How to order details of Beeline calls for a certain period? Detailing of calls through Beeline’s “Personal Account”.

You need to have an idea of ​​where the funds from your account are spent in order to be able to control your costs for communication services. A special service provided by Beeline – “Subscriber Account Details” – will help you track the movement of funds in your account.

You have the opportunity to receive a printout detailing your expenses. This can be a regular letter (usually delivered by courier) or electronic.

You will be able to find out the following:

  • what number the call came from, including “secret” ones;
  • what numbers the calls were made to;
  • duration of the call (tariffing and cost);
  • how many, where and when SMS and MMS were sent, etc.

This information will become available to you when you connect to the service.

To order details, you must activate the service using one of the options.

  1. Having access to the Internet and your Beeline personal account, you can easily resolve the issue of requesting a printout. You choose the period of time for which the report is required. It could be one day, a week, a month. There are no difficulties - you log in to the system and look for the “Financial Information” section, indicate the required period of time (no more than 8 months). It should be noted that the printout must be sent electronically.
  2. You can order details to your email address. Send a message to number 1401, where you indicate your email address. You will receive a report for the past month. There is no additional charge for providing this daily service; you can order a dozen reports during the day. To disable the service, send a USSD request: *110*220#, “Call” key. The established ban on receiving printouts can be lifted by personally contacting the Beeline service center.
  3. You can order invoice details at the company's service center. Here they will be able to immediately make a printout for the period you specified. Do not forget that when visiting the SC you must have your ID with you. You can find out the address of the nearest center by going to the company’s website. You will have to pay 5 rubles for providing a report per day. If you need to get a printout more than eight months in advance, you will have to pay 1 thousand rubles.
  4. Using the My Beeline mobile application, you can also order a printout - it will be sent to your phone. It is available for Android and IOS.

The report will be generated in just a few minutes, you can see it by opening your email. When ordering a report on the screen, it will be even faster - almost instantly.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

What details can be ordered on Beeline

To receive free account details or with a minimum payment for the service, the reporting period should not exceed 8 months from the time of sending the application for a printout.

If you need to get acquainted with the transactions that took place on your account over a longer period of time, in addition to paying 1,000 rubles, you will have to personally visit the service center.

You can receive information about the movement of funds in your account both on the screen of your device and on your email in the format you specify. If you have any questions about receiving a printout, as in all other cases, please contact the operator’s technical support service.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

The detailing service is always carried out in several ways. Representatives of the operator in question are also ready to offer a couple of convenient options for receiving a report with data on when incoming calls were made and the mobile Internet was used.

Details in your personal account

If you are interested in the details of incoming Beeline calls , Personal Area , which every user can open will help obtain the necessary data. Having the number of this cellular operator and using it, there will be no problems when registering a new account, with the help of which further actions will be carried out. The advantages of detailing through your personal account include:

  • Quickly obtain the necessary information due to the ability to carry out detailing online.
  • Obtaining the maximum amount of data not only about the subscriber’s incoming/outgoing calls, but also about the account status, all operations carried out over a certain period of time.
  • No need to pay for detailing.
  • The ability to receive the information that interests you at any time of the day.

Detailing via mobile application

Over time, the bulk of the company's subscribers acquired modern gadgets that run on two operating systems: Android and iOS. In this regard, applications have been launched that also provide the ability to quickly obtain certain information. If the question arises about why there are no incoming calls in the Beeline details, it is enough to order a report to your email through the application, after which you will be able to familiarize yourself with the data regarding calls and financial expenses.

To access applications, depending on the platform, you need to go to the service with applications, where you can download the official Beeline application using search.

Details by contacting the company office

If you don’t know how to view the details of incoming Beeline calls online, you can quite freely use the services of the company’s employees. Going to the office, you will have the opportunity to talk with people, get answers to questions and the long-awaited printout of details.

This method of obtaining data has several nuances. It is important to remember that this service is not free; you must pay a certain amount to receive the desired report.

Details of incoming Beeline calls

You can find out how much the detailing will cost through the support service. After making a few clarifications, the specialist will tell you the exact amount for the service. In addition to all this, the conditions under which detailing will be possible will be announced.

When you are faced with the question of how to get details of incoming Beeline calls, you can go to a cellular store or office. At the same time, it is important not to forget a document, preferably a passport, which will confirm the fact that the number for which details are requested is yours.

Receive details via email

This is the way to order details of incoming Beeline calls , It’s very simple, because you don’t need to think long about the question of how to use your personal account. It is enough to send a message from your mobile number indicating your email.

After this, you will receive a report containing most of the information that may be available to an ordinary user.

What to do in such situations when you simply need to find out what the money from the subscriber’s account was spent on. So, in fact, there is nothing complicated or secret about this.

As our editorial staff found out website , every cellular operator in Russia, including Beeline, provides its users with a certain service called “Subscriber Account Details”.

It is this service that allows you to get a printout of transactions using your number. The report can be provided in either paper or electronic form.

There are also various delivery options.

In this report, you can view all the information on the services used on your number: numbers to which calls were made, numbers from which calls were made (including secret ones), duration of calls (indicating the cost of the call and tariffs), to which numbers messages were sent (their quantity and cost, indicating the date and time), the use of a number of other services with a detailed indication of cost and time.

All this information is available to every cellular user of this operator.

How to order Beeline account details

There are quite a few ways to order this report. We provide the reader with the simplest and most accessible methods for ordering this service.

  1. The simplest method is to use the Beeline Personal Account subscriber self-service system. To do this you will need access to the Internet. After logging into the control panel of this service, you need to order a report on transactions on your number for the specified period. The date period is selected by the user. You can select detailing for a specific date (one day), or for a period of dates (month).
    All this is done quite easily and quickly, thanks to the intuitive interface of the system, which can be used by people of any age. After logging in, the user needs to go to the “Financial Information” section and select the period. The maximum possible period is 8 months. Next, you select to provide the report electronically. As a result, the report will be displayed on the screen of your device or sent by email
  2. The second method is to order the details to be sent to your email. To do this, the subscriber must order this service by sending a text message with your email address to the number 1401 . As a result, a report for the previous month will be sent by email, while the report itself is sent to an Excel file.
    This service is provided free of charge and you can order up to ten such reports in one day. You can disable this service using a simple USSD request; to do this, you need to dial the combination on your phone *110*220# and press the call button. Thus, a ban on receiving details will be established, which can only be removed by visiting the Beeline office
  3. Directly visit one of the branches for working with subscribers of the Beeline company. In this case, you will need a passport or other document that can confirm your identity. Contact the first available employee to order this option with all possible additional settings. At the company's office, they can immediately print out details for the specified period. The cost of such pleasure will be 5 rubles per day. If the subscriber needs to know for a period longer than 8 months, then the cost of such a report will be 1000 rubles
  4. Mobile app " My Beeline» also allows this type of operation to be carried out. Moreover, this application is available for Android and IOS mobile platforms. So you can safely receive the report in electronic form on your phone by going to the “Finance” section

The invoice printout is generated quite quickly, so after sending the request you can check your email within a few minutes.

And if you order with display output, the report appears within a few seconds.

What types of detailing can be ordered on Beeline

There are quite a lot of different options that a subscriber can order.

The main condition is that the period for which details can be obtained free of charge or at a low price at the company’s office does not exceed 8 months from the date of filing the application.

If a subscriber needs to find out the transactions that were performed on his number for a later period of time, then the cost of such pleasure will be from 1000 rubles and such information will only be obtained during a personal visit to the subscriber service center.

You can receive the report on the display of your device.

Likewise by email in various formats. If you have any questions, you can always use the help of an operator; to do this, you need to call

Beeline call detailing is one of the basic services of this operator. This feature is quite useful in the era of modern technology. After all, there are only 1% of people in the world who do not use mobile communications. And the population that uses this means of communication wants their network to provide as many different services as possible for a minimum fee. That is why Beeline has provided another useful feature.

Beeline call details will help you find out at what time and to what number calls were made from your phone number. Agree, probably every citizen has had situations when he would like to know such information.

In what situations can call detailing be useful?

  1. If you've lost your phone, this feature is a must-have. Beeline's call detail feature can even help conduct an investigation and find the loss. After all, situations in life are really different.
  2. What if funds disappear from your mobile account? This function will also help here. Get a printout of the actions and understand who is calling from your phone. Or, perhaps, you were automatically connected to some service that you did not know about.
  3. If you have lost some necessary contacts, this option can also help. You can restore your numbers in as many as three years. Now you don't have to worry about lost contacts. Everything can be restored if desired. You just have to want it.

We have indicated only the most basic situations in which the “Detailing” option may be useful.

How to get information about completed calls

There are several options for ordering the Beeline call detailing service.

  1. Using the “Easy Communication Control” service.
  2. Details of Beeline calls in your “Personal Account”.
  3. Details of Beeline calls via the Internet (order by email).
  4. Through the application for modern gadgets “My Beeline”.
  5. Order the service at the Belline office.
  6. Beeline service “Details” of calls from another subscriber (someone else’s number). The subscriber's consent is not required in this case.

By the way, the possibility is now quite real.

Let's consider each option separately.

  1. Call details via . In order to use this function, you must register on the official website in order to have a personal account. In this case it will be very easy to view the information. Just log into your individual profile, and in the “Details” section of Beeline calls you can see for free all the actions that occurred from the number of this subscriber. We will see not only information about calls, but also SMS, a list of expenses, and the balance for the current time. The main advantage of viewing information through a personal profile is the lack of payment. It’s also convenient because you don’t need to go anywhere, fill out anything, pick it up, etc. Save your time.
  2. Order information by email. In this case, it is possible to obtain a little less information than in the previous version. But still, using this method, you will be able to find out which calls were made from the desired number. To do this, you will need to send one small SMS with an e-mail address to number 1401. In a few minutes, a message will appear in your email with details of calls made from a specific phone number. By the way, not all subscribers know their personal number. There are several ways.

Attention! This method is also free for Beeline operator users. Therefore, be sure to check where you are sending the SMS message with your email address.

  1. How can “Easy Control” help? You do not need the Internet to use this feature. Just dial *122#. Soon you will receive a notification containing information about the amount of funds in the account, as well as the last 5 financial actions that were performed from the subscriber’s account. Yes, you will not receive the complete information that you would like to have, but still minimal data for minimal money. And also without losing your personal time - everything is done while sitting on the couch. It's better to spend your free time relaxing.
  2. How to order information using the “My Beeline” application? This method is great for people who are comfortable with modern technology and use modernized phones and. Everything is quite simple here. Download the application (free) to your phone. Install and open. We immediately see our phone number on the screen. Next is the “Finance” section, indicate your e-mail in the cell. Within 5-10 minutes, a file appears in the mail with a printout of all actions performed from this number. When ordering a function, you can also specify the period for which you would like to receive data (year, month, week, day).
  3. Order a printout at the Beeline office. In this option, you will have to spend a little of your time and come to the company’s office. This method, of course, is no longer so convenient, but thanks to it you can get extensive information. You can order the Beeline “Call Details” function for a year, a month or a day, you can choose it yourself. There you will receive a paper printout of calls and other activities. But in order to get it, you need to take your passport or other document that proves your identity with you. In this case, the service will be paid, but available to everyone.
  4. We left the most interesting option for last - “Call details” without the subscriber’s consent. This option is perfect for jealous wives, as well as distrustful husbands, or simply for parents who are very worried about their child. Is it true that there are situations when you would like to know who the child is communicating with? Obtaining information anonymously is not easy, even almost impossible. Such data is protected by law, even if you need to take a printout of your child’s calls. You will need to obtain a power of attorney and have it certified by a notary. Waste a lot of your time. This service will be paid. Better yet, just trust your loved ones.

These methods are perfect for use in any country, in any city, also in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

How long are Beeline call details stored?

Data about subscriber calls is stored for up to 3 years. It's quite convenient. We do not always add all numbers to the phone book. If you need to find out in three years who the calls were made today, contact the Belline operator - he will remind you.

The company finds an individual approach to each user. Our managers are always at their workplace. Therefore, if you have any questions, please call our hotline. We will be happy to answer all questions. We always fulfill our obligations and strive for excellence.

By the way, the operator has a service - find out how it works?

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It is important for subscribers of any mobile operators to control their expenses. This is due to the fact that users, due to ignorance or inexperience, can activate paid subscriptions. In this case, funds will be regularly withdrawn from the personal account. To find out to which number the debit is being made, you need to order expense details. A complete list of communication costs and connected services is displayed here. Previously, to obtain this information, it was necessary for the subscriber to contact the provider directly. Now, data can be obtained remotely by ordering Beeline call details through the “Personal Account”.

"Personal account" Beeline

“Personal Account” is a convenient tool that is available to all Beeline subscribers, regardless of tariff plan and region of connection. Here you can enable/disable options, make changes to the service package, and control communication costs. The last option is called “Invoice Detailing”. To gain access to information, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Authorization. Access to the “Personal Account” is possible only for authorized users. To do this you need to go through the registration procedure. In particular, you must fill in the login and password fields. It is worth considering that the login function is performed by the current number; to receive the password you need to send a request *110*9#.
  • Section selection. Once on the “Personal Account” page, you need to go through the service management/users/information viewing tabs. After this, the subscriber opens the “Detailed Report” section.
  • Printout. Having gone to the desired section, you need to select the period for reporting expenses and order a file for generating the report. Experts recommend using XLS or TXT formats, which are more convenient for work.

“Personal account”, login from a computer

Important! The site stores the expense report for a certain period of time, after which the data is deleted. Therefore, users can control expenses made over the last 6 months.

Similar actions can be performed using the My Beeline service utility. The following scheme works here:

  1. First you need to say the application on the PLAY MARKET website.
  2. Go through the registration procedure.
  3. Select the “Finance” section.
  4. Order invoice details to the specified email address.

Important! From the mobile application, the report comes only in PDF format.


It is worth noting that Beeline call detailing is free. This feature is typical even in cases where the subscriber who made the request is in national or international roaming. It should be clarified that the Internet traffic required to access the “Personal Account” is paid in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan. You can make no more than 10 requests per day.

In addition, for the convenience of users, the account detail section is divided into three categories. This allows you to get a detailed picture of all financial transactions carried out during a specified period. It looks like this:

  • Balance and bonuses. Here you can find information about account replenishment, including information about accumulated bonuses for participation in special programs and promotions.
  • Structure. This section contains complete information about the funds spent on calls, messages and Internet traffic. Each line of expenses is displayed in a separate category, which allows you to compare expenses for a certain type of service.
  • Detailed detail. In this block you can find information about the phone numbers to which toll calls were made.

It is worth noting that the subscriber can independently set the reporting period, save previous requests and create expense tables.

Additional features

It should be clarified that there are other ways to control costs. In particular, the following services are available to subscribers:

  • SMS mailing to email. To do this, you need to send a request to number 1401. After contacting the service, a report on the last 5 actions or a printout for 30 days will be sent to the specified e-mail.
  • "Easy control." This service displays the last 5 debits from your personal account. To receive information, you need to send a request to *122#.
  • Contact technical support. By calling 0611, you can order detailed expenses from your current number.

Important! There is no charge for calling these numbers. However, you should remember that you can order invoice details only for your number.

It is impossible not to note the opportunity to personally visit the Beeline sales office and order a printout. In this case, services are provided on a paid basis. In particular, a statement for the last day costs 5 rubles, a report for 3 years will cost 1,000. To request account details, the subscriber must present a passport.

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Detailing expenses is the best option to control the costs of cellular communications. Interestingly, most methods of obtaining information are free; Internet access is not required when using short numbers.

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