How to make a history on VKontakte from a computer. What is the new function in VK, how to make a story in VK

Stories in VK are relative new way draw attention to yourself or the company being promoted. If the function appeared on Instagram and Snapchat a long time ago, absolutely everyone uses it and considers it an integral part of the application, on VKontakte it is only gaining popularity. Despite this, out of 95 million users, 40 million on average used “disappearing” photos and videos per month.

This material is more suitable for beginners to study. To get serious about working in the most popular social network, , , , write a greeting/ and proceed to the full one.

Stories in VK - how it all began

And for mobile app users, like this:

The application was launched at the end of 2016. In the first month of its existence, only 15 million decided to use Stories by looking at friends’ posts or posting their own photos and videos. From January to May 2017, growth continued: the number of people who took advantage of the innovation increased from 23 to 40 million. The sharp growth occurred in the spring, because it was then that the company began development and promotion: users could receive unique stickers for completing tasks and publishing materials.

How to view Stories on VK

If you want to see your friends' stories, you need to go to the "News" section. Before the news, you will see small circles with avatars of your friends or communities. If the circle is surrounded by a blue frame, the publication has not been viewed by you; if it is not circled, you have viewed it.

To view a publication, click on one of them. You will see a small picture or photo posted by the user. Publications change quickly, if you want to look at a photo, double-click on it with the left mouse button and hold. If you click once, one publication will change to another.

Important!The materials are arranged in a row depending on the time of publication: the earlier it was published, the closer the story will be to the beginning.

How to make and add a story on VKontakte

You cannot post a Story on VK from a computer. You can find it on the Internet various methods, including the use of scripts and programs. But adding your own code may lead to account blocking. Third-party scripts whose purpose is to circumvent the rules for using a social network are prohibited.

If you want to create a “disappearing” publication from a smartphone, you must follow these steps.

Open the mobile application, menu and go to the “News” section. The stories of your friends will be located above the new entries. You can click on one of them to view. The principle is the same as in personal computer: if the user’s avatar is circled in blue, you did not have time to view the publication; if it is not circled, it has already been viewed. There will be a small circle in front of friends and communities that says “History.” Click on it.

If you want to take a photo, click on the gray circle in the middle. There is a possibility of publication existing files from the gallery: click on the button on the right, select an image (photos and pictures saved on your phone no later than 24 hours ago) and click on the arrow.

To record a video you need to press and hold gray button. It can last a maximum of 12 seconds. All functions are available, as when adding a photo, you can additionally turn off the sound. To publish, just click on the corresponding arrow.

What are the possibilities?

When adding Stories, the user can take advantage of additional features:

  • Drawing. You can draw anything with three in different ways. The user has access to 8 primary colors in order to make the material brighter or draw attention to a specific fragment.
  • Add a caption. You can use three different fonts to create your lettering.

Before adding the image, you can save it to your gallery or send it to friends.

How to find out who watched a story

To do this, just click on it. In the lower left corner there is an icon - a small eye, and next to it is a number - the number of users who viewed the publication. After clicking on it, you will find out who exactly saw the Stories.

Can stories be added by communities?

After success self-destructing messages from users, the developers decided to provide this opportunity to communities. Spring 2017 major partners, for example, Match TV and Overheard, were the first to post their stories. Nowadays most communities actively use this function for promotion.

Important!The function is available only to verified groups. Additionally, they can use a button for actions, but add third party advertising forbidden.

How to use Stories for promotion

“Disappearing” photos and videos can be used to promote a group or your page. IN lately Indirect advertising is gaining popularity: a photograph of your website, online store, product, article or photo in History.

Stories can also be used for:

  • Promotions official communities and publics. To avoid cluttering the feed, owners can talk about their work. By showing the system from the inside, some working moments, you will add humanity to the page. Increasing user trust will lead to an increase in the number of subscribers who can eventually become regular customers.
  • Promotion of a personal brand. Stories are ideal by deleting photos and videos 24 hours after publication. You can publish reviews from satisfied customers, give advice, or talk about a specific service. This will help you become closer to your subscribers, they will begin to trust you and share your page with friends. This way you can promote your services.
  • For storytelling. It is one of the methods of conveying information to the audience through storytelling. You can come up with a story, take a lot of photos and gradually post them in Stories. You can invite viewers to guess or invent a continuation. to strengthen authority, improve mutual understanding with the audience, and begin to influence their subconscious.


VK stories are an ideal way to find out the opinions of friends and subscribers, interest them, and draw attention to the release of a new product or blog article. They can be supplemented with various stickers and inscriptions to further attract people. On at the moment The functionality is developed at a minimal level when compared with Stories in other social networks.

The ability to publish stories migrated from the Instagram service. Any user can post photos or short videos, which will remain in the news feed for 24 hours, and then will be automatically deleted. This functionality was introduced for mobile devices, but the creators forgot about personal computers. In this article you will learn how to post a story from a computer on VK.

The method described below is not 100% working, since programmers from VKontakte constantly find new loopholes in the code that hackers take advantage of and eliminate them. Therefore, the option using the VK Developers panel does not always work. However, you can try to use it. To do this you need:

  1. Open your browser and go to link. You can also get to the required page manually. To do this, open a social network and click on the “Developers” button.

  1. Now go to the "My Applications" section.

  1. Open the Method List tab.

  1. Find the other subsection in the list and click on “execute”.

  1. Scroll down the page until you see the “Example Request” field. To add a post to a social network, you need to copy the code for the story into the code field.
return API.stories.getPhotoUploadServer(("add_to_news":1));
  1. After that, click "Run".

  1. If the procedure is successful, the “Select file” button will appear on the right. Click on it.

  1. All you have to do is upload a photo or video. To do this, find required file on your hard drive and click the "Open" button.

  1. After this, a whole paragraph of code will appear in the field, which means the operation was completed successfully. As a result of the procedure, the story will appear in the news feed on your page.

Now you know how to upload content in the form of a story to the VKontakte social network through a browser on a laptop or PC. When executing the procedure, you may receive an error, for example, like the following:

In this case, just use the following method from our instructions.

VK Utils

Exists special program, allowing you to work with stories from a laptop or desktop computer. To use it, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the link to the official website of the utility in your browser and click on the “Download for free” button.

  1. Run the downloaded file.

  1. First you need to log in using your page login and password. Enter your details and click the “Login” button to appear online on the social network.

  1. A window with the program's functionality will appear in front of you. To create a publication, click on the “Upload story” button.

  1. Confirm the action by pressing the same button.

  1. Select a photo or video on your computer, then click “Open.”

In a second, the publication will already appear in your news feed! The VK Utils program does not need to be installed, so you can put it on a flash drive and use it when you need to set “stories”.

All of the methods described above allow you to create a post with pre-prepared content. What if you need to take a photo or video using a webcam on your computer? In this case, the only thing left is last option, which we will talk about below.

Android Emulator

If you can officially create a story only on phones, then we’ll turn our PC into mobile device. Any emulator will help with this matter. operating system Android. If you only need the program to create publications on social networks, then you can use the simple and convenient NoxPlayer. To start using the utility, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the official website and click "Download".

  1. Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file.

  1. On the first screen, click "Install".

  1. Wait until the procedure is completed.

  1. Click "Start".

  1. Now open Google folder on your desktop and go to the Play Store.

  1. Next, link your account to the emulator. Can be used account from browser Google Chrome. To do this, click on the “Existing” button.

  1. Enter your account login and password.

  1. Accept the terms of the license agreement.

  1. Select additional options and click the arrow to continue.

  1. Avoid linking a payment instrument.

  1. Now in search bar Google Play enter the name of the social network and go to the first request page.

  1. Click on “Install”.

  1. Click on the "Accept" button.

  1. Launch the social network application. It can also be opened through an icon on the emulator desktop.

  1. Enter your login information on your personal VK page.

  1. In the tab with the news feed, you need to click on the marked icon.

  1. If the webcam is connected to your computer and configured, you will see an image from it. To take a photo, press the circle once, and to take a video, you need to hold down the same button. Using the icon on the left you can rotate the camera image. Clicking on the icon on the right opens a gallery for selecting materials. You can upload photos to history without an emulator (described above).

  1. All that remains is to edit the photo at your discretion (1) and publish it (2).

  1. Ready! Your post will appear in the news feed.

In addition to the presented emulator, you can use its analogues, which are also distributed free of charge. These include BlueStacks, Droid 4x and others. It is worth noting that using the described method you will not be able to broadcast live on VK. To do this you will need to download and install separate application VK Live via Google Play.


Lack of some features stationary version VKontakte practically does not restrict users. You just need to use simple solution in the form of an emulator, additional program or scripts.


Having trouble posting a story from your computer? Then carefully watch the presented video. It describes step by step all the actions described in the text instructions.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Stories are an opportunity to share short videos and photos with friends and subscribers without saving information on your page. They are visible in the news feed at the top of the page for 24 hours after publication. The maximum length of a video is 12 seconds, but you can shoot several fragments at once and post them one after another as one. This format is very similar to Instagram Stories, and also has many additional interesting features. In this article we will tell you how to make Stories and how to find an idea for it.

How to create a History in VK from your phone

If you want to post a post from personal page, act according following instructions. Open your news feed. In the block above it you will see round pictures. This is the Stories of the accounts you interacted with. At the beginning there is your avatar with a blue plus. Click on it.

  • For a photo. Click on the round capture button in the middle of the screen at the bottom.
  • For video. Hold it for a few seconds until it turns completely pink/red.
  • To connect front camera. Arrow icon.

If you choose ready-made content, go to the gallery by clicking on the photo thumbnail in the same row, on the left.

How to make VKontakte History more interesting

At this stage you can add animated masks. Icon in the lower right corner. The gear at the top right is the settings in which privacy and saving of Stories are configured.

So, you shot a video or took photos. Immediately after this it will open next page editor. Here you need to select a recipient, save or publish Stories in the feed. You can also add text (the Aa icon at the top of the screen), stickers/emoji and drawing (the last two icons). Several fonts and different colors are available.

If you click “Select recipient”, you can send the post to a specific user or add it to your feed and to your page, where it will be reflected in a block with photos, subscriptions, videos and music. Otherwise, it will be published in the usual way for this format.

Your Story has been recorded and can already be viewed. It can be easily removed if necessary. To do this, you need to open the video and there is a menu in it – three vertical dots in the lower right corner. Select the desired item.

How to create a second Story in Contact

This way you can add many slides, creating a mini-movie for your friends and followers.

How to make a VK Story from a group

At the moment, only large, verified communities marked with the Prometheus icon have this opportunity. That is, it must belong to a well-known brand/person and be well administered or filled with high-quality, popular content.

Creating Stories is very simple. You need to do the same as for a personal page, but at the submitting stage, select on whose behalf you are publishing the post. A selection will appear if the group meets the requirements. All additional features: stickers, text, drawing are saved.

There are several requirements for Stories:

  • Vertical format.
  • 1080*1920 – photographs, 720*1280 – video (no more than 5 MB).
  • No more than 50 downloaded fragments per day.
  • Correspondence

Initially, it is quite important to make a reservation that the process of viewing the chronicle of transitions on VKontakte is directly related to the basic functionality of the Internet browser used. In the course of the article we will exclusively touch upon popular browsers, since they are used by the vast majority of people.

Please note that within the framework of the article we will also touch upon another topic related to special functionality "VKontakte Stories".

Viewing VK visits in Google Chrome

In addition to the above, please note that if you are logged in through Google accounts and have synchronization activated, a copy of your browsing history will be automatically saved on the servers. However, do not forget that the data in the section can be deleted.

Viewing VK visits in Opera

In the case of an Internet browser, the process of viewing the activity chronicle occurs in a slightly different way, but according to the same principle as in Chrome. In addition, data in Opera is also synchronized with servers without problems.

This completes the viewing process. recent actions on the VKontakte website using the Opera browser.

Viewing VK visits in Yandex Browser

If for some reason you need to clear your entire browser history, please use the appropriate article.

Viewing VK visits in Mozilla Firefox

This is where you can finish searching for chronicles in Internet browsers.

Viewing Friends Stories

The part of VKontakte functionality under consideration is relatively new, having been introduced by the administration only in 2016. This material is intended for capturing any moments with subsequent publication in a special block on the website. Not all site users yet know how to view VK “Stories,” so in this article we will look at this process in more detail.

“Stories of friends” in the full version of the site

This feature is available for use exclusively by users of the mobile application, with the exception of the viewing process.

"Stories" there may be several at once, going in chronological order in the same section.

As you can see, searching and viewing the required material cannot cause complications.

“Friend Stories” in the mobile application

IN official application VKontakte users are provided with additional opportunity create new ones "Stories". However, content posted by other people is also available for viewing in specially designated areas of the site.

Please note that the material in question is in the corresponding block only for the first 24 hours from the moment of publication, after which it is automatically deleted.

We hope you do not have any difficulties with the viewing process "Stories of Friends".

Concluding this article, it is impossible not to mention that the VKontakte administration is among standard features provides the account owner with functionality such as "Active sessions". We looked at this part of the interface in more detail in a special article.

What is this VKontakte section “friends’ stories”, what does it mean? How to read friends' stories?


Now VKontakte, as well as Instagram, has appeared new feature"Stories" that will help you tell what is happening to you right now and congratulate your friends on the holidays. With "Stories" you can record 12-second videos and photos for your friends, which will automatically disappear a day after you post them. In order to read “friends’ stories” you just need to click on the icon above the news feed.


To read the story in video format, you just need to click on your friend, who is displayed at the very top of the news feed.

I have one friend who thoroughly probed this topic, I saw him every day in my friends’ stories. And he always has something to tell (in particular, he just spams everyone). Finally, I got pretty tired of his icon in my news feed, and I hid his news, I thought that I would never see his stories again. But no! I open Contact today and it appears again. As it turned out, you can’t remove anything from your friends’ history; well, Contact didn’t provide such a function! Now I’m thinking: remove my spammer from friends or something...

Maria muzja

This is a kind of “clone” of Instagram that appeared on VKontakte, the “stories” section.

You can record a video up to 12 seconds, and also use photos.

You can also add all sorts of stickers.

Master key 111

Indeed appeared on the social network VKontakte new section which allows you to shoot and send to friends and acquaintances on VKontakte interesting photos and video stories up to 12 seconds long, they are stored no longer than 24 hours and serve as congratulations or just messages, the stories are in a new block above the news, just click on the section to view “friends’ stories.”


How to make a “History” in VK? How to upload “History” from a computer to VK?

How to add a story to VK?

How to make a story from a computer in VK?

How to create a story in VK?


Unfortunately, history can only be done in a mobile application for a computer; it is not available.

This feature is available for phones with Android or iOS.

However, you can download an emulator for Android to your computer, which allows you to open applications on your PC.

Making a story is simple - just click on the story icon.

Sayan Mountains

For now, it is not possible to add History from a PC - only in mobile applications.

As you can see in the photo on the left, you need to click on the inscription “History” in order to add it.

You can read more about the new Stories feature on the VK blog.

So far, the function of adding stories to VKontakte is available only from mobile applications for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. And, in general, it is unknown whether it will be added to the web version for PC.

Well, in order to create a story in the mobile application, you need to click on “My Story” or “History” (may differ depending on the application) in the news feed.

The created story will disappear after 24 hours from the moment of publication.

And in order to add computer history, you will have to download an Android emulator. For example, Bluestacks or Nox and already install the VK mobile application in it.

"Stories" - convenient feature, which allows you to take a video or photo almost instantly, and they are displayed in the application for 24 hours. The feature is currently only available to owners android And iphone, but for computers it does not exist.

"Stories" can be found above the news feed, in the tab "news", and creating a personal story is easy: just click on "my story".

There is only one way to add computer history: by downloading emulator for Android.

To create a Story in a contact, you need to use the function in the News application.

This function is currently available only for Android and iOS applications.

In the "News" tab, click on the "My Story" menu.

You can place short videos and pictures here as wall decorations.

Only files created within the last 24 hours can be used as messages.


This can only be done from a mobile application on the Android or IOS platform.

To do this, go to the News section. There is a History section. Then you need to click on the button and create a story. So everything is extremely simple.

Thanks to this function, you can share photos and videos with your friends, while your story will not be published in the feed.

Murochka striped

For now, to add your story, you can only use the mobile application (supports IOS, Android), although in the near future it is possible that such a function will be added to a computer or laptop.

To write a story, you need to find the “News” section, then look for the “History” section.

After that, you need to press the button and the story will be ready.


Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to add a story via a computer. This can be done through a mobile application (IOS, Android).

Simply click on the “News” section and you will see the “section” you need, “history”. Click on the button and write it down.

Read more about this section (function) in the VK Blog. Everything is written out there.

Green cheburechek

However, the function is only available from mobile applications.

You won't find such a function on a computer yet.

Lyudmila 1986

You won’t be able to do anything on a personal computer yet; this function is provided on VKontakte, but only through mobile applications. With mobile iOS applications and Android you shouldn’t have any problems, you just need to go to the “News” section, find “History” there and create it.

How to post a VKontakte story from a computer?

Nikita Gagarin

1) Follow this link
2) Then scroll to the very bottom.
3) Insert this “script”
return API.stories.getPhotoUploadServer(("add_to_news":1));
4) Upload the photos you need, click “Run” and you’re done!

Zorkiy sokol

If this is what you mean, here it is:
1. We see the inscription in the news “offer news”
2. Add what we want there, for example, a photo or a post
3. We send