Beeline: USSD balance request. Beeline USSD commands

Having useful Beeline numbers at our disposal, we can manage your number directly from your phone without Internet access. And such opportunities are available to all subscribers of the black and yellow operator. In order for you to be able to take advantage of these opportunities, we have prepared this detailed review in which you will find information about all the useful numbers and commands of the Beeline operator.

The numbers and teams presented are divided into several categories:

  • Numbers for reference information;
  • Emergency numbers;
  • Numbers for balance management;
  • Numbers for managing your tariff plan and services.

It is in this order that we will give you all the useful information.

Helpful reference numbers

Beeline information and reference numbers will help you obtain reference information on many issues. The most important number that you need to write down in your phone book is number 0611, intended for dialing the Beeline help desk - with its help we can solve any problems arising with cellular communications. If you need to call the helpline from another mobile or landline phone, use the number 8-800-700-0611.

Do you want to receive information about online services online? Then use the free service number 0604. If you need information on infotainment services, then a special number 0605 works for you. And by using the number 0606, you can get information about all the new products in the field of tariffs and services.

Let's move on - next up is an information mini-portal on discounts in roaming. It is available at the short number 0676 - call it and get the opportunity to reduce your travel costs. If you just need to make a long-distance call, but you don’t know the code of a particular city, use the interactive directory at 065050.

Just in case, write down information number 068044 - it will help you protect yourself and your relatives from fraudulent activities.

Let's immediately look at the emergency numbers - these are 101 to call the fire department, 102 to call the police, 103 to call the ambulance and 104 to call the emergency gas service. If you are too lazy to remember the numbers or there is no connection, use the Unified Rescue Service phone number 112.

Balance control numbers

We have already reviewed useful Beeline information numbers, now it’s up to the numbers, related to the account, balance and possibilities at zero. The balance on Beeline is checked using a simple USSD command *102#. And to check the balance of included minutes and bonuses, use the commands *110*06#, *106#, *107# and *108#. By dialing 06409, you can find out the balance using another number.

Are you using a postpaid tariff plan? Then write the USSD command *110*04# into your phone - it will help you find out the amount to pay. Do you want to use the Mobile payment service? Then use the short number 0533. Here you can link a bank card to perform actions related to payment for various services.

Opportunities at zero

For general information about your options with a zero balance, call the short number 064012. Four services are available here:

  • "Trust payment";
  • “Top up my account”;
  • “The call is at the expense of the interlocutor.”

In order to use the “Trust Payment” service, dial the USSD command *141#. Get information about the amount of the trust payment you can use the command *141*7#. You can prohibit and allow receipt of payment by calling the help desk 0611. If there is no money in your account, but you need to urgently contact a specific subscriber, then write the USSD command *144*number# into your phone - with its help you can send a request call back as part of the “Call me” service.

By the way, you can block receiving such requests using the USSD command *144*0# (to re-enable, dial *144*1#). The “Top up my account” service will help you out at a time when you do not have access to payment terminals and other tools for making payments. Ask your friends or family to top up your account using the USSD command *143*number#.

As for the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service, to activate it, a special dialing syntax is used - 05050 number. For example, to make a call at the expense of a subscriber with the number +7-961-123-45-67, you should dial the number 050509611234567 and press the call button.

Numbers for managing services and tariffs

Useful Beeline numbers will give you the information you need and help you manage your number. For this purpose, the network operates a USSD portal *111#, which has enormous functionality. With its help, you can independently manage your services and tariff plan. Approximately the same opportunities are available via the short number 0674, which belongs to the voice interactive portal “My Beeline”. Next, you need to remember three very important commands:

  • *110*05# - this command will refresh your memory of the parameters of your tariff plan;
  • *110*10# - using this command you can clarify your number;
  • *110*09# - command to obtain information about connected paid services.

Be sure to write them down in your phone book. In conclusion, we will look at two more useful Beeline numbers - number 0603, which is used to manage the Black List service, as well as number 0717, with which you can get information about connecting and setting up the mobile Internet.

So, today we are going to learn how to call an operator using a short number. Beeline (cellular communications provider) has many, many such combinations, and this is the problem. There is a help desk, an operator, and a service that will answer a specific question (for example, regarding the Internet, communications, tariffs, and so on). In general, there are a lot of alternatives. In addition, you can set a ban on short numbers in your Beeline personal account. But you shouldn't do this. Thus, let's start studying our today's question as soon as possible. After all, there are quite a lot of points that are worth discussing.

Telecommunications operator

The first short one that we will consider is the one that is responsible for making a call to a cellular operator. It is this combination that in most cases solves communication problems and other issues.

If you want to call the operator, dial 0611 and press the call button on the phone. Now you can wait for an answer. True, this method is not particularly successful if you want to quickly contact an operator. The fact is that by using the Beeline short number 0611, you risk getting on an answering machine, then you will have to carry on a long conversation with a robotic voice to ask your questions and get answers to them. Thus, let's try to figure out how to contact the operator.

SMS center

Our mobile operator has a special service "Beeline". An SMS is sent to a short number by the client, after which it is processed. The result is independent connection/disconnection of mobile communication services and various additional packages of capabilities. That is, Beeline has a so-called SMS center. And, of course, there is a special number for him.

Do you want to activate the service yourself or refuse it? Then send an SMS with a specific command code to the Beeline short number 111, and then wait for the results. All SMS commands can be found on the official page of the mobile operator. There are quite a lot of them, it’s impossible to remember them all.

But our conversation does not end there. After all, there is still a fairly extensive range of numbers that will help you monitor the connected services, as well as control the funds on your phone. Let's find out the short reference number of Beeline. After all, it is he who is often used by clients for help and advice.


Of course, if you do not know the operation necessary to complete the request, then dial the Beeline short reference number. In truth, it is used as often as calling an operator directly.

Dial 0604 on your mobile phone, then click on the call button. You will be taken to the interactive directory of your mobile operator. Here you can disable Beeline short numbers, cancel connected services, and also start using new feature packages for your phone. As you can see, nothing difficult.

Another point to consider: if you make calls from a mobile phone using Beeline cellular communications, then all conversations with help services will be absolutely free. This simply cannot but please me. Thus, let's try to understand what other combinations can be used to get specific advice from a cellular operator, as well as solve problems related to the SIM card.

New opportunities

Also, for example, by dialing the short number of Beeline (operator), you can find out about all the new products that have appeared with this communication provider. Here are promotions, tariffs, opportunities, and service packages - in general, everything that a modern user might need. It is worth immediately taking into account one important fact - by using this Beeline short number, you will talk exclusively to the answering machine.

Dial 0606 on your phone and then wait for an answer. The robotic voice will tell you possible combinations that you will have to press during the conversation in tone mode to switch between the information you are interested in. So, for example, to find out about new tariffs, you will have to press “1”, about the Internet - “2”, and so on.

In fact, this service is very convenient and easy to use. After all, the recorded voice conveys absolutely all the information about new products in any language. True, the conversation can drag on for 5-10 minutes. A little advice: before making a call, just reserve some free time. And then there will be no problems.

For fun

In truth, there are a lot of different Beeline services and numbers. There are also services that will be happy to answer all your questions regarding entertainment services (like music instead of beeps, and so on).

Of course, there is also a special Beeline short number for this service. You just need to dial 0605 on your mobile phone, call it, and then ask your question. The operator (live, not an answering machine) will answer everything you ask. In cases where it does not service the question asked, you will be redirected to the service that deals with the issue. And everything will happen automatically. You will only need to wait a minute or two for the other operator to answer you.

As you can see, nothing difficult or special. Only the mobile operator also has such combinations that help to immediately send a request to the support center and respond via SMS or a message displayed on the screen.

Find out about your tariff

Well, sometimes customers just need to know the details of the connected tariff plan. Yes, you can go to the nearest cellular office and ask for details, and also view the information in your personal account. Only quite often there is either no time for this, or the place is not quite suitable (there is no computer at hand). Then the number *110*05# comes to the rescue, by which you will receive all the information about your tariff plan. As a rule, it has recently been sent by SMS message. True, sometimes this does not happen. Instead of messages, an answering machine will tell you everything verbally. Apparently it depends on the region of residence.

Discounts in roaming

Travelers can use a combination that will help them get some important information. In order not to think about how to find out the Beeline short number that answers the question about discounts in roaming, just dial 0676 on your phone and then wait for an answer.

The robotic voice will inform you about all new promotions and features that you can enable/disable while roaming. This is actually a very useful service, but it is not used very often. All due to ignorance of short reference numbers. Thus, as you can see, you can easily and simply obtain almost any information that concerns a cellular operator using various combinations on your mobile phone.


Of course, modern man cannot be imagined without the Internet. And that is why Beeline has a special service that answers questions about connecting/disconnecting the World Wide Web.

To get to this help desk, just dial 0717 on your phone and then wait a little. An operator will answer you, tell you about possible tariffs, and also help you connect to the Internet or refuse it. That's all. Today we learned about the most useful and popular Beeline short numbers that make life easier for subscribers.

Using the USSD request system, a mobile subscriber can track the status of the balance, the validity period of service packages and the balance of the tariff, disable and activate additional tariff options and services, as well as change the tariff plan.

To use USSD commands, just enter the corresponding code from the keyboard of your mobile device and send it using the “Call” key. USSD commands are not charged. Information on connection costs and terms and conditions for the provision of options, packages and services can be found on your operator’s website. In this example, we will look at the commands of the Beeline operator.

Basic USSD commands of Beeline

or *111# ;

  • : *110*10# ;
  • : *102# .
  • Additional commands

    • Find out the balance on the MMS package: *105# ;
    • Find out the balance on the SMS package: *106# ;
    • Assign 1 favorite number: *110*081# ;
    • Assign 3 favorite numbers: *110*083# ;
    • Bonus/survey, GPRS: *107# ;
    • Find out the balance on all packages: *108# ;
    • Top up your account: *101*recharge code#;
    • Beeline internal rate: *110*00# ;
    • View information about connected services: *110*09# ;
    • Sign up for the “Stay Informed” service *110*401# ;
    • Activate the “Call me” service: *144*user number#;
    • Send “Mobile transfer”: *145*number*amount of funds#;
    • Call at the expense of the interlocutor: 05050 user number;
    • Activate the “Top up my account” service: *143*user number#;
    • Connect to the “Trust Payment” service: *141# ;
    • Activate the “I have a contact” service: *110*4021# ;
    • Notify about a new number: *270*your old number#;
    • Connect caller ID: *110*071# ;
    • Disable caller ID: *110*070# ;
    • Chat *110*511# ;
    • IMEI request: *#06# ;
    • Internal settings: *3001#12345#* ;
    • Request settings: *#21# .

    Forwarding and number identification settings

    • Get information about the caller ID status: *#30# ;
    • Get information about call waiting status: *#43# ;
    • Receive information about the status of outgoing call barring *#33# ;
    • Get information about the forwarding status “no answer”: *#61# ;
    • Get information about the forwarding status “unavailable”: *#62# ;
    • Get information about the busy forwarding status: *#67# .

    “USSD Push” service

    Beeline provides the USSD Push service - this is the best news and entertainment on your device. Once a month, “push” messages may appear on the screen of your communication device with an offer to use some service or service. Watch your screen!

    To use the “USSD Push” service, select “Connect”.

    The subscriber does not pay for incoming messages. Money is charged only for connecting a paid service. You can see the price of the paid service including VAT in the header of the message. If the offer is free, this will be indicated in the text of the message.
    Not charged:

    • opening the message menu;
    • scrolling a long message to a second screen;
    • the message itself;
    • disabling USSD Push.


    • purchasing content and services from the message menu (the cost must be indicated in the message);
    • GPRS traffic (charging occurs according to the subscriber's tariff plan).

    If you do not want to receive push messages, click “Off” in the message received on your mobile device. You can also go to the “Info” -> “Service Management” -> “Disable Mailing” section.

    “USSD tails” service

    USSD tails are text messages from the Beeline operator with interesting information about various offers and services. USSD tails come along with the response to the subscriber's USSD request - for example, to determine your number (*110*10#).

    Text messages can have an interactive dialogue - with the ability to connect the service directly from the message menu.

    To use the “USSD-tails” service or get additional information about it, select “Reply” and press the number “1” (connection to the service) or “2” (request additional information). After that, press the call button again.

    When connecting to the service, additional confirmation may be required (“Close” or “Confirm”).

    How to check the balance of funds in your account without losing a bit of extra time? Beeline: USSD balance request is just one of the verification options, but, as statistics show, the vast majority of subscribers continue to use it.

    USSD balance request

    You can find out your Beeline balance by typing one of two USSD commands:

      1. You can use the command *102# .
      2. Another short number to check your balance on Beeline - #102# .

    Both combinations work; you can dial the one that is preferable to you.

    USSD Beeline balance request is a method that you all have probably used - at least once. Thus, subscribers learned about their account status at a time when online services did not yet exist or were not so widespread.

    Many people still prefer this method. How, besides the USSD command, can you request a balance on Beeline quickly, and without performing unnecessary actions? If you just want to find out your Beeline balance and clarify the information without immediately going to payment services, a short command is the most convenient option.

    You will receive a response to your request within a couple of seconds. However, there are situations when the service fails - in this case you need to wait a little and try again. It will also not be possible to request information in the system if the phone is not registered on the network (in other words, if the connection is poor).

    A minute or two after you receive the requested information, an SMS will be sent to your number, which lists the remaining packages according to your tariff plan. This newsletter is sent automatically, but it is very easy to unsubscribe from it - dial 067432 . If suddenly you do not have enough funds, you can use the site.

    For postpaid subscribers

    For subscribers who use a postpaid payment system, a different command is provided. If you have postpaid, to find out the amount of debt, dial *110*45# , and then press the call key.

    Check number

    Beeline balance check number – 0697 . If you want to find out the balance by Beeline number, dial these numbers and call, a pleasant female or male voice will tell you the information on the account, and tell you the amount to the nearest penny. All methods are in another article.

    This request option is not as widespread as the previous one - many subscribers simply do not know about it. But in vain, because, for example, for people with poor eyesight it is much more convenient to listen to the necessary information rather than try to see small numbers on the phone screen, especially if the device is not the most modern.

    How to find out the account status of another subscriber

    Beeline has provided for a situation when you may need to find out how much money is left on your loved one’s phone. In addition, by activating the service, you will receive a notification if the specified account has less than 60 rubles. If you have an elderly relative or child, you will appreciate the benefits of this feature - it is very convenient. You will always be aware if you need to top up your account, and your loved ones will be able to call you or send a message.

    You can use the service for free, money is taken only for connection - the mobile operator will write off exactly 5 rubles.

    What is the code for checking the balance of another Beeline subscriber? There are several of them:

    • *131*1*number# - by typing this combination, you will activate the service itself, and also send a request to view information to the desired subscriber
    • *131*6*number# - if the person agrees, dial this combination to, as part of the service, find out how much money is left on his phone
    • *131*5*number# - using this command you can activate automatic notification about the balance of funds
    • *131*0*number# - dial to set a check ban on your own number


    If you want to disable those services that you no longer use, then managing services yourself is a skill that you simply need to master so as not to depend on the work of the company’s service center. Carefully monitor the connected services and promptly disable those that are no longer suitable for you. It is unwise to spend extra money!

    How to disable Beeline services?

    There are a variety of methods for managing paid services from beeline. Let's look at the most popular and simple ones:

    • Just contact customer service. To do this, you can simply make a call to a short number 0611 and communicate with either the operator or the soulless voice system. At the first request, additional services are disabled. To disable a company's services, sometimes you need to spend a lot of time navigating the voice menu or simply dialing a live operator.
    • Go to LC. Your personal account allows you to fully control all balance transactions, as well as independently manage services. If you do not have access to the Internet, then this option will not suit you.
    • Take advantage of USSD options. Send a request *111# and get a complete list of all connected services. After this, carefully read the system’s recommendations regarding managing each of the list elements.
    • Go to the “My Beeline” SIM card menu and from there manage services.
    • You can also find out about connected additional services using another USSD request *110*09# , the response to which will be an instant service message with a list of all active services of the company.

    We present the most popular paid services and methods for connecting them in a special list below:

    • "Stay in touch". This service can be deactivated by sending a code *110*400# . The same service category “Plus” - *110*1062# .
    • "Chameleon". To deactivate this service, send *110*20# .
    • Sometimes it becomes necessary to turn off voicemail. You can do this by sending a code *110*010#.
    • If you have active Internet alerts, you can turn them off using the USSD combination *110*1470#.
    • Caller ID can be turned off by sending *110*070# .
    • Deactivation of the “Hello” service is carried out by calling the number 067409770 .
    • “Autoresponder” services and the same “Plus” service can be deactivated if you simply use the code *110*010#.

    In total, the Beeline company simultaneously offers about 100 options, which can be found on their corporate website. It is quite difficult for an active subscriber to control them all.

    How to avoid activation of services?

    Some types of paid services do not relate to Beeline itself at all and are special paid services from third parties. They are activated when you send an SMS. These services are not displayed in your personal account and will not come to you in the list of those connected by the service. In order to find out where the money is going, take advantage of the opportunity to get detailed expenses for the selected period of time and carefully study your expenses.

    You can disable some types of paid subscriptions. To do this, call the Beeline service center at 0611 and contact your operator, who can be asked to disable paid subscriptions or even disable the ability to activate paid subscriptions. If you do this, you will not be able to subscribe by sending a short SMS and will be able to better control your communication costs.