouching digital photos, as a program for processing a package of pictures and publishing them (+ converting one format to another).

Besides this, there is very interesting opportunities to create step-by-step commands (scripts) that will automate routine tasks(and the scripts can be truly complex)!

Main advantages:

  • drawing pictures and posters;
  • support for graphics tablets (Wacom, Genius, etc.);
  • draw web designs for sites, edit ready-made layouts from Photoshop;
  • you can refresh your old photos, make them more juicy and vibrant;
  • or poster;
  • remove from photos extra elements(a bad shot can become a good one!);
  • a huge collection of plugins for GIMP will allow you to solve a wide variety of problems different tasks;
  • The program supports Windows, Mac, Linux operating systems.


Raster editor (some analogue of Photoshop)

This program replicates many such tools popular editor like Adobe Photoshop. For editing ready-made pictures and drawing new ones, there are a bunch of ready-made brushes of all types and sizes, different modes, imitation pencil, ink pen, oil brush, etc.

Main advantages:

  • support for all popular graphic formats: GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG (including PSD and AWD);
  • huge number tools for image editing: gradients, selections, fills, etc.;
  • plugin support;
  • Availability convenient tools for drawing: brushes, pencils, etc.;
  • graphics tablet support (BIG plus for those who like to draw);
  • many different filters: spot, blur, mosaic, mask, etc.;
  • working with text layers;
  • the ability to sequentially cancel your actions.
  • support for all popular versions of Windows.


Raster editor

MyPaint - painted portrait of a girl

A popular raster graphics editor designed more for digital artists (those who like to draw). It is an unlimited canvas (sheet) and a relatively simple interface on GTK+, without distracting the artist from the creative process - drawing.

Unlike Gimp, MyPaint has much less graph functionality. editor, but for your attention a huge dimensionless canvas; big number brushes, for a variety of tasks and for different functions(there are a lot of brushes, see screenshot above).

MyPaint is a tool for painting with brushes on your PC screen almost as if you were doing it on a real canvas. In addition to brushes, there are: crayons, charcoal, pencils, etc. It's hard to resist if you have a craving for drawing...

Main features:

  • the program is specifically designed for drawing, so it has fewer options for editing existing pictures (i.e., there are no functions such as selection, scaling, etc.);
  • a huge set of brushes that you can customize for yourself: create and change groups, blur, mix colors, etc.;
  • the program supports graphics tablet;
  • the boundless canvas is very convenient in the drawing process - nothing is holding you back while creating;
  • support for layers: copying, pasting, adjusting transparency, etc.;
  • Windows, Mac OS, Linux supported.



A free program for painting and those who like to draw by hand on a computer. The program's interface is very simple, designed so that any artist who has just started can immediately start creating without wasting time studying.

I would like to immediately note that the program has a lot of brushes (pen, brush, airbrush, pencil, etc.), there are tools for retouching, working with layers, you can change the brightness, contrast, colors of pictures, add some effects .

Program features:

  • many types of brushes for drawing: pencil, chalk, pen, airbrush, brush, spray, etc.;
  • works with tablet PCs, supports graphics tablets;
  • works with the following image formats: PNG, BMP, JPEG, JPG, TGA, JIF, GIF and TIFF;
  • there are tools for photo retouching;
  • working with layers;
  • possibility of color correction;
  • Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10.

Note! For SmoothDraw to work, you must have NET Framework no lower than version v2.0.



Paint.NET - free editor pictures and photos for Windows. The main difference from other programs is that it uses an intuitive and innovative interface with support for layers, dimensionless canvas, special effects, useful and powerful tools editing (analogues of which are only available in paid products).

Active and growing online support will help in solving non-standard problems. In addition, quite a lot of instructions have been written for the program, additional ones. plugins to expand capabilities.


  • free to distribute and use;
  • user-friendly interface (somewhat similar to Photoshop);
  • you can work with many documents at the same time;
  • support for working with layers;
  • a large number of instructions;
  • the program is optimized to work with 2 and 4 core modern processors;
  • supported by everyone popular Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10.



Livebrush(translated from English as “live brush”) is a powerful graphic editor that allows you to paint with brushes. Moreover, I would like to immediately note that the “drawing tool” is not a simple one, with its help you can create quite interesting pictures, decorate the art with beautiful strokes and lines, etc.

As you work, you can select and adjust the brush so that as you move it, the line under the brush will change its thickness, color, transparency, tip rotation, depending on your mouse movement speed, pressing speed, etc.

By the way, those who have a graphics tablet will be able to fully experience the benefits of Livebrush, because it also understands the force of pressure and its inclination.

There are many brushes in the program set different forms: from simple lines to patterned Gothic ornaments. By the way, you can correct any pattern yourself by switching to editing with a pencil.

In addition, you can draw the pattern yourself and save it as a template. You can import ready-made sets of brushes, projects, and decorations into the program. By the way, they can be found in a huge number on official forum programs.

In general, my verdict is that the program is very convenient, interesting, and deserves the attention of all drawing lovers!


Vector editor (one of the few)

Free analogues: Gravit, DrawPlus

Paid analogues: Corel DRAW and Adobe Illustrator

Inkscape is a free vector editor, one of the few that can partially replace such monsters as Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. The application has quite standard interface: color palette, menu, tools. The program supports all major graphic formats: SVG, PDF, AI, PS, EPS, CorelDRAW.

By the way, Inkscape also has tools from the raster editor - for example, it supports different kinds mixing. Besides drawing some geometric shapes, the program supports extensive work with text: you can write text along curved lines. It looks very cool and unusual.

The application has a fairly large number of filters, extensions, etc. All this is available at the office. program website.


Vector editor (online version)

Gravit- quite an interesting vector editor. Of course, it cannot replace Adobe Illustrator, but it can compete with the previous program (Inkscape).

The tools include all the most basic things: pens, lines, intersection and cutting of shapes from each other, alignment, layers, fonts, etc. Works can be exported to SVG and several raster formats. You can also open works made in Adobe Illustrator in the program.

What is somewhat surprising is that Gravit looks like real program, while working in a browser window, and without using Flash. Among the main shortcomings I would highlight the lack of Russian language.

By the way, Gravit implements canvas selection quite interestingly: you can choose how standard formats sheets, business cards, postcards, and create covers of popular social networks, phone screens and other gadgets.

Generally, interesting editor worthy of attention.



A very flexible and powerful graphic editor that allows its users to create high-quality illustrations. This program will allow you to fully explore your drawing capabilities.

DrawPlus has many tools that will allow you to easily and quickly create a variety of shapes, strokes, and lines. Each of the elements can be combined with others and gradually the whole complex will become a rather complex, but beautiful illustration.

By the way, DrawPlus has a 3D module - it will allow you to turn your creativity into real 3D design elements. You can apply a wide variety of effects when creating logos, isometric projections, and flowcharts.

You can import a huge number of formats into the program: PDF, AI, SVG, SVGZ, EPS, PS, SMF, etc. The proprietary format for projects is DPP.

Graffiti Studio


Raster graphics

One of the most best programs for drawing graffiti, looks as realistic as possible!

To start drawing: you need to choose a piece of canvas (carriage, walls, bus), and, in fact, start creating (there are just heaps of ready-made options to choose from!). In the artist's arsenal large palette colors (more than 100 pieces), several types of caps (skinny, regular and fat), marker. The distance to the surface is changed manually, it is possible to make drips. In general, for fans of such graphics there is a huge scope!

Those who don’t believe that you can create real masterpieces in the program, I recommend taking a look at the official website and seeing the best works - your view will change a lot!

PixBuilder Studio

Raster editor

Powerful processing and editing program graphic images and photographs. In addition to editing, it is quite possible to draw and create (although there are fewer tools for this than in previous similar programs).

PixBuilder Studio has quite interesting tools that allow you to finely work with color, brightness, contrast, and layers. In addition, there are built-in effects (for example, dithering (when processing digital signals represents the mixing of pseudo-random noise with a specially selected spectrum into the primary signal) ), blur, sharpening, etc.


  • support for popular raster formats: BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, etc.;
  • there is the opportunity and tools for drawing (though very limited);
  • Great opportunities for editing finished photos and pictures;
  • ability to work with layers;
  • professional work with color: adjusting balance, brightness, contrast, etc.;
  • setting up hot keys;
  • the presence of ready-made effects (you just need to apply them);
  • preview (to evaluate the result);
  • support for popular Windows OS: 7, 8, 10.


Raster editor

An excellent and convenient raster graphics editor for artists (by the way, at the time of writing this review, the program is free even for commercial use). Krita runs on both Windows and Linux.

As for the most important thing: there is a good brush motion stabilizer, layers, masks, dynamic brushes, animation, a large number of blending modes, paper and pastel imitation, “infinite” canvas, etc.

By the way, there is even portable version a program that can be launched from a regular flash drive on any PC. The program has also been translated into Russian.

PS: the article will be updated...

Thank you in advance for tips and advice in the comments!