How to change the background image on your computer. Automatic change of desktop wallpaper (pictures) in Windows

If you work a lot at the computer, then monotonous background picture Over time, you may get bored and want to replace it with something more original. Plus, changing your wallpaper will show other employees that you happen to be computer savvy!

By clicking the right mouse button (the cursor should be on a clean desktop, and not on any tabs or shortcuts), call context menu.

In the menu that opens, select Personalization



In the window that opens, you can select a background from several dozen pictures that are available by default in the Windows 7 operating system. To view, click on the thumbnails of the pictures and they appear on the monitor screen before your eyes. When you select a picture, click the Save Changes button so that the picture you like becomes your desktop background.

If you check several images, then the field will become active Change image every and from the drop-down list you can select the time interval after which the images will replace each other.

But perhaps you want to make your drawing or photograph your desktop background. Then click the Browse A button and find the folder with your photos. Just keep in mind that if the photo or drawing does not fit the screen size, then you need to click the Fill B button and from the drop-down list select what you want to do with the drawing: stretch it, place it in the center, etc.

Changing your desktop background in Windows XP

By right-clicking on a blank screen, you open the context menu. In it, select the bottom line - Properties.

In the Properties: Display window that opens, click the tab Desk:


This is where you can set the color or background image of the screen.

If you want your monitor screen to be one color, then on the Color tab 1 From the drop-down list, select any color you like (black, yellow, red, etc.). And in the field Background 2 click on top line ( No ) . In this case, the color you selected will appear on the monitor screen, which is visible in the middle of the tab. If you like this color, then click the apply button, and then OK. That's it - the monitor screen is painted in your favorite color.

But it will be more beautiful if the screen is not monochrome, but has a background image. The pattern can be selected from the standard Windows set. To do this, in the Background picture 2 field, click the cursor on the names of the pictures and these pictures will appear on the screen of the sample monitor. IN at the moment the standard one is visible there Windows drawing XP called Serenity. Having selected a picture, you click the Apply button, and then OK and this picture will appear on your desktop - on the screen of your monitor.

But, after a while, you will get bored with all the standard drawings and will want to find something new.

There are many drawings on CDs and on the Internet. You can choose several designs for yourself and then change them every week. To display such a drawing, click the Browse button and use Windows Explorer find the file with this picture on your computer. The selected file will appear in the list Wallpaper 2 Now click the Apply button, and then OK and your picture will appear on the screen.

I only draw attention to the fact that the drawing must be on the hard drive, and not on a CD. That is, the picture you like must first be copied from the CD, and then installed as the background picture.

But perhaps this will not seem enough to you. You will want to use your own photos as the background image. This is also possible.

It is only desirable that the drawing matches yours screen resolution. If the screen resolution is 1024 x 768, then the photo size should be the same. Because if the photo more screen, then only part of the photo will be displayed on the screen and not necessarily the best one.

If the photo size is smaller than the screen, then you will need to select an option in the Location 4 field. The photo will either have to be placed in the center or stretched, or the screen will be covered with it, which, in any case, will not be very beautiful. This means that the photograph must be prepared in advance.

Background picture
and screen saver on your computer

Initially, on computers with installed Operating
Windows system already has a background image installed.
And, most often, this is a background image with the Windows logo.

The screen saver is not installed initially.
But it can be installed and then changed.

How to change your computer screen wallpaper

How to change
screen background

I’ll say right away that changing the background image to
today - not available for all versions of Windows.
In particular, for Windows 7 (starter) -
this option is not available.

So, the path to changing the background image begins
from the “Start” button → select “Control Panel” on the right.

In the “Design” section, select the function
"Changing the desktop background."
The following window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

This window contains desktop backgrounds. You need to click on the image you want to make the background. Then select the position of the image at the bottom - on the “Fill” button

Besides choice ready-made Background– you can choose any other image. From those that are downloaded to your computer. To do this, in the “Image Location” section, click on the arrow. A context menu will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

You can select "Image Library". And when yours open
folders with images - select the one you need. Or click the “Browse” button.

And also select the image in the desired folder.

And when the image appears in the window for setting the desktop background, do the same as for the finished Background. Click on the selected one. Select the position of the image at the bottom - on the “Fill” button, select the position of the image. And then click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom.

What's happened screen saver and how to install it

What is a screen saver
and how to install it

A screen saver is just that: a screen saver. Depending on the one selected, it appears either against the background of the Wallpaper, or instead of it at a time when the computer is turned on and is in a pause state. That is, you do not use a mouse or keyboard. Or just walk away from the computer.

As soon as you touch the mouse with your hand or click
press the keyboard button – the screen saver disappears.

Installing a screen saver on Windows 7 (initial) is also available.

The path to installing a screen saver begins with the “Start” button → select “Control Panel” on the right → click on the “Appearance” button. The following window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the “Screen” section, select “Change screen saver”.
The Screen Saver Options tab opens.

Initially, the screen saver is not installed. Therefore, in the “Screen saver” parameter it is set to “No”. To see the selection of available screensavers, click on the arrow. A context menu will open.

Free space on your laptop screen or computer monitor appears when loading the operating system Windows systems or any other, usually called the “Desktop”, or desktop. It displays shortcuts installed programs(if provided) and a picture (wallpaper). How to change the picture on the “Desktop”, now and we'll talk. In this regard, you can use not only the tools of the system itself, but also apply the capabilities of other control programs.

How to change the picture on the “Desktop” and why is it necessary?

Well, firstly, the image simply pleases the eye and creates a positive mood, which makes many people want to work.

Secondly, based on studies of image perception by the human eye, we can conclude that a certain range of colors and their combination also play a significant role. By at least, as recently announced, Microsoft is going to release a new update or preview release of Windows 10, which will be able to configure the colors and brightness of the screen of any device depending on the lighting level.

However, this is a somewhat distant future. For now, let’s deal with the issues of how to change the picture on the computer’s “Desktop” directly. This can be done quite simply.

How to change the picture on the “Desktop” of Windows 7 and higher?

In any system, settings are made by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the “Desktop” space and calling up the personalization menu or monitor settings.

In the “Desktop” settings it is immediately shown set image. How to change the picture on the “Desktop”? There is nothing simpler: just click on the browse button and select the corresponding file. In this case, the system makes absolutely no difference what resolution and quality the picture itself will be.

In the location option, you can specify several additional parameters, including orientation, stretching or installation in full screen mode etc. Actually, this is the simplest thing that any user should know. If you don’t have such skills, then further conversation will simply be useless.

Specialized theme changing programs

There are many more methods that involve the use of one or another solution to the problem of how to change the picture on the “Desktop”. IN in this case we are talking about narrowly focused utilities like Guardian, 1 st Desktop Guard and the like.

In most cases, the question of how to change the picture on the “Desktop” with their help is not worth it. Applications of this type have default settings such that the wallpaper changes automatically every day. And they, like the so-called “launchers” (from the English Launcher), have the ability to recreate the visual image of any system. Do you want Windows 10 on the screen instead of XP, and on old system? No problem! Install the application, launch it and get the results.

What to use?

As is already clear, the question of how to change the picture on the “Desktop” is solved quite simply. The point is different. If you install programs to change wallpaper or simulate an image of a non-existent system, this will definitely backfire, since all programs of this type are launched along with the system and consume an incredible amount of RAM.

But there is a solution here too. The point is that memory consumption or mastery computing processes falls not on the central chip, but on GPU. And, here we must pay tribute, current video cards often have such processor chips that the main system could not even dream of. Therefore, only a combination of balanced settings of the so-called CPU and GPU can increase the performance of the entire system.

By the way, many people are disdainful Windows settings. In vain! Even in initial parameters You can set such options that when viewed from the side (for example, at an angle of 45 degrees at the monitor), the transverse stripes associated with the screen refresh rate, if you move a couple of meters to the side from the computer, will not be visible at all.


Windows 7 allows you to set any image as your desktop background. Agree that it is much nicer to see your favorite landscape or photo of loved ones on your desktop than a standard one Windows background or a picture set to your liking computer technician. Change background image desktop is very easy even for a novice user, especially when there is step by step instructions. In this article, I will tell you in detail about how to change the desktop background in Windows 7, in other words, how to install any image, photograph, picture or drawing on the desktop of your computer, as well as how to make a slide show of your favorite pictures on your desktop desktop in Windows 7.

How to change your desktop background

Click right click mouse on the desktop and select “Personalization”. There is another option: Start menu -> Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Personalization.

In the window that opens, left-click on “Desktop Background”.

Click on any image from the list to set it as your desktop background. If you want to set another image or photo as your desktop background, click "Browse" and specify the path to the folder on your computer where it is stored. desired image or photograph. All images from the specified folder will appear in the list of wallpapers.

Under the “Image Position” line, you can select “Stretch” so that the image fills the entire desktop. It is advisable to choose images with the same resolution as your screen. Click "Save Changes" to set the selected image as your desktop background.

You have successfully changed your desktop background.

How to make a slideshow on your desktop

You can not only change the desktop picture, but also set up a slide show on your desktop from the selected images. What does this mean? You select many different images or photos that will automatically change on your desktop at a certain interval. This is done in exactly the same way as in the previous paragraph, only you select more than one image, but check off several or more pictures. You can simply click the “Select all” button, but then absolutely all the pictures from the list will be shown one by one. After selecting images, set the interval for changing images in the “Change image every:” column. You can also check the box next to “In random order» so that the pictures change chaotically and not in order. Click Save Changes.

At first glance, the question of how to change the picture on your desktop is outrageously simple. But we shouldn’t forget about people who sat down at a computer for the first time in their lives, and it doesn’t matter how old they are - five or fifty. Today we will try to sort out all the information about changing the desktop background to personal computer especially for those who took up the mouse for the first time.


The first thing a novice user needs to do before using these instructions and trying to change the picture on the desktop is to determine your version. The method of changing wallpaper on the desktop is the same in any of them, but functions, tabs, elements may be called differently control menu.

If you don't know Windows version installed on your personal computer, you should do the following.

  1. Find the “My Computer” icon on the screen and right-click on it.
  2. Go to the "Properties" menu.
  3. We are interested in the sub-item or the “System” tab.
  4. We look at the version of the operating system.
  5. If there is no “My Computer” icon, and when you enter the “Start” menu, a picture appears in front of you, as in the figure above, then you have Windows 8 installed.

Windows 7+

Majority modern computers, which you can purchase in stores, have a pre-installed operating system. Computers purchased from official distributors will have Windows 8 installed, or in rare cases Windows cases 7. Of course, the latest developed version of the G8 was considered unsuccessful even by Microsoft, but it continues to be distributed under the pretext that updating to the next version will be free. So, how to change the picture on your desktop? Windows desktop 8 and Windows 7?

These operating systems They are similar to each other in many ways, but they are also very different. If you use the "eight", then after start screen with the "tile" you need to go to the desktop itself. After this, all actions for both systems will be the same.

  1. To change the picture on your desktop, click right key mice on any free space your screen.
  2. In the menu that opens, find and click “Personalization”. A window with managing desktop properties should appear in front of you.
  3. At the bottom right we find the sub-item “Desktop Background”. Click.
  4. In the window that opens, we need to select the folder in which the images we need are located. These can be photographs and pictures existing in the system during installation, or your own.
  5. Click browse and indicate the path to the folder in which the photos of interest to us are located. Let's open it.
  6. As you can see, all the images are now shown in this control menu. All you have to do is check the boxes next to those that you would like to see on your desktop and indicate the period of time after which they will change.

That's all, as you understand, changing the picture on the desktop is not so difficult.

Old OS

It doesn't take a genius to understand that technology development does not stand still. Some operating systems replace others, but this does not mean that previous versions worth forgetting. If you purchased an old computer secondhand, it is possible that when you check it you will find one of the older systems on it. There's nothing wrong with that. They are much more stable and convenient than the new ones. How to change the picture on the desktop of Windows XP or Vista?

  1. Essentially, the method is exactly the same as in the previous case. You need to right-click on the desktop, only now we are interested in the sub-item “Desktop Properties” or simply “Properties”.
  2. Go to the "Desktop" tab.
  3. Here you can select one of the proposed pictures that were preinstalled in the system. Or by clicking the "Browse" button, you can select the one you want from your collection.

Additional methods

There are other methods to change the picture on your desktop. For example, special gadgets(programs) called "DeskTop Wallpaper" and "SwapWall". They include all the desktop management features you might see on However, their main advantage is that they can be installed on older OSes that do not have automatic picture changing.

We hope that after reading this article, you will no longer have a question about what you need to change the picture on your computer desktop. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance to an inexperienced user.