Review of the best programs for planning tasks. The best personal planning program

Even the most carefree people sometimes have to make lists of priority tasks that must be completed. Here, for example, there may be some kind of list of purchases and necessary things before going on vacation, or the next visit to the doctor, as well as other events that require a clear schedule and visualization.

In general, organizing such lists is a pretty useful habit. New technologies, coupled with an abundance of affordable gadgets, have allowed us to abandon crumpled sticky notes or notepads in favor of electronic media. The first ones get lost, wrinkled and spoiled, while the second ones have convenient and customizable visualization; you can sort them and set up reminders as you like. Such electronic calendars and task planners greatly simplify everyday life and will not allow you to miss an event you need. You only have to try to live a day with such helpers once, and you yourself will wonder how you could manage without them before.

So, we’ll try to introduce you to the best task planner programs for a personal computer, which are enviably popular among business people and have a lot of positive reviews from users

Specifics of PC schedulers

There are not many utilities of this kind for a personal computer. A good half of these applications are either in mobile versions for smartphones and tablets, or as web services.

This state of affairs can be explained very simply: modern and active users want to manage their time, as well as tasks, anywhere, and not just while sitting at a computer or carrying a heavy laptop with them.

That is, it is quite logical that both a student and the owner of a large company want to see not only a stationary task planner for the computer, but also its “pocket” version. The latter allows you to check your plans while in a traffic jam, at a lecture, or anywhere else. Therefore, more than half of the developers of such products always place special emphasis on the synergy of PC versions with mobile devices so that the user has full control over their current tasks and time.

So, let's move directly to the list of the best to-do planners for a personal computer that can be found on the Web.


“Business Organizer” (LeaderTask) is extremely popular not only in the business sphere, but also among other categories of users. It gained its enviable reputation as one of the most popular task planners due to its multi-platform and competent approach to usability. Users can install “Business Organizer” both on the usual Windows OS and on Apple solutions coupled with Android devices.

The version of the to-do planner for Windows 7, 8 and 10 was distinguished by its ergonomics and intuitive functionality. The Business Organizer client loads into autorun (can be configured) and is located in the system tray, providing quick access to all the main features of the program.

This to-do planner for a computer is convenient because all major events, such as tasks and notes, are presented on a calendar grid. This visualization is very convenient and allows you to quickly navigate the state of affairs.

Distinctive features of the application

Control of the main interface is also convenient and has clear gestures. Assigning tasks and projects, as well as assigning specific dates and times to them, occurs using the Drag&Drop technique, that is, just drag the desired task onto the calendar grid or timer, and it will start “working.”

Each individual task can be customized as you wish: adjust the color, add a comment or photo, attach a file, etc. For some grandiose projects, you can branch out subtasks and prioritize them with reminders.

Well-configured standard filters in the to-do planner program allow you to conveniently sort tasks and search for the notes you need. You can customize the filters for yourself: set priorities and some additional criteria, and also apply them to the calendar, selecting things for a certain period of time.

While working, the user can easily switch from one mode to another: calendar, categories, projects, notes and contacts. The latter, by the way, contain extremely interesting functionality for the electronic to-do planner. The application allows you to assign a specific list of tasks to any contacts. That is, here we can see what cases are associated with this or that person from your phone book.

In general, we can say that this task planner is a universal and convenient program for analyzing and optimizing your tasks, of any complexity. The product is distributed under a paid license, but with a 45-day trial period.

Advantages of the “Business Organizer”:

  • competent and high-quality product localization;
  • multiplatform (iOS, Android, Windows);
  • many smart and really useful filters;
  • project support.


  • The price is a bit high for the average consumer.

The cost of a license is about 2000 rubles.


If you have Google Chrome installed on your computer, then you should definitely try this to-do planner. Any.DO is downloaded as an add-on to this browser and works in tandem with it, without sacrificing performance for the latter. In addition, Google Play has a version of the to-do planner for Android and a similar one for iOS, so this product can also be called multi-platform.

The application has an extremely simple and uncomplicated interface that anyone, even a novice PC user, can understand. Mobile versions of the product are even simpler, where everything happens using the usual drag and drop of elements.

One of the most interesting advantages of this to-do planner is the ability to communicate with the menu by speech. That is, tasks can be spoken verbally, and an attentive organizer will write them down in notes. Owners of smartphones respond especially warmly to this approach, where typing is clearly inferior to the capabilities of a personal computer and eliminates many problems. The Windows version of the to-do planner has received excellent localization into Russian, but the Android and iOS brethren sometimes come across untranslated menu items or sections of text. But I can’t call this moment critical due to the simplicity of the interface and intuitive icons.


The application has very good functionality, despite the fact that it is an add-on to the browser. The utility easily moves notes into folders, marks their importance, and sets up repetition. If the task is large, then access to extended descriptions and comments is opened. In addition, you can save all the activity of the to-do planner in Excel format for editing or for someone more familiar with visual vision.

Each individual task is assigned any (or all together) elements of your choice: contact list, notifications, repetitions, notes, projects and other plans. The application does not have such great features as the previous respondent, but it is quite suitable as an assistant for employees of a small company.

The application can also work with geolocation tags. That is, remind the user of certain tasks depending on location. For example, the utility will let the owner know so that he does not forget to buy bread if there is a grocery store nearby or to buy movie tickets if the user passes by the ticket office. Naturally, this kind of alerts needs to be set up in advance, taking into account the characteristics of your position and your usual routes.

Pros of the application:

  • comfortable ;
  • smart synchronization with your other devices;
  • presence of geolocation tags;
  • free product.


  • localization on mobile platforms leaves much to be desired.

This service can be called a universal solution for scheduling your tasks for various operating systems. The application works perfectly both in the familiar Windows environment and on the iOS and Android platforms.

The free version of the program is presented as an add-on to Chrome from Google, Firefox and Safari. That is, here we have regular access to the web service through a browser as in the previous case. The purchased Pro copy is implemented as a separate client application for Windows or Mac.

The paid version allows you to synchronize all scheduler events on all your devices where this software is installed. The application is built on the popular and proven GTD (Get Things Done) principle. Here you will find contexts familiar to this time management system, goals, tasks and many other elements.

Features of the service

The utility allows you to conveniently sort all tasks according to user-selected criteria: by priorities, by completion time of some action, by location, project, etc. There is also a smart selection by tags. After setting dates and times, tasks will be placed in the appropriate sections in automatic order. In addition, the application works well with geotags, which significantly expands the scope of the software.

If it is necessary to perform a certain type of task with certain conditions, then the functionality provides a “Waiting List” section, where the user can set up tasks depending on already occurring or future events.

Benefits of the application:

  • work on different platforms (Windows, iOS, Android);
  • proper synchronization of tasks on all devices (for the Pro version);
  • availability of a free version;
  • binding to geotags.


  • a slightly confusing interface, where it will be difficult for beginners to understand the numerous menu branches;
  • some are not satisfied with the appearance of the application, and, alas, there are no options for fine-tuning the interface.

The cost of the Pro version is about 1,500 rubles per year.


In the version for personal computers (Windows and Mac), the application is implemented as a web service. For the Android and iOS platforms, the utility comes as a separate client.

All user tasks are stored in a single organization tool - a list, which can be edited as desired. Unfortunately, some categories or tags are not supported in the web version. But the compensation here is the extremely convenient addition and work with scheduled tasks.

It should also be noted that there are a large number of filters and competent sorting of cases. The application allows you to set all kinds of repetition intervals, reminders, branch main tasks into smaller ones, add comments, pictures and text notes to them. Each item can be highlighted with a colored marker, while setting the necessary priorities. Tasks can be dragged with the mouse and shuffled as you please.

Distinctive features of the service

On the left side of the interface, the user has access to both standard default lists and those created by him. The first ones are clearly labeled and have an excellent set of filters: “Current”, “Plans for today”, “Notes”, “Particularly important” and “Plans for the week”.

If you want a simple and clear task planner without unnecessary add-ons and categories, then Wunderlist will be a great daily assistant. Well, for those who cannot do without tags, numerous sections and other surroundings of a business person, it is better to look at another service.

Pros of the application:

  • extremely simple interface;
  • excellent usability;
  • support for popular platforms;
  • free distribution license without any restrictions.


  • There are no categories and tags usual for this kind of program.


This is a shareware online service for personal computers and mobile devices. In the first case, it is most convenient to use the software as an addition to the Chrome and Firefox browsers, and in the second, as a separate application for a gadget on the Android platform (Google Play to help).

The service has a minimal set of tools, but everything that is there is implemented as it should and works flawlessly. The add-on will not burden your browser, because it takes up very little memory, which means there will be no performance problems.

The application can be recommended to individualists, that is, to those who are looking for a powerful and effective tool for increasing personal productivity. For some organizational issues, even in a small company, the service, alas, is not suitable - the functionality is too modest.

Features of the service

Some users complain about the specific controls in the application, where almost all requests go through tags with the “@” symbol. But after a couple of days of use, you get used to this feature and no longer pay attention to it. It should also be noted that the service supports a large number of hotkeys, which significantly simplifies the usability of the software.

Numerous filters will allow you to sort tasks by priority, and the standard settings are distinguished by their sensible component: as a rule, there is no need to redo or add anything, because everything works fine anyway.

The developer also offers an extended paid version - less than 200 rubles per month, where users can add their comments to each task, receive SMS notifications on their mobile phone and synchronize with the Google calendar clouds or Outlook.

Benefits of the service:

  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • competent integration into browsers;
  • Availability of a free version without any aggressive advertising.


  • It is difficult for beginners to navigate the system syntax and get used to the “hot keys”.

The cost of the extended version is about 200 rubles per month.

Creating a to-do list and tasks is a very useful habit. In the era of computers, smartphones and tablets, these are no longer crumpled pieces of paper with notes written in a hurry that are easy to lose. It is convenient to sort to-do lists in electronic form, distribute them into categories and assign tags to them, and also set up reminders. To-do lists or todo lists are a convenient thing that simplifies everyday life.

In this article, CHIP will look at the most popular to-do list management applications - for computers, mobile devices and their online counterparts. Interestingly, there are not many applications for creating and storing to-do lists for PC. Most of these programs are either mobile applications or web services.

This can be explained very easily: a modern active person should be able to manage his affairs and tasks anywhere and at any time, and not just when he is at his computer. It is quite logical that both the director of the company and the housewife will want to have their task list “in their pocket” so that they can look at it while in a traffic jam, in a children's clinic or during a break between meetings or conferences.

In addition, a very important function of some services and applications is to notify other users participating in the task about the intended event.

1 Business organizer

Business organizer - LeaderTask

Name: LeaderTask 20
Price: from 1990 to 2225 rub.
Platform: Windows, Android, iOS

LeaderTask is the most popular among planning applications, primarily because it is a multi-platform solution. LeaderTask users have access to versions for PC and mobile platforms - Android, iOS with the ability to synchronize data between devices.

After launching the LeaderTask Windows client, the program icon is placed in the system tray, thus providing simple and convenient access to the application. Users can add notes and tasks to the LeaderTask database. The program is convenient in that on one screen it immediately presents lists of tasks and notes, as well as a list of appointments located directly on the calendar grid.

Tasks in LeaderTask can be immediately assigned to projects, which further simplifies their organization and search. The desktop version of the program supports drag&drop - tasks can be assigned to projects by simply dragging them onto the project list. In the same way, you can assign tasks to specific dates - just drag the task to the desired date or into the calendar grid for the desired time.

For each task, you can assign a number of additional parameters, including the color with which the task will be highlighted in the general list. Tasks can be accompanied by a text comment, and a file can also be attached to them. For complex tasks, LeaderTask allows you to add subtasks. It is possible to set priorities and set up reminders.

Using filters in LeaderTask will allow you to conveniently manage tasks and search for the ones you need. Filters can be built based on several selection criteria. The program also allows you to build filters based on the calendar, thus selecting tasks that are scheduled for a certain period of time. In the program window, you can switch between calendar, project, category, and contact modes.

By the way, the contact list is one of the unusual functions of the task management program. The program makes it possible to create (import from a smartphone) a list of contacts and assign tasks to them. Thanks to this, you can see what tasks were assigned to a particular person - an employee or a friend. In general, LeaderTask is a program for convenient optimization and systematization of tasks that arise before the user. You can try the program for free for 45 days.

Pros: Fully localized, there are applications for mobile OS, filters, project support

Minuses: High license cost

2 Convenient to-do list

Convenient to-do list - Any.DO

Name: Any.DO
Price: for free
Platform: Android, iOS, Google Chrome

This application has versions not only for iOS and Android, but also as an application for the Google Chrome browser. Any.DO has a simple and user-friendly interface. In mobile versions, you can sort lists by simply dragging and dropping their elements. One of the advantages of the program is that tasks can be spoken out loud, and the mobile version will take what was said and save it as a text note. There is also support for the Russian language.

When adding a task, Any.DO will allow you to move tasks to folders, mark their importance, set up task repetition, and add an extended description to it. You can attach a contact list item to a task, for example, if the task you are adding is a meeting with someone you know or are friends with. At the same time, you can configure sending this person a notification about the added task. Thanks to this feature, the Any.DO application can be used as a task planning tool for employees of a small company.

The program has the ability to set geolocation tags for tasks and set reminders in accordance with the user’s location. For example, the program will be able to remind the user to buy certain products if he is in a shopping center or prompt him to buy tickets to the premiere if the user is near the ticket office.

Obviously, the grocery list and reminder need to be set up in advance. In the Any.DO application, tasks are automatically generated based on missed or rejected phone calls, the content of the task is to call back the specified number. The program is equipped with the ability to synchronize data between devices, as well as with a list of Google Tasks. It is also possible to store a backup copy of the created lists.

Minuses: Menu items are not always localized correctly

3 Meticulous planner

Meticulous planner - Todo List | Task List

Name: 2Do: Todo List | Task List
Price: from 245 rub.
Platform: Mac, iOS, Android

2Do Program: Todo List | Task List is a convenient task scheduler for Android devices. Users can add tasks, use tags for them, and assign a geolocation tag to them, allowing them to determine the location of this task (at home, in the office, in a shopping center).

The basic principles of the application are built using the famous Getting Things Done planning system. Individual entries in 2Do: Todo List | Task List can be protected with a password. The program does not have its own data storage, but it can set up synchronization with your Dropbox account. This means that you will have access to the data from any mobile device.

Pros: Synchronization of to-do lists with different devices, including iOS smartphones and tablets

Minuses: No free version

4 Problems for the pros

Problems for the pros -

Price: free (Pro version - $20 per year)
Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

This online service is a universal solution for various platforms. You can work in the scheduler through programs for Windows and Mac, or using mobile applications for Android and iOS. The free version for PC is implemented as a web service or plugin for Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers. The paid Pro version of has client applications for Windows and Mac OS.

If you use the paid Pro version, the service ensures synchronization of to-do lists between all devices on which the service is installed and connected. The program is built on the principles of using the well-known Get Things Done (GTD) ideology, so here you will find contexts, goals and other elements of this time management system. users can add lists in full and short mode.

In the second case, only the name of the task is entered, and in full mode the date, location, folder, priority and tags are indicated. The program provides convenient sorting of tasks according to various criteria, including completion time, location, project or priorities. There is also selection by tags. Depending on the date and priority, tasks will be automatically placed in the appropriate folders. For example, "Tomorrow" is a folder with tasks that need to be completed the next day. The program provides geotags - indicating the location of the task.

For certain tasks that can be completed if a certain condition is met, has a special list called “waiting list”. Another feature of is the presence of a special section for goals and contexts.

Contexts are, to a certain extent, analogues of geolocation tags, but more universal. The context can be “work” - tasks that can be performed while the user is at the workplace, “home” - tasks related to household chores, “computer” - tasks that should be performed on a PC, etc.

Pros: Multi-platform, synchronization between devices

Minuses: Confusing interface, difficult to master for those unfamiliar with Get Things Done

5 Simple to-do list manager

A simple to-do list manager - Wunderlist


Price: for free
Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Wunderlist is implemented as a mobile application, and there is also a web version. Tasks in Wunderlist are saved in lists. Unfortunately, this is the only post categorization tool available to service users. Tags or categories are not supported in the web version. A certain compensation for this shortcoming is the convenient addition and editing of tasks in Wunderlist. P

When editing a task, you can add start dates and reminders, set a repetition interval for recurring tasks, add subtasks and text notes. Individual tasks can be marked as highlighted - this is probably how the authors of the service propose to highlight the most important tasks from the general list. In addition, Wunderlist users have access to simple ordering of their task list - they can be swapped with a simple drag-and-drop.

On the left side of the screen there are lists - both user-created and standard: Inbox (current), Starred (starred), Today (planned for today), Week (planned for the week). If the user needs a simple list of tasks, without special category settings, Wunderlist can be recommended. For those who cannot do without categories, Wunderlist is unlikely to be suitable.

Pros: Ease of use, multi-platform

Minuses: There are no usual categories and tags

6 Online manager

Online manager - TODOist


Price: for free
Platform: online service

The online service has a minimal set of functions for task management. At the same time, it can be used as a powerful tool for increasing personal productivity. Its only drawback is that many settings and functions of the service are available using built-in service commands. For example, adding a date preceded by an “@” symbol to the task name will automatically assign a date to the task.

Tags in TODOist must also begin with the “@” symbol. In addition, the service supports a variety of hotkeys that simplify task management. To group tasks in TODOist, there are projects. To sort tasks, TODOist uses specially formulated queries, which can be entered into the query field.

In this way, you can select tasks scheduled for the next day. To do this, just enter the request “tomorrow” or tasks for the next 5 days - in this case the request will look like “5 days”. An additional advantage of TODOist is the use of plugins for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Using these plugins, you can display a task list panel as a sidebar in your browser, and you can add new tasks through a button located on the TODOist toolbar.

In addition to the free one, there is also a commercial version of TODOist that costs about 70 rubles. per month or 1100 rub. in year. Users of paid versions can add comments to their tasks, receive reminders in the form of SMS, and export tasks to Google Calendar or Outlook.

Pros: Simple interface, ability to use browser plugins

Minuses: It's difficult to get used to using hotkeys and special system syntax

Both a businessman and a housewife need to perform many different tasks every day. It’s no wonder that with such a crazy pace of life, something falls out of memory. In order not to worry about wasted minutes, humanity has come up with a wonderful thing - reminders.

Let's remember that we live in a fairly technological age, and it's time to leave notes on refrigerators and mirrors in the past. A more comfortable and convenient way to plan your day is to use special applications for phones, tablets and PCs.

Of course, you can use a regular application like Notepad, but it is much more rational to download the necessary program that will remind you of the event and help you schedule your day minute by minute.

Here is a list of the best daily planner apps according to users

1. Wunderlist

What makes this application so popular? Of course, its availability. Wunderlist is open (free) and works on all known platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone).

In addition, the organizer has a practical and beautiful design, user-friendly interface and powerful functionality. Of course, anyone can find a more advanced (but already paid) version, but the free version should be enough for even the most demanding user.

This task manager is cross-platform, i.e. can synchronize between different OS.

The advantages over similar programs include:

  • Ability to create records in any mode (offline and online).
  • Working on tasks in a group. The function is available in the free version.
  • Mobile and desktop versions.


Todoist is recognized as second in terms of convenience and practicality. A distinctive feature of this assistant is its intuitive approach to solving assigned problems.

In terms of functionality, the application is in no way inferior to Wunderlist, but, unfortunately, only paid versions are available. The user can get acquainted with the capabilities of the program absolutely free of charge, and then think about the need to purchase.

What a task manager can do: set special tags and filters for tasks, attach geolocation tags (convenient, for example, when making purchases). The application is characterized by maximum detail.

Some may find this approach unnecessary, but the program is worth the money.


The Any.Do app lags behind its competitors. Its main feature was the “Moment” function - a morning notification that informs about the plan for the day and offers to create one if it is missing.

Oddly enough, many users really like it. In terms of intuitiveness of task processing and functionality, the program is much inferior to its predecessors.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the interactivity of the organizer: deleting unnecessary entries occurs with one swipe of a finger. You can create tasks using voice commands by simply dictating them (there is a Russian speech recognition function).

4. Todo Cloud

The program has good functionality, which is expanded by working together with the “Getting Things Done” productivity improvement system.

To sync basic functionality between devices, you'll have to fork out tens of dollars annually.

The downside is the missing Russian interface.

5. G-Tasks

An application based on Gmail and Google Calendar. For people who prefer working with Google, this assistant will be a real find. It is convenient to create and edit task lists.

There are several important nuances that can become a big disadvantage: the program’s strong attachment to the Android OS and network management, as well as the inability to create complex plans.

Pros: The app is absolutely free.

6. Remember The Milk

The specified task manager is an old-timer in the market.

Over its long history, Remember The Milk has made significant progress in integrating with other important organizing applications (Gmail, Evernote or Microsoft Outlook).

The main drawback lies in the outdated interface.

Pros: free distribution and availability of a version in Russian.

7. iOS apps

A separate item on the list is apps exclusively for Apple devices. Briefly about the most popular and interesting of them:


One of the most expensive programs. But at the same time, it has powerful functionality and a pleasant, discreet design, designed in the characteristic Apple style.

The world around us is becoming faster and faster, and because of this it is incredibly difficult to keep up with everything everywhere and everything. People feel like they don't have enough time, when in fact they simply can't properly manage the resources they have. In a situation where time planning becomes the key to success in business, many applications and programs for this will help you. Today you can plan your life down to every minute using any device, be it a computer or a phone.

Principles of time planning

But before entering your schedule into an electronic device, it is important to plan your time correctly. There are many different techniques on this issue, below are some general recommendations:

  • Plan not the whole day, but about 60% of your waking hours. This way, you will always have time for unforeseen matters and some free time;
  • keep track of your time spent - this way you can easily identify the things that take the most time and can optimize them;
  • Make a to-do list - by doing things according to plan, you will get more done. In addition, uncompleted tasks will be easier to reschedule for the next time, during an unplanned period of time;
  • regularity and system - you must follow the plan always, without exception. This will instill in you the necessary habit;
  • plan realistically - set realistic goals and follow them. It is better to set goals more simply and achieve them than to chase the impossible and lose heart;
  • adapt to circumstances - planning is necessary to effectively achieve your goals, but it will not be easy. Very often you may encounter factors that will interfere with you and you need to correctly and quickly adapt to them;
  • make up for time on time - having a reserve of time at the end of the day, it is better to finish what is not done than to try to move the schedule to the next day;
  • Keep a record of everything in writing - even if you have a good memory, it is extremely important to write everything down. This will keep you organized and help you navigate your plans easier;
  • track the results of your goals, not individual stages - you should not plan to do something, plan to achieve something with this action. This will make the process much more efficient.

By following these tips, you will be able to organize your time in the best possible way. All that remains is to choose the optimal planning program.

Planning tasks for the day, week, month, year - 20 useful programs

There are a large number of programs for tracking free time and creating a daily routine. When choosing them, you must first take into account your needs and technical resources.

Time planning tools for Android

Android tablets and phones are widely used. You can find many compatible applications for gadgets. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Any.DO task scheduler


One of the most popular schedulers for Android. Convenient controls are combined with a stylish interface and many useful features. The program has the following advantages:

  • new tasks can be added by voice - this is very convenient and, in addition, significantly saves time. This feature will also be extremely useful in winter;
  • it is possible to share tasks with other users of this program;

    The Any.DO application allows you to work both alone and together with other users

  • convenient sorting and grouping of established goals;

    You can move task lists across different categories

  • The free version contains all the basic features and does not remind you too intrusively of purchasing a paid one.

    Any.DO has some limitations in the free version of the program

There are very few disadvantages in this program and, apart from the limitations of the free version, there is nothing to cite as an example. Program features such as task repetition, data protection, or geotagging will not be available in the free version. And the paid version works on the principle of a subscription, rather than a one-time payment.

Making a to-do schedule on Wunderlist

Developer: Wunderkinder GmbH.

Distribution terms: shareware version with premium subscription option.

This scheduler program for Android devices has a stylish design. When you first launch it, it asks for an email address to sync with your data. It differs from analogues in the following advantages:

  • the beautiful design also has the ability to be customized - the color of the panels can be changed, and any photo or image can be selected as the background;

    Wunderlist has a beautiful design and the ability to customize it

  • the only required field when adding a new goal is its name - many programs require, in addition to this, to specify many other parameters at the time of adding, which is not always convenient;
  • convenient division of tasks into directories - all created tasks end up in the “Inbox” folder and are then moved to the desired folder depending on the deadlines or specified parameters;

    All tasks in Wunderlist are formed into a convenient list

  • it is also possible to create a shopping list - this, together with the to-do list, allows you to plan everything entirely in one program;
  • You can share tasks with friends and even comment on them.

    You can send a task in Wunderlist to another user

The high cost of the paid version is the only significant drawback. A year of running the program will cost you $50, and without purchasing the paid version, a number of features will be limited.

Wunderlist is quite expensive to subscribe to

Todoist planner

Developer: Doist.

Distribution terms: shareware version with premium subscription option.

The application contains all the necessary tools for creating a daily routine and planning tasks. The program, like the previous ones, is a very universal solution with many features:

Once again, the only significant disadvantages are the limitations of the free version:

Planner To Do Reminder

Developer: App Innovation.

Distribution conditions: shareware version and the possibility of a one-time purchase of a version without advertising.

A less versatile program than the previous ones on this list. Nevertheless, it copes well with its stated capabilities:

The disadvantages include the following:

GTasks Calendar Scheduler

Developer: App Innovation.

Distribution conditions: shareware version and the possibility of a one-time purchase of a version without advertising and restrictions.

Convenient daily routine manager with synchronization between different devices. This program has the ability to work in the cloud, as well as a number of the following advantages:

  • voice input of tasks for the day - you can create a list using voice typing;
  • conveniently adding, managing and hiding tasks from the list - you can intelligently organize tasks;

    Selected tasks can be moved by category

  • Offline Mode - Although it works with somewhat limited functionality, it is still a convenient option that some other schedulers lack. At the same time, you can set up tasks to repeat from time to time, which is useful for significant dates.

    You can set tasks to repeat once at a certain time

The disadvantages include:

  • a small number of key differences from competitors - this is a good scheduler, but it does not significantly outperform similar programs;
  • The free version lacks protection using a graphic key and the ability to change the design of the program - protecting the list of tasks is sometimes extremely important and cutting down this option is a questionable decision.

Time tracking on iOS

Applications developed for iPhone and iPad are often very different from similar programs for Android. This is, first of all, the difference in price, since completely paid solutions are popular. In addition, the capabilities of these programs differ.

Things Scheduler

Developer: Cultured Code.

Terms of distribution: the program is paid.

The Things app is also the most expensive app we'll be looking at for iOS. The iPhone version will cost you $10, while the tablet version costs $20. Whether this program is worth its price is up to you to decide. In terms of functionality, it can replace several simpler programs:

The disadvantages of the program include the inflated price, since there are more affordable options on the market, even if they are not always made so conveniently.

Program for setting tasks Priorities

Developer: Hand Carved Code.

This program with a self-explanatory name will help you create a convenient to-do list. There is a Russian language and a user-friendly interface, so everyone can understand the program. The advantages of this program are:

The disadvantages of the program are a little secondary, but inevitable:

Electronic reminder Remember The Milk

Developer: Remember The Milk.

Terms of distribution: shareware program with the option to purchase a premium version.

This application exists not only on iOS, but it has achieved greater popularity among users of this platform. The program is designed in an accessible youth style. In fact, there are not so many features that can be distinguished here, because all the capabilities of this application have already been found in others:

  • Flexible priority settings - each task can be assigned one of three priority levels for execution. This allows you to organize the list in the best possible way;
  • It is possible to record a task as a link - the site you need will open at the right time and directly bring you closer to completing the task. Not a bad option for additional motivation;
  • There is integration with the site, which allows you to work from any device and synchronize your data;
  • The application is available for free, but with the ability to unlock some features by activating a premium subscription.

The only disadvantages include the program's modest capabilities compared to its analogues. But on the other hand, this means that there is nothing superfluous in it.

The convenient Remember Tthe Milk app is not too different from its competitors

Developer: Clockonizer.

Terms of distribution: one-time purchase.

The program differs from most in that it is not a list, but a clock. This is a very convenient application for planning your daily routine in detail. If you are a student or simply need to clearly plan every minute of your time, this program is quite suitable for you. It has the following features:

The program is not available in the Russian app store. This unpleasant feature of the application is most likely temporary.

Idea generation software OmniFocus

Developer: From The Omni Group.

Terms of distribution: one-time purchase.

Another unusual solution in the field of planning software. This application is gaining more and more popularity and is perfect for creative individuals. It has the following advantages:

The disadvantages include the high price of this program. It will cost you about 3 thousand rubles, which, of course, is a lot.

Computer software

Portable devices are convenient for scheduling things, but sometimes a simple computer is the user's only option. If all your work is done on a computer, there is no point in using a phone or tablet to plan your schedule. Therefore, many office workers prefer task schedulers specifically for PCs.

Organizer LeaderTask

Developer: Organizer LeaderTask.

Terms of distribution: one-time purchase.

A popular program that is an extensive set of tools for organizing work time. On one screen of the program you can see both a to-do list and notes. The program is easy to use and has the following features:

  • contact list and task assignment - you can assign a task not only to yourself, but also to any person from your contact list. This allows you to use LeaderTask as a convenient company management tool;

    In LeaderTask you can assign a task to a specific person

  • linking projects - each task can be linked to a specific project, which also helps to organize work in the best possible way;
  • flexible task sorting - you can sort tasks not only by time, but also by their priority, categories and other parameters. This allows you to quickly find the necessary task for editing, even if its deadline is still far away;

    Tasks in LeaderTask are easy to manage thanks to an informative interface

  • Russian language - there is quite a lot of text in the program interface, so the presence of the Russian language in it is a significant plus. Thanks to this, understanding the program will not be difficult.

    The entire LeaderTask interface is completely in Russian

Most Windows programs are also available on other platforms. This makes it possible to work with them regardless of the selected device. program for Windows

Developer: Snoworange Inc.

Another program for creating to-do lists. It does not have many unique features:

  • creating both full and short lists - if you don’t have much time, you can easily create a new list in a short form and reveal its goals in the future;
  • full support for geotags - you can link a task to a specific location on the map. This allows you to more accurately estimate your time for each goal.

The downside of this program is its very complex interface. At first it can be extremely difficult to get the hang of it and find the sections you need.

The interface of the program is not very familiar

Time analysis software RescueTime

Developer: RescueTime Inc.

Distribution conditions: shareware program with premium subscription.

An unusual program for the current selection. It doesn't allow you to plan your time directly, but it does let you know what exactly you're spending your time on. It is thanks to this data that you will be able to highlight the things that take you much more time and adjust them in your schedule.

The program offers the following:

The program does not have any pronounced negative features and does what it was created for well. The full version will cost you $9 per month of use.

Personal calendar C-Organizer

Developer: CSoftLab.

Distribution conditions: shareware program with a premium version.

The program is considered a personal organizer and will help you not to forget about important things. But despite its positioning, there is also the possibility of network access to it. The main differences from LeaderTask can be considered:

  • The disadvantages of this program are:
  • lack of subtasks and additional notes - each task is a separate item without explanations or additional goals;

the program is not very suitable for joint management of goals, despite network access.

AM Notebook planning software

Developer: CSoftLab.

Developer: Aignesberger Software.

A tool that is more of a notepad than an organizer. It helps you plan things using the following tools that you may already have found in other programs:

Thus, this is a program with rather meager capabilities, which does not even have the ability to protect your data. It will only serve as a replacement for a regular notepad and has long been outdated.

Online services for time planning

Many of the programs presented in the selection have their own services that can be used through any browser. But this is not a reason to ignore truly original online solutions in the field of organizing things and planning time.

Developer: Nirvanahq Inc.

Developer: CSoftLab.

Nirvana's cloud service is designed to free up your time by focusing on the things that really matter. It is available in any of the popular browsers. The service operates under the GTD efficiency improvement system and offers the following features:

The disadvantages of the program include its not very friendly attitude towards beginners. If you have not encountered an organization using the GTD system before, you may feel somewhat unusual at first.

Free focusing service Focus booster

Developer: Pomodoro Technique.

Distribution terms: free.

Increasing your efficiency is certainly a way to improve productivity and, as a result, save time. The focus booster service offers its own approach to doing business:

Since this program is designed for a specific task, it does not have many things that you may have seen in other programs on this list. But as a simple to-do list with a timer, it will more than work.

Writing a plan in Toggl

Developer: Krister Haav

This time planning service allows you to set tasks for your employees and track their completion in a convenient manner. Unlike most programs presented earlier, this solution is suitable for controlling the time of other people, and not your own. The service has the following advantages:

The disadvantages include the not-so-user-friendly interface of the service, which takes some getting used to.

Toggl will not be too familiar for beginners, despite the compact interface of the system

Service for organizing information and affairs Mind42

Developer: Mind42

Terms of distribution: free service.

Another interesting project is the Mind42 service. It allows not only to organize people’s work, but also to visually present a large amount of new information. Projects in this service are collected using a special visual diagram system called Mind map. With their help, you can easily learn the necessary information or convey an idea to your colleagues, which will certainly save you time. Such a program is well suited for small teams where everyone’s opinion is important.

Mind42 allows you to create visual diagrams for successful business management

Service for organizing tasks My Hours

Developer: Spica.

Distribution conditions: free version and premium subscription with advanced features.

An excellent online service that can compete with full-fledged programs in its capabilities. He offers:

Thus, it is one of the best online business services that is also free for private use.

We reviewed a large number of programs in the field of time management. Some of them combine well with each other, helping you manage things more effectively and take control of your day. Others try to be universal. By studying these programs, you will be able to make the best choice and organize your time correctly.

If you have more than 4-5 different things to do a day, then you just need to plan your time correctly. I communicated and met with a large number of different successful people from very different spheres of life, and besides, I read a large number of books and various literature about them on the Internet. And oddly enough, what they all have in common is that they have learned to control their lives almost 100%. I think full control is of course ideal, but not realistic. And complete control is not always useful or necessary.

Of course, this article is not about how to control your life 100%, but it is primarily about programs for planning tasks and tracking time. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's start from the beginning.

And what they did for this and continue to do every day and what has become their habit (as well as mine already) is control over their time and over what, what they do. And these are not empty words!

I like this phrase: “A head for thinking, not remembering!” And this is true, the head should be free to do things, and not to remember that you need to do some things. Imagine that every day you need to do 10-15 different things, and despite the fact that every day some of them remain, and some change or are added. And besides, there are those that need to be completed at a certain time, such as: a doctor’s appointment, your child’s matinee, and so on. Your head will quickly spin and additional stress will be added to your life. I went through this myself, it was a terrible time!

You ask: "How can I avoid this stress? How can I take control of my life?" And as John Vaughn Akin said: “In life we ​​can either be riders or horses.” And I believe that everyone who does not plan their time correctly becomes a horse for those who distribute it correctly.

And so, I will answer the questions. For proper planning and time tracking, you can use:

  • Write down all things in a special notebook or diary. A very convenient option. I use it myself. But not very technologically advanced and with little room for maneuver. What I mean is that if something has been cancelled, it is not very convenient to replace it with a new one. You need to either cross out the old one or paint it over with a corrector.
  • Use a special program for planning and time tracking or an Internet planner to see things. Both options are very modern. But you always need a computer at hand, and for the second option you also need the Internet. I think this option is optimal for people who constantly work in an office or whose work is computer-related.
  • Use a mobile phone, smartphone or tablet. Very comfortable and cool.

It's up to you to choose which option suits you best. I personally chose the first option for myself. And in this I am a little old-fashioned. But before that I used two others.

Now let’s take a closer look at the software for planning and time tracking. And let's start with its types, and this, in turn, will help you choose a specific program for yourself.

Types of software for accounting and planning tasks and time:

  • classic or individual. They are suitable for planning tasks and time, both personal and business. This includes programs such as Diary.
  • helping with various projects. This does not mean that they have one function; they also include the functions of the first group of software. These are programs such as Manager, Business Dispatcher and Extra-Organizer.
  • to make it easier to work with clients. That is, they help plan work with different clients. These are programs such as Mini-CRM and Supasoft CRM Free Lite.

Programs for planning tasks and time tracking

(just click on its name to go to the analysis and then download it):

It is valued for its simplicity and freeness.

She is valued for her great analytical capabilities; for flexible settings; for clarity and ease of use.

It is valued because it has everything you need for competent time management; because it is very convenient.

She is valued for her seriousness and thoroughness.