What parts does a computer processor consist of? Central processor and its device

The processor is the main part of any computer device. But many users have a very poor understanding of what a processor is in a computer and what function it performs. Although in the modern world this is important information, knowing which you can avoid many serious misconceptions. If you want to learn more about the chip that powers your computer, you've come to the right place. In this article, you will learn what a processor is for and how it affects the performance of the entire device.

What is a central processing unit

In this case, we are talking about the central processor. After all, there are others in the computer, for example, a video processor.

The central processing unit is the main part of the computer, which is an electronic unit or integrated circuit. It executes machine instructions, or program code, and is the core hardware of the device.

Simply put, it is the heart and brain of the computer. It is thanks to him that everything else works, he processes data flows and manages the operation of all parts of the overall system.

If you look at the processor physically, it is a small, thin, square circuit board. It is small in size and covered with a metal lid on top.

The lower part of the chip is occupied by contacts, through which the chipset interacts with the rest of the system. By opening the cover of your computer's system unit, you can easily find the processor, unless it is covered by the cooling system.

Until the CPU issues the appropriate command, the computer will not be able to perform even the simplest operation, for example, adding two numbers. Whatever you want to do on your PC, every action involves accessing the processor. That is why it is such an important component of a computer.

Modern central processors are capable of not only coping with their main tasks, but can also partially replace a video card. New chips are produced with a separate space for performing video controller functions.

This video controller performs all the basic necessary actions that are needed from a video card. In this case, RAM is used as video memory. But do not be mistaken that a powerful modern processor can completely replace a video card.

Even the average class of video cards leaves the video controller of processors far behind. So, a computer option without a video card is only suitable for office devices that do not require performing any complex graphics-related tasks.

In such cases, there really is an opportunity to save money. After all, you can just have a processor chipset with a good video controller and not spend money on a video card.

How the processor works

We seem to have figured out what a processor is. But how does it work? It's a long and complicated process, but once you get the hang of it, it's quite easy. The principle of operation of the central processor can be considered step by step.

First, the program is loaded into RAM, from where it gets all the necessary information and a set of commands that must be executed by the processor control unit. All this data then goes into buffer memory, the so-called processor cache.

Information comes out of the buffer, which is divided into two types: instructions and values. Both of them end up in registers. Registers are memory cells built into the chipset. They also come in two types, depending on the type of information they receive: instruction registers and data registers.

One of the components of the CPU is an arithmetic-logical unit. It deals with performing information transformations using arithmetic and logical calculations.

This is where the data from the registers goes. After this, the arithmetic-logical unit reads the incoming data and executes the commands that are necessary to process the resulting numbers.

Here we are again faced with a split. The final results are divided into completed and unfinished. They go back to the registers, and the completed ones go to the buffer memory.

The processor cache consists of two main levels: upper and lower. The most recent commands and data are sent to the upper cache, and those that are not in use go to the lower cache.

That is, all information located at the third level moves to the second, from which, in turn, the data goes to the first. On the contrary, unnecessary data is sent to the lower level.

After the computational cycle is completed, its results are again recorded in the computer's RAM. This occurs to ensure that the CPU cache is freed up and available for new operations.

But sometimes there are situations when the buffer memory is completely full, and there is no room for new operations. In this case, data that is not currently in use goes into RAM or to the lower level of processor memory.

Types of processors

Having understood the principle of operation of the CPU, it’s time to compare its different types. There are many types of processor. There are both weak single-core models and powerful devices with multiple cores. There are those that are intended exclusively for office work, and there are those that are necessary for the most modern games.

At the moment, there are two main creators of processors - AMD and Intel. They are the ones who produce the most current and in-demand chips. You need to understand that the difference between the chips from these two companies is not in the number of cores or overall performance, but in the architecture.

That is, the products of these two companies are built according to different principles. And each creator has his own unique type of processor, which has a structure different from its competitor.

It should be noted that both options have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, Intel differs in the following pros :

  • Less energy consumption;
  • Most hardware creators focus specifically on interaction with Intel processors;
  • Gaming performance is better;
  • Intel interacts more easily with computer RAM;
  • Operations that require only one program are performed faster on Intel.

At the same time, there are also their own minuses :

  • Typically, Intel chipsets are more expensive than their AMD counterparts;
  • When working with several heavy programs, performance decreases;
  • The graphics cores are weaker than those of the competitor.

AMD differs as follows advantages:

  • Much better value for money;
  • Able to ensure reliable operation of the entire system;
  • It is possible to overclock the processor, increasing its power by 10-20%;
  • More powerful integrated graphics cores.

However, AMD is inferior in the following parameters:

  • Interaction with RAM is worse;
  • More energy is spent on processor operation;
  • The operating frequency at the second and third levels of buffer memory is lower;
  • Gaming performance is lower.

Although there are pros and cons, companies continue to produce the best processors. You just have to choose which one is preferable for you. After all, it is impossible to say unequivocally that one company is better than another.

Main characteristics

So, we have already figured out that one of the main characteristics of a processor is its developer. But there are a number of parameters that you need to pay even more attention to when purchasing.

Let's not stray too far from the brand and mention that there are different series of chips. Each manufacturer produces its own lines in different price categories, created for different tasks. Another related parameter is the CPU architecture. In fact, these are its internal organs, on which the entire operation of the chip depends.

Not the most obvious, but very important parameter is the socket. The fact is that on the processor itself the socket must coincide with the corresponding socket on the motherboard.

Otherwise, you will not be able to combine these two critical components of any computer. So, when assembling a system unit, you either need to buy a motherboard and look for a chipset for it, or vice versa.

Now it's time to figure out what processor characteristics affect its performance. Without a doubt, the main one is the clock speed. This is the volume of operations that can be performed in a certain unit of time.

This indicator is measured in megahertz. So what does the clock speed of the chip affect? Since it indicates the number of operations in a certain time, it is not difficult to guess that the speed of the device depends on it.

Another important indicator is the amount of buffer memory. As mentioned earlier, it can be upper and lower. It also affects processor performance.

A CPU can have one or more cores. Multi-core models are more expensive. But what does the number of cores affect? This characteristic determines the power of the device. The more cores, the more powerful the device.


The central processor plays not just one of the most important, but one might even say the main role in the operation of the computer. The performance of the entire device, as well as the tasks for which it can generally be used, will depend on it.

But this does not mean that it is necessary to buy the most powerful processor for an average computer. Choose the optimal model that will meet your requirements.

Almost everyone knows that in a computer, the main element among all the “hardware” components is the central processor. But the circle of people who understand how a processor works is very limited. Most users have no idea about this. And even when the system suddenly starts to slow down, many believe that it is the processor that is not working well and do not attach importance to other factors. To fully understand the situation, let's look at some aspects of CPU operation.

What is a central processing unit?

What does the processor consist of?

If we talk about how an Intel processor or its competitor AMD works, you need to look at how these chips are designed. The first microprocessor (by the way, it was from Intel, model 4040) appeared back in 1971. It could perform only the simplest addition and subtraction operations with processing only 4 bits of information, i.e. it had a 4-bit architecture.

Modern processors, like the first-born, are based on transistors and are much faster. They are made by photolithography from a certain number of individual silicon wafers that make up a single crystal into which transistors are imprinted. The circuit is created on a special accelerator using accelerated boron ions. In the internal structure of processors, the main components are cores, buses and functional particles called revisions.

Main characteristics

Like any other device, the processor is characterized by certain parameters, which cannot be ignored when answering the question of how the processor works. First of all this:

  • Number of Cores;
  • number of threads;
  • cache size (internal memory);
  • clock frequency;
  • tire speed.

For now, let's focus on the clock frequency. It’s not for nothing that the processor is called the heart of the computer. Like the heart, it operates in pulsation mode with a certain number of beats per second. Clock frequency is measured in MHz or GHz. The higher it is, the more operations the device can perform.

At what frequency the processor operates, you can find out from its declared characteristics or look at the information in But while processing commands, the frequency can change, and during overclocking (overlocking) it can increase to extreme limits. Thus, the declared value is just an average indicator.

The number of cores is an indicator that determines the number of processing centers of the processor (not to be confused with threads - the number of cores and threads may not be the same). Due to this distribution, it is possible to redirect operations to other cores, thereby increasing overall performance.

How a processor works: command processing

Now a little about the structure of executable commands. If you look at how a processor works, you need to clearly understand that any command has two components - an operational one and an operand one.

The operating part specifies what the computer system should do at the moment; the operand specifies what the processor should be working on. In addition, the processor core can contain two computing centers (containers, threads), which divide the execution of a command into several stages:

  • production;
  • decryption;
  • command execution;
  • accessing the memory of the processor itself
  • saving the result.

Today, separate caching is used in the form of using two levels of cache memory, which avoids interception by two or more commands of accessing one of the memory blocks.

Based on the type of command processing, processors are divided into linear (execution of commands in the order in which they are written), cyclic and branching (execution of instructions after processing branch conditions).

Operations Performed

Among the main functions assigned to the processor, in terms of the commands or instructions executed, three main tasks are distinguished:

  • mathematical operations based on an arithmetic-logical device;
  • moving data (information) from one type of memory to another;
  • making a decision on the execution of a command, and on its basis, choosing to switch to the execution of other sets of commands.

Interaction with memory (ROM and RAM)

In this process, the components to be noted are the bus and the read-write channel, which are connected to the storage devices. ROM contains a constant set of bytes. First, the address bus requests a specific byte from the ROM, then transfers it to the data bus, after which the read channel changes its state and the ROM provides the requested byte.

But processors can not only read data from RAM, but also write it. In this case, the recording channel is used. But, if you look at it, by and large, modern computers, purely theoretically, could do without RAM at all, since modern microcontrollers are able to place the necessary data bytes directly in the memory of the processor chip itself. But there is no way to do without ROM.

Among other things, the system starts from the hardware testing mode (BIOS commands), and only then control is transferred to the loading operating system.

How to check if the processor is working?

Now let's look at some aspects of checking the processor's performance. It must be clearly understood that if the processor were not working, the computer would not be able to start loading at all.

It's another matter when you need to look at the indicator of the use of processor capabilities at a certain moment. This can be done from the standard “Task Manager” (opposite any process it is indicated how many percent of the processor load it provides). To visually determine this parameter, you can use the performance tab, where changes are tracked in real time. Advanced parameters can be seen using special programs, for example, CPU-Z.

In addition, you can use multiple processor cores using (msconfig) and additional boot parameters.

Possible problems

Finally, a few words about the problems. Many users often ask, why does the processor work, but the monitor does not turn on? This situation has nothing to do with the central processor. The fact is that when you turn on any computer, the graphics adapter is tested first, and only then everything else. Perhaps the problem lies precisely in the processor of the graphics chip (all modern video accelerators have their own graphics processors).

But using the example of the functioning of the human body, you need to understand that in the event of cardiac arrest, the entire body dies. Same with computers. The processor does not work - the entire computer system “dies”.

Nowadays there is a lot of information on the Internet on the topic of processors, you can find a bunch of articles about how it works, where registers, clocks, interrupts, etc. are mainly mentioned... But, for a person who is not familiar with all these terms and concepts, it is quite difficult like this fly" to understand the process, but you need to start small - namely, with a basic understanding how the processor works and what main parts it consists of.

So, what will be inside the microprocessor if you disassemble it:

The number 1 denotes the metal surface (cover) of the microprocessor, which serves to remove heat and protect from mechanical damage what is behind this cover (that is, inside the processor itself).

At number 2 is the crystal itself, which in fact is the most important and expensive part of the microprocessor to manufacture. It is thanks to this crystal that all calculations take place (and this is the most important function of the processor) and the more complex it is, the more perfect it is, the more powerful the processor is and the more expensive it is, accordingly. The crystal is made of silicon. In fact, the manufacturing process is very complex and contains dozens of steps, more details in this video:

Number 3 is a special textolite substrate to which all other parts of the processor are attached; in addition, it plays the role of a contact pad - on its reverse side there are a large number of golden “dots” - these are contacts (they can be seen a little in the figure). Thanks to the contact pad (substrate), close interaction with the crystal is ensured, since it is not possible to directly influence the crystal in any way.

The cover (1) is attached to the substrate (3) using an adhesive-sealant that is resistant to high temperatures. There is no air gap between the crystal (2) and the cover; thermal paste takes its place; when it hardens, it forms a “bridge” between the processor crystal and the cover, which ensures very good heat transfer.

The crystal is connected to the substrate using soldering and sealant, the contacts of the substrate are connected to the contacts of the crystal. This figure clearly shows how the crystal contacts are connected to the substrate contacts using very thin wires (170x magnification in the photo):

In general, the design of processors from different manufacturers and even models from the same manufacturer can vary greatly. However, the principle of operation remains the same - they all have a contact substrate, a crystal (or several located in one case) and a metal cover for heat removal.

For example, this is what the contact substrate of an Intel Pentium 4 processor looks like (the processor is upside down):

The shape of the contacts and the structure of their arrangement depend on the processor and motherboard of the computer (the sockets must match). For example, in the picture just above, the contacts of the processor without “pins”, since the pins are located directly in the motherboard socket.

And there is another situation where the “pins” of the contacts stick out directly from the contact substrate. This feature is typical mainly for AMD processors:

As mentioned above, the design of different models of processors from the same manufacturer may differ; we have a striking example of this - the quad-core Intel Core 2 Quad processor, which is essentially 2 dual-core processors of the core 2 duo line, combined in one case:

Important! The number of crystals inside a processor and the number of processor cores are not the same thing.

Modern models of Intel processors fit 2 crystals (chips) at once. The second chip - the graphics core of the processor, essentially plays the role of a video card built into the processor, that is, even if the system is missing, the graphics core will take on the role of a video card, and quite a powerful one at that (in some processor models, the computing power of the graphics cores allows you to play modern games on medium graphics settings).

That's all central microprocessor device, in short, of course.

The processor is the main chip of the computer. Typically, it is also one of the most high-tech and expensive PC components. Despite the fact that the processor is a separate device, it has a large number of components in its structure that are responsible for a specific function. What are their specifics?

Processor: device functions and appearance history

The PC component, which is now commonly called the central processor, is characterized by a rather interesting origin story. Therefore, in order to understand its specifics, it will be useful to examine some key facts about the evolution of its development. The device that modern users know as a central processing unit is the result of many years of improvement in computing chip production technologies.

Over time, engineers' vision of the processor structure changed. In computers of the first and second generations, the corresponding components consisted of a large number of separate blocks, very different in the tasks they solved. Beginning with the third generation of computers, processor functions began to be considered in a narrower context. Computer design engineers determined that this should be the recognition and interpretation of machine commands, entering them into registers, as well as controlling other PC hardware components. All these functions began to be combined in one device.


As computer technology developed, devices called “microprocessors” began to be introduced into the structure of the PC. One of the first devices of this type was the Intel 4004, released by an American corporation in 1971. Microprocessors on the scale of a single chip combine in their structure the functions that we defined above. Modern devices, in principle, work based on the same concept. Thus, the central processor of a laptop, PC, tablet contains in its structure: a logical device, registers, as well as a control module responsible for specific functions. However, in practice, the components of modern microcircuits are most often presented in a more complex set. Let's study this feature in more detail.

Structure of modern processors

The central processor of a modern PC, laptop or tablet is represented by a core - it is now considered the norm that there are several of them, cache memory at various levels, as well as controllers: RAM, system bus. The performance of a given chip type is determined by its key characteristics. In what totality can they be presented?

The most significant characteristics of the central processor on modern PCs are as follows: the type of microarchitecture (usually indicated in nanometers), clock speed (in gigahertz), the amount of cache memory at each level (in megabytes), power consumption (in watts), and the presence or absence of graphics module.

Let's study the specifics of the operation of some key modules of the central processor in more detail. Let's start with the core.

CPU core

The central processor of a modern PC always has a core. It contains the key functional blocks of the microcircuit, through which it performs the necessary logical and arithmetic functions. As a rule, they are presented in some set of elements. Thus, the design of the central processor most often involves the presence of blocks that are responsible for solving the following tasks:

Instruction fetching and decoding;

Data sampling;

Follow instructions;

Saving calculation results;

Working with interruptions.

Also, the structure of microcircuits of the corresponding type is supplemented by a control unit, a storage device, a program counter, and a set of registers. Let us consider the specifics of the operation of the corresponding components in more detail.

Processor core: components

Among the key blocks in the central processor core is the one that is responsible for reading instructions that are written in the address recorded in the program counter. As a rule, several operations of the corresponding type are performed at once during one clock cycle. The total number of instructions to be read is predetermined by the indicator in the decoding blocks. The main principle here is that at each clock cycle the marked components are loaded as much as possible. In order to ensure compliance with this criterion, auxiliary hardware elements may be present in the processor structure.

The decoding block processes instructions that determine the algorithm for the operation of the microcircuit in solving certain problems. Ensuring their functioning is a difficult task, as many IT specialists believe. This is due, in part, to the fact that the length of the instruction is not always clearly defined. Modern processors usually include 2 or 4 blocks in which the corresponding decoding is carried out.

Regarding the components responsible for data retrieval, their main task is to ensure the receipt of commands from cache memory or RAM, which are necessary to ensure the execution of instructions. The cores of modern processors usually contain several blocks of the corresponding type.

The control components present in the chip are also based on decoded instructions. They are designed to control the work of the blocks that are responsible for executing instructions, as well as distribute tasks between them, and monitor their timely implementation. Control components belong to the category of the most important in the structure of microprocessors.

The cores of microcircuits of the corresponding type also contain blocks responsible for the correct execution of instructions. Their structure contains elements such as an arithmetic and logical unit, as well as a component responsible for floating point calculations.

There are blocks in the processor cores that control the processing of extension sets that are installed for instructions. These algorithms, which complement the basic commands, are used to increase the intensity of data processing and carry out file encryption or decryption procedures. Solving such problems requires introducing additional registers, as well as sets of instructions, into the structure of the microcircuit core. Modern processors usually include the following extensions: MMX (designed for encoding audio and video files), SSE (used for parallel computing), ATA (used to speed up programs and reduce PC power consumption), 3DNow (expanding the multimedia capabilities of a computer), AES (data encryption), as well as many other standards.

The structure of processor cores usually also contains blocks responsible for storing results in RAM in accordance with the address contained in the instructions.

An important component of the kernel is the one that controls the interrupt operation of the chip. This function allows the processor to ensure the stability of programs during multitasking.

The work of the central processor also involves the use of registers. These components are analogous to RAM, but access to them is several times faster. The volume of the corresponding resource is small - as a rule, it does not exceed a kilobyte. Registers are classified into several types. These can be general-purpose components that are used when performing arithmetic or logical calculations. There are special purpose registers that can include system data used by the processor during operation.

The structure of the processor core also contains various auxiliary components. Which for example? This could be a sensor that monitors what the current CPU temperature is. If its performance is higher than the established standards, then the microcircuit can send a signal to the modules responsible for the operation of the fans - and they will begin to rotate faster. There is a transition predictor in the kernel structure - a component that is designed to determine which commands will be executed after the completion of certain cycles of operations performed by the chip. An example of another important component is the program counter. This module records the address of the corresponding algorithm, which is transmitted to the microcircuit at the moment it begins to execute a particular cycle.

This is the structure of the core that is part of the computer's central processor. Let us now study in more detail some of the key characteristics of microcircuits of the corresponding type. Namely: technical process, clock frequency, cache memory, and power consumption.

Processor characteristics: process type

The development of computer technology is usually associated with the emergence of new generations of computers as computing technologies improve. At the same time, not counting performance indicators, one of the criteria for classifying a computer as a particular generation can be its absolute size. The very first computers were comparable in size to a multi-story building. Second-generation computers were comparable in size to, for example, a sofa or a piano. Computers of the next level were already very close to those that are familiar to us now. In turn, modern PCs are fourth generation computers.

Actually, what is all this for? The fact is that during the evolution of computers, an unofficial rule was formed: the more technologically advanced the device, the smaller its dimensions with the same performance, or even greater, it has. It fully applies to the characteristics of the central processor under consideration, namely, the technical process of its manufacture. In this case, the distance between individual silicon crystals that form the structure of the microcircuit matters. The smaller it is, the greater the density of the corresponding elements that the central processor board places on itself. Accordingly, it can be considered more productive. Modern processors are manufactured using the 90-14 nm process technology. This indicator tends to gradually decrease.

Clock frequency

The clock speed of the central processor is one of the key indicators of its performance. It determines how many operations per second the chip can perform. The more of them, the more productive the processor and the computer as a whole. It can be noted that this parameter characterizes, first of all, the core as an independent module of the central processor. That is, if there are several corresponding components on the chip, then each of them will operate at a separate frequency. Some IT specialists consider it acceptable to summarize these characteristics for all cores. What does it mean? If, for example, the processor has 4 cores with a frequency of 1 GHz, then the total performance of the PC, if you follow this methodology, will be 4 GHz.

Frequency components

The indicator under consideration is formed from two components. Firstly, this is the system bus frequency - it is usually measured in hundreds of megahertz. Secondly, this is the coefficient by which the corresponding indicator is multiplied. In some cases, processor manufacturers give users the ability to adjust both parameters. At the same time, if you set sufficiently high values ​​for the system bus and multiplier, you can significantly increase the performance of the microcircuit. This is how the processor is overclocked. True, it must be used carefully.

The fact is that overclocking can significantly increase the temperature of the central processor. If the PC does not have an appropriate cooling system installed, this may lead to failure of the chip.

Cache size

Modern processors are equipped with cache memory modules. Their main purpose is to temporarily store data, usually represented by a set of special commands and algorithms - those that are most often used in the operation of the microcircuit. What does this mean in practice? First of all, the CPU load can be reduced due to the fact that those same commands and algorithms will be available online. The microcircuit, having received ready-made instructions from the cache memory, does not waste time developing them from scratch. As a result, the computer runs faster.

The main characteristic of cache memory is its size. The larger it is, the more capacious this module is, accordingly, in terms of the location of the very instructions and algorithms used by the processor. The more likely it is that the microcircuit will always find the ones it needs among them and work faster. Cache memory on modern processors is most often divided into three levels. The first one works on the basis of the fastest and most high-tech microcircuits, the rest are slower. The volume of first-level cache on modern processors is about 128-256 KB, second - 1-8 MB, third - can exceed 20 MB.

Energy consumption

Another significant parameter of the microcircuit is power consumption. Powering the CPU may require significant power consumption. Modern microcircuit models consume about 40-50 W. In some cases, this parameter has economic significance - for example, if we are talking about equipping large enterprises with several hundred or thousands of computers. But an equally significant factor is energy consumption in terms of adapting processors for use on mobile devices - laptops, tablets, smartphones. The lower the corresponding indicator, the longer the battery life of the device will be.

Hello, dear readers! Literally every confident PC user or laptop owner has more than once wondered how the processor works inside? Probably, many will be surprised to learn that the structure of any “rock” of a personal computer or laptop is based on real stones and rocks.

Today we will try to figure out what the structure of a modern processor looks like and what makes the main element of any computer work.

What does a modern microprocessor consist of?

The processor structure today is represented by the following main elements:

  • Actually, . The most important part, the heart of the device, which is also called the crystal or stone of a modern microprocessor. The characteristics and novelty of the core directly determine the overclocking and efficiency of the microprocessor.
  • Cache memory is a small but very informational cache located right inside the processor. Used by the microprocessor to significantly reduce access time to the computer's main memory.
  • A special coprocessor, thanks to which complex operations are performed. Such a coprocessor significantly expands the functionality of any modern microprocessor and is its integral component. There are situations where the coprocessor is a separate chip, however, in most cases, it is built directly into the computer microprocessor.

By literally disassembling a computer processor, we can see the following structural elements presented in the diagram:

  1. The top metal cover is used not only to protect the “stone” from mechanical damage, but also to remove heat.
  2. Directly, a crystal or stone and an expensive part of any computer microprocessor. The more complex and perfect such a stone, the faster the work of the “brain” of any computer.
  3. A special substrate with contacts on the reverse side completes the design of the microprocessor, as shown in the picture. It is thanks to this design of the back side that external interaction with the central “stone” occurs; it is impossible to directly influence the crystal itself. The entire structure is held together using a special adhesive-sealant.

How does it all work?

The logic of any processor is based on the fact that all computer data is stored in bits, special information cells represented by 0 or 1. Let's try to figure out what is happening, how colorful films and exciting computer games appear on the screen from these zeros and ones?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that when dealing with electronics, we receive any information in the form of voltage. Above a certain value we get one, below a certain value we get zero. For example, a light turned on in a room is one, and a light turned off is zero. A further hierarchy, thanks to which more complex elements are obtained, is the byte, consisting of eight bits. Thanks to these same bytes, we can talk not only about whether the light in the room is on or off, but also about its brightness, color shade, and so on.

The voltage passes through the memory and transmits data to the processor, which primarily uses its own cache memory as the most efficient, but small cell. Through a special control unit, the data is processed and distributed further along the path.

The processor uses bytes and entire sequences of them, which in turn is called a program. It is the programs processed by the processor that force the computer to perform one or another action: play a video, launch a game, turn on music, and so on.

The fight between the giants of computer microprocessors

We are, of course, talking about Intel and AMD. The main difference in the operating principles of these companies is the approach to the production of new computer microprocessors.
While Intel rolls out new technologies along with small changes, AMD makes major manufacturing moves at regular intervals. The photo above shows models of the mentioned companies with a distinctive appearance.

The leading position, in the vast majority of cases, is still held by Intel. “Stones” from AMD, although they are inferior to processors from Intel in terms of performance, often outperform them in terms of affordability. You can read about which company is better to choose in.

What to choose, everyone decides for themselves. Today we tried to understand the internal structure of any modern microprocessor and the basic principles of its operation. Don't forget to update the blog and share interesting articles with your friends on social networks! All the best, friends!