Making a graphics tablet doesn't work. Graphic tablet does not work - what to do

A lot of time has passed since I bought the Genius G-Pen F610 tablet. If my memory serves me correctly, it was in the spring of 2012. At first, of course, it was hard to get used to it. Before I bought it, it seemed to me that drawing on a tablet was very simple, that a miracle would happen and I would immediately start drawing masterpieces. But a miracle did not happen, and even vice versa. At first I was even a little disappointed. It seemed to me that it was much more convenient to draw with a mouse. I even tried to go back to the mouse more than once. But then I was lucky that it was useful in my work. Thus, by using it every day, I understood how to use it correctly and was finally able to experience the full extent of its convenience. Now, when I try to draw something with a mouse, I associate it with the feeling of drawing on a board with a brick rather than with a chalk.

When I first bought the tablet, I encountered a number of problems specific to this model. And I didn’t find any decent solutions on the Internet. But using the method of scientific and non-scientific poking, I solved these problems. And I made part of the decisions at the very beginning, when I first bought it. Since then, an article about solving problems with the Genius tablet has become very popular. I myself did not expect such a demand. I thought this would be a short note that few people would read. But in the end I received a lot of thanks in the comments. And also a lot of questions about problem solving. I was able to answer some of them, but I couldn’t find a solution for the rest. Nevertheless, enough information has been collected so that the old article can be updated. Therefore, welcome to the new updated instructions for solving problems with the Genius G-Pen F610 tablet. Although now there is a whole report.

The cursor/brush only responds when you touch/move the pen on the tablet surface.


In normal operating condition, if you move the stylus over the surface of the tablet, there should be a response on the screen. Those. The cursor will move relative to the position of the pen above the tablet surface. But for some reasons the pen may not work correctly. Sometimes the pen only works if you move it directly across the surface of the tablet or very close to it.


A) You move the pen over the tablet at a distance of 1 cm, but the cursor on the screen does not move.
B) You move the pen over the surface of the tablet at a distance of 1 cm, but the cursor either moves or does not move on the screen, as if it “sticks” in some places.
C) The cursor moves across the screen only when you move directly over the surface of the tablet (without pressing)

Causes and solutions:

There can be many reasons.

Attention! If you don't notice special problems with a feather. Or you just noticed a “slowdown” or “lag” of the cursor on the screen, I recommend that you first check the reasons in reverse order: 3, 2, 1 points. And adjust the resistor only as a last resort.

The pen does not respond either on or above the surface

I take the pen, move it over the surface and nothing happens. Nothing when touched either. If you press it, a reaction appears, but the cursor on the screen reacts with a large delay or every other time.


It happens if you haven’t used the pen for some time, but then it develops and works fine.

Reasons and solution:

It's not a breakdown. This energy saving mode. When you don't use the pen for a while, it turns off to save energy. Just before starting work, press the pen on the surface of the tablet several times (press with medium hardness). And it will start working. It usually takes from 2 to 10 seconds to turn on (depending on idle time). And within further work the pen develops and starts working faster.

It takes a lot of force to get the pen to draw.


A new spring may be too stiff. Rod in initial position It's not deep. When you press the pen, you have to press hard to get at least the first degree of pressure.


There is a degree of pressure, but in order to draw you need to put a lot of pressure on the pen, otherwise it won’t draw at all.

Reasons and solution:

The physical reason is precisely that the rod in starting position too far from the depth needed for the cursor to start drawing. And when you start putting pressure on the pen, it needs to reach a certain depth for the coil to react. If in the original position inner part the rod was a little deeper, then when pressed the pen would immediately begin to draw and then less effort would be required to draw with the first degree of pressure. This can be partially solved by adjusting the hardness in the tablet properties. Section "Tip sensitivity". I have this problem solved in a radical way(I strongly advise against doing this.) It so happened that a friend came to visit me and tried to draw on a tablet. But he pushed as hard as he could. And when after that I picked up the pen, I noticed with horror that the rod had gone almost completely inside. However, after doing this, I no longer needed to press hard on the pen to get it to draw.
Attention! Do not try to solve this problem by pushing the rod deeper. Firstly, it is not a fact that after this the pen will become softer when drawing. And secondly, this can most likely lead to the problems described at the very beginning (when, when moving the pen over the surface of the tablet, the cursor does not respond and adjusting the resistor does not help).

The cursor slows down a lot when drawing


When you draw with a pen, the cursor starts to slow down. As you draw, the inhibition may increase.

Reasons and solution:

Apart from the question of how long ago you upgraded your computer, another reason could be the operating system. This problem occurs in Windows 7. I didn’t notice this in Windows 8. Solution (may not help, but worth a try):
  1. Let's go to the Control Panel. There we select "Pen and touch devices"
  2. At the bottom there will be “Pen buttons” - turn off the checkboxes.
  3. Go to the "Gestures" tab - turn off all the checkboxes.
  4. In the tab handwriting You can also disable "Auto learning"
Also, in the comments, one girl advised the following: “Check the line smoothing settings in AIS. This function located next to the canvas mirror button.”

No pen pressure. The pen draws with the same force at any pressure


You draw in your favorite graphic editor, but no matter how hard you press, the line is drawn with the same thickness/transparency.

Reasons and solution:

P.S. In conclusion to this point, I would like to emphasize the importance of installing current drivers. Judging by the comments and questions I've received over the years, 60% of the time the problem lies in the drivers. That's why:
Instructions on how to download the driver for Genius G-Pen F610 from the official website:
  1. We go to
  2. Go to the Downloads section
  3. On the left, sequentially select the product and model of the tablet, and also indicate the correct OS version, and then click Search
  4. After that, in the table that appears on the right, find the most recent version of the driver and click Download

The red light on the pen is flashing


I didn’t have such a problem, since most likely I don’t have such a light bulb. But people wrote in the comments about this problem.


Under the transparent button, a red light is on.

Reasons and solution:

Most likely the battery is running low. Just install a new one and the problem should be solved.

Spontaneous lines appear when drawing in Photoshop


When you start drawing a line (or erasing), then after you release the pen from the surface (or begin to press too lightly), another line is drawn that connects end point(where you released the pen) and initial (where you touched the pen and started drawing).


Doesn't always happen, even in Photoshop. It may not appear immediately after installing Photoshop.

Reasons and solution:

I don't know the exact reasons. But this was noticed in 64-bit versions. The first solution is to use the 32-bit version. The second solution is to reinstall Photoshop from clean settings. But this will not help for long. On this moment in new versions of Photoshop CC did not notice such a problem (this happened in older versions of CC). Therefore, the alternative is to use a more recent version.

How to check the functionality of the tablet:

If the light on the tablet does not light up (the blue indicator at the top right, constantly blinking evenly), then something is wrong with the tablet. Or damaged USB cable, or something inside the tablet.
If the blue light continues to blink when the pen touches the surface of the tablet, this means there is a problem with the pen. In normal condition, if you touch the surface of the tablet with the pen, the light will stop blinking (turn off) until the pen touches the surface (with slight pressure). You should also make sure that the pen is turned on. Just press the pen onto the surface several times. If after this the light bulb still does not respond to pressure, then this indicates some kind of problem. One of the reasons may be a bad battery. If after replacing the battery the pen does not come to life, then the pen is faulty.
Well, in general. If something is wrong with the tablet. For example, no matter what you try, the cursor does not move when you move the pen, click, etc. Try connecting it to another computer. If it’s the same there, then it’s some kind of physical problem.
If you see that in Device Manager your tablet appears as another mouse, then this is normal.

What not to do with a tablet:

The principle of operation of the tablet (Genius) can be explained in simple language like this: inside the tablet there is a grid of conductors (antenna), the pen emits a very weak radio signal, which is picked up by the tablet’s antenna. The tablet determines where the signal is stronger and thus calculates the coordinates of the pen relative to the surface of the tablet.
It follows from this that the quality of this very signal can be influenced external influence. Namely: electromagnetic radiation and a radio signal from another device.
Conflicts with radio mice that operate on a special mouse pad have also been noticed.
Don't put the laptop active speakers to the tablet. The phone doesn’t seem to interfere with the tablet, but still, just in case, you shouldn’t put it on it either.
Do not use your tablet as a stand for hot soup or coffee. Firstly, show respect for your device)) And, secondly, think about what will happen to sensitive radio components (for example, resistors can change their nominal parameters when heated). Yes, and delamination of contacts with frequent such heating can occur. So don’t be surprised where there are “blind” spots on the tablet. Don't leave it in the sun.
If liquid gets into the tablet (this is the same as for any electronic device), do not turn on the device under any circumstances. Even if you poured out the water, the moisture can still remain inside for a very long time. I can’t tell you how to dry the tablet without taking it apart, but I’ll just explain what happens with electronic devices the contacts of which get wet.
When such a device is turned on, even a small amount of moisture entering the contacts can cause oxidation. This, of course, is not fatal for the device, but it will be difficult to clean this deposit later (especially inside the tablet).
So for these reasons, try to protect the tablet from getting liquid (and especially sweet tea) into it. Usually we understand how dear a thing was to us only when we lose it.
  • It would seem that the solution is obvious, but apparently not for everyone. The leaflets that come with the tablet are very easy to change. The tablet's film simply lifts up, the piece of paper with the icons drawn is simply pulled out, and you can insert whatever you want there.
  • How to draw more conveniently. Try to place the tablet directly in front of the monitor. So that it lies parallel to the plane of the monitor, and is not rotated to the left or right. And also so that it is centered relative to the monitor, and not to the right or left of it, like a mouse. At first I didn’t know this simple trick and didn’t know where to put the tablet while drawing. That's why my mind exploded when I tried to draw on a tablet using it instead of a mouse.

  • If you want to change brush sizes in Gimp using a tablet pen, on the go, so to speak, then this one will help you.
  • Also, if you're curious about what the inside of the pen looks like, you don't have to take it apart yourself. You can watch this.


When I first bought the tablet, I was very worried about the fact that only two spare rods were included with it. Because everyone on the Internet wrote that they last for 2-3 months. I began to wonder in advance where I could buy spare refills or the pen itself with refills, but I never found it. True, over three years of use, the rod has not worn off even a millimeter (yes, I have constantly measured it with a ruler all these years). Of course, at first I didn’t draw so often. But nevertheless, people, how do you draw so much that in 2-3 months you completely grind off the rod? What do you have there sandpaper Is it on the tablet?
In any case, if anyone knows where to order spare refills or a nib, please share the information. Many will be very grateful to you. Questions about where to buy a pen for this tablet have been received repeatedly.

Repair of graphics tablets may be required for a variety of reasons.

For example, the device stops turning on, freezes, has broken glass, does not respond to pen actions. Some breakdowns make it possible to urgently repair using special equipment and parts. Other faults can only be repaired in a specially equipped workshop.

Problems that arise when working with a graphics tablet can be divided into four groups:

1. Main problems (Table 1).

2. Problems with sensory functions (Table 2).

3. Pen input problems (Table 3).

4. Problems in WINDOWS (Table 4).

Table 1 - Main problems


There is no available USB port on the computer.

Check to see if there is an accessible USB port on the USB hub. If it is missing, you need to add USB hub or USB board.

The tablet status light does not light up.

Make sure that USB cable tablet is securely connected to the working USB port. When connecting to a USB hub Make sure the USB hub is active and connected to a working USB port on the computer.

The computer does not go into sleep mode.

When not in use, remove the stylus from the tablet surface, otherwise the tablet will continue to transfer data and prevent the computer from going to sleep.

When using a tablet, the screen cursor moves erratically or "jumps" from place to place.

In rare cases, your tablet may receive radio frequency interference from your monitor or a nearby AM radio station. If you notice interference from the monitor, try moving the tablet at least 15 cm away from the monitor, or changing the refresh rate or resolution of the monitor.

The tablet is configured for RIGHT HAND (LEFT HAND) use, but the tablet appears upside down on the login screen.

Reinstall the tablet driver and change the default orientation.

Table 2 - Sensory problems


Touch functions do not work.

Enable touch features by pressing the ExpressKeys that you have assigned TOUCH FUNCTIONS - ON/OFF. Or Open the Bamboo control panel and go to the TOUCH FUNCTIONS or TOUCH OPTIONS tab. Make sure that the ENABLE TOUCH FEATURES option is selected.

It appears that not all touch functions are working. The screen cursor moves, but more complex actions and gestures are not executed.

If the tablet driver does not load properly, basic touch movements will be recognized but other gestures will not. At incorrect loading drivers, the bottom two ExpressKeys perform only the default functions: CLICK ( bottom button) and RIGHT CLICK (2nd button from bottom). Install the tablet driver.

The tablet does not always recognize multi-finger operation.

If you hold two fingers on too short distance from each other, the tablet may not recognize them as two different touches. Try placing your fingers a little further apart.

When working in the application Adobe Photoshop Can't change scale.

If the zoom functionality does not work properly in Photoshop, make sure that the ZOOM WITH SCROLL WHEEL feature is turned off in the PREFERENCES window of that application.

When working in Adobe application Photoshop scrolling and panning gestures do not work as expected.

If touch gestures do not work as expected in Photoshop, make sure that the ZOOM WITH SCROLL WHEEL option is turned off in the PREFERENCES window of that application.

The rotation gestures seem to be working incorrectly or not at all.

The rotation function is determined by the settings of the application you are working in. For example, rotation can be done gradually, in 90-degree increments, or not at all. For optimal recognition For this gesture, place your fingers diagonally at a distance of at least 25 mm from each other.

Table 3 - Pen input issues


The pen does not move the cursor or perform other functions.

If the tablet driver is not loaded correctly, pen input will not be possible.

*On models that support pen and touch input, basic touch gestures will continue to be recognized, but other gestures will not. If the driver does not load correctly, the bottom two ExpressKeys perform only their default functions: CLICK (bottom button) and RIGHT CLICK (2nd button from bottom).

* On a pen tablet, you will be able to move the cursor and click using the pen tip. In addition, the pen button functions CLICK (bottom button) and RIGHT CLICK ( top button), but other pen functions will not be available. Install the tablet driver.

The pen does not respond to pressure when drawing.

Some applications require pressure sensitivity to be enabled in the application itself or the selected tool before the pen will be treated as a pressure sensitive tool.

Also, make sure that the application you are using supports pressure sensitivity.

It's difficult to click.

Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab. Try increasing the PEN SENSITIVITY setting. Check the CLICK SOUND checkbox. Then, when the pen performs the click function, a sound will be heard. characteristic sound mice. To hear the clicking sound, you need to turn on the speakers and set the volume to a sufficient level.

Double clicking is difficult.

Make sure you tap the same spot twice quickly work area tablet. For execution double click It is recommended to use the pen button assigned to this (see Making Clicks). Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab.

* Try increasing the DOUBLE CLICK RADIUS setting.

* Try increasing the PEN SENSITIVITY setting.

The pen selects everything without stopping drawing.

Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab. Move the PEN SENSITIVITY slider towards HARD. If there is no improvement, please refer to the test pen section.

The eraser (if available) selects everything or erases without stopping.

Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab. Move the ERASER SENSITIVITY slider towards HARD. If there is no improvement, please refer to the test pen section.

At digital painting When using the pen or making strokes, there is a delay in the strokes appearing on the screen.

Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab. Try decreasing the DOUBLE CLICK RADIUS setting.

When clicking, drawing, or writing, you have to press hard on the pen.

Open the Bamboo tablet control panel and go to the PEN tab. Move the PEN SENSITIVITY slider towards SOFT.

The pen tip is not working.

Depending on your tablet model, when you touch the pen tip to the tablet surface, the status light should glow or change color. Make sure you are using the original pen that came with your tablet. Other pens may not work properly with your Bamboo tablet.

The cursor screen goes back.

Do not leave the pen on the tablet when it is not in use or when another pointing device is in use. Leaving the pointing device on the tablet may prevent other input devices from moving the cursor.

The top or bottom button of the pen does not work.

The pen button must be pressed when the pen tip is within 7mm of the tablet's active area. Do not press down on the pen tip when doing this. Open the Bamboo control panel and make sure the pen button is assigned the appropriate function.

On the Bamboo tablet control panel, click the MORE button on the PEN tab. If you select the CLICK AND TAP option, to click, you must first press the pen button and then touch the tablet surface.

The cursor cannot be moved to desired point screen, or the line drawn does not match the pointer position in drawing applications.

Open the Bamboo control panel. Make sure PEN MODE is selected. If this does not help, click the DEFAULT button to restore standard display tablet on the screen. If the problem persists, reset your tablet settings.

Table 4 - Problems in WINDOWS


Your tablet's settings may be incorrect, or you may want to ensure that all settings are set to their default values.

Use the Bamboo configuration file utility to change its settings. Close everything open applications. Click the START icon and select ALL PROGRAMS. Then select BAMBOO and BAMBOO SETUP FILE UTILITY.

* It is advisable to first back up your tablet settings. In the BAMBOO SETUP FILE UTILITY dialog box, click BACKUP

COPY... and follow the on-screen instructions.

* After that, use the Bamboo configuration file utility to remove the tablet settings as follows.

One user. In the MY SETTINGS menu, click DELETE to delete settings for the current user.

Multiple users. From the ALL USER SETTINGS menu, click DELETE to delete settings for multiple users. Please note that to delete settings for all users, you must have administrator rights. Restart any running currently applications that work with the tablet. You can quickly restore the tablet settings for which you made backup copy, if you click the RESTORE... button in the MY SETTINGS section.

In order to extend the life of your graphics tablet, it is recommended to follow the care instructions:

1. Keep the Bamboo tablet surface and pen clean. Dust and dirt particles can stick to the pen and cause excessive wear on the tablet surface. To extend the life of the surface of your device and pen, wipe them regularly with a soft, damp cloth. Alternatively, the cloth can be dampened with a mild solution of mild soap. Do not use volatile solvents such as paint thinner or benzene-based products as they may damage plastic surfaces.

2. Store Bamboo in a dry, clean place and do not expose it to excessive temperatures. Room temperature is optimal. Additionally, the Bamboo tablet and pen cannot be disassembled. Bending the pen may cause it to break. Disassembling the device will void the warranty.

The condition of the pen tip deteriorates over time under normal conditions of use.

As measures for maintaining a graphics tablet, we can highlight the procedure for replacing the pen tip (Figure 13).

Pressing too hard causes the tip to wear out faster, which should be replaced when it becomes too short or flat.

1. Grasp the old nib and pull it straight out of the pen. To do this, use tweezers to replace the tip, forceps, pliers or another similar tool.

2. Then insert the end of the new pen nib directly into the pen body. Press the tip all the way down.

peripheral technical graphics tablet

Hello, dear community members and readers. Some unfortunate among us have encountered a situation where our beloved and protected pen has failed due to a fall (for me) or some other accident. So what should we do? Naturally buy new! Where should we put the old stuff? How to go about it, of course, open it up (0__0), see what’s inside (oh, God) and fix it (come on, come on!).

My black Bamboo pen fell out of my hands and hit the hard laminate. Krantets! Stopped being seen as a tablet side buttons do not press (apparently, there was a slight displacement, but sufficient for a delicate device) and only the elastic band reacts.

Well, I think you need to look and buy a new one. But we sell them only for intuitives and we have one lying around for the 4th Count. I already asked in the community and was convinced for myself that the grapher is suitable for the bamboo. I tried it, borrowing it from a friend, but I didn’t like the fact that to move the pen I had to hold it almost end-to-end, crawling along the surface, and it was glitchy due to its used ear.

The point is, I decided to see what was inside my pen, inspired by several ideas:

1) I read somewhere (maybe in the community) that feathers are delicate and when they fall, the contact (wiring) going from the microcircuit to the magnetic coil inside may break (the essence of the technology), or the coil itself may crack (someone I even glued it together, it seems);

2) a story by a person (also in the community, you can write in the comments if you remember who and where - the country should know its heroes) with photographs about how he opened the pen to “clean” the contacts or something like that.

In short, following the advice from point 2, I decided to open it with a stationery blade for papers along the pen. It turned out to be nonsense. Very strong plastic. I decided to heat the blade with a lighter. Things got better, but very slowly, as the blade cooled very quickly. As a result, having almost completed what I started, and the sight of the heated plastic being opened may shock impressionable young ladies who cherish their feathers, I decided to use Swiss knife, heating it on the stove and pressing the pan against the burner.

Inside I found a microcircuit with two coils at the ends. The coil of the drawing part was split, plus I touched the winding with a blade. The second spool is an eraser, which the bambu has, but it does not respond to pressure.

And then the most important thing came to my mind main idea- why not unsolder the washing machine coil and solder it in place of the drawing one? In theory, they are absolutely identical, and the pressure should be adjusted when approaching the microcircuit from the drawing side.

We simply heat up the drops of solder on the chip that hold the contacts and pull the coil slightly to the side. When the drop warms up to a slightly liquid state (milliseconds), the contact itself will “fall away”, since it is soldered on top, and not “with its foot inside the chip tile”.

In the same way, we heat the empty (we have already soldered everything off) “drops” and immerse the contacts in them, pressing them down.

We check this bare structure of a microcircuit and a hanging coil by bringing it to the tablet. Oh, miracle! Reacts! We insert the rod, place it on the body half and check the pressure in Photoshop. Crap! The pen constantly paints, being, as it were, pressed. Well, that means the rubber band without pressure gradation is to blame.

After about ten minutes I understand that this is still impossible and I repeat the entire procedure, changing the contacts. Hurray, everything works and pressing is as before. And even the button on the pen worked. All that remains is to clean the body from the deposits of opened plastic and fasten it all with tape. It certainly doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing (I didn’t bother you with pictures of the assembled item) with a gap visible through the transparent tape, but it works!

If you haven’t mastered the reading, don’t scold me, as you yourself are faced with a lack of information, especially personal experience, on this issue and wanted to describe everything in detail. Good luck to everyone and take care of your Vacoms.

Graphics tablet It has long become for me as much a necessity as a “mouse” or a keyboard. In my work I use Wacom tablets. And although Wacom has been a leader in this area throughout its entire history of use, I constantly come across a number of annoying problems. Versions of operating systems change, drivers are updated, new tablet models are released, but alas, a file is always needed to finish and correct the jambs. Below I will talk about solving problems with the graphics driver Wacom tablet

Let's start with the most unpleasant one - the problem Wacom drivers. During operation, the driver may, so to speak, glitch as a result of which the tablet stops working in pen mode. IN operating system there is a built-in driver for working with touch panels which starts working with the tablet. This usually happens in silent mode without issuing warnings. And although the tablet continues to transmit commands from the pen to move the cursor, the work can no longer be called adequate. When you try to open the tablet settings panel, a message will be displayed stating that it is impossible to find the tablet driver.

There are several ways to solve problems with the Wacom graphics tablet driver. Firstly, you can simply restart Windows, and if that doesn’t help, then reinstall the tablet driver. However, this method takes a lot of time and is of little use when the problem occurs in the middle of the work process. Fortunately, there is an alternative, faster and easier solution - restarting the tablet service.

  1. We go to the Task Manager (in any way, for example, I click right click mouse on the taskbar).

  2. Select the Services tab.

  3. In the lower right corner of the window, click on the Services link.

  4. In the list that appears we find WTabletServicePro (the version of the service for Bamboo is called WTabletServiceCon)

  5. Right-click on it and select “Restart”.

  6. We love the restart.

  7. To check if everything worked out successfully, go to the Start menu, find the tablet section there and click on “Wacom Tablet Properties”

  8. If everything is done correctly, the setup program will start... which means the tablet works.

In most cases this will help. However, all these actions can be simplified to a double click of the mouse. To do this you need to create Text Document. Write in it:

Net stop WTabletServiceCon
Net stop WTabletServicePro
Net start WTabletServiceCon
Net start WTabletServicePro

Then save and replace the extension from ".txt" to ".bat". Now double clicking on the file will launch this script which will restart required service your Wacom tablet. If you are too lazy to make such a file or it didn’t work out for you, you can download it by clicking on - download Wacom tablet driver restart script

Another common problem. When working in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 \ Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, the tablet stops working in pen mode. This manifests itself in the fact that pen pressure stops working (on those tablets that support this), “circles on the water” appear on the screen at the point of contact with the pen, and it also becomes problematic to use the pen with various “sliders” in dialog boxes. Let’s leave aside who is more to blame here: Wacom, Phtoshop or Windows, but the solution is quite simple.

  1. Create empty text file with title PSUserConfig.txt

  2. Insert the line into the file - UseSystemStylus 0

  3. Place the resulting file along the path:

    • For Adobe versions Photoshop CC 2015 - C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Settings.

    • For Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 version - C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 Settings.

Of course, unfortunately, these are not all problems, but these are the most common. I hope this information was useful to you. By the way, what problems have you encountered while working with graphics tablets? And how did you solve them?