How to delete history in Chrome. Comprehensive data demolition

Do you use Google search engine? Did you know that Google stores your search queries in its Search History?

If you know, then this is already good, because if necessary, delete your search history behind certain period time will not be difficult for you. And if you don’t know, then it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the contents of this article, since all your data that will be stored or is already stored there is.

What information does Google store:

  • your search queries entered into Google search, sorted by day;
  • their results;
  • the actions you take with these results;
  • your actions with advertisements;
  • information about the browser you are using...

I think that this information is enough to think about whether to continue to store this data or delete it if necessary. But without having access to your Google account, and Search History is turned on automatically when you create an account, no one except you and probably Google will know about it :).

Now remember, do you always click the “Log out” button in your account before closing your browser? Therefore, without properly completing your work with your account, all users of your computer (relatives, friends, employees, etc.) can have access to the Search History.

There is also a huge plus, for example for me, on the days I need, I don’t leave my account on home computer and I always know what my children are looking for on the Internet! Or another plus, if today you forgot on which site, for example yesterday, you found it necessary information(video, article, etc.), then now you will always know where to look for the answer!

Please also remember that sensitive data is also stored in Internet browsers. Therefore, if you clear your Search History, then clear your confidential data in the browser. You can read how to do this.


This is what this storage location looks like (for all time).

Or by sections (in the example, the “Video” section).


WITH right side in your account, click on the gear icon, click on “Delete records”, select the desired period for deletion and click the “Delete” button.


and click on the “Disable” button.

I think manually clearing your Search History periodically would make more sense! You can find details at this link:

by copying it and pasting it into address bar Internet browser. Don’t leave the blog, because there are about 500 more waiting for you useful tips and instructions!

Like any other web browser, it constantly records the history of web pages viewed. In most cases this is very convenient. Because history allows you to quickly find web pages that have been visited previously.

But, if several users work on the same computer, then the history of web pages viewed can cause a leak of personal information. Fortunately, browser developers have foreseen this and created the necessary tools.

In this article you can learn how to clear history in Google Chrome fully and partially. The article will also discuss several popular browser extensions that greatly simplify this procedure.

Complete history clearing in Google Chrome

In order to clear the history in Google web browser Chrome needs to be opened this browser and press the key combination CTRL+H.

After this, a page with the history of web pages viewed will open. Here you need to click on the “Clear history” button.

As a result, a small pop-up window should appear in front of you, with which you can clear the history in Google Chrome. To do this, in this window you need to check the box next to the “Browsing history” function, select the time period for which you want to clear the history, and click on the “Clear history” button. If you want to delete absolutely all of your web browsing history, then you need to select the “all time” option.

Please note that using this pop-up window you can delete not only your web browsing history, but also other personal data. For example, here you can remove:

  • download history (list of downloaded files);
  • cookies(files responsible for authorization on sites);
  • passwords (passwords that you saved when logging into the site);
  • autofill data (data that you entered on sites);
  • data of allowed applications;
  • content licenses;

How to delete individual history items in Google Chrome

If you don't want to do complete cleaning history in Google Chrome, you can only delete individual entries. To do this, exactly as described above, open the history of viewed web pages using the CTRL+H key combination.

After this, check the boxes opposite those entries in the browser history that you would like to delete.

After that, click on the “Delete selected items” button.

And we confirm the removal of the selected elements by clicking on the “Delete” button again.

After this, the items you selected will be deleted from your browsing history in Google Chrome.

Extensions for clearing history in Google Chrome

If you need to clear history in Google Chrome quite often, then you can, which greatly simplifies this procedure.

  • – an extension that adds to the toolbar special button to clear history. Using this button, you can clear your history, as well as delete other personal data, with just one click. The extension has settings in which you can choose which data should be deleted and which should not.
  • – another extension that allows you to clear your browsing history in just one click. This extension adds a button to the toolbar, by clicking on which the user can select the time period for which to clear the browsing history.

Just like other Internet browsers, the Google Chrome browser records the Internet pages that the user visits. He saves their addresses in the browsing history. This is convenient because, if necessary, you can find a site that was opened earlier. But sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to delete the history of visits to Google Chrome sites, and thereby hide personal information.

To do this, click the browser controls and settings button, which is located in the upper right corner. Next, select the “History” menu item.

A website visit history window will open in front of you. It separately indicates for each day what time it was and what site the user visited. All addresses are clickable, that is, when you click on them, you can go to the site of interest. You can remove individual sites from history. To do this, move the cursor to the required line and mark it with a bird. After this, the “Delete selected items” button is activated. Click it and confirm deletion.

If you need to delete your entire browsing history, just click on the “Clear history” button (at the top of the page).

An additional window will open. It asks you to select deletion options. For example, for what time to delete sites: for the past hour, for the last day, week, month or for all time.

Below you can check the boxes to indicate what exactly will be deleted. By default, it is suggested to clear your browsing history, downloads, cookies and cache.

After selection required settings Click the “Clear history” button.

If you don't feel like deleting every time Google history Chrome, this browser has a feature that allows you to open windows in anonymous mode. In this case, the history of visiting sites will not be displayed or saved. In order to select this function, click the browser control and settings button and select the menu item “New window in incognito mode.”

Oddly enough, I have not yet talked about how to clear history in the Google Chrome browser on the pages of the site. But this procedure has several important nuances. However, first things first.

If you need to clear your browsing history in Google Chrome for, say, the past hour, the easiest way to do this is to use special combination keys Press CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE on your keyboard, after which a small window will open. Here, check the boxes next to the items “Browsing history” and “Download history” if you have downloaded something, then select a time, for example, over the past hour, and click on the “Clear history” button.

If you also want to delete cookies and files from the cache, then check the boxes next to the appropriate item.

Now let's consider another option - when you want to delete only individual pages from the history.

Click on the button in the form of three stripes, which is located in the upper right part of the screen, and then select “Settings” from the menu.

A window with settings will open in front of you. On the left side you will see a small menu. In it we are interested in the “History” item, which you need to click on.

We found ourselves on a page with the history of site visits. It looks something like this:

To delete only one page from the history, simply hover your mouse over it, click on the triangle and select “Delete from history.”

If you click on the “Clear history” button, the same window that I talked about at the beginning of the article will appear in front of you.

By the way, you can also open the history by typing the following phrase in your browser chrome://history/.

How to delete history in Chrome on Android?

Now we will delete history on mobile Android browser(most likely, the same method is suitable for iPhone devices and iPad).

Launch the application and click on the button with three dots on the right side of the screen. A menu appears, in it select the “History” item.

A page with your browsing history will open. At the bottom of the screen you will see a Clear History button. Tap on it.

However, unlike the desktop version, you cannot select a date to delete history - everything is deleted at once.

In this article you will learn how to delete history in your Google account.


The Google service knows almost everything about you and your account. He knows every smartphone you've thought about buying and buying, every colleague you've tried to find dirt on, every awkward ailment you've experienced.

In this article, you will learn how to permanently delete Google history to improve your online privacy and prevent constant search and viewing data.

Note. Clearing browser history is not the same as clearing web history and app history. When you clear your browser history, you only delete the history that is locally stored on your computer. Clearing your browser history does nothing for the data stored on Google's servers.

Do backup copy Google activity, before deleting all your data from your Google account, if you do not want to be the target of surveillance and at the same time save all the data, and only after that delete your entire account history.

In April 2015 Google of the Year quietly released a feature that allows you to download all your data.

ExpressVPN believes that everything you do on the Internet is confidential. In any case, no one should spy on what you do on the Internet - without your knowledge and permission.

Unless you've disabled this feature, Google Activity has been keeping track of your activity for the last decade. search queries and views. It knows all the links you've followed, all the images you've clicked on, and the URLs you've typed into the address bar.

Google uses all this data to create a profile about you, including your age, gender, languages ​​and interests, and filters search results and ads for you based on your profile. Pretty clever, right? But it's also an incredible invasion of your privacy.

Don't let your Google search history haunt you.

How to download and delete Google search history and prevent Google from saving your activity?

How to download all Google data

Google's upload feature allows you to download data from all Google products that you use, including search history in Google, Gmail, Calendar, Chrome, Google Photos, Maps etc. Here's how to use upload to download all your Google data.

on Google page select the data you want to download. By default, all fields are selected. Select "Further".
  • Select the archive format and download method, then select "Create archive". (We're stuck with the default settings.)

  • You will receive a notification when the archiving process is complete. In this example, we waited for two minutes for the archiving process.

  • After waiting two minutes, we pressed the button "Your archives" and got the opportunity to download the archive of our data.

How can I delete all the actions I've taken on Google?

Execute the following actions to remove data from all your Google activity, including your searches, video searches, and any clicks you've made.

  • On the page "My activity" select vertical ellipse (⋮), then select "Delete activity".

  • Change the date from "Today" on "All the time". Select "All products" from the product drop-down menu, then select DELETE.

  • Google will tell you how it uses your data to make its services more useful to you. Select OK.

  • Google will ask you if you want to delete your activity. Select DELETE.

  • Congratulations! You deleted your history Google search. Then follow these steps: Ask Google to stop saving your activity.

How to Stop (or Pause) Google from Saving Your Activity

Google doesn't provide an option to permanently disable it from saving your activity, but you can hit pause. Follow these steps to pause Google save in its activities.

  • On the page "Action Management" you will see a section "Web and App Activity". Move the switch left.

  • Google will ask you to pause web and apps. Select PAUSE.

  • Check to see if your activity has been suspended. The screen should indicate "Web and app activity (suspended)", and the switch should be gray.

  • If you want to turn off Google tracking by logging your activity across all the Google apps and services you use, slide all the switches on this page to the left.
  • Mission Complete! Google will no longer save your search data.

Consequences of deleting and disabling Google search history

It's important to understand the consequences of deleting your Google search history.

By Google default personalizes search results based on your search activity. So if you search for recipes and click on related links more often than on all other websites, Google will rank a specific link on the search results page every time you look at a recipe.

If you delete and disable your history, your search results will be broader and less specific to you.

Why doesn't deleting and disabling history make me invisible to Google?

If you delete and disable your history, you are not invisible to Google, especially if you maintain an account Google entry for use various applications And Google services, such as Gmail and YouTube.

The reality is that it is almost impossible to be invisible to Google. But you can be reasonable. Start by eliminating all applications and Google services from everyday use in the Internet. And use search engines that do not track your search activity, For example, DuckDuckGo, Ixquick and Startpage.

But if your heart is set on being invisible to Google, as you may be, then don't use the Internet. Ever. Even then, you will need to jump into the bushes if there is a Google Street View car nearby!

Well, today we have looked at many ways in which you can pause, delete your Google web history.

How to disable Web History on Android device?

  • First of all, you need to go to Google app Search, and then click on the 3 horizontal dots on the right. Then you will need to select the option "Settings".

  • Then you will need to "Settings" select sub-item « Accounts and confidentiality", and then click on "Google Account History."

  • In your account history, select a sub-item Web and app activity. You'll see that web and app activity is enabled by default, so click the checkmark to pause your web history.

Google will ask you to confirm that you really want to do this, so click "Disable" to confirm this change.

How to delete your last search history on Android?

The above steps explain how to stop Google's search history from being recorded, but what about the records it has already collected?

  • If you want to delete part of the history or history for the last hour, then you also need to go to the settings section and select the sub-item "Accounts and Privacy - Stories Google accounts» , and then click on "Managing History".

  • You will now see a list of all recent searches. You can select and delete individual elements in this list by checking the box next to them and clicking "Remove Items", or you can delete all search history for a certain period.

To delete your entire search history, you need to click on the gear icon below the search bar to open the settings. Now click remove items.

  • Google allows you to delete your search history for the last hour, last day, last week, last four weeks, and since the beginning of time. Select one of these options and click "Delete".

How to delete Google Chrome search history on Android and stop recording search queries?

The above steps assume that you are using the Google search bar on your home screen or Google Now to perform text or voice searches on your phone or Android tablet, but you can also search in the browser.

If you use Chrome, it will not only record web browser activity on your phone or tablet, but also on any computer or laptop that you're also signed into Chrome on. However, they are easy to remove.

  • As before, you will see a list of all latest requests, made on any computer on which you are signed in to the Chrome browser. You can go through them one by one by marking an X to remove an item, or just click "Clear browsing data" at the bottom of the screen.

The easiest way to prevent history from being recorded

The easiest way to prevent your search history from being recorded in Chrome is to open incognito. This is a private browsing mode that doesn't track everything you do (but you'll still be visible to your ISP and the sites you visit). To open a new tab in incognito mode, click on the same three dots in the top right corner and select New inset incognita. You can then use Chrome as usual.

Video: How to delete Google search history? | Complandia