How to recover deleted emails? How to recover deleted letters from mail.

Email is one of the popular means of communication. Using this service is simple and convenient. Sometimes, due to carelessness or incorrect settings, received messages are lost. This article will describe in detail instructions on how to recover deleted emails and correctly configure email using the service as an example.

How to recover deleted emails on via the trash bin

If there are no special settings in your email, then deleted emails immediately go to the Trash. You can restore any mailing from it. To do this, proceed according to the following scheme.

  • Open your email - enter your username and password in the appropriate cells and click “Login”.
  • The main mail page with the Inbox folder automatically opens. To find deleted messages, use the menu located on the right side. In it, select the “Trash” item and right-click on it once.

  • A page with deleted messages will open in front of you. Find the required recovery mailing in the list and check the box to the left of it. Then go to the top mail menu and open the “Move” item. In the window that opens, click on the “Inbox” section.

  • As a result of such actions, the letter will move back to the Inbox folder. You can read it again here.

  • When you go back to the “Trash” folder, you will see that it will be empty or your letter will not be in it. Please note that emails that were moved to the trash bin more than a month ago are automatically deleted from it.

How to recover deleted emails on mail by filtering

To easily restore a letter or find it, sort your mailings. This way, letters will be immediately moved to the specified folder and saved for a longer period than in the trash.

  • Open your inbox. On the left side, select the “Customize Folders” section from the menu.

  • The mail settings page will open in front of you, where a list of functions will pop up on the left. Among them, find the item “Filtering Rules”, click on it.

  • In the menu that opens in the central part, select the “Filter mailings” section.

  • In the mail sorting window, drag them to the required folder. This way, mailings will immediately arrive at the specified location, where they will be stored for more than a month. From any of this folder you can restore the letter to your Inbox. After you finish sorting your mailings, click “Continue.”

  • You will see a welcome message about the completion of the work, where at the bottom of the window click “Finish”.

How to recover deleted emails on using settings

  • On the inbox page, open the top menu in the “More” section. From the list of suggested items, select “Settings”.

  • On the left, click the “Folders” category. You will be able to create a new folder with any name. To do this, click the “Add Folder” button.

  • A menu for the new folder will open, where in the appropriate window enter its name. Then select its position, for example, on the top level and click at the bottom of the “Add” window.

  • You will find this folder on the first page of your mail under the inbox section.

  • To set it up, go back to your email settings. But only now select the “Filtering Rules” section at the bottom of the page.

  • In the window that opens, click on the “Add filter” button, which is located under the inscription “My filtering rules”.

  • With these steps you will create a new filter for mailings. Now it needs to be configured. If you know from whom important letters will come, then indicate the addressee in the appropriate window (in the photo this place is indicated with a tick).
  • Then place the pointer on the “Move letter to folder” item and select the desired location to move the mailings. In this case, this is the name of the new folder. For the changes to take effect, click the “Save” button.

  • As a result of such actions, all important mailings will immediately fall into a new folder, and you will be able to find and read them there.

There are several ways to recover deleted emails using the service. But besides them, set up your email correctly so as not to lose important newsletters.

There is another option on how to recover deleted emails from using the special Easy Mail Recovery program. To see how to do this correctly, watch the video:

Today we decided to talk about how you can recover data from your mailbox on the Mail service. Many users know that the Mail postal service is one of the most popular sites in our country. The service appeared relatively long ago; at that time, even connecting to the Internet was made through ancient dial-up modems, and from this it can be revealed that only a small part of the population used the Internet. But today, the majority of users choose this particular mail service, since in reality registering on it is quite simple, and the plus is that after registration the user gets the opportunity to use not only his mail, but also other services that are provided this is a major project. Another important advantage is that provides truly high-quality services for its users. There are many different reasons by which you can lose your data from your mailbox, and in most cases, passwords, as well as all important information, are recorded on the computer, therefore, if it is lost, it is simply impossible to remember your data. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find out how to restore mail.

The main "troika"

So, currently there are only three options, with the help of one of which you can restore access to your mail. email has technical support, so you can contact them directly with a question about restoring your mailbox. The second option means entering your mobile phone number, but this will only be relevant if you entered it and confirmed it during registration. Of course, nowadays few people do this action, since no one has the desire or there is simply a fear of exposing their number. However, if you still have access, we recommend that you confirm your phone number; do not worry about its safety and confidentiality, the system has powerful protection installed, and accordingly, your data cannot end up in third hands. Setting up mail is actually very simple, but recently many additional points have been added there, but if you do not want to waste your time, then you can fill in only the basic parameters. The third way is to answer the security question that you specified during registration, although if you lost all your data, then you may probably not remember the answer to the security question.

Let's try it in action

Let's now move on to practical work, or rather, begin the procedure for restoring a mailbox. First of all, you directly need to go to the mail service, and then click on the “Forgot your password?” button. Once clicked, you will be taken to a password recovery page where you will be asked to provide your email address. If you don’t remember your mailbox address, then you need to remember who you previously sent letters to, then you can contact this person and clarify your details. However, if you have developed logic, then you can find a solution to this issue. You can also find out how to restore mail in the answers on the service itself. But there, in principle, ordinary users answer, so various kinds of disagreements can be identified, which will only help you get even more confused.

Free mail and its control check

When you provide your mailbox address, you will be asked a question that you need to answer. The answer, as we wrote earlier, you set yourself during registration and if you remember it, then you should enter it in the line, then enter the numbers or letters from the picture and click the “Recover Password” button.

Forgetfulness is not a vice

If you don’t remember the answer to your security question, don’t be immediately disappointed and think that you won’t be able to restore your mailbox. Click on the “I don’t remember the answer” button. Now you will see a form in which you will need to provide your data, but the system itself does not prompt you to enter it correctly. You must enter the data as you remember it when you entered it during registration. Of course, if you entered your real data, then it will not be difficult for you to indicate them in this form.

There should be a lot of mail

Before restoring, we recommend that you register a new mailbox, if, of course, you do not already have one. You need a new mailbox so that the Mail service support service can contact you and send you instructions for further proceeding with account recovery, or you will simply be sent a new password. In the form you will need to enter your First Name, Last Name, as well as your date of birth, indicate your old password (if you do not remember it, then you may enter the wrong password), and the approximate time when the account was registered, for this you will be offered several temporary options . I would also like to remind you that it will be a little more difficult to restore, since other data will be required from you, and if the mailbox was deleted a long time ago, then it will be almost impossible to remember the data. Of course, there is a way out in such a situation, but it relates to a more problematic issue. After filling out the entire form, you should submit your request.

Let's wait a little

Now you know how to restore mail, all that remains is to wait for a response from the support service. In principle, if you do not want to wait several days, then from your new mail account you can directly contact the technical support of the Mail mail service. Of course, the overall result will only depend on what data you currently have, and if there is enough of it, then most likely the technical support team will give you a link to set a new password.

After setting a new password for your mailbox, you can go to the main page “ - login”. Next, authorize with a new password.

How to restore mail using a mobile phone?

In fact, this is all done very simply, and most importantly - quickly. Of course, when entering data, we recommend that you take your time so as not to make mistakes. So, as we mentioned earlier, you can restore your mail account using your phone only if you entered it during registration, otherwise this recovery option is no longer available, and you should consider other options that we just talked about .

Mobile recovery

First, you should go to the password recovery page and there enter the phone number that was specified during registration. If you enter the number correctly, then after a few minutes you will receive an SMS message with a short verification code. You will need to enter this verification code into the form on the page, and then click the “Continue” button. This recovery option is extremely fast, since after successfully confirming the code, you will immediately be able to enter a new password and then log into your mailbox.

If you found this page from a search engine and you do not have a saved copy of all letters, or if you have never used an email program, but only the web interface, it is impossible to restore your mail! Please don't email me.

Hi all!
Have you ever seen an empty mailbox after you set up an email client via pop3 and forgot to check the “store mail on the server” checkbox? This happened to me too.
So, you have mail in the mail client, no mail on the server. Everything would be fine, the letters themselves were preserved, but the mail on the server was very necessary, and I began to think.

Option 1: Check your cart on

Naturally, there were no letters in the basket. I found an entry in the FAQ that stated that it is impossible to recover emails deleted this way.

Option 2: Send mail to yourself via smtp with header forgery

Did not work. And, I think, nothing could be done about the time of letters. Perhaps this option will work somewhere.

And then I remember...

Option 3: Use the function of collecting mail from other servers, and other mail services, have a function to collect mail from your other mailboxes. Since we have mail in the mail client, I found the folder where the letters are stored (in eml format), set up a pop3 server (Small HTTP Server was used, set up in a minute), indicated the folder with the letters to the server, and tried to pick it up with the mail client. Unfortunately, I did not receive a single letter. I set up the smtp server and sent a letter. In order for my pop3 server to send the letter, it was necessary to remove the leading zero from the file name and remove the extension. I did this with all the files and told to pick up all the letters from my server.
An hour later, all the letters were on the server as they were before deletion (only all were “unread”).
I hope this is useful to someone.


To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.

The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”

Please take into account the fact that it is impossible to restore letters on the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.

To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.

Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.


  • how to find a deleted email

In the process of editing and cleaning their mailbox, people sometimes accidentally delete important and valuable emails that did not have a copy or duplicate. What should you do if you deleted an important email by mistake? Using Microsoft Outlook as an example, let's look at how to recover deleted emails in an email client.


Finally, if it turns out that you are guaranteed to delete the message from both the server and the email program, try to at least find the attachment. If you downloaded the files attached to the message on , remember in which folder you saved them.

Finally, if you find letter or the attachment failed either on the server, or in the mail program cache, or on the disks, there is always one more option: ask the person who sent you the message to send it again.

Video on the topic

The operation of a local network is most often organized through a single remote server. In addition, such server can also act server om general information, server om updates and perform other network functions. Connection with this server om is installed when the computer is connected to the network, but the user can configure the connection independently.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - administrator rights.


Request settings server and from the network administrator. First of all, you need to get an IP address server and the range of addresses in which this server will be available. Remember or write down these settings. As a rule, providers provide this information, so you can be assured with complete confidence that you will not be charged additional payment for this. You may also need a login and password to access server u.

Connect the network to your computer by inserting the LAN cable into the network card connector. Wait a few minutes while the operating system initializes the connection. Open the network settings window through “Network Neighborhood” or right-click on the network icon and select the “Properties” section.

Go to the settings of the TCP/IP network protocol and set a similar range of addresses, taking a unique IP address (you can also check the uniqueness with the network administrator). For example, IP address server a -, which means your range is 10.40.30, and the IP address, for example, is Open the “Network Neighborhood” window and click on the item on the right “Show workgroup computers”. Give the network service time to poll the network and display information on the screen. When server will appear in the list of computers on the network, resume the connection by double-clicking on its icon and entering your username and password.

If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, then network configuration options will be available in other service sections. You can find your connection in the Network and Sharing Center, and the TCP/IP section in the properties of the network connection. Next, simply check all the settings by first restarting your personal computer.

Video on the topic

Every day we receive many letters to our email: business and friendly contacts, holiday greetings, notifications about upcoming sales and promotions. When quickly sorting incoming messages in your mailbox, it’s easy to make a mistake and send an unread or important message to the Trash. his?


Find links to email folders created in your mailbox. By default, each email service has Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and Trash folders configured. If necessary, you can create additional contact folders and move letters there according to their subject matter - friendly, work contacts or messages from a mailing service, if you are subscribed to one. Left-click on the Trash folder.

The “Trash” stores emails that you have marked for deletion. Depending on the selected settings, the Trash can store letters for several days, freeing up its space only when a certain limit of letters is reached, and it can delete letters immediately after you exit the mailbox. Configure the “Cart” as you wish by clicking on the “Settings” item.

View content " Baskets" and find letter which needs restoration. You can make things easier for yourself by using the sender search. Just click on the name, and the email system itself will show all the recipient’s letters that are in the “Trash”. Select letter or emails you want to recover. To do this, check the special boxes in the emails. Next, decide where you want to restore the marked emails. The fact is that the "Trash" email, unlike the " Baskets» on your computer, allows you to recover deleted files not only to the folder from which they were deleted. Letters from email Baskets"You can move it to any folder in your mailbox by clicking the corresponding button and specifying the required moving path for the files. The list of available folders opens after clicking the “Move” button. Left-click on the selected folder and click “OK” to confirm your actions. Now you can open the specified folder of letters and find in it the messages recovered from “ Baskets» messages.

The electronic mailbox on the Mail.Ru server has, like many similar modern programs, a convenient user interface. Messages here are sorted into folders: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, “Spam” and “Trash”. The “Trash” contains everything that is deleted by the client of this resource.

You will need

  • - Internet access


  • To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.
  • The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”
  • Look for the letter you need in the Sent folder if it was outgoing. Pay attention to the “Spam” folder - perhaps the program sent the information you need there, mistaking it for a useless advertising mailing or something similar.
  • Please note that it is impossible to recover deleted emails using the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.
  • To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.
  • Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.