Close output through port 8612. Close open port

How to close tcp port?

Master's answer:

TCP protocol- this is the standard for exchange various information between personal computers. In operating systems, protocols and information exchange are enforced by a firewall called a firewall. This is a program that can test the status of an exchange area, or port. By using rules, you can control the exchange of information through any specific port.

Once you open the Start menu on your desktop in the lower left corner. Select the “Control Panel” tab and launch the “Firewall” option. If you have downloaded a view for various categories of actions, click on the “System and Security” link. After opening the settings page, click on “Firewall” to load the program window. This algorithm of actions is used if the Windows 7 operating system is used.

Next, you need to click on the link “ Additional options"in the column on the left of the page. After the User Account Control Center window loads, you will need to confirm your intentions and enter the administrator password.

Then, you will need to click on the line “Rules for incoming connections” in the new window on the left. After these actions, a list appears necessary rules and applications to them. Click on the inscription “Create a rule”, it is located in the upper right part of the window. Next, the wizard dialog will load to create rules for working with the firewall.

Then, you will need to check the “For port” line and click “Next”. Then check the “TCP Protocol” item on the next page that loads at the top, and at the bottom of it enter the port number whose availability you want to limit. Then click on the “Next” button.

You need to check the box next to “Block connection” and click “Next”. In the next window, you will need to check three boxes: public, private, domain, so that the rule you created will work for all types of connections. To go to next page settings, you must click on the “Next” button.

Now, you need to give the rule you created a name, such as "Port 88", so that you can easily find it if needed. You can add a description if necessary. Click the “Done” button. The process of creating an inbound connection rule is now completed successfully.

If you repeat these steps, starting with the third and ending with the sixth point, then you will block outgoing connections and close the tcp port. The only difference will be that you will need to click on the “Rules for outgoing connection” link. After this, you need to close the settings window and restart your computer. Now this rule can work successfully.

By default, the Windows operating system has several open ports that are used for different network protocols. In most cases, these protocols and their associated ports and Windows services are absolutely not needed - one standard TCP/IP protocol is enough to work on the Internet. In addition, some open ports make the computer vulnerable to hacker attacks. This article explains how to disable unnecessary open ports in Windows XP.

In order to find out which ports are open, you will need the FPORT console program, which can be downloaded, or the TCPView program (you can download it), or the CurrPorts program (download).

After unpacking the FPORT program, the fport.exe program file should be placed in the directory with the operating system (for example, C:\WINDOWS), and now you can call this program by creating a shortcut with the parameter cmd /k fport or entering this sequence cmd commands/k fport in the program launch window (Start --> Run). Here the command processor (cmd) is called with the /k parameter, this parameter specifies command processor Do not close your window after executing the fport.exe program.

By running the fport.exe utility, you can see a list of open ports:

FPort v2.0 - TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper Copyright 2000 by Foundstone, Inc. Pid Process Port Proto Path 756 -> 135 TCP 4 System -> 139 TCP 4 System -> 445 TCP 404 -> 1028 TCP 404 -> 123 UDP 0 System -> 123 UDP 0 System - > 137 UDP 0 System -> 138 UDP 756 -> 445 UDP 4 System -> 500 UDP 0 System -> 1900 UDP 4 System -> 4500 UDP

These are typical open ports on a newly installed Windows XP SP3 operating system.

These open ports can also be shown by the TCPView program:

And the CurrPorts program:

Port assignment

  • 123 - Network Time Protocol (NTP) - synchronizes the computer clock.
  • 135 - Remote call procedures (RPC).
  • 137 - NetBIOS - Protocol for working with local network- (netbios-ns service - NETBIOS naming service).
  • 138 - NetBIOS - Protocol for working with a local network - (netbios-dgm service - NETBIOS datagram service).
  • 139 - NetBIOS - Protocol for working with a local network - (netbios-ss service - NETBIOS session service).
  • 445 - TCP/IP - MS Network access(microsoft-ds service).
  • 500 - IPSec (VPN tunneling) - Internet Key Exchange (IKE).
  • 1028 is a port dynamically allocated by the Windows operating system; for this, ports with numbers greater than 1024 are used.
  • 1900 - UPnP.
  • 4500 - IPSec (VPN tunneling) - NAT traversal.

IN in this example To work on the Internet, you only need one port - 1028 with the TCP protocol. Other ports can be disabled.

Disabling open ports

To disable ports 123, 135, 138, 139, 445, 500, 1900 and 4500 you will need the PORTS OFF program, which can be downloaded. This program allows you to disable both unnecessary ports and unnecessary services - Remote registry(Remote Registry Service) and Messenger Service (Messenger).

The program is intended for the operating room Windows systems XP/2000/2003.

How to use the PORTS OFF program.
Having set the necessary switches to the OFF position, you should click the Apply button, after which you will need to restart the computer for the changes to take effect. After the first use of the program, the settings associated with ports 135, 137-139 and 445 will be saved and, if necessary, they can be easily restored (the Restore Default buttons are for this purpose).

With the ports disabled, the computer is protected from hacker attacks and worms and viruses. It should be noted that if port 123 is disabled system time on the computer will need to be adjusted manually, so this port can, in principle, be left open or used for time synchronization of some kind third party program, for example, NIST, which can be downloaded. For synchronization internal clock this computer console program should be launched with the following parameters:

nist.exe -s

Here is the name of the exact time server (you can use another server, for example,;
-s is a parameter that tells the program to synchronize the computer's system clock.

To avoid typing these commands every time, you can make a shortcut to launch the NIST utility:

The shortcut parameters are selected as follows ( cmd.exe /k nist.exe -s) so that the console output window does not close after execution.

How to close ports?

Surely, if you have passed any computer security test on open ports, then you noticed that your system has one or more open ports. In this article we will try to explain to you how to behave in such a situation and what measures you need to take.

Before closing any of the ports, you need to make sure that it is actually open. But check the vulnerability of your computer using online tests available on various websites dedicated to computer security, such as our website. (You can check this at the link -) The next thing you need to do is find out if the port is being used by any program or system in order to choose the most convenient option for removing it - this information is located on the page called - “ Open ports» Your security system. If you notice that a particular application is using a port, and you want to prevent it from using that port, then you will need to create a rule specifically for that application. If the port is open by the system or it is difficult for you to find out which program is opening the port, it is possible close the port globally. BUT it should be understood that sealing the port for the entire system may entail negative consequences, as some legitimate online activity may also be blocked. Also, in order to identify applications that open ports, you always have the opportunity to use the list of the most commonly used system and Trojan ports.

First and the simplest option is to shut down programs or services that use these ports, that is, they open them. As a rule, these are from 135 to 139, as well as 445. Such manipulation can be done manually, but this requires specific knowledge and abilities. To simplify this goal a little, we advise you to use such a small program as Windows Worms Doors Cleaner, which weighs only 50kb. After installing and opening it, you will only need to click the buttons labeled Disable and Close, and then restart your computer. As a result, all indicators should turn green, which will mean that the ports we need are now closed. This method will help you seal only a few ports and will in no way replace installing a Firewall.

If we talk about the second option, then this is installing the Firewall program and creating certain rules for sealing ports. Which firewall to choose is up to you and no one else to decide. Nowadays there are a huge number of them.

Created 04/04/2012 10:33 with the help WWDC - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner, and in Skype Dear readers! Of course, you all know the concept of a Trojan virus. Trojan virus is malicious software, which without the owner's knowledge personal computer can provide access to his data or at a specific address send your personal information. In order for the Trojan program started its work, certain ports .

What's happened computer ports? Port is a special tool for programs that work directly with Internet access. Thus, if your computer is not protected, then every program installed on your computer, and even more so a Trojan, will be able to open the port it needs. It is through this port that your data is accessed and sent to a specific address. In the same way, any external program can connect to any port on your computer. For example, they may give you a Trojan program that will open on your computer port, through which you can calmly carry all your important information.

To prevent this from happening, you must use programs that are designed to closing unused ports and to prevent unauthorized access. Such programs are called Firewalls. You can also avoid this situation using a special WWDC programs - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner, which will close unused and dangerous ports. And there is also a special 2ip, where you can check Is your computer safe?

In this lesson I will try to explain in detail how check And close ports. I'll take you to special service, where you can check the security of your computer and where you need it download WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. With her help we will close ports, but first you need to check your computer for security.

So here's the lesson:

How check computer security 2ip

  • 1. First, launch the program Skype. For what? Then you will understand. Next, go to the service, then click on horizontal menu"Tests". A page has opened on which you need to find “Security of your computer” in the list, click.

  • 2. On this page we will check your computer for security. Click on the button " Check". Clicked? Now wait until the system checks completely. Oops, your computer is in danger!!! What to do? Don’t be alarmed, look at point (3.).

  • 3. If the service showed a bad response, then you need to do the following steps: Open Skype, and in the top horizontal tab click “Tools”, then “Settings”, then the settings window will open Skype programs. In the left column of the menu, select the “Advanced” tab, then “Connection”, click.

  • 4. Here in the line "Use ports 80 and 443 as...", uncheck the checkbox. And at the bottom you must click on the “Save” button, after which a message informer will open stating that all changes will be applied the next time you start Skype.

  • 5. You need to get out Skype. At the bottom of the notification area, click on the small Skype icon right click mouse and select "Exit Skype", click. In the next window, of course, click on the “Exit” button.

  • 6. You need to check for safety again, follow the path as in points (1. and 2.). Have you arrived? Well now let's check it out. Hooray! Your computer is safe. But my friends, that's not all, because you need download WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner from 2ip

Download WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. Install And check ports. How close ports?

  • 7. Download this program WWDC - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner from the service. We go to the service and in the horizontal menu click on the “Articles” tab. A page with a list opens, here you need to find “How close ports?", press.

  • 8. Here you can read an article about the WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. Have you read it? Now it's time for action. Look at the arrow, there is a link in the article, click on it. The service provides you with a file, and click on the “Save file” button.

  • 9. How to download WWDC- Windows Worms Doors Cleaner, open the folder with the file in the downloads, then run this program. Attention! WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner very small and it does not require installation. Open the file in two ways: either right-click to select "Open" or double click left mouse click on the file. After this, a window with a security warning will pop up, click on “Run”.

  • 10. And now the same WWDC program - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner - has opened in front of you. And if you find a red icon with a cross in the list, this means that your computer has open port. To close, you need to click on the "Close" button.

  • 11. The program will inform you that you should restart your computer. You will have to agree, and after opening the window again, click “OK”, then “Yes”. The computer will reboot itself.

  • 12. After reboot, check again, re-run WWDC - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. And what do we see? Everything is fine! Close it.
  • 13. I suggest you pin the WWDC - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner program to Start. Open the folder in which this program is located and right-click on it and select “Pin to Start Menu.” Ready!

  • Briefly about WWDC - Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. After each port closure the program will require you to restart your computer for the changes you made to take effect. As you can see in the picture, all the icons were green- this means that ports are closed, and if a red icon appears, proceed as I said above. Regarding Skype, the port is open by default, but you don't want your computer to be at risk. Even during conversations Skype with friends, the Trojans calmly pass through open port. If you don't know what Skype is, there's a tutorial here"

Yesterday, unknown people staged another massive attack using an encryption virus. Experts said that dozens of large companies in Ukraine and Russia were affected. The ransomware virus is called Petya.A (probably the virus is named after Petro Poroshenko). They write that if you create a perfc file (without extension) and place it at C:\Windows\, the virus will bypass you. If your computer reboots and starts “disk check”, you need to turn it off immediately. Booting from a LiveCD or USB drive will give you access to the files. Another method of protection: close ports 1024–1035, 135 and 445. We will now look into how to do this. Windows example 10.

Step 1
Let's go to Windows Firewall (it is better to choose the mode increased security), select the tab “ Additional options».
Select the tab " Rules for incoming connections", then the action " Create a rule"(in the right column).

Step 2
Select the type of rule - “ for Port" In the next window, select “ TCP protocol", indicate the ports you want to close. In our case it is " 135, 445, 1024-1035 "(without quotes).

Step 3
Select the item “ Block connection", in the next window we mark all profiles: Domain, Private, Public.

Step 4
All that remains is to come up with a name for the rule (so that it will be easy to find in the future). You can specify a description of the rule.

If some programs stop working or work incorrectly, you may have blocked the port they are using. You will need to add an exception for them in the firewall.

135 TCP port used by remote services (DHCP, DNS, WINS, etc.) and in Microsoft client-server applications (for example, Exchange).

445 TCP port used in Microsoft Windows 2000 and later for direct TCP/IP access without using NetBIOS (for example, in Active Directory).
