How to quickly delete history in Yandex. How to clear history in Yandex browser

Modern user Internet users visit millions of web pages, maintain access to dozens of sites, and add hundreds of resources to bookmarks (and services like Pocket or Evernote). All sites remain in the browser's memory for some time to speed up the subsequent loading process. Search engines “suggest” queries to the user using the previous search history. Even contextual advertising selected based on the interests of a particular user. That is why the question “on the phone in Yandex?” is of interest to many modern users who have not yet fully understood the functionality of mobile browsers.

Why delete history at all?

Deleting history is a common procedure that is carried out standard features mobile or desktop (for laptop or desktop computers) browsers. You should delete your browsing history to protect yourself confidential information, used for authorization on certain resources ( social media, online banking, Email, State Services service, and so on) or to avoid unnecessary questions from owners of equipment or those with whom they share a computer (tablet, smartphone). This simple step will help effectively protect the user's personal data.

In addition, deleting the Yandex search history on your phone may be necessary when transferring the device to other hands, even in cases where this is a temporary situation (for example, when the smartphone is sent for repair). From time to time, clearing the log of visits to web resources is also useful for the equipment itself: accumulation temporary files clogs HDD And RAM computer, tablet or phone, which slows down the device.

Disabling search suggestions in Yandex

How to delete history on a phone in Yandex? Often it may not even be necessary complete removal visit log, but rather shutdown search tips, which are formed based on previous user requests. Search suggestions are options that are automatically suggested by the search engine when you type the beginning of a phrase into the search bar. As a rule, Yandex or Google offer the most popular options on the Internet, but on mobile devices (or portable and desktop computers, where the entrance to the corresponding Post service) the history of user requests is taken as a basis.

You can delete Yandex on your phone and disable search suggestions as follows:

    you need to go to home page Yandex or to the Yandex Mail service;

    you should go to “Personal Settings”, and then select “Other Settings” and “Search Suggestions”;

    then you need to select “Clear query history” and turn off the “My queries in search suggestions” and “Favorite sites” functions.

Thus, not only will the entire search history in the device be completely destroyed, but also the function of search suggestions based on the user’s previous queries on the World Wide Web will be disabled.

How to delete history on your phone in Yandex browser?

We can also talk about deleting the visit log not in Yandex itself (i.e. disabling search suggestions), but in the browser from the search engine. How to delete history on a phone in Yandex? There are two ways to keep your personal data from prying eyes: mobile version Yandex Browser.

The first method is a function of the smartphone, not the mobile browser itself. So, you need to go to any page through a browser in which the history should be deleted and click function key smartphone by calling up settings. You should select the “History” item (in some models “Personal settings”) and click on the “Clear history” line. All search history will be deleted.

The second option on how to delete history in Yandex on your phone is to use the capabilities of the Yandex Browser itself. You must select the “Settings” icon in open window browser from a popular search engine, click “Privacy”, and then “Clear data” or “Delete browsing data”. In this way, you can not only delete the cache, clear the log only for certain periods of time, or delete some (not all) partitions. You just need to check the appropriate boxes and save the changes with the “Clear history” button.

Recovering Deleted Data

What to do if the question “How to delete history on a phone in Yandex?” was successfully resolved (and accordingly, the browsing history was cleared), but after a while it was necessary to return to a specific web page visited a week or month ago. Even in a saved history, finding a specific resource is usually quite difficult, what about the situation with a deleted log?

Theoretically, it is possible to recover this data, but in practice, the procedure is only feasible for advanced users. And even then, often restoring deleted browser history is not worth the effort - it’s easier to try to find the missing web page by typing the same query in the search bar. If there is still a need to restore history, then it is better to contact a specialist, but you should not independently install programs from the Internet that promise to restore damaged files.

This software, firstly, it may contain viruses, and secondly, it is unlikely to help with your browser history. While such programs are capable of restoring temporary and autosaved files, the deleted search log is certainly not within their competence.

How to clear cache in other mobile browsers?

The easiest way to delete your browsing history is in any other mobile browser. software the smartphone itself. How to do this was described above - the first way to delete history. In addition, you can use the functions of a specific browser; as a rule, the option to clear your browsing history is located in the section personal settings or user privacy settings.

Internet users browse millions of resources every day in search of necessary information and materials. So that you can quickly find the studied link to the site or download file again, a history of visits is stored in Yandex, to which you can return at the right time. You can erase the chronological list if you wish. This article will explain in detail how to delete history in Yandex.

How to view history in Yandex browser

Websites visited often contain data that is important to users. Having closed the browser, people begin to delve into their memory and go in search of a page that they have already closed. Search for what you need in world wide web- it's a long way. How to quickly find what you need right now? To view history in Yandex:

  1. Use a combination Ctrl keys+H already inside open program.
  2. Follow these steps:
  3. Open the "Settings" section by clicking the button (right top corner programs).
  4. Select the History button.
  5. Before you is a browsing history in Yandex, in which you can see the table of contents of the pages you visited previously.

You can explore the recent list of downloads: by pressing the Ctrl and J key combination or by clicking “Settings - Downloads”. Open a new tab (combination Ctrl+T; clicking “+” on the panel tab; pressing right key mice on open tab- choice " New inset"), a new scoreboard will open. A chronology of page visits and downloads will be displayed. After clicking the "Downloads" button, you will see both completed and current downloads.

By selecting “All downloads”, you will open a complete list of received files in a new tab. The “Recently Closed” section contains the latest sites, and the “All History” function will present a complete list of previously reviewed material. Statistics of download files and page logs are deleted, if desired, in whole or in part (for a day, a week, a month, a year, all the time). Downloads are canceled or paused for a while and then resumed.

How to clear your browsing history from your computer

Data deletion is also necessary hard drives computer. It is important to know how to view history in Yandex and remove recent viewpoints, but at the same time you need to erase them from the disk. When you visit Internet pages, they are automatically cached (stored in the cache). The storage rules also apply to entered passwords for accounts. To prevent previously viewed pages from being shown again, you should also clear the cache. How to delete browsing history on your computer?

The cache is saved on your computer's hard drive, but you can also erase it in a web browser:

  1. Go to the browser settings section.
  2. A window will pop up where the “files saved in cache” icon is checked.
  3. Click the “Delete the following elements” inscription, determine the period that needs to be cleaned, click the clear button at the bottom of the open window.
  4. All! Records of requests from the computer will be erased.

All views

If you don’t want your browser history to become clogged, and you don’t have time to search for the necessary previously viewed information for too long, then delete the entire list of viewed resources completely. Go to the “History” item. The “Clear...” button appears. We select the period of time for which cleaning of inspections is required (“in an hour”, “today”, “day”, etc.). The function is very convenient because you choose the scope of this process yourself. One click of the “Clear history” button – and the history in the Yandex browser is deleted.

Search page

We have already learned how to delete all views in a couple of clicks. Now it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the information on removing individual links to materials. It happens that you only need to remove one recent tab. How to do it? A simple algorithm for deleting one preliminary search site:

  1. Let's launch Yandex. At the top right there is a small “gear” - these are the settings. Click on this button.
  2. A menu appears, at the bottom of the list of proposed functions, select the desired setting.
  3. A list of addresses (resources visited) is revealed. One by one, mark the lines that need to be removed.
  4. Check the marked icons, make sure the links are selected correctly and click “Delete”. No one will reveal the secrets of your website visits.

How to delete browsing history on your phone

The entire algorithm for clearing history in Yandex on a smartphone is similar to deleting it on a computer or laptop:

  1. Turn on the Internet browser on your phone.
  2. Select the bookmark marked with a gear. A list of settings will appear.
  3. Find “Privacy”, subsection “Clear data”. Check the box the right set visits and races, delete them by clicking “Clear data”. The phone menu will prompt you to confirm or cancel the operation. If you decide to really completely eliminate the information, click “Yes”.

You have learned how to completely delete history on your phone in Yandex. There are also additional options this function: these are the items for deleting the list of subsequent visits and saving passwords. If you remove the journal marks, you will not have to clean it again. The option has both its pros and cons: you may suddenly need the addresses of resources that you previously looked at.

On a tablet

If you decide to remove the list of previously studied pages on your tablet, first enter the settings menu, hidden under the small gear icon. Then a window will appear: click “Clear history”. On a tablet, if you wish, you can delete the entire history together or each visited address line one at a time. Think carefully before taking this action.

How to recover

It often happens that you need to restore a link to the resource that contained the necessary and important information. You've already looked all over the Internet, and required address can't find it? The question immediately arises: will it be possible to restore lost information. Theoretically, the process is real, but practically, it is very complex and rarely achievable. It will be possible to search for a recovery program on the Internet, but using it to resume the resources passed through is unlikely. You can only restore deleted various files.

Video on how to erase history in Yandex on Android

Modern Android mobile devices They are in no way inferior in functionality to computers and laptops. Download an Internet browser on them new version won't be difficult. Sometimes the question arises of how to quickly delete history on Android in Yandex, so as not to clog up your memory with unnecessary materials. The training video will present all detailed algorithm actions to delete entries from the Internet browsing log will reveal the nuances of how to clean Yandex. You will learn to view previously opened sites and remove them from the list of visited ones.

Clearing your browser history allows you to free up disk space from unnecessary information. Yandex browser is essentially the successor Google Chrome, both in terms of the engine and extensions. There are several ways to clear your history:

  1. Manually.
  2. Using the browser's own means.
  3. Third party software.

Step 1. To enter the uninstallation menu you need, expand the control panel and select the “Large icons” mode.

Step 2. Start configuring folder settings.

Step 3. Switch to the View tab.

Switch to the “View” tab

Step 4. Set the display option hidden folders, files and disks.

Click "Show" hidden files, folders and disks"

On a note! Please note that without such preparation you will not be able to find the location where the history log is stored.

Step 5. Enter the Yandex browser settings storage folder - in the current user folder, go to the path “User” -> AppData -> Local -> Yandex -> YandexBrowser -> User Data -> Default. In the specified directory, find the “History” file and delete it.

Find the “History” file and delete it

On a note! You can manually delete history files using the so-called software shells, For example:FAR Manager, Total Commander. These utilities will allow you to work with directories directly, without changing folder attributes.

Deleting history using a batch file

Step 1. To create a bat file, go to the “All Programs” menu, “Accessories” category and launch “Notepad”.

Launch Notepad

Step 2. Specify the command to delete the file containing the browsing history:

del [is written here full path, including the name of the browsing history file described earlier]

On a note! File "History"in the body file is written with the extension with which it is specified in the directory itself. Don't forget to include your username in the code.

Step 3. Save the file you created in a convenient directory. To change the extension to .bat, use the “File type” option, specifying “All files” in it, and when naming the file, add the “bat” extension at the end.

On a note! You can create a task, through the appropriate scheduler, for automatic start clearing history at specified intervals.

Deleting history using the browser

Step 1. Enter the “History” tab using the browser menu.

Go to the “History” tab

On a note! You can open the desired tab using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+ H". In addition, the browser supports an “incognito” operating mode, in which the history is not saved. However, data about your requests will be available system administrator and Internet service provider. Remember, there is no absolute anonymity on the Internet.

Step 2. Mark the items to be deleted.

Step 3. Use the “Delete selected items” button and confirm the deletion.

Click “Delete selected items” and confirm the action

Step 4. If you need to delete your entire browsing history, use the appropriate option.

Clear history button

Step 5. Adjust for what period of time you want to delete data.

Step 6. Click on the appropriate button and wait for the removal process to complete.

Clearing history using CCleaner

Step 1. Open the main CCleaner interface.

On a note! When downloading the installer program, you can stop at"Full" version (installation required software product) or"Portable" (launch without installation).

Step 2. Switch to the Settings tab.

Step 3. Go to the “Inclusions” item and click on the “Add” button.

Click “Inclusions” and then “Add”

Step 4. Check the "File" option and click the "Browse" button.

Check the “File” option and click on the “Browse” button

Step 5. Enter the path to the history file as described earlier and click “Open”.

Step 6. Confirm your file selection.

Step 7 Select the line that appears and use the “Delete Selected” service.

Click “Delete selected”

Clearing history using the programWipe& Clean

Step 1. Open main software interface Wipe&Clean and select the “Try it!” option.

Open the Wipe&Clean program and select the “Try it!” option.

Step 2. Highlight the option " ».

Select the option “ »

Step 3. Click on the “Add File...” button, then specify the directory and file for storing history records, as described earlier. After linking to the file, confirm your choice by clicking the “Open” button.

Click the “Open” button

Step 4. To save the list, use the “Save List” procedure.

Step 5. Specify the name of the list and confirm saving it with the appropriate button.

Step 6. Clear your history by clicking "Wipe and Delete".

Click “Wipe and Delete”

If you trust the latest statistics on the top browsers, then you can confidently say that Yandex is a browser that is gaining high popularity among its customers. And in fact this is not surprising, since search engine comes in daily a large number of users who need to search necessary information. Let's talk today about views in Yandex, because many of you have probably asked a similar question more than once.

Automatic memorization

The system itself permanently saves queries that you have entered at least once before. In fact, if you look at it from one side, you can reveal that the browsing history in Yandex is a useful thing, because if you need to find the same information again, you won’t have to long time enter into the search engine keywords, it will only be enough to enter just a few letters. Some users do not want others to be able to find out what they were interested in or what sites they visited, and this is quite logical. It is in this case that you will need to know about how views are viewed in Yandex. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but for some users, especially beginners, such a question develops into a real problem.

Start cleaning

Let's take a look at how to remove individual pages that you don't want to see anymore. It should be noted that in this case certain search queries that you previously entered. Clearing in Yandex is very simple, and first you need to launch the Yandex browser. Now you should turn your attention to the top right row of buttons, there will only be a few of them, but your task is to find a small icon, which is made in the form of a gear, it is this that symbolizes the settings. Click on this icon and go to the menu. Your task is to go almost to the very bottom until you see the “History” section. Click on the “History” tab and get into a new window.

Exactly at this section and the entire browsing history in Yandex will be shown, and thus you will be able to see the most recently visited sites, as well as resources that you visited previously. In order to clear certain fragments of history, you need to click once on the selected resource, after which the “Delete” button will appear, which is what you should click on. If you need to delete several items at once, then you need to select those sites that you want to delete with a checkmark, and, of course, then click on the “Delete” button. All sites you select will be excluded from history.

Complete removal

Let's now look at how to clear your browsing history in Yandex completely. This is even easier than deleting some of the selected sites, and the process will not continue for a long time. To do this, at the top of this tab you need to find the “Clear history” button, after which you will need to confirm the process and wait for a while. As you can see for yourself, clearing your browsing history in Yandex is not so difficult if you figure it out and do everything correctly.

If you have no desire to save any information about calls made, messages sent and received, as well as pages viewed in browsers, then you just need to delete the history on Android. This can be done either partially or completely.

How to delete history on Android using the application

To delete your Android search history, you can use special application Quick cleaning. With its help, the history in the user's browser, the history of his calls, as well as the history that is saved when searching on Google Play are cleared.

In addition, it will become impossible to view search information on YouTube. Using such an application is quite simple.

  • Launch the application
  • Check the boxes for data that should be hidden
  • Click the “Clean” button

It is important to know that some applications cannot be cleaned using this program, but it sends you straight to required settings and you will need to clear everything manually. Unnecessary files V mobile device are deleted by clearing the cache. Tips and instructions for deleting the cache can be found in the article.

How to delete calls on Android

To clear the call log on Android, you need to:

  • Open the Phone app
  • Select the “Magazines” section
  • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Click “Clear call log”

You can also delete calls selectively:

  • Open call log
  • Select call
  • Click “Call Details”
  • Click on the cart in the upper right corner

How to delete browser history on Android?

How to delete Internet history

This browser is a built-in application in some smartphones. To clear the history you need to do the following:

  • Open the browser and go to the menu
  • Select "Settings"
  • Find and click on the items “Clear history” and “Clear cache”

These instructions are suitable for standard Opera browser, as well as for Opera Mini, Opera Max and Opera beta. To delete history in Opera you need to:

Chrome is standard browser on naked Android and smartphones from Google. To delete history in Chrome you need to:

How to delete history in Firefox

The Firefox browser is considered one of the most fast browsers, that’s why so many people loved it. To clear history in Firefox, you need to:

  • Open browser
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Find the “History” item
  • Click “Delete web surfing history”

The most popular mobile browser in RuNet - Yandex. To clear history in Yandex on Android you need: