Why data is not saved to the memory card on Android. Connecting the memory card with internal memory

The memory on smartphones is not rubber, despite the fact that great amount information that many of us store on them. That is why some manufacturers to this day do not refuse the possibility of expanding the built-in memory using MicroSD cards.

Current flagships support cards with a capacity of up to two terabytes, which greatly increases the internal reserves of smartphones. However, this does not solve another problem - all applications are automatically installed in the internal memory, and its quantity cannot be expanded. In this regard, we decided to write an article on how to make sure that everything is saved to a memory card. It offers several ways for owners different devices– starting from budget models, in which 4-8 GB are built-in and ending with flagships on the latest versions of the Android operating system.

We save applications to a memory card using standard means

In the majority modern smartphones The procedure for transferring applications (games and programs) can be carried out using several taps. Unfortunately, there is no way to activate their automatic installation on MicroSD. Therefore, we will have to be content with manual transfer. So, for this you must do the following actions:
  1. Go to the “Settings” menu;
  2. We find the “Applications” item there. In some sections it may be referred to as "Application Manager";
  3. We select the application we need there. In our case, the game “CSR Racing”;
  4. The information in the window is updated. Now you need to tap on the “Move to SD card” button;
  5. After a few seconds, the text on the button will change to “Transfer to device,” which tells us that the application has been successfully transferred and internal memory has been freed up.
Didn't find the "Move to SD card" button? This is not a reason to worry, then you will just have to use third party application for transfer.

Using Clean Master to transfer data to a memory card

As noted above, this method is an analogue of the previous option of transferring to an SD card. We invite you to immediately begin reviewing the instructions:

Ready! The memory on the device itself is freed. By the way, if you compare the two methods already presented, we recommend choosing the second one - using Clean apps Master. This way you will spend significantly less time due to the fact that you can select several games and programs at once.

Connecting the memory card with internal memory

In Android 6.0+, a way to expand memory using an SD card became available. However, we would like to warn you right away that it only works on some devices - not all manufacturers have implemented this function into your shell. So let's get started:

It is also worth noting that not all SD cards are suitable for this type of operation. It is important that external card memory belonged to the 10th class and corresponded to the declared speeds of reading and writing data.

Swap internal Android memory with a memory card (Root required)

Another well-known method, most used on devices with a small amount of built-in memory, is replacing the internal memory with an SD card. You should already be rooted and installed Root application Explorer. You must follow these steps:

Ready! From now on, everything you download will be automatically installed on the SD card. As you can see, there are quite a large number of ways to make sure that everything is saved to a memory card; you need to choose only one of them, depending on what version of the OS you have installed, what exactly you want to get and whether the device has Root.

Many smartphone models have a built-in function for saving photos to a memory card by default. However, there are devices in which this parameter you need to set it manually or it is completely absent, and the captured images are saved to the internal memory of the phone. How to make sure that photos are saved to the memory card of your Android device - about this we'll talk in the article.

For various models Android smartphones exist different ways solving the problem of saving images in memory. Although specific model The phone has its own peculiarities for configuring storage parameters. In a certain line of devices, the location of the function for saving photos to a memory card is usually the same. We will look at the features of the location of this function that are characteristic of any smartphone configuration and various ways solving the problem.

Method 1 - Changing the Storage Partition in Camera Settings

In most smartphones, the folder for saving photos can be set in the camera settings. To do this, you need to launch it and find the “settings” tab, in which the item regarding image storage will be written. It might be called something like this:

“Save to memory card” item in the “Camera settings” section

Here you need to move the slider of the “Save to memory card” item to the right position, thereby activating saving the photo to the memory card. As a rule, this method solves the problem in most cases. If it doesn't help, move on to the next one.

Method 2 - changing the save folder in the smartphone settings

Often, image storage settings can be changed directly in the “Settings” section of your device. The method is implemented in several steps:

If this solution does not help you, move on to the third.

Method 3 - Restore Camera Default Settings

Some intentional or accidental changes to the camera parameters can also affect the operation of the smartphone, resulting in the SD card failing. IN in this case It is recommended to restore the camera to factory settings. In our smartphone model this is done like this:

Method 4 - hardware solution to the problem of saving photos to a memory card

If previous methods did not help save images to the memory card, then perhaps the problem lies in the phone itself, since the memory module is the weak point of the device and its operation can easily be disrupted, for example, if the smartphone is dropped. It would be a good idea to check this by doing the following:

  1. Turn off the phone and remove the memory card;
  2. Turn it on and take a test shot;
  3. Turn off the device again, insert a memory card and start it;
  4. Try to photograph something again.

After completing these steps, the failure is usually eliminated and subsequent images are saved to the SD card.

We looked at the main reasons for the problem of saving photos to a memory card and ways to resolve it on Android gadgets. I hope the article helped you in troubleshooting this problem.

Many people face the problem that they cannot or simply do not know how to move applications and other multimedia data to a memory card. This kind of problem can be solved by changing standard settings Android or using third-party applications.

Danger of the problem

Tablets and phones can be equipped with built-in memory of 2, 4, 8 or even 16 gigabytes. But many people lack even this volume. A large number of Music, photos, videos and applications will quickly fill up the system memory. Because of this, Android will not allow you to install new programs, since .

Removal unnecessary applications and clearing the cache are just temporary solutions to the problem. You can transfer some of them to the built-in memory, but it’s not rubber either. The best option will be the purchase of an SD card. Having inserted it directly into your phone or tablet, you will certainly have a question about how to install downloaded applications onto a memory card. Transferring is possible, but the methods depend on the version of your operating system.

The method for solving the problem is different for certain OS versions. As is known, on this moment Most devices run on Android 4.0, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.4, 5.x and 6 versions, so here you first need to find out which one is installed directly on your gadget.

It's very easy to do. Follow these steps:

Now let's move directly to the solution.

Solution for Android versions 2.2 - 4.2.2

If you have operating system up to version 4.2.2, then you are in luck, since you can configure saving applications to a memory card without Root rights. To do this, follow these steps:

Now, when you install any application with Google store Play or download other data, the memory card will be used as the default storage location. However, this is an incomplete transfer. All subsequent programs will indeed be installed on the memory card, but the previous ones must either be deleted and then installed again, or moved manually.

To do this you should:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu.
  2. Select “Applications” and indicate one of the downloaded ones.
  3. Find the “Move to SD” button and press it.

Please note that not every application or music on a memory card can be saved in this way. Some system and some downloaded applications cannot be rewritten to a memory card. Then transferring files is possible only if you have Root rights. This also applies to devices with firmware from Android 4.4.

Using Third Party Applications

Helps speed up the transfer process special application AppMgr Pro III. You can download it for free in the official Play Store application store. This program has wide functionality, while allowing you to perform various manipulations with programs, as well as clear the application cache.

In the program itself, you will see three main sections: “roamable”, “on SD card” and “on phone”. If you have applications in the “movable” block, this means that moving these programs is possible.

To carry out the transfer, you must:

The program interface also includes a “transfer all” function. So in a couple of clicks you will transfer all possible programs. After these steps, all shortcuts to the moved applications will appear in the second section “on the SD card”.

An alternative program (in particular for devices with OS version 4.4 or higher) can be Link2SD. Her main feature is that it can move programs not only completely, but also partially. This means that you can install individual libraries on the memory card. However, for it to work fully you will need superuser rights. The program is installed in one file, there are no copies, and there is no need to install anything.

Link2SD has more than ten million downloads, as well as an overall user rating above 4 points.

To use this application, you need to follow the steps of the following instructions sequentially:

Be careful, since with its help you can even transfer some system applications, the memory card becomes an integral part of the memory of your gadget. Saving key data during updating, as well as loading will be carried out from the SD card. Extraction can lead to the most unfavorable consequences, ranging from partial failure of some programs to inoperability of the entire Android system.

The phone does not see the memory card

One of the most frequently asked questions among owners of Android devices is why the phone does not see the memory card. If the smartphone does not detect it, then all the methods described above are useless. In this case, you need to solve the problem with the card itself.

Let's look at the reasons why the phone does not see the SD card:

  • Contacts have been sent. This is a common occurrence, and the solution is very simple - remove and insert the card into the gadget. Now he must see her.
  • The phone does not see the memory card due to bad sectors. Then try checking it for errors and then simply formatting it.
  • The phone may not recognize the memory card due to a lock. The password can be removed in a specialized service.
  • The hardware of the smartphone is damaged. If no memory card is detected, then you need to take the smartphone to a service center.
  • Incompatible card. It is possible that the mobile simply does not support the memory card format. In modern phones and tablets Android control MicroSD is used.

As soon as the gadget can detect your SD card, feel free to try the methods presented. Try your best possible programs move to SD. Majority system applications(especially Google services) become “heavier”. This leaves in system memory There is less and less consolidated space. A memory card will help unload it.

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    When a smartphone or tablet running Android OS runs out of memory, the question immediately arises of how to ensure that applications are downloaded to the memory card.

    There is a way to transfer already existing programs to microSD and make sure that they are immediately loaded onto external media.

    Method number 1. We transfer existing applications

    If Android still has some MB, programs can be installed on internal memory and then transferred to external memory.

    The latter happens as follows:

    • Go to settings and select “Applications” there.

    • Next, click "Application Manager".

    Note: This instruction relevant for latest versions Android OS. In more earlier versions in the settings there could immediately be an “Application Manager” item or something similar. In any case, you need to look for something that will show all applications.

    • You are taking the right application. By clicking on it you will go to its page. There, tap on the inscription “Memory”.

    • On the memory information page, click “Change”. A window will appear in which you need to select where exactly the program will be transferred. Place a check mark next to “Memory card”.

    • In the next window, click "Move" in the lower right corner and wait until the task is completed.

    Thus, using standard settings, you can easily and quickly move the software to external media. You can also use a computer for this.

    Method number 2. We use a computer

    In short, in this case we simply drop the file with apk extension to a memory card via a computer. Accordingly, being on external media, the application will be installed there.

    Theoretically, the same can be done without a computer, but in this case the apk-downloader site may not work or work but incorrectly. Now you will understand what we are talking about.

    So, the procedure described above is carried out as follows:

    • Go to play.google.com and select the app you want to download. Copy the link to it to the clipboard. She is in address bar above.

    • Now go to the above-mentioned apk-downloader website and paste the link copied in the first step of this list of actions into the only field on it. Click "Generate Download Link". After this, another button “Clock here do download… now” will appear. Click on it. The apk file will be downloaded.

    • That's all. Now you have installation file programs. It can be transferred to a memory card via USB cable, Bluetooth or other ways. If a cable is used, it is important to select the memory card when loading.

    • Then, when the file is on the memory card, just run it. Most likely, the software will be installed on microSD.

    Finally, there is another rather sophisticated way to complete the task. But the programs will be immediately installed on the card.

    Method No. 3. Additional Applications

    In this case, you will need to install only 3 samples of additional software.

    The process looks like this step by step:

    • Give your device superuser rights, aka root rights. How to do this is described in this article. Choose any application and install it.
    • Go to settings, section “Memory”, “Memory card” and click “Disable”. Confirm the request if it appears.

    • Download and install the AParted program on your device (it is best to do this from play.google.com). Click on the plus icon on the left top corner and add two sections - one for the cache, the second for the programs themselves. It is important that the first partition is of type “fat32”, the second is “ext2”. This parameter is indicated on the right. Next, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “Apply changes.”

    • In the same way, download and install Link2SD (again, we use play.google.com). Upon startup, a selection window will appear file system, check the box for “ext2”. A reboot will occur. After that, open Link2SD again. In the program settings, check the box next to “Auto link”. In the “Installation location” window, select “1st SD card partition”. Finally, in the “Auto Link Settings” window, check all three boxes and close the program.

    After this, everything you download from the Play Market will be automatically installed on the memory card.

    E. Sutotskaya

    One of the first skills needed when mastering a computer is the ability to store and then recall information in your PC. Computer science teacher and programmer Elena Sutotskaya talks about how to do this.

    Rice. 1. This is what the main menu of the Word editor looks like. If you left-click once on the “File” item, information input/output commands will appear on the screen (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. The main commands when saving a document are “Save” and “Save as...” When saving a document for the first time, there is no difference between them. Move the cursor to one or another command and clicking once with the left

    Rice. 3. Here the Word editor prompts you to save the document in a folder in "My Documents" under the name Doc1 (or 2, 3...) with doc extension. At the same time, you can see which documents with the same extension already exist in this folder. Left clicking the mouse

    Science and life // Illustrations

    Rice. 5. After saving the file in the most top line The file name appears in the main menu of the Word editor.

    Science and life // Illustrations

    Rice. 7. Any of the extensions can be selected by clicking once on the required line. In relation to a text editor, along with the doc extension, it is often used rtf extension. This allows you to use the document in other Windows applications without disturbing

    Rice. 8. This is what the tab for setting parameters for the autosave process looks like.

    Rice. 9. In order for the document to be saved with all the changes and additions made since it was opened, you need to click on the word “Yes”. Clicking the "No" button will return the document to its original form. And the "Cancel" key should be used if you

    It is convenient to consider the basic rules for saving a document using the example of the Word text editor in Windows environment(Fig. 1). For this environment, they can be considered universal, since the main menu item "File" is present in any other Windows application in almost the same form. So, having mastered saving a document in Word, you can easily do the same in any other text or graphic editor and when working with spreadsheets.

    Preliminary information

    Before we get into how to save a document, there are some basic concepts you need to understand.

    Everything “collected” on a computer is stored in the form of files. A file is a named area of ​​a disk in which information is stored.

    The file name consists of two parts - the actual name and extension, separated by a dot. Sometimes the extension is missing, but usually it is by it that you can find out what type of information is contained in the file, since each application program by default assigns a specific extension to a file. Thus, "DOC" indicates that the document was created in text editor Word, "BMP" - in a graphics editor, for example Paint, "PPT" says that you are dealing with a presentation created in PowerPoint, "XLS" - a sign spreadsheet, "jpg" - graphic document, with which they worked, for example in Photoshop.

    Note. When assigning a proper name to a file, try to ensure that it matches the information that is stored in it - this will make it much easier to find it later. For example, "Addressbook" or "Contacts".

    The name can be typed in Russian or in any other language installed on this computer, contain numbers, punctuation, excluding quotation marks and special characters.

    In addition to files, there are so-called folders - they store information that allows the computer to find the desired file.

    My Documents folder

    It appears on the computer during installation software. As a rule, many novice users, and not only them, prefer to store their files in it. This is convenient because it happens by default. But when working with big amount For various information, it is more convenient to create “thematic” folders and put files in them. This greatly simplifies the search for information.

    Notes. 1. The same document can be saved under different names in the same folder, under the same name in different folders and under different names in different folders (as convenient for you).

    2. If during the naming process you accidentally erased the extension, do not worry, the computer itself will assign the desired extension to your file.

    Note. The same can be done by selecting the icon with the image of a floppy disk on the toolbar and clicking on it once with the left mouse button.

    If you are working with a document that has already been saved, then the “Save” and “Save as...” commands work differently. In the first option (“Save”), the document is saved under the same name with all the corrections and additions made to it. In this case, the dialog box does not appear on the screen. (Clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk will produce the same result.) In the second option ("Save as..."), a dialog box already familiar to us will open on the screen (see Fig. 3), where in the "File name" field the name under which you saved will be written. this document. By entering a new name there, you will save your document with all the corrections and additions made under a different name.

    Other folders

    If you want to save the document in another folder, you should select it (and first, of course, create it). To select another folder on any of the drives, you need to left-click once on the black arrow to the right of the “Folder” field. After this, a window will appear where you will see icons and names of disks available on your computer: for example, the “Desktop” icon, the “My Documents” folder, etc. (Fig. 6).


    You can also act in reverse order: Change the name first and then select the save folder.

    Changing the extension

    To change the file extension, you need to click on the black arrow to the right of the "File type" field. After this, a list of all acceptable for this file extensions (Fig. 7).

    Note. To use a document in DOS environment you need to select from the list the lines “DOS text with line breaks” or “DOS text”. But in this case, almost all text formatting will be lost.

    Automatic saving of information

    For the convenience of saving a document while working, you can set the computer to the so-called autosave mode. It is especially important that information is saved automatically if the power supply to your computer electrical network not very reliable.

    To activate the function automatic saving information, you should select the “Tools” item in the main menu, and in it the “Options” sub-item (Fig. 8). On the “Save” tab, select “Automatic Save Every:” and in the field to the right of it, set the time interval between automatically repeating recording of the document you are working on into the computer’s memory. Then, if the document has already been named, there is no need to periodically remind the computer to save the information. He will do it on his own.

    One last note. Everything described above is true for anyone Windows applications, the differences will only be in the automatically proposed file name and extension or in which folder is suggested by default.