dvb t2 stopped working from the common antenna. Problems with digital terrestrial television (DVB-T2) reception

Today, more and more people prefer digital television to analogue. 20 channels are available for free use, featuring high image quality and good sound. To broadcast digitally, almost all modern television panels are equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, and for older television receivers you can purchase and connect a digital set-top box. But sometimes channels may not be displayed at all or only analog channels may be broadcast. This can happen both when setting up equipment, and spontaneously for no apparent reason. To understand why the TV does not find digital channels, and what to do in this situation, you need to understand the principles of operation of such television and the procedure for setting up the equipment for reception. Read more about possible problems that may arise during the connection process and methods for eliminating them in the material below.

How digital television works

Digital television is the latest technology that provides excellent picture and sound quality, and also offers more TV programs and additional features, for example, interactive TV, video on user request, subtitles, blocking of certain TV channels, electronic guide. The principle of operation is simple: the encoded audio and video signal is transmitted over radio frequencies in the form of a stream similar to that received on a PC when watching videos on the Internet.

Thanks to compression and a digital algorithm, it became possible to send a much larger number of TV channels and radio stations than was possible on analogue television. Another advantage of digital TV is immunity to interference and absence of stripes, blurry images of low quality. The TV either displays a good image or has no image at all.

On a note! In some cases, when broadcasting, the video may crumble into squares, sometimes disappear and appear again after some time. This is related to the operation of the antenna and is eliminated after tuning it, replacing it, or installing an amplifier.

Methods for receiving digital TV channels

Today there are several ways to receive digital channels:

  • ethereal;
  • cable;
  • satellite.

Signal for etherealTV distributed by terrestrial repeater towers. To receive it, you can use an outdoor or indoor antenna. This is an absolutely free method, but the signal to the user is often weak. Its intensity depends on the location of the tower, weather conditions or other factors.

Cable TV found in apartment buildings. In this case, the signal is transmitted through a cable coming from a common collective antenna. Such services are provided by the operator RTS Telecom, MTS, TTK, as well as other companies. Disadvantages include limited availability (this type of television is usually not applicable for private homes) and subscription fees.

For satelliteTV the signal is broadcast from satellites, and reception is carried out through a special dish. This method ensures reception of the largest number of TV channels. Disadvantages include annual or monthly fees and the need to purchase special equipment.

Thus, the least expensive, simple and accessible way to receive digital television is to install and configure an over-the-air antenna. In order to receive a stable signal, the user, in addition to the antenna, will need a digital DVB-T2 receiver, which are produced by BBK, Supra, D-Color, Rolsen and others. Many modern TVs already have a built-in digital tuner, as you can verify by looking at the device specifications in the user manual. In this case, you will not need to purchase an additional receiver. An ordinary analog antenna can be used for reception, it all depends on the signal level and the distance of the tower.

On a note! The list of free TV channels for 2018 is divided into two multiplexes operating on different frequencies and channels, which vary depending on the region. A total of 20 television channels and three radio stations are available for viewing.

Reasons for the lack of digital TV channels and their elimination

If the user installed an over-the-air antenna, launched an auto search, but the TV did not find any channels, this indicates problems: with signal reception (that is, with an antenna), with the method of connecting equipment, with settings or with the devices themselves. How to diagnose and eliminate the cause is in the material below.


First of all, you should pay attention to the antenna. If HF antennas are used to receive an analog signal, then . UHF antennas are more compact, but they often offer combined devices that are suitable for receiving different bands. From such antennas you can remove the long structural elements that are necessary to receive a meter signal, and then you will get a good, compact, small-sized decimeter device.

Some users, instead of a decimeter antenna, install a Polish one (or “grid”), which is inexpensive. It is also suitable for digital signal reception, but in some cases (depending on the installation location) it may be necessary to dismantling the amplifier. There is a high probability of this if the tower is nearby - then turning on the amplifier can lead to the disappearance of a very strong signal.

Advice! It is not recommended to use an indoor antenna to receive digital television, since a positive result is only possible in areas with a very good signal. Otherwise, the user may encounter the fact that the found channels will regularly disappear, and the image will crumble into squares and often freeze.

To receive digital channels reliably, the antenna must be installed correctly. It must be directed towards the tower (you should focus on the direction of the antennas from neighboring houses/apartments), and there should be no obstacles in front of the device - trees, buildings, etc., for which it is advisable to raise it as high as possible.


In addition to the antenna, software problems can also cause the lack of digital TV channels. To fix them, you need to do one of the following:

  • when searching for TV channels, set the “Country” field to “Other”;
  • search for channels manually;
  • reset the TV (if the tuner is built-in) or the receiver (if an external device is used) to factory settings and search for TV channels again;
  • update the firmware of the set-top box.

If the action taken does not bring a positive result, all of the above should be carried out sequentially.

If manipulations carried out with the antenna or device settings do not eliminate the problem, it is worth checking the cable - it may be broken or burned out. Also need inspect the plug and connections- the contact may disappear at the site of one of the twists.

Advice! Checking the plugs, connectors and cables should be done first if the TV was previously working properly, but suddenly stopped showing TV channels.

To exclude a malfunction of the TV, you need search for channels on it using a different antenna, obviously working. Next, with the TV channels configured, you need to connect it to your own antenna and in this way look for the problem. If the user’s actions are effective, that is, an image appears on the turned on TV with the antenna cable connected, then you will have to purchase a new antenna or cable. Otherwise, you will need to contact a telemaster.

General procedure for setting up digital channels

You can configure your TV or receiver to receive digital TV channels automatically or manually. The first method is used in case of reliable signal reception, the second - in case of unstable stream or in a situation where the TV does not see channels through auto search.

Yes, to start automatic search you need to plug in the TV, connect the antenna or receiver and start detecting digital channels, then wait for the process to finish and save the result.

If the TV does not receive channels in automatic mode, you can start manual search. To do this, you will need to know information about the channels and frequencies on which the signal of each multiplex in the user's region is transmitted. In the TV menu, select the desired mode, enter these parameters and start the search. At the end of the process, the result should be saved.

Features of setting up television receivers of some brands

On TVs from different manufacturers, digital channel settings are performed differently. Below are the setup methods using the most popular brands as an example.


The process of setting up digital channels on LG television panels is as follows.

Settings Algorithm of actions
Automatic 1. Press “Settings” on the remote control.

2. Select “Channels”, then “Auto search”.

3. Check the box “Terrestrial TV” for a regular antenna or “Cable TV” for cable television.

5. If analogue channels are not needed, check the “Digital only” field.

6. Click “Run”.

Manual 1. Take the remote control and press the “Settings” button.

3. In the first line, select “Digital TV”.

4. Set the channel and broadcast frequency corresponding to the region, after which two scales will appear: “Signal level” and “Signal quality”.

5. Click “Add” to start searching for channels.

6. Repeat the steps for the second multiplex.

On a note! On different models of LG TVs, the process of searching for digital TV channels looks similar, the only difference may be in the names of the sections in the menu.

Sony Bravia

The search for digital television is carried out in a similar way on television receivers from other manufacturers. However there are some differences in the access path to the beginning of the process for Sony Bravia TVs. So, automatic configuration will be carried out as follows:

  • press on the remote control “Home” or “Menu”;
  • click “Options”, and then click “Auto-tune digital channels”;
  • choose digital, analog or both;
  • click “Ether”;
  • to start the search, click “Start”;

  • save changes when the process is complete.

In a similar way, but with some differences in the names of the sections in the TV menu, automatic and manual setup of digital television via an antenna is performed on devices from Samsung, Philips, Toshiba and other brands.

According to statements by the Government of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2018, analogue television broadcasting will be stopped at the state level, so today digital television is broadcast almost everywhere. Unlike analogue, it provides a bright and detailed picture, good sound and a larger number of channels, some of which are transmitted in HD resolution. The easiest way to set up such television on your television panel is to buy and correctly install an over-the-air antenna, and then perform an automatic or manual channel search.

Why doesn't digital TV show? What to do.

I suppose that have you read previous articles, and followed the algorithm I described, but nothing worked for you. If this is not the case, then I recommend that you read all this, perhaps your problem is solved in the early steps. For example, you are simply not in the digital TV reception area or you have an old receiver.

Now let’s try to figure out what’s wrong and why your digital television doesn’t show. I’ll say right away that this article will focus specifically on setting up the set-top box and antenna. That is, we do not consider repairing the devices themselves, and assume that they are working properly.

So, if you tried to do an auto search, but you didn’t get all the channels, we try to do a manual search (read about the second method). Chances are you haven't picked up the second multiplex, and you'll need the frequency of the nearest tower that transmits it.

If you catch duplicates, then read the same article, only from the beginning.

But if you didn’t catch anything at all, then it’s more interesting and sadder. But don’t despair here either.

If there is no picture at all from the set-top box itself, then something is not connected correctly or you have selected the wrong video input. Or they didn’t turn on the set-top box, for example. In addition to plugging it into the outlet, you also need to start it from the remote control. To change the indicator from red to green:

Working console, green light is on

If there is a picture, but the set-top box says “No signal,” most likely the antenna is not connected, or the amplifier is not turned on. Well, either she just moved away or doesn’t work. Check the antenna and repeat the auto search.

No signal - a sure sign of an antenna malfunction

The auto search found nothing, and the set-top box says “No services”

If the auto search did not find anything, and the set-top box writes “No services”. Or the channels stopped showing, and instead of them there is also “No services” - the problem is a bad signal.

“No services” is a sure sign of a weak signal

You need to do a manual search on the frequencies on which your signal is transmitted. We take the frequencies here. The problem is that auto search with a weak signal simply does not find anything, while manual search will show you the strength of the transmitted signal, even if it is very weak.

I already wrote that I caught the first number on simple “horns” in the city center, on the second floor and there are few buildings around. The signal quality is excellent. Intensity 80%, quality 60-80%

The higher the quality and intensity, the better

But when I moved to another area of ​​the city, to an apartment on the 9th floor, a house in a low area and many other houses around – these horns did not catch anything. More precisely, the auto search did not catch anything. I was very surprised (the tower is located nearby), I entered the frequency manually through a manual search (which I advise you to do), and it turned out that the signal level was 10-15%! This is clearly not enough for reliable reception of digital TV.

We look at the signal level. To view the signal level, find the INFO button on the remote control(or something similar), and press it three times: you will see this:

Reception is on the verge of quality - only 36%

The same thing can happen to you, if you are far from the tower, or there are many buildings around that interfere with reception.

Important: if both the intensity and quality are low, the signal must be amplified.

Either buy an antenna with an amplifier, or put the existing one outside, raise it higher, and so on.

But if the intensity is high, but the quality is low, then it’s more interesting. You will need to adjust the antenna. That is, in fact, to turn it in different directions, in the literal sense. The digital TV signal is very sensitive to obstacles such as reinforced concrete walls or plastic window frames. The good news is that the “digital” is excellent even from the reflected signal. The only question is to find a position for the antenna at which everything will work well.

My antenna with amplifier Cadena General Satellite UVR-AV1000N MF+UHF

I did just that, bought an antenna with an amplifier, and connected it to the set-top box. Without an amplifier, of course, the signal level is the same as for horns. With the amplifier, the intensity increased to 80%, but the quality began to jump at the level of 20-30%, depending on where the antenna was pointed. And some pictures and friezes even began to pop up:

Frequent “freezes” are a sure sign of a bad signal or a change in atmospheric conditions

As a result, inside the room I managed to get a maximum of 35% quality with the antenna at arm's length. I already decided that that’s it, I won’t have “digits” and I bought a set-top box with an antenna in vain.

But then I placed the antenna on the windowsill. And I started setting it up there. Amazingly, I achieved 50-60% quality at the first multiplex, and 35-45% at the second! Only by changing the position of the round antenna. (The horns catch the meter range, and the circle – the decimeter range, so we adjust the circle).

The horns are not needed at all, but I had to turn the circle for a very long time until I found the right position

At the same time, I found a position for the antenna in which both multiplexes were picked up. Since they are transmitted by different towers at different frequencies, they can be received differently. So, when you turn the antenna, check the channel from one multiplex and the channel from another. Optimally – First and Muz TV – switching is convenient)

Well, now everything is fine, and 50-60% at the first multiplex

You need to determine why digital television is not working. AND if it's a matter of signal strength, then increase it. Or try to tune it by manipulating the antenna. That is, display information about the signal strength on the screen and begin to quietly turn the antenna. Most likely, you will be able to find an antenna position at which both multiplexes will work well.

If nothing helps at all, you can contact the support center for the federal digital TV program in your region, they will help you and give you advice completely free of charge. At least my email was answered the next day.

Broadcasting digital terrestrial television of the DVB-T2 standard covers almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation. As we already know, you can check the availability of airwaves on the map. If broadcasting is carried out in a given region, then for reception you will only need subscriber equipment of the required standard, in our case - DVB-T2.

But the following may happen. You bought reception equipment (or already had it), but you can’t set up digital terrestrial channels. What could it be problem? The most common are:

The antenna is not intended for receiving digital terrestrial television (does not receive the UHF range);
Your hardware software is not up to date;
The equipment does not support the DVB-T2 standard.

Not all antennas are capable of receiving digital terrestrial television signals. Most often, people who connect their equipment to their home antenna encounter a lack of signal. There is no way to guess whether this antenna supports UHF reception. You need to call the organization servicing the house and find out. You can immediately buy an antenna and enjoy digital television reception. Let us remind you that there are no There are no special antennas for digital TV . If you are close to the transmitting equipment, then you can.

If your equipment has outdated software, it may also not receive a digital terrestrial television signal. This problem can be solved either by reflashing the device yourself, or by taking the device to a service center.

If you decide to update the software of your device yourself, then download the firmware from the manufacturer’s official websites.

Well, of course, if your equipment does not support the DVB-T2 standard, it will not receive the signal.

Also, even with the correct equipment settings, the image may “scatter into squares.” Most often this is due to a low-power antenna or a large distance from the transmitting station. In this case, a more powerful UHF antenna will help you.

When setting up the equipment, point the antenna to the side and turn it to the maximum value of the “quality” scale on the set-top box/TV.

The satellite dish has no relation to terrestrial repeaters and receives the signal directly from the satellite. You can't connect to it.

When will analogue television be switched off?

According to , government support for analogue broadcasting will be completely phased out in 2018.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2009 N 715

"On all-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels"

With changes and additions from: May 12, 2011, April 17, September 30, 2012, April 20, 2013, July 21, August 11, 2014, July 15, 2015

4. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure:

b) provision, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, of subsidies: to broadcasters - to reimburse the costs of payment for communication services provided by the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" for the purpose of on-air analogue terrestrial broadcast of all-Russian compulsory public television channels and radio channels (including including using communication networks of other operators) in populated areas with a population of less than 100 thousand people, in 2011 - 2018, and for the purposes of on-air digital terrestrial broadcasting of these TV channels and radio channels (including using communication networks of other operators) in populated areas in areas with a population of less than 100 thousand people - starting from 2019; Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" - for reimbursement of costs (part of the costs) associated with the implementation of on-air digital terrestrial broadcasts of all-Russian compulsory public television channels and radio channels in 2011 in settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people, in 2012 - 2018 - in all settlements of the Russian Federation;

How to connect DVB-T2 digital television?

You need an antenna (indoor or outdoor), set-top box or TV with a built-in tuner. In apartment buildings, there is most often no common antenna. The signal in the home network is provided by cable operators; DVB-T2 is not included.

Why is there no signal on the TV?

Provided that it was there before, it is necessary to check the connecting cords for damage, turn the equipment off and on, and perform an automatic channel scan.

What antenna is needed for digital television?

Broadcasting is carried out in the UHF range, so any antenna will do. When purchasing a new antenna, pay attention to the DVB-T2 mark and the gain.

What is the difference between an active and passive antenna?

A standard amplifier is installed on the active antenna; power is supplied from the power supply, which is located next to the TV, which is convenient for one TV. You can connect a separate amplifier to a passive antenna, and after it divide the signal into several points.

How to connect digital terrestrial television through an indoor antenna?

The use of an indoor antenna is possible only in the area of ​​reliable coverage of the repeater, most often within the direct line of sight of the tower.

Is it possible to connect two TVs to one set-top box?

Technically, this is possible. Either directly or through an external RF modulator. But such a scheme is extremely inconvenient; both TVs will simultaneously show the same program and channels must be switched directly on the set-top box. It is more convenient to install an additional receiver.

Why does the digital terrestrial television signal disappear?

Insufficient signal level leads to periodic broadcast interruptions. In such cases, a more powerful antenna and reinstallation at a higher point are necessary.

What cable should I use for TV wiring?

Coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 Ohms, it is advisable not to buy a cable thinner than 6 mm. The manufacturer can be any. Remember - “Good things don’t come cheap.” If the cable is laid for life, it is better not to save.

Why are the channels encrypted?

Some channels' broadcasts may be encrypted for broadcast testing purposes. At the beginning of 2018, there are no paid DVB-T2 channels.

Quite a lot of people are faced with this very unpleasant situation when they purchase a new TV, but it does not pick up digital channels. But digital television broadcasting is the technology of the future, and very soon all television channels in our country will switch only to this modern format. Don't be alarmed that your TV is unsuitable for receiving digital television, since most of the problems that cause your TV to not pick up these channels can be fixed. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • You are not using a cable or satellite box. Don't worry that you won't be able to watch digital channels without this device. You can, but you need to find them first. To do this, you first need to make sure that the antenna cable is connected to the TV. We go to the TV menu and select the channel search item, which is usually located in the configuration folder. The TV begins searching for digital channels that need to be added to the list of channels in addition to analogue ones.
  • It is possible that the signal from the antenna is too weak. You need to purchase another antenna, more powerful.
  • It is possible that your TV does not support the broadcast format accepted in Russia (this especially often happens with TVs not intended for the domestic market). In this case, you need to contact specialists who can accurately determine whether it is possible to reflash this TV model so that it can receive Russian digital channels.
  • Your TV does not support the new digital television format. This is directly related to the fact that the Russian Government decided to postpone the start of broadcasting digital terrestrial TV in the DVB-T2 format to 2012. Thanks to this decision, in those regions of the country where DVB-T2 was not introduced in parallel with DVB-T, but replaced it, televisions from almost all manufacturers stopped receiving digital terrestrial TV. In order to watch television in DVB-T2 format, you need to purchase an appropriate receiver. However, for example, residents of Moscow were not affected by this problem, since the Moscow authorities found an opportunity to maintain broadcasting in the DVB-T format in parallel with DVB-T2.
  • The firmware of your TV is outdated, and even though it has the ability to watch digital television, it cannot cope with this function. To correct the situation, you need to reflash the TV. You can do this either yourself by downloading the firmware from the manufacturer’s website, or from specialists who repair TVs. Trying to save money at the risk of breaking your TV or trusting professionals is up to you.

In fact, there are many reasons why the TV does not pick up such channels, and we have given only the most common of them. Therefore, if your TV does not want to pick up digital channels, then it is best for you to contact the TV Service Center company. This is truly the optimal solution, since our technicians will help you in any situation, they will carry out an accurate diagnosis and fix the malfunction of your TV in the shortest possible time. Moreover, you don’t need to take your TV anywhere - specialists will come to your home.