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The survivor's pension is paid by the state to the family of the deceased.

The deceased must be recognized as the only employed member of the family, and close relatives after his death were left without material support and unable to provide for themselves.

To obtain social and material assistance, certain documents are required.

We will tell you in this article what documents are needed to apply for a survivor’s pension in 2019.

Today, the legislation of the Russian Federation distinguishes two types of pensions:

  • upon the loss of a citizen who worked in production or an enterprise;
  • benefits for relatives of a military personnel.

If parents and children of a military personnel apply to receive payments, the following requirements for registration must be met:

Relatives of a citizen must meet two basic conditions:

  1. Mandatory employment of the deceased and at least short work experience. Confirmed by a work book or 2-NDFL certificate.
  2. There is no suspicion that relatives are involved in the death of the breadwinner.

Pension payments can be received not only in the event of the death of the breadwinner, but also if he is officially considered missing.

The following persons are eligible to apply for a pension:

Natural and adopted children of the deceased have the right to receive a pension in equal amounts and participate in inheritance on equal rights.

To apply for a pension on the occasion of the death of the breadwinner, relatives need to collect a certain list of documents, which differs depending on the age of the applicant. Payments for a minor child are processed by his official representative.

Documents required to apply for a survivor's pension for a child under 18 years of age:

Certificates must be provided in original and with copies. You will also need an application, a sample of which will be provided to you at the government agency.

For relatives and children over 18 years of age, a different list of documents has been formed, these are:

  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • applicant's passport;
  • documents or certificates confirming relationship and the right to claim payments.

On an individual basis, additional information may be required:

Documents are provided in original and copies. A complete list of documents can be obtained from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the deceased was a military serviceman.

First, make sure that the child or relative is eligible to receive this benefit.

It is necessary to prepare all documents confirming the relationship with the deceased and certificates stating that the applicant does not have the ability to provide for himself.

The impossibility of self-support refers to the retirement age of relatives or the presence of disability.

For people of retirement age who receive social or insurance benefits, it is assumed that they have a serious illness that requires treatment and the purchase of medications. They will be required to prove that their own pension is insufficient.

The required list of documents can be obtained in advance from the Pension Fund or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A bank account or savings book must be opened in advance and a bank statement must also be provided to the PF. In most cases, the submitted application is considered within 10 days.

If an adult child of the deceased decides to continue his studies at a university, then he should wait for the order of enrollment and again submit documents to the Pension Fund. After 18 years of age, the child of a deceased citizen can independently undertake the entire procedure.

In the Russian Federation, a labor or social pension is paid depending on the cause of death of the family breadwinner and whether he has work experience.

If the deceased died by suicide, his relatives and children can only receive social benefits.

For the loss of a breadwinner, different types of state support are paid - pensions and benefits.

If the breadwinner received an injury that led to death or he died in the line of duty, then, in addition to the pension, the children of the deceased are entitled to benefits.

It is paid:

  • Pension fund, if the deceased served in conscription;
  • pension authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the FSB or the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, if the breadwinner served under a contract.

In 2019, taking into account inflation, the amount of payments amounted to 2 thousand 287 rubles. In order to support families, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1219 it was decided to pay benefits for children whose parents served for the benefit of the Motherland at high risk to health and life.

These are the children:

Monthly payments are assigned starting from the next month if:

  • the breadwinner died after receiving a work-related injury or within 3 months after official dismissal;
  • a serviceman died in the line of duty;
  • the head of the family is declared missing.

If the child was born after the death of the breadwinner, then payments will be accrued with the birth of the child.

If a citizen goes missing, then only a court can recognize him as missing, on the basis of Art. 276-280, ch. 30 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

To obtain a court decision, a close relative must fill out an application indicating:

This statement will be difficult to draw up correctly without the help of a lawyer.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 481, this benefit is paid to children:

  • up to 18 years old;
  • up to 23 years of age if he is studying full-time at an educational institution;
  • for life if the child is disabled.

Until the child reaches adulthood, benefit payments are assigned to the name of the parent or guardian.

Registration of benefits

The child's parent or guardian must submit an application to the authorized bodies where the survivor's pension was issued, for example, to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The application indicates the address of residence, bank details for crediting funds and contact details.

After reviewing the claim and all documents, a decision on granting benefits will be made within 10 days. To avoid delays in review, documents should be submitted in full.

To save time, it is better to apply for a pension and benefits at the same time.

If the deceased citizen was in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Defense or the Investigative Committee, in order to receive a pension or benefit, the relatives of the deceased should apply to the place of his service within a month.

If the head of the family has gone missing, the process will become somewhat more complicated and drawn out due to the receipt of a court decision declaring the person missing.

Video: Where to apply, what documents to submit, terms and procedure for payment of survivor's pension

A survivor's pension is a payment to disabled people who were supported by a deceased family member. Such payment can be of 3 types, depending on the situation:

Who can count?

You can use your right to this type of pension only if the breadwinner met at least one of the criteria described below:

  • Pensioner.
  • The insurance period allowed him to receive a disability pension (Group III).
  • He died while performing compulsory military service (regardless of whether he had insurance coverage or not).

You can apply for financial assistance in the name of:

  1. Minor children.
  2. Children who study full-time in educational institutions. Maximum age is 23 years. If the breadwinner died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, then the age limit is up to 25 years.
  3. Family members whose parents are disabled (sisters, brothers, grandchildren, grandparents, parents).
  4. Spouse or spouse.
  5. A person who cares for the children (under 14 years of age) of the deceased.

All these people have the right to apply for any of the 3 types of survivor’s pension. The state type can only be applied for by the families of deceased military personnel, pilots or astronauts, as well as those affected by radiation and man-made disasters.

IMPORTANT! Changes have been made to the legal framework, according to which adopted children have the right to pension compensation.

Guardians are also equal to the status of parents and can count on this type of pension if they document the fact of guardianship for at least 5 years.

What list of necessary documents is needed to process payments?

To receive a survivor's pension you need 2 packages of documents:

  • The main one, which is provided in the general case.
  • Additional – confirming certain circumstances.

So, The list for registration of the general package includes the following documents:

If the necessary documents are in the pension file, then there is no need to provide them.

To assign a certain type of pension (social, state or insurance), additions to the above list are needed.

For example, what documents are needed to apply for an insurance pension, as well as for children?:

  • OPS certificate.
  • Confirmation of insurance experience: work book or contract, certificates or extract from the order, military ID and others.
  • Average earnings (certificate, pay book, copy of personal account).
  • Confirmation of dependency (certificate of family composition, certificate of income).

IMPORTANT! This type of payment is accrued provided that the deceased had at least 1 day of insurance coverage.

A social pension is accrued if the breadwinner did not work anywhere or died due to illegal actions.

To register it, submit to the Pension Fund:

  • Conclusion that the deceased committed a criminal offense or caused damage to his health. This document is issued by the federal medical and social examination.
  • Certificate from housing and communal services.
  • Labor.

Additional help for different categories and situations

Various life circumstances will also require confirmation when applying for a survivor's pension. The possible options are described below:

The state survivor's pension is provided to the families of deceased astronauts, pilots and military personnel. Persons applying for such a payment must also take care of providing additional documents. For families of astronauts, such documents are:

Family members of military personnel are entitled to payment if:

  1. The breadwinner died while serving in conscription.
  2. Death occurred within 3 days after dismissal.
  3. Upon expiration of the specified period due to military injury.

To do this they must provide:

  • Confirmation of the death of a serviceman.
  • Examination of the cause of death.
  • Confirm the time of conscription service.
  • Documents confirming the fact that the widow did not enter into a new marriage during the period of military service for the deceased.
  • Confirmation that training abroad was carried out in accordance with the international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Where should I go to request a payment?

You must submit your pension application documents in person to:

  • Pension fund at the place of registration.
  • Multifunctional center.

The package of documents can also be sent by mail. According to the law, the day of application to the Pension Fund will be considered the date indicated on the stamp.

IMPORTANT! If the applicant lives abroad and does not have registration in the Russian Federation, then documents are submitted to the Pension Fund at the address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 4.

An official representative can also submit documents for a pension.(a person whose powers are registered by a notary).

What is the time frame for accrual?

After submitting an application for a pension, the Pension Fund checks the submitted documents and, based on them, makes a decision on determining the payment. The entire procedure takes 10 working days. If you need any more certificates to register and receive payments for a child or another applicant, then you have 3 more months to submit them.

But the application date will still coincide with the day the application was submitted. The same date is considered the day the pension payment is established.

The only exception is the insurance type of pension. According to Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013, clause 5, article 22, payment is possible from the date of death of the breadwinner. The main thing is that the documents are submitted within a year.

Nuances and pitfalls

When applying for a survivor's pension, there are many nuances to consider. For example, the fact that the payment amount will be 0.5 of the deceased’s income. If there is more than one disabled person in the family, then the benefit will be 100% and divided equally among all dependents.

Let's talk about other subtleties of assigning payments. If a disabled military pensioner died in service, then his wife can count on financial assistance after reaching 50 years of age.

If she has a dependent child of the deceased under 8 years old, then she will receive a payment regardless of her age and employment. If a widow does not work and is raising a child under 14 years of age, she also has the right to receive a pension regardless of age.

When a military widow enters into a new marriage, she retains her right to receive the pension of her deceased spouse (Article 35 of Law No. 4468-1 of 02/12/1993). The exception is the wives of conscripts.

There are 3 types of survivor's pension. But this variety of situations for which this payment is provided is not limited. The law provides for a huge number of persons who are entitled to receive such benefits. Thus, a certain material protection is provided to the disabled population.

It is important that each individual case requires, in addition to the standard package of documents, a number of additional certificates. This is how the Pension Fund tries to confirm the applicant’s right to receive a cash payment.

Useful video

Who is entitled to receive a survivor's pension:

Survivor's benefit is state support for those citizens who are left without sources of livelihood after the loss of a family member. Formally survivor's benefit is a payment from the Russian Pension Fund, which is why it is also called a survivor’s pension.

Who is entitled to survivor benefits for a child?

Survivor's benefit is assigned to persons who, with the death of a family member, have lost their main source of livelihood, that is, those who were dependent on him. This formulation means that a fairly wide range of people, and not just minor family members, can benefit from state assistance.

At the same time, there are certain restrictions on recognizing a family member as a dependent, and the very fact of dependence must be proven, so even receiving survivor benefits It becomes quite a difficult problem for a child.

First of all, minor children of the deceased breadwinner have the right to receive benefits - regardless of whether they were natural or adopted - until they reach the age of 18 years.

If the child continues to have no means of subsistence, for example due to studying at a university (full-time study), then the age for receiving benefits is limited to 23 years, and if the child is disabled and the fact of disability was recognized before the age of 18, then further.

In addition to the natural and adopted children of the deceased breadwinner, adult family members who care for the children of the deceased have the right to receive state assistance (provided that the children are under 14 years old at the time of payment of the pension). Such a family member is assigned a dependent care pension due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Don't know your rights?

How is the benefit amount due calculated?

Survivor's benefit represents deductions from the pension savings of a deceased family member. It consists of a basic part of the benefit (this is a constant value) and a variable part, which is calculated depending on the amount of insurance capital accumulated at the time of the death of the breadwinner and the duration of his insurance period.

Important! The amount of the survivor's benefit may be less than the minimum subsistence level in the region. In this case, the recipient needs to contact the Pension Fund office, since he may be assessed a federal social supplement to bring the benefit amount to the subsistence level.

The amount of the payment is calculated by employees of the Russian Pension Fund when applying for benefits. The amount of the benefit, as well as the regular labor pension, is subject to annual indexation.

How and where to apply for survivor benefits?

In order to issue survivor's benefit, you must contact the Pension Fund office of the locality where the dependent lives. When applying, you must submit copies and originals of those documents that confirm family ties with the deceased breadwinner and the fact of dependency, as well as a death certificate or a court decision declaring the citizen missing.

When applying to the Pension Fund, the dependent also fills out an application for the assignment of benefits, which is subject to consideration within 10 days. After consideration, if there are no reasons for refusal, the citizen is assigned a survivor's pension.