A screen magnifier is a useful tool that allows you to enlarge a part. Zoom and use Magnifier views

Screen magnifier is software tool to dynamically enlarge the screen by zooming the selected area by a specified percentage. All latest versions Windows operating systems are equipped with this tool and are located in the “” section. Magnifier is used not only by visually impaired users as an adaptation tool, but also by graphics and design specialists for high-precision detailing.

  • In order to launch Magnifier, you don’t have to look for its shortcut; press the key combination “Win ​​+ Plus Sign”. To disable it, use “Win ​​+ Esc”.
  • While holding down the “Win” key, several presses of the “Plus Sign” will gradually enlarge the image (by equal percentage values ​​specified in the parameters). The same actions, but pressing the “Minus Sign” will have the opposite effect - reducing the viewing screen.
  • The most convenient of the presented types of “Screen Magnifier” is the “Full Screen” mode. In this case, the magnifying glass uses all work area screen as a lens, rather than a dedicated frame on the desktop. Views are selected in the Magnifier dialog box in the corresponding item.
  • For active users This tool can be recommended to configure automatic start with Windows. This can be set in the “Screen Magnifier” parameters - this was discussed in.

Magnifier display issues

The only problem that arises when working with Magnifier may be a number of inactive views. Otherwise, the application is stable and does not require additional intervention.

As was said, one of best modes viewing is “Full Screen”, but alas, it is not always active, and there are two main reasons for this:

1. Limited visual settings

First of all, it's worth checking system settings visual effects. If the choice is “Provide best performance", then simply change it to "Provide best view" Usually these actions are enough to activate additional types"magnifier"

On Windows example 7 performance settings can be found in the following way:

  1. Click right click Click on the “Computer” shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. In the “System” window that opens, click on “ Extra options systems" in the sidebar.
  3. In the dialog box, find the first subheading, “Performance,” and click “Options.”
  4. Check the position of the checkbox; it should be to the left of “Provide the best view.”

2. Incorrect video adapter driver

If the above steps did not have the desired effect, then most likely the problem is in the video driver. In this case, you should check installed driver to your video card, its relevance and correctness for this operating system.

Also, using Windows 7 as an example, let’s look at how to check and what to do:

  1. Once again we find ourselves in the system properties. To do this, right-click on the “Computer” shortcut and select the appropriate item.
  2. In the window, click on the “Device Manager” item, and in the dialog box with a list of equipment double click Expand the “Video adapters” item.
  3. It is important that the name has full view, declared by the manufacturer (You can check the package contents third party utilities, such as ). If an item is marked with an attention sign (yellow triangle with exclamation mark), then you should update the driver with installation disk, or download it from the official website of the developer (this guarantees relevance software, and its compatibility with later OS).
  4. The driver can be installed automatically by Windows, in which case the name of the video adapter is as follows:
    "Standard VGA video driver"
    This also requires fixing by installing the required drivers.

Instead of an afterword

Thus, you can fully use the standard Magnifier tool. There is one "BUT", some

Screen magnifier is a special Windows capabilities versions: 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP.

From the name “screen magnifier” its purpose is clear - to increase the size of the entire screen, or change the size of a selected area: text, drawing, icon on the desktop, etc.

I provide the screen magnifier settings. For others Windows versions, including for Windows 10, they will be similar.

How to enable Magnifier in Windows 7: three ways

These methods include:

  1. Search,
  2. keyboard shortcut ( simultaneous pressing"Win" and "+" keys),
  3. Center special features.

Let's take a closer look at each method.

1st method: Enable Magnifier via Search

Rice. 1. Enable Magnifier via “Search”

1 in Fig. 1 – press the “ ” button in Windows 7,

2 – in the “Search” line, type “magnifier” without quotes. Sometimes it is enough to enter a few letters, as they already appear above searching results,

3 in Fig. 1 – click “Screen Magnifier”.

Method 2: Enable Magnifier using a keyboard shortcut

Keyboard shortcut to turn on Magnifier: Win button and “+” sign. Such combinations are also called “”.

Rice. 2. "Win" buttons and "+" sign to enable Magnifier

3rd method: Open Magnifier through the Ease of Access Center

To do this, go to: Start – Control Panel – Ease of Access Center – Turn on Magnifier (1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Magnifier in the Ease of Access Center

In fact, there is no need to use all the methods listed above to find a screen magnifier, just one single method is enough. If for some reason your device does not have a screen magnifier, then it may not be included in the package standard applications Windows.

How to turn off Magnifier

To get comfortable with Magnifier at first, it is very important to be able to not only turn it on, but also quickly turn it off.

1st method Disable magnifying glass: hot keys.

The easiest way to disable Magnifier is to use the keyboard shortcut “Win” + “Esc”:

Rice. 4. Key combination "Win" and "Esc" to disable Magnifier

2nd method: in the “Screen Magnifier” window, click on the cross in the upper right corner of this window.

Three magnifier modes

Rice. 5. Magnifier modes

1 in Fig. 5 – “Full screen” mode. Then the entire screen will be enlarged. However, it is possible that due to the selected scale, as well as the screen size, not the entire screen will be visible.

Full screen mode convenient to choose if you need to view small icons on the desktop. To do this, turn on the magnifying glass in the “Full Screen” mode on the Desktop. If necessary, press the “Win” and “+” keys to increase the icons even further, and “Win” and “-” to decrease the icons (the location of the keys is shown in Fig. 2).

2 – “Zoom” mode. In this mode, only the area around the mouse will be enlarged. Of course, this is possible if you select a scale that magnifies. As you move the mouse, the area in the mouse's path increases.

3 in Fig. 5 – “Fixed” mode. In this case, the area of ​​the screen that is selected is enlarged. The rest of the screen remains unchanged. You can select the area to be enlarged. To do this, you can move it. And when the cursor takes the form of four arrows, then the area can be grabbed with the mouse and moved around the screen.

Note. “Full Screen” and “Zoom” modes are available only in Aero:

Rice. 6. Aero mode, which has screen magnifier modes “Full Screen” and “Zoom”.

If there is no Aero themes or a different theme is applied, one Magnifier mode will be available: “Docked”.

Magnifier options

For Full Screen and Docked modes, you can experiment with the following Magnifier settings:

Rice. 7. Magnifier options for Full Screen and Docked modes

For the “Zoom” mode there is following parameters Magnifier:

Rice. 8. Screen Magnifier options for “Zoom” mode

Learn more about what the magnifying glass options mean:

Magnifier option

Follow the mouse pointer (Fig. 7)The Magnifier window shows the area of ​​the screen that surrounds the mouse pointer.
Follow keyboard focus (Figure 7)If you DO NOT use a mouse, but use a keyboard, then when you select this option, the area around the pointer will be displayed. Moving occurs using TAB keys or arrow keys.
Magnifier follows the text insertion point (Figure 7)Useful for displaying an area around text as you type.

Color inversion

In the “Screen Magnifier Options” for the “Full Screen” and “Docked” modes (Fig. 7), as well as for the “Zoom” mode (Fig. 8), it is possible to check the box next to the “Enable color inversion” option.

If you turn on inversion, the contrast of elements on the screen will be better. This helps display information more clearly.

How to change the magnifier scale

What do you needHow to get
Zoom inPress the hot keys “Win” and “+” (the keys are shown above in Fig. 2).
Or click “Larger” in the “Screen Magnifier” window (plus sign “+” in Fig. 5).
Zoom outWe use the hot keys “Win” and “-” (the “-” key next to “+” in Fig. 2).

Or click “Smaller” in the “Screen Magnifier” window (the minus sign “-” is shown in Fig. 5).

Change scale sizesAt the top of the Magnifier Options window (Figures 7 and 8) there is a slider for changing the zoom step. The slider can be moved until the desired scale is selected.

Where does the magnifying glass go?

Above in Fig. 8 the red arrow shows a magnifying glass. If you click on it, the Magnifier window with a toolbar will appear again.

This transformation was made for the convenience of working with the magnifying glass so that it does not take up space on the screen and does not interfere with work.

Magnifier in the Taskbar: How to Pin and Unpin

You can attach the screen magnifier to it so that it is always at hand.

  • To do this you need to open it. The Magnifier icon will appear in the Taskbar (1 in Fig. 9).
  • Click on this icon RMB (right mouse button), a context menu will appear.
  • In the menu, click “Pin this program to the taskbar” (2 in Fig. 9):

Rice. 9. How to pin Magnifier to the Taskbar

Once the screen magnifier is pinned to the taskbar in the manner described above, even as a result of turning off the computer or after it, in any case, the magnifier will always be in the taskbar.

If the Magnifier icon needs to be removed from the Taskbar, then:

  • click on the RMB icon (right mouse button),
  • In the menu that appears, click “Remove program from taskbar.”

Magnifier: Autoplay

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the presence of the Magnifier icon in the Taskbar, you can configure the Magnifier to autostart. This means that when you turn on your computer, Screen Magnifier will automatically launch.

To set up automatic start Magnifier in Windows 7:

  • click Start;
  • In the Search bar, enter “Ease of Access Center.” Click on the found link “Ease of Access Center”, the window shown above in Fig. will open. 3;
  • click on the link “Adjusting the screen image” (2 in Fig. 3). The Screen Image Optimization window will open:

Rice. 10. Setting up Magnifier to autorun

To start Magnifier automatically, check the box next to “Turn on Magnifier” and click OK.

After this setting, Magnifier will automatically launch on your computer every time you boot the operating system.


Magnifier is system utility, i.e. a program that is built into the Windows operating system. Magnifier may launch automatically when your computer boots, or it may be pinned to the Taskbar.

A magnifying glass allows you to magnify elements on the screen at a convenient scale. It has three display modes. Working with a magnifying glass is simplified by using hot keys.

Selecting screen scale

  • small (100% is the default),
  • average (125%),
  • large (150%).

Rice. 11. Selecting the screen reading scale

To change the screen scale, you need to open:
Control Panel – Personalization – Screen, after which the “Ease of Screen Reading” window will appear (Fig. 11).

Enlarged image of a section of the screen, the easiest way to do this is using hot keys. The combination WIN + ESC is assigned to this operation.

If you want to completely disable the launch of the screen magnifier, which occurs along with loading the operating system, then this must be done through the panel Windows management. To access the panel functions, expand the main menu of the system by clicking the “Start” button or pressing the WIN key, and then select the appropriate item (“Control Panel”).

Click the Optimize Screen Image link in the Accessibility section of Control Panel. As a result, a window with image optimization settings will open, in the “Magnifying the image on the screen” section there is an option to turn the magnifying glass on and off.

Please note that if you click the “Center” link in the Control Panel rather than the “Optimize screen image” link, you will also find a section related to Magnifier there. But it only has the option to turn on the magnifying glass; there is no option to turn it off in this panel window.

If you are using Windows 7, then the path to this section can be shortened - by opening the main menu on the “Start” button, enter in the field search query the word "magnifying glass". A link to the desired section of the image optimization settings window will appear in the search results - click on it.

Look for the text “Turn on screen display” magnifying glass" and a checkbox next to it. The presence or absence of a checkbox, as you might guess, determines whether this component of the operating system will start every time the computer boots. Uncheck and click "OK" to change and commit the corresponding Windows settings.

Magnifier - operating room utility Windows systems, which serves to increase part of the working space. The magnifying glass is perfect for product demonstrations, training sessions and presentations when there is a need to focus attention on any element.

You will need

  • Computer, Windows OS


To launch the utility " Screen Magnifier"(Magnifier) ​​open the "Start" menu, go to the "All Programs" tab. Open the "Standard" item. In it you will see the “Accessibility” submenu, with which, in addition to the screen magnifier, you can launch or open the “Manager” utilities" To launch Magnifier, click on the application shortcut.

Do it every time this path inconvenient, so if you use the Magnifier tool quite often, create a shortcut to the application on the desktop or in the panel quick launch. This will make it easier to access the application and save your time.

If the first method of launching the application does not suit you, you can call the utility using special team. To do this, go to the Start menu and click on the Run button. In the window that appears, enter the magnify command and click Ok.

As you know, each version of the Windows operating system has a number of built-in tools designed to make the use of a computer more comfortable and convenient for people with disabilities. disabilities. Among them, it is worth highlighting such a tool as a screen magnifier. By interacting with the graphical display of information on a PC/laptop, it enlarges the part of it that needs to be better viewed. Thus, it is a rehabilitation program for visually impaired people. Below we will consider the principle of its operation and the available control settings.

First of all, let's figure out how to call this tool. Magnifier can be opened in several ways:

  1. Control panel: find the "Special Features" menu and turn on the magnifying glass through it.
  2. Start: In the "All Programs" tab, find the "Special Features" folder and open the "Screen Magnifier" application.
  3. This is done easier and faster using the “Win” and “+” hotkeys.

After activating this tool, a small control menu appears on the screen, which quickly disappears under the icon in the form of a magnifying glass (in top corner screen on the left). Now we can produce a series necessary settings. For example, select the appropriate magnification level. "Screen Magnifier" has several operating modes:

  1. The first view is “Full Screen” (enlarges the entire area). You can adjust the degree of magnification using hot and “+” or “-”, as well as through the program menu. This mode allows you to work most comfortably in any application.
  2. Classic view - "Increase". IN in this case Only individual enlarged fragments will be shown, which will change following the movement of the mouse cursor. Choose this mode You can do it from the "View/Zoom" program or by calling it "Ctrl+Alt+L".
  3. If you have to work with small fonts and numbers, it will be convenient to use the “Fixed” view. A window appears at the top of the screen (above active window), and all the contents are below. While working, everything you do will be displayed in this window in an enlarged form. You can quickly call this mode with the command “Ctrl+Alt+D”.

However, in the last two options you can configure how the screen magnifier will change the image. In the menu options, set the magnifying glass to follow movement or control from the keyboard.

If the Windows 7/8/XP screen magnifier does not satisfy your needs, you can turn to one of the similar programs created to replace standard tools systems. As a rule, they have advanced functionality and provide users with more control options. We suggest using the computer utility of the same name, designed to enlarge part of the desktop or window and allow you to see even very small parts and text. Among available settings- determination of the degree of transparency of the enlarged area, magnification factor and others. Once launched, the program does not interfere with your work at the computer at all. And if necessary, it can be easily called with hot keys.

Choose to use standard Windows tools or use additional applications- That's your business. The main thing is that there is a choice, and in any case it will be successful.

Magnifier is one of the special features of Windows versions: 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP.

From the name “screen magnifier” its purpose is clear - increasing the size of the entire screen, or changing the size of a selected area: text, drawing, icon on the desktop, etc.

I provide the Windows 7 screen magnifier settings. For other versions of Windows, including Windows 10, they will be similar.

How to enable Magnifier in Windows 7: three ways

These methods include:

  1. Search,
  2. keyboard shortcut (simultaneously pressing the “Win” and “+” keys),
  3. Accessibility Center.

Let's take a closer look at each method.

1st method: Enable Magnifier via Search

Rice. 1. Enable Magnifier via “Search”

1 in Fig. 1 - click on the “Start” button in Windows 7,

2 - in the “Search” line, type “magnifier” without quotes. Sometimes it is enough to enter a few letters, and the search results appear above,

3 in Fig. 1 - click “Screen Magnifier”.

Method 2: Enable Magnifier using a keyboard shortcut

Keyboard shortcut to turn on Magnifier: Win button and “+” sign. Such combinations are also called “hot keys”.

Rice. 2. "Win" buttons and "+" sign to enable Magnifier

3rd method: Open Magnifier through the Ease of Access Center

To do this, go to: Start - Control Panel - Ease of Access Center - Turn on Magnifier (1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Magnifier in the Ease of Access Center

In fact, there is no need to use all the methods listed above to find a screen magnifier, just one single method is enough. If for some reason your device doesn't have Magnifier, it might not be included with the standard Windows apps.

How to turn off Magnifier

To get comfortable with Magnifier at first, it is very important to be able to not only turn it on, but also quickly turn it off.

1st method Disable magnifying glass: hot keys.

The easiest way to disable Magnifier is to use the keyboard shortcut “Win” + “Esc”:

Rice. 4. Key combination "Win" and "Esc" to disable Magnifier

2nd method: in the “Screen Magnifier” window, click on the cross in the upper right corner of this window.

Three magnifier modes

Rice. 5. Magnifier modes

1 in Fig. 5 - “Full screen” mode. Then the entire screen will be enlarged. However, it is possible that due to the selected scale, as well as due to the size of the screen, not the entire screen will be visible.

Full screen mode is convenient to select if you need to view small icons on the Desktop. To do this, turn on the magnifying glass in the “Full Screen” mode on the Desktop. If necessary, press the “Win” and “+” keys to increase the icons even further, and “Win” and “-” to decrease the icons (the location of the keys is shown in Fig. 2).

2 - “Zoom” mode. In this mode, only the area around the mouse will be enlarged. Of course, this is possible if you select a scale that magnifies. As you move the mouse, the area in the mouse's path increases.

3 in Fig. 5 - “Fixed” mode. In this case, the area of ​​the screen that is selected is enlarged. The rest of the screen remains unchanged. You can select the area to be enlarged. To do this, you can move the mouse. And when the cursor takes the form of four arrows, then the area can be grabbed with the mouse and moved around the screen.

Note. “Full Screen” and “Zoom” modes are available only for the Aero theme:

Rice. 6. Aero mode, which has screen magnifier modes “Full Screen” and “Zoom”.