VKontakte creation of a thematic community. How to create a group in contact to sell goods

How to make a VK group popular: step-by-step instruction on creating a group + 3 ways to make content unique + 4 main methods of promotion.

The VKontakte group allows you to unite a large number of users by interests.

This is a tool with which you can popularize ideas and lifestyle, as well as share your own creativity if you are an aspiring writer, musician, hair stylist, etc.

You can even make money by placing advertising posts if you gather many “live” participants in the community.

Find out, how to make a VK group popular and attract maximum amount users.

1) How to create a group on VK and make it popular: 4 steps

Obviously, before you promote a group, you need to create it. If you already own a public page, feel free to skip it this section. And for those who are still at the very beginning of their journey, we suggest you carefully study these step-by-step instructions.

Step 1.

Go to “Groups” and click on the “Create Community” button.

Step 2.

We come up with a name and determine the theme. It is important that the “name” of the community contains a keyword by which it can be found in a search.

The main difference between a group and a public page is that the latter’s posts are visible to absolutely all VKontakte users. But the group can be made closed or private. Then its contents will be available only to participants.

PS. You can also choose the "event" format if you want to spread the word about an upcoming concert, festival, etc.

About additional features groups, public pages and events can be read here: https://vk.com/page-64975608_48466494

Step 3.

Choose a stylish photo that reflects the theme of the group.

*Crib sheet for choosing cover size

It is also important to make a short but meaningful description to attract readers.

Step 4.

Ready! Click on your avatar and add a photo. You can also click the “three dots” button in the left corner and the group management menu will open.

The picture above is the cover we chose in the previous paragraph.

2) How to create popular and unique content for your VK group?

Next important step, without which we won’t figure out how to make a group on VK popular: it needs to be filled with thematic information.

The simplest and quick way– copy posts from similar communities, but this approach will make you only “one of.” But to create unique content you'll have to work hard.

In a group you can:

Publish in your VK group interesting materials that a person would like to repost and save on his page:

  • collections of books on popular topics(self-development, startups, health);
  • lists of useful mobile applications;
  • lists of sites with free online courses;
  • selections of videos from TED conferences;
  • tops (“top 5 products for healthy skin”, “top 7 romantic comedies”);
  • posts with links to your previous articles in the public.

Where can I get pictures for a VKontakte group to make it popular?

Collections from beautiful pictures always attract readers, collect a lot of likes and reposts, which allows you to make the VK group popular.

To avoid violating copyright, you need to use free stock photos. There are not so few of them, and there you can find a large number high-quality photos. All you need to do is go to a stock photo site and enter a keyword that describes the picture.

In order to make beautiful collections, use popular stocks:

  • https://unsplash.com
  • https://www.pexels.com
  • http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com

How to increase the audience for a VKontakte group and thereby make it popular?

When to publish posts for the VK group?

To make your VK group popular, publish posts daily on certain time.

In the media sphere, there is the concept of “prime time” - this is the most convenient time for a person to listen to a radio station or watch a TV channel.

Well, you and I have to determine when greatest number people are browsing news feed in contact with. To do this, it is important to study your target audience.

For example, schoolchildren and students often open their pages on social networks after studying at 16:00 and before going to bed at 22:00. Those who are a little older check their accounts during the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00.

On the infographic green highlighted best time for publishing posts, red, respectively, is the worst.

Also, you shouldn’t update your group’s wall on VK. exact time, for example at 12:00 or 18:00. Because large popular public pages will do this with you, and users may simply not notice your post.

3) 4 best methods on how to make a VK group popular

Here we come to the answer to main question, how to make a group on VK popular.

In order to do so, it is necessary to disseminate information about the community as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through advertising and sending messages.

a) Advertising on VKontakte.

b) Contextual advertising in search engines will help make your VK group popular.

In this case, the group needs to come up with correct name, which would specifically describe. For example, “Nail salon in Moscow”, “High-quality furniture in Kazan”, “Children’s toys”, etc.

It is important to note that here you pay for each link click. Thus, the minimum order amount ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, while the rate per “click” starts from 30 kopecks.

c) Advertising a VK group in another community.

Choose a popular community with big amount views of posts, likes and reposts. Also keep in mind that his topic should be similar to yours.

Often, administrators publish the price list for advertising on their page (in the “information” section or in the discussion form).

The video below shows an example of how it works popular program Vkinformer message mailings ( https://k-informer.ru/).

The license is paid, but you can create your first free newsletter in a two-hour test mode.

d) Sending out advertising messages for joining the VKontakte group.

Send private messages to users inviting them to join your community. You can do this manually or use special programs mailings.

Summarize: in order to make the VK group popular- you need to create an interesting and quality content, and then take care of its promotion.

Such a community with a large number of participants allows its owner to earn money without leaving home by selling goods or placing advertising posts.

And tell me how to create a group on VKontakte. On the one hand, creating a group on this social network is not particularly difficult, but for beginners our instructions will certainly be useful.

Why? Simply because we will explain step by step how to create a group on VKontakte. That is, it is clear and accessible. Since you are on this page of our website, you probably know that usually a group on VKontakte is a separate community of interests.

Creating a group in VKontakte

Let’s immediately answer one popular question about what kind of group you can create on VKontakte. You can create any group. The main thing is that she does not violate the rules of Contact. More precisely, so that you, as the creator, do not violate them. This is especially true for spam and invitations to new group members. For such violations, network administrators can not only close the group itself, but also delete your page. But let’s not think about sad things, let’s start creating our group in VKontakte!

In order for you to have the opportunity to create a group on VKontakte, your page must be linked to the number mobile operator, that is, to the SIM card number mobile phone. To start creating a group you need to follow the link "My Groups", which is located on your profile page.

Next you need to name the group. We advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reflect the essence of the group itself. This simple technique will increase the group’s audience and retain its members. After entering the name, press the button "To create a group«.

After this we get to the group creation page. Everything is simple here. We advise you to clearly describe the group, select suitable topic and group type. It is not necessary to indicate the website, as well as the country and city. The last two fields are needed rather to indicate the local location of the group, for example, if you want to promote a product in a specific city or country. True, often visitors to VKontakte groups do not look at this.

After you have selected all the necessary items, proceed to "Settings". There is a whole list of different blocks that are responsible for appearance, that is, for how the VKontakte group will look. We recommend turning it on various settings to see how the group's appearance will change.

Separately, we note that the main part of the group page is controlled by the setting "News on". Some users do not know how to make a VKontakte group menu. It is in this block that you can create a VKontakte group menu. News is main block, where all the helpful information. Let's go through the points of which settings are responsible for what in the group:

Here you can set the privacy settings for your group in contact with. If you want group users to add photos, videos, create albums, discussion topics, then we open access to certain group features; if not, then we limit the circle of those who can do this. Press the button " Save”.

Below are the settings that are responsible for displaying a particular block. And also for privacy and access to the group. Open access to such group settings as “Audio recordings”, “Photo albums”, “Videos” and “Discussions” will allow group visitors to independently create material that corresponds to the desired setting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We hope you were able to create a group on VKontakte. Having set the desired access level, save the settings and move on to the next chapter of our article.

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

We need to get into the newly created Contact group. To do this, click on the name of the group, as shown in the picture.

Immediately after this, we will be taken to the page for editing group data. If you did everything correctly before, then you don’t need to touch anything. The VKontakte group administrator has access to various management resources. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. It's best to start by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the points this menu to make it more clear:

Be sure to post pictures or even videos, this should help promote the group on VKontakte.

We are interested in the column "Latest news", start leading your group with them, filling them with several interesting news for users.

The following management resources are available to the VKontakte group administrator. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. In general, understanding how to make a VKontakte group popular comes with time, you just need to work on the group.

It's best to start by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it more clear:

  • “Edit information”—re-edit the group data.
  • “Edit Guide” - using this option, you can assign administrators and moderators of the group.
  • “Edit composition” - if you need to remove someone. A list of invited group members is available at this link.
  • “Invite to group” - distribution of invitations, as mentioned above, it’s better to start with friends.
  • “Group Statistics” is an informative link that will become most useful when the group grows.
  • “Leave the group” means saying goodbye to the group.
  • “Add to bookmarks” - if the “My bookmarks” option is enabled in your profile settings.

Be sure to post pictures or even videos when publishing news, this should help promote the group on VKontakte. We also recommend that you immediately add a main photo for your group. It must be attractive.

To make a VKontakte group popular, you need to interest a potential participant. To do this, we recommend posting not only interesting, informative and colorful news in the group, but also customizing the appearance.

In order to do beautiful group VKontakte set up your group using wiki markup. This is a special system from the Contact developers that will help make your group recognizable and attractive. Using this system, Group Members can create additional pages with backlinks. Wiki markup allows you to create a group menu, place photos and videos as needed.

We hope our instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte were useful. All you have to do is decide which group to create on VKontakte and make the group design attractive. Read website!

There is no Internet user who has not heard of the social network VKontakte. This is quite simple to explain - VKontakte allows you not only to communicate with friends, find like-minded people, watch videos and listen to music, but also create your own communities. Any VKontakte user can create their own community on a specific topic. Let's figure out how to create VKontakte communities?

How to create a VKontakte community?

The first thing we need to create a community is to enter your username and password and log in to your page. Next we go to the tab – "Groups".

At the top right of the page you will see a “Create a Community” tab. . After you click on it, a menu will appear in front of you:

The task before you is to decide on the exact name of the community and the category into which it can be classified. We will create a group with you. To do this, enter the name and click “create a community.”

So we need to fill in the following items menu:

  1. Group name. The information tab contains a field "Group name." We decided on it earlier, but we can always change it to something else.
  2. Page address. Contains a link to your community.
  3. Community Description. You should be responsible when filling out this field. There are not only a number of users who like to read the description of the group, but also search engines. Thanks to your description, new users will be able to find groups from such search engines as Yandex and others. So, let's create a community description.

Here is an example made in a couple of seconds. Be as responsible as possible when filling out this field!

  1. Community topic. Why do we need to fill in this field? Each VK community has a specific topic, which is taken into account when searching. If we decide to create a group “”, it is not advisable to choose the topic “Cooking” or “Sports”. The ideal option is “Entertainment”.
  2. Web site. If you have a website, you can provide a link to it. All users in your group will be able to switch to it after your visit. We do not have a website, so we will leave this field blank.
  3. Location. In the location, you can specify the country, city, and even the street where they are located.
  4. Wall. As we remember on the wall, group administrators can create any messages. In some groups, users themselves can leave posts.

There are several options "Walls": off, open, limited and closed. We choose the limited option. IN in this case Only group administrators can write and post on the wall, and any participant can comment on them.

  1. Videos. Video recordings can also be open, restricted, or turned off. Just as in the previous case, we choose the limited option. This includes audio recordings, documents, discussions and photographs.

So, in our community only we can add any information, and other users can only comment on it.

  1. Group type. The last field is “Group Type”. IN open group Any user can join. Private - you can invite users or confirm applications. And in private group You can join only after your invitation.

Our new group will be open. We don’t need the remaining tabs yet - click "Save".

This is what our group looks like:

Now our task is to fill the group and attract new users to it. Don't think it's pretty simple work. To begin with, you can invite all your friends to your community, but it is unlikely that at least 50% of users will confirm your application. Therefore, many administrators advertise their community in other groups and resources.

Filling out a group is also quite a difficult job. Every day we need to create new ones interesting posts and discussions. At the same time, you should not forget to monitor the group’s attendance. To do this, go to the “Community Statistics” tab and look at the indicators.

As we see on this moment mine new group visited by one unique user.

Populating a group

The first thing we will make for you is a group avatar. To do this, click “Upload photo” and enjoy the result.

Similarly, we upload music, videos, documents and create discussions.

When filling out text posts, you should pay attention to their uniqueness. If your group consists entirely of non-unique content, it will not be able to become successful and popular.

A group in contact can be anything. This could be a store, media, personal blog or just a community of interests. If you plan to sell goods and services or just want to create your own community, then you definitely need to start groups on social networks.

First, we’ll figure out how to create a VKontakte group, and then you can choose for yourself required format communities.

There are 3 of them on VKontakte:
1. Group
2. Public page (public)
3. Event

Go to your page and look at the menu on the left. Find “groups”. If there is no such item, then move the mouse over “my page” so that a gear-shaped icon appears and click on it.

Check the box next to the group and click the “save” button. Now in the left menu you will see new section“groups”, click on it.

In front of you you will see a list of all the groups to which you are subscribed #1. On the tab under number 2 you will see all the groups that you manage.

That is, all the pages that you have created or to which you have access as an administrator or moderator will be visible here. More on this below.

2. Create a VKontakte group

Click on the “create community” button. Come up with a name for your new group.

The name should clearly reflect the essence of your community. You will be found in searches by name, this will allow your community to receive free subscribers and clients.

Group names are very well indexed by search engines. Free traffic will also come from there.
Now you need to decide on the look.

Group– suitable for communities where active activities are planned. For example, you need to create many different topics and discussions. Groups are somewhat similar to forums, in which there are many different threads and discussions. If you are planning to do closed community, then you will need to select a group. IN public pages there will be no such opportunity.

Public page (public)– suitable for quickly sharing news. Great for blogs, media, business, entertainment. Most communities choose this format for its simplicity and convenience.

Event– suitable for organizing meetings, concerts and other events that should take place on a specific date.
Select the topic as accurately as possible and click on the “create community” button. If your topic is not on the list, then choose a similar one.

Define the page type. I put – organization or website. Don’t forget to check the box and click on the “create page” button.

Congratulations! Your first group has been created, now you need to make it presentable.

3. Setting up a VKontakte group

You are now in the administrative part of your group. From here you can set up and design the community. These settings are only available to you for now.

You can change your name at any time. But you shouldn't do this too often. VKontakte also doesn’t like it when a community works on one topic and then abruptly switches to another. For this you can get the group blocked.

This line can be edited. Remove all numbers and letters and write with Latin letters any name. If it is free, then it will be yours.

Community Cover – The cover must be 1590x400 pixels in size. Try to choose a high-quality picture, people love high-quality and beautiful pictures!

You can make such covers yourself or order them from freelance designers. If you don’t have money, you can pick up a picture from the Internet. Or you can make the cover using .

Just change right size. That's exactly what I did for this example. Click “upload” and select the prepared image. Click “save and continue.”

The foundation date may not be set. She takes extra space and doesn't make any sense.

Let's move on to the “sections”. Select necessary points, which will be displayed in the community in the right column.

Photo albums. Suitable for those who plan to add a lot of photos. For example, if you work with flowers, you can upload pictures by category.

Audio recordings. You can upload entire albums of music and it will be available to your subscribers. All bands do this.

Discussions. Allows you and your subscribers to create and participate in discussions on various topics.

Activity. Allows you to schedule some kind of event for your subscribers.

Places. You can put a GEO tag. For example, you created a group for a business that is located in your city. You can add an address to this label where customers can find you.

Contacts. If required, you can indicate your contacts so that people can contact you by writing in private messages or by email.

Main block. Select the main section, which will not be in the right menu, but on the main page. Usually there are goods there.

Goods. If you plan to sell goods or services through VKontakte, then check the box. Additional settings will open in front of you.

In which you can specify the delivery region, currency and contacts to contact you. Click on “save”.

Let's go to the “comments” tab.

Leave a checkmark if you want subscribers to be able to comment on your posts and news. If you don't want to follow comments, turn them off.

Section “Participants”. Here you will see all your subscribers.

Leaders. In this section you can add assistants who will fill the community useful content, answer questions and keep order. Such people are also called “helpers”.

Be careful when choosing your credentials! By appointing a person as an administrator, he will have control over your group. Appoint as administrators only those people you trust 100%!

Black list. Here you can add all spammers and other unwanted people. Hand out “bans” to all the impudent people! By blacklisting a person, he will never be able to see posts in the community or leave comments again.

Messages. By connecting messages, your subscribers will be able to write to you directly from the group. It is very convenient if you need to quickly answer customer questions and process incoming requests.

By checking the “add to” left menu”, the group will be displayed on your page in the left menu. This is very convenient for moving from your page to a group and back.

We will return to the application section a little later, but for now our group is ready to work, let's start filling it out!

4. Forming a VKontakte group

Go to home page groups. You can find it in the left menu or in groups.

Let's add an avatar. Choose a square photo for your avatar.

The photo should be clear and reflect the essence of your group. When you add news, all subscribers will recognize your group by this small image.

Let's pay attention to the menu on the right. All the extensions that we specified in the “sections” appeared there. You can always disable unnecessary ones. Now you can fill in the sections. Photos, videos, music, products, topics for discussion, etc.

Add a product. We select the appropriate category for our product. We write down the name and description. In the description, try to describe your product or service in as much detail as possible.

We upload several photos from different angles if required. You can get by with just one photo. We indicate the price and click “create product”. There can be as many goods as you like.

You should not have any difficulties filling out other sections; everything is very simple and clear.

5. Live broadcasts in the VKontakte group

VKontakte has the opportunity to conduct live broadcasts with your subscribers. This is very convenient if you are engaged in online training or broadcast other information.

To start a broadcast, click on “add video” and select “create broadcast”.

To broadcast from a computer, you will need special software. If you want to broadcast from your phone, then install a special mobile application.

VK Live for Android
VK Live for iOS

6. Add a VKontakte entry

Let's post our first entry in the group. To do this, you must prepare text, photos or videos in advance.

Click on the “what’s new” section and write any text. If you have large text, then divide it into paragraphs, it’s easier to read, especially from a phone.

Now add to the text a beautiful photo on the topic of your community. Always remember that beautiful pictures evoke more emotions.

Click on the camera icon and upload a picture from your computer.

If you want to make changes, click on the 3 dots next to the entry and select “edit”.

7. Create a VKontakte poll

You can create a poll for a post. A cool feature that allows you to engage your audience more.

Click on the “more” button and select “poll”.

Ask an interesting poll and place the answer options, click “save”.

8. Set a timer for recording

Another useful thing in creating themes is a timer. The timer allows you to release pre-planned posts to a group in specified time. You can download in one day different topics a week or even a month in advance.

The timer will be available in a post that has not yet been published. Create new topic, insert text, add a photo, then tap “more” and select “timer.”

Now all you have to do is set the desired date and time and click on the “queue” button. The same should be done with the rest of the entries.

9. VKontakte community statistics

In the upper right corner there is a menu from which you can always get to the settings of the group where we were originally located. It's called “community management.”

There is also a number of useful functions. For example, statistics. Click on it and you will be taken to a new section.

Here you can watch the growth and activity of your group. See the daily reach of your posts.

Knowing the gender and age of your audience will make it much easier for you to communicate with them. If the audience is an adult, then there is no need to show them pictures with “stupid” humor.

This audience is very valuable and needs to be given useful content.

See what cities and countries your subscribers are from.

Analyze which posts get more shares and likes. This will help you better understand what exactly your people like.

9. How to transfer a group to public and back

If for some reason you suddenly want to transfer a public to a group or vice versa, you can do this in the main menu. Just click on “transfer to group”.

Before translating, please note a number of changes you will encounter. Next time you can change only after 30 days.

10. How to create a VKontakte conversation

You can create your own chat on VKontakte. To do this you need:

1. Go to “messages” and click on the plus sign.

2. Tag friends with whom you want to communicate.

3. Enter the name of the chat and click “create conversation”. If desired, you can set a chat picture. Ready!

11. How to delete a VKontakte group

Once you have created a group, you can no longer delete it. The only thing you can do is remove all members from it and make it private.

Then disable the ability to add new topics and comments and unsubscribe from it yourself. In any case, the group will belong to you. By the way, an unlimited number of communities can be created.

12. How to create a VKontakte group from a phone or tablet

Create a group with mobile gadget, you can only if you go to full version VK website. IN mobile application there is no such possibility.

Open a browser on your phone or tablet and enter vk.com in the search bar, then log in to the site. I'll give you an example of how I do this from an iPhone.

Click on these 3 dashes and select “full version” in the drop-down menu.

Now you have access to all the settings as for the web version. Go to groups vk.com/groups and click “create community”. All settings are the same as we did above.

After you complete all the settings, you can install it on your phone or tablet additional application, especially for group administrators.

VK Admin for Android
VK Admin for iOS

The application is very convenient to reply to messages and view statistics.

13. Useful VKontakte applications (widgets)

Go to the main menu and select “applications”.

The list of applications in VK is constantly updated. I'll show you the most interesting ones.

When working with email, you will constantly have to deal with the fact that your letters will end up in the spam folder. This is excluded here. It is very good to sell through this tool. Anyone who has worked with email will appreciate this widget. Spam is strictly prohibited.

Widget in the community. This widget addresses the visitor who visited your group by name.

You can see how this works in the picture. I entered someone else’s group, and the widget immediately recognized me by first and last name.

Most people are surprised by this trick, start reading the text that is written there and happily do what they are asked to do. Be sure to use this tool in your community.


Creating a VKontakte group is very simple, follow these simple step-by-step instructions and you will not have any difficulties.

Design your community beautifully. Choose an attractive cover and avatar.

Make interesting posts and engage your followers in discussions using polls. The higher the activity in the community, the better your community ranks ( more people will see the entry).

Keep an eye on the statistics and start your group, and then from there.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I answer all comments!

01.12.14 105.4K

Social networks are a real phenomenon that has exploded the Internet and become significant part the lives of many people. Without a high-quality representation of your personality online, it is very difficult to achieve success in your career, especially if your job requires you to work with people. Many people say that if a person is not on a social network, then he is not at all, and there is some truth in this.

VKontakte is, if not “our everything,” then, at least, joy and pride. Domestic social network is the largest in Europe and highly rated in the rest of the world.

Constant improvements and work on bugs allow us to attract more and more new users, and VKontakte receives about 70 million people per day:

One of the most powerful tools Groups perform on VKontakte. More and more users prefer them over websites. Why this happens, how to competently use the capabilities of a social network and how to promote a group on VKontakte will be discussed in this article.

What is a group

The VKontakte group offers the following main features:

  • Create discussions. Depending on the rules established in the group, new topics can be proposed by members or the administrator.
  • Adding photos, audio and video. Such materials must correspond to the theme of the group ( or should not, if the administrator allows).
  • Messages on the "wall". Active discussions do not only develop in discussions. The reason could be someone's post, picture or video.

How to create a VKontakte group?

It takes very little time for you to have your own group. To begin, you should visit the “My settings” section and check the “My groups” checkbox so that it appears in the menu:

After this, the corresponding item appears in the menu:

Go ahead and click " Create a community»:

Enter the name, select the community type “Group" and create:

Now you can set required settings and the group is ready:

The group owner has access to various management tools and statistics. Are there also elements with which basic promotion of groups is carried out?

Why are groups needed?

People can have a wide variety of ideas when creating their own thematic community. You can try to make money or just lead a group “for the soul”. Let's consider the main goals of creating a VKontakte group.

  • To gather “kindred spirits”. No one has yet canceled the feeling of boredom and despondency, so it is useful to have a company of like-minded people on hand. If they could not be found in real life, then it’s worth trying in virtual;
  • For online display of real group unit. A class at school, a team at work, a club of oil rig owners - they would all benefit from being connected to a social network. This will give you more opportunities, and in general will make life much easier;
  • Content generation. This point already implies mercantile interests. Instead of using expensive ( or cheap but of poor quality) with the services of copywriters, you can simply create a new discussion in which group members will express many interesting thoughts;.
  • Group as an alternative to the site. For the owner of a thematic community, the possibilities in this regard are practically unlimited. I want to create news portal- no question, you need an online store - no problem: products and descriptions for them can be placed in photo albums and the “hottest” items can be displayed on the wall.

Inconveniences can only arise when advertising, but even in this case there are enough wide range opportunities.
  • Targeted ads. This type of advertising consists of small banners placed on social network pages. Ads are offered only to the group of users determined by the advertiser;
  • Posts in communities. VKontakte invites advertisers to place their ads in relevant groups;
  • Interaction through applications. VKontakte has a huge amount games and tests. Within these applications, you can place an offer to follow a link to an external resource;
  • Selling mercilessly. If the group has an impressive number of participants and has development prospects, then you are guaranteed a long line of buyers;
  • Help your project. This section should be given special attention.

Project development using groups

Promotion of a group in VKontakte can only act as part of the work on your own resource. Opening offices on social networks is an important part of promotion. Let's consider the main advantages of this approach.

  • Good source of traffic. It is worth noting that in this case we can talk specifically about the target audience. After all, only interested people will agree to join a group that matches the theme of your site;
  • Opportunity to find out the opinions of visitors. Of course, research can be carried out directly on the pages of the site, but this is not always appropriate. The format of the VKontakte group allows you to harmoniously conduct surveys of participants, thus obtaining valuable information:

  • A good addition to the functionality of the site. If the main resource does not offer to buy anything, then the VKontakte group can take on this task. In this regard, the thematic community is limited only by the imagination of the owner;
  • You can promote not a specific site, but a specific topic. Sometimes users do not visit the pages of a resource not because it is bad, but because the site is not popular enough. A group on a social network will help fix this;
  • A good opportunity to find employees. If you feel that you can no longer cope with a rapidly growing project and need help, then thematic group– this is a good source of potential employees;
  • Obtaining statistical information about participants. It is important to understand who is interested in your topic, because it may turn out that one the target audience, but it turned out completely different.

Promotion of the VKontakte group

Before opening a representative office on your VKontakte website, you need to think about how to promote the group. After all, without an impressive number of participants, a thematic community will be ineffective.

First of all, you should think about optimization. For proper execution this stage Some guidelines need to be followed.

  • Use keywords in the group name. The ship is sailing as it is called, and users will find your community by certain requests. In order to do right choice, you need to analyze your subject area and form the most suitable name;
  • Write your description correctly. By analogy with tag Description, it is worth using direct and indirect occurrences keywords. Search engines must receive the necessary data to display in the top, and visitors quickly understand what we are talking about;
  • Ensure unique content. This point is important for both search robots, and for people. Nobody wants to read again what they have already seen somewhere, and a joke told a second time is no longer a joke. Search engines “spit” on plagiarists and “demand” to meet the standards of uniqueness.

It is also worth remembering that the group must be active throughout the day. That is, if you have a certain amount of information, then you need to distribute it evenly in order to achieve multiple visits.

It is also worth stimulating all sorts of activities within the group: adding new discussions, polls, events. The more movement the better.

The main goal of promoting a group is to attract new people. Let's consider the main ways to solve this problem.

  • Invite people yourself. Brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles will gladly (or not) support a relative, and friends will not stand aside either. When these niches are exhausted, you can start looking for completely strangers who might be interested in your project. It is worth noting separately that 16-year-old Katya Glamurova is unlikely to join the group “ All about compressors”, so it is necessary to filter possible participants. Unfortunately, the daily number of invitations is limited (no more than 40);
  • Search for similar communities. Your potential members have already been snapped up by other groups, but nothing prevents a VKontakte user from joining you, so cooperation between thematic communities is a mutually beneficial activity. The main thing when choosing is to match the topic and enough high quality groups (regular updates, less advertising, constant increase in participants);
  • Long live spam. Popular community With open comments- it’s just some kind of market where everyone shouts: “ oh, what a delicious group, I could eat it myself!" This irritates many visitors, but some are overcome with curiosity. In addition, you can write personal messages asking to join the thematic community, but their number is again limited. It is worth noting that spam in a blatant and undisguised form will certainly lead to a ban, and no one wants that. To avoid this outcome, you should constantly change the text of invitations. Increasing the number of group members using spam is a method that requires a significant investment of time, so you need to carefully weigh everything before resorting to it;
  • Use other sites and social networks to attract participants. VKontakte is not the only social network in which you should be represented. If a group is an element of website promotion, then all the “branches” of your information resource should be connected to each other and advertise each other. You can also place links on other sites, but this is most likely a paid pleasure;
  • enjoy software. It is worth stopping at this point and explaining it in more detail.

Programs for promoting VKontakte groups

Software assistance in promoting a group can be very diverse. Let's look at some of the opportunities that robots open up for us.