Wifi on the phone disappears. Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem

Wireless Internet- it is very convenient, modern, but it is not always problem-free. Some glitches that cause a lot of trouble for users appear on their own over and over again. Today we’ll talk about why the Wi-Fi network disappears. As a rule, such incidents are relevant for laptops, which, it would seem, are simply designed to work specifically with wireless networks, supporting the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal mobile solution.

Diagnosis of causes

Since there may be several reasons for the problem, below we will look at each separately. In general, first you will need to do some diagnostics and check if there are any problems with the router’s power supply and the device itself. In the case of the first, everything is determined quite simply; to check the second, you need to try connecting other devices to the network - tablets, phones.

If everything works fine, perhaps the problem is only with the computer, and you need to check the operation and settings of its adapter one by one.

Energy saving

The next thing we should do if the Wi-Fi network has disappeared is to carry out diagnostics using the system. Click on the wireless network signal icon and find the “Problem Diagnosis” item, then follow the instructions. Perhaps this option will help you.

Open “Start” and find the “Control Panel” we need. Now we need the settings that are hidden under the “Power Options” icon.

There will be several options here and, if you do not want to set high performance, then you need to select at least “Balanced mode”.

If this option is also unacceptable, you can only configure separate consumption for the adapter. Click “Configure power supply scheme” next to the required option.

Now “Change advanced settings”.

Here we scroll down and find the item “Adapter parameters” - you need to expand the parameter tree, then once again expand the sub-item “Energy Saving” and there in the parameters “from battery” and “from network” set “Maximum performance”.

You have done everything that could be done here - now click “OK”, “Save changes” and close the window.

The second option also, in a sense, depends on the power settings - it happens that when the user puts the computer into sleep mode, after turning on the adapter still remains in this mode.

Click “Start” again and click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”.

There will be a lot of equipment inside, but we are interested network adapters. Having opened the tree with them, we look for the one with the Wi-Fi annotation and double-click with the left mouse button.

Here we look for “Power management” and uncheck the “Allow the device to turn off to save energy” checkbox. Next, click “OK” and test how everything works. For more confidence the best option will reboot the device after all these operations.

Sometimes the problem may be due to oxidation of the adapter contacts, failure to connect it after cleaning or repair, or to the device drivers. In the first two cases, only mechanical intervention will help. To update drivers, you need to find the name of your model and go to the manufacturer's official website to download the necessary programs.

This is all that could be done on the computer side if the Wi-Fi network disappeared, and now we will look at solving the problem on the distribution point side.

If the reason is in the router

If after all the checks you come to the conclusion that the problem is with the distribution device, then there is not much you can do: when the router is turned on and working normally, even without special settings and a plugged-in provider cable, the network will be detected and should not disappear.

Let's consider today the problem when the Wi-Fi network is unstable, and when the connection to the Wi-Fi network is periodically interrupted, or the Internet connection is lost. It seems to me that this is even worse than when the Internet does not work at all. Because the problem is not clear, everything seems to work, but not as it should, the signal disappears, devices turn off, and other incomprehensible moments. It’s just that when something doesn’t work, it’s at least clear where to look for a solution, but in such a situation nothing is clear at all.

What causes an unstable Wi-Fi connection:

  • Periodic disconnections of devices from the Wi-Fi network. Or the Internet simply breaks for a while (), and everything starts working again. A very popular problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. For example, a laptop is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and the Internet is working. But periodically a yellow one appears near the connection icon Exclamation point, and the Internet disappears. Loading files gets stuck, etc. And, as a rule, the connection is restored after a while.
  • Devices do not connect to the Wi-Fi network the first time, or do not see the Wi-Fi network.
  • The Wi-Fi network completely disappears and appears.
  • Very low speed Internet via wireless network (everything is fine via cable).
  • When the Wi-Fi connection only works close to the router.
  • The wireless network signal level is constantly changing.

This, of course, is not the entire list of problems that are associated with unstable operation of wireless networks. There may be many more. Very often, Wi-Fi works fine for a while, and then problems begin and go away again. You may also notice the appearance of problems, for example in the evenings, or at other times of the day.

If you have something similar, and you seem to have an Internet connection, but you can’t always use it ( use without any problems), then now we will try to fix everything.

Changing the wireless network channel when Wi-Fi is unstable

This is the first and most important tip that you should definitely try. We know that every Wi-Fi network operates on some channel. If there are many of these networks, then they begin to interfere with each other, and interference appears. As a result, Wi-Fi is unstable. Well, different strange problems, which I wrote about above, and which you have most likely already encountered.

You need to change the Wi-Fi network channel in the router settings. Details about channels, about finding a free one and about changing to different models routers, I wrote in a separate instruction:

You can try asking some static channel (if you have Auto), or vice versa, set Auto if a static channel was selected. In the article linked above, I wrote about finding the most free channel using the inSSIDer program. You can use it.

You just need to go to the router settings, go to the tab where you configure the wireless network, and in the Channel item change the channel. This is what it looks like on Tp-Link routers:

And on Asus routers:

After each channel change, do not forget save the settings and reboot the router. Be sure to try several options. It should help.

As for interference, it can be created Appliances. Do not place the router near microwave ovens, cordless phones, etc.

The Internet is cut off via Wi-Fi: router firmware, and other tips

Almost always, such problems in the wireless network occur due to the router. Not uncommonly, this is due to the firmware. Therefore, I strongly recommend updating the firmware of your router. We have instructions on our website for all popular manufacturers. Here's an example:

It is also possible that the wireless network may be unstable due to some technical problems with router. Something with the board itself, or the power adapter. By the way, it is power adapters that very often cause such problems. The router just doesn't receive proper nutrition and connection breaks appear, etc. Well, strong changes in the power supply can affect the operation of the router. If the Internet cuts out after you create some kind of load on the router (online videos, games, torrents, connecting new devices, etc.), then this is usually due to an inexpensive (not powerful) router.

Need to eliminate problems on the ISP side. It may well be that the connection is broken on its end, and the router has nothing to do with it. It’s very easy to check, just connect the Internet directly to your computer and check its operation.

For many people, the connection breaks down in those rooms where there is very bad signal Wi-Fi networks. When, for example, only one division of the network signal remains on the device.

In such a situation, you need to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. We have an article on this topic:. Or, install . After this, problems with Internet interruptions should disappear.

And if you find a lot of devices at home available networks, which operate at 2.4 GHz (as is most likely your network), and changing the channel, and even changing the router does not produce results, and the Wi-Fi network is very unstable, then this problem can be solved by purchasing a router that supports operation at a frequency of 5 GHz. This frequency is practically free. I just know a case where there were a lot of wireless networks in the house, and Wi-Fi was simply impossible to use until they switched to the 5 GHz frequency.

If the Internet disappears on only one laptop

And of course, it’s not uncommon for all devices to connect and work with a wireless network without any problems or disconnections, but one device keeps disconnecting, losing connection, etc. It’s not hard to guess that most often this device is called a laptop and runs on Windows.

In such cases, it is necessary to update the driver wireless adapter. I wrote how to do this. It is possible that the problem may be in the hardware. And it appears very often after disassembling the laptop (cleaning dust). Why is that? During assembly, the antenna that is built into the laptop often suffers. These are the problems with working with Wi-Fi networks. Very often, after this the Internet only works near the router itself.

Update: changing Wi-Fi network properties

Open Network and Sharing Center shared access" and click on your Wi-Fi network. In the new window, click on the "Wireless network properties" button and check the box next to "Connect even if the network does not broadcast its name (SSID)". Click Ok.

If it doesn’t help, and Wi-Fi continues to fall off, then in the same window, on the “Security” tab, you can click on the “ Extra options" and check the box next to "Enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compatibility mode for this network."

You can restart your computer. Thanks to Alexander for this advice. He suggested it in the comments to this article.

Here are some tips if you have any: interesting information on this topic, personal experience, then write in the comments. You can ask questions there, I will definitely answer!

Wi-Fi has disappeared on my phone, what should I do?

    This is how I would answer this question about Wi-Fi on the phone.

    I think that in a situation where Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi) has disappeared on the phone, here’s what you can do. First of all, you need to check all the settings properly cell phone. You may be able to connect it again.

    You didn't write the model phone, it would be easier to advise something, because everything always happens individually, gadgets are different and the reasons can also be different.

    Go to your phone settings and see if the function has been disabled automatically.

    Wi-Fi or the wireless connection has turned off, this happens, especially with smartphones.

    You can try rebooting your phone to factory settings. Check whether the Wi-Fi password for the router is entered correctly. Reboot the router that distributes Wi-Fi, this sometimes helps.

    Try connecting from your phone to Wi-Fi in another accessible place to check what the reason is - it’s in the phone or router.

    This happens at my home too. The laptop is in the farthest room near the window, and I surf the Internet from my phone, being much closer to Wi-Fi, but it will still disappear. This is because the Wi-Fi receiver on the phone is much weaker - just a wall acts as an obstacle and the signal may disappear, so you need to constantly update the connection. I'm already somehow used to this.

    If Wi-Fi has disappeared on your phone, then firstly you should look to see if the settings in the phone itself have gone wrong, then see if there is a signal on another device; if so, the problem is in the phone. You can also try turning off and on your Wi-Fi router - sometimes it helps!

    It all depends on what you are using. I'll explain the reasons with Android. The first and most common is that your Wi-Fi channel is simply overloaded. This often happens in the evening when there are a lot of users. To eliminate this reason, you need to install a dual-band router. The second reason is a weak battery and your Wi-Fi has gone into sleep mode. Just charge the battery. The third reason is a change in DNS servers. You will have to go to the settings to close your current network, and then connect to it again.

    This happens to me often, maybe the reason is weak signal. Then I have to stand my ground mobile device forget/delete my Wi-Fi network and connect to it again. And then everything works. I rarely reboot the router itself.

    Although there may be a problem with the phone, for example, the problem appeared after you dropped it. Perhaps something is broken.

    If Wi-Fi suddenly disappears on your phone, you must first turn the router on and off; if this does not help, you should change the communication channel on the router; this often helps; you can also reset all the router settings and set them again; if the connection does not resume, you need to Check the settings of the phone itself, maybe they are wrong.

    Please indicate your phone model. In some mobile phones, the Wi-Fi antenna is located in the back cover of the device and the lack of signal may be caused by a violation of the contact group with rear panel phone. Pay attention to the contacts and if they are dirty, clean them. You may have hit the gadget, resulting in deformation back cover and violation of the tightness of pressing the antenna contacts to the board of the mobile device.

Today it is no longer possible to imagine any apartment or office without its own Wi-Fi network. Having a router is no longer a luxury, but an ordinary thing. But every user sooner or later faces a problem when Wi-Fi turns off on the phone. Why is this happening? Is this a technical problem or just carelessness in use? The article will tell you about the main types of errors and how to eliminate them.

Problems with connection

In 99% of cases, problems with Wi-Fi connection are caused by the following reasons:

Correct diagnosis will help solve the problem. In most cases, you can do this yourself, without the help of specialists. Slow work Internet connection, for example, may indicate that the network is overloaded because too many devices are connected.

Settings errors

The first thing you should pay attention to is the settings of the Wi-Fi access point itself. Check correct operation can be done through the router menu, which can be accessed through a browser. To do this, you need to know the username and password, which are either written on the router itself, or, if they have already been changed, you need to find out yourself or reset the settings. Once access to the menu is gained, you need to find out the parameters wireless mode, such as:

  • Channel width (settable from 5 to 40 MHz).
  • Channel selection (automatically configured, but you can select it yourself).
  • Baud rate (set to maximum value).
  • Region (may be the cause of the problem, but very rarely, so it is better not to change this item).

Everything is set correctly, but why does Wi-Fi on the phone turn off? We need to move on to next point.

Incorrect operation of the router

If using the router settings menu it was not possible to determine why the Wi-Fi on the phone turns off, you need to check the operation of the router itself.

Indicators will tell the user whether the operation is correct. There are usually three or four of them, depending on the model, and they should all be lit or flashing:

  • Nutrition. Color may vary on different models (green, blue, but not red). But it should always be on and not blinking.
  • The system indicator must be blinking.
  • The WAN indicator is an indicator of the presence of an Internet network.
  • WLAN indicator - shows whether the wireless network is running on the router itself.
  • After them come the LAN ports, to which the cable is connected for wired internet. They do not affect the operation of Wi-Fi.

The router also has a power button that can be used to restart the device. This trick helps many people.

Availability of third-party programs installed on the device

Viruses are one of the main problems of the Internet. Because of them, Wi-Fi on the phone periodically turns off. Why does this happen and how to avoid it? If you suspect that the device has been subjected to virus attack, it is recommended to install one of the many antivirus programs and run the scan. The program itself will find viruses known to it and eliminate them.

But such security programs often themselves become a problem for Internet access. Therefore, there is no need to keep the antivirus turned on all the time.

Incorrectly set phone parameters

If your device has an unlicensed or broken software, then you shouldn’t be surprised that Wi-Fi turns off. For some reason, this problem happens least often on Samsung phones. Perhaps because the manufacturer fully provides the devices with high-quality software. But even in this case, the user can accidentally or deliberately change the factory settings. This problem can only be solved full reset To initial settings. With “native” firmware, problems with Wi-Fi arise extremely rarely, since it is not subject to third-party influence. But in this case the user will lose all his data, so important information It's worth saving before resetting.

Problems with Wi-Fi connections can often be resolved on your own. But physical intervention and repairs can permanently damage the device. If available methods If you couldn’t determine why Wi-Fi turns off on your phone, you should contact technical support centers.

Wi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices transfer data or connect to the Internet via a wireless network. Nowadays, using Wi-Fi is becoming very common and we can see this technology being used by a wide range of devices such as smartphones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, etc.

However, this technology has a number of limitations. Firstly, it is not as secure as a wired connection, but this is solved by using Protected Access Encryption (WPA2), which prevents unauthorized access to the network. If you do not have sufficient knowledge to set up your home or office network, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. Simply fill out the form at http://kompom.kiev.ua/ and the setup will be done quickly and efficiently.

Another problem: Wi-Fi drops out periodically. Usually, when there is no activity, the phone or tablet loses connection with wifi router and does not see the network until the Wi-Fi on the mobile device is restarted. There may be several reasons why the Wi-Fi connection is lost; in this article we will look at several options for solving the problem when Android loses the Wi-Fi network.

If you encounter a problem Wi-Fi shutdown on your Android device, try the following settings and you will be able to connect your device wirelessly without much hassle.

Wi-Fi network overflow

The biggest obstacles for Wi-Fi signal create neighboring wireless networks. The problem is that most Wi-Fi devices operate in the already occupied 2.4 GHz band, and the high density of signals can interfere with each other, reducing the speed and performance of networks.

Solution: Use a dual-band router that can operate on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously. The 2.4 GHz frequency band will be supported by most devices, but it only has three non-overlapping channels. On the other hand, 5 GHz has 23 non-overlapping channels, increasing the likelihood of no interference in this band. If your router can operate in the 5GHz band, use it to solve the problem Wi-Fi overflow networks.

Setting up a Wi-Fi channel

The 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band has 11 channels and each of them is separated from each other by a 5 MHz band and has a width of 20 to 22 MHz. This means that each channel will overlap adjacent channels by 10 MHz and this is referred to as overlapping channels.

Solution: In the case of channels 1, 6 and 11, there will be no overlap causing interference, since these are not overlapping channels. To work on these channels, users will need to go into the router's settings and find a setting called "Channel" or " Wireless channel" From the drop-down menu, you need to select desired number channel.

Most manufacturers resort to various methods to increase battery life. Android users smartphones are forced to include such energy saving features in their devices. One such feature is turning off Wi-Fi when the phone is inactive or when the device has low level battery charge. Such Wi-Fi features in sleep mode create problems when connecting to the network as needed.

Solution: Simply configure your Android device's settings and make sure you always have Wi-Fi turned on, even when your device is not in use. To do this on devices running Android 2.3 Gingerbread and above, you need to do the following. Go to Settings menu – Wireless network – Wi-Fi and select More – Wi-Fi in sleep mode do not select “Do not turn off”.

On those devices running Android 4.0 ICS and higher, go to Settings – Wi-Fi, select Advanced and set the Wi-Fi during sleep option to “Always”.

Change DNS servers

Changing DNS servers may solve Wi-Fi problem when the Internet network on the phone disappears. Go to Settings - Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi. If it's a known network, you'll have to "forget" it and then connect again. When you see the password entry window, click on Extra options and select “Static” from the IP settings in the dropdown menu. Then scroll down and enter the IP address of the DNS server you would like to use in the DNS1 and DNS2 field. Now enter Wi-Fi password and connect the network.

Reset to factory settings

If none of these methods help, try hard reset your Android device. If you then have problems where you lose your Wi-Fi connection, then it could be a hardware problem. You may need to take the device to service center to fix the problem.

We looked at the most common reasons for Wi-Fi disconnection that occur in Android devices. We hope this will help solve the problem and allow you to set up a stable WiFi connection. In addition, please note specialized applications, because in the store Google Play There are many applications, the use of which will help ensure a reliable connection. Some of them are Wi-Fi Fixer, Fix My Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Analyzer and others.