Can't create a username on facebook. How to choose a username

How to change your name on Facebook to something else? Administration social network does not recommend its users to frequently change their profile name and last name.

According to security requirements, frequent changes in data can cause fraudulent activity, so such accounts are often blocked.

The optimal time range between page name changes is 6 months.

If you change your data once or twice during this period of time, the technical support service will not have any complaints about your online profile.

There are several options for replacing the page title:

Standard Change Procedure

If you have compelling reasons to change your name, you can do so at normal settings profile. The new name will appear immediately on your page.

The entire procedure occurs automatically.

Follow the instructions below to change the title of your page in a standard way, using the desktop version of the site:

  • Log in to the social network Facebook. Next, click on the arrow located at the top right of the profile;
  • Open the settings menu;
  • Select the main settings tab, and then click on the “Name” field;

  • Click the icon. After this, you will automatically be redirected to the data editing page. You cannot use special characters, numbers or signs. From special characters Only Roman numerals are available;

  • To apply the settings, enter the password for your page to further verify your identity;

  • Save your settings. Your new name will be verified automatic system for correctness and applied to the profile if the check completes successfully.
    Maximum term It takes 24 hours for the new name to be confirmed by the automatic recognition system. You will be notified of the decision via a letter that will be sent to your email (linked to your profile);

After you have changed your name 4 times, technical support will remove the “Name” item from your account. This way you will not be able to change the page title.

To add a middle name, go to the settings, as shown in the first instructions, and enter your own in the Middle Name field additional name.

It must also comply with all site rules and regulations.

Registration on Facebook is a mandatory procedure for all new users. During the process, you must provide a login and come up with a password. But what to do if you want to change your login or suddenly forgot it and can’t remember it? Don’t be upset and read our article quickly, of course!

Forgot? We are restoring!

There are all sorts of situations. Suddenly your laptop breaks down, and after it is repaired, all data from your browser is cleared. Or you're accessing Facebook on a new device. In both cases, for authorization you need to enter not only a password, but also the login that you chose during registration. Recovering your password seems to be very simple. There is even a special link for this. What to do with this very username? In general, is it possible to recognize it if it is not preserved in your memory?

As you remember, the system asks you to provide an address as a login email or number mobile phone. Both are provided when creating a new account and are generally reliable and up to date. If for some reason you managed to forget what you indicated during registration, do not worry - all is not lost.

The main savior will be your username, which is also part of the direct link to your profile. The mask looks like this:, where abc.def is the username you are looking for. That is, instead of a mobile number or e-mail, you can simply enter it to gain access to Facebook.

If you can’t recall the direct link in your memory, try entering your first and last name in any search engine. When you find your page on a social network, look at the username, and then enter it in the “Email” line. address or telephone number." This is such a cunning one, but effective way.

What if I want to change?

There is one more such moment. Specified at registration e-mail or mobile may change. In principle, it is quite possible to leave them solely as a login, but in this case it is advisable to update them in your Facebook profile - for your own convenience. But you will not be able to change this data in your login, so you will have to use your old e-mail or mobile number.

If you really need to change your login, you’ll have to create new account. Just remember to delete the old one first, otherwise your friends will get confused and won't be able to find you. Unless, of course, you want to be found at all...

Thus, in order to restore your login, you will have to conduct a small search work, because separate service The system does not offer a way to restore it. And it’s not a fact that he will ever offer it. So we'll cope on our own and train your memory so that important information no more forgetting.

For various reasons, users of a popular resource edit personal information, which is why many are interested in how to change name on facebook. Before we learn how to change contact information online, let’s take a closer look at this social network and find out its history.

Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University. Together with friends in 2004, he developed a website that allowed you to create personal pages, indicate contact information, invite friends and communicate with them online:

  • At first, only Harvard University students used the resource.
  • In 10 years, Facebook has grown from a small site into the most popular social network, with more than a billion users. For comparison: 145 million people permanently live in Russia.
  • The founder of the site successfully raised billions of dollars for his project, which gave a strong impetus to the development of the resource.

Facebook, like any other social network, is used for online communication with family, friends, friends. Everyone can create interest groups, talk about their hobbies, and demonstrate their creative works. People join groups, communicate online, and then meet in real life.

Facebook is also actively used to earn money, popularize commercial services, promote online businesses, and sell products. After all, the site provides amazing opportunities for companies, organizations, firms, enterprises: Facebook is used by millions potential buyers. It is only important to know how to properly promote your brand online. If you are interested in promoting pages and groups, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with on your own.

As you can see, Facebook has long grown from an ordinary social network into a powerful one. online tool marketing.

Change your name on Facebook - causes and consequences

For various reasons, users need to change Facebook name online. Most site visitors provide incorrect information during registration and come up with pseudonyms. That's why at some point they have to indicate their real first and last name. For example, due to incorrect personal information, their acquaintances and friends on Facebook cannot find them.

The most common reasons why people decide to change the name on a resource:

  • Marriage - as practice shows, almost every girl who took her husband’s last name changes her data online on her wedding day. In this way, she shows all her friends that she has become a beloved wife.
  • Rebranding - many companies, organizations, and creative individuals create pages on the website to promote their services, products, and works online. In this case, the “Name” item consists of the name of the company or the pseudonym of the person who is promoting their services. For example, during rebranding, which will allow the company to enter another best level development, the slogan, name, visual design, logo changes. That’s why the information on Facebook will have to be changed.
  • Conspiracy - some people want to use all the features of Facebook, but do not want other visitors to know their real name. For example, people decide to change personal information in order to hide from their wives or husbands, in order to hide from paying alimony (debts). At the same time, they do not want to delete their account from the resource.
  • Changing personal information in a passport - according to official data, in Russia every year the number of residents who change their names in official documents is growing. For example, since 2011 in Russia, more than 250 thousand people decided to change their full name. Someone has always dreamed of a new name, someone wants to take the name of their favorite actor, singer, writer. Today you can easily change official data in your passport.
  • Creation creative pseudonym– for example, someone decided to professionally engage in music or other creative work that requires a bright pseudonym. Facebook can be used for online promotion their person and services, which is why many decide to change their real data to a pseudonym.

As you can see, there are many reasons to change online information on a popular social network. As practice shows, it will take 2-3 minutes to edit the data.

How to change your name on Facebook according to instructions

Now we will tell you in detail, how to change name on facebook online. This information will be especially useful for those who want to change personal data in their account, but do not know how to do this.

First of all, you need to go to your Facebook profile. On home page At the top, in the right corner, there is a button that resembles an arrow. If you click on this active button, a small context menu. In it you can select a team online from the proposed list. Here we need the “Settings” item to change the name. Click on “Settings” and go to a new online page.

A Facebook user finds himself in a section dedicated to general settings account and personal data. The following information is provided here:

  • “Name” – here is the nickname or real name of the visitor
  • “Username” is an active link to a person’s Facebook page
  • “El. address" – email
  • "Password"
  • "Language"
  • “Communities” are groups in which the user is a member
  • "Temperature"

On this page you can change your name online on a social network. To change personal information, you must click on the “Edit” button. This button is located opposite each item and cannot be missed. Click on “Edit”, which is located next to the “Name” item. A window opens in front of the user where he can change information and add a middle name. It is important to remember that the user has the right to edit personal data online only once in 60 days.

After the visitor has entered a new name, he confirms the information: clicks on the “Check changes” button. A small dialog box will appear in which you can see 2 options for the name. You must select the desired option and click on “Save”. That's it, the settings were successfully saved, and the data was changed. When coming up with a name, do not use symbols from other languages, numbers, obscene words, titles and other information that does not relate to the full name.

As you can see, it is very easy to change your name online on Facebook. The whole procedure takes only a few minutes. You can use either real personal information or an interesting, memorable nickname in your profile. The main thing is that the pseudonym is somehow related to the name.

When the rebranding of Studio ONE TOUCH entered the implementation stage, the next question arose: how to change the name of the Facebook page?

Facebook plays by these rules: if the number of page subscribers exceeds 200 people, then the social network can only sympathize with you. Social network support assures that if you have administrator rights, you can easily apply to change your name, but only once. However, this is not true.

Even if you are a page administrator and have not previously changed the name, you cannot submit an application. There is no such button in the settings.

In an attempt to solve the problem, we scoured the entire RuNet and beyond. There was no answer from Facebook support, but it turned out that the problem is relevant for many.

Other sources found a way to change the name, but we were not satisfied.

For those who are not afraid to spam: ask your friends to suggest a name change for your page to whatever is required.

For the method to work, the number of proposals must exceed one hundred. We didn't want to spam and continued our search.

He who seeks will find - an old truth. We found useful instructions on the Fan Page Workshop website. The text was published a year ago, and it has already been tagged #not_working. But we decided to verify Facebook’s impenetrability from our own experience.

The name change took us two weeks.

Algorithm for changing the name of a Facebook page

The Hola application allows you to deceive Facebook by showing the social network not the Russian - real - IP, but the American IP. You are scrolling news feed, sitting in a Moscow office, and your browser thinks that you are in New York.

After installing Hola, opportunities for Russian Facebook user are expanding noticeably. Having selected the country USA in the application, you need to log in on behalf of the page whose name you plan to change.

By going to “Settings”, you need to change the page language from Russian to English. After this, you need to click the “Page info” button and follow the Request Change link.

Unlucky again? Press F5, the page will refresh and prompt you to change the name.

Agree with the paragraph “I understand the formatting guidelines for my Page’s new name” and decide on the category of the page:

After this, you need to agree with the item “I would still like to change my Page name” and indicate the new page name in the “Desired Page name” field.

In the drop-down window, indicate the reason why you want to change your name.

Then upload a scan of the document, which clearly shows the name of your organization and its legal address. Any invoice that your company pays or issues will do.

To prove the existence of our agency, we sent a scan of the invoice issued to the client for the provision of our services. By the time we sent the screenshot, we had it ready legal entity with a new agency name. The text in the screenshot was written in Cyrillic. The screenshot confirms the existence of the agency rather than the appropriateness of the requested name.

By the way, changing your name on Facebook is only possible in the Latin alphabet, that is, you cannot change Studio to Studio, only the other way around. Click the "Send" button - this is last step before changing the page name.

Facebook paused for 14 days, after which the trick worked: Studio ONE TOUCH successfully changed to Agency ONE TOUCH. The rebranding went like clockwork.

Types of Facebook Business Pages

    Local business or place suitable for all organizations that care geographic reference: shops, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, hotels. To register a page, you need to indicate the name, phone number and full address: zip code, region, city, street and house number.

    Company, organization or institution Suitable for large companies, public organizations, media, political parties. To register a page, you just need to enter the company name; no address or phone number is required.

    Brand or product Suitable for anyone who plans to promote products on Facebook. To create a page, you need to specify the brand or product name.

    Executor, music group or public figure Suitable for creative teams and public people: bloggers, artists, officials, journalists. To register, simply enter the person's name or group name.

    Entertainment Suitable for marketers promoting entertainment and educational products: books, podcasts, festivals. To create a page, you need to add the product name.

    Common cause or community Suitable for pages that do not fall under other types. Typically, “Common Cause or Community” is used when they want to unite people with similar interests. For example, on Facebook there is Yorkie Dog Club , accounting community , associations who want to make palliative care more accessible to sick children. To register such a page, just enter a name.

Everyone has types pages with the exception of “Common Cause or Community” are categories. The category specifies what the page is dedicated to. For example, for local companies Available categories: restaurant, grocery store, travel agency, family doctor. For brands and products: furniture, household appliances, jewelry, video game and others.

How to choose a username

  1. The name must be unique and contain at least five characters.
  2. The name may contain latin letters, numbers, dots.
  3. Cannot be used general terms and extensions (.com, .net).
  4. Points and capital letters cannot be used to make a name unique. For example, alexnovikov55, Alex.Novikov55 And alex.novikov.55 Facebook considers it the same name.

2. Customize

General settings

In this section, you can change basic settings that will help you manage your page effectively.

What roles are there on a Facebook business page?

    Administrator- owner of the page. It performs any actions and controls user access to the page.

    Editor has the same powers as an administrator. The only difference is that it cannot control user access.

    Moderator sends messages in the messenger on behalf of the page, responds to comments and deletes them, bans visitors, sets up targeted advertising, views statistics and sees who posted on behalf of the page.

    Analyst looks at statistics and sees who posted on behalf of the page.

    Page representative in live can go live on behalf of the page from a mobile device.

3. Customize the template


This is the markup of a business page; it determines which buttons and tabs will be active. Facebook selects a template automatically based on the category, but you can change it.

Facebook offers nine templates: Restaurants & Cafes, Company, Venues, Shopping, Nonprofit, Policies, Services, Video Creator, and Standard. To see what buttons and tabs are included in the template, click Show Details. If you find it difficult to choose a template, select “Standard”.


Available tabs are “Home”, “Publications”, “Reviews”, “Groups”, “Store”, “Offers”, “Photo”, “Events”, “Video”, “Information”, “Live broadcasts”, “Notes” , "Services", "Community".

5. Fill with information

Map and operating hours

Available only to companies and public people.

Company information

You can add a founding date on all category pages, but some do not. additional features. For example, restaurants can indicate what kind of cuisine they prepare, whether it is possible to reserve a table or order delivery. See what opportunities are available to you.