How to make an ultrasonic emitter yourself. A simple ultrasonic bath - we assemble a device for household use with our own hands

Greetings. In this article I will talk about how to make an ultrasonic bath with your own hands using simple schemes. In addition, you will learn about what this device is, why it is needed and how effective it is in operation.

You can make an ultrasonic bath with your own hands at home. It will come to the rescue when cleaning objects from rust, dirt and plaque. All we need for this is to take into account the production technology of the device and not deviate from the general rules and recommendations. An ultrasonic device allows you to effectively remove contaminants from a variety of parts, components and tools in the shortest possible time. Also, a huge advantage of this device is that it can clean those products for which mechanical cleaning is strictly prohibited.

General information

If relatively recently, ultrasonic cleaning was something out of science fiction, today household appliances operating on this principle can be purchased for little money in a well-known Chinese online store. However, despite the fact that the price of the device is affordable for many, you can try to assemble it yourself.

I am sure that the topic of the article will be of interest not only to those readers who like to assemble something with their own hands, but also to those people who still have not decided whether they need an ultrasonic cleaning device or not.

Everything you need to know about ultrasonic baths

Most workshops involved in the repair of jewelry, mobile phones and other consumer electronics probably have an ultrasonic bath, with which you can easily wash away certain contaminants.

Compared to the mechanical method of removing contaminants, the use of ultrasonic baths provides the following advantages:

  • Quick removal of contaminants without having to wash anything with your hands;
  • Removing dirt from hard-to-reach places(especially relevant for printed circuit boards and jewelry with complex configurations;
  • No mechanical damage after finishing cleaning.

The scope of application of the device extends to such areas as:

  • Jewelry and restoration workshops;
  • Repair workshops for household electrical appliances;
  • Chemical laboratories and medical institutions where there is a need for thorough cleaning of instruments;
  • Vehicle repair workshops where there is a need for thorough cleaning of individual mechanisms, assemblies, equipment, etc.

Ultrasonic baths (hereinafter referred to as ultrasonic baths) operate on the principle of cavitation of sound pressure, which is formed in a liquid medium under the influence of ultrasound. That is, a large number of gravitational air bubbles are formed in the liquid and when they burst, a sound pressure effect occurs.

To make it even clearer, each small air bubble bursting creates the effect of a micro-explosion. A large number of micro-explosions, proportional to the number of bubbles in the bath, creates enough pressure to exfoliate particles of dirt, rust and everything that you would like certain items to be removed.

The design of the ultrasonic bath consists of the following components:

  • Metal container made of stainless steel;

The scope of application of the device is primarily determined by the size of the metal bath. For example, devices with a volume of up to 1 liter are most often used to clean printed circuit boards. For other needs, larger baths are used.

  • Electronic ultrasonic generator – serves as a source of vibrations;
  • Emitter – converts electrical vibrations into mechanical ones and transmits them to the walls of the container;
  • The control unit from which the parameters of cleaning modes and duration are set.

What to use as a detergent

You need to understand that the ultrasound bath itself does not wash, but only enhances the effect of the solvent used. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right liquid for an ultrasonic bath that will correspond to the type of contamination.

Under no circumstances should you turn on an empty or half-empty bathtub. The liquid level must be at least 2/3 of the height of the side of the container. At a lower level, the voltage on the generator increases sharply and as a result, repair of the device may be required.

Manufacturers of ultrasonic baths recommend pouring special liquids into the container, such as Zestron FA+, Flux-off, Solins-us, etc. In practice, appliance buyers use a variety of products, from distilled water to white spirit solvent.

To achieve the highest possible quality of cleaning metal and polymer objects from various contaminants, I can recommend the following products: distilled water, galosh gasoline, any alcohol-containing glass cleaners, acetone (only for metal objects).

If you intend to wash metal objects from rust, I recommend using an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid or a rust converter as a washing liquid.

The device instructions indicate that the use of flammable substances as cleaning liquids is prohibited. This is explained by the fact that the metal container heats up during operation of the device. In order to use acetone or gasoline, I advise you to set the mode for a short duration, during which the bath does not have time to heat up.

How to assemble an ultrasonic cleaner yourself

To assemble an ultrasonic bath with your own hands, in addition to the parts indicated in the diagram, you will need the following:

For your information, the dining bowl is made of thin stainless steel and costs no more than 100 rubles.

  • A stainless steel bath of up to a liter – the lighter the better;
  • A piece of plastic pipe or other structure - for use as a stand for a container;
  • 12 V power supply;

  • Ferrite rod - an integrated antenna from a radio receiver will do;
  • Ultrasonic emitter – power 80 W
  • Epoxy glue.

The assembly instructions are as follows:

  • We make a choke - we wind 20 turns of soft copper wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm onto a ferrite rod;

  • We make a power choke - you can use a ready-made one from an old computer power supply;

  • We glue the ultrasonic emitter to the bottom of a metal container, placing it strictly in the center;
  • In accordance with the wiring diagram, solder the board;
  • In accordance with the diagram, we assemble the circuit;

  • We connect the power supply (output transformer) to the 5 V winding.

How to check the effectiveness of the bath?

As a test, you can clean something of dirt, but it will take a lot of time. For a quick test of effectiveness, place a piece of thin foil in the bath. If the device is assembled correctly, the foil at the bend will literally dissolve.


Now you know what an ultrasonic bath is, how it works and what it can be used for. In addition, we looked at a simple wiring diagram that can be used to assemble a working device for home use.

It has always been believed that my home is my fortress. However, there are times when it is simply impossible to be in your own apartment.

Many things can cause inconvenience: noisy renovation work in a neighboring apartment, very loud music and, naturally, drunken brawls from above every night for a long period of time.

The noise, which continues around the clock, forces us to immediately look for at least some solution to eliminate it. However, not everyone knows how to overcome noisy neighbors.

The Federal Law states that the noise level should not exceed 40 dB between seven o'clock in the morning and eleven o'clock in the evening, but at night this figure should not exceed 30 dB.

If we take at least some comparison, then all sounds should be three times quieter than a car alarm. But still, do not forget that in each region amendments to this law can be made.

If the norms are violated by users of residential premises, all actions on the part of unscrupulous neighbors become an administrative violation.

However, it happens that while laws exist, they are unfortunately not implemented. In this case, there are a couple of options to solve the problem.

When very loud music is an obstacle, you can try to negotiate peacefully. This method is undoubtedly considered the best at that moment, if all participants in a given conflict are in an adequate state.

You can explain that you have a small child in your apartment and he needs to rest during the day, but in the evening he should go to bed at nine. You can compromise and understand each other.

In the event that peace negotiations do not go well, you can go to the local police officer, who is supposed to look into this situation at the request of the applicant. If there is a drunken brawl in a neighbor’s apartment, then it is best not to get involved in it, as there is a possibility of getting hurt. In this case, law enforcement agencies must intervene, who will immediately arrive at the scene when called and eliminate the conflict.

Neighbors are doing renovations

All repair work is a separate topic. When carrying out work using a drill, a person honestly thinks that he is not doing anything wrong, since it is working time, and therefore the law is not being violated.

But in some cases, this kind of noise can disturb an old woman who has a migraine and wake up a small child. In this case, you cannot complain, since the law has not actually been broken.

If the person is well-mannered, then you can independently decide on the time for him to carry out the noisiest repair work, which will give you the opportunity to go for a walk with your child during this period of time or not to go to bed at this time, but simply reschedule it.

Request for help

So what should you do if the noise continues, but you can’t reach an agreement? It should be noted that the arrival of a district police officer often simply does not give the results that we would like. Very often, this moment depends on how rampant corruption is in a given area and, of course, on the identity of the offender.

In the event that the local police officer does not take any action on the application or nothing changes after his arrival, you should contact the prosecutor’s office directly, which monitors how the laws are observed. They must sort it out and the answer will come to you in writing.

If they didn’t help here either, then the only thing left is the court. If a claim is filed, there must be strong evidence that it is really impossible for you to relax in your apartment due to noisy neighbors.

How will the request to the housing office affect?

There is another authority to which you can file a complaint about particularly noisy upstairs neighbors who just want to annoy them. You should go there if there really are no illegal actions going on, which is rowdy behavior.

For example, a dog is constantly barking somewhere, or there is simply loud music from the upstairs neighbor. In these cases, it is permissible to contact the housing department. As a rule, employees of such an institution say that it is possible to conduct some kind of conversation, but it is not a fact that an apartment will be opened for them. So it's easier to call the police.

However, the police officers are not in a hurry to help, since their exit position is set up only for illegal actions, and loud music is the work of the housing department. And when the circle is closed, you should think about alternative methods.

There are exceptions

There are points in the silence law that may not be subject to time restrictions.

Items not included:

  • A small sick child is crying;
  • The cat meows or the dog barks;
  • The church bells are ringing;
  • Carrying out events and celebrations on the street;
  • Rescue or emergency operations accompanied by noise.

Consequences for violators

After the first warning has been issued and there is no effect, an administrative fine is then imposed. Its value will depend only directly on who was the cause for concern - an individual or a legal entity.

The addition to the law states that those who like to place an amplifier on the balcony may also be subject to fines. The law has clear criteria for violating silence, for which you will have to pay a fine:

  1. Construction and repair work at night;
  2. Use of pyrotechnics and fireworks;
  3. Listening to loud music when using amplifiers;
  4. Whistling, loud screams and more.

Self help

In the event that no methods can help deal with noisy neighbors, you can simply make repairs using materials with enhanced soundproofing properties.

However, this is not always the solution. Yes, and the matter is quite troublesome. You can try using infrasound.

What is infrasound?

Infrasound is usually called elastic waves, which are analogues of sound waves, but have lower frequencies that humans cannot hear. The upper limit of the infrasound range is 16-25 Hz.

The lower limit has not yet been identified. In fact, infrasound is present in everything: in the atmosphere, in forests, and even in water.

Actions of infrasound

Infrasonic actions occur due to resonance, which is the frequency of vibration of a large number of processes in the body. Alpha, beta and delta brain rhythms also occur at the purity of infrasound, as, in principle, does the heartbeat.

Infrasonic vibrations can coincide with vibrations in the body. Subsequently, the latter intensify, due to which some organ malfunctions. It may not only lead to injury, but also to rupture.

The frequency of vibrations in the human body varies from 8 to 15 hertz. At a time when a person is exposed to sound radiation, all physical vibrations can resonate, but the amplitude of microconvulsions will increase many times.

Naturally, a person will not be able to understand the feeling of what is affecting, because the sound cannot be heard. However, there is a certain state of anxiety. If there is an extremely long and active impact of a special sound on the entire human organ, then ruptures of internal vessels, as well as capillaries, occur.

Typhoon, earthquake and volcanic eruption emit a frequency of 7-13 hertz, which gives a call to a person to quickly retreat from the place where disasters occur. Infrasound and ultrasound can very easily drive a person to suicide.

A very dangerous sound interval is the frequency of 6-9 hertz. Very strong psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 hertz, which is similar to the natural vibration of the brain.

At such a moment, any work of a mental nature simply becomes impossible, since there is a feeling that the head could “burst like a watermelon” at any moment. If the impact is not strong, then the ears simply ring and a feeling of nausea appears, vision deteriorates and the person succumbs to unaccountable fear.

A sound that is of medium intensity can upset the digestive organs, the brain, cause paralysis, blindness and general weakness. Strong exposure damages or completely stops the heart.

Ultrasonic emitter

You can independently build an infrasound emitter that will not cause any harm to the human body, but the unwanted neighborhood will become less noisy after its use.

Ultrasound design

The scheme is as follows: the simplest generator for creating oscillations is started from a coil, which is located in the speaker for sound. The relay is needed to start the capacitor. If you push the speaker to produce sound, it turns off completely.

Next, the circuit begins to operate at the resonant frequency of the coil. We also need transistors that will be low-frequency and produce a certain sound power. A nine-volt power bank from a non-working modem is used as power supply.

Resistors R2 and R4 are volume controls. The circuit operates on a pendulum resonance. However, all the electrics take about two watts, but the output is about twenty, so the speaker does not work without them.

Any audio woofer will do. A prerequisite is to install it in a housing, since in this case an acoustic “short circuit” is eliminated. The body shape is perfect for a saucepan. When using a jigsaw, the ears of the speaker for sound are cut off, then it is stuck into a bucket and glued together around the perimeter with a “moment”.

Setting up an infrasound device

Initially, the entire system is assembled on a table and all electrical components are checked. Initially, this must be done without a weighting agent. Once turned on, the speaker should begin to hum at its resonance frequency.

If it doesn’t work right away, you should work with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then the whole device is assembled into a pan, all the gaps between the speaker and the body are glued with a “moment”, and then the spiral of the weighting agent should be coated with glue and glued to the speaker diffuser for sound.

If it is not possible to find a normal pure meter, you should set the ultrasonic frequency to 13 Hz using an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator based on the Lissajous figure. Then turn on the power to test for a few seconds to see what happens. Next, the device turns off and begins cutting the weighting spiral until a double Lissajous is obtained.


Ultrasound - These are elastic waves of high frequency. Typically, the ultrasonic range is considered to be a frequency range from 20,000 to several billion hertz. Now ultrasound is widely used in various physical and technological methods. The fact that ultrasound actively affects biological objects (for example, kills bacteria) has been known for more than 70 years. Electronic equipment with a scanning ultrasound beam is used in neurosurgery to inactivate individual areas of the brain with a powerful, focused high-frequency beam. High-frequency vibrations cause internal heating of tissues.

There are still discussions about the physical effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the cell and even about the possible disruption of DNA structures. Moreover, there is information that at the micro level - not at the level of the body structure, but at some more subtle level - ultrasonic exposure is harmful.

Ultrasound can be obtained from mechanical, electromagnetic and thermal sources. Mechanical emitters are usually various types of intermittent sirens. They emit vibrations into the air with a power of up to several kilowatts at frequencies up to 40 kHz. Ultrasonic waves in liquids and solids are usually excited by electroacoustic, magnetostrictive and piezoelectric transducers.

The industry has long been producing devices forultrasonic effects on animals, for example:


A miniature dog repeller is a wearable electronic device (assembled in a mini-flashlight housing) that emits ultrasonic vibrations that are audible to dogs and not perceptible to humans.

Operating principle

The device is designed to protect against dog attacks: ultrasonic radiation of a certain power usually stops an aggressive dog at a distance of 3 - 5 meters or puts it to flight. The greatest effect is achieved when acting on aggressive stray dogs.


  • Supply voltage (1 battery type 6F22 (KRONA)), V 9
  • Current consumption, no more, A 0.15
  • Weight with batteries, no more, g 90

As you understand, this is a weak toy, but we will make the device much more powerful! Continuing experiments with ultrasound (), a number of interesting improvements and improvements were made. This is how a revolutionary method of influencing a living organism (naturally negative) with two ultrasonicemitters with a difference frequency of several hertz. That is, the frequency of one emitter is, for example, 20,000 Hz, and the other is 20,010 Hz. As a result, onultrasonic radiation is superimposedsound, which greatly enhances the destructive effect!

The circuit is standard, a generator based on CD4069 + an amplifier with three N-P-N transistors. Power supply is at least 12 V, with a current of up to 1 A.

To enhance the directional effect, we use cylindrical sound resonators. Their role will be played by a regular nickel-plated tube from a vacuum cleaner.Just don’t spoil the vacuum cleaner; the tube is sold separately at the market or in a spare parts store.

We cut two pieces to an experimentally determined length (about a couple of centimeters), and attach them to RF heads like 5GDV-4 or any other. You can buy a double nozzle for the exhaust pipe of a car, installation is much more convenient, and the effect will be even better.

We insert the high-frequency speakers inside, and mount the board with the battery in the back.

Faculty of Medicine

1 course

1 semester

1 stream

Lecture No. 5


Compiled by: Babenko N.I.


    Ultrasound and its production. Ultrasound emitters.

Ultrasound is mechanical vibrations with a frequency of over 20,000 Hz, which propagate in elastic media in the form of longitudinal waves. Ultrasound sources are:

1. Natural:

2. Artificial:

acoustic-mechanical transducers;

electroacoustic transducers (piezoelectric, magnetostrictive).

Natural sources of ultrasound are sources not created by human hands and independently existing in nature.

Live sources: grasshoppers, crickets, fish, bats, dolphins. Non-living sources: wind, mountain falls, earthquakes.

Artificial sources of ultrasound are called acoustic transducers, because they convert mechanical or electrical energy into the energy of ultrasonic vibrations.

Acoustic-mechanical transducers are transducers in which ultrasonic vibrations occur when the flow of a liquid or gas is interrupted. Examples: Galton whistle, ultrasonic siren.

Electroacoustic transducers are transducers in which ultrasonic vibrations occur when some substances are exposed to alternating electric or magnetic fields.

Piezoelectric transducers (piezo-pressure) are transducers that use the phenomenon of the inverse piezoelectric effect to produce ultrasound.

The piezoelectric effect can be direct or reverse.

The direct piezoelectric effect consists of the appearance of charges on the surface of some crystals (piezodielectrics) under the influence of mechanical stress (compression, tension, bending). Fig.1.

With direct piezoelectric effect:

the amount of charge on the surface is proportional to the applied mechanical stress;

the sign of the charge is determined by the direction of the mechanical action.

no impact compression tension

The inverse piezoelectric effect is the phenomenon of changes in size (deformation) of a dielectric when it is placed in an alternating electric field.

Substances with pronounced piezoelectric properties are called piezoelectrics or piezodielectrics: Rochelle salt, barium titanate, quartz.

Magnetostrictive transducers are transducers that use the phenomenon of magnetostriction to produce ultrasound. Magnetostriction is the phenomenon of changes in the shapes (sizes) of some ferromagnetic substances under the influence of an alternating magnetic field.

These substances include:

Nickel and its alloys;

Cobalt and its alloys;

Ferrites are ceramic compounds based on iron, nickel, and zinc oxides.

The substance in the form of a rod is placed inside the coil. When the coil is connected to a source of alternating electrical voltage of ultrasonic frequency, the electric current acts on the rod with its magnetic component and causes its deformation (elongation) with the frequency of the current. Fig.2

An ultrasonic bath, which you can make yourself, will help clean objects from rust, dirt, and plaque. To do this, you must have a certain amount of materials and strictly follow the rules of the device manufacturing technology. This is a fairly simple device that allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of dirt on various parts, components and tools. The device is used for products whose mechanical cleaning is strictly prohibited.

What is an ultrasonic bath? Types of pollution

The ultrasonic bath is a container made of alloy steel with a standard volume of 2 liters, which allows you to place several small objects there at a time. For work on an industrial scale, baths of 10 and 15 liters are used.

The operation of the device is based on the impact on parts of ultrasound, the vibration frequency of which exceeds 18 kHz. After turning on the mechanism, the liquid poured into the container is filled with a large number of bubbles under the action of generation. The resulting molecular air balls tightly envelop the immersed product, attract dirt, and burst under pressure. The use of this technology allows you to clean the most inaccessible places for manual processing. At the same time, the integrity of the surface and the structure as a whole is not damaged.

The use of ultrasonic baths is effective for removing:

  • film materials;
  • protective coatings;
  • solid deposits (carbon deposits, oxidation, abrasive particles).

When placed in a container, any element covered with a dense layer of corrosion can be easily cleaned of rust.

The design of ultrasonic devices includes three elements. The emitter is the main mechanism. It converts electrical current fluctuations into mechanical ones, which, when they enter the liquid, act through the walls of the container on the product being cleaned.

The emitter operates in a pulse supply system; it is very important to monitor the stability of conditions in between shocks. The entire ongoing process is completely controlled. Depending on the complexity of the contamination, it is possible to set the required time, frequency and degree of exposure.

High-quality processing of parts also depends on proper functioning:

  • frequency generator – acting as a source of vibration;
  • heating element - maintaining a constant temperature of the liquid at 70 degrees.

Some designs do not include the last structural component.

Field of application of ultrasonic baths

Ultrasonic baths are widely used in many industries. The demand for devices is due to obtaining a more effective result compared to traditional cleaning methods.

The devices are actively used in the following areas:

  • medicine – for sterilization of surgical and laboratory instruments;
  • jewelry production - for purifying precious metals that have lost their attractive appearance;
  • printing houses and repair of office equipment - for washing inkjet elements and print heads of printers, plotters, MFPs;
  • mechanical engineering – to remove contaminants from large parts and assemblies;
  • chemical industry - to accelerate reaction processes when mixing liquid solutions.

Car service employees use an ultrasonic bath when washing injectors, carburetors, filters, and injectors. When repairing computer equipment and mobile phones, such devices have proven themselves to be the most effective mechanisms. They are used to remove flux build-up from the smallest parts. It is advisable to remove plaque from all types of bathroom faucets and metal fasteners to them.

Application benefits

When compared with other devices, the ultrasonic bath circuit, which can be drawn up provided that you know the basics of physics and electronics, has a number of advantages. The device is quite easy to use; to operate, you just need to fill the container with a special liquid and you can begin the cleaning process.

A qualitative effect is achieved through:

  • high degree of contamination removal even in hard-to-reach places;
  • good performance indicators - the result is achieved after 2-3 minutes of the part being in the container;
  • absence of any damage to surfaces at the end of the process.

All items are cleaned with soft liquid agents that do not contain abrasive or aggressive substances. Therefore, the integrity of the parts remains unharmed.

Selection criteria

Before purchasing an ultrasonic bath, you need to decide on the purpose of using the device. Not only the volume of the container, but also the price of the device will depend on this. The most expensive options for processing large parts can be equipped with automation systems and touch control.

When choosing a mechanism that is suitable for its functions and characteristics, you should take into account the presence of a heating device in the design. It helps to achieve better results. Moreover, if the liquid contains disinfecting components, there is no need for constant support and heating of temperature indicators. It is also important to understand what the size of the products requiring processing will be. The larger the elements, the larger the bath capacity should be.

For ease of use, you can purchase an ultrasonic device equipped with a timer. This option costs a little more, but allows you to control and set a certain time for the procedure.

It is worth noting: during operation, experts recommend using special baskets and glasses. When immersed, this will provide reliable protection of the container from mechanical damage.

Materials for making an ultrasonic bath with your own hands

You can buy an ultrasonic bath or assemble it yourself. To design a cleaning device yourself, you need to decide on a list of materials and carefully study the manufacturing technology, which is shown in many videos on the Internet. To install the device you will need:

  • a container or any stainless steel frame that serves as the basis for immersing products;
  • a small tube made of durable plastic or glass;
  • sediment for supplying liquid to the container;
  • round magnet (can be removed from old speakers);
  • coil with ferrite rod;
  • ceramic or porcelain vessel;
  • pulse type transformer.

You also need liquid for the ultrasonic bath, which will be used in the future.

Manufacturing technology

Once you have all the parts and materials, you can begin the manufacturing process. The work begins by winding the coil onto a glass or plastic tube. In this case, the ferrite rod should hang freely; it does not need to be rigidly fixed. A magnet is attached to the end of the rod. The result of the work is the design of a magnetostrictive transducer or emitter.

Holes are drilled at the bottom of a ceramic or porcelain vessel. They are necessary for inserting a pre-fabricated emitter. After this, the vessel is fixed in the container. Next, you need to attach pipes for supplying and draining liquid.

It is worth noting: the solution for ultrasonic baths flows better and faster if there is a built-in pump.

The pulse transformer ensures more efficient operation of the device by increasing the voltage. The device can be taken from an old TV or computer.

After assembly, the experimental launch of the device begins. If a malfunction is detected, it can be corrected immediately. In this case, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • Before starting, carry out an external inspection of the device;
  • you cannot work with the unit in the absence of liquid - this can lead to the rod breaking into pieces;
  • It is forbidden to touch the products that are in the vessel during the cleansing process.

Ultrasound requires extreme care while observing electrical and fire safety regulations.