Make an ava for a VKontakte group online. Creating a simple avatar for a YouTube channel

In this article we will tell you how to make a wide horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group. On clear example we'll show you how to make a wide VK avatar, and also give useful practical recommendations.

First of all, I would immediately like to say about the importance of such a graphic element of the VK group as a wide horizontal avatar. Compared to the usual vertical VKontakte avatar, the horizontal one has a larger area and is displayed on mobile devices, which allows you to use it more efficiently.
Before direct installation wide avatar, I would like to draw your attention to the icon of your group, which is displayed on the left opposite each post. It is taken directly from the miniature of the standard vertical avatar. If possible, it should be in the same style as the future hat. If the header is planned in a different style, then first upload a regular avatar, and then move on to a wide horizontal one.

So, let's move on directly to the process of installing a wide VKontakte avatar.

Instructions on how to create a horizontal avatar in a VK group.

1) We prepare a wide avatar with a size of 1590×400 pixels in a graphics editor.
A wide horizontal avatar is the face of your group, which forms the first impression and attitude of visitors. It is necessary to approach the creation of an avatar with special care; this will determine the further success of your community.
For example, consider the avatar that we prepared for demonstration:

The main elements that are usually used in a header are:

  • Logo– Sets the primary graphic association with the group.
  • Heading– Briefly and clearly tells what the group is about and for whom.
  • Graphic elements with descriptions give more full information about what the group offers, what advantages and features the group has.

The main elements should be placed closer to the center and to the bottom, retreating from the top border at least 100 pixels and from the side borders at least 220. This way, you will ensure normal display of a wide avatar on mobile devices.

2) Let's move on to community management.

3) Click Upload next to the community cover field.

4) Load a pre-created horizontal avatar.

5) We check whether the avatar is displayed correctly in the group from the computer and mobile device.

As you can see, making a wide horizontal avatar is not difficult at all. It is important to know only a few features.
Also, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the avatar is not the only one graphic element defining the group's style. The overall picture is also formed by the design of posts, albums, products and other sections of your group. This should also be taken into account.

If you need help with writing posts for the group, creating product cards, and writing similar content, you can contact us within .

We can also help with group design. For help in creating a wide horizontal avatar-header, a standard vertical group logo, wiki menu, branded graphics and other design elements, you can contact us.
To order services and for any questions, write.

People use avatars to identify themselves online, stand out, and express their worldview. Creating avatars for contacts is especially popular. However, it is equally important to choose a conceptual avatar for a forum, ICQ or blog. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a beautiful, interesting and unique avatar. Moreover, uniqueness is guaranteed, since all avatars are made from your own photos or pictures. And what is important, here everyone can make an avatar for free .


The service provides you widest choice avatars. Most strengths service is big set effects and the ability to make both static and animated avatars. Most animation effects do not have free analogues. Perhaps you can make a similar GIF avatar to order. We give you the opportunity create an animated avatar for free online and without registration in just a few clicks!

Don't trust anyone to create avatars when you can make an avatar yourself!


Here you will find over 70 avatar templates with cool effects. All of them can be easily applied to your photo. Imagine, the photograph scatters into tiny pieces, turns into a combination of zeros and ones like in the Matrix, or lights up on fire! You can even make yourself an avatar from the movie "Avatar"! :)

After applying the effect you like, the customization process begins. You can sign your avatar with blue glitter text. It shimmers on an animated avatar and becomes static on an avatar without animation. This way you can make an avatar with a name (nickname) or an avatar with an inscription. For the site, you can create an avatar from two photos or even from five, using avatar templates from the “Funny Slideshows” category. If you want to create an awesome joke with a facial photo, then choose templates from the “Animated Emotions” category. In just a few seconds you can bring a smile to the face of the person in the photo!

Advanced facial recognition technology allows you to create unique avatars. Just look at the animated effect of flying through your own eye!

Make yourself a cool, modern, bright and memorable avatar for free right now!

and today we continue to reveal the topic of an online store on VKontakte. From the title of the article you already understand what it’s about. we'll talk. Therefore, I propose to get straight to the point.


Many people underestimate this component of the community and put the picture first google pages search. But I wouldn’t recommend “scoring” because your avatar is the face of your business. Whatever you say, a person receives 70% of information through vision. You only have 3 seconds to grab the attention of a potential client.

What tasks does the avatar perform?

Attracts the user's attention (in the internal search of VK, in the section of its groups, in interesting pages);
- interests you with a unique selling proposition;
- informs about your contacts;
- encourages you to subscribe to community news.

For clarity, I decided to select three avatars of online stores, which, in my opinion, look just right.
...I wrote the previous message and went to look for communities. In the end, I scrolled through more than 70 communities and did not find a single perfect avatar. That’s why I’m attaching three avatars that I thought were good.

I don’t want to offend other online shopping communities. I understand that “there are no comrades according to taste and color.” But as an example, I want to add three avatars that I do not recommend using for your group.

First picture. In general, I like it, but there is not enough information about the online store itself.
Second picture. Too much text.
Third picture. Lots of elements and text that don't fit well together.

Again, this is my personal opinion and may not correspond to yours. Your community - your taste - your avatar.


I hope you understand the importance of a well-designed avatar, and therefore I want to draw your attention to three basic principles in design that I myself adhere to.

1. No composition - no design.
A design will appear cohesive only if all its elements are interconnected, fit together and are subordinated to one idea.

2. Color theory
The perception of an image is largely determined by color. It conveys the mood, gives meaning to the form, makes it expressive. The main thing is not to use more than three different colors. Below I have added pictures with color guidelines.

combine 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other
According to this cheat sheet, it turns out that red-violet is combined with yellow-orange and blue-green. If you move this triangle slightly counterclockwise by one position, it turns out that red is combined with yellow and blue. I hope you understand

3. Fonts
Just like color, letters have their own emotional connotation; their graphic design can enhance or weaken the meaning. transmitted message. The same rule applies to fonts - no more than three different fonts.

My favorite 3 fonts are: Century Gothic, Intro and Bebas Neue.


A good specialist is not so easy to find. But if you put in a little effort, you can find a designer who will do everything well.Where can I find them?

1. On freelance sites, forums:

2. In VK communities for group design, design, smm:

3. Friends of friends. Here are 3 people I personally trust.

When choosing a designer, I would recommend focusing onprice of 500-2000 rubles.for the avatar. Of course, you can find both cheaper and more expensive. You must understand that a lot depends on the personal preferences and skills of the designer.

Regarding terms of reference- the most important thing, in my opinion:

  • describe your target audience in as much detail as possible
  • immediately show several examples of avatars that you like (preferably based on their theme)
  • name your preferences in style, colors, and general mood of the design.

Typically, designers have their own list of questions for which they collect necessary information. And yet, you shouldn’t expect designers to do what you want the first time. It's better to try to help him. Then you both understand what you want from each other. I make sure to prepare at least 3 examples of work that I like.


I made a simple avatar for a fictional online shoe store in literally 15 minutes. This is much better than the first image from Google. In order not to overpay designers, you can do it yourself. This is what I got without special effort and time consumption.

Unfortunately, the video could not be recorded due to technical problems, so I’ll try to describe step by step how to make such an avatar.

1. Create a working layer.
Open Photoshop -> press CTRL+N -> create a background with a size of 476x1064.

2. Find the picture.
We find in google images sneakers on request nike -> click right button mouse -> copy the image

3. Paste the image onto the working layer.
Go to FS -> press CTRL+V (sometimes the picture is not inserted the first time, so you will need to return to the search engine, copy and paste again)

4. Edit the size of the picture.
Press CTRL+T -> hold SHIFT + mouse and adjust the size from one corner to fit our layer

5. Adjust the layer to the background of the picture
Select the “rectangular area” tool -> select a small area below the sneaker -> press CTRL+T -> hold SHIFT and drag down with the mouse

6. Add the name of the store
Select the “text” tool (a message “apply changes” may pop up, click apply) -> select the area above the sneaker -> enter the text.

7. Add USP, contacts and call to action.
Select the “text” tool -> select desired area-> add text (don’t forget about the checkbox)

Probably all Internet users know what an avatar is and where it is used. Avatar, avatar, also avatar, ava, userpic - an image that personifies a specific Internet user, one might say, is his virtual embodiment.

Avatars are needed where communication occurs between people and it is necessary to identify each user personally. These are primarily forums, social networks, chats, blogs, instant messengers and similar services.

Just as in life each of us has a name, and we all differ from each other in appearance, so on the Internet we use nicknames and avatars for personalization. The only difference is that online you can choose any name for yourself and how you will look.

An avatar is a user’s face in the broad sense of the word; it is a way to express one’s individuality, views, interests, etc., to create one’s unique image.

How to create an avatar?

  • do it yourself
  • use sites that offer collections of ready-made avatars
  • order a specialist
  • use online service s

Standard sets of avatars for the forum do not suit everyone. Not everyone wants to do it themselves, and not everyone knows how to use graphic editors. Collections of ready-made avatars are often repeated from site to site, and you need to spend time before you come across something original. By ordering an avatar from specialists, you will receive a high-quality userpic, although you will spend a little money (making an avatar costs from several hundred rubles).

Creating an avatar in online services also has its own characteristics. All services have one purpose: to give the user the opportunity to create an avatar themselves, online and for free. But the creation process itself is different. Some services allow you to use and edit your images, which you need to upload from your computer. You can cut and install right size uploaded picture, and then apply different filters (effects) to it to get your own unique avatar.

Another way to create an avatar is to use an online designer, where the avatar is assembled by selecting and combining various ready-made elements that make up the image.

An excellent example of this method is the online service for creating personalized avatars FaceYourManga. This free online avatar maker allows you to make almost a self-portrait. You can choose a hairstyle, clothes, accessories, as well as choose the shape of the face, eyebrows, nose, etc., add freckles, a mole and even a third eye. They make very funny avatars!

The service offers a variety of blanks, which can be combined to create different images and, if desired, achieve resemblance to a real prototype. Try it!

Create an avatar in online constructor

Creating an avatar in the online designer is very simple, you only need to go through 3 steps:

  • Tune appearance your avatar
  • Specify email address
  • Receive an avatar in an email

FaceYourManga - easy and quick way create an avatar for free and without registration!

To create an avatar in the FaceYourManga online constructor, go to the service website, click on the button CREATE!, two gender selection buttons will appear in front of you Male And Female(who doesn’t know, male and female, respectively), click on the one you need.

A designer window will open in front of you, in which there is a toolbar on the right, and a preview form on the left, where the result of your actions is displayed during editing. Start creating your avatar! Choose the shape and features of the face, hairstyle, clothes, accessories to your taste.

The toolbar consists of 10 main categories, some of which contain their own submenus. For example, eyes consist of 2 elements: the shape of the eyes and the eyebrows. If a color picker appears below the preview window, it means you can change the color of the selected element. Some design elements can be moved up and down (arrows labeled MOVE), thereby defining for him best position. The area of ​​movement is limited: if it is the nose, it is clear that it cannot be moved to the forehead :)

In the section FACE we create “our” face: facial oval, facial wrinkles, freckles and moles, mustache, beard, temple shape.

  • On the menu EYES choose eyes and eyebrows
  • NOSE select the avatar's nose
  • MOUTH- mouth and lips
  • EARS- ears
  • HAIRS– hairstyle
  • CLOTHES– We select clothes for ourselves: torso, shirts, caps, etc.
  • STUFF– accessories: choose glasses, earrings, tattoos, etc.
  • B.GROUND- select the background

MAKEUP- applying makeup, you can powder the created face with powder of a wide range of colors.

If you like the created image, click the button FINISH, and in the window that opens, confirm your choice by clicking on Ok.

You can take an unlimited number of images for yourself and your friends. The service allows you to customize and change avatars whenever you need.

Hello dear blog readers website. Once again, congratulations to everyone on your graduation. But today I have prepared a lesson for you from which you will learn how to make an avatar using the GIMP graphics editor.

Avatar – a specially prepared image in a graphic editor or through an online service, which the user uploads as a distinctive sign to his profile when registering on a website or forum.

A good example would be an avatar in a popular social network"VKontakte",

where, in addition to your usual photo, any other image can be uploaded, for example a hero, from any computer game or video.

Currently exists huge amount sites and other web storages, where anyone can download for free any avatar you like. But probably not everyone knows that it can be easily do it yourself by using your imagination and using any graphic editor, For example photoshop or his GIMP. There is nothing complicated here. And to make sure of this, I bring to your attention my new simple lesson.

How to make an avatar in GIMP

Step 1. As always, first we open original photo, from which we are going to make an avatar. To do this, launch the editor and go to the “File – Open” menu and select the desired image in the dialog box that opens.

Step 2. Now that the photo has been uploaded, you need to crop it, i.e. remove unnecessary areas and leave only that part of the image that will be used as your avatar.

To do this, select the pose tool called “Crop” on the editor’s toolbar and select the desired area.

Now press “Enter” or LMB ( left button mouse) to use the tool.

Adding effects to a photo

Step 3. If you wish, you can sharpen the picture a little; to do this, go to the menu “Filters – Enhance – Unsharp Mask” and leave the default settings, click on “OK”.

Step 4. Now you need to create a new one transparent layer. To do this, go to the “Layer – Create Layer” menu or by clicking on the icon for creating a new layer.

and in the dialog box that opens, select a color. To do this, in the “HTML markup” field, enter digital code 40cdbb

Then paint the created layer with the selected color. To do this, simply drag a color from the palette onto the workspace or use the Fill tool.

Now set the layer's Blending Mode to Multiply. To do this, click on the “Normal” item and in the list that opens, select “Multiplication”

Then reduce the opacity of the current layer to 30-32%. To do this, simply move the opacity slider or see the numbers from the keyboard.

Step 5. Similar to the previous step, create a new transparent layer and fill it with color (c7a599). Set the Layer Mode to Overlay. Opacity in in this case don't touch. She remains 100%.

Step 6. Now let's create a duplicate of the main layer. To do this, go to the bottom layer and click on the “Create a copy of layer” icon

Use the arrow icons to move this layer to the top. Change the layer's Blend Mode to Screen and Opacity to 60%.

Step 7 Now, as we already know, let’s create a new transparent layer on top of all existing ones and fill it with c7c299. Set the layer mode to "Diffused Light"

Step 8 Let's create another layer and fill it with 374976, select the layer blending mode "Overlay"

Resizing an Image

Very often avatars have their own certain parameters— fixed parameters of width and height, weight, etc. Such restrictions are imposed on them by the site or forum where you register. For example, on the LiveJournal network, the size of avatars is only 100 by 100 pixels. Thus, even at the framing stage we must create framing taking into account this important feature, i.e. make a square selection of the area.

Let's assume that for this example, we need make an avatar with a width of no more than 200 pixels. What are we going to do now? It’s all very simple. Go to the “Image – Image Size” menu and in the dialog that opens, set the desired value in the “Width” field, and “Height” will change automatically, depending on the aspect ratio of the image.

Click “Change”. Now all we have to do is save the finished avatar in in the required format(jpg or png).

Saving finished work

For GIMP 2.6.11 - To do this, go to the “File – Save As” menu and in the dialog box that opens, set the name and extension of the avatar.