Why do stripes appear on iPhone? Stripes on the iPhone screen after a fall - what to do? Seriously damaged iPhone

Two years after the release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, their owners began to widely report that the device displays had stopped responding to touch. Users also complain about the appearance of a thin flickering gray stripe at the top of the screens. On Tuesday, August 23, the iFixit team, which specializes in assessing the repairability of Apple products, published a detailed description of the problem, called “Touch Disease”.

As iFixit experts explain, the problem is not with the display itself, but with the chips that control it:

“According to repair specialists, the problem is not with the display itself, but with the two Touch IC chips on the phone’s motherboard that control the touch screen.”

According to STS Telecom service owner Jason Willmer, the problem affects all iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and is a ticking time bomb. iFixit experts said that users had previously reported this problem to Apple through support forums and retail stores, but the company took no action. Users who contacted the App Store were denied replacement devices.

Experts explain that over time, microcracks appear in the solder on the board, after which, over time, larger cracks and that same gray stripe appear on the screen.

The problem occurs even with those iPhone 6 and 6 Plus whose owners used their devices very carefully and never dropped them.

Users have noticed that a temporary solution to the problem can be to slightly bend the device and apply pressure in certain parts of the smartphone body.

However, after some time the “gray stripe” returns again.

Representatives of at least one service interviewed by iFixit experts are confident that Apple should recall defective gadgets or launch a free replacement or repair program. However, until this happens, workshops have come up with a simple way to avoid the problem. In order to protect the device, experts suggest protecting the board from deformation. To do this, the chip is covered with an additional metal plate.

I warmly welcome everyone! It would seem that any strong deviation from the norm (and yellow spots and stripes on the iPhone screen are a very abnormal situation) should definitely be interpreted as a defect, a manufacturing defect, a defect and carelessness of engineers... call it what you want! However, this is only true in some cases. Why?

Because here a lot depends on exactly when these defects appeared on the display. After all, these are two big differences - a device with yellowness on the screen was sold to you, or it (yellowness) appeared after some time during operation. Today we will look at both of these cases, and also find out whether you need to immediately run to the store and demand a refund for the device, or... maybe it’s not so simple?

One two Three. Let's go!

Why are there yellow spots and streaks on the display of the new iPhone?

Here you need to remember two simple truths:

  1. The yellow spot defect almost always appears on new (just released) iPhone models. This is especially visible on a white background – for example, in the Safari browser.
  2. The yellow spots are glue. Well, to be more precise, it’s not exactly glue, but a special substance for holding the display together.

Now a little more about this. Look, production of the new iPhone model starts shortly after its presentation and it goes on sale almost immediately (usually a week or two) after the announcement. Therefore, the first lucky owners of an iPhone receive it completely fresh. In fact, it just came off the assembly line and now it’s in your hands.

During this short period of time (delivery from the factory to the consumer), the glue that is used to assemble the iPhone simply does not have time to dry and evaporate. And these yellow spots on the screen are this undried glue.

What to do in this case? Here you have two options:

  1. After some time, the glue dries completely and becomes transparent. This is supported by the fact that if you buy an iPhone some time after the presentations, the device has time to “rest” and upon purchase you no longer see yellow spots and stripes. The glue dries while the gadget is inactive in the warehouse/store.
  2. If the yellow spots are very strong and you do not believe that they will disappear over time, you can safely contact the service center. This is a warranty case and similar gadgets are replaced. True, it is not a fact that you will not be given exactly the same one as a replacement - just assembled and again with a display defect.

It is important to understand that everything written here refers to minor manifestations of yellowness. If the defect is obvious and strongly expressed, then there is no point in waiting until it disappears; you need to go and change the gadget under warranty.

The most interesting thing is that a similar defect appears in absolutely any newly released iPhone. Somewhere more, somewhere less noticeable, but it will definitely be there. It’s just that most people don’t look closely at such little things when buying, and then it disappears.

What to do if yellow spots appear while using the iPhone?

Unfortunately, it happens that yellowness on the display appears after a long time of using the iPhone, this can be caused by:

  • Moisture ingress.
  • devices (the glue “burns” and becomes yellowish rather than completely transparent).
  • Strong pressure on the screen (very strong), and this can also include any other physical impact - falls, blows, etc.
  • Perhaps it is in this place (where the yellowness appears) that something from inside the device is pressing on the screen (dust, specks, grains of sand, dirt is clogged and pressing) or the battery is a little “swollen”.

Of course, in these cases you shouldn’t wait for a miracle (that everything will improve on its own). Needs renovation. But what exactly to repair depends on the reasons for the appearance of yellow spots.

By the way, if the gadget is still under warranty, then it’s worth trying to contact the official service center and go “unconscious” :) - I didn’t do anything, spots and stripes appeared on their own! If there is no visible damage, then there is a high probability that your iPhone will be replaced.

So is the yellowness of the iPhone screen a defect or not?

If we consider the yellow spots in the context of the first case, then yes, it is definitely a defect and such devices are replaced in service centers and stores.

Another thing is that by the time you get to the repair shop, the glue may dry out and there will no longer be any yellowness on the display.

If you look at the appearance of yellow spots immediately after long-term use, then, as a rule, the user himself is to blame for carelessly handling the device. And in most cases, repairs will need to be carried out at your own expense.

White stripes on the iPhone screen often indicate serious problems with the gadget. But sometimes a yellow stripe or a different color may also appear. Today we will talk in detail about what to do if stripes appear on the screen of an iPhone 5, iPhone 4S or any other Apple phone. In addition, we will try to find out what white stripes on the display mean and for what reasons they may appear.

But first, a small digression about a certain color of the stripes. If they are yellow, most likely these are traces of special glue. The user discovers them only after removing the new gadget from the packaging. What does this mean and whether you should immediately run to the service center, or you can solve the problem yourself - we will tell you further.

Such stripes, as noted above, can appear not only on the fifth iPhone. No less often, users notice stripes on the screen of the iPhone 5S and other models of Apple devices.

If a stripe on the smartphone screen is clearly visible and if there are not one, but many such stripes, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • The phone falls and gets hit hard.
  • Penetration of liquid into the housing.
  • Significant heating of the device.
  • Illiterate disassembly of the case or its assembly.
  • Problems with the software.

Alas, the last version of the source of problems, which is easier to fix than others, is rare (for example, when using jailbreak, beta versions of an operating system, etc.). But still, before diagnosing the device, if in the iPhone 5 stripes appear on the screen at one moment and do not disappear, you need to exclude this particular option. For this purpose, it is necessary to flash the gadget through DFU, restoring the most recent version of the operating system.

But if the source of the problem lies in one of the first problems in the list above, vertical stripes are unlikely to appear on the screen. Next, we will consider in detail each option for the occurrence of stripes on the iPhone display and see how to solve these problems.

Stripes on the iPhone 6 screen after the device fell

This reason for a screen defect is the most common. In this case, the stripes are most often located vertically and symmetrically.

1 Check the serviceability of the cable, which could have come off when the gadget was dropped. But to do this, you will need to disassemble the device body and install the cable correctly - all the way. You can determine that the cause of the defect is in the cable by the fact that the stripes are not constantly on the display. They either appear (especially when actively using the device) or disappear. 2 Carry out diagnostics of the proper operation of the touchscreen, connectors, system board and other parts. Here you will need a more in-depth analysis of the state of all elements of the smartphone. Of course, for this service you need to contact a repair shop.

Penetration of liquid into the device

To be honest, liquid getting into the phone more often causes slightly different problems, such as the display turning off completely or turning it uniformly white. But, nevertheless, the appearance of stripes for this reason is also not excluded. In this case, the stripes are not necessarily white, but can be of any other color. They can also be located asymmetrically and unevenly. The liquid can paint the display of your device with multi-colored paints.

If you suspect that streaks on your smartphone screen are caused by moisture getting inside the case, try the following steps:

1 If the device has been dropped into water recently, and if it has been in the liquid for a short time, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth and wait a while. 2 The second recommendation (and the most reasonable) is to immediately contact a repair shop. Using special equipment, technicians will clean the device from corrosion. This way you will avoid many other problems with your phone and prevent it from breaking down completely.

Any iPhone owner probably knows that water is not something to joke about. And if, after an accident that resulted in the penetration of moisture into the device, only stripes appeared on the screen, in the future there is a risk of oxidation of the internal elements and irreparable damage.

iPhone overheating and white stripes

This is another real reason for the appearance of white stripes on the display of an Apple gadget. If at least one element of the microcircuit burns out, such a defect appears. Of course, the manufacturer has reliably protected all the internal parts of the gadget from severe overheating, but still, there cannot be a 100% guarantee.

A particular risk exists when the gadget is exposed to high temperatures (above +35 degrees) for a long period. Here is an example of such a situation: the user put the device on charge under direct sunlight, and at the same time actively uses the Internet. Although, this is a completely extreme situation, given as an example for clarity. And if the owner of an iPhone decides to do this, most likely, much more serious problems will arise than stripes on the display.

What can you do here? You definitely won’t be able to do anything at home on your own. Therefore, you should immediately contact the service center, where the procedure for opening the case and thorough diagnostics will be carried out by experienced craftsmen. The specialist will quickly determine which part is damaged and replace it with a new one.

Illiterate disassembly of the iPhone case is the cause of streaks

If stripes on the screen of your device appeared after replacing any element (touchscreen, battery, etc.), you can assume one of two options:

1 An inattentive technician did not replace all faulty elements that failed. For example, the specialist only replaced the screen, but did not check the battery, which is also faulty. This means that in case of any breakdowns, it is best to ask the technician to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the “stuffing” of the smartphone. 2 The device was assembled incorrectly. The fact is that even screwing in one small screw incorrectly can lead to a blue display. In Apple devices, all parts must be exactly in place. And even the slightest rearrangement can lead to complete inoperability of the device, turning it into a “brick”.

What can be done in the latter situation? Just disassemble and reassemble the gadget, carefully rechecking the installation locations of all elements. It is also better to entrust this matter to specialists, especially if you have never done this before


As follows from the article, most of the recommendations when stripes appear on the iPhone display boil down to visiting a repair shop. But these tips are completely justified, since such a defect in 99% of cases indicates serious problems with internal elements, regardless of what caused them.

Such important work as disassembling a device and its subsequent assembly, as well as diagnostics, is an impossible task for an ordinary user. An experienced technician will determine which microcircuit is faulty and replace it. Disassembling the device yourself, especially if the user is far from technology, is a very dangerous task that can lead to damage to the device.

Unfortunately, the iPhone cannot be called the most protected gadget from external influences; manufacturers pay more attention to the internal contents of the device than to the reliability of the case. If water gets inside, scratches, or other damage, all this negatively affects performance. Because of all this, stripes may appear on the iPhone 5 screen.

Often, iPhone owners complain about the appearance of strange longitudinal or transverse stripes in the image on the screen. The glass is not damaged, the appearance is the same. This happens just after the gadget falls on the floor, or gets wet, or possibly gets exposed to rain. Of course, such a problem should not be ignored. Most often, these stripes indicate serious internal damage, which is more reliably repaired by professionals, in service centers.

What could cause streaks to appear on the iPhone 5 screen?

Sometimes this is a small software glitch in the operating system, and the first step is to simply restart the device. If this does not help, we look further for the reason. For example, if stripes appear only in one of the applications, it may be the problem. Try just closing it. If the streaks remain, then the failure is much more serious and the changes are likely irreversible. Most likely, a re-flashing will be required. It is advisable not to engage in amateur activities, but to immediately contact specialists.

The Internet is full of “wizards” who advise you to download a program or video that will help solve the problems of your iPhone. But you shouldn’t trust such statements, most of them are simply useless, and some can even do harm by convincing you to install malware. You will then spend more money on restoring the gadget.

How to get rid of streaks on the iPhone 5 screen yourself?

It happens that iPhone repair may not be required, and the problem with stripes on the iPhone 5 screen can be solved by simply disassembling it and carefully correcting all connections. Thus, the cable that has moved slightly away from the contact will fall into place and the image will be restored. To perform this procedure, it is best to have some skills and experience in assembling an iPhone. If this does not help, you need to do a more thorough diagnosis by specialists.

All the reasons described are only a small part of the possible ones that led to the appearance of stripes in the image. If each of them is tested in practice, it will take quite a lot of effort, time and money. Therefore, the most reasonable and effective way to solve the problem would be to contact a service center for a full diagnosis.

When people buy an iPhone, they begin to think that this phone will be simply flawless and there will be no problems with it. But unfortunately this is not the case and one of the problems with the iPhone is yellow spots on the screen.

I myself have encountered this situation and my friends too, so I have some experience with this issue and I will be happy to share all the information with you.

Why do yellow spots appear on iPhone?

So, first I’ll tell you about my case. It was an iPhone 4S and it served me for 4 long years. In principle, it is still in good condition and serves as my second phone.

Somewhere after the third year of use, a yellow spot appeared on the left side of the screen. It was not too big and is best seen against a white background.

Out of curiosity, I once went to the service center, to which, without an answer about the reason, they simply told me that I needed to change the screen. Not knowing the reason for the appearance, I simply continued to use my smartphone.

A little later, I turned to a friend who started repairing iPhones, and then a version appeared that it was due to moisture and it was simply impossible to remove it.

This whole story ended with the fact that I dropped my gadget and the screen did not break, but stopped showing the image. And then we had to change the display.

After reading on the forums, the most popular versions are:

  • not dried glue;
  • moisture;
  • pressure on the screen;
  • high and low temperatures.

What the actual reason is is generally impossible to find. Therefore, I’ll simply tell you what to do in such situations and how to live with it further.

What to do if yellow streaks or spots appear on your iPhone?

When this yellow spot appeared on my iPhone, I was really upset. After all, the phone served for a long time without any incidents and this made me incredibly happy.

But as you can see, nothing is perfect. And from my life experience, you only have three options if you discover this miracle:

  1. go to the service center and change the screen;
  2. if it’s under warranty, then we go to the store and demand to exchange it for a new one;
  3. We just walk around with the stain and try to get used to it.

At one time, I chose the third point, because the stain is quite small and does not particularly interfere with the work. Replacing the original display with something incomprehensible is also not a good option.

But as I wrote above, by coincidence, I changed the display. I was lucky that they just found the original donor for this case.


Typically, this problem has been the most common since iPhone 4. This does not seem to be the case with modern ones, but yellow spots are quite an insidious thing.

I would like to wish you that such stains will no longer appear on your iPhone. After all, sometimes the cost of a screen simply goes through the roof and not everyone wants to spend extra money.