Calculator on a laptop. How to run the calculator on different versions of Windows

Even though many retirees are no longer working, running a household often requires some calculations. Many older people draw up a budget for food, manufactured goods, utility bills and other expenses using a fountain pen in a notebook or on a piece of paper. If you are doing needlework, there is a need to calculate the amount of material, threads, loops, rows, etc. And if you are engaged in construction at your dacha, then by the summer season you need to calculate in advance the required number of boards, bars, screws, nails and who knows what else.
Now that you have learned how to use a computer, it would be logical to use its capabilities for all these purposes. That is, calculations should be done not in a column on a piece of paper, but while sitting at the computer. The Windows operating system includes in its standard programs calculation program - Electronic calculator.

In order to display the calculator on the monitor, click the “Start” button, then “All Programs”, “Accessories”, “Calculator”, click.

An image of a calculator will appear on the screen. The image can be dragged to any convenient place by grabbing it by the top blue bar with the cursor while holding down the left mouse button.

The top white line is called an indicator; it displays the numbers entered from the keyboard and the results of calculations. Try pressing a few numbers on the keyboard.
The "Backspace" key is used to delete the last digit dialed, for example, if after typing the number 258, you discovered that the last digit was incorrect, you should have dialed 256.
If the entire number is entered incorrectly, it can be deleted entirely by pressing the "CE" key or the reset button "C".
Try adding two numbers using the "+" sign, subtracting using the "-" key, multiplying using the "*" sign, and dividing using the "/" key.
To extract the square root, use the "sgrt" key.

The calculator has a buffer memory function, that is, it can remember one number you wrote into memory. If you enter a second number into memory, the previous value will be deleted from memory. The memory keys are located in the left row.

Enter a number from the keyboard and press the "MS" key, this number will be remembered.
The additional appearance of the “M” symbol means that there is information in memory.
Remove the entered number from the indicator line by pressing the "CE" key.
To recall a number from memory, press the "MR" key; the memorized number will appear in the indicator line. To clear the buffer memory, press the "MC" key.

Let's do a simple calculation using memory.
Let's multiply two numbers on the calculator: 25*2=50, save the resulting result in memory by pressing the "MS" key.

Now use the "CE" key to clear the indicator line. Let us introduce the following arithmetic operation:
150*3=450, the result will appear in the line.

Let's perform the operation of dividing the resulting number 450 by pressing the key with the "/" sign by the number stored in memory, recalling it from memory with the "MR" key.

Next, press the "=" key, the calculation result appears in the indicator line. In this case, you can notice that the “M” key has not gone out, that is, the number “50” is still stored in memory. The memory can be cleared by pressing the "MC" key, but if you enter a new value into the memory, the memory will clear itself, the old number will disappear and only the new one will be saved.

Calculations can be made using a computer keyboard. That is, when the calculator is open, enter numbers and symbols into it, pressing them not on the calculator with the mouse pointer, but with your fingers on the computer keyboard. All actions will be displayed in the calculator indicator line.
Please note that to use the numeric keypad located in the right keyboard block, the Num Lock key must be turned on.

To delete the last dialed digit, use the "Backspace" key on the keyboard in the same way; you can delete the entire number with the "Del" key or the "Esc" reset key. Entering a number into the calculator's buffer memory is done by simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" key and the English letter "m". Don't worry about remembering these keyboard shortcuts, just like you won't remember the key assignments on your calculator. If you forget the assignment of the keys, the calculator provides hints.

Click on any key of the calculator with the RIGHT mouse button, a question phrase will appear, click on it with the left mouse button.

A tooltip will open explaining the purpose of this button in the calculator. Below is information about the key combination on the computer keyboard to perform the same operation.

If you have a text document open at the same time while working with the calculator, the calculator is placed on top of it or collapsed into a small tab at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the tab, you bring the calculator back to the screen.

In a text document, you can write down the sequence of necessary mathematical operations in a line, ending it with a “=” sign, for example:

Expand the calculator from the tab and click on the top line “Edit”, then click “Insert” (or simultaneously press the “Ctrl” key and the English letter “v” on your keyboard).
The result of sequential calculations will appear in the indicator line, that is, first add, then multiply. By copying this action line “12+5*8=", you can also send it to memory using the “MS” button, and then call up the calculation result with the “Edit”, “Paste” command in the indicator line.

The "Calculator" program contains two possible operating options: "Normal" and "Engineering". Switching modes is done through the "View" menu.

The engineering calculator has an expanded panel of buttons that perform advanced functions. There are trigonometric functions, logarithms and much more. The calculator in the "Engineering" mode can calculate in various number systems, for example, in the binary system. It is unlikely that you and I will need these functions.

There is only one feature worth noting here.
The sequence of mathematical operations "12+5*8=" calculated by us in a regular calculator gave the result "136".
In an engineering calculator, the same sequence of mathematical operations "12+5*8=" will give the result "52".
The fact is that a regular calculator performs calculations in the order written in the line. The engineering calculator takes into account mathematical rules and performs actions in accordance with the priorities of these rules: first multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction.

The size of the calculator on the screen cannot be changed. However, when using a calculator, you can open Magnifier at the same time. , set the desired magnification size and use the enlarged buttons at the top of the screen. When you open Magnifier, an information window appears. To prevent it from appearing again, check the box next to “Do not display this message again.”

Let's summarize today's lesson.
Among the standard programs of the Windows operating system there is program for performing calculations - "Calculator". The "Calculator" program contains two possible operating options: "Normal" and "Engineering". For a simple user, as a rule, the functions are quite sufficient a regular calculator.
You can enter numerical values ​​into the calculator by pressing buttons on it using the cursor or pressing keys in the number pad of a computer keyboard. Calculations can be made by writing down a certain sequence of actions in a text editor followed by copying into a calculator.
The order of performing mathematical operations in a regular calculator and in an engineering one is different.. Working in the Calculator program simultaneously with the program "Screen Magnifier" may be convenient for people with low vision.
To go to the next lesson click on the link

A minimum of body movements and you will always have access to it. (and what did it cost the developers to do this by default, without “finishing it” from the users?)

Where and how to find a calculator in Windows 8? The article will give some advice on this issue.

A bit of poetry.

Sometimes you need to quickly calculate something, but doing it in your head is problematic (we skipped school), so the need arose to use a calculator. Great! Not everyone has a pocket one, so it’s a good idea to do this on a computer. It's really bad luck! Users of Windows 8 (they don't have enough problems with the Start button), and so, these happy people are faced with another problem. Its whole essence and pain is in the next sentence (read with emphasis)

Where is this damn calculator on Windows 8!? Let's try to answer this question, since you can use the calculator in different ways.

Option 1.

Press Win+R and enter “calc” in the window that appears. The treasured calculator window will appear.

Option 2.

We go to “search”, type in “Calculator” (of course, without quotes). Both of these methods are dreary, so let’s try something else, preferably with a minimum of body movements.

Option 3.

The essence of the manipulations below is to always have quick access to the calculator. So, first of all, go to “All applications”

We scroll the list to “standard”, where the calculator is located. Right-click on it, select “pin to taskbar” That’s all, we found a calculator on Windows 8, it wasn’t that difficult, right?

If you occasionally work on a computer with numbers, then you may need to use a calculator. The Windows operating system has a built-in calculator and this guide will show you how to open it.

Open calculator from the program list

Clicking the button Start, the menu will be displayed. When you click “All programs” in it, a list of utilities available on the computer will be displayed. Among them there must be Calculator. To quickly display this application, you can enter in the search bar located there Calculator.

The application of the same name will be displayed, all you have to do is launch it.

As a result, you will see a calculator window in which you can make the necessary calculations.

Open the calculator through the system command

Enter the combination on the keyboard Win+R, as a result of which the system window will be displayed Execute.

In it, enter the text “ calc.exe" (without quotes), and then press the key Enter. As a result, the calculator window will open.

Quick calculator call

You can create a shortcut with an application Calculator on the desktop. To do this, hold down the mouse and drag the application shortcut that is in the menu Start, on the desktop.

Then open the shortcut properties and in the field Quick call: enter the desired key combination that, when pressed, would open Calculator.

Now you can quickly call Calculator from a shortcut or by pressing a keyboard key combination. Very comfortably!

The instructions are universal and are suitable for both previous versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) and the latest Windows 10.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments to the material.

Computing has become an integral part of life and work in this fast-paced society. It is used in all fields such as business, administration, education, entertainment and even in recording personal income and expenses. Therefore, people become more dependent on physical as well as virtual calculator (i.e. on phone and computer). How to enable the calculator in different OS versions - read on.

Every PC and laptop contains built-in software, so you don't have to do the calculations manually. It's not easy to find in Windows 7, and if you're having trouble, you've come to the right place. Below is a guide to opening such an assistant in the seven.

Via the Start menu

  1. Click Start in the lower left corner of the screen (taskbar).
  2. Type "calc" into the search box below.
  3. Open the program.

Via local disk

  1. Open local drive C.
  2. Open the Windows folder.
  3. Open the "System 32" folder.
  4. Open the "calc" file. Now you can use the program.

If you use the calculator frequently on your Windows 7 computer, you can create a shortcut for it by right-clicking the file and selecting the Create Shortcut option. This will create a shortcut for your desktop. After this, a dialog box will open confirming that the system will create a shortcut on the desktop. Select "Yes" and you're done.

How to access 8/8.1

How to find a calculator in Windows 8? When it comes to software on a computer running OS 8/8.1, some people have no idea where it is, which sometimes leads to great inconvenience. Below are three methods for accessing the utility on a computer running OS version 8/8.1.

Access from the application interface

Select from search results

  1. Press the Win key and the F key at the same time to enable the search bar, type "calculator" in the empty field and select "Applications."
  2. When the search results appear on the left, click "Calculator" to open it.

Access from the Start menu manually added to the taskbar

  1. Manually add the Start menu to the taskbar.

On a computer with OS version 7, you can access it directly from the Start menu, but on a computer with Windows 8/8.1 there is no such menu. However, you can add a button to the taskbar on your desktop yourself.

  1. Once the Start menu is added to the taskbar, click the right arrow next to the button and navigate to Programs - Accessories - Calculator.

Where is the calculator in Windows 10?

Where is the calculator in Windows 10? System version 10 uses a new utility. If you want to change the default because you prefer to work with the old classic view, you have a few options.

  1. Install Calculator Plus from on Windows

After installation, launch the Calculators Plus program through Start or open the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Calculator Plus

  1. Add exe.

You can also copy the old calc.exe file from old systems 8.1, 7, XP to 10 (use x32 version).

Path: C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe or %windir%\System32\calc.exe

  1. Find and use the default pre-installed app in OS 10.

You can also use the call to the installed calculator on your Windows 10 computer, since the new one looks a little different. To return the utility, specify the path:


Where is the calculator in Windows 10? You can use this program to perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It also offers advanced programming capabilities, scientific and statistical analysis, etc.

You can perform calculations by clicking program buttons, or enter calculations using the keyboard - use the numeric keypad to enter numbers and operators by pressing Num Lock.

Calculation history tracks all calculations the program performs and is available in standard and scientific modes. You can change the values ​​in the calculations in your history. While you are editing the calculation history, the result area displays the total of the selected calculation.