What is a Facebook username? Performer, music group, public figure

When the rebranding of Studio ONE TOUCH entered the implementation stage, the next question arose: how to change the name of the Facebook page?

Facebook plays by these rules: if the number of page subscribers exceeds 200 people, then the social network can only sympathize with you. Support social network assures that if you have administrator rights, you can easily apply to change your name, but only once. However, this is not true.

Even if you are a page administrator and have not previously changed the name, you cannot submit an application. There is no such button in the settings.

In an attempt to solve the problem, we scoured the entire RuNet and beyond. There was no answer from Facebook support, but it turned out that the problem is relevant for many.

Other sources found a way to change the name, but we were not satisfied.

For those who are not afraid to spam: ask your friends to suggest a name change for your page to whatever it requires.

For the method to work, the number of proposals must exceed one hundred. We didn't want to spam and continued our search.

He who seeks will find - an old truth. We found useful instructions on the Fan Page Workshop website. The text was published a year ago, and it has already been tagged #not_working. But we decided to verify Facebook’s impenetrability from our own experience.

The name change took us two weeks.

Algorithm for changing the name of a Facebook page

The Hola application allows you to deceive Facebook by showing the social network not the Russian - real - IP, but the American IP. You are scrolling news feed, sitting in a Moscow office, and your browser thinks that you are in New York.

After installing Hola, the possibilities for a Russian Facebook user are significantly expanded. Having selected the country USA in the application, you need to log in on behalf of the page whose name you plan to change.

By going to “Settings”, you need to change the page language from Russian to English. After this, you need to click the “Page info” button and follow the Request Change link.

Unlucky again? Press F5, the page will refresh and prompt you to change the name.

Agree with the paragraph “I understand the formatting guidelines for my Page’s new name” and decide on the category of the page:

After this, you need to agree with the item “I would still like to change my Page name” and indicate the new page name in the “Desired Page name” field.

In the drop-down window, indicate the reason why you want to change your name.

Then upload a scan of the document, which clearly shows the name of your organization and its legal address. Any invoice that your company pays or issues will do.

To prove the existence of our agency, we sent a scan of the invoice issued to the client for the provision of our services. By the time we sent the screenshot, we had it ready legal entity with a new agency name. The text in the screenshot was written in Cyrillic. The screenshot confirms the existence of the agency rather than the appropriateness of the requested name.

By the way, changing your name on Facebook is only possible in the Latin alphabet, that is, you cannot change Studio to Studio, only the other way around. Click the "Send" button - this is last step before changing the page name.

Facebook paused for 14 days, after which the trick worked: Studio ONE TOUCH successfully changed to Agency ONE TOUCH. The rebranding went like clockwork.

Read about Facebook's real name policy, and what will happen if a fake one is used? name Facebook account. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They serve us for work, making it easier to manage complex processes and mechanisms, study, entertainment, etc. One of important elements The use of computers is the Internet, the emergence of which has caused a new qualitative leap in development computer devices. By providing instant access to a vast knowledge base, the Internet has greatly expanded the range of uses of computers.


Internet and social networks

Thanks to the Internet, they began to develop various types devices: personal desktop computers, laptops, tablets, netbooks, mobile devices etc. All of them have Internet access and provide the user with access to various information at any time. The possibilities of the Internet are truly unlimited. Thanks to it, the user can: work remotely on joint projects and programs, gain access to a gigantic knowledge base (books, magazines, articles, encyclopedias, scientific research etc.), receive advice from specialists in various areas, learn news, watch movies and listen to music, attend exhibitions and concerts, receive and send email, communicate with friends through social networks, etc.

Particularly worth noting is the last point, namely communication on a social network, which lately has become widespread. Many people meet, communicate, become friends, discuss general topics and share their opinions on a social network, find like-minded people in their hobbies and views. However, in addition to bona fide users, on the Internet, and on social networks in particular, there are scammers who, using malicious software trying to steal users' personal data for malicious purposes. To do this, they create deceptive (fake) pages with deliberately false data from the fraudster distributing malware. Or pages are created that provoke users into conflict or illegal actions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the issue of the veracity of the user’s personal data provided when registering on social networks is important.

The social network has always had a real name policy, in which you agree that your profile name is your real name in everyday life. Obviously, you can enter a fake name and register with it. But this option is prohibited by network security policy, and you may have problems if your deception is discovered.

Real name policy

The social network’s policy is based on the requirement to provide true information when registering a new user account. The developers created this site as a place where real people would interact with each other, without hiding behind anonymous usernames or empty avatars. Therefore, despite numerous problems, they have never had the same level of abuse and "trolling" like "Twitter" And Reddit. People talk and argue about anything, share photos and hobbies, and, according to at least, are confident that they are communicating with real people.

The real real name policy is a major part of a successful and profitable advertising business, while "Twitter" And Reddit lose in this. Advertisers want to be able to target real people based on factual data about them, and not show advertising to anonymous users without receiving any benefit.

The social network has a clear user identification algorithm that distinguishes what your real name is. This must be "the name your friends call you in everyday life", and it should "also appear on official ID". It even has a list of acceptable ID types that includes things like passport and driver's license. Basically, if you provide a different name than what is written on the registration documents, it will likely prevent you from registering with your social network.

There are a few other rules that your name must follow when registering a new account. It cannot include the following:

  • Symbols, numbers, strange symbiosis capital letters etc.;
  • Combination of symbols and letters various languages;
  • Titles in the form: Doctor, Soldier, Father, etc.;
  • Words that are not part of your name;
  • Offensive, obscene or abusive words.

You are allowed pet names as long as they are a variation of your real name. For example, if your registration documents indicate the name "Dmitry", then you can optionally use a shortened name "Dima".

Can you use a fake name on ?

Based on the above, it is very clear that the social network really does not like people using fake names, to the extent that if they suspect you of using such a name, they will block your account. And they will require you to send them your own official ID, confirming that you are indeed the person under whose name you registered on the social network, and this is your real name given to you at birth.

However, it has more than two billion active users social network per month. It's too much large number people so that they can be fully checked immediately. Therefore, it is safe to assume that since they love algorithms, they are probably using some automated tools to flag suspicious accounts that they believe are using fake names. For example, if you change your name to something completely different or add common words, it will likely be submitted for review. However, if you use a plausible first and last name, and do not use prohibited characters and phrases, then there is a good chance that you can avoid additional check. Of course, the registration verification system is not perfect, and there are quite a few people who have used plausible fake names over the years without any problems.

On the other hand, we strongly do not recommend that you use a fake name when registering on a social network. This not only violates the terms of use, but also makes the social network less useful and more annoying for all users, including you personally. There is no point in using the network, since you most likely will not accept a friend request from stranger, for fear of falling for a scammer. And your friends or acquaintances, colleagues or former classmates will likely ignore your request if you appear under a fake name. And also, no one will be able to find you online using your profile if they decide to add you as a friend.

But if the reason you want to use a nickname is because it's a stage or professional name, then you have available options solutions. They recommend that you create home page, using your real registration data. And then you can invite all your friends to additional page and communicate and search for contacts on behalf of your pseudonym.

As you can see, using a fake name on a social network is prohibited, but there is no complete protection against this. at the moment does not exist. The company is working on various algorithms and network usage conditions to reduce the possibility of using fake accounts. Of course, you can try to bypass the restrictions and register under a fake name, but the likelihood of such an account being blocked will increase every day. And if you register on a social network to communicate and find friends, then your choice is obvious.


Invent yourself unique name and password

To identify yourself on the Internet, you must have a so-called login (or nickname, from the English “nickname”) and a password.

The login is in Latin letters and should not be repeated with other participants of the web resource. It's pretty creative process, which requires a lot of effort, because most of the names are already taken. A simple solution will be adding the parts of your name with your date of birth, and perhaps the resulting verbal combination will be free. For example, your name is Karasev Ivan Viktorovich and you were born on October 12, 1976. In this case, in order not to forget your future login, you can try the following options:

  • KarasevIV1976

  • IvanViktorovich1976

  • Karasev12101976

And probably some of the above will be free.

The password can be any combination of numbers and Latin letters. Remember your password, or better yet, write it down somewhere and don’t show it to anyone.

Register a new username

In order to visit today's popular sites (for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki) and many others, you need to go through the registration procedure. At first glance, the process may seem complicated, but in fact it is quite trivial.

Find a link on the site with the text “Registration” and follow it. Fill out all fields in the forms provided. Difficulties may arise with the “Electronic” (or “Email”) field. If you don’t have an email, you will need to create one (using the same username and password) on one of the free postal services, For example, Gmail or Mail.ru.

After filling out all the fields, click the confirm button and follow the site instructions to complete the registration.

Log in to the site using the username and password you created.

To do this, find two fields on the site where you need to enter what you created earlier.

Please note

On some sites, instead of a login, you need to enter an address email.

Useful advice

The process may seem complicated the first time, but after a few days of using the Internet, you will be teaching your friends the basics of registering new users.


  • how to make up names for yourself

Name current user computer is the name of the account under which the work is being performed. She gives various rights to perform certain actions. To find a name user V Windows system XP, you need to go to Application folder Data.

You will need

  • - computer


Since in the Windows XP operating system the folder Application Data hidden, first enable the display of hidden system directories. To do this, launch Control Panel, find "Folder Options", or, find this item in the properties of any selected folder in context menu. Then select the Show hidden folders and files" and check the box next to it. In the Folder Options window, click the Apply button, then click OK.

To find a name user, keep in mind that the Application Data folder has any account(user), which is created in the operating system. Because programs operating system are usually unpacked logical drive C, the folder you are looking for will be located along the path C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application Data, where user is the name you are looking for user or the so-called account, for example, “Alexander”.

On Facebook, as with almost any social network, the name you gave yourself when you registered can be changed at any time. There is nothing complicated about this, but the Facebook administration does not recommend that users change their name too often, as this can lead to problems with the administration.

Features of changing your username on Facebook

The administration fully allows changing the user name of a social network, but at the same time gives certain reservations. For example, it is not recommended to change your username more than once every 6 months. Changing your name too frequently (even with minor edits) may arouse suspicion among the administration of the social network, which may lead to the blocking of the page. In this case, to unlock it you will have to contact technical support Facebook.

When choosing a name, try not to change it to the names of any celebrities, fantasy heroes, names of geographical objects, etc. – this may result in sanctions from Facebook. Additionally, it is worth considering that the administration of the social network secretly allows you to change the name only 4-6 times for one user. Otherwise, the user will have to talk to the service’s technical support.

Changing your name using the standard method

The advantage of social Facebook networks When changing your username, you may not have to coordinate your decision with the service’s technical support. However, the new name must be verified by the system in automatically to comply with certain standards.

If the Facebook algorithm finds your new name incorrect for some reason, you will need to write to technical support so that a person will take over the review. However, in this case, be prepared to confirm the authenticity of your name by providing some document (a scan of it) confirming your identity.

Change Facebook username from phone

Functional mobile version Facebook also allows users to change their name. The conditions here are the same as in the case of the PC version, but the instructions are slightly different:

As you can see, the process of changing your username on Facebook is not particularly complicated, so any user can handle it. To avoid any problems with the administration of the social network in the future, use the recommendations that were given in this article.

Google account is indispensable for a smartphone based on the operating system Android systems. Without it, access to the Play Market, YouTube and other services from Google is impossible. Some not so much experienced users Often there are problems with registering this account. There can be many problems, and for each one you need individual approach. Today we will figure out how to fix it Play error Market "Username not available."

Example of the “Username not available” error output

There can be many reasons for a problem, and an inexperienced user is unlikely to be able to diagnose each one, so let’s look at the most common problems and consider universal methods their decisions.

Short or already taken name

When registering a Google account, you will need to create a gmail email, at this stage some people simply do not understand what needs to be specified unique address email, which will be longer than 6 characters. Some people enter addresses that are too short, some people enter addresses that are already taken. Solution to the problem? Enter an address longer than six characters if the Play Market writes: “Username is not available” ( Google account) - this means that such an address is already in use, we try another address, more complex, or use the system prompt. It looks like the inscription: “Click to see.” If you click on it, a list of free addresses that the system offers you will appear; you can use them by simply clicking on the one you need. If there is simply no hint, then read the next paragraph.

No hint with free addresses

If there is no hint, the program will help us Lucky Patcher. You can download it on a third-party website directly from your smartphone. If this is not possible, then download the program to your computer, and then move it to your smartphone’s storage device. The essence of the method is to install a custom patch Play Market which should fix the problem.

Appearance Lucky programs Patcher

Let's launch installed program and find it in the list Play applications Market. In the context menu, find the “Patch Menu” item and tap on it. Next is a custom patch. Download the very first patch, reboot your smartphone and observe the changes. If it doesn’t help, then it’s time to consider universal methods.

Universal methods

If you cannot understand what the problem is, then definite decision It’s difficult to find, so we’ll just try all the suggested methods until one of them helps us.

  • If it doesn't let you in old account, we try to create a new one.
  • Go to application settings, select all Google products and stop applications, delete data and updates, and clear the cache.
  • We remove account synchronization in the account settings.
    • Uncheck all the boxes.
    • Reboot the device.
    • We return the checkmarks to their place.
  • We update the firmware to current version or install a custom build. It is highly advisable to make a backup before starting the flashing.
  • We try a hard reboot. Before attempting a hard reboot, be sure to save everything necessary files on external media or do backup copy all files.
  • We get root rights. Let's go to etc folder and look for the hosts file, delete all contents except the first line with “localhost”. To obtain rights we use specialized programs, there are a dime a dozen of them on the Internet.

Location hosts file on Android system


Determining the disease of a “patient” without holding it in your hands is not the easiest thing. In any case, if you decide to deal with the problem, then try all the suggested methods, but with caution and caution. Major interventions in the system or its replacement require some knowledge. It’s best to play it safe and make a backup copy of all the necessary data and the system itself, then you won’t have to worry about breaking anything. In most cases, people simply choose the wrong login, so you are unlikely to need serious manipulation. In any case, be careful not to carry the device into service center to specialists, who nowadays charge exorbitant prices for even basic breakdowns.