How to find out page traffic. Should I pay for advertising mediation?

If you are active user social network VKontakte, then you are probably concerned about the statistics of traffic to your page. If a lot of people come to you and comment on your photos (see) and videos, then you are a fairly popular user.

Key activity indicators can be seen using the Statistics tool. The developers kindly provided us with a tool with which we can clearly see the actions of our audience (see). So, how to view traffic statistics personal page VKontakte, reach and involvement of your visitors.

When can you view page statistics?

This tool will be available after more than a hundred people subscribe to your page (see). This parameter can be seen under the profile photo, in the block "My subscribers"(cm. ).

Subscribers are those users who have subscribed to your account updates, but whom you have not yet approved as friends (see). They will see your updates in their news feed, but will not be able to access information that is only available to your friends.

At the same time, you can remove a person from your friends list by transferring him to the “Subscriber” status (see).

I deliberately removed several people from my friends in order to recruit desired value. The picture above shows that at the time of writing, the number of subscribers to my page was 108. This suits us.

And now the “Statistics” tool will be available for use - to launch it, find and follow the link "Page Statistics". It is located below the “Audio recordings” block.

There are three types of reports available here; we will look at them in more detail.

Page traffic

The first tab is called “Attendance” - here we can see how many people were on our page and sort them by criteria.

Unique visitors and views

A visual graph on which we can see how many users visited our profile and how many views they made.

You can display two indicators separately on the chart: « unique visitors» , "views" .


Here we can clearly see age groups of our visitors is a horizontal scale on the graph. And separating them by gender.


Here we can see where our subscribers live - country and city.


The last graph shows the dynamics of the growth of new subscribers. You can display on a graph the number of newly subscribed people and the number of people who unsubscribed from your updates.

Reach tab

Users who saw your Recent Entries, photos or videos, in your news feed, or on the page, fall into the “Coverage” chart. It can be used to evaluate the visibility of your updates.

There are two options available here: “Full coverage”, . You will need the second option more - it shows how many times the updates were seen by people who are subscribers to your page. In turn, full coverage is the total number of VKontakte users who saw your latest news.

Activity Tab

Here we can evaluate general schedule activity of our subscribers.

You can display 5 indicators on the chart:

  1. I like
  3. tell friends
  4. Mentions
  5. Hid from the news


Once you've looked at your page statistics, you can gauge the interest and engagement of your followers. Depending on your tasks, a certain tool may be useful for you.

So, if you are engaged in sales through the social network VKontakte, then you are most interested in the gender and age of your subscribers. After all, working with the target audience brings significant results. Let's say you advertise perfume on your page. This means that it is important for you that the core of your audience is women. And it is desirable that their age be over 18 (the most solvent audience). This is where the report comes in handy. “Attendance -> Age/gender”

It’s another matter if you are a photographer and constantly post your pictures. Are you interested in getting more likes on your photos (see also). You can see this parameter in the Activity report. Based on the obtained indicators, you will be able to analyze which photos and on which days are in greatest demand.

Website traffic is one of the key indicators of website success. Every website owner should be able to see how many visitors come to his website during the day or during the month. In this article we will look at how to check the traffic of your site and someone else’s.

In addition, when analyzing traffic statistics, you should always pay attention to the viewing depth or the number of views per visitor. This indicator tells us how many pages on average one person views when visiting a site. View depth equal to one means that visitors immediately leave the site.

How to see traffic to your site.

It's very easy to check your attendance. Most likely, you have a counter installed on your website, and if not, then you need to install it. The counter is special code(program) implemented on the site. It loads every time a person opens a page containing this code, and records information about the visit.

Modern meters allow you to collect a lot various information about visitors. For example, the Yandex.Metrica counter even records videos of what people do on the pages of your site and you can then view them, drawing conclusions about the usability of your site.

The most popular counter on the Russian Internet is Liveinternet. Here is his address: If you already have this counter installed, then you just need to log in Personal Area and check the statistics there. If it is not installed, then you need to get a counter and install it on the website (instructions are on the service itself). To do it right, have someone handle your site handle it. It is important that the counter script is installed on all pages.

Remember that you are not the only one who needs a meter. Your visitors also sometimes come to check the traffic on your site. And if it is high, then disclosing such information will even benefit you.

Professional analytics systems, in addition to traffic data, collect a lot additional information. You can even set a sequence of actions that the visitor must perform in order for the counter to count it. In the following posts we will look at the Yandex.Metrica analytics system

How to see traffic to someone else's site?

First, let's decide why we even need to look at traffic to someone else's site? For example, high traffic indirectly indicates the popularity of the site. Or if you want to place an advertisement on someone else’s website, then you definitely need to know not only the number of visitors, but also the depth of viewing and from which cities they come to the site.

With other people's sites there are significantly fewer opportunities to analyze traffic. Most often, high-quality sites do not hide the statistics counter and you can see it at the bottom of the page. But not all site owners want to share information; the reasons may be very different. What to do then?

Let's look through the ratings

Many people hide their traffic numbers, but they still have counter buttons on their website and most often the site participates in some kind of ranking. Using these buttons, you can go to the statistics system website and find the site in the ranking, where the number of visitors will be displayed.

We evaluate visually

Sites that have high attendance usually visible by the presence large number comments, votes in polls, likes and other interactive elements.

We ask the site owner

If you are offered advertising space on a website, then you simply must ask the owner to provide detailed statistics site. And if you don’t know what indicators should be assessed, then ask a professional. Great amount advertising platforms make money from inexperienced advertisers.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Whoever owns the information owns the world. For websites this statement is very true. In order to find out the traffic to someone else’s site, you need to identify all possible resources and methods that can find out someone else’s statistics. This post also describes an excellent method to find out the traffic on someone else's website.

You can find out the traffic to someone else's site using:

  1. Liveinternet;
  2. Yandex Metrica;
  3. Alexa;
  4. Ratings analysis;
  5. Analysis of a competitor's website.



I can also recommend from our employee, it is very convenient for collecting the semantic core.

Then, after receiving the competitor’s CN, you need to identify the competitor site by CN and check the frequency. Based on this, you can calculate the approximate attendance. Let's look at an example:



Let's decipher the first line: key1 - keyword, 100 - frequency, 3 - position in the search results.

To calculate now we need CTR, let's take statistics from foreign web studios. Let's distribute CTR to positions.
As you can see, the data differs greatly in the first 3 positions from the results of the analysis of other years. Personally, I think it’s just a matter of years, not companies. Every year the quality of sites and search results improves accordingly.

For the third position, the approximate CTR is 10%, again, this greatly depends on the title and snippet written, and the topic. Everything is individual, these are just averages. Let's continue counting.

With 100 requests per month and 0.10 click probability, we get 10 visits per month for one key. If you count everything completely semantic core, this will give us an approximate result, but as you can see, the method is quite labor-intensive, but possible.

There are also services for automatically collecting positions. And if you take the average CTR for each position, creating a small program will not be difficult at all.

If you approach it smarter, you can derive the formula.

A= i=0nV(ki)P(ti,si,hi,z)

A – Required value (amount of competitor’s traffic per month).

V – Function for obtaining the number of requests for ki(wordstat).

P - Function for calculating CTR (click probability).

ti- Title and snippet (as you know, the title and snippet represent the site in search engines ah, in the search results, it helps the user make the right decision).

si- Position in the top of the site by key ki.

hi- Urgency factor of the key (for example, “order a tow truck urgently” people

will not study the results, but simply search fast decision Problems.

On the contrary, the key “buy a wedding dress” is one of those queries in which girls can reach page 10 after looking at all sites).

z - Brand reputation coefficient.

The formula, of course, is generalized, because Geo-dependence is not taken into account (at a minimum), and the functions of obtaining brand reputation and the title+snippet click-through rate are not described in detail.

Although it can be assumed that coffee The clickability of the title+snippet depends on:

  1. occurrence of ki in title;
  2. occurrence of ki in the snippet;
  3. the presence of attractive/interesting words (click, at a price of 739 rubles, cheap, discounts, etc.);
  4. cof. attractiveness favicon.

If you go even deeper,

  1. Parse the entry into the title and snippet:

a) full entry;

b) incomplete.

You can also break down “incomplete” into further subparagraphs (how incomplete) ... and so on. We could go on for a very long time, so let’s end here.

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Learning from the mistakes of others and adopting the tricks of industry leaders is a winning tactic for competent managers.

That is why more and more entrepreneurs are becoming traffic spies, trying by any means to obtain information about traffic to a competitor’s website, the sources of its traffic and the main search queries. Such studies make it possible to quickly achieve your goals, saving budget and time.

Do you want to reach the TOP and increase sales? Find out below what algorithm of actions is applicable for the correct analysis of competitors' traffic!

Why do you need to analyze the traffic of another company?

If you are just planning to open a project, studying statistics will be an excellent option for testing your niche. The data obtained is a guide to the upcoming scope of work, as well as audience coverage when using the same keywords, like a competitor.

In addition to assessing the potential of the industry and the level of future income, checking the traffic of someone else’s portal will help:

  • choose the best website promotion strategy based on successful solutions of competitors;
  • decide whether to buy this or that site;
  • understand whether it makes sense to post guest posts on the site;
  • find out the approximate conversion rate from competitors;
  • study their strengths and weaknesses;
  • choose a benchmark in terms of content and usability.

Have in mind!

Doesn't exist in internet marketing magic button, by clicking which the site will receive the maximum targeted traffic. The secret of success is unchanged - you need to take care of your visitors, regularly publish honest and original articles, and improve your service.

But thanks to the analysis of the resources of colleagues in the field, you can learn about non-standard methods promotions, small tricks that can benefit your project.

See how it's done...

Analyzing competitors under a microscope

The SEO intelligence plan is as follows:

1. We calculate direct competitors

Look for similar websites with properties you are interested in (price range, similar geographic location, specific services). Having considered the nuances of your activity and product, determine important factors it won't be difficult.

Enter in search bar Google and Yandex related to your business key phrases in different variations. Then carefully study the search engine and advertising block- get to know your opponents by sight.

2. We stop at 3–5 sites

Don't try to cover the vast - limit yourself to a few high-quality projects from competitors. Opt for experienced, proven resources that are involved specifically in your niche. Pay special attention to industry leaders.

3. Look at website traffic

Use attendance counters for this, manual check or special programs, free and paid services. Below you will learn details about each technique and type of analyzer!

Advice: Regularly study competitors, taking into account not only the number of visitors, but also traffic channels, mentions on social networks, key queries from TOP-10. This will make the picture more complete and objective.

Simple ways to find out your competitor's website traffic

So what options are there?

  • Counters

Most resources have informers in the footer or side column that show the number of views and readers per hour, day, week, month.

  • Page "Advertising on the site"

Owners of popular sites usually do not hide traffic data from search engines from potential advertisers, sometimes even providing interesting facts about the demographics, gender, and age of the audience.

Example on Jlady
Example from Dajlapu

Please note! This information is not always up to date. You need to trust only those online platforms that indicate the date last update statistics.

  • Request numbers in person

Nothing prevents you from pretending to be an advertiser and asking a blogger about the traffic to his resource. This is one of the most reliable methods, but even it does not guarantee 100% objectivity. The webmaster is able to fabricate data to increase the interest of advertisers. In addition, not everyone has it installed and configured correctly. Google service Analytics.

  • Assumption

The most inaccurate method. You can also determine the popularity of a site by indirect factors. For example, by the number of posts, likes on buttons social networks, shares and comments (we take into account the average). Backlinks and a guest book will help you evaluate how alive the project is.

If the website is associated with a YouTube channel, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook groups, be sure to go to them and analyze the activity.

Services for assessing search traffic

You're probably wondering which ones? The list of the most popular analyzers is as follows. The data in the table and prices are current as of December 2017.

Service Market Paid version trial version Free version
CIS, US, EU $1099 per month
CIS, US, EU $19-$2500 per month Yes, 10 requests per day
CIS, US, EU $99.95-$399.95 per month Yes, 10 requests per day
CIS, US, EU $99-$999 per month 7 days for $7 No
US, EU $99-$149 per month 7 days No
US, EU N/A N/A Yes, limited functionality


If the subject’s website does not have a traffic counter, we recommend using the analyzer mentioned above (before the rebranding it was called prodvigator).

This easy-to-use, multifunctional service demonstrates search analytics, provides analysis of keywords and paid results. In addition, you can find out the position of the resource, monitor backlinks, receiving data in the form of understandable infographics.

Also, you can find the most similar competing projects in terms of traffic and relevance

Without registration and free version functionality will be reduced. Individual plans start at $19 per month, and for companies from $499.

Allows you to obtain information about site traffic in a matter of seconds. Analysis of keywords, product advertisements of other companies, visual comparison their domains.

You will receive an analytical report on the success or decline of the site’s position, and you will be able to carefully study the advertising strategy of your competitors. The presented service also makes it possible to study the authority and types of backlinks, audience engagement from social networks.

Price for monthly plans - $99.95-$399.95, there is a free version.

A reliable assistant to an optimizer aimed at winning the fight for visitors. It focuses on cross-link analysis, domain name comparison, and key query checking.

Information about the opponent's articles that received greatest number shares will help you adjust your content strategy. And reports on its growth dynamics reference mass will make it possible to eliminate the likelihood of falling under the filters of your own resource.

Website owners note not only the efficiency and versatility of the platform, but also its high cost: from $99 to $999 per month. For this reason, the purchase tariff plan It is only advisable when we are talking about working on a large portal.


This service is used to determine the popularity of a site using the Alexa Traffic Ranks parameter - the amount of visitors from social networks, search engines and other sources.

On, the user will receive information about the most popular sites in different categories and countries, and will quickly find similar projects, that is, their direct competitors, based on the overlap of keys and audiences. A useful tool is a matrix of competitor keywords: it will show queries that you do not use that will bring new readers.

Issue price - $99 for basic version and $149 for advanced (monthly).

Another foreign service with demonstration of ranking, intended mainly for English-language blogs.

By visiting, you will be able to find out the traffic of the resource, as well as age, gender and geographic location target audience. Such knowledge is indispensable for those who want to win the favor of potential readers and product customers. However, you will receive this information only if the competitor himself added his online store here for audit and promotion.

You should only think about using the service if you have an English-speaking business.


Do you want to know the traffic of a competitor’s site?

If the numbers on the counter of a competitor's site from LiveInternet are hidden from outsiders, enter; into the browser line, replacing with the name of the desired site. Thus, you will see the number of views and visits per day, week and month.

Data Accuracy Warning

The services are not responsible for errors in calculations, so you cannot rely entirely on the statistics provided. Each site uses its own algorithms and metrics, the error of which is 20–70% in the direction of overestimation or underestimation. Moreover, finding out the exact traffic of a young or small site is most problematic.

Therefore, treat the data received as relative, compare your competitors with each other, figure out how much you lag behind your competitors.


In addition to analyzing competitor traffic, analyzers can provide a lot of useful information. Therefore, we advise you to test everything popular programs and extensions.

The most important thing you should understand from analyzing the traffic of competing businesses is not the absolute numbers, but the strategies that allowed you to achieve your goals.

Which service do you use, and how useful is it? Share your experience in the comments!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a concept as site traffic. Probably, the question of how to recognize and check it arises immediately after the launch of this very resource, and this is correct, because attendance is everything to us (the higher it is, the more you can do).

Although in certain moment The question may arise about checking the visitor’s website not for your own project, but for someone else’s, which will also be quite logical, because it is always interesting how successful your competitor or colleague is.

Today I will try to combine all aspects related to visitor counting in one article. We will talk about ways to find out and evaluate the traffic to your site, look at which statistical indicators you should pay attention to and which ones can be left without special attention, and look at how you can find out or at least evaluate the popularity of someone else’s resource (with or without counters).

Well, in fact, we’ll find out which counters exist and which ones can be used in your project.

Basic ways to check site traffic

Naturally, I would hardly be able to fit all this into the framework of one article, but much of what I listed above and regarding counting visitors, I have already described in some detail, incl. All I have to do is provide the necessary links with small comments on the topic. But some things will have to be considered within the framework of this article. Actually, let's get started.

Why keep your finger on the pulse of your website traffic?

But if the entry points are internal pages your resource, then this could be the result of a successful investment in contextual advertising, or be the result of a successful and proper optimization and promotion.

  • Exit point— the last page viewed in the session.
  • Bounce Rate is an attendance statistics parameter that shows the ratio of sessions with a unit depth (the entry point coincides with the exit point) to their total number.

    Although this parameter is called an “indicator,” however, for many types of projects it will not be indicative. For example, the notorious “pizza delivery” will give a failure rate of 100 percent and this will be normal (the visitor came in, saw contact number and went to call and order pizza).

    At the same time, for ordinary information resources (well, probably like my website), checking and analyzing the bounce rate will be very revealing. Although, again, if you have it in the region of 50 - 70 percent, then this is not a reason to ring the alarm bell, especially if your resource has a wide audience (diversified, has many topics).

    You should start worrying if your information resource failure rate approaches 90 percent. Here search engines can express their opinion to you in the form of lowering your resource in search results, which will be followed by an immediate decline in attendance.

  • How to find out traffic to someone else's site

    Well, in conclusion I want to talk about how to find out or estimate traffic to someone else's website, whose visit counters are locked with a password or are completely absent, which is quite a rarity, but it still happens. Let's start with this very case, when no client statistics systems are installed.

    In this case, the only way to find out the attendance of someone else’s project will be an approximate and rather indirect assessment of it using . At the given link you will find big article, dedicated to Alexa and ways to improve this indicator, but if you are too lazy to read, then I will briefly talk about it.

    Actually, Alexa Rank appeared on the Internet even earlier Google search engine, which already speaks of its significance. But, unfortunately, the principle of operation on which the collection of traffic statistics in Alexa is based does not work very well in RuNet. Why? Yes, because few people have their Toolbar installed in their browsers, which collects data about sites viewed by users for its subsequent interpretation and processing into a ranking of the most visited resources in the world and on the RuNet in particular.

    In short, the place of the resource you are interested in (for which you want to find out and check traffic) in the Alexa Rank will tell you (for RuNet very, very approximately) how visited it is. For example, the site has an indicator (this is the place it occupies in the world ranking of the most visited resources in Russia), and the real traffic of mine now may well not correspond to the place it occupies (significantly differ from its neighbors on the list).

    But if someone else’s website, where you want to know traffic, has some kind of client statistics system, then you can try using 2ip service— enter the address of one or more other people’s resources into the form provided and receive this data. How effective is it? this service, I can’t say, but I didn’t have any problems with him.

    Previously, by the way, you could look into the statistics locked with a password liveinternet counter, but now it seems that this hole has been covered. Previously, it was enough to insert into address bar browser the following URL:


    Instead of “site”, insert the domain of someone else’s site whose traffic you want to know.

    There is also a wonderful service called LiveInternet statistics archive, which allows you to see site traffic according to the LI counter version, even if its owner has blocked the statistics with a password:

    If such a counter is not installed on the site at all, then it’s a disaster, but LiveInternet is quite popular and even many giants install it (just for fun, try to break through the ubiquitous on this service - just sit down first, otherwise you will fall :)).

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

    You can watch more videos by going to

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